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Medical Psychology - Science topic

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Questions related to Medical Psychology
  • asked a question related to Medical Psychology
4 answers
Respected Researchers
Smart questions in the field of medical psychology Algorithms
A child (10 years old), suffering from blindness, (7) months ago, the ophthalmologist diagnosed him that the success of his operation was approximately (75%), but after (5) months had passed, that is, when the date of the operation came and the doctor diagnosed him again, he confirmed the success rate of the operation (3%) is due to acute retinal detachment.
What is the reason for that in your opinion?
Should the choice of answer be with an adequate explanation of the case?
· The child falls on his eyes.
· Parents' lack of interest in cleaning the child's eyes
· Serious psychological causes in the child.
Yours sincerely,
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Respected Doctor
I am happy with your participation, and your elegant and flowering presence, because we will certainly benefit from your scientific expertise. Yes, there should be a full explanation of the situation.
Greetings to you
  • asked a question related to Medical Psychology
5 answers
We recently conducted a study on inattentional blindness among social and natural sciences students and found sustained sex differences in Inattentional blindness (IB). In the second study where we wanted to use Stereotype threat manipulation models in the experimental part of the study, we did not find any gender differences. Can this be because of differential professional socialization of medical students?
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Respected Researchers
There could be several reasons, it is as follows:
• The sample was drawn from the same community (same college. (
• Not conducting an investigation equivalence among the members of the research sample (gender, age, university level, degree or visual acuity).
• The tool used to measure or diagnose unintended blindness, did not include items to detect falsification of the answer, or different positions for the answer (various alternatives).
• The tool used to measure or diagnose stereotype threat includes items similar to the items of the first scale (the first tool) and this is what led to the equivalence of the answer.
• Not choosing the appropriate statistical means for the study's objectives.
Please verify this information, and then respond to the specific reasons, in order to help you overcome the problem.
Yours sincerely,
  • asked a question related to Medical Psychology
  • asked a question related to Medical Psychology
3 answers
Everything I have found thus far is based on speculation and not empirical evidence.
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Prior exposure to the Rorschach test and differences in selected Rorschach variables.
By Castro-Villarreal, Felicia
Journal of Projective Psychology & Mental Health, Vol 17(2), Jul 2010, 126-134.
The present study examined the effect of prior exposure to the Rorschach on selected Rorschach variables. An availability sample of Mexican-American undergraduate students (N = 59) was randomly assigned to one of two conditions: (a) an experimental group (n = 28) or (b) a control group (n = 31). Experimental participants were exposed to Card I of the Rorschach at Time 1 and one week later at Time 2. Control participants were exposed to the same card at Time 2 only. Both groups provided demographic information. Response differences were investigated using independent t-test analyses. As hypothesized due to increased media and pop-culture exposure and the release of all ten cards on Wikipedia, the majority of participants reported having seen the Rorschach before. However, between-group differences on the dependent variables were not significant; thus prior exposure did not differentially impact response on selected Rorschach variables. Implications are presented with regard to the validity of Rorschach administration, scoring, and interpretation, support for the appropriateness of re-testing, test security issues, and to undercut efforts to opt out of being administered the Rorschach on the basis of prior exposure. Research with a Mexican-American sample is also noted as a much needed addition to the Rorschach literature base. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
  • asked a question related to Medical Psychology
5 answers
Reports on Fume-Events in aircraft cabin are increasing. It would be interesting to know who is working where on the toxicological, medical, psychological, and technical aspects of cabin air contamination.
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I have heard a presentation by Vidar Skaug, who is scientist at the National Institute of Occupational Health in Oslo, Norway. So they have data on the topic. Regards, Jitka
  • asked a question related to Medical Psychology
5 answers
maybe someone can help me if there has ever studied with the same theme with me?
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The attached article will help you ...
Good luck
  • asked a question related to Medical Psychology
17 answers
Simple questionnaire that you may recommend.
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The Symptoms of Trauma Scale (SOTS) is a 12 item symptom severity scale, as described by Ford et al., Journal of Psychiatric Practice, in press
  • asked a question related to Medical Psychology
11 answers
There's a lot going on in the so called 'autism world' which could benefit from research and analysis by sociologists and philosophers of science:
There's been a radical change in the public image of autism, say from 'Rain man' (1988) to 'Big bang theory' (now).
Since the mid-nineties until now there's been a remarkable emancipation from no voice to many of which quite a few argue autism is not a disease, but a variation within normalcy of people with remarkable qualities.
The leading (medical and psychological) scientific paradigm of autism as an incurable developmental disease seems to be challenged more everyday by rival views claiming different (partly) curable etiologies.
Have these (and other) interrelated developments been the subject of study from the above mentioned disciplines? If so, why do they practically seem invisible?
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Thanks Barry and Lawrence, just ordered Roy Grinkers book.
  • asked a question related to Medical Psychology
3 answers
I found a lot about anxiety and depressive symptoms but not so much regarding this kind of externalizing behaviors.
Thank you
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Thank you for suggestions! They're a good start point!
  • asked a question related to Medical Psychology
7 answers
Looking for a model/theory/framework/ classic paper or systematic review that provides an overview on what factors influence a patient's decisions, in general and specific to treatment decisions?
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Chris, we are writing up a proposal and we were looking at different factors that influence patient's decisions as one factor: it seems as if most people keep directing to 'shared decision making' ideas however there must be other factors that influence a patient's decision. I am surprised that there is no overarching model or review on different factors ranging from socio-economic to shared-decision making to motivation....
  • asked a question related to Medical Psychology
3 answers
I'm looking for any available South African literature on the role/efficacy of psychologists in a general hospital/medical context, applying psychological understanding/modals in the context of terminally/chronically ill individuals in general hospitals. Please let me know of any useful journals or websites.
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These papers help you to progress in your search:
HIV-related stigma and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and depression in HIV-infected individuals: Does social support play a mediating or moderating role? Breet, Elsie; Kagee, Ashraf; Seedat, Soraya. AIDS Care 26.8 (Aug 2014): 947-951.   ...HIV in three peri-urban communities in the Western Cape, South Africa.  
Preliminary results from a family-based HIV prevention intervention for South African youth. Armistead, Lisa; Cook, Sarah; Skinner, Donald; Toefy, Yoesrie; Anthony, Elizabeth R.; et al. Health Psychology 33.7 (Jul 2014): 668-676.
Caregivers' Intentions to Disclose HIV Diagnosis to Children Living with HIV in South Africa: A Theory-Based Approach .Jemmott, John B, III; Heeren, GAnita; Sidloyi, Lulama; Marange, CShow; Tyler, Joanne C; et al. AIDS and Behavior 18.6 (Jun 2014): 1027-1036
Health-Related Quality of Life Dynamics of HIV-positive South African Women up to ART Initiation: Evidence from the CAPRISA 002 Acute Infection Cohort Study . Tomita, Andrew; Garrett, Nigel; Werner, Lise; Burns, Jonathan K; Mpanza, Lindiwe; et al. AIDS and Behavior 18.6 (Jun 2014): 1114-1123.
The Validity of the Substance Abuse and Mental Illness Symptom Screener (SAMISS) in People Living with HIV/AIDS in Primary HIV Care in Cape Town, South Africa  Breuer, Erica; Stoloff, Kevin; Myer, Landon; Seedat, Soraya; Stein, Dan J; et al. AIDS and Behavior 18.6 (Jun 2014): 1133-1141.
First Evaluation of a Population-Based Screen to Detect Emotional-Behavior Disorders in Orphaned Children in Sub-Saharan Africa. Sharp, Carla; Venta, Amanda; Marais, Lochner; Skinner, Donald; Lenka, Molefi; et al. AIDS and Behavior 18.6 (Jun 2014): 1174-1185.
  • asked a question related to Medical Psychology
2 answers
Ramsay described a non-parametric form of IRT based on kernel density smoothing. However, Ramsay's work seems never to have gained much attention (not even objections from proponents of competing models), but I was trying to find at least some example of how it has been applied beyond the original descriptions by Ramsay.
Is anyone aware of any that have been published in peer-reviewed journals?
Bonus points if you know of a study in psychology or medicine using kernel density smoothing IRT.
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Here are some articles in Psychology journals:
Santor & Ramsay (1998). Progress in the technology of measurement: Applications of item response models. Psychological Assessment, 10, 354-359.
Santor, Zuroff, Ramsay, Cervantes, & Palacios (1995). Examining Scale Discriminability in the BDI and CES-D as a Function of Depressive Severity. Psychological Assessment, 7, 131-139.
Sodano, S. M., & Tracey, T. J. G. (2011). A brief Inventory of Interpersonal Problems-Circumplex using non-parametric Item Response Theory: Introducing the IIP-C-IRT. Journal of Personality Assessment, 93, 62–75.
Sodano, Tracey, & Hafkenscheid (2013). A brief Dutch language Impact Message Inventory–Circumplex (IMI-C Short) using non-parametric item response theory. Psychotherapy Research. DOI:10.1080/10503307.2013.847984
I hope this helps.
Deon de Bruin