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MEMS Sensor Technology - Science topic

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Questions related to MEMS Sensor Technology
  • asked a question related to MEMS Sensor Technology
4 answers
I'm interested in research in fiberoptic biosensors, MEMS AFM microscopy, photonic biosensors.
If it is no problem could you suggest the cutting-edge area research fiberoptic biosensors, MEMS AFM microscopy, photonic biosensors for a research proposal?
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'sorry' for what?
  • asked a question related to MEMS Sensor Technology
2 answers
Hi all,
Can you please explain the "Dynamic Pull-in" concept in electrostatic parallel plate MEMS actuators? I would like to know "in detail" about its causes and effects. How is it related to the "Static pull-in"?
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The pull-in voltage of an electrically actuated MEMS device can be defined statically or dynamically: In the static case, the pull-in voltage is the threshold DC voltage for which the static equilibrium is stable and bounded. In the dynamic case, it is the highest DC voltage, applied as a step, for which the transient step response is bounded. In the static case the equilibrium curve has to be computed to be able to determine pull-in, whereas the dynamic the pull-in voltage is determined using a trial and error approach.
  • asked a question related to MEMS Sensor Technology
7 answers
I had found some literature that develops MEMS stress sensor (CMOS, N-MOS, P-MOS). However, I can't find commercial solutions for this type of sensor. Is there any replacement? (Stress measurement, tiny dimension).
Many thanks
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Dear Py,
There are many types of stress sensor. All pressure sensors can be used for this purpose. Sure there are mems pressure sensor. As material wise one can use resistive or capacitive sensors. Very thin sheet of semiconductors can be used as diaphragms to receive the pressure. There is also the piezoelectic materials which can be used as a pressure sensor.
Best wishes
  • asked a question related to MEMS Sensor Technology
5 answers
Could you please let me know the reason for the oscillatory response of the MEMS electrostatic cantilever beam when released (i.e., when voltage is removed)? I understand that a similar "bouncing" phenomena occurs when the MEMS cantilever is pulled in due to the impact. But please help me to understand why an oscillatory behaviour is seen when released / pulled out.
Also it would be helpful if you can provide necessary references and reading materials on the same.
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The oscillatory response only can be seen when you have under damped can estimate the squeeze film damping by using any damping solver simulator... alternatively you can also calculate it... The squeeze film damping varies linearly with square of the area, and inversely proportional to (gap)^3...thereafter divide it with the critical damping by the formula 2m×wn......If the ratio more than 1 it's overdamped ... you will not see and oscillatory response...if it's less than 1 then oscillatory response will be seen
  • asked a question related to MEMS Sensor Technology
2 answers
We are designing a MEMS pressure sensor for long-term use, hopefully years, underwater. Possibly saltwater as well. The device has metal traces and uses a typical method to measure pressure.
We need a passivation layer to protect the electronics from water and the external environment. Research papers in this topic each have very different opinions as to what layers, in what order and thickness to use. Some recommend SiNx, or SiO2, or SiON, or combinations of these layers in varying thicknesses.
Is there a good way to pick the passivation stack besides picking a few different layers and thicknesses? What are the pros/cons of using SiNx/SiO2/SiON? Can you recommend a particular stack for my application?
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Yes, SU-8 could be used as a protection coating for MEMS structures. Another possible material is parylene-C. Usually SU-8 should be spin coated on the device, whereas parylene-C can be evaporated onto the sample in a low-vacuum chamber. It is a standard polymer material used for many of the MEMS sealing applications.
  • asked a question related to MEMS Sensor Technology
12 answers
mems, accelerometer , gyroscope, mems sensors in electric vehicles.
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Air suspension in case of passenger cars is based on four axle high sensors same like the similar application xenon headlight leveling. Could be so that in some top level cars gyro is used but as far as I'm involved there is no separate gyro.
  • asked a question related to MEMS Sensor Technology
5 answers
Micro-electro-mechanical Systems are used as trasducer. But what is the exactly way they mesure temperature?
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To add on to previous answers, temperature is most commonly measured using a resistance temperature detector, or RTD. These are often composed of serpentine metal traces with a known resistance coefficient (platinum is a common choice). When the temperature of a metal increases, the resistance increases. Another method can use a semiconductor material such as polysilicon or germanium, or a semiconductor junction, which can have a much larger temperature coefficient than metal RTDs. Some of my research has actually involved using microfabricated electrodes to measure the temperature in fluids, by measuring the change in ionic mobility with temperature: check out
Hope this helps! What sort of applications are you looking at?
  • asked a question related to MEMS Sensor Technology
1 answer
I want to know the trending research topics in the filed of N/MEMS to work in phd.
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You can start with nano rotor/micro rotor far very few literatures are available on this topic. Nano rotor model can also be successfully used to simulate the nonlinear behavioir of various physiological molecular motors.
  • asked a question related to MEMS Sensor Technology
4 answers
Hi all,
Please suggest me different CAD tools available for MEMS that will allow me to integrate other devices with MEMS (device description is based on differential equations) to study the system behaviour as a whole.
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Hi Raghuram,
COMSOL Multiphysics is one software that involves equation based modeling. You can check those links if could help: .
Also, a better and more time convenient method is to develop a Verilog-A model that characterize your whole system. Given that you already have one device described in differential equations you can model the other device also and write a complete model for the system and thus you can simulate them easily using any circuit simulation tools (e.g., Cadence Virtuoso).
  • asked a question related to MEMS Sensor Technology
2 answers
I want to simulate an electrostatic-driven staggered comb-drive actuator. I set the boundary conditions and vary the potential to get the deflection angle. There is a great difference (>50%) between analytical solution and simulation of vertical comb drive using COMSOL electro-mechanics module.The COMSOL file is attached.
Thanks in regard.
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Thanks a lot for reply.
I attached the comsol model file