Science topic
MBSR - Science topic
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Questions related to MBSR
Mindfulness is included in 3º therapy generations, but maybe the Principal MBI instructors (or MBSR, MBCT) are using a cognitive model.
I'm writing a protocol to assess the influence of MBSR (8-week) on patients diagnosed w/chronic illness. I'd like to assess pre- and post mindfulness trait.
Does anyone know of research comparing smaller vs longer doses of mindfulness training effects? In many populations (e.g., surgeons, parents with children, etc.) attending a weekly 2.5 hour MBSR class for 8 or 9 weeks is not feasible. What about more shorter duration classes?
Effectiveness of mindfulness-based stress reduction program in treating and/or preventing form morbidity on coronary heart diseases
I am about to apply a mindfulness intervention using MBSR. My design is experimental with pre-post test measurements. My question is. Should I apply mindful scale right after the last session, or should I wait for a few days? I imagine that if I applied the scale just after completing, I would be measuring mindfulness state instead of mindfulness trait. The scale I will use is MAAS.
We are looking for recent studies (within the last 5 years), which generally focus on the normal working class / especially self-employed people and if MBSR (mindfulness based stress reduction) reduces and prevents stress or burnout.
Also if there are studies on people which have had Burn Out Syndrome and got into touch with MBSR within the recovery process. Progress? Did it help? etc.
There is plenty of research on mindfulness but research on the use of mindfulness within nursing practice seems scarce.