Science topic
Mammography - Science topic
Radiographic examination of the breast.
Questions related to Mammography
Could you please help me find a source for Detection and segmentation by Hybrid Deep Learning EfficientNetV2 and Vision Transformer (EffNetV2-ViT) Model for Breast Cancer using medical mammography images ;
do I have to download each image alone an register it as .jpeg or is there another way to download the entire database?
It is essential for projection radiography and mammography machines to undergo quality control checks or testing to ensure the machines are operating acceptably and optimally. The tests could be subjective or objective. Objective tests can include modulation transfer function, noise power spectrum, and detective quantum efficiency. Can any explain in a simple way the modulation transfer function, noise power spectrum, and detective quantum efficiency? If you have references, kindly please provide. Thank you!
I need to use BCDR mammography database ( But it includes 4 different mammogram images (LMLO,RMLO,LCC,RCC) for each patient. I am confused with those images. I need to detect microcalcifications on mammograms. Which image do I need to use for this purpose?
I’m currently undertaking a systematic review comparing Digital Breast Tomosynthesis with Digital Mammography vs. Digital Mammography alone. There are 6 studies that are all prospective and the same
population undergo both DM+DBT and DM alone, 1 is a randomised controlled trial and the remaining 5 are cohort studies.
they all comment on Cancer detection rate, recall rate, positive predicitive value after recall and false positive predictive value after recall.
there is no mention of specificity.
I would greatly appreciate any approach statistical methods in regards to this.
can this data be put into forest plots?- if so how do I do this?
should risk ratios be adopted? How is this then placed into Stata.
I don’t believe I can produce meta-analysis due to heterogeneity.
I am looking for standard Mammography Dataset. It would be appreciated if any body share it.
How to calculate dose using effective atomic numbers ?
How it (Zeff) is helpful in medical imaging like CT Scan and Mammography ?
I am currently developing a mammography phantom that has an MTF edge portion. The MTF portion is used to test the resolution of the digital mammography unit. My MTF is made of stainless steel with a thickness of 0.8mm and a dimension of 40mm x 40mm.
After exposing the phantom, I have an image of the MTF (a square object with very high attenuation compared to the background). I don't know what the next step is, analyze it or determine the MTF from that image. I just know that you need to put the ROI between the edge and the background. Is there a way I can manually determine the MTF edge of the system? Can you provide me an article or steps on how to do so. Or do I really need software to do determine the MTF? What software can I use to determine the MTF edge? Can you suggest software and the steps on how to determine the MTF from that software.
My alternative way of measuring the MTF of the system is to use a high attenuating material and bar pattern materials. So this MTF is made of a copper sheet (0.2-mm thick), a copper wire that forms 2lp/mm and 4lp/mm, and a transparent area (PMMA). I got this from IEC, and the method of determining the MTF is easy. But this kind of configuration is not used in any commercialized mammography phantom. Most commercialized mammography phantoms used MTF edge. That's why I prefer the 1st MTF configuration.
Do you know the difference between MTF edge and MTF bar pattern?
I really appreciate any help you can provide. Thank you!
I am trying to build a low-cost Mammography Phantom. A portion of my phantom needs a low-contrast object. I am not sure what material to use. Aluminum is a great potential for a low-contrast material. Still, no article or journal proves that Aluminum is really used for low-contrast material, and I am not sure what aluminum represents in the breast anatomy. There is a suggestion to use air. The PMMA is drilled with varying depths which makes the air with different "thicknesses" be a low-contrast object.
Btw, the low-contrast object that I am going to use is between the blocks of PMMA.
What low contrast materials can I use for Mammography Phantom? Can you provide an article that proves that the material can be used as a low-contrast?
Thank you!
The above Link i tired for downloading the DDSM dataset. I am able to download only single case.Iam not able to download entire dataset or entire volume at a time.
I have some mammogram images which are too large. How can I reduce size of images into 8 bits?
We are working on mammogram images. And want to detection the bounded of the tumor via the segmentation method. Specifically, we like to use ACTIVE contour and level set technique. But do not clearly understand the difference between them.
Hi every one I hope all of you are fine, I am working In image processing, and I have got some breast cancer images Digital Database for Screening Mammography (DDSM) to do segmentation of the disease area , but the images I have got are LJPEG file, so any one can tell me how to open this kind of images, or how to convert this kind of images to TIF or JPG file
best regards
To classify a tumor in digital mammogram images, I have tested several families of features like ho moments, harralik moments, co-occurrence matrix and walwet.
What are the most appropriate features?
en la imagen diagnostica aparece el nombre de cada imagen CCD, CCI deseo borrar la imagen del nombre alguien me puede ayudar agradezco su ayuda , gracias
Current research challenges in breast imaging using deep learning or ensemble algorithm, Tesoro Flow, Diffusion Tensor Imaging
hallo, I need to find literature on comparison about PPV and IC (interval cancer) in screening mammography between women with breast prosthesis and without. Is there a difference?
thank you very much indeed for any help you can give to me.
Cristina Poggi, mammographer in Tuscany, Italy
Does the advanced mammography have the ability to change the type of the used filter according to the type of the breast density (dense or non-dense) in one machine today? Can this property available in one machine instead using many machines for each filter?
I mean dense breast that is highly composed of milk glands and ducts, & supportive tissues rather than fatty tissues.
I am searching for free image analysis softwares especially for calculating volume and density of breast images.
Hello, we have LO gradient based smoothing technique for natural images. can we expect same performance for medical images also like Mammography?
I am working on masses classifcation into benign and malignant. So, segmentation and detecting the tumour are out of my project scope. Therefore, I need mammogram dataset that is pre-cropped (ROIs cut out mammograms) to apply my algorithm in classifying the tumour into malignant or benign.
Any help is highly appreciated.
Thank you
I'm planning to use Geant4 to calculate the effective dose for mammography examination but I faced two problems:
1. I was trying to use the human phantom in advance example but some of the organs eg liver, lung and thyroid etc are missing. People suggests I could use XCAT phantom but it is quite expensive and I'm not so sure whether this phantom is suitable for mammography dosimetry or not?
2. Unlike PET or SPECT in GATE there are no benchmark for mammography unit do I need to build it from scratch? Even I modeled the mammography unit I cannot verify my simulation results...
Please tell me, how to download mammography image for dataset training and testing for breast cancer detection.
Most available diagnostic methods for early detection of breast cancer detect tumor after it had reached a relatively dangerous size concerning tumor pathogenesity. Besides , most are either invasive or harmful of of limited applications.e.g:fna, mammography,C.T scan and others.
Hello Dear people of science
I want to start my thesis and it's connected in mammography.
I need help for Segmentation and classification parts.
any link or ref
Thank you all
any data set of contrast-enhanced
digital mammography
I processed a set of mammograpic images to improve the contrast and calculated five quality measures based on regions of interest. The improvement is based on wavelet transform.
Experimentation was performed with a set of wavelets bases and all combinations of decomposition levels to be processed, i.e. all subsets of decomposition levels. For example, I process the combination {1,2,3}, but also {1,2,4}, etc. The size of computation depends on the maximum level of decomposition of the wavelet base.
The question is: how to choose the best wavelet base and the best combination of decomposition levels to process according to the improvement measures used?
A 41 yrs old woman with a 2*2 cm in UOQ left breast cancer and reactive node in axial at USO. Her mother had breast cancer at 50 yrs and BRCA mutation.Mamography showed only mass.What is your plan Mastectomy or BCT?
Is there an online database to decrease unnecessary breast biopsies according to suspicious mammogram results to detect breast cancer. Database should include breast imaging reports, biopsy reports, and clinical notes.
Thanks in advance,
It is known that younger women in general often have higher mammographic density breast tissue, and the vast majority have no cancer. Did you try to adjust your findings to patient age?
I want to set up an immunofluorescence staining just to check my spheres and use an inverted microscope instead of confocal. Has anybody tried it? Any tips to collect and fix spheres?
Hello I'm searching for studies about opportunistic versus controlled/organized/popoulation-based mammography student for my bachelor paper, can anybody help me? Thank you for helping me.
The recent guidelines published by the American Cancer Society recommends beginning at age 45 for screening to begin, in contrast to the U.S Preventive Services Taskforce of age 50. The average age in which fmales are diagnosed is between age 58 to 61. However, in AA women risk is early prior to age 40. I can understand a coomom ground related overall age, however young woman are in the spotlight and need if nothing else a clinical breast exam.. The American Cancer Society makes a broad statement, " Due to this lack of evidence, regular clinical breast exam and breast self-exam are not recommended." I'm not sure I can agree on the later part. Would someone clarify the statement.
currently digital tomosynthesis is using for detection of breast cancer in a early stage, is it gives accurate results than mammography?
I am vigneshwaran, PG student doing a project on detection of micro calcifications in mammogram image, any one knows the procedure for my question please answer me.
thank you
Proposing to increase mammography screening in this population with a faith-based breast cancer education program.
Hologic is the only company that generates it I presume? It seems to me that it is not a RAW data but a DICOM images.
Hello everyone
I am looking for DDSM (Digital Database for Screening Mammography) ground truth images. Please if anyone has these ground truth images send them to me or tell me how can I get them.
Best regards to all.
As a radiologist, interested in cancer imaging, i came across a publication
(Atoum, 2012), that could show correlation between elevated CA 15-3 and stage II-III breast cancer.
Of course CA 15-3 cannot detect early stage breast cancer and is therefore not recommended in screening (Duffy, 2006).
But sometimes it can be challenging to find a 2-3 cm diffusely infiltrating breast cancer in asymptomatic - especially premenopausal - women with dense tissue (Buist, 2004. Kolb, 2002).
A serum marker might be helpful to select patients for further evaluation, e.g. Breast-MRI, tomosynthesis or ultrasound, in order to find “medium size” breast cancers, that otherwise would go undetected by mammography for quite a while with worsening prognosis.
I would like to use ASM in mammography images to detect blob like tumor. Which shape description will suitable suit for this purpose and how the shape correspondence will take place?
I am working on detection of breast cancer using thermal infrared images. I am in need of a thermal image database for breast cancer. Like mini MIAS database, whether there is database for thermal infrared images for breast cancer . If anyone knows please help me.
Thank you.
I am working in detection of microcalcification using thermal infrared images. I am in need of some papers or articles related to detection of microcalcifications in thermal images(breast cancer).If any one knows please help me.
I am working on the detection of breast cancer using thermal infrared images. I am in need of some papers or articles related to classification of benign and malignant tumors in thermal images(breast cancer). If anyone knows please help me.
How I can improve contrast in mammography images
I'm in purchase decision process for use in a research project.
The wavelets approach to image processing consists in decomposition, coefficients processing and reconstruction. How I process the coefficients?
As you know mini-MIAS dataset contains mammogarm images.
I have a problem. I show you one of the imges which I have determined the location of abnormality based on the coordinates I have from this page:
for image : mdb028 F CIRC M 338 314 56
the corresponding image is attached.
I think the coordinates doesn't match the abnormality.
if you see the attached image, it is clear that in this coordinate , No abnormality exist.
please help me if I think wrong.I am waiting for your response.

I am vigneshwaran, PG student doing a project on DETECTION OF MICRO CALCIFICATIONS IN MAMMOGRAM IMAGE, any one knows the procedure for my question please answer me.
I need to know if there is something easy to be downloaded from the net
Hi. I am deriving mammospheres from MB231 and MCF7 cell lines, and have been finding it hard to find a proper way to assess and count the mammospheres clusters. Basically, I have them in 6-well low attachment plates, which makes it a bit impossible to take a picture with a camera from the whole plate, so that I can analyze it in Image J, for example. I also tried to do a 96-plate sequential scheme, but although it might be easier, the whole field of the well does not fit within the camera's frame. Since they are suspension cells, I don't think I can fixate and stain them with crystal violet. Does anyone have a good tip for overcoming this? Thanks in advance
From the image itself presence of microcalcification should be detected. Not through any classification
What is a reasonable distance in mm when applying registration on longitudinal mammograms images ? I would like some state of art measure or personal opinion of some clinical/radiographic specialist.
Basing on the mammography images the lump was seen in the images with that the size of the lump will measure by the image processing technique in the Artificial neural network we can conclude the stage of breast cancer.. bcoz i studied that basing on the size lump the stage of the breast cancer will detected is it correct suggest me plz
I spent a lot of time looking for it, thanks a lot in advance
Potential utilisation of XR-QA2 films in mammography dosimetry.
The question is addressed to people, who use methodology described in the "European Guidelines 4th Edition" to calculate average glandular dose.
The dose is calculated as K*g*c*s, where 'K' stands for kerma, and g/c/s are factors dependent on characteristics of breast and beam quality. Now an example: 50 mm of PMMA is equivalent to 60 mm of typical breast (there are some assumptions on breast composition behind it). We can assume, that the exposure will be made at the same conditions for 50 mm of PMMA and for 60 mm of breast (let's forget about spacers for a while). In both cases we have e.g. Mo/Rh, 30 kV, 100 mAs, so in both cases kerma at some specified point will be identical. G/c/s factors are the same for "typical breast simulated with 5.0 cm PMMA" and for "6.0 cm breast", thus the only will be in 'K':
a) typical breasts simulated with PMMA: in that case 'K' is kerma "at the upper surface of the PMMA";
b) clinical breast doses: 'K' is kerma "at the upper surface of the breast", closer to the source than in case (a)
Because of that difference, the 'clinical' dose will be slightly higher than the 'phantom' dose. Is there any good reason for that?
We frequently come across spiculated masses of 2-2.5 cm size, with thick spiculations (better seen on tomosynthesis) ; radiating for another 1.5 - 2 cm , In which case total extent of pathology reaches 5-5.5 cm.
In such cases should we include spiculations in tumour size estimation or not ?
Digital breast tomosynthesis is a tomographic mammography that generates 50 to 80 slices thru the breast at 1mm intervals. These can be reviewed in a cine mode at a user designated rate. For a 3mm lesion that would only be visible on 2 or 3 of the slices, what would be a safe upper limit for cine frame rate in order to perceive an abnormality?
I need ultrasound breast images. Kindly help me.
A new research study [1], published in the British Medical Journal, has concluded that: “Annual mammography in women aged 40-59 does not reduce mortality from breast cancer beyond that of physical examination or usual care”.
This paper unavoidable controverts the Swedish study by Tabar et al [2] who concluded in a 37 percent reduction in breast cancer mortality, attributable to screening mammography.
An editorial [3] accompanying the new study, however, said that earlier studies - which concluded that mammograms helped women - were conducted before the routine use of drugs like tamoxifen that sharply reduced the breast cancer death rate. In addition, many studies did not use the gold-standard methods of the clinical trial, randomly assigning women to be screened or not.
1. Miller AB et al. Twenty Five Year Follow-Up for Breast Cancer Incidence and Mortality of the Canadian National Breast Screening Study: Randomised Screening Trial. BMJ. 2014
2. Tabár L et al. Swedish two-county trial: impact of mammographic screening on breast cancer mortality during 3 decades. Radiology. 2011
3. Kalager M et al. Too much mammography. BMJ. 2014
I require an image showing DCIS in a male although this is rare.
I have a quick question regarding the recently published Supplements to the "European Guidelines 4th edition". There is a PDF for download here:
I believe that "Table A5.5: Additional g-factors" is wrong. Seems that someone replaced "Breast thickness (cm)" with "Breast thickness (mm)" and multiplied g-factors by 10. Am I right, or am I missing something?
I want to segment the masses from the mammogram images to reduce the false positive. Can anybody suggest a good method or some code for this? I have used morphological operation with the watershed, but it gives too many false positives and displays the over segmentation problem.
From 2-01-2014 onwords the DDSM Mammography link page is not opening. I couldn't even open the thumbnails. Can any one help in this regard?
presently mammogram was using to detect the breast cancer, but there is any technique in ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK using to detect the breast cancer
Can anyone suggest any tool/software available to predict/detect cancer from mammogram images?
Is any one working on biomedical image processing?
Algorithm used for feature extraction.