Science topics: CosmologyMass
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Mass was tested for a correlation with highest duration of sunshine in red millipedes Centrobolus. The mass was correlated with highest duration of sunshine (r=-0.7322, r 2 =0.5361, n=10, p=0.016047).
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Ten factors were tested for a correlation with lowest duration of sunshine in red millipedes Centrobolus. Hours of sunshine throughout the year (r= 0.903, r 2 =0.8154, n=22, p<0.00001), temperature (r=-0.5688, r 2 =0.3235, n=22, p=0.005738), precipitation (r=-0.727, r 2 =0.5285, n=22, p=0.000127), mass (r=-0.7424, r 2 =0.5512, n=10, p=0.013925), lo...
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Fifteen factors were tested for a correlation with highest duration of sunshine in red millipedes Centrobolus. The moments of inertia (r=-0.6579, r 2 =0.4328, n=10, p=0.038658), mass (r=-0.7322, r 2 =0.5361, n=10, p=0.016047), longitude (r=-0.8759, r 2 =0.7672, n=22, p<0.00001), lowest duration of sunshine in a month (r= 0.9396, r 2 =0.8828, n=22,...
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Mass was tested for a correlation with air pressure in red millipedes Centrobolus. The mass was correlated with air pressure (r=-0.41899808, Z score=-1.94614434, n=10, p=0.02581863).
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Distance to the nearest airport was tested for a correlation with mass in red millipedes Centrobolus. Distance to the nearest airport was marginally related to mass (r=0.43562051, Z score=1.40043836, n=12, p=0.08069110).
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Ten factors were tested for a correlation with lowest duration of sunshine and eighteen factors with lowest number of daily hours of sunshine in red millipedes Centrobolus. Hours of sunshine throughout the year (r= 0.903, r 2 =0.8154, n=22, p<0.00001), temperature (r=-0.5688, r 2 =0.3235, n=22, p=0.005738), precipitation (r=-0.727, r 2 =0.5285, n=2...
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Three species of Centrobolus were identified (C.inscriptus, C. ruber, C. fulgidus) based on morphology and confirmed using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) of gonopod structure. Moments of inertia were checked for a correlation against mass. Moments of inertia were correlated against mass (r=0.81667541, Z score=3.44025764, n=12, p=0.00029063); in...
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Mass was tested for a correlation with altitude in red millipedes Centrobolus. The mass was correlated with altitude (r=-0.61748194, Z score=-1.90738826, n=10, p=0.02823510).
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Mass was tested for a correlation with minimum precipitation in red millipedes Centrobolus. The mass was correlated minimum precipitation (r= 0.7006, r 2 =0.4908, n=10, p=0.023917).
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Mass was tested for a correlation with maximum precipitation in red millipedes Centrobolus. The mass was correlated maximum precipitation (r=-0.8627, r 2 =0.7443, n=10, p=0.001313).
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Mass was tested for a correlation with lowest duration of sunshine in red millipedes Centrobolus. The mass was correlated with lowest duration of sunshine (r=-0.7424, r 2 =0.5512, n=10, p=0.013925).
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Generalised reduced masses with a set of equations governing the three relative motions between two of 3-bodies in their gravitational field are established, of which the dynamic characteristics of 3-body dynamics, fundamental bases of this paper, are revealed. Based on these findings, an equivalent system is developed, which is a 2-body system wit...
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Dangerous rock masses in mountainous areas seriously threaten the construction and operation of engineering with potential disaster hazards, especially the unpredictability and sudden occurrence of rockfall, which poses a huge challenge. This paper presents a systematic risk assessment and disposal of high and steep giant dangerous rock masses, whi...
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The equivalence principle brings into the picture, a system of coordinates that is slightly different from the Lorentz transformations that were used in the first part of the theory of relativity. The new system of coordinates are the same for all clocks and measuring rods in whatever 2 systems of reference "they're referred". In as much as, when t...
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During the global COVID Pandemic, 2020 – 2022, many people started to work from home. In some countries this was due to a forced “lock-down” where Governments instructed their people to stay at home, while in other countries, where mass gatherings or travel outside of their locality was banned, some people just chose to work from home to avoid any...
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We present an extension of the ∆(54) flavor symmetry model by incorporating two Standard Model Higgs fields. We generated the neutrino mass matrices with the Triple Inverse Seesaw mechanism. Our numerical analysis reveals deviations from tribimaximal neutrino mixing resulting in a nonzero reactor angle (θ 13). The atmospheric oscillation parameter...
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Some thoughts about the migration of nephrologists to Bluesky from November 2024 onwards
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This paper investigates the dynamics of an inclined cantilevered pipe subjected to slug flow using experimental and theoretical approaches. The model equation is simplified using the equivalent flow parameter, followed by discretization via the Galerkin truncation technique. Frequency-domain experimental methods were employed to provide a more dire...
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The existence of primordial black holes (PBHs), hypothetical black holes formed in the early universe, has been a subject of intense study in cosmology and high-energy physics. These black holes may have formed as a result of quantum fluctuations during the early stages of the universe, particularly in the radiation-dominated era and potentially co...
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We use the Migdal effect to extend to low masses the bounds on each of the effective couplings of the non-relativistic effective field theory of a WIMP of mass mχ and spin 1/2 that interacts inelastically with nuclei by either upscattering to a heavier state with mass splitting δ > 0 or by downscattering to a lighter state with δ < 0. In order to d...
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The nearest-neighbour or local mass terms in theory space among quantum fields, with their generic disordered values, are known to lead to the localisation of mass eigenstates, analogous to Anderson localisation in a one-dimensional lattice. This mechanism can be used to create an exponential hierarchy in the coupling between two fields by placing...
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In this work, we investigate a two-parameter extension of the ΛsCDM model, as well as the ΛCDM model for comparison, by allowing variations in the effective number of neutrino species (N eff) and their total mass (∑mν). Our motivation is twofold: (i) to examine whether the ΛsCDM framework retains its success in fitting the data and addressing major...
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Eolian sand transport in the atmospheric surface layer (ASL) is a typical kind of gas–solid two-phase flow at high Reynolds number. However, direct measurements of high-frequency total saltation mass flux in the ASL are particularly challenging. This study presents a novel method for predicting total saltation mass flux fluctuating time series in t...
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This study investigates the densification of sawdust from a mahogany tree (Khaya ivorensis) into briquettes for energy applications. The researchers used starch as a binder and four blends of sawdust and starch were prepared with varying proportions of the starch (60-75 g) while the mass of sawdust was constant at 60 g. The results showed that the...
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This paper presents a case study of the impact of continuous deformations and rock mass tremors on a single-family building, typical of Upper Silesia. In the areas subjected to the influence of ground deformation, a point method for assessing the resistance of buildings to these influences has been developed by the Central Mining Institute. As part...
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We provide a straightforward proof that formation of Schwarzschild or Kerr black holes respectively via spherically or axially symmetric gravitational collapse must be accompanied by a branching of spacetime at the event horizon that physically separates matter in the interior from that of the exterior. Any matter subsequently crossing the event ho...
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Within the recently developed five-dimensional Langevin approach for the description of fission of heavy nuclei, we have calculated the fission fragments mass and kinetic energy distributions for the fission of $^{180}$Hg and $^{190}$Hg formed in the reactions $^{36}$Ar +$^{144}$Sm $\Rightarrow$ $^{180}$Hg and $^{36}$Ar +$^{154}$Sm $\Rightarrow$ $^...
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Anomaly free $U(1)$ extensions of the standard model (SM) predict a new neutral gauge boson $Z'$. When the $Z'$ obtains its mass from the spontaneous breaking of the new $U(1)$ symmetry by a new complex scalar field, the model also predicts a second real scalar $s$ and the searches for the new scalar and the new gauge boson become intertwined. We p...
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We present a numerical and analytical study of the so-called `toron' solution of the stationary axisymmetric Einstein equations in vacuum expressed in terms of elliptic functions. The asymptotic behavior of this solution coincides with the one of the NUT solution, i.e., it has a `gravimagnetic' mass known as the NUT parameter while the ordinary mas...
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This study investigates the formation of primordial black holes (PBHs) resulting from extremely large amplitudes of initial fluctuations in a radiation-dominated universe. We find that, for a sufficiently large initial amplitude, the configuration of trapping horizons shows characteristic structure due to the existence of bifurcating trapping horiz...
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Joint analysis of position measurements and radial velocities of six triple stellar systems is conducted to determine their inner and/or outer orbits. Accumulation of such data is needed to study the architecture of stellar hierarchies and its relation to the formation mechanisms. The inner periods in the six systems (HIP 11783, 64836, 72423, 84720...
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We derive the probability for chiral oscillation of Majorana neutrinos based on quantum field theory. Since the Hamiltonian under the Majorana mass term does not conserve lepton number, the eigenstates of lepton number change continuously over time. Therefore, the transition amplitude is described by the inner product of the eigenstates of lepton n...
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The effect of finite nuclear mass is investigated in coupled light matter systems in cavity quantum electrodynamics (cavity QED) using the Pauli-Fierz Hamiltonian. Three different systems, the He atom, the H$^-$ ion and the H$_2^+$ ion is investigated. There are small, but significant differences in the behavior of the binding energies as the funct...
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Neutrinos provide a compelling avenue to explore physics beyond the Standard Model. This proceeding is a brief summary of a plenary talk given at the 12th Neutrino Oscillation Workshop (NOW2024). We present a discussion on various topics on neutrino non-standard properties, such as the origin of neutrino mass, their decay modes, interaction mechani...
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We unveil the impact of the $\theta$-angle on the QCD phase diagram at nonzero isospin and strangeness chemical potentials for three light flavors and different quark mass ratios. We establish the phase boundaries as well as the nature of the associated phase transitions. The order parameters and the physical spectrum in the different phases are de...
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W czerwcu 1944 r., kiedy Niemcy rozpoczęli przygotowania do obrony Malborka, miasto zostało ogłoszone twierdzą. Ofensywa sowiecka rozpoczęła się 12 stycznia 1945 r. W mieście zorganizowano centralne miejsce koncentracji uciekinierów z Prus Wschodnich, w którym cywilna ludność niemiecka oczekiwała na dalszą ewakuację w kierunku zachodnim. Informacje...
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Background Pulmonary hamartoma is an extremely rare benign neoplasm of the lungs. Patients usually present in the 4th and 5th decades of life and usually present as a hilar mass that needs to be biopsied to confirm the nature of the lesion. We report a case of pulmonary hamartoma that was diagnosed with EBUS-TBNA. Case presentation A 45-year-old f...
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In this paper we investigate the behaviour of massless fermions in the black string spacetime by computing the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Weyl equations. These solutions allowed us to study the behaviour of such massless fermions in terms of the cosmological constant, the black string's mass and the radial distance of the particle from t...
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Motivated by the recent results of Andreis-Iyer-Magnanini (2023), we provide a short proof, revisiting the one of Escobedo-Mischler-Perthame (2002), that for a large class of coagulation kernels, any weak solution to the Smoluchowski equation looses mass in finite time. The class of kernels we consider is essentially the same as the one of Andreis-...
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The synthesis and characterization of novel platinum(II) and platinum(IV) complexes derived from unsymmetrical ethylene or propylenediamine derivatives are presented. IR and ESI mass spectroscopy techniques were employed to characterize the...
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In this paper we study various aspects of ghost resonances: the resummation that leads to the dressed propagator, the poles locations, the analytic continuation into the second Riemann sheet and the spectral representations in both first and second sheets. In particular, we show that for real masses above the multiparticle threshold the ghost propa...
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We study Discrete Series representations of $SL(2,\mathbb{R})$ with half-integer scale dimension $\Delta$. At the classical level, we show that these UIRs are realised in the space of mode solutions of spinor fields with \emph{imaginary mass parameters} on a fixed two-dimensional de Sitter, dS$_{2}$, background. Upon such tuning of the mass, the fi...
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This is the eighth and final part of a series of papers which introduce matrix world theory, a novel approach to geometrically unify the phenomena gravitation, electromagnetism, dark energy and Yang-Mills theory. For the predecessor of the approach, classical world theory, it is possible to derive a Klein-Gordon-like equation. In the present paper,...
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Die wissenschaftliche Forschung, wie auch die philosophische Theoriebildung wird bei umfassenden Zeitenwechseln neuen theoretischen Raeumen konfrontiert. Diese neue Raeume mögen ihnen als wahre tabula rasa vorkommen. In diesen Situationen ist es nicht immer einfach, zu entscheiden, wie die tabula rasa eigentlich zusammengesetzt ist. Der leere Raum...
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Using the one-dimensional numerical code MESA, we simulate mass accretion at very high rates onto massive main sequence stars, M=30, 60, 80 Mo, and find that these stars can accrete up to 10% of their mass without expanding much if we consider a simultaneous mass removal by jets. In this jetted-mass-removal accretion scenario, the accretion is thro...
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The mass accretion process controls pre-main-sequence evolution, although its intrinsic instability has yet to be fully understood, especially towards the protostellar stage. In this work, we have undertaken a thorough examination of the mid-infrared variability of Spitzer-selected YSOs in the Cygnus-X star-forming region over the last decade, usin...
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Extended dark matter objects (EDOs) are popular dark matter candidates that interact gravitationally with the Standard Model. These gravitational interactions can be used to constrain their allowed parameter space. However, EDOs can have different formation mechanisms, sizes, and shapes, requiring a case-by-case analysis when studying their impact...
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McMule, a Monte Carlo for MUons and other LEptons, implements many major QED processes at NNLO (eg. $ee\to ee$, $e\mu\to e\mu$, $ee\to\mu\mu$, $\ell p\to\ell p$, $\mu\to\nu\bar\nu e$) including effects from the lepton masses, making it suitable for predictions for low-energy experiments such as MUonE, CMD-III, PRad, or MUSE. Recently, McMule gained...
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This paper aims to determine whether there is a difference in anthropometric, morphological characteristics, and motor abilities, between boys and girls at the age of 13-15 years. The study included 95 subjects of which 49 were boys (51.6%) and 46 girls (48.4%), with mean age girls 14.14 and boys 14.40 years. The sample comprised students who belon...
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In any dimension $N \geq 1$, for given mass $a>0$, we look to critical points of the energy functional $$ I(u) = \frac{1}{2}\int_{\mathbb{R}^N}|\nabla u|^2 dx + \int_{\mathbb{R}^N}u^2|\nabla u|^2 dx - \frac{1}{p}\int_{\mathbb{R}^N}|u|^p dx$$ constrained to the set $$\mathcal{S}_a=\{ u \in X | \int_{\mathbb{R}^N}| u|^2 dx = a\},$$ where $$ X:=\left\...
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The newly observed open-flavor tetraquark $T_{c\bar{s}0}(2900)$ has attracted many attentions, and searching for its spin partners is crucial to exploring the internal structure of those states. In this work, we will show that, the $D_s^+\pi^+$ invariant mass distribution of the process $B^+\to D^{*-}D_s^+\pi^+$ measured by LHCb has a resonant-like...
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انطلق السِّجال الدولي حول الهجرة العابرة للحدود منذ منتصف الثمانينات من القرن الماضي. واشتد هذا السجال راهنا بسبب الظروف السياسية والاقتصادية الصعبة التي تعرفها بعض بؤر التوتر في العالم، وفي قلبها منطقتنا العربية. وإذا كانت الدوافع الاقتصادية الصرفة قد حركت الهجرة منذ أقدم العصور، حيث يهاجر الناس من مناطق الندرة نحو مناطق الوفرة إلى حيث توجد الثرو...
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We revisit the lattice index theorem in the perspective of $K$-theory. The standard definition given by the overlap Dirac operator equals to the $\eta$ invariant of the Wilson Dirac operator with a negative mass. This equality is not coincidental but reflects a mathematically profound significance known as the suspension isomorphism of $K$-groups....
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We introduce a new scheme for solving the non-regularized Porous Medium Equation. It is mass conserving and uses only positive unknown values. To address these typically conflicting features, we employ the eXtreme Mesh deformation approach (X-Mesh), specifically designed for problems involving sharp interfaces. The method ensures that the interface...
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In this paper, we demonstrate that any asymptotically flat manifold \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$(M^{n+1}, g)$$\end{document} with \documentclass[12p...
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In this paper, we are concerned with the Cauchy problem for the reaction-diffusion equation $\partial_t u+t^\beta\mathcal{L} u= - h(t)u^p$ posed on $\mathbb{R}^N$, driven by the mixed local-nonlocal operator $\mathcal{L}=-\Delta+(-\Delta)^{\alpha/2}$, $\alpha\in(0,2)$, and supplemented with a nonnegative integrable initial data, where $p>1$, $\beta...
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The minimal Composite Higgs model (MCHM) provides an effective trigger for the Baryogenesis scenario through the confinement scale of the strong sector ($f$) or Dilaton ($\chi$). $f$ is a parameter with mass dimension, which stores the resonances of particles at high energies, has a suitable value of about 800 GeV. But when $300$ GeV $\le f \le 400...
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Using multi-viewpoint observations from STEREO and SOHO during three solar cycles from 23 to 25, we study the magnetic flux rope (MFR) structures of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) near the Sun and magnetic clouds (MCs) at 1au. The study aims to investigate two phenomena: 1) the occurrence rate of CMEs near Hale sector boundaries (HBs) and 2) solar-c...
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A dermal perivascular microenvironment has been reproduced on a chip within the MOAB's chambers by combining 3D microscaffolds, and controlled fluid dynamics and mass transport conditions, predicted by computational modelling of in vivo angiogenesis.
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I hypothesize a physical explanation for the "Little Red Dots" (LRDs) discovered by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). The first star formation in the universe occurs in dense clusters, some of which may undergo runaway collapse and form an intermediate mass black hole. This process would appear as a very dense stellar system, with recurring ti...
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The Beta Pictoris system is characterized by a dusty debris disk, in addition to the presence of two already known planets. This makes it a particularly interesting case for studying the formation and evolution of planetary systems at a stage where giant planets have already formed, most of the protoplanetary gas has dissipated, and terrestrial pla...
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We study cooperation and group pressure on social networks by introducing a new concept termed norm-enforcing ties. By combining network characteristics and agents’ actions, direct and indirect norm-enforcing ties extend and refine the concept of social ties as well as the role of the tightness of a group as drivers of group pressure and cooperatio...
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This paper explains, how it is possible for black holes to provide their huge mass to their outside. Subjects: black hole, event horizon, gravitation, escape horizon, oscillator model, particle, backflow energy, sphere oscillator
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We review the definition of Wang–Yau quasi-local mass from the point of view of the gravitational Hamiltonian. This makes clear the relation between Wang–Yau definition and Brown–York or even global ADM definition. We make a brief comment on admissibility condition in the definition of the Wang–Yau quasi-lcoal mass. We extend the positivity proof f...
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We have investigated the process $\Lambda_c^+ \to \pi^+\eta n$ by taking into account the contributions from the nucleon resonance $N(1535)$ and the scalar meson $a_0(980)$, which could be dynamically generated by the interaction of the $S$-wave pseudosalar meson-octet baryon and the $S$-wave pseudosalar meson-pseudosalar meson, respectively. Our r...
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The paper addresses the dynamics modeling of underwater vehicles that are inertia propelled, i.e., they can move based upon the change of the amount of water in their water tanks and the motion of an internal mass, enabling maneuvers. Underwater vehicles of this type can be successfully applied in ocean scientific reconnaissance and exploration mis...
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A BSTRACT Neonate with a perineal mass may rarely present with a rectal duplication cyst. The index case presented with a perineal located mass which on evaluation revealed an exstrophied variant of a duplication cyst neonate associated with supernumerary kidney. She was subsequently managed surgically with the resection of mass and a diversion col...
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When states in a tower like the Kaluza-Klein or the string tower couple to another state through the irrelevant operators of the same type, their contributions to the loop corrections of the relevant or the marginal operators are not negligible, threatening the perturbativity. This can be avoided provided the cutoff scale is lower than the species...
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This case series highlights the role of endomyocardial biopsy (EMB) in diagnosing cardiac tumors instead of tumor resection. EMB provided critical diagnostic clarity and influenced therapeutic decisions, demonstrating its utility in complex cardiovascular cases while preventing unnecessary surgery. Furthermore, EMB provides vital information that c...
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Generative relation extraction (RE) commonly involves first reformulating RE as a linguistic modeling problem easily tackled with pre-trained language models (PLM) and then fine-tuning a PLM with supervised cross-entropy loss. Although having achieved promising performance, existing approaches assume only one deterministic relation between each pai...
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Cardiac lipomas are primary benign tumors of the heart, consisting mainly of fat cells and the capsule surrounding them. They are rare, usually detected incidentally, and are mostly asymptomatic or may cause symptoms depending on their location. In this case, we planned to present a 13-year-old male patient who was diagnosed with cardiac lipoma, ha...
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In this work, we obtain the analytically approximation of static, spherically symmetric black hole solutions to Einstein$-$Weyl squared gravity by using the continued fraction expansion method. The black hole solutions are found for various relations between near horizon parameters with positive Weyl's coupling constant $\alpha$. Black hole solutio...
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Thisarticle examines theimpactofpretrialdetentionontheexacerbationofpenal selectivityandthephenomenonofmassincarceration in Brazil, focusingon itsdisproportionateeffectsonvulnerablepopulations, particularly Blackindividualsandthose living in poverty. Using a qualitative approach, thestudyemploysa bibliographic review andcriticalanalysisofsecondary...