Questions related to Maize
effects of intercropping the two crops on the severity and incidence of virus diseases
The article entitled "Effect of different sugar solutions, temperature and time interval on germination of uredospores of Puccinia polysora Underw. Causing Polysora rust in maize (Zea mays L.)"
using maize and okra as examples
I want to know all secondary metabolites which are found in these plant
In my doctoral research, i'm investigating the intersection of biotechnology and maize seed (Zea mays) productivity. An intriguing observation I have made pertains to the coloration of maize seed roots, which exhibit a purplish-pink hue after seven days post-sowing. As coloration often serves as an indicator of the plant's physiological state, i'm keen to elucidate the underlying factors contributing to this phenomenon. It's noteworthy the affected roots do not exhibit typical signs of disease or contamination.
Despite thorough scrutiny of plant biology literature in both print and online formats, I have yet to discover definitive explanations for this phenomenon. I am therefore reaching out for assistance in this matter. Your expertise or any relevant insights you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
Good afternoon. Please tell me, are there molecular markers of zeina genes for the purpose of genotyping lines and varieties? There are Asid-PAGE and SDS-PAGE methods for studying the polymorphism of zein-coding loci in maize. But I have not yet been able to find molecular markers based on the PCR reaction (ISSSR, SSR, etc.)
I've seen different concepts in various articles, where they mention "maintaining 50% field capacity" or around 30% humidity. But how do I get to that information?
I would like to know how to convert ppm to micromoles per gram FW for trehalose measurement. I'm using the method described by by Li et al. (2014).
Li, Z.-G., Luo, L.-J., & Zhu, L.-P. (2014). Involvement of trehalose in hydrogen sulfide donor sodium hydrosulfide-induced the acquisition of heat tolerance in maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings. Botanical Studies , 55(1), 20.
I need to hear all results one obtained in that research. Even negative ones. Unpublished ones and those that didn't make it to the print
Right now I am doing a backyard investigation on the subject to see if there is any effect. I am using maize. Just 12 maize in my small home garden.
It is being documented in Swahili but you can still see the pictures and with help of AI you can translate it via your browsers.
I will appreciate any links and articles to scientific papers on copper bracelets. If any.
You are welcome.

Immigrant or exotic pest which comes from other countries established in a new country with high level population. As a result of its escape from natural enemies in its native habital. (-) of balance of nature. For example: Fall armyworms outbreaks & destroys maize throughout the world.
Just I plan to generate a maize top-cross hybrid and I would like to know the good cross that I should make in order to get a better maize top cross hybrid. thaks
If I have to make the cloning strategy, what should be my workflow to do this.
I got two problems, one to select suitable expression vector from pCAMBIA1301, and pCAMBIA1302. As 1301 has GUS reporter protein and 1302 has mgfp5 (GFP), so what should be preferred.
The Other thing is for these vector we have to design a transgene cassette in MCS region. But the problem is how should I design my primers and what elements should be added in the transgene cassette.
And the second problem is how can we analyze our primer that it should work?
Hi All
I am running GWAS in maize population which was tested under water stress. I found that the many significant markers are heterozygous which has three alleles (e.g. C, T, C:T). Do these marker provide spurious assoication as there are three alleles?.
Another point can be also detected in allele effects. some of markers have two alleles with negative sign and the other is positive such as (C= -1.5, T= - 2, T:C=0|). So, which one should considered to increase the trait. I think such marker is not useful for marker-assisted selection and design promising markers via KASP.
Some studies dealt with heterozygous loci as missing and then filter markers again to avoided rara alleles. In my case, I did the same thing, I will lose many markers after filtering.
what do your recommend? proceed the GWAS with heterozygous loci or treating them as missing data.
Some maize plants will turn purple. Even reaching 100% purple leaves yet the growth remains normal. The grain yield and cob size remain normal. Soil analysis is ok and Nutrient analysis in the maize is also ok. This phenomenon confuses farmers as they think it is a disease.
What specific natural plant nutrient sources or plant growth-promoting sources, such as BIOSTIMULANTS, BIOFERTILIZERS, etc., would you use for starting cultivating tropical crops like corn, sorghum, millet, peanuts, tomatoes, and onions in a middle scale production in a tropical country as Simbabwe, where chemical fertilizers are economically not afordable or either unavailable, but where some animal dung is accessible?
How economically successful is it which commercially available mycorrhiza to use or other microorganisms of the soil microbiome with similar benefits such as PGPR (plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria), PGPF (plant growth promoting fungi), PGPM (plant-growth-promoting microorganisms), as well to use seaweed, algae stimulants or verimcompost?
Using which MYCORRHIZA for low cost tropical agriculture? Or other BIOSTIMULANTS, BIOFERTILIZERS?
What specific natural plant nutrient sources or plant growth-promoting sources, such as BIOSTIMULANTS, BIOFERTILIZERS, etc., would you use for starting cultivating tropical crops like corn, sorghum, millet, peanuts, tomatoes, and onions in a middle scale production in a tropical country as Simbabwe, where chemical fertilizers are economically not afordable or either unavailable, but where some animal dung is accessible?
How economically successful is it which commercially available mycorrhiza to use or other microorganisms of the soil microbiome with similar benefits such as PGPR (plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria), PGPF (plant growth promoting fungi), PGPM (plant-growth-promoting microorganisms), as well to use seaweed, algae stimulants or verimcompost?
Hello everyone
as we know single crosses are known for highest heterosis in hybrid production method compared to their parents (inbred lines). but what has been happened to this F1 progeny (for example in maize) if they appeared weak in field (low germination, emergence, height, etc.) and the performance is not acceptable?
I'll appreciate all of your helps.
We use PVP (Polyvinylpyrrolidine) for our maize leaf DNA isolation protocol. The molecular weight of our PVP is 40,000. A collaborator shared their protocol, and it is very similar, but uses PVP with a molecular weight of 360,000.
What is the difference? Does one remove phenolic compounds better?
Hello dear researchers.
I need a favor let me know about seed density and how to measure the seed density? is there any instrument? I have 900 seeds of each line and overall lines are 50 maize natural population.
Thanks for valuable answer.
My plant samples are Arabidopsis and maize
How can maize be integrated with other crops and livestock in sustainable and diversified farming systems?
Our research article Title: Assessing Impact of Climate Variability and Change on Maize Yield in Gamo Zone, Southern Ethiopia: A Modelling Perspective. Authors Gizachew Kassa, Manyazwal Getachew, and Anirudh Bhowmick
appears in your web site. Please remove it. It creating hindrance in publication.
Genetic and Breeding (Maize)
Plant Breeding it's my DNA
I am talking with reference to the MLO gene family as in Barley where it gives resistance to powdery mildew.
I need to apply microbial strains/inoculant to maize seeds, but I want to know that whether seed inoculation is better or seed-bed inoculation application will be better ? And also, please tell me that how much amount of strains will I required to apply for seed inoculation as well as for seed bed inoculation? Looking for your valuable suggestions.....
please recommended me How much seeds are required for each replications? and which is suitable methods in which condition seeds can be easily investigate such as pot , hydroponic and field conditions?
parameters , seed rate, seed density etc let me know the detailed and suitable methods
thanks in advance
How can maize contribute to food security, income generation and poverty alleviation in developing countries?
What are the genetic and molecular mechanisms of maize resistance to major diseases and pests?
What are the environmental and social impacts of maize cultivation and consumption?
How can maize be modified to enhance its nutritional and industrial value?
What are the best agronomic practices and cropping systems for maize production in different regions and environments?
When you make crosses between two lines of parent maize and you have F1 generation,how to make effective selection ? on the panicle how can you that this grain is a product of crossing and this other grain on the panicle is not a product of crossing?
Or in the other sense , when you make drosses between two parents ,do all the grains on the panicle parent are served or all the grains on the panicle of female plant are product of crossing? How to make selection of individuals on a panicle?
I'd like to research about the reasons for high flour prices in Kenya and predict their future prices.
In an experiment with 10 varieties of maize of 3 replications. The researcher taken the data of NCLB (Disease) incidence as score (0-9). In the scale, 0-9 are the percentage disease incidence on those treatments (varieties) viz.,
0- 0%
1- 1-3%
2- 3-6%
3- 6-12%
9- 100%.
Taken this ordinal data! three times during crop cycle.
Now i want to know, among which treatments (varieties) there is statistical significant difference present in disease incidence and which treatments are statistically at par among eachother?
How can I calculate that?
Can I use Normal ANOVA for this non-quantitative data?
Thank you
I am working with biochar. I have a plan to use biochar and microbes in acid soil in Malaysia for maize production. i have not much more experience to work with microbes. So i wish all experienced researcher openion regarding this issues.
Greetings, all researchers! Right now, I'm looking for technical assistance with my research. I've set a goal to assess agroclimatic indicators' current and future impacts on maize crop yields using the impact modeling approach. How can I correct agroclimatic indicator biases in raster data?
actually I need to measure the leaf area of Spinach, Maize and Tomato leaves, and leaf area meter is not available. therefore i need a simple and alternate methodology for determining leaf area. As i cited graph is used to measure. but i need more refine method if any. Guidance will be appreciated
(10-3 is raised power)
Spectrophotometer values at A665=0.451 & A649=0.436
Answer is -18.7
(10-3 is raised power)
Answer is-16.6
Is problem in spectrophotometer values or calculations?
The four accesions did not germinate across the three locations i planted. Please how do report this in my project discussion? and can i knock off the four accessions?
I am designing a trial for my PhD investigating the effects of vermicast on three commercially grown crops (onions, potatoes, maize). Soil transport will depend on the types of machinery used (power harrow, ripper, disks, potato harvester). I am unsure how long to make buffer zones between plots to avoid dilution of vermicast in the core sampling area. What search terms/phrases should I use to find research about the distance soil can be transported during passes?
Hello specialist. I am working as a field technician for maize seed production. I would like to ask someone with experience in yield estimation of maize by tools or any calculator. I have been sawing on the internet, that people use satellite data, but I don't ins and outs of that. please introduce and guide me. Many thanks.
Dear colleagues,
I want to simulate the maize grain number with 6 level temperature stress experiments by APSIM-MAIZE. I have tried to modify the temperature fuciton from the default value (8, 34, 44℃) to a modified value (5, 30, 41℃), which concluded from Wang (2018).But, the simulation was not good for grain number.
(1) how to modify the temperature function with my heat stress experiments?
(2) what's the calculation formula for maize grain number in the Maize Module?
in addition, my phytotron controlled-temperature experiment were conducted with 6 temperature from 30 to 40℃ during maize silking period.
I am a agricultural adviser in Huambo in Angola, which is said to have the most fertile soil in Angola, what I can't see here really.
Wheat and maize were here planted for 2 years and irrigated with a pivot sprinkler system to ensure emergence in the dry season, but yields was yet with only moderate success. The corn yield was just as weak as that of other farmers in the area. I estimated that the maize yield is only around 1000 kg/ha. After the harvest residues, the wheat was only ¾ with a height of 1 m.
The soil with about pH 5, is a grey silty-sandy soil, presumably because the soil is 500 m from a river. But here isn't a laterite of rusty-red coloration like most soils here and that laterite are more remote from rivers.
My specific question is:
What is the best choice of soil preparation, fertilizing and which seed varieties to cultivate and gain best yields for wheat and corn on juvenile soil cleared before such acid and very sandy soils? Precipitation ist 1300 mm per Year.
The farm worker prefer to SEED and fertlize all by hand. Soil preparation and seed covering is done by harrow disks.
J HUMER, 18.7.22, Huambo
For Example from one maize hectare of land we will get 80-120 qt/ha by using soil test based recommendation with recommended agronomic practice. But from one maize hectare of land we will get 25-35 qt/ha by using soil test based recommendation with recommended agronomic practice.
screening for herbicide resistance and identify genomic regions associated with it in maize
If you add a response, please do me a favor and answer the actual question. I've already searched the literature and haven't found anything. I already know what exudates are, and that they are different under stress conditions. To reiterate, I would like to know the SPECIFIC CULTIVARS of maize that have high exudation rates, under just basic field conditions, not any kind of stress.
Gender in Agricultural development
Is there anybody suggest or describe this maize disease (cause) or Deficiency of minerals? This days common on some maize farmers in Ethiopia.
Thank you!

Or do you have knowledge or ideas where to get thiee MAIZE informations?
I see everywhere maize fields here with only very low maize yields, with about only 1 t/ha maize.
We in Austria have about 10 - 15 t / ha.
This Huambo region should be the best agricultural region, is written.
I am advising a new farmer here, but there is no knowledge about this requirement.
Many Thanks

I want to determination the root activity of maize, who knows a fast way to determination the root activity? Thank you for your kind help and comments?
Struggling to get good quality DNA from dried maize leaf samples. Used modified CTAB protocols, without liquid Nitrogen but had smears on my gel. Anyone to help with a protocol that works best for extraction of DNA from Maize leaf samples?
I a Wifi Thermometer which is portal with an API for data sharing. I would to use it in an experiment for Maize grain storage facility (a shade).
Dear Experts
At the beginning of fermentation, the pH of the mixture of barley and maize is 4.5. However, the pH of barely alone is 5.3, and maize is 5. 6. Thus, what are the possible reductions in pH in the mixture?
I am based in North West Province, South Africa. North West is a land locked province, with mainly summer rainfall and dry winters.
Summer is around September to March and Winter June/July to August.
This year we had more early winter rains. This is not normally the case.
I have started seeing these caterpillar/worms with a black body, with hairs al over, with some white hairs on the body.
What are these caterpillar/worms? Are they harmful to maize, soya, sorghum or sunflower seed/plants?
Dear colleagues, I'm looking for published statistics on global percent area used for production of wheat, rice and maize. I know that there are some data on global production and data on estimated global irrigation that I could use for an analysis. However, I would like to see first if there is this information already published by someone.
For an assay on young plant
Dear colleagues,
I would like to ask if there is a Standard, guide, manual or well-explained procedure to do the "pot experiment", also known as "plant growth experiment" (there is another name for this experiment?). Additionally, if there is a special one for maize growth, that would be great.
In fact, I read several articles where this experiment was used, however, in none there was mention of a standard, protocol or manual. I am kind of surprised about it, as this procedure seems quite important.
If you have any tip, article, thesis or any trustable document that I could use to guide me, that would be great. I plan to do this experiment with a collaboration, however, I need to know better the procedure to plan ahead.
I thank you all in advance for your time and attention.
Have a great week.
Kind regards
- We expressed a maize CC-NBS-LRR protein in Nicotiana benthamiana by injecting the Agrobacterium strain GV3101 with a maize CNL protein into the leaves, cell death was observed after 3 days without the presence of the cognate pathogen effector, Does this happen often?
Hi everyone! I wonder if anyone could indicate me an efficient and simple protocol for separation of leaf tissues (epidermis, mesophyll, vascular tissue) that could be used for crops, such as tomato, soybean, maize, etc.?
I appreciate any suggestion given.
Kind regards,
What are the implications of using maize-cobs for mulching? Does it rob the soils of its nitrogen?
I intent to subject maize seeds to mutagenic treatment and need advice on how to characterize the mutant lines using genetic tools
For how long maximum nitrogen is required by crops like wheat and maize. Then how long urea maintain N supply in soil?
Root length, root biomass and types of root determine the nutrients absorption, tolerance to drought and lodging and ultimately optimum plant growth and productivity. Is there any simple field based procedure to grow maize plant in field and to determine total length and biomass of root? An efficient and simple protocol may help in screening maize germplasm for root parameters.
Last year during winter planting in some of the areas in Terai region (plain southern part of Nepal) we faced tassel ear problem in maize.
Dear RG scholars, GREETINGS!!!
- I'm relatively new to CROP MODELING and Simulation
- As you all know, modeling is so interesting but as wide as an ocean.
- Modeling includes many challenging topics such as model calibration, parameter estimation, reliability assessment, data collection design, and a lot more.
I'm doing my research on "Model simulation of maize growth and yield using DSSAT-CERES-maize model v.4.7.".
No model was done before for my location.
I'd two-year experiments using 3 maize varieties and 5 nitrogen rates for a new
(same location but different years).
- 1st year for model calibration
- 2nd year for model validation
- My maize is rain-fed maize
- I've 30 years of climate data (RF, Tmax & Tmin)
- I've soil and plant lab analysis results
What parameters, mandatory data, and what max and min values should I have?
What vital steps should I never forget?
What yield components of maize should I focus on?
Your experience, please? And any relevant reference you think is good for me!!!
In India the soil health cards are being issued to farmers since last 6 years. However, it is not possible to have soil health cards for each and every field till today. We know that whenever we have a bumper crop of sorghum, maize, rice, wheat etc. the soil nutrient status changes after every crop season. Under such situation it is required to measure the soil nutrient status after every crop season. Therefore, we need to have a fast and accurate measurement system which can provide the soil health card to the farmers in his field itself so that he can plan for fertilizer application rate just before the crop sowing season. Under present laboratory analysis method it takes months to get the soil health card and by that time the crop sowing season is over.
Nitrogen is the most limiting and the least efficiently used (NUE is 0.3-0.5 in developed countries) plant nutrient.
But what most gets me in doubt is the time of nitrogen fertilizer application.
- Some say before planting (African Farm Resources Center, attached herewith)
- Most say during planting (N.B. maize takes 6-9 days to emerge, but still not active to use fertilizer)
- Only a few say after planting.
Which one is scientifically correct? Please include references!!!!!!!
I don't know if Nitgen fertilizer has other uses in the soil than as food for the plant. Some well-experienced farmers have told me that Nitrogen dehydrated water-logged soils; "It ignites the heat that helps seeds to emerge profoundly"!!!
Appreciate your valuable help for all in doubt like me!!

Given the diverse use of maize for human consumption, animal feed and industrial raw material, is maize is going to play as a major rabi crop in the coastal region in general and coastal saline region in particular.
Please give comments on how to increse the maize acerage and reduce the fallow area as well as increase farmers income.
- Five cereal crops provide 60% of the daily food intake worldwide!!!
- Three cereals (rice, maize, and wheat) cover more than 50% of food intake.
- Maize is regarded as a "Hunger-breaking crop", particularly by the poor farmers of Africa.
- Today, climate change is the biggest threat challenging agriculture. So, which crop is more vulnerable to climate change (rainfall, temperature, etc.)?
- Maize is getting wider destinations even to new places due to its special characteristics. What do you think are its special merits for its popularity?
- Which of the 3 popular world cereal crops would be the 1st in 2050 and/or 2100? Why?
Thank you for all your valuable responses!!!

In my case, we use 150 kg ha-1 for OPV and 200 kg ha-1 for hybrid varieties are recommended to be applied with three splits: 1st at planting, 2nd at knee height, and 3rd at flowering (silking and tasseling). But, still, farmers of the lowlands (hotter areas) use less than this rate and generally miss the 3rd split due mainly to fear of the burning effect caused by high temperature and/or low moisture.
What is African Farm Resource Centre telling us?
"For hybrid maize, 400 kg ha-1 of NPK is recommended to be applied just before planting, which should be followed up four weeks after planting with 250 kg ha-1 of CAN as side-dressing."
400 kg ha-1 before planting + 250 kg ha-1 after planting"
- How is this possible?
- Is that logical? I don’t understand it!!
- What about the law of diminishing returns?
- Could poor farmers afford this? Is this acceptable by farmers?
- What would be the benefit-cost ratio of this? Is this economically feasible?
- Nitrogen fertilization is the main cause of Carbon Footprints in agriculture. Did African Farm Resource Centre consider this?
Many thanks and respect to all RG members!!!

What is the optimal temperature for grain filling stage in maize? How lower temperature than optimal at this stage affects plants?