Science topics: Mathematics
Science topic
Mathematics - Science topic
Mathematics, Pure and Applied Math
Questions related to Mathematics
Although there is a reasonable dose of physical and geometrical interpretation of the mathematical formulas and equations, more work is needed to bridge the gap between the theory of mathematics and its applications. For example, let us look to the coplanarity of three vectors, which are typically expressed as a dot and cross products between the three vectors. Based on practical feed back, when the explanation of the coplanarity is broken down into cross product first to generate a perpendicular vector and then then do the do product with the third vector, which is now expressed an orthogonality relationship between two vectors a deeper understanding can be achieved by the students. Indeed more class work is required to take the students through this journey using a step wise approach. I do believe that the teaching of mathematics to engineering students should go to a deeper physical interpretation to facilitate its comprehension and understanding. Your comments are highly appreciated.
The gyroscope is quoted as a mathematical gyroscope, that is, the intersecting lines of the equator and one meridian. The permissible movements of our mathematical gyroscope are the proper rotations of the equator and meridian circles and the rotation of the entire structure around the axis passing through the intersection points of the two circles. Since the proper rotations of the circles are specified by the group of diagonal matrices with complex units, and the rotation of the entire structure is specified by the group of special orthogonal matrices, it is expected that the group of motions of the mathematical gyroscope generated by these groups is equal to the unitary group U(2).
It is clear that this construction has a generalization in the form of a mathematical gyroscope of the n-dimensional sphere, which generates the group U(n). Does this construction find application in phenomenological theories of gauge symmetries?
I am looking at glacier change in the Andes. I am using SPSS for my statistics. I have been provided with discharge data also, for which I would need to look for a relationship between glacier area, temperature, and river flow over a specific time period of 7 years. Temperature is given in daily minimum/maximums, river flow is monthly, and area change is yearly. Thanks :)
Dear colleagues, what do you think of a possible mathematical analogy between a one-sided surface and a Bose-Einstein condensate?
Why CPW square slot antenna gives a wide impedance bandwidth?
Is any mathematical derivation/equation is available for it?
Hi everyone! Greetings from Munich!
It appears in my mediation analysis, that X is negatively related to M, and M is positively related to Y. Also, i find a significant negative effect of X on Y through M. But since M is determined as a perceived benefit, i am currently struggling with the interpretation of this indirect effect.
Mathematically, of course, this indirect effect result makes sense since "- x + = -", but can i interpret this by saying the benefit is overridden or is it rather that the benefit "backfires" on Y and thus a negative indirect is found?
Many thanks in advance!

Nonlinear mixed-effects models (may) consider data below the limit of quantification (BLQ) in parameter estimation. However, an evaluation of the goodness-of-fit plots (observations vs predictions in particular, using spline interpolation), displays a strong trend (of spline interpolation, but not of the data) in the region of censored data, as if the model disregarded BLQ data and the data were the lower limit of quantification itself, as structured in the database. I believe that the database is structured correctly and that the model considered the censored interval. Apparently this plot is the only one to exhibit this behavior.
Is spline interpolation adequately representing the competence/capability of the final model in this case? How to handle this situation?
Is there any mathematical equation to determine the appropriate number of hidden layers for a sequential model?
In literature two formulae are generally used for evaluating Gravimmetric power density (Pd)
1. Pd (W/Kg) = Energy density (Whr/kg) x 3600/ discharge time (s) and
2. Pd (W/Kg) = [106 x V2]/[4 x ESR (Ohm) x mass (mg)]
But it has been found that each equation gives different result for any known value of current density. What may be the reason for it? Which equation is to be used for determining the power density of two electrode supercapacitor?
is there a deeper fundamental property of neutrino oscillations? How does it work at the field level? is there any advanced mathematical connection or is only a physical fact?
I designed and made a rotary atomizer with the help of 3D printing. Now, in order to evaluate its performance, I want to measure the diameter of the produced droplets. According to mathematical calculations and theory, the diameter of the droplets is about 100 microns and I want to measure the diameter experimentally.
Please help me in this way how to experimentally measure the diameter of a drop that is produced continuously.
Best regards,
Hi everybody,
Maybe a stupid question, but I forgot how to calculate such things. Let's say I have a group of 200 elements (genes). I want to divide this group into n subgroups, each containing 10 elements. However, each element should be present in more than one subgroup. Is there a cool formula to calculate n depending on the number of times each element should be present in independet subgroups?
I have a derived block formulae and I want to use it to solve second order system of equations using maple. So, I need a sample of maple code which will serve as guide for me
I got confused when I plotted the graph of -(x^2 - x)^(2/3). the graph shows the function achieves its maxima at x =0 and x =1 but when we follow the procedure of derivatives then we get x = 0.5. Please help me in this.
I'm solving differential equation.
u'(x) = a11(x)*u(x) + a12(x)*v(x)
v'(x) = a21(x)*u(x) + a22(x)*v(x)
or simply, U'=AU.
Given A(or, a11/a12/a21/a22) as a function of x, i want general solution for u & v.
Solution for constant A is already known, using matrix-exponential.
But this case, this is for given matrix A as a function!!!, and I found out that the same approach is not valid by my hand.
Hope any keyword or references to go further....please.
Hi everyone. recently I designed a customized semantic segmentation network with 31 layers and SGDM optimation to segment plant leaf regions from complicated backgrounds. can anyone help me how to explain this with mathematical expressions using image processing. thank you
I have the x,y data of two curves (solid red and blue in the attached image) and I want to find out the envelope function of the two (dashed magenta curve in the attached image). Is there a way to do it in Origin or Igor? Or in any other mathematical software for instance?

I want to integrate two carbon fiber materials together and want to model it mathematically considering the processes of joining the materials and the possible stress around the joints due to external loads.
I will appreciate if someone can recommend and the numerical methods which one is better suited for this purpose.
Thank you all in advance
In the recent paper which has been exhibited in the 51th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference entitled "Notes on maximal subrings of rings of continuous functions" we give some
properties of maximal subrings of some classes of subrings of C(X). However, we could not answer the following two important questions in this context.
1. Is every maximal subring of C(X) unit-free (i.e., whenever R is a maximal subring of C(X) and
f is an element of R with empty zero-set, then f is a unit of R)?
2. Is every maximal subring of C(X) uniformly closed (i.e., closed under uniform topology on C(X))?
I would be very delighted if you could let me your opinion about any ideas towards approaching the answers of these questions.
Can you just assume a situation with no figures or data to back it ? Is it reasonable?
#Logic #mathematics #data
As it is well known, Linked Opend Data (LOD) and computational ontologies have great success in the fields of Life Sciences (Biology, Medicine, etc). See e.g. the big LS-cluster at <>.
However, I wonder why mathematics are – in comparison – covered only sparsely by ontologies or LOD.
Indicators (to the best of my current knowledge):
- retrieves only one result. This links to which seems outdated and contains several broken (404) links.
- Since (Gruber and Olsen) there seems to be no attempt for ontological modelling of mathematics as a whole (or at least a significant portion of it).
- gives only one hit for "math" (in browser search)
- there is no "math*" tag on (but there is "biology" or "geography" or "geometry")
Probably there is some (machine-processable) formalization of mathematical knowledge but it seems almost disconnected from the "semantic web" and LOD-bubble.
- Why is this?
- Should this be changed?
- If 2., how?
I shared the picture of three parameters 1.Change in Temperature, 2. Change in Relative Humidity, 3. Change in Pressure and respective error value for that.
From the attached data(picture and excel file attached), I need to find the Error value for different input parameter.
1.Change in Temperature = 1°C
2. Change in Relative Humidity = 1%
3. Change in Pressure = 1mbar
What is the error value?
1.Change in Temperature = 2°C
2. Change in Relative Humidity = 2%
3. Change in Pressure = 2mbar
What is the error value?
1.Change in Temperature = 4°C
2. Change in Relative Humidity = 3%
3. Change in Pressure = 2mbar
What is the error value?
Is it possible to find the error value by mathematics. Please tell the way to calculate using calculator or python programming.

Teaching Mathematics at school to all students is commonly justified by the opinion that it improves their problem-solving skills and "makes them smarter" (whichever measure is implied by this). I wonder a few things about this:
1) If there is a clear empirical support for this opinion. Does that evidence answer the question of the causality direction between learning maths and cognitive ability? Recommendations on good literature about this would be appreciated too.
2) Do the abilities students develop improve performance for solving problems that are non explicitly mathematical. For example - learning volumes of 3D shapes could improve spatial navigation.
3) And importantly, are these improvements particularly due to teaching maths? E.g. for the previous example - wouldn't learning world maps in a geography class or spatial maze tasks develop spatial navigation more efficiently than learning calculation of volumes?
Thank you!
I need to write a MATLAB code that has the ability to process a GIS image in order to extract the coordinates of the grid points within the red region (R) and that are at least distance "d" from its boundary. Each point in the R is given a weight w1 (attached figure). The same procedure is to be made for the green region (G) but w2 is the weight of any point in G. The gathered data are saved in a matrix formed of three rows: row 1 contains the abscissa, row 2 contains the ordinate, and row 3 the weight.
I am looking forward to getting your suggestions...thanks in advance.

Suppose we have a matrix relation as
where A and B are square matrices and n is a positive integer.
If A is know, how to calculate B? The can be easily calculated by MATLAB. We can get it as B=A(1/n). How to calculate it mathematically?
Does anybody know about an mathematical optimization model which combines vendor managed inventory with fixed lot-sizes for production? That is, a model that performs a simultaneous production and delivery (transportation) planning with respect to production and transportation lot sizes.
So the keyfigures should be fixed lot-sizes for production, transportation assets, capacities and costs from vendor to VMI-stock, known demand on customer (retailer) side and inventory restrictions for the VMI-stock.
It will be also helpful if you just know about any paper or similiar which has recognized this problem.
In daily life single period and multi period inventory system is very necessary things. When the selling period is fixed that is we cant sell things outside that fixed time then it is called may be single period. Lets talk about it what is the actual definition.
We know many largest numbers as googol number(=10^100), googolplex number(=10^googol), and other unimaginable large numbers.
What is the largest known number that is the result of solving a problem in physics or mathematics?
Are they really practical or just based on conjecture?
I am currently doing a research project on this topic. Any suggestions on academic articles and research papers are welcome.
Most plagiarism checkers don’t work because they cannot check equations and theorems which are the fundamental core of a mathematics article.
Dear Colleagues and Authors,
plenty of problems in mathematics, economics, physics, biology, chemistry, and engineering, e.g., optics, radar, acoustics, communication theory, signal processing, medical imaging, computer vision, geophysics, oceanography, astronomy, remote sensing, natural language processing, machine learning, non-destructive testing, and other disciplines, can be reduced to solving an inverse problem in an abstract space, e.g., in Hilbert and Banach spaces. Inverse problems are called that because they start with the results and then calculate the causes. Solving inverse problems is a non-trivial task that involves many areas of Mathematics and Techniques. In cases where the problem is ill-posed, small errors in the data are greatly amplified in the solution, and therefore, regularization techniques using parameter choice rules with optimal convergence rates are necessary.
Currently, I am editing a special issue on "Numerical Analysis: Inverse Problems – Theory and Applications 2021" with a Switzerland-based "Mathematics" MDPI Journal.
I would like to draw your attention to this possibility of submitting research articles:
Please let me know if you need any help.
Thank you for your kind consideration,
Christine Böckmann

It is known in a input / output feedback linearization control that in a closed loop the physical state of the system is transformed into a linear mathematical state, which we have to stabilize by a linear auxiliary control, this linear mathematical state must be obtained, either by successive derivations of its outputs which is not recommended in case of implementation, or by a Luenberger observer.
In this question we want to know how demonstrate that this stabilizing linear control of the closed loop system can be developed via the physical state estimated by a nonlinear Thau observer.
Is there a mathematical equation or formula to find the extinction coefficient or absorption coefficient of a thin layer based on transmittance or from the refractive index of the material?
While calculating channel capacity, I wish to know how path loss directly or indirectly affects the Bandwidth. Is there any mathematical relationship in this regard?
Conversely, what attributes of the physical universe do attributes of the natural logarithm model?
For example, the exponential function based on the natural logarithm has itself as its derivative. That seems to model aspects of the physical universe.
What are other math-physics correspondences for the natural logarithm?
If anyone could help me. It is my dissertation work. Thank you. I am looking for the matlab code to solve PDE using RBF.
I am interested in broadening my understanding of the physical assumptions needed to simplify its mathematical description. From these assumptions i will to choose a suitable turbulence model to run the simulation in Ansys.
The problem is fairly basic;
Inlet flow conditions: Velocity in= 44.2 m/s, Mach number inlet = 0.128, atmospheric total pressure and temperature. Turbulent boundary layer thickness @ 4H upstream of the step is 1.9 cm.
Outlet flow conditions: Fully developed flow.
Any advice would be much appreciated
Kind regards
As a beginner, how can one start research on Machine Learning in Mathematics. Please suggest some research papers.
I need this software to be interactive: allowing to enter a signal on real time of simulation. Maybe SimuLinks can do this, I could not say. I would appreciate all the information you can apport.
I have a query that
How the flatten layer in deep learning model transform pooled feature matrix into a vector??
What is the mathematical equation for flattened layer?
Creep is a time dependent process whereas MD simulation is restrictive in terms of the time scale. Hence to get appreciable strain in fs/ps time range we have to use a stress of GPa magnitude. Can we correlate this data with real-life service condition where only 10-200 MPa stress is observed. Is there any mathematical way of proving that?
How does blood perfusion change during hyperthermia and hypothermia? What mathematical expressions exist for these phenomena? I would like indications of research about the subject. Thank you!
Recently I face some problems with the mathematical ( calculation) on the reference governor and command governor, so I need some help from you all to get which platform or journal can let me understanding the calculation. Thx
- How was the importance of the zeta function discovered ?
- why do zeta function contain so much information ?
- What other areas of mathematics does it relate to ?
- Are there any books on the RH ?
- I've heard something about a connection with quantum physics – what's that about?
- Isn't there a connection with cryptography? Would a proof compromise the security of Internet communications and financial transactions?
- What are the Extended Riemann Hypothesis, Generalised RH?
I have a symmetric airfoil with known equation. Now a sine function passes along the airfoil equation like following figure. I want to find the sine function in (x,y) coordinate system.

Dear colleagues,
I invite you to send your articles to the special issue that I edit, together with Dr. Martín Cervantes:
Terry Tao blogged about this unfortunate event. Kindly share among Mathematical community and increase awareness.
I have written two articles about a generalization of Multiple zeta values and Multiple zeta star values. I also presented applications for this generalization including partition identities, polynomial identities, a generalization of the Faulhaber formula, as well as MZV identities. If you are intrested check them out on my profile and give me your opinion.
My dissertation thesis is Perceptions of mathematical ceonceptions depending on MBTI personalities. It can includes methods of solving, understanding, imaginations of math issues, etc. I would like to know if there is any research connects MBTI with solving university mathematics for example methods of solving depending on MBTI, because I was struggling to find something similar.
EDIT: instead of MBTI I should use BIG FIVE TYPOLOGY!
Our knowledge of the world begins not with matter, but with perception. There are no physical quantities independent of the observer. All physical quantities used to describe Nature refer to the observer. Moreover, different observers can take into account the same sequence of events in different ways. Consequently, each observer assumes a “stay” in his physical world, which is determined by the context of his own observations.
If mathematics and physics, which describe the surrounding reality, are effective human creations, then we must consider the relationship between human consciousness and reality. Undoubtedly, the existing unprecedented scientific and technological progress will continue. However, if there is a limit to this progress, the rate of discovery will slow down. This remark is especially important for artificial intelligence, which seeks to create a truly super intelligent machine.
I am interested in the practical uses of mathematical minimal surfaces in engineering design (such as gyroids, Schwarz surfaces, etc.). Can anyone provide good examples, particularly in art and design (or nature-based design)? I am particularly interested in examples that have been physically created and used for some practical purpose or as art. However, I am having a hard time finding published work on this topic that is not purely computational.
If anyone has published work in this area, please consider sharing it in this thread so we can get a good discussion going.
I wish to develop a peer mentoring model based on the content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge knowledge in Mathematics and technological skills. Unfortunately I cant find a standardized test/ assessment tool to determine their competence level on each domain. Hopefully some of you can help me find a link or way to find an assessment tool ? Thank you in advance
HI Everyone!
I am asking to know by you, expert in cybersecurity and mathematics, if Computer virology (the one of Cohen and Andler) is still an active field of research. That research made in France at Inria at 2000-2010 . I do not see any prosecutor and I do not understand if this is a dead branch or not. I am interested in it in order to understand malware and detect behavior.
Thank you very much for your precious help!
Math relates numbers to other numbers. But this is insufficient for physics. Physics models which include a cause-and-effect are more useful and result in bettter human understanding. For example, current models are time reversable. If cause-and-effect is part of the calculation, the model would not be time reversable without another equation showing how energy (entropy) is expended. Further, any proposed model that was only mathematical manupliation would not be considered physics.
The parameters are:
1. Stator phase resistance (Rs).
2. Inductances (Ld & Lq).
3. Flux linkage established by magnets (V.s)
4. Inertia (j)
5. Viscous damping coefficient (F).
6. No. of pole pairs
7. Generator speed (wm)
In this link shifted functions are defined as r*(x-o)/100 (where r is the original range)to keep the range between 100. But for optimizing the functions should I generate the values of X between [-100,100] or between [o-100,o+100]? If the function is shifted by o vector then the respective ranges should also change. Because if for 0<-100 or o>100, the global optimum won't fall in the range. And even if I generate the o values between [-100,100] then the function would be shifted in the range rather than being in the range where it is well defined.
Dear Colleagues,
I would like to invite you to submit both original research and review articles to the Special Issue on "Modern Applications of Numerical Linear Algebra" organised by Mathematics (IF=1.747) ISSN 2227-7390. For more details see
This is my very first encounter with functional equation of this kind, and methods of series solution and differential equations are of not much help. The solution to this problem, or at least the mathematical prerequisites to understand solution to this problem is asked.
This function is asymptotically zero at both +_ infinity, positive otherwise, and has a peak near zero.
If I am correct, then this is the frequency distribution of numbers fed to the sequence xn+1=a ln (xn2) as long as the sequence generated is chaotic and sufficiently large in number (value of a is usually limited to 0.2 to 1.3, Positive and negative signs of a are essentially immaterial except for the sequence is negated after first term) .The sequence is initiated or seeded with number roughly as the same order of magnitude of 1 in both positive and negative side, except for the values that eventually lead to zero or infinity in the sequence. The sequence is allowed to proceed, and frequency distribution of numbers in the sequence are noted, from which a continuous probability distribution may be numerically guessed but not analytically found. The expression to find out formula of the continuous probability distribution comes to me from the following reasoning
- Suppose, the probability distribution is given by y=f(x). Now, if I consider a "dx" (infinitesimally) thin strip around x, then I come up with f(x) dx fraction of all points required to construct the probability distribution. When this fraction of all points are passed through yet another sequence of transformation through the recurrence xn+1 =a ln (xn)2 , the fraction of points involved must be unchanged. That is, when x is substituted with a ln x2 , the infinitesimal strip area, which changes to f( a ln x^2) d (a ln x^2), must be numerically equal to f(x) dx, thus the functional equation is postulated
- I am not entirely sure about this reasoning, and experts are welcome to point out my fault of reasoning and show the correct equation , if I am mistaken.
Please see my related question for further details.
For a function, usually sign of second derivative (and if it is zero, even/odd index of higher order derivative whose numerical value is zero) is enough to detect whether the extreme point is maximum/minimum/saddle point, if first derivative is zero. For a functional (NOT A FUNCTION), Euler-Lagrange equation plays the role of first "derivative" of Functional. However, it the RHS of Euler-Lagrange equation is set to zero and the resultant differential equation is solved, then how to find whether this function (as solution to differential equation) corresponds to minimum, maximum or saddle "point" of functional?
Unfortunately, the nature of extremum of a functional is usually declared to be "beyond the scope" of most preliminary/introductory functional analysis resources (I have not checked all). How difficult is that mathematics and what are the prerequisites to understand the mathematics involved in finding the nature of functional extremum?
Please note my knowledge on variational calculus, integral equations and transformations as well as group theory and advanced differential geometry is rudimentary.
In the definition of a group, several authors include the Closure Axiom but several others drop it. What is the real picture? Does the Closure Axiom still have importance once it is given that 'o' is a binary operation on the set G?
How to predict remaining useful life (RUL) on used aeroengine and its components level?
Any standard mathematical relations for RUL?
I am on a quest to solve how a cell repairs itself through encoding-decoding of proteins. Is there any link to genetic algorithms to solve age old questions such as aging and how we heal?
I have calculated EVI2 using landsat 7 surface reflectance images and I am getting values above 1.25 (mathematical maximum for EVI2 based on the formula) in my study area (heavily vegetated). I get a range between 0.2 and 1.8. Many publications stipulate -1 to 1, especially based on MODIS data. I also did a check with Landsat 7 TOA images, and I get ranges from -1 to 1, as the publications say. Does this mean something is wrong with the Landsat 7 surface reflectance images, or should values above 1.25 still be okay?
I want to ask if I can get good resources that can explain the mathematical approach behind the Adaptive Model Predictive Control AMPC MATLAB toolbox?
am not be able to find the mathematical analysis behind this toolbox even on the MathWorks webpage.
thank you
Mathematical programming is the best optimization tool with many years of strong theoretical background. Also, it is demonstrated that it can solve complex optimization problems on the scale of one million design variables, efficiently. Also, the methods are so reliable! Besides, there is mathematical proof for the existence of the solution and the globality of the optimum.
However, in some cases in which there are discontinuities in the objective function, there would be some problems due to non-differentiable problem. Some methods such as sub-gradients are proposed to solve such problems. However, I cannot find many papers in the state-of-the-art of engineering optimization of discontinuous optimization using mathematical programming. Engineers mostly use metaheuristics for such cases.
Can all problems with discontinuities be solved with mathematical programming? Is it easy to implement sub-gradients for large scale industrial problems? Do they work in non-convex problems?
A simple simple example of such a function is attached here.
Problem: 5 minutes of play are worth more than an hour of study
Knowing that: G = Game S = Gtudy 1 hour = 60 min
The mathematical formula that defines the statement is: 5 x G> 60 x S The quantitative ratio of the minutes expressed in the mathematical formula can be simplified: 60: 5 = 12,
therefore the simplified mathematical formula is: G> 12 x S
So, 1 minute of play is worth more than 12 minutes of study Or it can be said that: game G is worth more than 12 times than study S.
Therefore, the quantitative value of physical objects (or of spatial and / or temporal quantities) must be calculated differently from the qualitative value of human life experiences.
Explain why it is possible___________________________________________________________________
(Exercise based on Fausto Presutti's Model of PsychoMathematics).
In several discussions, I have often come across a question on the 'mathematical meaning of the various signal processing techniques' such as Fourier transform, short-term fourier transform, stockwell transform, wavelet transform, etc. - as to what is the real reason for choosing one technique over the other for certain applications.
Apparently, the ability of these techniques to overcome the shortcomings of each other in terms of time-frequency resolution, noise immunity, etc. is not the perfect answer.
I would like to know the opinion of experts in this field.
In recent years, many new heuristic algorithms are proposed in the community. However, it seems that they are already following a similar concept and they have similar benefits and drawbacks. Also, for large scale problems, with higher computational cost (real-world problems), it would be inefficient to use an evolutionary algorithm. These algorithms present different designs in single runs. So they look to be unreliable. Besides, heuristics have no mathematical background.
I think that the hybridization of mathematical algorithms and heuristics will help to handle real-world problems. They may be effective in cases in which the analytical gradient is unavailable and the finite difference is the only way to take the gradients (the gradient information may contain noise due to simulation error). So we can benefit from gradient information, while having a global search in the design domain.
There are some hybrid papers in the state-of-the-art. However, some people think that hybridization is the loss of the benefits of both methods. What do you think? Can it be beneficial? Should we improve heuristics with mathematics?
I would really appreciate if someone helps me out with this MATLAB problem. I have uploaded both MATLAB file (which is not working properly) and the question.
Thank you very much in advance
In the lands with ancient plain sediments, the courses of rivers change dramatically over time for easy movement and the arrival of rivers to an advanced geomorphic stage.
Are there mathematical arrays that achieve digital processing such as spectral or spatial improvements or special filters to detect buried historical rivers?
The mathematical relations how it comes.