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Marine Protected Areas - Science topic
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Questions related to Marine Protected Areas
La disminución de las poblaciones de tiburones en el Pacífico centro y sur de México, como consecuencia de la pesca artesanal e industrial, es un problema preocupante para la biodiversidad marina y el equilibrio de los ecosistemas. Diversos estudios han documentado el declive de varias especies debido a la sobreexplotación y captura incidental.
En la mesa de tiburones y rayas de la Red Nacional de Información e Investigación en Pesca y Acuacultura (RNIIPA) del Instituto Mexicano de Investigación en Pesca y Acuacultura (IMIPAS) estamos trabajando en generar estrategias efectivas para detener y revertir esta tendencia.
Por tal motivo invitamos a los investigadores y expertos a compartir sus experiencias y perspectivas sobre las siguientes preguntas clave:
- ¿Qué estrategias de manejo han demostrado ser efectivas para reducir la presión pesquera sobre los tiburones en esta región?
- ¿Cómo pueden las áreas marinas protegidas y las vedas temporales contribuir a la recuperación de estas especies?
- ¿Qué rol juegan las políticas de pesca sostenible y las prácticas de captura y liberación en la conservación de tiburones?
- ¿Cuáles son las principales limitaciones para la implementación de estas estrategias en México?
De antemano agradecemos sus contribuciones al respecto; de igual manera si desean sumarse a la mesa están cordialmente invitados. Escribir a
At the Sharks and Rays work table of the National Network for Fisheries and Aquaculture Information and Research (RNIIPA) of the Mexican Institute for Fisheries and Aquaculture Research (IMIPAS), we are working to generate effective strategies to stop and reverse the decline in shark and ray populations.
For this reason, we invite researchers and experts to share their experiences and perspectives on the following key questions:
- What management strategies have proven effective in reducing fishing pressure on sharks in this region?
- How can marine protected areas and temporary fishing bans contribute to the recovery of these species?
- What role do sustainable fishing policies and catch-and-release practices play in shark conservation?
- What are the main limitations to implementing these strategies in Mexico?
I have to take decisions about some activities in marine protected areas - what level protection are we providing if these activities are occurring?
I am looking for any good references on the impact of:
- desalinization plants: its construction will have severe effects, then it seems like the brine should not have a very important impact (salinity in liveable thresholds), but seems there are always some metal pollution, any idea of its impact? what about the water extraction?
- geothermal extraction: same the construction will have a lot of impacts, but once it's built, i have only found info on its carbon footprint. Are there other impacts, pollutions?
Thanks to everyone that have an idea to share with references 🙏🙏
There are a bewildering number of survey tools out there. I am looking to do an on-line WTP survey using contingent valuation with several sections. Can anyone recommend a tool which for which converting a survey to an on-line version is relatively intuitive and which generates results in a spreadsheet. Thank you!
There are many ways the scuba diving sector can actively participate in MPA management, in all MPA governance types recognized by the CBD (gov-gov, co-managed, private, community-based). In less participative frameworks, the sector is just consulted eventually or even only informed about new regulations. I'm searching for more descriptions in the literature on any of those situations. Any suggestions?
Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) sites are an important component of environmental change research and generate unique datasets. However, in many countries (e.g. Brazil) each site uses different methodologies, generates different metrics and has distinct objectives. Moreover, there is very little replication, with LTER sites spread across biomes and ecosystems. In the absence of formal meta-analysis, which is practically unfeasible, is there a way to synthesize the results of these valuable and unique studies to guide policy and practice?
Fish would be captured by a longline and hauled onboard. No underwater tagging procedures (like tagging Icelandic Sebastes in situ) are possible.
Some people build concrete artificial reefs while some purposely sink debris and wrecks. Can the materials used in building these reefs affect the abiotic factors of the water? Can this also change the type and number of species in the area? What types of artificial reef are practical to use?
I'm making a thesis about Marine protected areas and how effective they are at preserving coral reefs. What would be good factors to consider regarding the health of the reef and the overall health of the ecosystem?
I want to assess a coral reef that was affected by an earthquake 3 years ago and I'm thinking about adding DNA analysis to determine genetic diversity of the coral species there. What would be a good way to extract coral samples while keeping the damage at a minimum? I'm wary of harming anything alive in the area, especially since it's a Marine Protected Area that is currently undergoing rehabilitation.
Any comments and recommended papers are appreciated
In the framework of the project MARISCA ( we are trying to create distribution maps for a number of species that are protected under European legislation and international conventions. The main objective is to apply a systematic conservation planning approach to design a representative network of MPAs in the Aegean Sea (including Crete). I would be grateful for informing me of any published or unpublished records.
The list of target species is: Hippocampus hippocampus, Hippocampus guttulatus, Ophidiaster ophidianus, Centrostephanus longispinus, Tonna galea, Pholas dactylus, Lithophaga lithophaga, Pinna nobilis, Zonaria pyrum, Mitra zonata, Luria lurida, Erosaria spurca, Charonia variegata, Aplysina aerophoba, Asbestopluma hyogoea, Axinella spp., Geodia cydonium, Petrobiona massiliana, Sarcotragus fetidus, Sarcotragus pipetta, Tethya spp., Savalia savaglia, Antipathella subpinnata, Antipathes dichotoma, Leiopathes glaberrima, Paranthipathes larix, Callogorgia verticillata, Cladocora caespitosa, Cladocora debilis, Ellisella paraplexauroides, Lophelia pertusa, Madrepora oculata.
Recently, a number of different approches have been proposed to estimate the carrying capacity of SCUBA divers in MPA. However, methodologies and their analysis may give a number of results depending on the characteristics of the marine environment and the factors taken into consideration. There is some published research but still I beleive some other valuable work and points of view should be taken into consideration.
Most studies on how marine protected areas (MPA) are protecting fish species/communities are claimed to originate from tropical environments. Do you know any studies in which positive or negative effects of MPAs on fish in temperate marine waters are investigated?
for identify marine protected areas with GIS,
According to U.S. law (MSRA) we must develop annual catch limits for every stock in the U.S. Caribbean fishery management plans. However, the available data is very limited. In fact, we do not have reliable catch estimates for many stocks, and we believe that effective enforcement of catch limits is unlikely in any case. We are evaluating "management equivalents" that might achieve necessary harvest reductions and allow us to monitor and estimate improvements in stock condition at low expense.
We are aware of the literature regarding time-area closures and marine protection areas (MPAs). What other management equivalents have been used successfully to manage stocks in data poor situations?
Am devising a campaign for project, any extra info would be greatly appreciated, especially surrounding their dietary requirements/habits and techniques used to assess this. Thank you
I wonder how a carrying capacity in a vehicle overcrowded protected area could be developed. It is for a dry mediterranean peninsula under high seasonal touristic pressure. As it is a protected area (Natura 2000 site), how to develop a CC that will include not only parking places but the ecological impact?
I am interested in useful management tools for small-scale fisheries.
I am working on a capstone discussing the use of MMPA networks for marine mammal conservation. I feel that well planned networks can be developed to benefit wildlife and humans. There is little published work on whether they have actually been effective to date, but I know there are networks in existence that may have some preliminary results. I appreciate any help you can offer.
Invasive alien species may have a strong impact on marine biodiversity. Are you aware of examples that take into account the impacts and risks of biological invasions in the design and management of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), MPA networks, or in marine conservation planning in general?
If so, how can you test the assumptions of such protected areas, i.e.:
1) If there are more fish within the protected area;
2) If the fish are bigger;
3) If there is 'spillover' of fish into adjacent unprotected areas.
I've seen examples of protected lakes in the Amazon, but nothing for stretches of river, except Hoggarth et al (1999) 'Mgt Guidelines for Asian floodplain river strategies'. The problem is, the authors just assume that protected areas will work. I want to see *how well* they work.