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Questions related to MCNP
  • asked a question related to MCNP
3 answers
Hello everyone,
I am facing difficulties calculating the dose in a simulation of human tibia brachytherapy, which includes a defect (tumor, temporarily filled with water), trabecular bone, and cortical bone. We need to create a dose map, and the challenge lies in accounting for the dose passing through different materials.
PROBLEM: Initially, we used the *FMESH4 tally with the De/Df, but since they are different materials, MCNP does not accept the overlap of different De/Dfs. In the second attempt, I used the FMESH4 tally with the card Fm -1 0 -5 -6, which is applicable only for photons, and I couldn’t use it for electrons. I would like to better understand the correct way to configure the dose calculation in the region of interest (tibia). Additionally, I have not found a clear reference for how to use the F4(FMESH4) card with the :e,p specification to correctly calculate the dose with the Fm4 card. As a third attempt, I tried using the TMESH type 3, and I was able to obtain the dose, but I still face the issue of not considering the different materials. The TMESH calculates the dose in MeV/cm³, but it does not account for the influence of tissue densities, which directly affects the dose response (comparing the results with +F6, *F8, and TMESH, the results from TMESH are not compatible with any of them).
Could someone help me understand the correct configuration to obtain the expected results for the deposited dose in MCNP, considering both photon and electron contributions?
Below is the geometry (blocks 1 and 2):
c BLOCO 1----------------------------------------------------------------------
c Tibia -----------------------------------------------------------------------
c Osso esquelético
10 3 -1.85 -100 300 imp:p=1 imp:e=1
c Osso cortical
20 2 -1.85 100 300 -200 imp:p=1 imp:e=1
c Defeito
30 1 -0.998 -300 imp:p=1 imp:e=1
c Universo vazio
999 0 200 imp:p=0 imp:e=0
c -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
c BLOCO 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
c Superfícies
c Osso esquelético
100 RCC 0 0 0 40 0 0 3.2 $ c=(0,0,0) h=40 cm //x r=3.2 cm
c Osso cortical
200 RCC 0 0 0 40 0 0 3.5 $ c=(0,0,0) h=40 cm //x r=3.5 cm
c Defeito quadrado 1 cm³
300 RPP 19.5 20.5 2.4 3.4 -0.5 0.5
c -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
I would like to calculate the dose in a mesh with the following specifications:
  • x: 0 to 40 with 800 divisions
  • y: -3.5 to 3.5 with 140 divisions
  • z: -0.05 to 0.05 with 1 division
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Hi Aline,
First of all be careful when using DE/DFs for calculating dose. Those conversion factors are for calculating effective dose and therefore are not applicable to medical dosimetry where the interest is in dose (energy deposited per mass).
I am assuming that the brachytherapy source you are simulating emits both photons and electrons. Why don't you run an MCNP case with just photons and one with just electrons? You can then sum the results to get a dose estimate. With that being said a +F6 can be more appropriate because depending on the geometry and the material an F6:p, e may double count the electrons coming from secondary reactions.
My suggestion would be to calculate the dose for cells (rather than splitting the geometry in thinner pieces) using the different tallies compare the results and if they make sense continue with the splitting. Tally segmentation can also assist although it is kind of tricky to make sense of how to use them in 2-D slices. They worth a try.
I hope I helped with some inspiration.
Good luck,
  • asked a question related to MCNP
3 answers
Is it possible to achieve this by combining flux tally and reaction rate cards?
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There is a software monte carlo Universal by Kurchatov institute. It has "delayed neutron" calculation as an option. It shows delayed neutron fraction and something else that I have not checked yet
  • asked a question related to MCNP
1 answer
I am getting this error in an example problem I found that worked perfectly fine yesterday "bad trouble in subroutine unique of mcnp". I use this command "mcnp6 inp=exampleYay.txt ip" which worked yesterday but now no longer works. What happened?
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Hi Sabrina,
I am not sure if this input in this state was running the previous day and now it does not (unless there were changes). For the input you provided the problem is the format of material 1 (m1); please remember that a continuation line must begin with five blanks otherwise MCNP assumes lines "2.5161e-3" and "92235.66c 1.1760e-3 92238.66c 8.2051e-5" do not belong to any card. Once you fix this formatting error this input runs normally.
PS: When asking about code error it always useful to also include either the output or the fatal error messages.
Good luck,
  • asked a question related to MCNP
2 answers
I am not 100% knowledgeable on MCNP so forgive me if I have made an obvious error. But I keep getting the same error as follows
"fatal error. there is no f card corresponding to this card." and I am not sure how to fix?
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Dimitrios Kontogeorgakos I am using version 6.2
Here is my input file! I have yet to make any changes to it that you recommended but this is what I have so far.
  • asked a question related to MCNP
6 answers
I simulate a reactor in MCNP. However I want to know the spectrum (energy) and flux in a specific surface (or cell) away from the nucleus (source). I thought using F2 tally, but I do not want the normilize value. I want the measured integral value. How do I do this?
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Maybe you can try DBCN J 26R x , where x is the bank size. From the MCNP manual (either 6.3 or 6.2) there is this note "DEFAULTs vary by application: x28=2048 for most fixed-source problems, x28=128 for criticality problems, x28=16384 for high-energy problems)".
Do some testing with a larger bank size and with a smaller NPS.
  • asked a question related to MCNP
2 answers
I am trying to calculate power density in the reactor core using mesh tally. I have used the FM card & got the results. Instead of explicitly setting material number on FM card (61, in my case), I want MCNP to track the material itself based upon the mesh being sampled! Is that possible somehow?
snippet of my input file is, C TALLY FOR POWER DENSITY FMESH14:N GEOM=CYL      ORIGIN=0 0 -351.818           IMESH=6.5 13 19 25 39 50 60 70.5 83.5 90           IINTS=  1  1  1  1  1  1  1    1    1  1           JMESH=7.5 25.5 43.5 61.5 79.5 97.5 115.5 133.5 151.5 169.5 187.5               JINTS=  1    1    1    1    1    1     1     1     1     1     1           KMESH=1           KINTS=1           AXS=0 0 1               VEC=1 0 0 FM14 (1 61 -6)
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you can also try replacing the material number with zero; i.e. FM14(1 0 -6). By doing so, MCNP will use the reaction cross
sections for the material in which the particle is traveling.
You will also need to add -8 in the FM card; this will give you the equivalent of tally F7. See " Equivalence of F4, F6, and F7 Tallies" in the MCNP6.3 manual that is available online.
  • asked a question related to MCNP
1 answer
Does anyone know if the CAD models for ICRP 143 Pediatric models are available for download? I have the MCNP voxel format but would like to get the CAD models.
Kevin Capello
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read this you may find the solutions and try the help from icrp official help communit.
  • asked a question related to MCNP
2 answers
We have 1 gm SrSO4 of density 3.7 g/cc. It has 0.174 gm S32 in it. It is irradiated in 1.6E11 flux in KAMINI reactor. What will be the yield of P32 in Ci/g?
Reaction: S32(n,p)P32.
This is the statement of the problem.
Now we have the neutron flux spectrum of the irradiation location.
Our doubt is how to incorporate FM4 card to calculate the reaction rate i.e N*Sigma*Phi.
FM4 card uses a contant C. what should be this C for our calculation?
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Hi Dimitris,
Thank you so much for your answer. I have done the calculation using the method you mentioned. Reaction rates are coming nicely.
  • asked a question related to MCNP
4 answers
Dear all.
I need to describe an annular lattice in MCNP. I found the way to create a hexagonal lattice or rectangular lattice. But it seems that there is no way for annular lattice. Please see the picture (attached file). It is an example of a nuclear reactor core, there are thousands of cells and I could not write one by one. Do you have any example of this geometry or have any idea to do that?
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your welcome.
  • asked a question related to MCNP
3 answers
I simulated a calibration laboratory using MCNP code. The source in the irradiator is Co-60, emitting two gamma rays (1.17 and 1.33 MeV) through decay. The output provided me with the values of dose equivalent ambient at the calibration points. Now, I need to determine the dose equivalent ambient rate with the corrected activity of my source. I followed a similar methodology used for Cs-137, which I successfully validated with experimental data from that laboratory. However, for Co-60, it is not yielding the expected results. I have not yet identified the issue with my analysis.
To obtain H*(10), the chosen tally was F5, and the conversion factors from ICRP 74 were applied using DE/DF on the data card. The input yields H(10) per NPS.
Attached are photos of my methodology to aid in understanding my question.
The methodology of the work, whose photo is attached, was also tested; however, it did not yield results that could be validated by experimental data.
(This work is referenced with the attached photo of its cover)
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Hi Sara, although I have not completely understood what the attached picture shows here are my thoughts. The "output (pSv/NPS) are the tally results with the DF/DE multiplier (to get the ambient dose rate from ICRP-74). The H*(10) results are the tally results after normalization. If that's true, then to get 1.5e+9 pSv/h from 3.41e-5 pSv/NPS, you have multiplied by 4.4e+13, which is the disintegrations per hour and not the photons per hour (unless, I am not reading the data on the png file correctly). Basically, 1.5e+9 pSv/h needs to be multiplied by 2 (2 photons emitted per Co-60 disintegration). Is the "Taxa de Equivalente de Dose Ambiente)" the measured values? If so, then by multiplying those by 2 will get you closer to them. What was the MCNP to measured ratio for Cs-137?
  • asked a question related to MCNP
2 answers
is there any MCNP code for eye phantom?
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  • asked a question related to MCNP
5 answers
I defined my material in MCNP, but I want to add an element in it. My material is a human tissue and I want to add the element boron-10, more precisaly 30ppm of boron-10 in the material. How do I do this?
I apreciate if someone can help me
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Is there something you'd like to keep constant? For example, if you want the total density or total atom density to stay the same, then you can re-normalize the atom density for the tissue constituents and the added boron, by dividing each value with their sum. The result will be a material definition with the sum of atom densities equal to 1, and then assign the desired density in your cell definition. I hope this makes sense.
  • asked a question related to MCNP
2 answers
I have a souce of neutrons and my F4 tally value (non-normalized) in a cell is 10^3/(cm^2). I want to increase the value, for exemple 10^9 /(cm^2), without modifying the area. I used FM card, but I don't want to just multiply by a scalar value. How can I increase the flux (F4 tally)?
If anyone can help, I appreciate it
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Hi Otto, I am not sure I fully understand the question. Do you need to increase the value of the tally in terms of statistics? i.e. decreasing the error? Or you only want to re-normalize the result from being "per source particle" to something else? e.g. per Bq? As you've stated this is done with the FM card.
However, if you are looking to decrease the error without increasing the number of histories, then you may try tally F5 or take a look at variance reduction techniques.
I hope this helps.
  • asked a question related to MCNP
4 answers
I used mesh tally in my program and because of that, the random number stride warning is shown during executing input file in MCNP
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as another method you can use variance reduction specially cut card.
by this, the random number that you need will decrease and a warning not show (most probably)
  • asked a question related to MCNP
3 answers
Dear experts,
Iam using MCNP (version 6.1) to extract neutron self-shielding factors for slab-shaped geometries and a fast neutron spectrum as input (energy range from 60 keV to 20 MeV). In the simulations my samples are irradiated by a parallel beam of neutrons, with the same cross section as the sample front surface, so its completely irradiated.
The self-shielding factor should be obtained by dividing the result of the F4 tally in my sample with the material (density) inside by the F4 tally result with void (no material inside). However, I have realised that for small thicknesses (e.g. at 1 mm) the resulting self-shielding factor would be slightly above 1 (I think that should not be possible). For me it seems like this might come from down-scattering events, which are still in the considered tally energy bin range (60 keV to 20 MeV). In other publications I have never seen factors above 1 and they partly used even much smaller samples.
Does anyone have an idea or hint what I might do wrong in my simulations?
Thanks in advance.
Kind regards,
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Dear Dimitrios,
thank you very much for your reply!
You are right, I derive the factor in MCNP as you have said. One has to divide the result of the F4 tally in the sample volume filled with the material and its nominal physical density by the same F4 tally result but infinitely diluted (that means the sample is now filled with void, ~ 0 g cm^-3 density). Your definition with the surface flux is equivalent; for a void sample of constant geometric cross section and a parallel beam of particles the surface flux is also constant for every thickness (particle track length equals the thickness of the sample in this case, divided by the volume yields the surface flux).
The integral statistics (60 keV to 20 MeV) are totally sufficient, something like 0.01% statistical error only.
Basically four our fast neutrons the total macroscopic cross sections equal the scattering cross section, i.e. they only scatter. In that case it is logical that 1 primary neutron can make more than 1 score in the F4 tally, if its energy after interaction still is in the range between 60 keV and 20 MeV and if it is still inside the sample. Therefore, meanwhile I would assume MCNP is correct and. By the way, the shielding factors are not much above 1, mostly something below 1.05.
Iam analyzing different materials, severals metals like aluminum and iron or some compounds like calcium carbonate (CaCO3) or cerium chloride (CeCl3).
Kind regards,
  • asked a question related to MCNP
4 answers
I do the simulation on MCNP on my computer. But the computer restarts itself, and the simulation immediately stops. Can I continue the simulation without starting from the beginning?
If the simulation on MCNP can continue, how is the command that I should type on the command prompt?
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MCNP can be restarted but you must have runtpe file (file with "r" ending). Then you can use command
mcnp6 c tasks 16 outp= output_file_name runtpe= runtpe_file_name
More details can be found in MCNP manual (see "continue run")
  • asked a question related to MCNP
1 answer
I know that DPA is calculated using an F4 tally and FM C m 444. My question is, what happens when I add an SD4 1 card. Usually, F4 tallies are /cm^3, and the SD card multiplies it by volume. F6 tallies are MeV/g and the SD card makes it MeV.
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Hi there, the SD is used to input the volume for those cells that MCNP cannot calculate the volume. For tallies that are expressed in /gr or /cm3 this is required, and one workaround is to use SD=1 as you mention. Of course, the latter depends on what you are trying to calculate and therefore, you may want to include the actual volume (in the MCNP manual there is a method to assist in calculating volumes; it is really helpful). For DPA calculations, the tally result, using the F4 and the FM card, is per cm3; if MCNP can calculate the volume of the cell, then you do not need the SD card. But if you need DPA/s then you need to multiply the tally result by the volume of the cell you are analyzing. To my understanding by setting SD=1 you assume that the volume of the cell is 1cm3 or 1 gr per tally used. I hope this helps.
  • asked a question related to MCNP
2 answers
I am currently working on a project that includes pencil geometry Cs-137 sources and lattice geometry. I try to obtain the voxel dose by using the f6 tally and my simulation was successful but my dose distribution is not looking homogeneous. Geometry and source to surface distance are symmetrically created. So, I should have homogeneous distributions. I used this source definition below. Is there anything wrong or can you advise me of a physics card in order to get more homogeneous dose distributions?
sdef pos=d4 par=2 rad=d1 ext=d2 axs=0 1 0 erg=0.662
si1 0 0.5375
sp1 -21 1
si2 -4.40 4.40
sp2 -21 0
si4 L 7.2 -8.98825 0
7.2 0.00275 0
7.2 8.98925 0
sp4 D 1 1 1
phys:p 100 0 0 0 0 J 0
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In any set-up, there are deep-seated areas where large relative errors are recorded after simulation; perhaps, this account for the observed inhomogeneity in your result.
Endeavour to reposition the source, redefine the source location in terms of (x, y, z) with the target distribution size or area in mind. Take note that homogenous distribution is short range, so locate your source close to your target area of interest.
I hope you find this suggestion useful.
Best regards,
Olaseni M. Bello.
  • asked a question related to MCNP
2 answers
I am looking for some guidance on how to implement and interpret the Maxwellian distribution in MCNP. As of today, I have specified my data card as follow:
SDEF POS=0 0 0 PAR=1
SP1 -2 $For Maxwellian spectrum
It is my understanding, that implementing the "SP1 -2" step will now produce a Maxwellian distribution, but I am not sure I have implemented this properly. If I remove that line from my input deck, my output does not change.
Am I missing something? Does the Maxwellian distribution show at an specific point in my output?
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you must write
SDEF POS=0 0 0 PAR=1 erg=d1
SP1 -2 $For Maxwellian spectrum
don't forget the syntax is SP1 -2 a
  • asked a question related to MCNP
4 answers
I have simulated a critical system using MCNP. The keff calculated for the critical system using kcode is 0.995. When a control rod is inserted its worth is about 10 mk. The keff using kcode is ~0.985. I was trying to determine flux using F4 tally in incore and excore detector locations and using sdef card. In presence of external source for a configuration which is 10 mk subcritical, the detector fluxes obtained experimentally and that using MCNP does not match. Please suggest the best way to find solution
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If you are using Kcode calculation while normalization divide the tally by keff.
  • asked a question related to MCNP
1 answer
I want to simulate plasma focus devices with all geometry and surface, with specific filling gas and predict x-ray spectrum.
i want to measure this parameter for estimate x-ray radiation shielding.
please help me for this issue by attach similar code.
i need practice to understand more about this problem.
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I think you can get the pulse height spectrum with Tally f 8
And extract other relevant information from the shape of the spectrum.
  • asked a question related to MCNP
2 answers
I am trying to determine the most appropriate way to define a beam source of a given intensity. Normally one define their beam intensity via an FM card scaling to power but I am planning to use my flux spectra (obtained by an E card) for depletion analysis in ORIGEN and I'm not sure the FM will affect the spectra results.
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You can use the WGT in the SDEF definition as Vadim Talanov said. With that being said, the FM card does multiply the fluxes in every energy bin. If you need to be convinced, you can always try this in a short/test calculation to confirm. I have learned a lot by trial and error.
  • asked a question related to MCNP
3 answers
Does anyone know whether it's possible to display the material number (or other characteristics) corresponding to a mesh point as a separate column when using the FMESH card?
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FMESH defines the mesh superimposed over the geometry, that means independent from the geometry definition, and so provides no access to the properties of the underlying geometry like the material number.
  • asked a question related to MCNP
4 answers
Reaction 4 specifies the emission of a neutron (i.e. MT=4 for (z,n)).
How ever MCNP has its own definitions for the FM reaction numbers where 4 means "Heating".
How does one specify the MT definition rather than the FM definition when using a tally multiplier like "F4:p" with "FM4 -1 <mat number> 4"
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Heating is in units of MeV/collision, so it would be the MeV that resulted from a specific type of reaction.
  • asked a question related to MCNP
1 answer
MCNP considers the material particles as in a random arrangment, I need to get the advantage of the crystal property of (AL2O3) sapphire as a neutron filter. I could not figure out how to add this cross scection of sapphire to MCNP and use it. If somebody could help please.
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MCNP uses the default free gas thermal treatment for low energy neutrons. For higher accuracy (e.g., consideration of chemical binding effects and crystal structure), one would need to declare the S(α,β) in the Materials Card. Unfortunately, the S(α,β) for sapphire may not be available in MCNP installed libraries. But S(α,β) of O in sapphire is available for download in JEFF-3.3 in ACE format, in the website of OECD-NEA. To add downloaded cross sections, you would need to insert them into the MCNP library locations and edit the XSDIR.
  • asked a question related to MCNP
3 answers
I am currently working on a epoxy based material and I would like to simulate by using MCNPX in order to determine material properties. Is there a way to use my homogeneous mixture in MCNP? I know that I can simply enter the fractions of isotopes but this materials are note chemically bounded. They are seperate materials and physically mixed. I want to enter in my input as two different materials and then use fractions on cell cards. Is there a way to do that? I searched a lot but could not find any sign.
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You cannot use fractions on cell card. Materials should be defined in the data card and you can only use the material number on the cell card. In the material card you can define a single material containing several different elements with different weight fractions. Even if you want to define a mixture of different alloys you can define it by computing the weight fraction of each element in each alloy.
For example, you know that there are 0.12 'O' and 0.88 'Lu' in Lu2o3 and 0.12 'O' and 0.88 'Yb' in Yb2O3. now you want to produce a material containing 1/3 weight fraction Lu2o3 and 2/3 weight fraction Yb2O3. in the material card you should enter ZAID of 'O' with weight fraction of 0.12, ZAID of Lu with a fraction of 0.293, and ZAID of Yb with weight fraction of 0.586.
  • asked a question related to MCNP
5 answers
I try to install an older version of MCNP on a current OS and find a lot of critical errors. Is there someone around having done it recently and with success? Would it be possible to share a procedure showing the different missing dependencies to be added and modifications of the installation commands linked to the added libs?
Thanks in advance,
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During my summer holidays I took up again this issue and I am very happy to inform that it worked. I have now the MCNP4C version up and running on Ubuntu 18.4 (I should also upgrade this one, without using Wine!!!). Next I will install the code under CentOS also. I started from the source code (Fortran and C++). This means that, if needed, the source code can be modified or additional functions can be added. One of the first things I will do is compiling with PVM or more modern equivalents for parallel computing on many machines (I was doing this in 1998 on 12 SunOS boxes speeding up calculations a factor 10).
  • asked a question related to MCNP
8 answers
Can anyone give an advice about what is the best method to simulate a head phantom by MCNP? I mean, is there any reference to use?
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  • asked a question related to MCNP
8 answers
Simple geometry was made having concentric cylinders bounded by a square region. The geometry has a reflective boundary. The source was defined at one point in the boundary and when it had been run for criticality calculation, it resulted in an error messaging "the entire source was rejected". I tried to do the simulation by placing the source closer but it still results in an error. Any help will be appreciated.
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You have not properly defined the rectangular box. You have it as the intersection of the "negative" side of planes 1, 2, 3, and 4. The negative is to the "left" of an x plane, and "below" a y plane. So this cell extends to infinity in the third quadrant, effectively. What you want is:
501 5 -0.740582 10 -1 2 -3 4 imp:n=1 tmp= 4.94E-8
As Norbert suggested, you should also add pz planes; their height is irrelevant, but lets say you have the following:
*5 pz 10.0
*6 pz -10.0
Then, you should add "-5 6" to the definition of each cell. You box will become:
501 5 -0.740582 10 -1 2 -3 4 -5 6 imp:n=1 tmp= 4.94E-8
Also, I'm confused about your cell 601. It should probably be:
601 0 1:-2:3:-4:5:-6 imp:n=0
Finally, your ksrc has to contain source locations that are within a fissionable material; otherwise the fission sites will all be rejected when they are sampled (this is your main error, I believe). Your fissionable material is between surfaces 7 and 8, so try:
ksrc 0.3 0.0 0.0
In addition to being inside of a fissionable material, try not to put the ksrc directly on any cell boundaries, as it could get confused about which cell it is in.
  • asked a question related to MCNP
4 answers
I am wondering if there is a DICOM to MCNP converter to import CT images into MCNP input decks? I am aware of Scan2MCNP but it seems to have been discontinued for some reason. If there is no such converter that can readily be obtained then I am wondering if there is anybody out there with experience in such conversions who could give me some useful pointers to relevant literature or software packages?
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I had used DICOM to MCNP parser to turn Rando Phantom Dicom image into MCNP inputfile. It is really useful! But, the number of voxel (size: 1 mm3) is too much. I can't run and plot the phantom. Do you have better way to solve the problem?
Hao-Ting Chang
  • asked a question related to MCNP
4 answers
I have been trying to get this to run. It is a simple shielding experiment, with a neutron point source, concrete slab and a sphere as the detector. I have tried everything I know to fix this, but my limited knowledge of MCNP is making it hard to debug the code.
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  • asked a question related to MCNP
1 answer
Dear community,
I want to define a geometry in MCNP with several levels of universes and fills, say:
c cells
10 100 -1 -1 u=1
11 0 1 u=1
30 0 -2 fill=1 u=2
31 0 2 u=2
40 0 -3 fill=2
41 0 3
Universe 1 consists of cells 10 and 11 and fills cell 30. Cells 30 and 31 make up universe 2 and fill cell 40. (I have not tested the above piece of code for errors but I hope you got the idea.)
Now I want to define an identical geometry where the material in cell 10 is changed from 100 to 200. Is there a way to do this?
"20 like 10 but mat=200 u=3" is possible, of course. However, then the entire remaining code must be copied (with adapted cell and universe numbers) in order to make up new universes. Is there something like "50 like 40 but ***mat of cell 10 within cell 30 within cell 40***=200"?
An alternative solution could be to define the material of 10 as a distribution depending on which higher-level cell cell 10 will be in (like mat=Fcel D1; SI1 L 50 40; SP1 100 200). But I do not see a way to access the cell numbers of higher level either.
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I think the uncertainty function can do so, to give you a wide range of parameter to check and realize which better fit for you
But as Geometry to make a change like a for loop or if function. unfortunately not available
You can read that article for more about uncertainty in MCNP
  • asked a question related to MCNP
10 answers
Dear Experts,
Does anyone know how to "invoke" C(n,a)Be, C(n,a)Be, C(n,d)Be, and C(n,n') reaction in mcnp? In my simulation, alpha particles and protons are hardly produced when neutron interacts with carbon. I have included the physics option phys:n 6j 2 but I can't seem to understand why alpha particles are not produced from the above reaction using 14.1 MeV neurons.
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Augusto Di Chicco I am glad you could find an answer.
  • asked a question related to MCNP
6 answers
Hello everyone!
I am looking for a program to convert DICOM images to MCNP to import CT images into MCNP input file?
Please let me know if you have a program for this topic.
Any recommendation would be appreciated
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Thank you Abdelhai Ben Ali.
Do you know where can I buy Scan2mcnp ?
I really appreciate your help very much.
  • asked a question related to MCNP
5 answers
In the SDEF card there are several types of dispersions, but for the source energy, considering the existing databases, which of the following examples is the best way to put the source energy?
The first image is the published data reference of a C0-60 source, the following images are examples that I found in some manuals on how to put the source energies in MeV, being MCNPX.
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In similar situations, I always used SI1 L and SP1 D with normalized probabilities, but as far as I know the probabilities do not need to be normalized.
If the simulation is a detection problem, the remark of Kengo Shibuya is important when the photons are emitted in cascade and when the detection efficiency is high. E.g. if the probability of detection of each of the two gammas 1.17 and 1.33 is about 10%, then the probability of simultaneous detection is about 1%, which is not small with respect to 10%.
  • asked a question related to MCNP
2 answers
Dear Colleagues,
Could you please share the input spectrum from PuBe neutron source or direct me where to find one. I lost the one I had while moving - Attached is the plot of PuBe.
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you can convert graph to spectrum using xyextract software
  • asked a question related to MCNP
3 answers
I am using MCNP5 to calculate the dose in a Brachytherapy source with dose counter * F8, but I do not have the current activity of the source. How can I calculate the dose rate for this?
Thanks in advance
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  • asked a question related to MCNP
9 answers
How can I calculate the efficiencey of HPGe detector by MCNP ?
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Dear Mohsen Ali
in the following and the attached article you will fiend what you need
please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any problem with the input file!
A detailed procedure to simulate an HPGe detector with MCNP5 C.C. Conti*, I.C.P. Salinas, H. Zylberberg Institute for Radioprotection and Dosimetry e IRD/CNEN, Av. Salvador Allende s/no, P.O. Box 37750, 22783-127 Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • asked a question related to MCNP
5 answers
I use the MCNP code to calculate the power density of a single fuel block of the GT-MHR reactor, and I got about 20 Watt/cc with some pre-determined condition.
I found that the average power density for the 600 MWth GT-MHR is 33 Watt/cc and the calculated temperature for the TRISO fuel kernel is ~1000 degrees C.
Can I just extrapolate the temperature like this one?
33 Watt/cc ~ 1000 degree C
so for 20 Watt/cc the temperature will be;
(20/33)*1000 degrees C = 606 degrees C?
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  • asked a question related to MCNP
7 answers
Thank you for reading my question.
I want to calculate "energy averaged" one group cross-section by using MCNP for substituting ORIGEN-2 LIB(just one energy group cross-section).
And I would use σ=R/(N*Φ).
σ is the averaged cross section (barn) (This is what I want to know)
R is the reaction rate (/cm^3) (maybe calculated by F14 tally and FM14)
N is the target atom density (maybe atom/barn-cm)
Φ is energy-integrated neutron flux (maybe calculated by F4 tally)
So, if I want to calculate 59Co (n,r) 60Co averaged cross-section, what FM is correct, FM4 (1.0 27059 102), FM4 (c 27059 102) or etc? ; c is the atomic density(atom/barn-cm) of Co-59 of M1.
Under text is simplified data card of MCNP input text of my research.
I want to know the energy averaged cross-section of M1's Co-59 activation reaction.
C M1 is SUS-304
M1 24000.50c -0.19
25055.66c -0.02
26000.55c -0.694
28000.50c -0.095
27059.66c -0.001
C Material for Tallying
M27059 27059.66c -1
F4:n 1
FC4 Neutron Flux of cell 1 Calc. F14:n 1
FC14 Co-59 Activation Reaction Rate of cell 1 Calc.
FM14 (1.0 27059 102) or (c 27059 102) or (1.0 1 102) or (c 1 102) or etc...
It may be cumbersome, but it would be very helpful if you answered.
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I attach two figures.
1° step. You need to use F4:n 2 tally card... (neutrons/cm2) in the cell 2.
2° step. To do a manual calculation to determine the normalization constant "C". After that, in your input to type this value in the FM4 C 2 (it means the value C in the cell 2)
The results in your output file is the reaction rate in this cell.
  • asked a question related to MCNP
6 answers
hi. I'm trying to simulate a pretty simple geometry including nanoparticles by mcnp. my whole cod is as below:1
project nano
C Cell cards
1 2 -1 -7 +8 +9 -10 -11 +12 fill=1
2 1 -0.00125 -1 +2 -3 +4 -5 +6 #1
3 2 -1 14 -15 16 -17 fill=2 lat=1 u=1
4 3 -19.3 -13 u=2
5 2 -1 13 u=2
6 0 1:-2:3:-4:+5:-6
C Surface cards
1 px 5
2 px -5
3 py 5
4 py -5
5 pz 5
6 pz -5
7 px 0.5
8 px -0.5
9 py 1.5
10 py 2.5
11 pz 0.5
12 pz -0.5
13 sy 2 7E-6
14 pz -7E-6
15 pz 7E-6
16 px -7E-6
17 px 7E-6
C DATA cards
mode e
IMP:e 1 1 1 1 1 0
SDEF pos=0.1 0.1 0.1 ERG=d1 PAR=3 CELL=2
SI1 L 0.36 0.71 0.81
SP1 0.3 0.49 0.2
M1 6012 -0.000150
7014 -0.784431
8016 -0.210748
18000 -0.004671
M2 1001 2
8016 1
M3 79197 1
*f8:e 1
NPS 1000000
C END of data cards
it is about a tumor ( cell 1) that is filled by gold nano-particles. nano-particles have a sphere shape with a radius equal to 70 nanometers. in order to fill the tumor by nano-particles I created a cube with each side equal to 150 nanometers ( cell 3 ) and I filled it by nano-spheres ( cell 4 & 5). And at the end cell, 1 ( the tumor ) is a lattice of cell 3 ( which includes nano-spheres ).
the problem is when I run the code, dose tally at cell 1 is always zero! and "track entering" and "population" in every cell except 2 and 5 are zero too! In another word, no particle enters cells 1 & 3 and 4! specifically, cell 1 is more important because I want to calculate dose in tumor. I can't see where is my mistake, so please let me know if you noticed anything.
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Agree with
Kamal Hadad
  • asked a question related to MCNP
4 answers
My institute is trying to purchase a package of MCNP6 from RSICC.
We need to know the approximate price of the package.
Can anyone help in this matter?
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For research and education purpose it’s free
  • asked a question related to MCNP
5 answers
Does anyone have a fully modeled proton therapy treatment unit available?
It can be in either Geant4 (G4/Topas/Gate) or MCNP.
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I guess "have" and "willing to share" are two totally different topics. We generate and use those models as the basis for our extremely fast shielding calculation process. If you like to find out more, I just uploaded my presentation from PTCOG 57 to Research Gate. Contact me via my website/email if you like more information.
  • asked a question related to MCNP
3 answers
I am a regular user of MCNP for detector response and criticality calculations. I am wondering how to correctly approach development of a source term for an alpha beam incident on various targets using MCNPX or MCNP62.
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Megan, here you have a MCNP primer with examples of basic concepts for source term problems.
  • asked a question related to MCNP
2 answers
I calculated reaction rate of S-32 using MCNP f4 tally with fm card. I want to normalize my result to dps/atom/source to suit experimental result. Experimental documents reported Source strength and mass g/cm3 of S-33.
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  • asked a question related to MCNP
6 answers
Several simulation studies show that the MCNP code fails when dealing with detailed physics at nanometric level (e.g., when modeling B4C nanoparticles in neutron shielding materials).
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Dose MCNP6 work at nano scales? is Kerma approximation valid ? How about electron cross sections in MCNP at nano metric scales? could a user use MCNP tallies for nano dimension particles? If you have access to related references please introduce here.
  • asked a question related to MCNP
5 answers
It seems that nano structure has a different cross section to macro structure particle.
what is defined for MCNP is macro-structure x-section?
How nano-particles could be defined at MCNPX?
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Dear friends,
1- There are many papers show that MCNPX can be used for nanoparticle simulations in diameter higher than 30 nm. please see my publications in this regard.
2- MCNPX and other codes use atomic cross section of materials for calculations so the cluster of atoms in a nanoparticles behave like other composite materials as far as we know.
3- The *f8 and F4 tallies can be utililzed in 30 nm scale. electron cutoff is about 1 KeV and its range in water is 10 nm. thus with voxel size of several times higher than this range (10nm) the results can be reliable.
4 -F6 tally which shows energy deposition can not used in place where electronic equilibrium does not exist.
  • asked a question related to MCNP
1 answer
I'm not sure how this would be possible so I'd like some thoughts from the community.
Is there a way to put several materials into the same cell in MCNP? For example, I have 3 compounds (uniformly mixed) and I want to see which compound an electron interacts with. Instead of just putting in overall mass fraction, is there a method to tell MCNP to uniformly consider those compounds? Sort of like a nested material composition card.
M1 = .01*M2+.95*M3+.04*M4
Where M2, M3, M4 have their own mass fraction cards.
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I'm not sure if such an option exists in MCNP but I know of an alternative. There are some modules in PyNE ( ) that you can use to create a custom material libraries, mix those materials as you please, export the materials to mcnp input format.
you will need to install PyNE on your computer and other dependencies.
To use PyNE for example:
> Creating material library
------------------------------------- start of ----------------------------------------------------
#! /usr/bin/python import os from pyne import material from pyne.material import Material, MaterialLibrary, MultiMaterial def He_mat(): nucvec = {20000000: 100} He = Material(nucvec) He.density = 0.0001786 return He #.expand_elements() def W_mat() : nucvec = {740000000: 100.0} W = Material(nucvec=nucvec) W.density = 19.35 return W #.expand_elements()
def main(): # create material library object mat_lib = MaterialLibrary() # get material definition mat_lib['He']= He_mat() mat_lib['W']= W_mat() # remove lib if os.path.exists('my_mat_lib.h5'): os.remove("my_mat_lib.h5") # write fnsf material library mat_lib.write_hdf5("my_mat_lib.h5", datapath='/material_library/materials', nucpath='/material_library/nucid') if __name__ == "__main__": main()
------------------------------------- end of ----------------------------------------------------
> mix materials
------------------------------------------- start of ----------------------------------------------------
#! /usr/bin/python import os from pyne import material from pyne.material import Material, MaterialLibrary, MultiMaterial # Example: mix water and steel by mass # mix=MultiMaterial({mat_lib['SS_316']:0.8,mat_lib['Water']:0.2}) # new_mat=mix.mix_by_mass() # Example: mix water and steel by volume # mix=MultiMaterial({mat_lib['SS_316']:0.8,mat_lib['Water']:0.2}) # new_mat=mix.mix_by_volume() """ Load material library (created using """ def load_matlib(): mat_lib=MaterialLibrary() mat_lib.from_hdf5("my_mat_lib.h5", datapath='/material_library/materials', nucpath='/material_library/nucid') return mat_lib def mix_mat(material_library): mix=MultiMaterial({material_library['He']:0.20, material_library['W']: 0.8}) mixed_mat=mix.mix_by_volume() mixed_mat.metadata['mat_number']=1 mixed_mat.write_mcnp('mcnp_text') return mixed_mat #.expand_elements() def main(): # remove old mcnp_text try: os.remove("mcnp_text") except: pass # remove old mixmat_lib try: os.remove("my_mixmatlib.h5") except: pass # create material library object mixmat_lib = MaterialLibrary() # Load material library mat_lib=load_matlib() # mix OB SR mixed_mat = mix_mat(mat_lib) mixmat_lib['mixed_mat'] = mixed_mat # write material library mixmat_lib.write_hdf5("my_mixmatlib.h5",datapath="/material_library/materials",nucpath="/material_library/nucid") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
--------------------------------------------- end of ----------------------------------------------------
  • asked a question related to MCNP
3 answers
Hi dear
I want to use MICH2 for parallel computing of MCNP. I Try it nut MPIEXEC run multi-time instead of running parallel?
Can anyone help me?
my command is here:
mpiexec -n 2 -noprompt mcnpx.exe i=Sp1w_05.TXT
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Hi dear
I use win7 64 bit.
And I found it in output that multi-time MCNP is running
  • asked a question related to MCNP
2 answers
I am caunting number of particle that transfer energy to a certain cell more than 100 keV for a detector. I can do it by using number of entering particles to cell and pulse height tally F8 (probability of transferring energy more than 100 keV). 
My problem is, in realistic case, more than one particle can enter to cell at the same time (lets say each energy 70 keV) and they can transfer energy totally more than 100 keV. If i count them one by one (what MCNP do), no signal will be generated. But if i count them together i will get a signal. 
So, is there any way to count them together if many particle belongs to same primary and they enter to detection cell at the same time.
Thank you for your time.
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I follow.......
  • asked a question related to MCNP
2 answers
In MCNP 6.1,
I usually use the "problem summary - neutron creation/loss data" from output file without using tally.
Is there any way to get fsd/fom on neutron creation/loss data without using tally.
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You must using tally to get it sir
  • asked a question related to MCNP
3 answers
I run MC simulations with MCNP6, of the imaging process in CyberKnife radiosurgery system. I want to score the scattered photon fluence in a region simulating my detector that comes from a tube that produces 120kVp.
My question is how to score in a different bin the scattered fluence that comes from different cells of interest.
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You can use surface of cell flagging functionality (MCNP 6 manual -
  • asked a question related to MCNP
4 answers
Hello all.
I'm using MCNP6 to get detector response with F8 tally.
In some documents, it is mentioned to use WGT entry in SDEF card to scale source intensity and to get correct results for detector response, but I can't understand the meaning of WGT entry.
I tested to get particle flux inside a detector from point source with WGT=1 and WGT=1000, and the flux for WGT=1000 case became almost same value with the flux multiplied by 1000 with WGT=1.
I think the meaning of flux number with WGT=1 is partcles/cm2/s oper 1-source. Is it correct ?
What is the meaning of WGT entry and how to use it ??
Many thanks.
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At the basic level, the WGT entry on the source card is a tally multiplier. You can use the default (WGT=1.0), and then multiply your tally cards by your source strength (either particles/second or particles) to match the physical situation of your simulation. Another way to go is to set up the source with a WGT equal to the source in your physical geometry. For example, if you were interested in a dose rate at a location inside a Co-60 irradiator with a 1.0 Ci Co-60 source, then you would provide a WGT like the following:
WGT = 7.40e10
[source strength = (3.7e10 dis/s) * (~2 gammas/dis) = 7.4e10 gammas/s]
Your dose rate tally would already be scaled to the source. You could also use and integral number of gammas (say 100 second irradiation, WGT = 7.40e12) and get the total integrated dose. I tend to use 1 for the weight in my calculations and scale the tallies by the source strength, but you may have a different preference.
With regard to how MCNP uses weight during its calculations, the math behind the scenes with regard to Russian roulette, splitting, implicit capture, etc. is designed to provide a "fair game" - or adjusting the weight to make sure that a complete analog Monte Carlo simulation for the same problem would give you the same estimate of the radiation field quantities. The weight games are played to reduce the variance in the MC estimate and converge the estimate more efficiently. In any case, the F4 tally (track length estimate of cell fluence [or fluence rate]) uses this equation to provide its estimate:
F4 = (Weight [particles or particle/s] * Track Length [cm]) / Volume [cm**3]
F4 = particles / cm**2 (or particles / cm**2-s)
The other tallies use the weight in a similar manner.
  • asked a question related to MCNP
8 answers
there is a p-type of HpGe detectors, this kind is characterized by the litium dead layer wich existe in the outer side of the detector cristal and it is increased with the passage of time ( dead layer= 0,7 mm if the detector is new ).
On the other hand, the n-ype of these detectors is characterized by a very thin dead layer ( in order of 10E-4 mm ) in the outer side and gross daed layer in the detector cavity.
Flowing our monte simulation of the n-type HpGE using MCNP gives a clair contrast with the expiremental results. where :
MCNP effeciency /Experemental effeciency <1 .
The insertion of the a dead layer ( dead layer depth= 0,08 mm) in the simulation improve the results especially in the <100 keV energy range.
My quation is, do what i did is correct ? and this value of the dead layer is reasonable after 20 years of functioning ? especially that in the leterature, the study of the dead layer of the n-type detector is rare and it is limited for the dead layer existing in the inere part (the cavity).
  • asked a question related to MCNP
6 answers
Source Definition
gamma source
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Dear Muhammad
You need to define particle energy as distribution for 2 gamma rays (1.17 and 1.33 MeV).
MCNP input:
SDEF POS 0 0 0 ERG=d1 PAR=p
SI1 L 1.17 1.33
SP1 1 1
I recommend you to read this manual. There are examples for many situation.
  • asked a question related to MCNP
2 answers
I guess we need the optical part of GATE. But how do I modify / set the physics to simulate this effect (because geant4 seems to have it already)?
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  • asked a question related to MCNP
9 answers
The F6 tally is an energy deposition tally over the cell, with units of MeV/g. I am trying to find the energy deposition of just the cell in MeV. I am trying to multiply the mass of the particle to every tally to get the units in MeV. What is the syntax of an FMn Multiplier Tally?
Would it be easier to use *f8 tally? The manual is not clear on how the calculations of the *f8 tally.
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Both the F6 and *F8 tallies of MCNP code can be utilized for calculation of absorbed dose by MCNP.
The tally F6 is total energy deposition per mass in a cell, given in MeV/g
The *F8 tallies is the total energy deposition in a cell given in MeV
The calculated values were converted to Gy by dividing MeV by the mass within the cell and multiplying by 1.602×10-8 to convert the units from MeV g-1 to (Gy).
I suggest using *F8 with the Mode p e to obtain the deposited energy in the interesting volume or cell
Can you tell where you will use these tallies ... to calculate the dose in a body phantom, dosimeter?.
see our paper in JINST maybe will be helpful
A comparative evaluation of luminescence detectors: RPL-GD-301, TLD-100 and OSL-AL 2 O 3 :C, using Monte Carlo simulations
July 2017Journal of Instrumentation 12(07):P07017-P07017
DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/12/07/P07017
  • asked a question related to MCNP
6 answers
I have been running an MCNP code which I believe to be sending a beam of neutrons through a slab of graphite to a point tally on the other side. Every time I run the code it says that the first ten neutrons got 'lost' and so it doesn't finish running the model. Any ideas about the cause and potential solutions would be greatly appreciated. I attached the input file if that is helpful in determining the problem.
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check the definition of your cells, try to zoom in the view of the cells in visual editor in all angles, a red dotted line indicates that cell is not defined well, hence the leakage
  • asked a question related to MCNP
3 answers
How do I perform a simulation build up factor for spectrum x-ray by MCNP?
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Please where do i locate temperature of the reactor from MCNP input deck??
  • asked a question related to MCNP
9 answers
Is it any way to calculate the keff in the system with the external neutron source? I only found such thing as MCNP Net Multiplication Factor (page 215 of MCNP 5 Vol. i Manual).
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There is no way. Because of the keff is calculated in criticality tasks only. For the tasks with external source one can calculate number of generated neutrons.
  • asked a question related to MCNP
3 answers
KCODE only normalized to power (with 1/keff) to obtain tally absolute value. I'm not sure if I use SDEF instead of KSRC in KCODE problem, do I normalize tally with source strength and the 1/keff factor? Or only the source strength?
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Be very cautious here: KCODE problems are not fixed source (i.e., normalized per source neutron) even if the initial source distribution is given by an SDEF code rather than KSRC. In KCODE, SDEF only defines the initial source distribution. After the first cycle, the fission source points generated in the previous cycle are used.
As for normalization of tallies, the tallies in KCODE are normalized PER FISSION NEUTRON. So, you must normalize to the value related to the reactor power, nu-bar, keff, and energy released per fission.
  • asked a question related to MCNP
4 answers
Hi all, 
So, I am presently working on running an MCNP dosimetry input file. First, I used Matlab to create a 3D matrix(voxel) from a .dcm dicom image. 
Now i am looking to convert this matrix to an MCNP input file by assigning materials to the CT numbers i have from my Matlab file.
How do I go about this
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I need to use the Dicom images in MCNP. Did you find the solution Isaac ?
  • asked a question related to MCNP
7 answers
I'm doing burnup calculation on fuel pins of different sizes, mainly a full size, 1/4 and 1/8. My full size and 1/4 models seem to be working fine, but my 1/8 model is giving me a tough time. I get the image of the 1/8 model in VISED but also a message stating that my "material numbers have no m cards" and obviously MCNP won't run without material cards. How can I resolve this?
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Hi !
I'm not expert on MCNP but try to put a blank line between "surface card" and "Data card".
MCNP need three blank line to read input file :
- Between the "Cell card" and the "Surface card"
- Between the "Surface card" and the "Data card"
- After the "Data card"
Excuse me for my poor english.
  • asked a question related to MCNP
8 answers
I have a mono-energetic neutron source. The neutrons hit a scintillator. Is it possible to do a tally (F4 maybe) of the energy of protons that get hit in the scintillator? My notes on MCNP include only neutron/photon/electrons in the tallies
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  • asked a question related to MCNP
3 answers
I am trying to simulate the reaction that happen in a cyclotron, but I have problems to find the number of reaction for (proton, alfa). (R)
F4:H 4 $ cell 4
FM4 -1.538 R -107
In MCNP6 I found the number of reaction for neutros or photons, but not for protons. Can you help me?
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MT 107 is allowed for all types of incident particles, your tally should therefore also include (p,a) reactions. If you do not have incident neutrons then your tally should reflect the desired value. You should be able to verify by just adding a MT 1 tally for all neutron interactions.
See here for further details:
  • asked a question related to MCNP
6 answers
I am using the F2 tally to find the flux through a surface, and then binning the results. I am then plotting the data on Matlab. Is there a way to scale the data logarithmically in MCNP instead of using loglog function in Matlab?
Is the F2 tally outputting the average flux of particles through a surface?
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e0 1e-3 599ilog 1e3 (MCNP6 Manual, Section 2.8.1)
Is this what you are looking for?
  • asked a question related to MCNP
2 answers
It's known that MCNP starts processing banked particles once the main track terminates starting from the last stored particle. ptrac output file lists details about the next event along the particle track. Is there a way to know the starting location of a banked particle?!
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Actually there is. Look in the history for the 1000 identifier in position 3, indicating that this is the source (src) of the history. Position 6 should be the cell where the event started. The X Y and X are the first 3 entries in the line that follows. Of course you have to include the src otion in the EVENTS= statement on your PTRAC card.
  • asked a question related to MCNP
8 answers
How can I calculate the thermal spectrum & the neutron spectrum effect on neutron activation using MCNP, if i have  neutron monoenergetic point sources?
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BURN card is very suitable to activate material. But it can be used only in kcode calculation.
  • asked a question related to MCNP
12 answers
I've been trying for a while to get a lattice-cell-source running with an ordinary cell-source in MCNP. I can get them both working separately but when I try and combine them I get the following fatal error: distribution 1 for cel is the wrong kind
My source code is as follows (apologies for it not displaying with the correct formatting):
CEL=D9 $ Fatal error. distribution 1 for cel is the wrong kind
X D11
Y D12
Z D13
DS9 S 4 10
DS11 S 1 14
DS12 S 2 15
DS13 S 3 16
c ---- Lattice cell source-----
SI4 L (3<2[-5:5 -5:5 -10:10]<5)
SP4 1 2540r
SI1 -0.12 0.12
SP1 0 1
SI2 -0.12 0.12
SP2 0 1
SI3 -0.12 0.12
SP3 0 1
c ---- Separate cell source ---
SI10 L 25
SP10 1
SI14 22.8 27.2
SP14 0 1
SI15 -2.2 2.2
SP15 0 1
SI16 -2.2 2.2
SP16 0 1
Do any of you know how to declare an embedded source along with an ordinary cell source? Any advice appreciated.
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With help from a colleague we have found a solution, included below. It involves including an FCEL dependancy on each distribution, as well as calling the cells directly within the CEL distribution without adding another D-card. Then ALL of the cells must be included in the following distributions.
SI9 L (3<2[-5:5 -5:5 -10:10]<5) 25
c Cells 3 and 25 are called (3 is in the lattice notation)
SP9 1 2540r 2079
c assigning importance to each cell: lattice ~55%, PuO ball ~45%
DS11 S 1 2540r 14
c First 2541 cells have D1 attached, the last cell is attached to D14
DS12 S 2 2540r 15
c First 2541 cells have D2 attached, the last cell is attached to D15
DS13 S 3 2540r 16
c First 2541 cells have D3 attached, the last cell is attached to D16
c ---- Lattice cell source-----
SI1 -0.12 0.12
SP1 0 1
SI2 -0.12 0.12
SP2 0 1
SI3 -0.12 0.12
SP3 0 1
c ---- Separate cell source ---
SI14 22.8 27.2
SP14 0 1
SI15 -2.2 2.2
SP15 0 1
SI16 -2.2 2.2
SP16 0 1
Thank you for reading and trying to answer my questions. It's always tricky trying to do so without much context.