Science topics: PsychologyMental Health
Science topic
Mental Health - Science topic
Mental Health is the state wherein the person is well adjusted.
Questions related to Mental Health
Potential chapters could, for example, focus on:
· mental health outcomes, such as neurodevelopmental disorders, mood disorders, addiction or dementia
· pathways, such as particular histone modifications or the role of miRNAs
· applications to diagnosis and treatment.
For further discussion and information
please contact the editor by 25 Jan 2025
Gillian Ragsdale
final manuscript submission deadline is 1 Jul 2025

"Fostering Well-being: Strategies for a Mental Health-Friendly Workplace”
Workplace Mental Health: A Global Perspective
Workplace mental health has emerged as a critical issue in modern society, shaped by diverse cultures and national contexts. It has profound implications in two key areas. First, employee mental health is directly linked to productivity, performance, engagement, and workforce retention. Second, as people spend an increasing number of hours in their workplaces and interacting with colleagues, the impact on overall mental well-being has become significant. This book aims to explore workplace mental health challenges by inviting empirical research, case studies, and intervention reports. Its goal is to empower stakeholders globally with insights and strategies to effectively address these pressing issues.
Sections and Themes
The book,in English, will consist of five distinct sections, each focusing on different aspects of workplace mental health.
1. Workplace mental health and cultures
2. Workplace psychopathology
3. Workplace mental health and organization process
4. Workplace mental health and jurisdictions
5. Workplace mental health programs, interventions and programs
All the following topics are welcomed:
· Workplace stress
· Job-related anxiety
· Workplace trauma
· Burnout
· Work-life balance
· Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
· Mental health stigma in the workplace
· Workplace harassment and bullying
· Toxic leadership
· Organizational culture and mental health
Submission Guidelines
All submissions should follow APA style.
1. Abstract Submission Deadline: May 31, 2025 (500 words)
2. Acceptance Notification: June 30, 2025
3. Full Chapter Submission: September 30, 2025 (under 12,000 words)
4. Peer Review Results: October 31, 2025
5. Final Chapter Submission: November 30, 2025
Corresponding Editor:
Samuel Leung, PhD, International Business University, Toronto, ON, Canada
Managing Editor:
Alexander Amigud, PhD, International Business University, Toronto, ON, Canada
✨Help Us Understand Mental Health Among University Students in Bangladesh
We are conducting a research project to explore the prevalence of depression, anxiety, and stress among university students in Bangladesh and their willingness to seek professional mental health support.
This study is vital because mental health issues are often overlooked in our society, especially among young adults, despite their significant impact on academic performance, personal growth, and overall well-being. By understanding the challenges students face and their perceptions of mental health services, we aim to:
✨Highlight the mental health needs of university students.
✨Advocate for better support systems, affordability, and accessibility of mental health services.
✨Break the stigma around seeking help from therapists.
We need your help! We’re looking for university students aged 18-29 in Bangladesh to fill out a short, anonymous questionnaire. It will take just 5-7 minutes of your time, and your participation will contribute to meaningful research that could lead to better mental health resources for students like you.
Your voice matters. Please participate and share this post with your friends to help us reach our goal of 400 responses. Together, we can make a difference in addressing mental health challenges for university students in Bangladesh.
Thank you for your time and support!

The Role of Social Work in Health Care Settings: Evaluating the Impact of Social Work Interventions on Mental Health Outcomes in Elderly Care Facilities.
Background and Context: The global population is aging rapidly, leading to a significant increase in the number of elderly individuals requiring long-term care. This demographic shift is accompanied by a concerning rise in mental health challenges among older adults, including depression, anxiety, and cognitive decline (World Health Organization, 2017). The World Health Organization (WHO) has defined healthy aging as "the process of developing and maintaining the functional ability that enables well-being in older age" (Michel & Sadana, 2017). This definition highlights the importance of maintaining functional capacity to support well-being in later life, emphasizing the need for interventions that address the multifaceted needs of older adults (Beard et al., 2016). The WHO's Global Strategy and Action Plan on Ageing and Health (2016-2020), along with its continuation, the Decade of Healthy Ageing (2020-2030) framework, prioritizes actions to support national planning and action, improve data collection, promote research, and align health systems to meet the needs of older people, while also combating ageism and developing age-friendly environments (World Health Organization, 2017). These initiatives underscore the growing global recognition of the importance of addressing the multifaceted needs and challenges associated with an aging population and the need for coordinated, comprehensive approaches to promote well-being and quality of life in later life.
Problem Statement: While the critical role of social work in elderly care is widely acknowledged, a significant gap remains in the empirical evidence quantifying the impact of various social work interventions on mental health outcomes within these facilities. Existing literature often provides qualitative observations or focuses on isolated interventions rather than conducting a comprehensive evaluation across diverse interventions and varying facility settings. This lack of robust empirical data hinders the development of evidence-based practices, effective resource allocation, and informed policy decisions. The current research aims to address this critical gap by providing a rigorous evaluation of the effectiveness of social work interventions.
I have used MHI-18 in assessing mental health status of a student population. But I have not found a clear way of categorizing the scores, i.e how to determine that one has poor, better or good mental health status.
Thank you in advance.
Hello all! My name is John Mancini, and I am and up and coming journalist based out of St. Petersburg Florida. I am writing an article about how innovations in gambling are having a negative impact on our community's mental health. I need an answer to my question from professional researchers. Thank you so much!
There are many studies examining the impact of mental health on children who experience corporal punishment in schools and at home. However, what are the mental health effects on adults who have endured this? Since corporal punishment was only banned in Ghana in 2018, this question is particularly relevant.
Neurotheology is an interdisciplinary field that seeks to explore the relationship between neuroscience and religious or spiritual experiences. In the context of Islamic studies, research and publications about neurotheology often focus on understanding how Islamic practices, beliefs, and spirituality intersect with brain functions and mental health.
please give me some areas of interest and developments in this niche field
I am conducting a study on the health conditions of farmers in Rivers State, Nigeria, focusing on both physical and mental health challenges. The research aims to explore occupational hazards, access to healthcare, and the influence of agricultural practices on overall well-being. I am looking for contributors or fellow researchers interested in collaborating on this publication. Your expertise or insights would be invaluable in shaping this work. Please reach out if interested in contributing data, analysis, or perspectives.
¿Qué factores influyen en la salud mental de las mujeres adultas mayores que son migrantes poblanas y que residen en la ciudad de NY?
What role does caregiver mental health play in therecovery of pediatric ICU patients?
In recent years, the use of psychedelics in mental health treatment has garnered significant attention, with promising research indicating their potential to aid individuals with various mental health conditions, including depression, alcohol-use disorder, anxiety, and PTSD. These substances, often referred to as entheogens, have the ability to induce altered states of consciousness, leading to profound and transformative experiences. This resurgence in the mental health field has prompted questions about how traditional models of psychiatry, psychology, and psychotherapy have addressed the concepts of imagination and spirituality, particularly concerning the potential development of spirituality through experiences that explore the realm of the imaginary.
It is noteworthy that delving into the imaginary and spiritual dimensions of human experience may offer individuals fresh insights into self-understanding, emotions, and connections with others. This has resulted in a shift away from rigid reductionist approaches towards a more comprehensive understanding of mental health and overall well-being.
Though psychedelic-assisted therapy is still in its early stages, ongoing research suggests that these substances, when used responsibly and in controlled settings, hold unique opportunities for personal growth, self-discovery, and healing. Integrating these experiences with modern therapeutic techniques could pave the way for more effective mental health treatments.
As mentioned in the text, the use of current technologies to measure the effects of these experiences represents a promising avenue for further exploration and validation. Research in this area has the potential to establish a stronger scientific foundation for the use of psychedelics in mental health treatment, ultimately benefiting those who can gain from these therapeutic approaches.
Overall, the renewed interest in exploring the connections between imagination, spirituality, and mental health, coupled with the potential advantages of psychedelic-assisted therapies, presents an exciting and continually evolving field of research and application in the realm of mental health care.
Invitación a colaborar en la escritura final de un artículo crítico sobre hospitalización psiquiátrica y alternativas terapéuticas.
Se invita a académicos, investigadores o profesionales con interés en el análisis crítico de los servicios de hospitalización psiquiátrica y, preferiblemente, con experiencia en hospitales psiquiátricos o servicios de salud mental, a participar en la revisión y perfeccionamiento de un artículo de reflexión fundamentado en la investigación. El artículo ya se encuentra completamente escrito en español, y el objetivo principal de esta colaboración es traducirlo, revisarlo y ajustar su versión en inglés para garantizar la precisión científica y un estilo académico de alta calidad, adecuado para someterlo a una revista indexada de alto impacto.
El manuscrito aborda temas como las prácticas hospitalarias, la recuperación, los modelos alternativos y el rol de los psicólogos en estos contextos, desde una perspectiva crítica y propositiva.
- Excelente dominio del inglés académico, tanto en escritura como en revisión, para garantizar una traducción y redacción impecables del texto en inglés.
- Experiencia en redacción de artículos académicos en el área de salud mental, psicología, o campos afines.
- Capacidad para analizar y aportar observaciones y ajustes en función de la temática tratada.
- (Opcional) Experiencia laboral, investigativa o clínica en contextos de hospitales psiquiátricos o servicios de salud mental.
- Coautoría en un artículo académico dirigido a una revista indexada de alto impacto.
- Participación en un proyecto que busca generar un impacto significativo en la discusión sobre salud mental y hospitalización psiquiátrica.
- Reconocimiento académico por la contribución.
Si estás interesado/a, por favor contáctame al correo:
Mother's mental health condition was included in cut and paste over to baby's chart and released without her authorization.
La dépression post-partum (DPP) est une condition psychologique fréquente, mais peu étudiée en Mauritanie. Actuellement, il n'existe pas de données fiables sur la prévalence de la DPP dans le pays, ce qui rend difficile l'identification des mères affectées et la mise en place de stratégies de prévention ou de prise en charge. Cette étude vise à explorer la prévalence de la DPP en Mauritanie, en identifiant les méthodes de collecte de données adaptées au contexte local, afin de mieux comprendre l'ampleur du problème et de proposer des solutions adaptées à la réalité du pays
In school psychology, the interplay between family and school environments plays a crucial role in shaping the psychological well-being of students. Students aged 5–20 undergo significant developmental transitions, which are influenced by both home and school settings. Research has shown that supportive family dynamics, positive school climates, and strong student-teacher relationships contribute to better mental health outcomes, academic performance, and emotional resilience.
However, adverse family environments (such as high conflict or lack of emotional support) and negative school experiences (like bullying, high academic pressure, or poor peer relationships) can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and academic struggles. Understanding how these environments interact to either enhance or hinder student well-being is essential for school psychologists, educators, and policymakers.
This question seeks to explore:
- What are the specific family and school-related factors that most strongly influence students' well-being across different age groups (early childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood)?
- How can school psychologists collaborate with families and schools to create interventions that foster positive mental health and resilience in students?
- Are there particular strategies or frameworks that have been effective in mitigating the negative impacts of dysfunctional family or school environments?
Looking forward to insights, relevant research findings, and practical approaches in this area.
I would like to write my graduate paper on the mental health aspects and/or statistics associated of a sexless marriage with acquired disability
Several important mental health disorders, such as depression, anxiety disorders, and eating disorders, often start during childhood and adolescence. Some disorders, such as autism, start only during childhood.
---Call for papers---
Title: Healthy Lifestyle Behaviours and Mental Health in Children and Adolescents
Journal: International Journal of Mental Health Promotion (SSCI)
Submission Deadline: 01 March 2025
Guest Editors:
- Muros José Joaquín, Department of Didactics of Corporal Expression, University of Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain
- Villodres Gracia Cristina, Department of Didactics of Corporal Expression, University of Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain
Any early stage before adulthood is key for the acquisition of behaviours that are likely to endure into adulthood. It is therefore not surprising that engagement in healthy eating, an active lifestyle, and spending fewer hours in front of the screen are some of the most important habits to be acquired by children for them to develop into healthy adults. Healthy eating habits and an active lifestyle have been demonstrated to have a positive influence on preventing chronic diseases and improving mental health in children and adolescents. On the other hand, the academic world has been scandalized due to the general decline in PISA scores. Academics claim that the increase in hours spent in front of screens and the use of social networks has negatively affected the physical, mental, and cognitive health of children and adolescents. Social networks offer images and messages that promote the thinness ideal in women and the muscularity ideal in men, which has caused this population to worry about their bodies conforming to these idealized and unrealistic physical standards. Consequently, this has led to the inspiration to physical activity engagement and follow diets with a motivation oriented to appearance (rather than health), triggering emotional problems (i.e., body dissatisfaction, low self-esteem, and high body shame), cognitive problems (i.e., high body vigilance) and behavioural problems (i.e., unhealthy eating behaviours or eating disorders).
Thus, the goal of this Special Issue in the International Journal of Mental Health Promotion is to increase scientific evidence in the study of healthy lifestyle behaviours and mental health in children and adolescents. We welcome reviews and original research which consider novel approaches and identify gaps in knowledge. We also encourage submissions that explore how following healthy habits can impact physical and mental health during these stages.
Inequities in Mental Health Therapy for Oppressed and Marginalized Groups
Research regarding the mental health and life challenges of this population and interventions such as integrative psychiatry and coaching that effectively address the needs of this population.
أريد معرفة أكثر العناوين المطروقة في مجل الصحة النفسية للأطفال
For the current generation, many people are reluctant to take time out to focus on their mental health issues. According to statistics, about a quarter of adults suffer from mental health disorders. The concept of workplace wellness involves more than just a person's physical health. It also includes a person's emotional, financial, and spiritual health. It is worth noting that being in a toxic work environment can lead to various mental health issues.
When is it time to take a break to maintain your mental health as well as your physical health?
Excessive stress can lead to various health problems, so how to relieve stress?
Different creative outlets, from music therapy to body art are known to promote healing for survivors of domestic violence. This can take a more structured form, such as art therapy, which is when a licensed mental health professional works with clients to “use art media, the creative process, and the resulting artwork to explore their feelings, reconcile emotional conflicts, foster self-awareness, manage behavior and addictions, develop social skills, improve reality orientation, reduce anxiety, and increase self-esteem”. Because it has the flexibility to “be molded and designed around each and every individual patient and issue, addressing not only the physical and mental aspects, but reaching deeper into the emotional and spiritual,” art therapy is particularly helpful for survivors of domestic violence. How art therapy can be “an effective tool for expression, personal growth, and recovery from traumatic events and emotional weight and be used to alleviate the physical and psychological effects of domestic violence? ”
I need Multimodal mental health data for research. I facing problem to find dataset.
What is role of society in combating mental health stigma ?
Hi everyone,
If you have written or come across any papers where Generalised Linear Mixed Models are used to examine intervention (e.g., in mental health) efficacy, could you please share the link/s? I'd love to see how the results are laid out and reported.
Thank you!
Following the publication of our article in Lancet Psychiatry, with the collective support of amazing minds, we're planning to establish a Task Force dedicated to creating a standardized protocol for eMHPSS (electronic Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Services).
We're calling out to NGOs, foundations, agencies, academic institutions, and individual experts interested in contributing to this vital initiative.
If you're keen to get involved and get recognized. Please express your interest by sending a message or email to
I am Ruthra, and I have been working as a psychologist for the past 10 years. Now, I'm interested in conducting research and I would like to conduct a survey on mental health and wellbeing among the faculty and staff at my university. Additionally, I would like to send an automated report with some suggestions once they have completed the assessment.
Os dejo un vídeo que recoge estudios que valoran esta cuestión.
I struggle with neurology as producing genuine insights into human mental health, apart from those areas of possible degradation. Senility, affects on memory, brain damage, or areas where thinking-feelings affect interaction.
While the brain cannot be isolated but can be seen only in relation to the external world the investigation into the brain outside of these factors cannot possibly be justified.
Justifications are sought.
I want to find the original article Persistent and Changing Food Insecurity Among Students at a Midwestern University is Associated With Behavioral and Mental Health Outcomes. If you have it, can you send it to me, thank you.
What is the current usage and patronage of parks and greenspaces by older adults (aged 65+) in Salford?
How does the frequency of older adults' visits to parks and greenspaces in Salford relate to their self-reported physical health, mental health, and social well-being outcomes?
What factors influence older adults' decisions to visit or avoid parks and greenspaces in Salford?
How do the experiences and perceptions of older adults towards Salford's parks and greenspaces compare to the city's age-friendly initiatives and greenspace management strategies?
Impact of overcrowded living conditions on mental health
consequences of workplace mental health stigma
I am reaching out to inquire if anyone is interested in co-authoring a manuscript with me titled "A Systematic Literature Review of Studies Related to the Mental Health of University Students."
If you have experience or interest in this area of research and would like to collaborate, please let me know, and we can discuss it further.
Kindly note that collaborators should not be from institutions in Nigeria or South Africa.
Thank you.
social consequences of living in poverty, including its effects on physical and mental health.
The massive consequences of climate change for mental health are well documented (e.g. AR6 WGII, Chap. 7, p. 1076ff., Watts et al. 2015, Walinski et al. 2023). These will continue in the near and distant future. However, the consequences are hard to impossible to quantify (AR6, WGII, Chap. 7, p. 1089ff.). How can the future impact of the climate crisis on mental health be quantified for adaptation and mitigation measures succeedfull?
Walinski et al. 2023 (
AR6 WGII Chap. 7 (
Watts et al. 2015 (
2)"Multiracial individuals tended to have worse mental health outcomes compared to their monoracial counterparts, with variations depending on the outcomes, populations/subgroups, contexts, and reference groups"( ).
The question delves into the concerning phenomenon of rising suicide rates and seeks to understand the underlying reasons behind individuals choosing to end their own lives. It prompts an exploration of the complex factors contributing to this trend, including mental health challenges, social isolation, stress, financial strain, substance abuse, trauma, and barriers to accessing mental health resources. By asking why individuals are resorting to suicide, the question aims to shed light on the intricate web of issues impacting mental well-being and societal dynamics.
We are excited to announce that the "Perspectives in Psychiatric Care" journal is now accepting submissions for a vital special issue titled
"Nurturing Resilience, Mental Health, and Wellbeing in Nursing Professionals."
This special issue, led by Lead Editor Evangelos Fradelos and a distinguished team of guest editors Foteini Tzavella | Maria Saridi | Polyxeni Mangoulia | Abdulqadir Nashwan, aims to explore the complex dynamics of mental health within the nursing profession.
🗓 Submission Deadline: 22 November 2024
📅 Publication Date: 1 March 2025
We are inviting contributions on topics such as:
- Psychological resilience and coping mechanisms in nursing
- The impact of work environment and conditions on nurses' mental health
- Strategies for enhancing job satisfaction and professional quality of life
- The role of support networks and organizational culture in promoting resilience
- The effectiveness of educational and training programs in mental health preservation
Submissions can be original research, review articles, or interventional studies. We particularly welcome studies that explore how these findings can influence policy and promote reforms aimed at improving the wellbeing of nursing professionals.
Join us in this crucial conversation to enhance the support systems for our nursing professionals. Your insights and research can make a significant difference in the lives of those who care for us.
For submission guidelines and more details, please visit the Perspectives in Psychiatric Care:
Let's work together to advance the mental health and resilience of nursing professionals!
hashtag#MentalHealth hashtag#Nursing hashtag#Healthcare hashtag#Resilience hashtag#CallForPapers hashtag#PsychiatricCare
Looking for Health care professionals interested in the mental health research study.
Looking for Health care professionals interested in the mental health research study.
Empathetic AI Systems for Mental Health Support:
Bridging the Human-AI Interaction Gap
We are currently seeking individuals to participate in an interview focusing on user experiences and empathy dimensions within AI mental health systems. The interview is expected to last approximately 60 minutes. We are specifically targeting participants who are 18 years old and above, including users of existing mental health support apps, healthcare professionals engaged in mental health care, as well as designers and developers working on healthcare and mental health apps or software. By including these diverse groups, we aim to gain comprehensive insights into the effectiveness, empathy, and design challenges of AI-driven mental health systems.
As a token of appreciation for your time, each participant will receive a $10 (USD) Amazon gift card. Participation in this study is entirely voluntary, and all responses provided during the interview will be kept strictly confidential and anonymous. The results of this study will be thoroughly analyzed and subsequently published. This study has received the necessary approval from the King Khalid Research Ethics Committee, as indicated by the Ethical Clearance Certificate (ECM#2024-1109).
If you meet the aforementioned criteria and are interested in contributing to our research, we cordially invite you to participate.
If you have any questions or concerns about the research, please feel free to contact Dr. Asma Aldrees ( , Dr. Karthik Meduri (, Durga chavali (
La psicología clínica es la rama de la psicología relacionada con la evaluación y el tratamiento de la salud mental, comportamiento anormal y problemas psiquiátricos. Este campo integra la ciencia de la psicología con el tratamiento de los problemas humanos complejos.
Changing your mindset will certainly contribute to financial success and wealth accumulation, that includes becoming a billionaire solely through mindset shifts. Adopting a positive and growth-oriented mindset can help individuals seize opportunities, overcome challenges, and cultivate the habits of successful people, that also includes a combination of factors such as innovative ideas, strategic decision-making, hard work, persistence, timing, and sometimes luck (which is also controlled through the sub-conscious mind). Mindset plays a crucial role in driving actions and behaviours that lead to success, but is it the only one piece of the puzzle in the journey toward extreme wealth?
This question is about the enduring relevance of the Kamasutra's philosophical underpinnings in understanding human relationships and intimacy today. Also to delve into its broader cultural impact beyond its explicit content, exploring themes of love, desire, and interpersonal connections across diverse contexts and time periods.
We are looking for a "fast" (màx. 1 hour) diagnostic tool for mental health disorders in children and adolescence. We are developing a project with children and adolescences from several hospitals and we need a unique, valid, easy and fast tool to make a diagnosis (following DSM-V or ICD10). Which is the most used tool in research? Can anyone help us? Many thanks in advance.
By elucidating the profound interplay between destigmatizing mental health challenges and implementing effective support systems within medical school environments, how can we catalyze a transformative shift towards enhancing physician well-being, thereby fostering a healthier, more resilient healthcare workforce?
Dear Colleagues,
I'm currently researching the relationships between participation in creative-cultural activities, the mental well-being of individuals and the influence of this link on the individuals' work/study performance.
To do so, I developed a questionnaire which combines already validated and well-known scales into a unique framework.
However, to proceed further with this investigation, I need thousands of answers to the questionnaire to perform statistical analyses properly.
Thus, I would be immensely grateful if you could spend a few minutes of your time completing the questionnaire ( and if you could share your observations and suggestions with me.
Thank you in advance for your precious help!
According to University of Scranton psychologist John Norcross there are around 500 types of psychotherapies. My question is that why we (professional in field of mental health) keep on developing these therapies uselessly (wasting time and energy as well as fund given by government bodies) that because ultimately we will come to eclectic approach (A safe side)
Busco explorar formas de aumentar la accesibilidad a los servicios de salud mental para grupos marginados dentro de la población. Para así identificar posibles barreras que estos grupos enfrentan al buscar atención en salud mental y en proponer soluciones concretas para superar esas barreras. Buscando así estrategias inclusivas, colaboraciones y enfoques sensibles para garantizar que todos los miembros de la comunidad tengan acceso equitativo a los servicios de salud mental tan necesarios.
My recent publication "Exploring cross-boundary collaboration for youth mental health in Sweden – a qualitative study using the integrative framework for collaborative governance". Is wrongly displayed on ResearchGate. How can I revise it?
Linda Richter Sundberg
In a nutshell ,the effect of social media on the mental wellbeing of youth
I am conducting a study on ethical dilemmas and problems experienced by psychiatric nurses in psychiatric clinics. If psychiatric nurses or nurse educators have stories of ethical dilemmas they have experienced while caring for patients in clinics, I would like to ask them to send me an email/message. Please do not give the names of institutions or people in your stories.
Stories can include the following topics:
- Forced hospitalization,
- Adequacy of the patient,
-Refusal of treatment,
-Suicide attempt,
-Detection and conditions of detection of the patient,
-Use of the patient for drug research,
-Explanation of personality tests,
-Forensic psychiatry,
-Performing ECT on the patient when it is not necessary,
-Keeping or sharing patient information secret,
-Asking for patient information to be shared for non-scientific purposes,
-Discharging patients without treatment for financial reasons,
-Protecting third parties, etc.
My name is Chris Frederick.
I'm based in London. I'm conducting a Citizen Science investigative review of mental health services for the London Black community.
So far I've conducted 120 interviews and I need to move into the Data Analysis phase. I'm worried that I'm out of my depth and need some support.
Can anyone help with advice, tips or provide some mentorship please?
Chris Frederick
La pandemia ha afectado la salud mental de los trabajadores sociales, generando agotamiento y estrés. A largo plazo puede impactar sobre la retención laboral.
Dear Researchers,
Anatolian Journal of Mental Health (AMH) is an academic/scientific journal which has started publication in 2024. The journal aims to be settled in high-level international indexes in a short time with its expert editorial team.
The journal accepts articles related to mental health subjects from in Medicine, Nursing, Midwifery, Social Work, Psychology, Sociology, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Ergotherapy, Nutrition and Dietetics, Emergency Aid and Disaster Management, Child Development, Language and Speech Therapy, Health Management, Educational Sciences etc.
Diagnosis of mental illnesses/problems,
Treatment of mental illnesses/problems,
Care of mental illnesses/problems,
Rehabilitation of mental illnesses/problems,
Protection from mental illnesses/problems,
Improving mental health and
Maintenance of mental health
In this context, we kindly request you to be a part of our process and to contribute with an article for publication in our upcoming issue for the Anatolian Journal of Mental Health (AMH).
Research Article/ Review/Case Reports/Mini Review/Book Review/Commentary Articles etc., are welcome for possible publication in first issue in July 2024.
You can kindly submit your articles through our online submission system. There is NO PUBLICATION FEES or APC.
Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.
We look forward to receiving your submission.
Don't hesitate to get in touch.
Journal Website:
Submission System:
Best Regards.
Anatolian Journal of Mental Health
Do you have any research on cyberbullying in regard to adults? I am interested in exploring this issue. I am currently a MSMHC student and have a first hand experience with this issue.
For my final year dissertation, I am searching about the effect of the covid 19 pandemic on nurses' mental health.
Dear connections and viewers,
Kindly support my search for a funded doctoral program. I welcome any helpful information and advice.
Research areas: Mental health, trauma, families, domestic violence, wellbeing, psychosocial health, substance abuse & addiction, counseling practice, special education (SEN), ageing, etc.
Overview: I am a mental health counselor, social worker, graduate lecturer, and researcher skilled in quantitative and qualitative research methods. I am proficient in SPSS, STATA, NVivo, 'R', fs/QCA, and Excel. My experience includes roles as a lecturer, mental health counselor, and currently, a social pedagogist, with over four years in various settings.
Qualifications: B.Ed (Hons) in Guidance and Counseling (Psychotherapy), 3.61/4.0. MSc (Hons) in Social Work, Distinction - 4.0/4.0. Advanced diplomas in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Psychological Research, Child Psychology, and Psychological Humanities and Narrative Medicine.
Available documents: CV, WES evaluation report, IELTS, transcripts, recommendation letters. LinkedIn:
Hi everyone!
I am currently working on a study and looking to see if there is a difference in the strength of relationship between personal values of masculinity versus environmental values to masculinity on individuals tendencies to seek help for mental health related concerns. I have run two correlations (one between attitudes and personal values, the other between attitudes and environmental values) and have found only the correlation between attitudes and personal values to be statistically significant. I'm wondering if being that there is only a significant correlation between one independent variable and the dependent variable, is there a need to compare correlation coefficients to determine if there is a statistically significant difference in strength?
Of note, the sample size is the same for both correlations. If it isn't needed great! However, if it is still a needed, how do I got about this?
Thank you all in advance for your help! :)
Is there anyone can help me to answer my question for my studies.
Hi, clinical psychology researchers!
We are thrilled to invite you to contribute your expertise to a groundbreaking project in the field of suicide research. We are initiating a systematic review study on suicide, aiming to gather comprehensive and up-to-date evidence that will inform clinical practices and interventions.
As experienced researchers in systematic review articles, your valuable insights and meticulous approach will play a pivotal role in shaping the outcome of this study. Whether you have specialized knowledge in suicide prevention, risk assessment, psychological correlates, or related areas, your contribution will be highly appreciated.
This study will not only deepen our understanding of suicide but will also provide evidence-based recommendations to enhance mental health interventions, policies, and societal support networks. Your expertise and collaboration will help us create a resource that can positively impact the lives of individuals struggling with suicidal thoughts and behaviors.
If you want to join our team, please contact me at your earliest convenience. We look forward to establishing an interdisciplinary network of researchers passionate about suicide prevention and mental health promotion.
Kind regards
Busco no solo fomentar fomentar la integración de la psicología y el arte ,sino también crear un espacio donde la comunidad pueda expresar sus conocimientos, experiencias o perspectivas sobre la profesión. Considero que la interacción en torno a estas preguntas enriquecerá la comprensión colectiva sobre la importancia de las terapias artístico creativas en nuestras realidades.
Los leo.

I have found a few references but am curious what psychometric work has taken place for definition or, and measurement of high acuity for individuals suffering from mental illness?
I am well aware of various scales to measure functional impairment such as the BPRS but am looking for something that goes beyond diagnosis.
Many thanks for what help you can give me.
Let's exchange knowledge and experiences. Share personal tips and interventions as well as interventions carried out in your universities on the Mental Health of Students and Researchers.
What are the strategies used by you researcher and your university in your country?

I, Prasanna P, am currently pursuing my final year of B.Sc.Psychology at Thiagarajar College of Arts and Science, Madurai. I am doing research on "The Role Of Inner Speech In Fostering Resilience Among Mental Health Professionals" under the guidance of Prof. Renisha Jerine R, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Thiagarajar College, Madurai.
Kindly, spare your valuable time to fill out this form.
Thank you.