Science topic
Lymnaea - Science topic
A genus of dextrally coiled freshwater snails that includes some species of importance as intermediate hosts of parasitic flukes.
Publications related to Lymnaea (4,090)
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Pharmaceuticals such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), are increasingly detected in aquatic environments, posing potential risks to non-target organisms, because many of those substances are widely shared neuromodulator. In this study, we investigated the effects of SSRI antidepressant, namely, fluoxetine, exposure on the freshwat...
Fasciola-induced fascioliasis is a zoonotic disease with significant health and economic impacts on humans and livestock. Freshwater Lymnaea snails serve as intermediate hosts, contributing to the increasing prevalence of fascioliasis in cattle in coastal areas. The salinity tolerance of Lymnaea snails was investigated along with their distribution...
Herbivores are generally considered to reduce plant fitness. However, as in natural communities they often feed on several competing plant species, herbivores can also increase plant fitness by reducing interspecific competition among plants. In this study, we developed a testable model to predict plant fitness in the presence of an interspecific c...
Molluscs play an important role in public and veterinary health, making the continuous study of their distribution essential. The main goal of this investigation was to examine the distribution of freshwater molluscs in Lake Kivu, located on the DR Congo side. Semi-quantitative surveys conducted from January to December 2019 focused on selected sit...
Pesticides extensively used in agricultural fields to ensure high quality crop yields indirectly find their way to aquatic bodies where they affect aquatic biota. We investigated the effects of pesticides in different dam waters on esterase enzyme activity of the freshwater snail species Lymnaea natalensis. Groups of adult snails were exposed to 0....
Long-term memory (LTM) formation relies on de novo protein synthesis; however, the full complement of proteins crucial to LTM formation remains unknown in any system. Using an aversive operant conditioning model of aerial respiratory behavior in the pond snail mollusk, Lymnaea stagnalis (L. stagnalis), we conducted a transcriptome-guided proteomic...
The article deals with influence of heavy metal ions (cadmium, zinc, copper, lead, chromium, manganese and nickel) on β-carotene content in hemolymph, hepatopancreas, mantle and foot of Lymnaea stagnalis . Its content dynamics was non-linear, owing to nature and specificity of the ions' effects, the exposure time and metabolic features of the organ...
The two stork species that nest in Central Europe, Ciconia ciconia and Ciconia nigra, have been repeatedly shown to host the digenetic trematode Cathaemasia hians (Rudolphi, 1809) in their esophagus and muscular stomach. These host species differ in their habitat and food preferences, and the morphologic characters of C. hians isolates ex Ci. nigra...
The great pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis has served as a model organism for over a century in diverse disciplines such as neurophysiology, evolution, ecotoxicology and developmental biology. To support both established uses and newly emerging research interests we have performed whole genome sequencing (avg.176 × depth), assembly and annotation of a...
This research was conducted to determine the condition of the river ecosystem based on the Gastropod diversity index value. The research was conducted at two stations. The data collection method is simple random sampling. Data analysis used the Shannon – Weaver diversity index (H'). The research results obtained five Gastropod species, namely Pila...
To determine the composition of macrozoobenthos in the waters of the Babura river. The parameters measured are biological parameters, namely macrozoobenthos composition supported by physical and chemical parameters in the Babura river waters. The parameters measured in this research are biotic parameters, namely the type of macrozoobenthos and abio...
Optic photoreception is a critical function for animal survival. Across the evolutionary spectrum, diverse animal models have been used to investigate visual system function and potential mechanisms under physiological or pathophysiological states. However less is known on photoreceptive behaviors and retinal processing in invertebrates, especially...
Although the mechanisms of molluscan shell growth have been studied using mathematical models, little is known about the molecular basis underpinning shell morphogenesis. Here, we performed Wnt activation experiments to elucidate the potential roles of Wnt signaling in the shell growth of Lymnaea stagnalis. In general, we observed following three t...
The ubiquitous presence of plastics represents a global threat for all ecosystems and human health. In this study, we evaluated, in vitro and in vivo, the genotoxic potential of different concentrations of polystyrene microplastics (PS-MPs) and their possible synergistic interactions with bisphenol-A (BPA). For the in vitro and the in vivo assays,...
This study investigates the distribution of the Lymnaea (Radix) spp. in Pak Chong district,Nakhon Ratchasima province, northeast Thailand, where a vast cattle farming area is locatedand has a high prevalence of Fasciola spp. in the cattle. By random selection, 1,414 snails werecollected from the natural and man-made ponds. The snails were recorded...
Several terrestrial pulmonates attain the status of pests, calling for immediate control measures. The slug Deroceras reticulatum causes extensive damage to potato tubers and winter wheat in England and commonly consumes the vegetation available in its habitat (Ruhan & Hunter, 1970). In India, particularly throughout Tamil Nadu, Laevicaulis alte is...
Freshwater snails serve as intermediate hosts in the life cycles of various human and animal parasites, notably trematodes or flukes. This study explores the seasonal distribution and abundance of freshwater snails in the Ojo area of Lagos State between 2021 and 2022. We examined nine drainages and seven ponds within Lagos State University (LASU),...
Genetic drift, gene flow, and natural selection commonly influence population genetic diversity. In populations of self‐compatible hermaphrodites, the mating system (e.g., self‐fertilization) further reduces individual heterozygosity. Furthermore, selfing, as a form of inbreeding, significantly impacts genetic drift by reducing effective population...
Despite the lack of endogenous synthesis and relevant nuclear receptors, several papers have been published over the decades claiming that the physiology of mollusks is affected by natural and synthetic sex steroids. With scant evidence for the existence of functional steroid nuclear receptors in mollusks, some scientists have speculated that the e...
The presence of the organotin compound tributyltin (TBT) in aquatic ecosystems has been a serious environmental problem for decades. Although a number of studies described the negative impact of TBT on mollusks at different levels, investigations connected to its potential effects during embryogenesis have been neglected. For a better understanding...
Lymnaea rubiginosa as a snail host found in the Babura River, Medan City, is a type of snail that is known to be an intermediate host in the life cycle of several trematode worms. Lymnaea rubiginosa was collected using net sources at four research stations and there were 10 sub stations at each research station. Research in 2023 found Lymneae rubig...
Carnosine is a naturally occurring endogenous dipeptide with well‐recognized anti‐inflammatory, antioxidant, and neuroprotective effects at the central nervous system level. To date, very few studies have been focused on the ability of carnosine to rescue and/or enhance memory. Here, we used a well‐known invertebrate model system, the pond snail Ly...
The availability and quality of water system in 21st century plays a vital role in the growth and survival of all living organisms. Eleyele Lake is a general-purpose water body which supplies water to various communities in Ibadan metropolis. This research aimed to investigate the quality of the water using physico-chemical parameters and their inf...
Pollution by the endocrine disruptor tributyltin (TBT) has been one of the major threats to aquatic ecosystems for decades. Recent studies reported that it can also cause metabolic disruption in both invertebrates and vertebrates, underlying the need for further and more detailed analysis of the precise physiological impact of TBT. The present stud...
In Europe, avian schistosomes of the genus Trichobilharzia are the most common etiological agents involved in human cercarial dermatitis (swimmer’s itch). Manifested by a skin rash, the condition is caused by an allergic reaction to cercariae of nonhuman schistosomes. Humans are an accidental host in this parasite’s life cycle, while wat...
This study evaluated the impact of pesticide application through agricultural activities in Chanchaga River, Nigeria, using macroinvertebrate data sets obtained for six months (September 2021–February 2022). Four (4) stations, characterized by various agricultural activities, were sampled along the river. Analysis of the water samples for organochl...
The common medicinal plant of Euphorbia hirta (Family: Euphorbiaceae) has potent molluscicidal and piscicidal activity against freshwater snails and fishes. The toxicological actions of the diterpenoids, rutin, β-sitosterol, botulin, and ellagic acid present in the Euphorbia hirta plant. Euphorbia hirta is an important medicinal herb, it is a widel...
In recent years, new concepts have emerged regarding the nomenclature, functions, and relationships of different peptide families of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) superfamily. One of the main driving forces for this originated from the emerging evidence that neuropeptides previously called molluscan GnRH are multifunctional and should b...
Evidence has been accumulating that elements of the vertebrate pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) system are missing in non-chordate genomes, which is at odds with the partial sequence-, immunohistochemical-, and physiological data in the literature. Multilevel experiments were performed on the great pond snail (Lymnaea stag...
Problem Statement and Purpose. Generalized data on the location of freshwater molluscs of the families Bulinidae Herrmansen, 1846 and Lymnaeidae Lamarck, 1799 of the Karagan, Konk, and Sarmatian regions of Southern Ukraine are given. The location of bulinids and lymnaeids in the Neogene of Southern Ukraine and other territories, as well as the feat...
1,2-dibromo-4-(1,2 dibromoethyl) cyclohexane (TBECH) is a brominated flame retardant used as a chemical additive in commercial and industrial manufacturing to reduce product flammability. TBECH has previously been shown to be an endocrine disruptor of the gonadal and thyroid axes, however, its neurotoxic effects, including effects on elec...
A cross-sectional study was conducted from October 2013 to April 2014 to determine the prevalence of bovine fasciolosis and its associated risk factors in and around Debretabor town. The current finding revealed that the overall fasciolosis prevalence was 20.5% (79/384). Similarly, the prevalence of the parasites in female and male also showed that...
The endocannabinoid system (ECS) plays an important role in neuroprotection, neuroplasticity, energy balance, modulation of stress, and inflammatory responses, acting as a critical link between the brain and the body's peripheral regions, while also offering promising potential for novel therapeutic strategies. Unfortunately, in humans, pharmacolog...
We investigated the therapeutic effects of EDTA application for 14 and 28 days on cadmium (Cd) induced pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis (Linnaeus, 1758). The sublethal concentration of cadmium (63.4 mg/l Cd) caused tissue damages to the snail after an exposure for 28 days.
In the groups treated with EDTA, the concentration of Cd in the foot, mantle and...
Gastropod molluscs such as Aplysia , Lymnaea , and Tritonia have been important for determining fundamental rules of motor control, learning, and memory because of their large, individually identifiable neurons. Yet only a small number of gastropod neurons have known molecular markers, limiting the ability to establish brain‐wide structure–function...
Freshwater ecosystems are susceptible to invasion by alien macrophytes due to their connectivity and various plant dispersal vectors. These ecosystems often experience anthropogenic nutrient enrichment, favouring invasive species that efficiently exploit these resources. Propagule pressure (reflecting the quantity of introduced individ...
Glufosinate-ammonium (GLA), an organophosphate herbicide, is released at high concentrations in the environment, leading to concerns over its potential genotoxic effects. However, few articles are available in the literature reporting the possible cellular and nuclear effects of this compound. We assessed, by in vitro and in vivo micronucleus assay...
Snails are the first intermediate host in the life cycle of trematodes. Previous research found that Trichopodus microlepis fish, cultured in earthen ponds in Tan Nhut Commune, Binh Chanh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam had a high infection rate with metacercariae of Centrocestus formosanus and Procevorum sp. It is necessary to investigate whet...
To test the hypothesis that a sleep-like quiescent state enhances memory consolidation in the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis, we interposed a period in which snails experienced either a quiescent, sleeping state or an active, non-sleeping state following escape behavior suppression learning (EBSL). During EBSL training, the number of escapes made by...
Herbivores are generally considered to reduce plant fitness. However, as in natural communities herbivores often feed on several competing plant species, herbivores can also increase plant fitness by reducing interspecific competition among plants. In this study, we developed a testable model to predict plant fitness in the presence of an interspec...
Animals, including humans, learn and remember to avoid a novel food when its ingestion is followed, hours later, by sickness - a phenomenon initially identified during World War II as a potential means of pest control. In the 1960s, John Garcia (for whom the effect is now named) demonstrated that this form of conditioned taste aversion had broader...
Habitat complexity can enhance the resilience of wetlands against environmental stressors such as extreme weather events, pollution, and habitat loss. The introduction of artificial induced complexity (AIC) can play a significant role in reshaping the macroinvertebrate communities within wetland ecosystems by enhancing habitat quality in protected...
The remarkable diversity observed in the structure and development of the molluscan nervous system raises intriguing questions regarding the molecular mechanisms underlying neurogenesis in Mollusca. The expression of SoxB family transcription factors plays a pivotal role in neuronal development, thereby offering valuable insights into...
The presence of the organotin compound tributyltin (TBT) in aquatic ecosystems has been a serious environmental problem for decades. Although a number of studies described the negative impact of TBT on mollusks at different levels, investigations on its potential effects on molluscan embryos have been neglected. In the present study, embryos of the...
Avian schistosomes are snail-borne trematode parasites (Trichobilharzia spp.) that can cause a nasty skin rash in humans when their cercariae mistake us for their normal bird hosts. We sought to investigate drivers of the spatial distribution of Trichobilharzia cercaria abundance throughout Northern Michigan lakes. For 38 sites on 16 lakes, we asse...
Cercariae of Plagiorchis spp. are frequently reported in European freshwater snails, but their true diversity is difficult to estimate due to subtle differences in morphology. We molecularly characterized 67 isolates of Plagiorchis cercariae collected from four lymnaeid snail hosts, Ampullaceana balthica, Ampullaceana lagotis, Radix auricularia and...
The aim of this study is twofold: i) to determine innovative yet sensitive endpoints for sulfoxaflor and ii) to develop best practices for innovative teaching in ecotoxicology. To this end, a group of 52 MSc students participated in an environmental hackathon, during which they did creative toxicity testing on 5 freshwater invertebrate species: Dap...
It is uncertain when the head collar and collar spines of Isthmiophora hortensis (Digenea: Echinostomatidae), a zoonotic echinostome species in Far Eastern Asia, develop during its larval stages. In this study, the appearance of the head collar and collar spines was studied using light and scanning electron microscopy in cercariae and metacercariae...
Leishmania tarentolae (LEXSY) system is an inexpensive and effective expression approach for various research and medical purposes. The stated advantages of this system are the possibility of obtaining the soluble product in the cytoplasm, a high probability of correct protein folding with a full range of post-translational modifications (including...
Freshwater organisms are suitable models to study the fate of environmental pollutants. Due to their versatile and everyday use, many environmental pollutants such as triclocarban (TCC) or multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) enter environmental compartments very easily. TCC is known as a disinfectant and is declared as a highly aquatic toxicant....
The great pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis has served as a model organism for over a century in diverse disciplines such as neurophysiology, evolution, ecotoxicology and developmental biology. To support both established uses and newly emerging research interests we have performed whole genome sequencing (~ 176 x depth), assembly and annotation of a si...
The exposure to sublethally high temperature reduces reproductive performance in diverse organisms. Although this effect has been particularly emphasized for males or male reproductive functioning, it remains largely unknown whether the effect of heat on fertility is sex-specific. Here we examined the impact of sublethally high temperature on male...
Proses penambangan tanah liat (clay) yang dilakukan PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk pabrik Tuban menghasilkan cekungan-cekungan yang berisi air tanah sehingga terbentuk embung yang selalu berisi air di setiap tahunnya. Embung sebagai salah satu badan perairan merupakan habitat dan ekosistem bagi makrozoobentos. Selama kurun waktu embung bekas pena...
The work discusses some issues related to the species diversity of helminth larvae developing in the body of freshwater molluscs and insects distributed in the territory of Karakalpakstan, a vast region in Uzbekistan. A total of 42 species of parasites in larval form were identified in the region; 27 species were recorded in aquatic molluscs and 15...
There is growing evidence of negative impacts of antidepressants on behavior of aquatic non-target organisms. Accurate environmental risk assessment requires an understanding of whether antidepressants with similar modes of action have consistent negative impacts. Here, we tested the effect of acute exposure to two antidepressants, fluoxetine and v...
Herbivory-induced responses in plants are typical examples of phenotypic plasticity, and their evolution is thought to be driven by herbivory. However, direct evidence of the role of induced responses in plant adaptive evolution to herbivores is scarce. Here, we experimentally evolve populations of an aquatic plant (Spirodela polyrhiza, giant duckw...
Labeling of 5-HT-immunoreactive structures was performed on eye slices of freshwater molluscs Lymnaea stagnalis and Pomacea canaliculata. In the periocular region of both species an increased density of 5-HTergic fibers forming structurally distinct plexuses and partially penetrating into the retina was detected. Transcription of serotonin receptor...
There is mounting evidence that intestinal microbiota communities and their genes (the gut microbiome) influence how animals behave and interact with their environment, driving individual variation. Individual covariation in behavioural, physiological, and cognitive traits among individuals along a fast–slow continuum is thought to arise because th...
Con el objetivo de evaluar de manera preliminar poblaciones de morfotipos con patrones de marcadores fenotípicos de resistencia a infección artificial por miracidio para su utilización en el control de fasciolosis en ganado vacuno, se multiplicaron los hospedadores intermediarios con resistencia a formas infectivas de Fasciola hepatica en condicion...
The aim of this study was to investigate the antibacterial activity of Lymnaea auricularia (snail) tissue powder and shell powder against different human pathogenic bacteria (Escherichia Coli, Pseudomonas aeruginoa and Klebsiella pneumonia). Four concentration was tested (75,100.125,150) mg\ml of the powder with well diffusion assay. The highest ac...
The sensitive detection of pesticides using low-cost receptors designed from peptides can widen their uses in the environmental surveillance for emerging pollutants. In-silico selection of peptides can help accelerate the design of receptor sequence banks for a given target of interest. In this work, we started from Lymnaea stagnalis acetylcholine-...
Color polymorphism is a classic study system for evolutionary genetics. One of the most color‐polymorphic animal taxa is mollusks, but the investigation of the genetic basis of color determination is often hindered by their life history and the limited availability of genetic resources. Here, we report on the discovery of shell color polymorphism i...
The impact of climate change has led to variations in various biological processes, leading to altered transmission dynamics of infectious diseases, including snail-borne diseases (SBDs). Fascioliasis is one of the neglected zoonotic tropical snail-borne diseases caused by the trematode of the genus Fasciola. This review focused on labor...
The diversity in the organization of the nervous system in mollusks raises intriguing questions about its development and evolution. Our study aims to gain a deeper understanding of how the nervous system forms in Mollusca by examining the involvement of SoxB-family transcription factors in the early development of neurogenic zones. Specifically, w...
In eastern Uttar Pradesh, fascioliasis, an endemic zoonotic disease, is quite prevalent. Essential oils that are produced from various plants are extremely important to human health. The current study found that the essential oils from Tachyspermum ammi seeds and S