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Loyalty - Science topic

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Questions related to Loyalty
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
1 answer
What ere the theories involved in the relationship between perceived value, satisfaction, and loyalty to the destination?
Relevant answer
The relationship between perceived value, satisfaction, and loyalty to a destination is a key area of interest in tourism and consumer behavior research. Several theories underpin this relationship, highlighting how these constructs interact to influence tourists’ decisions and behaviors. Here's an overview:
1. Expectancy-Disconfirmation Theory
Core Idea: Satisfaction arises when a tourist's experiences meet or exceed their pre-visit expectations (positive disconfirmation). If the destination underperforms relative to expectations, dissatisfaction occurs.
Link to Constructs:
Perceived value shapes expectations and influences satisfaction.
Satisfaction, in turn, contributes to loyalty if experiences exceed expectations.
2. Equity Theory
Core Idea: Tourists assess the fairness of the value they receive compared to the costs (monetary, time, effort) they incur. This perception of fairness affects satisfaction.
Link to Constructs:
High perceived value (fair exchange) leads to greater satisfaction.
Satisfied tourists are more likely to remain loyal to the destination.
3. Cognitive-Affective Model
Core Idea: Perceived value influences both cognitive (rational evaluation) and affective (emotional) responses. Satisfaction is a blend of these cognitive and emotional evaluations.
Link to Constructs:
Positive emotions and rational evaluations enhance satisfaction.
Satisfaction strengthens the emotional and rational basis for loyalty.
4. Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)
Core Idea: Behavioral intentions (like loyalty) are shaped by attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control.
Link to Constructs:
Perceived value and satisfaction influence attitudes toward revisiting or recommending a destination.
Positive attitudes foster stronger loyalty intentions.
5. Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) Model
Core Idea: External stimuli (destination attributes) influence internal responses (perceived value and satisfaction), which drive behavioral outcomes (loyalty).
Link to Constructs:
The perceived value acts as the stimulus, satisfaction as the organism's response, and loyalty as the ultimate behavioral outcome.
6. Social Exchange Theory
Core Idea: Tourists evaluate their experiences based on the balance of benefits (e.g., enjoyment, unique experiences) and costs.
Link to Constructs:
High perceived value (benefits outweigh costs) enhances satisfaction.
Satisfied tourists are more likely to develop loyalty due to positive exchanges.
7. Push-Pull Theory
Core Idea: Tourists are "pushed" by internal motives (e.g., relaxation, adventure) and "pulled" by external attributes of the destination (e.g., scenery, culture).
Link to Constructs:
Perceived value arises from the alignment of push and pull factors.
Satisfaction with these factors fosters destination loyalty.
8. Customer Delight and Loyalty Theories
Core Idea: Beyond satisfaction, customer delight (unexpectedly positive experiences) significantly boosts loyalty.
Link to Constructs:
A perceived value exceeding expectations leads to delight.
Delight is a stronger predictor of loyalty than mere satisfaction.
Understanding these theories helps destination marketers and planners craft strategies to enhance perceived value, maximize satisfaction, and cultivate loyalty among tourists. Each theory provides insights into different aspects of tourist behavior, offering a holistic view of the relationship.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
1 answer
What ere the theories involved in the relationship between perceived value, satisfaction, and loyalty to the destination?
Relevant answer
The relationship between perceived value, satisfaction, and loyalty to a destination is a key area of interest in tourism and consumer behavior research. Several theories underpin this relationship, highlighting how these constructs interact to influence tourists’ decisions and behaviors. Here's an overview:
1. Expectancy-Disconfirmation Theory
Core Idea: Satisfaction arises when a tourist's experiences meet or exceed their pre-visit expectations (positive disconfirmation). If the destination underperforms relative to expectations, dissatisfaction occurs.
Link to Constructs:
Perceived value shapes expectations and influences satisfaction.
Satisfaction, in turn, contributes to loyalty if experiences exceed expectations.
2. Equity Theory
Core Idea: Tourists assess the fairness of the value they receive compared to the costs (monetary, time, effort) they incur. This perception of fairness affects satisfaction.
Link to Constructs:
High perceived value (fair exchange) leads to greater satisfaction.
Satisfied tourists are more likely to remain loyal to the destination.
3. Cognitive-Affective Model
Core Idea: Perceived value influences both cognitive (rational evaluation) and affective (emotional) responses. Satisfaction is a blend of these cognitive and emotional evaluations.
Link to Constructs:
Positive emotions and rational evaluations enhance satisfaction.
Satisfaction strengthens the emotional and rational basis for loyalty.
4. Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)
Core Idea: Behavioral intentions (like loyalty) are shaped by attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control.
Link to Constructs:
Perceived value and satisfaction influence attitudes toward revisiting or recommending a destination.
Positive attitudes foster stronger loyalty intentions.
5. Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) Model
Core Idea: External stimuli (destination attributes) influence internal responses (perceived value and satisfaction), which drive behavioral outcomes (loyalty).
Link to Constructs:
The perceived value acts as the stimulus, satisfaction as the organism's response, and loyalty as the ultimate behavioral outcome.
6. Social Exchange Theory
Core Idea: Tourists evaluate their experiences based on the balance of benefits (e.g., enjoyment, unique experiences) and costs.
Link to Constructs:
High perceived value (benefits outweigh costs) enhances satisfaction.
Satisfied tourists are more likely to develop loyalty due to positive exchanges.
7. Push-Pull Theory
Core Idea: Tourists are "pushed" by internal motives (e.g., relaxation, adventure) and "pulled" by external attributes of the destination (e.g., scenery, culture).
Link to Constructs:
Perceived value arises from the alignment of push and pull factors.
Satisfaction with these factors fosters destination loyalty.
8. Customer Delight and Loyalty Theories
Core Idea: Beyond satisfaction, customer delight (unexpectedly positive experiences) significantly boosts loyalty.
Link to Constructs:
A perceived value exceeding expectations leads to delight.
Delight is a stronger predictor of loyalty than mere satisfaction.
Understanding these theories helps destination marketers and planners craft strategies to enhance perceived value, maximize satisfaction, and cultivate loyalty among tourists. Each theory provides insights into different aspects of tourist behavior, offering a holistic view of the relationship.
"compiled through AI source"
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
4 answers
Which theories in digital marketing and destination loyalty are considered the most influential today?
Relevant answer
In the realms of digital marketing and destination loyalty, several theories and frameworks have gained prominence due to their relevance and applicability in contemporary practices. Here are some of the most influential:
  1. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)Overview: Emphasizes building long-term relationships with customers through personalized marketing and engagement. Influence: The rise of data analytics and customer segmentation allows businesses to tailor their strategies effectively.
  2. The Service-Dominant Logic (SDL)Overview: Suggests that value is co-created through interactions between providers and customers. Influence: Encourages businesses to focus on customer experiences rather than just transactional exchanges, which is crucial for destination loyalty.
  3. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)Overview: Explains how users come to accept and use technology based on perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. Influence: Guides the design of digital marketing tools and platforms, ensuring they meet user needs effectively.
  4. Social Proof TheoryOverview: Suggests that individuals look to others for cues on how to behave, especially in uncertain situations. Influence: Highly relevant in digital marketing, where reviews, testimonials, and social media influence consumer decisions.
  5. The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)Overview: Proposes that intention is the primary predictor of behavior, influenced by attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. Influence: Helps marketers understand the factors that drive consumer loyalty and destination choices.
  6. Brand Equity TheoryOverview: Focuses on the value added to a product or service by having a well-known brand name. Influence: Strong brand equity increases customer loyalty, making it crucial for destinations aiming to attract repeat visitors.
  7. Experiential MarketingOverview: Focuses on creating memorable experiences for consumers rather than merely selling products or services. Influence: Vital for destinations, as unique experiences can drive loyalty and word-of-mouth referrals.
  8. Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)Overview: Emphasizes the importance of a unified message across different marketing channels. Influence: Ensures consistency in branding and messaging, which is essential for building destination loyalty.
  9. Customer Experience (CX) ManagementOverview: Focuses on optimizing all interactions a customer has with a brand. Influence: A positive customer experience is critical for fostering loyalty, especially in the competitive travel and tourism sectors.
  10. Commitment-Trust TheoryOverview: Proposes that trust and commitment are central to successful relationships in marketing. Influence: Highlights the importance of trust in building loyalty for destinations among travelers.
These theories collectively inform strategies that digital marketers and destination managers can employ to enhance customer engagement and foster loyalty.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
1 answer
This should be conceptualized from the ability to alleviate conflict emergence and enhance productivity.
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Work culture has transformed over the years and so the push to do away with conservative work culture. Modern worker is fully engaged with new demands, new lifestyles angling around the ultimate need for flexibility and freedom. To overcome this, traditional companies have to play by the rules of the day in the name of attracting "loyalty". They are likely offering more incentives to employees, better pay among others. That is why in Western countries, there is a push for 6hr,4-working days. Of course there are other factors such economic decline and aging population, also in the Western world.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
1 answer
“Affirmation of Harm Avoidance, Reciprocity, Gender, Sex, and Transgenderism: Conventional wisdom is that positive affirmations are highly important as one's thinking often affects that same person's actions. The more left one goes on the political spectrum the more that individual emphasizes harm avoidance and reciprocity over purity, authority, and in-group loyalty as far as moral roots. Gender is definitely a social construct. A man can become a transgender woman simply by identifying as much. Likewise, a gender can change based only on self identity. Transgenderism (the state of being transgender) is when gender does NOT match stereotypical sex. Since gender is completely a social construct, surgeries to reassign sex are costly and completely unnecessary”( ).
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Trans rights, as rights of all people, require support and protection in all spheres of life.
Thus how any individual person is able to support and protect trans rights will depend somewhat on their sphere of influence and expertise, as well as generally within day to day life.
Access to gender affirming healthcare, and general healthcare which is not discriminatory are fundamental to health and happiness. Ensuring that this is enshrined within legislation by voting accordingly is an important element to this - as well as, where necessary, pushing for legislative change.
A great deal comes down to treating people as they wish to be treated, even if they are not in the room - using correct names and pronouns, and gently correcting others if needed.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
3 answers
Are there any developed measures or techniques to assess this impact?
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Dear Researcher,
According to the title, it is better to use structural equation modeling method.
Best wishes
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
6 answers
In offering this question I place myself within a position of prejudice. Although he has strategic sense I tend to believe that violent people, contrary to modern myths such as Hannibal Lector, cannot be sensibly called intelligent. Those who kill or get others to kill for them must be lacking in smarts not examples of it. Negative behaviour does not engender wealth or creativity and thereby limits the fulfillment and happiness of others.
Putin did not prosper in the KGB and his potential was rarely if ever mentioned. He rose above the parapet in 1991 when he was hired by a charity/socially concerned group and quickly embezzled some 120 million dollars. It was around this time that he created his system of political loyalty (group loyalty) based on money, the potential for him and others to become immensely wealthy.
A talented and highly intelligent politician I suggest is rare, reliant on cultural traits. Still, I concede my position is based largely on prejudice against killers (some killers have been intellectually remarkable such as Caravaggio but the list is short). Besides which, he is a very, very poor historian even given that he uses history to create rationales for war.
Think, how many strategic mistakes has he made? Surely, every action he has made?
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Your view is Western and I do like it Stanley Wilkin However, I live and work in the East, struggling with obviously outdated ideas.
Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet, Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God's great Judgment Seat; But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth, When two strong men stand face to face, though they come from the ends of the earth!
The Ballad of East and West
How paramount the future is to the present when one is surrounded by children.
Charles Darwin
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
1 answer
I am conducting a thesis on the impact of the 7th October attack and the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) Movement on consumer preferences, specifically examining the boycott of brands affiliated with Israel, such as Domino's, Pizza Hut, and McDonald's. My research aims to understand how these geopolitical events influence consumer behavior towards these brands. The variables I am considering include brand loyalty, to measure consumer allegiance before and after the events; purchase frequency, to track changes in buying habits; consumer awareness, to assess knowledge of the brands' affiliations; political affiliation, to understand the influence of political views on purchasing decisions; and media influence, to evaluate how media coverage affects consumer perceptions and behaviors. I would appreciate insights on any additional variables that could be relevant or suggestions to refine the variables mentioned to better capture changes in consumer behavior. Thank you for your assistance.
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The key variables that would be suitable for researching changes in consumer preferences post-7th October attack and the BDS movement's impact on brands like McDonald's (MCD) include:
1. Consumer spending patterns: Look at changes in overall consumer spending, as well as spending on specific product categories and brands like McDonald's before and after the 7th October attack. This could include metrics like sales volumes, revenue, and market share.
2. Brand perception and loyalty: Examine how the 7th October attack and BDS movement have affected consumer perceptions, attitudes, and loyalty towards brands like McDonald's. This could involve surveys, social media analysis, and tracking brand sentiment.
3. Demographic shifts: Analyze if certain consumer segments (e.g. age, income, location) have changed their preferences and purchasing behavior for brands like McDonald's in the aftermath of the 7th October attack and BDS movement.
4. Competitive landscape: Assess how the competitive dynamics have shifted, with consumers potentially favoring local or regional brands over multinational corporations like McDonald's in response to the 7th October attack and BDS movement.
5. Regulatory and policy changes: Identify any new laws, regulations, or government policies that may have impacted consumer preferences and the operating environment for brands like McDonald's following the 7th October attack and BDS movement.
6. Media and social influence: Examine how the media coverage and social media discourse around the 7th October attack and BDS movement have influenced consumer perceptions and behaviors towards brands like McDonald's.
By analyzing these key variables, researchers can gain a comprehensive understanding of the changes in consumer preferences and the BDS movement's impact on brands like McDonald's in the post-7th October attack environment.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
4 answers
I'm doing a Master Thesis, and it's my first time dealing with SEM - PLS 4 (with barely any statistical background behind me). I'm analyzing the relationship between negative word of mouth (NWOM) and consumer loyalty, moderated by the initial consumer loyalty towards the brand (pre-NWOM), as well as the type of NWOM (frequency, solicited or not, concordance with belief, strength of expression, performance or value-related).
I'm not sure whether I've collected sufficient data to do SEM, and am struggling with elements such as a pvalue that's NaN (consistent bootstrapping), a non-satisfying discriminant validity when trying to correct construct reliability & validity, or an AVE below 5 despite having removed any indicator with an outer loading below 5. Are those issues related to data-collection?
If anyone could help me out, I would be really very grateful, as my tutor isn't helping out a lot and will give me a very low grade if I do only descriptive statistics. Any help would be immensely appreciated. Here is my data set and screenshot of my model. I'd be happy to provide any extra information.
Thank you!
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Hakan Lane Thank you for your response, he did end up helping, and I figured out most of it :)
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
1 answer
Sir, i came across this MDPI paper " Ullah, N., Khan, J., Saeed, I., Zada, S., Xin, S., Kang, Z., & Hu, Y. (2022). Gastronomic tourism and tourist motivation: Exploring northern areas of Pakistan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(13), 7734. ."
This mentions the following constructs and items:
The researcher has analysed it as reflective items. Sir, please tell are these below mentioned items REFLECTIVE or FORMATIVE in nature?
I feel the items mentioned for measuring Gastronomic experience and Motivation are FORMATIVE in nature, whereas those for Satisfaction with destination and Destination loyalty are REFLECTIVE in nature? Sir, pls give your valuable comments.
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Hi Karan,
these all are reflective though some of like quality, service, installation and price like items seems formative in nature as they help in the formation context of this gastronomic things. so both types of items are here reflective as well as formative.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
4 answers
An important question in the field of e-marketing is:
"How can businesses effectively leverage digital technologies and online platforms to create engaging, personalized, and seamless customer experiences that drive customer acquisition, retention, and loyalty?"
This question encompasses several key considerations in e-marketing, including:
1. Customer Engagement: How can businesses use digital channels, such as social media, email marketing, and content creation, to engage customers in meaningful and interactive ways that foster brand affinity and loyalty?
2. Personalization: What strategies and tools can businesses employ to deliver personalized and relevant marketing messages, product recommendations, and experiences tailored to individual customer preferences and behaviors?
3. Omnichannel Integration: How can businesses integrate various digital touchpoints, such as websites, mobile apps, social media, and offline channels, to provide a seamless and consistent customer experience across multiple platforms and devices?
4. Data-driven Marketing: How can businesses leverage data analytics, customer insights, and predictive modeling to optimize marketing strategies, target the right audience segments, and measure the impact of digital marketing initiatives?
5. Conversion Optimization: What tactics and techniques can be used to optimize the customer journey, from initial awareness to conversion, by refining website usability, call-to-action strategies, and conversion rate optimization techniques?
6. Customer Retention and Advocacy: How can businesses use e-marketing to nurture existing customer relationships, encourage repeat purchases, and cultivate brand advocates through loyalty programs, referral incentives, and post-purchase engagement strategies?
7. Regulatory Compliance and Data Privacy: How can businesses ensure compliance with data privacy regulations and ethical data practices while collecting, storing, and utilizing customer data for e-marketing purposes?
Addressing these questions is essential for businesses seeking to maximize the impact of their e-marketing efforts, build long-term customer relationships, and drive sustainable business growth in the digital age.
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Companies can effectively leverage digital technologies to create engaging, personalized, and seamless customer experiences by adopting a holistic and customer-centric approach. Firstly, investing in robust customer relationship management (CRM) systems allows companies to gather and analyze customer data, enabling them to understand preferences, behaviors, and interactions. This data serves as the foundation for personalized experiences.
Implementing artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithms can further enhance personalization by predicting customer preferences and recommending tailored products or services. Chatbots and virtual assistants powered by AI streamline customer interactions, providing instant and personalized support.
Moreover, companies should prioritize omnichannel strategies, ensuring a consistent and seamless experience across various digital touchpoints. This involves integrating online platforms, mobile apps, social media, and physical stores to create a unified customer journey.
To maintain engagement, personalized content delivery is crucial. Utilizing data-driven insights, companies can deliver targeted marketing messages, product recommendations, and promotions. This not only captures customer attention but also enhances brand loyalty.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
1 answer
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Trust in various aspects of life can be subjective and context-dependent. Each of the mentioned elements has its own considerations:
  1. Weather:Trusting weather forecasts relies on scientific models and data. While predictions may not always be perfect, meteorological science generally provides reliable information.
  2. The Love of an Enemy:Trusting the love of an enemy is complex. It often depends on the sincerity of their actions and whether there's genuine change in the relationship dynamics.
  3. Compliments of Bosses:Trust in compliments from bosses can vary. Some bosses provide sincere feedback, while others may have different motives. It's important to evaluate the context and relationship with the boss.
  4. Loyalty of a Lover:Trust in the loyalty of a lover is built on communication, understanding, and past experiences. Open and honest communication is crucial for fostering trust in a romantic relationship.
  5. Traffic:Trusting traffic conditions depends on various factors like infrastructure, traffic management, and local driving habits. Traffic conditions can be unpredictable, and it's advisable to plan based on current data and updates.
Ultimately, trust is a nuanced concept influenced by personal experiences, evidence, and individual judgment. It's essential to assess each situation independently and be mindful of potential variations and uncertainties.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
1 answer
This article provides an in-depth look at loyalty programs and their various effects on customer engagement, brand loyalty and organizational success. Analyzing the fusion of psychological, financial and technological dimensions, the strategic benefits of loyalty programs and key financial metrics such as customer lifetime value (CLV) and return on investment (ROI) are explored. The dynamic scope of loyalty programs in the digital age is detailed, including data-driven insights, multi-channel engagement and the central role of big data and artificial intelligence (AI). Ethical considerations are discussed, including privacy issues and program fatigue. Emerging trends are discussed, including affiliation-based and coalitional loyalty models and the integration of sustainability. The article highlights the complex relationship between loyalty programs and brand equity and provides valuable insights for marketers and researchers.
used 25 references and now looking for a partner to finalize it and publish to gether
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i can help in CLV and RFM model literature.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
1 answer
My only moral values are reciprocity and harm avoidance. I do not follow in-group loyalty, authority, and or purity. How about you?
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Loyalty is purely individual since its a perception issue
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
2 answers
Dear ResearchGate Community,
I am conducting an important study for my master's thesis on the impact of social media marketing on brand loyalty in the beauty industry. If you engage with beauty products, even simply using everyday items like shampoo or shower gel, your perspective could provide invaluable insights. The questionnaire is designed to be engaging and should take around 10 minutes to complete. Please take a moment to share your thoughts and experiences through the link below. Your participation is anonymous, and the data will be used strictly for academic research. Thank you for contributing to this exploration of an evolving field!
Best Regards,
Nakisa Hosseini.
MBA student at Maastricht University.
Relevant answer
Thank you so much
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
2 answers
Respected colleague,
This question does not seek answers in the sense that both competence and loyalty are important.
For example: imagine you own a company and have two candidates for CEO. One is competent, but you know he / she is not loyal. You trust others, but you know that he / she is not competent.
If you had to decide between them, which one would you choose?
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It depends on the situation, when there is no critical mass of one or another, the troubles begin - be it in private sector, but it in public sector. Anyway, loyalty is much more necessary in the public sector than in the private, while competence is important everywhere.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
4 answers
Hello everyone,
I am working on my dissertation for a master's degree that studies the impact of leadership styles on employee loyalty. So the study is about the relationships between IVs and DV. Also, I adopted well-established scales to collect the data with a sample size of 375 using convenience sampling technique. I can not use criterion or construct validity because I did not use comparable scales. In addition, do I need to use SEM to confirm the hypotheses between the IVs and the DV? or multiple regression is enough? I am planning to publish my research, so I need to ensure that everything is accurate. In the link below, there is a way to validate a scale using correlation but I don't know if it is accurate or not since I didn't find any reference for it.
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Alright, thank you very much, Prof. Booth. I appreciate your help.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
7 answers
I need so advice on this statistics project that I'm working on
I need to measure brand equity of a company (dependent variable) with multiple independent variables such as loyalty, popularity, familiarity, etc.
A survey was conducted where many people gave a score for each independent variable for that one company. I was thinking of multiple linear regression but I'm not sure if I'm on the right track.
Please let me know what are your inputs
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If you set customer satisfaction as the mediator. You may be considered PLS-SEM, but if only independent variables, suggest using Multiple regression analysis. Agree with the professors, thank you for the good question and answers.
All the best,
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
3 answers
Are there any recommendations for publications on freemium and customers retention/termination?
Relevant answer
You might have a look at the below articles for your research:
Ross, N. (2018). Customer retention in freemium applications. Journal of marketing analytics, 6(4), 127-137.
Ascarza, E., Netzer, O., & Runge, J. (2020). The Twofold Effect of Customer Retention in Freemium Settings. Available at SSRN 3725224.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
2 answers
For creating a new scale, which dimensions shall the items cover? or according to what criteria I choose or eliminate a dimension of these, as I have seen in the literature several sets of dimensions, like:
- Tolerance/conscientiousness/civic virtue/ altruism/ courtesy
- Pro-organizational behaviors (OCBO) and Pro-Individual behaviors (OCBI) with all their sub factors
-loyalty, Obedience, Social Participation, Advocacy Participation, Functional Participation
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It is better to consider the context of the study.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
4 answers
I am writing my master thesis on consumer, preferences and brand loyalty and its marketing strategies in Germany and India. It is a comparative study so i wanted some articles regarding the same.
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Use a database from your university, Google scholar, Emerald. By combining different searching words you will get a nice collection of articles.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
5 answers
Hi everybody,
Does anybody have an idea for an MBA dissertation topic in the field of international business, related to hospitality and/or tourism? Best would be if the topic is related to digitalization, personalization/loyalty.
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Think of studying the success of Airbnb and OYO, and how they are valued higher that brick and mortar hospitality companies.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
24 answers
" An Integrated Model for Internal CSR Implementation in Malaysian Private Higher Education Institutions to increase Employee Engagement, Employee Loyalty and Organizational Performance.
Kindly provide comment.
Thank you
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It could easily be:
"A Model for Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility in Malaysian Private Higher Education Institutions"
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
1 answer
Hi all, I am currently conducting a thesis research on “The Effect of Leisure Constraint, Tourist Experience, Destination Images, and Perceived Destination Risk on Tourist Loyalty towards Post-Disaster Tourism Destination."
If you are:
1. A foreign citizen (other than Indonesian)
2. Have visited Bali at least once
May I ask your kind support in filling out this questionnaire:
The data that you provide will only be used for research purpose and its confidentiality is guaranteed.
If you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to reach me through my email: Thank you!
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Interesting project. I may fill the form.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
3 answers
I am currently doing a research on service quality on customer satisfaction and loyalty . I am currently on the planning and analysis results using SPSS but I am a little confused with regards to regression analysis . What would be the best steps to follow to present data ( see file attached) to show Regression analysis of relationship between service quality and customer
When I am on SPSS I am not too sure where to put control variables as linear regression option only has option for dependent/independent variables . I am not too sure what model 1/2 means
Thanks in advance
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Hello Martin,
The simple answer is, model 1 includes just the so-called control variables as IVs (independent variables). Model 2 adds the target IVs to that set.
The extent to which model 2 (and therefore the target IVs) substantively add to the explanatory power of model 1 (just the control variables) may be determined by the difference in R-squared (proportion of variance in the DV that is explained/accounted for by differences in the IVs for a model) between model 2 and model 1. A "big" difference would suggest that the target IVs help to explain differences in the DV above and beyond what the control variables are able to explain/account for.
This approach is sometimes called hierarchical regression.
Good luck with your work.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
12 answers
Paradigm death, shift and flip expectation theory suggest that a perfect paradigm flips to take the form of the perfect inverse opposite paradigm, and when it does that the order of political and legal loyalty flips at the same time. And when, the opposite process takes place, the inverse is expected to happen.
When the capitalism a la Adam Smith model(TM = aBc) was flipped in 1848 to take the form of the Karl Marx red socialism model(KM = Abc) the order of political and legal loyalty that existed in the pure capitalism system then was flipped to the inverse political and legal loyalty that existed in red socialism countries during the period of red socialism(1848-1991).
Yet in 1991, when red socialism fell and China flipped back to pure capitalism, China did not flip its political and legal loyalty structure to that of Adam Smith’s capitalism structure, but kept the one it had from the old red socialism era.
And this raises the question, why was China able to flip back to pure capitalism in 1991 after the fall of red socialism and still maintain intact the order of political and legal loyalty that it had before the fall?
Any ideas? Please, share them, but Please keep in mind, this is an academic question, not a political one.
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The People's Republic of China is the only country that has been able to build capitalism under the banner of communism.
Left-wing economists are convinced that such a model gives the maximum advantage precisely because of centralization. But if you talk to the Chinese themselves, they will say that they did what they do in the entire developed world: they decentralized the economic sphere of life to such an extent until it led to success. The Chinese were carrying out structural reforms. But they did it carefully and wrote about it only after each measure carried out proved its success. Why are China's reforms successful? This is a matter of decentralization. Today, the economy in China is much more decentralized than, for example, in the entire post-Soviet space or in South America.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
3 answers
I conducted a survey in which surrounded three major themes: consumer behaviour, loyalty and satisfaction.
To analyse my data I placed the survey's data into SPSS to start with. I ran a Cronbach's Alpha on each construct, as normal I guess. Afterwards I wanted to examine if there was a correlation between the constructs, so I computed a variable for each one by calculating a mean score of responses for the questions which entailed that specific construct. This was then followed by running the Spearman's correlation test. It's safe to say the results have created a little doubt and confusion in my mind.
To give a brief overview, my 3 Cronbach's Alpha tests scores varied from 0.5-0.6 which in this rare case is acceptable due to the nature of this research being exploratory. Now the confusion arises as my Spearman correlations for one test sits at 0.88 at a significance of 0.000, meanwhile the other two sit in the 0.5 range. Does this seam feasible given the short, but brief information I have given here?
All help or advice would be greatly appreciated!
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Dear David,
Before running a reliability analysis (using coefficient alpha) you should have performed an exploratory factor analysis plus a confirmatory one (using Lisrel or IBM's Amos).
Once you have confirmed the unidimentionality of the scales you can examine the correlations.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
22 answers
The fall of red socialism in 1991 led to the flip in those countries from social responsibility to economic responsibility as the paradigm shift from red socialism to economy friendly red socialism that Karl Marx probably had in mind in the long term did not materialize.
This flip of responsibilities in 1991 led to the coming of the new members of the capitalism family, cementing for once, the two current families of pure capitalism, democratic capitalism and non-democratic capitalism.
The flip from pure capitalism to red socialism since 1848 was a flip from economic responsibility to social responsibility, which shifted the loyalty structures found in pure capitalism.
The flip back from red socialism to pure capitalism in 1991 was a flip from social responsibility to economic responsibility, which maintained the loyalty structures as they were.
Had red socialism shifted to economy friendly red socialism, then the loyalties in those countries would have shifted to the same structure of loyalty in pure capitalism countries, and authoritarian parties and leaders would have fallen as a consequence of the paradigm shift.
Hence, the loyalty structures of a system may change or may remain the same as a result of paradigm flips up and paradigm flips back or due to paradigm shifts.
Therefore, there is a link between the direction of paradigm dynamics and loyalty structures in the systems affected by sustainability or responsibility pressures, so the question:
“Democratic capitalism and non-democratic capitalism: Do they have the same political and legal loyalty structure?”
What do you think? Can you see the political and legal loyalty structure in those two systems?
Feel free to share your views.
This is an academic question, not a political one.
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Dear Lucio, you are welcome
Outwardly, these two systems may be similar, but they have a different structure of existence. Capitalism must breathe freely. And this is possible only in a democratic society. But democratic capitalism is also not perfect. In any case, internally these two systems are very different, and for example Bolivian capitalism does not look like Chinese capitalism.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
11 answers
One of the main issues in Brazilian the dairy supply chain is the unstable relationship between farmers and processors. There is no contracts and milk is traded on monthly basis. Volume is the main attribute to form the price and quality is beginning to be an important attribute. Farmers can choose and change from buyers often and processors can practice price discrimination.
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About this topic, I have just published this paper.
This is an initial step to understanding the problem in Brazil. Further contributions are welcomed.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
7 answers
I am currently conducting a comprehensive literature review on brand loyalty, using a deductive approach. So far, I analyzed more than 340 articles, but I was told that I should narrow my analysis to the articles published in top journals, if I want to publish my paper.
Do you know what is the best practice for this type of systematic review? If yes, do you know some articles that are arguing this issue of inclusion criteria (the fact of including only peer-reviewed articles, top journals, or on the contrary to also include conference paper, grey literature...etc)?
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Excellent idea Kathleen Desveaud , hope this message is not late.
You can also try this method by finding the most cited papers in your area using the keywords you are working with from Web of Science or other searched databased with citation scores. After doing that you can for example only record the top 30 highest cited papers by recording their corresponding authors details. This may help you with their contact details. It is very important to ask them via their contact details respectfully on the assistance in recommending atleast 10 top journals in their area (note, should be related to your searched keywords).
Upon receiving such feedbacks, check and remove duplicated journals mentioned by the corresponding authors you contacted to get the number of top journals you can start searching for your peer-review articles, conference proceedings, others.
Please, make sure you document all this process as you would need to report that in your work to confirm how you arrived by the searched papers.
In a nutshell you can also use experts in your field or highly cited papers in your field obtained from let's say Web of Science or others to arrive at what you are looking for.
Please, this is another way to go by that. I hope it helps some. Best of luck.
Be of good cheer and open to more ideas.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
7 answers
BREXISM finally is over and they got a trade deal with europe now, but exism left the UK poorer according to the news
Brexit is finally done. It will leave the UK poorer
TRUMPISM set a war of tariffs with other countries making US citizens poorer, including the supporters of exism, as they have to pay more to continue consuming those goods...
But being poorer both is Brexconomics and Trumpconomics as a result of exism means being a winner as exism is the goal, no matter the cost, loyalty is to the exism is the rule, not to the country....
Which leads to the question, Are there only winners in the world of exism? What do you think?
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
5 answers
I am conducting study on "work precarity", Perceived Job Insecurity (JIS), Loyalty (LOY) and Fringe Benefits (FB) are the identified facets of the phenomena. I proposed a conceptual framework where the impact of work precarity along with its facets on employee performance is measured. Survey questionnaire was formed through EFA and then CFA is performed. AMOS is used to get measurement and structure models. Attached is the final output where I need help in negative regression impact interpretation. for instance, employee loyalty on employee performance.
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Maria C. Ferreira please find the attached picture where on every page of the survey questionnaire it is clearly mentioned what is code goes for what purpose. RMSEA, NFI and rest of the indices results are satisfactory. Now, I dont understand for instance, logically Employee loyalty is suppose to increase EP which and not other wise. How, would i interpret this phenomena.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
4 answers
I am coding some metrics from different articles to run a meta-analysis and I had a simple question.
Let's say one of my variable of interest is Brand loyalty. In some articles, brand loyalty is often decomposed in two different variables (Attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty) with two different metrics: two different AVE, CR, Alpha coefficients, Means and Standard deviations.
I would like to summarize these two variables in a single one. Thus, how do I get the value of the AVE, CR, Alpha, Mean and SD for the variable Brand loyalty (which is the variable gathering attitudinal and behavioral loyalty)? Should I do the average of the values given in the article?
Thanks in advance for you reply,
Best regards,
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Souza, A. C. D., Alexandre, N. M. C., & Guirardello, E. D. B. (2017). Psychometric properties in instruments evaluation of reliability and validity. Epidemiologia e Serviços de Saúde, 26, 649-659.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
33 answers
Once extreme democratic outcomes like Trumpism come to exist they must behave autocratically as their model structure, including the political and legal loyalties structures that they needed to persist, are the opposite as those of the normal liberal democracy model inside which extreme democratic outcomes came to exist.
Then when time for re-elections comes for extreme democratic outcomes, there is the possibility of winning or losing if playing the normal liberal democracy way, but there is the need to win at all cost if playing the extreme liberal democracy way.
Which leads to the question, what is the sufficient condition for extreme democratic outcomes like Trumpism to win re-elections or persist in power at all cost? Can the absence of this condition sufficient condition explains why Trumpism failed to persist in 2020?
Any ideas? Please share your own ideas in order to exchange ideas.
Keep in mind; this is an academic question, not a political question as I am a scientist, not a politician.
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George as shown in my pictures, under an independent rule of law system and without effective targeted chaos that induces full true majority complacency, exism movements like Trumpism cannot come to exist, and if they come to exist and when they go into re-election the targeted chaos that once worked is ineffective, they will lose re-election and nothing they can do, but to fade away, as independent courts without proof or evidence of electoral fraud will validate the winner of the contest…..
In 2016 against Hillary Clinton, systematic targeted chaos was effective, trumpism won; in 2020 against Biden, systematic targeted chaos was ineffective, trumpism lost. The dilemma the Trump party has now is how to make targeted chaos be effective again…otherwise; they cannot come into power again as long as there is no full true majority complacency….
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
6 answers
Satisfying employees could not be enough to ensure improving their loyalty and retention rate. The influence of job delight on loyalty and retention can be larger than that of job satisfaction.
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Mahfuz Judeh Employee satisfaction is key , as an alternative, the concept of job delight, is having expectations surpassed; a delight brought about by augmentation.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
12 answers
I have a paper titled "The impact of social media marketing on urban youths' brand loyalty". I am looking for potential South Asian journals Where I can publish this.
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Contact me using this E-mail:
and I will send it to you
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
4 answers
Hello everybody,
While analyzing my PLS Model on Industrial Internet of Things Platforms, the results suggest that the control variable "Price Fairness" has no effect on user loyalty. How would you interpret this finding? Is there a possible explanation I'm overlooking right now? Or would it be better to just report this finding without an interpretation due to the fact that the results object to my hypothesis?
Looking forward to reading your replies.
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Hello Fabian,
the expected but missing effect should lead you to some questions:
- Did we really used a research design to measure causal effects of price fairness on user loyalty?
- Did we elicited revealed or stated behavior and if it is stated behavior might it be possible that there exists a hypothetical bias?
- Did the participants really experienced price fairness differently?
- Is the used method really appropriate for analyzing our data?
- Did we removed outliers that might overlap the existing effect?
- Is the relation between price fairness and user loyalty really as modeled?
If you answer all these questions with yes, than you should start think about an interpretation of this finding. I would not neglect to interpret this finding, because it reveals that you have no idea of what has happened in your study. One explanation might be that price fairness is not of relevance for your participants. This is not surprising if price fairness refers to price fairness in general and not price fairness for me as just one user. As a user I expect to get a fair price but I'm not necessarily interested in other users' price fairness.
Best regards,
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
3 answers
It is services research and intentions are related to the services marketing context.
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This is possible, Doctor, because loyalty and repetition dealing with the same provider and satisfaction all measure the customer's behavioral intentions as shown in many marketing studies in general ... I wish you good luck @ Manoharan Sivaraman
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
4 answers
If a company organize a prize operation, issuing utility tokens (considered as vouchers) which can be spent in some differents sales points/stores/seats of the company to have discounts on the purchase of goods and services, which is the legal status of theese tokens in EU?
It's possible to know if is there a regulation about this situation?
Thank you
This is an example of the service which I'm talking about:
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It is truth that these kind of token are still not regulated in EU, but beyond this issue, you must take into account the question regarding the treatment of the personal info of each user. It is a such a special protection layer, and GDPR comes into action. Be aware that yo fulfill the legal requirements about it, actually there is a discussion within the EU institutions about how to proceed with specific regulation for distributed ledgers. You can ask for more specific info from INATBA:
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
7 answers
I conduct a research study related to the students loyalty and students satisfaction within the higher education sector in Sri Lanka. So in this discussion I expect your comments and ideas about factors affecting on students loyalty towards their higher educational institutions.
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1. Is it a cross-sectional or longitudinal study?
2. What is your operational definition of loyalty
3. What are the indicators of loyalty?
4. Are you taking a standard questionnaire to measure loyalty among students or designing on your own?
5. How you have identified students for data collection? Are you controlling gender/ age/program enrolled?
6. What is the main objectives of research?
I hope this shall help you to refine your research ideas.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
6 answers
Sorry, is there any one who may have experience on PCA for a single factor extraction like the authors of the attached paper did for Trust and Loyalty with independent KMO value and share me please ? I read the paper and tried to do the same but, the PCA does not rotate for single factor.… Read more
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Dear David L Morgan, Okay, Thank you again!
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
7 answers
Dear All, Greeting, Am PhD. student and I'm using SEM model for my thesis,  am facing problems  in doing factor analysis for independent, dependent, and  mediating variables.   To make my question more clear, am using three independent latent variables namely price satisfaction, social satisfaction and collaborative communication, and am using trust as a dependent variable and mediator between those explanatory variables and producer loyalty. The problem is that when I run all variables together, I faced discriminant validity problem due to the correlation among the variables. specially between trust and loyalty there is high correlation. when I tried to run trust and loyalty independently the model does not rotate so that I could't found the value for factor loading. What should I do please? Please help me in finding the right track?
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Sorry, is there any who may have experience on PCA for a single factor extraction like the authors of the attached paper did for Trust and Loyalty with independent KMO value please and share me please? I read the paper and tried to do the same but, the PCA does not rotate for single factor.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
4 answers
Hello to every one,
I am structuring model for paper, how consumer experiences impact the green brand relationship? The independent variables functional experience, utilitarian environmental experiences, warm glow experiences & self-expressive experiences and dependent variable brand loyalty and commitment. Kindly suggest me, two mediators and moderator. Thanks
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I studied on buying green products through consumption value theory. Maybe this article can give you a new idea: Segmentation of Green Product Buyers Based On Their Personal Values and Consumption Values
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
6 answers
The morals and principles have taken back seat behind competition. The later is driven by technology, smart working, feedback, etc. The employees are getting marginalized due to disparity created by such practices. This is damaging the organization's archive of knowledge. So, the systems are anticipating the need for coaching and mentoring - an approach to build a social commitment and loyalty towards the organization.
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Coaching and mentoring can inspire and empower employees, build commitment, increase productivity, grow talent, and promote success. They are now essential elements of modern managerial practice. However, many companies still have not established related schemes. By not doing so, they also fail to capitalize on the experience and knowledge seasoned personnel can pass on.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
3 answers
One of my articles has recently been published in Asian social science. One of my research objectives was to investigate whether or not tourist satisfaction mediates the positive influence of destination image on tourist loyalty. Here is the article link:
Anyway, I have used Baron & Kenny mediation analysis steps. However, one of my colleagues said that these steps of testing mediating effect are outdated. Can anyone suggest why?
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This generates an inconsistent mediation model.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
10 answers
Please suggest a theory which will underpin this brand experience framework. Also, will that theory still holds true if we remove brand loyalty construct from the consequences. thanks
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The proposed model of provides a very interesting view of possible contributors to brand experience (BX). I do believe, however, that your discussion will need to explain the nature of antecedents / elements that are required to build a positive BX. Also need to provide evidence to establish the consequences. In the following I have assumed that brand experience is equivalent to customer experience …. may be a vast jump since BX relates to just one aspect of the whole experience.
To think about the relevant theories I asked, ‘In the first-place what is a positive brand experience?” Literature shows that: The customer feels an emotional connection, and it is “easy” to achieve the objectives of the interaction which are successfully met.
Roy Barnes and Bob Kelleher provide a good overview at:
Assuring and protecting trust
Eliminate the unjust
Going above and beyond
Balance CX with business profitability
Engaging all human facets – physical intellectual and emotional -- individuals
Consistent and authentic brand
What an organization is — what its brand really means — is nothing other than the sum total of how its customers perceive it in their minute-by-minute, day-by-day touch-point interactions.
Hence building BX is rather like forming a relationship or friendship between the consumer and the brand. i.e. there is an emotional component and a sense of shared values or purpose.
Social psychologists refer to this as “Interpersonal chemistry” – instant emotional and psychological connection between two individuals. You will find a discussion of the theory .“The theory states that individuals are dependent on relational partners for need fulfillment or rewarding outcomes; thus, relationship formation is based on a rewards/costs analysis in which rewards refer to the benefits acquired through pleasurable experiences and costs pertain to expenditures that result from unsatisfying ones..”
“DeScioli found that people are most likely to consider as best friends those who reciprocate the feeling.” “It [study] supports what is called the "alliance hypothesis for friendship."
A friend is someone that has the same values and is someone that you trust.
This statement establishes the importance of FleishmanHillard’s Authenticity Gap model ( found at: ). This model looks at drivers which result in a consumer building trust in the organization -- it emphasizes how management needs to be consistent, do the right things and to have credible communication.
Which leads us to Communication Theory, the next critical element in building BX.
Here you find discussion about the elements that constitute communication (sender / receiver / channel and the content of the message itself). It also considers ‘types’ of communication such as verbal (audible), nonverbal, written and visual. The context of the communication also affects the effectiveness of the message received by the target audience.
Part of communication theory rests on interpretation of messages --- i.e. leading to consideration of the theory around the role of attitude formation and frameworks. To know what sort of message needs to be sent you need to know the culture and attitudes of the target audience.
The components of attitudes are sometimes referred to as CAB or the ABC's of attitude
Cognitive Component: your thoughts and beliefs about the subject.
Affective Component: how the object, person, issue, or event makes you feel.
Behavioral Component: how the attitude influences your behavior.
Learning theory in respect of building attitude frameworks is discussed at:
Organizations have to be conscious of their contribution to how people view the world and the products in it. See: Here they say:
“Attitudes are not biologically inherited but built out of continuous experiences of the world around us. They are the outcome of complex function of both cultural and functional factors. From birth onward, every individual is exposed to direct and indirect stimuli of the environment which teach him to hold certain ideas, values and beliefs.”
Which leads one to a hypothesis of consideration of marketing actions that will achieve a positive BX
Omnichanneling -- integrate all communication to send the same message
Personalization – best way to interact / what interests them
Empathy – know the consumer and resolve their pains.
Hope this gives you something to think about!
Regards, Helen
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
5 answers
Dear all,
i am on the hunt for consumer behavior constructs such as loyalty, satisfaction, involvement, engagement, impulsive buying or experience
I appreciate any further suggestion for a construct in the field of consumer behavior!
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Paul: Check out my research article related to consumer rationality on Researchgate:
"Behavioral Insights Reveal a Consumer of Mixed Rationality"
by Paul Stock, Jordan W. Ochel and Eileen M. Stock
Jordan Ochel was a student of mine who couldn't accept the common assumption in Economics that 'consumers act rationally'. So, we did some research together on this topic. The results are very interesting.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
3 answers
I am writing a study that examines how individuals deal with competitive identities and their salience. For example, A political partisan (Let's say Democrat), may feel loyalty to his or her political party. Yet, on a specific issue (Let's say tax reform), may hold strong issue partisanship leading to a competition between the party identification and the issue identification.
I am looking for recent studies that dealt with such partisanship/identity competition and their influence on individual attitudes or political behavior. Added bonus are theories or psychological mechanisms that may explain the phenomenon. Thank you for your help.
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We recently published this article:
Wilson-Daily, A. E., & Kemmelmeier, M. (2019). Youth Perceptions of Voting Participation in the Midst of Catalonia’s Active Struggle for Independence. Youth & Society,
It might not be exactly what you are looking for but it contains multilevel analyses that might give you some insight.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
3 answers
Hello everyone,
I am a student and conducting a research on EWOM type (namely EW1, EW2, EW3) impact on accordingly 3 main problems (Ease lack of trust - ET, Brand Trust -BT, Brand Loyalty - BL). To be more detailed:
  • Independent variables: EW1, EW2, EW3
  • Dependent variables: ET, BT, BL
=> My hypotheses is about the impact of each EWOM type on ET, BT, BL is different.
My survey questions are designed using Likert-scale and I am considering Kruskal-Wallis test to analyze the data on PSPP platform. So, my plan is to have 3 different independent observation in which I will exert each EWOM type information (Group 1: EW1, Group 2: EW2, Group 3: EW3) and ask them the same questions set regarding ET, BT, BL accordingly. Later on, for the data analyze stage using Kruskal-Wallis test , I will allocate the data again as follow to find out the answer for my hypotheses:
  • ET- (EW1, EW2, EW3)
  • BT- (EW1, EW2, EW3)
  • BL- (EW1, EW2, EW3)
However, I am confused since for each dependent variable (For example: ET), I have around 5 items (questions) (using Likert-scale) while most of the case using Kruskal-Wallis test is just about one item (question) and run the test. I want to ask in my case, Is it still possible to run Kruskal-Wallis test. If yes, can you please explain me how or Do you have any materials for instruction? And If no, Do you have any suggestion for my case?
Thank you so much!
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Hello Chi,
If I understand your query, you have 1 independent variable (EWOM type, having three levels, EW1, EW2, EW3, which you'd like to treat as groups) and three dependent variables: an ET score, a BT score, and a BL score. You'd like to compare the three groups for equality on the three scores.
First, to create the scores, you could: (a) sum or average responses across the individual items purported to contribute to each score; or (b) run a factor analysis of the full item set (most likely with polychoric correlations given the Likert-type scale), then estimate factor scores for each respondent on each factor (assuming that a 3-factor solution that represents ET, BT, and BL is supported by your data).
In either case, a one-way anova type comparison could follow, if you wish to evaluate the scores individually. Otherwise, a one-way manova type comparison would be preferred.
If you're worried about whether the scores are of interval strength (e.g., you've chosen path "a" from above), you could apply either a hybrid ordinal/interval method, or apply a nonparametric (m)anova. See references below.
For path "b", ordinary (m)anova would likely work. Of course, you should check the data set for conformance to the usual assumptions.
Good luck with your work.
Ordinal/Interval hybrid methods:
Puri, M. L., & Sen, P. K. (1969). A class of rank-order tests for a general linear hypothesis. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 40(4), 1325-1343. Available:
Conover, W. J., & Iman, R. L. (1981). Rank transformations as a bridge between parametric and nonparametric statistics. The American Statistician, 35(3), 124-129.
Nonparametric (m)anova:
Hettmansperger, T.P. (1984). Statistical inference
based on ranks. New York: Wiley. (See chapter 6, pp. 279-296.)
S code (which usually runs in R as well) for these methods:
Sheu, C-F. & O'Curry, S. (1996).
Implementation of nonparametric multivariate statistics with S.
Behavior Research Methods, Instruments & Computers, 28(2), 315-318.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
3 answers
in fact researchers mentioned three types of loyalty: cognitive, attitudinal and behavioral.
could we consider them levels in row as cited above whereas the last implicate the previous. Or they are different and separate?
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I hope this article can help you.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
12 answers
Hi Dear researchers
I Ask you to help me to solve a problem found in my statistic, the information will be shown bellow:
My thesis titled: "studying the impact of manager's competency on organizational loyalty, a case study"
in my survey: I have first two variables with each one items, the number one is independent variable called "manager's competency" with three sub-variables, second: variable called "organizational loyalty", the distribution of two variables are not normal distributed
what is the alternative of "one sample t test" if variables are non normal distributed? if I want to study the existence of each variable before studying regression.
You knew the one sample t test require: normal distribution, sample at least 30 etc...
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If you chose a reference median value of 2, you assume that workers are in disagreement with the organizational loyalty.
The p-value now is 0.000, which indicate that there is a statistically significant difference between the hypothesized/standard median (2) and the obtained median (3.33).
For the interpretation: Given an assumption that workers are in disagreement with organizational loyalty, your data indicate that the workers (from your study) are still uncertain about organizational loyalty (since the median value was 3.33 which is closer to 3-uncertain than 4-agree).
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
3 answers
I'm working on my master thesis. My research question is about:
Do voice customer experience has more positive influence on customer e-satisfaction than traditional e-commerce?
I'm working on S-O-R model, and trying to compare if Voice Commerce EXPERIENCE has greater impact on customer E-satisfaction than Electronic Commerce EXPERIENCE. You can see my framework in attachement.
Independent Variable: Voice Commerce & E Commerce
Dependent Variable: E-Satisfaction (Also i want to measure if E-Satisfaction influencer Brand Loyalty)
I want to analyze how PRAGMATIC & HEDONIC Customer experiences influence Customer E-Satisfaction. Therefore, i will acquire two different sample group each group will be approx. 25 people. 1st group will experiment some tasks on Electronic Commerce and 2nd group will experiment some tasks on Voice Commerce, after the experiment they will answer questionnaire.
So which type of questionnaire or measurement insturments do i need to use? Later which type of statistical test i need to use?
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I think you can use SEM (smart-pls2, AMOS) for statistical analysis.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
4 answers
The questionnaire is going to be used for descriptive statistics. The parameters that are to be used are employee voice, technology usage, autonomy, team work, loyalty, motivation, monetary rewards etc. Do I need to test the reliability and validity of this kind of questionnaire.
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what you need to test is the reliability of your scales. I see this as a minimum. In case you retrieve on well-established scales, you do not necessarily need to test fo validity. However, if you mixed up items to form a scale, then this is also a must.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
7 answers
I am currently conducting a Meta-SEM, with different concepts like satisfaction, trust or loyalty. Among the articles I selected for this meta-analysis, the authors are using different definitions. For example, for the loyalty concept, some authors are using only the behavioral approach, while others are using the attitudinal approach, or even a mixt approach. For my meta-analysis, I then coded the type of definition used (Loy-be, Loy-att and Loy-mix). This way I will be able to run a moderator analysis and see if there are differences amongst the effect sizes, depending on the type of definition used.
First, do you think it is a good approach?
Plus, I have another issue, based on this problem. If the articles are using different definitions under the same term “loyalty”, some are defining these dimensions as strict different concepts. For example, I have one article with two different concepts in the model: attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty. How can I treat these articles? Indeed, there is an issue, because since there is 2 concepts, there will be 2 correlation coefficients for the relationship “satisfaction-loyalty”. But in the correlation matrix, I can only have one correlation coefficient for this relationship.
Then, I was thinking of two options:
- Removing these articles from the analysis
- Choosing only one variable: to analyze either “attitudinal loyalty” or “behavioral loyalty” but not both
- Building two correlation matrixes for the articles with the two types of loyalty: it seems to be a bad idea because there will be a repetition of the other correlation coefficients.
What do you think?
Thanks in advance for your help,
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You are on the right track and asking important questions. I'm wondering whether you plan to conduct seperate (bivariate) meta-analyses first, construct the meta-analytical cor matrix then, and run SEM | or if you will conduct TSSEM (Cheung, 2016) by constructing correlational matrices for each study and then, in two stages, optimizing the model . This makes all the difference in the world for answering your question correctly, but I'm assuming the latter here.
First, you may be interested in the general relationships. In that case, it doesn't matter how they defined the construct and you include all relevant measures. If a single study uses multiple, you can average the correlations. You construct a single correlation matrix for each study.
Second, you may be interested in the relationship for a specific construct definition, such as the behavioral approach to loyalty. In that case, you select only correlation coefficients for your MA that reflect this approach, i.e., only loy-be constructs. You can construct seperate correlation matrices from each study for each distinct construct definition.
Third, you may be interested in whether there are (significant) differences between these approaches to define loyalty. In that case, your suggested approach of coding the type of construct at the study level works. In for example metafor, you should be able to cluster matrices from the same studies using the inner|outer formula for random coefficients (with something like ~Construct|ID, [construct = loyalty definition; ID=study identifier]). However, Im guessing from your description that you will use metaSEM (Cheung, 2016), and I have not seen any approaches to including this type of moderators or clusters in random coefficients there. You might reach out to Mike, he's very responsive in my experience.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
3 answers
Most organizational theories assume that employees make decisions by assessing the impact on the firm. However, we know that employees may pursue actions that benefit themselves or their function. So, an employee is less likely to recommend a decision that makes him redundant, even if it ultimately benefits the firm. Similarly, a functional manager may prefer the interest of the function over the interest of the firm.
The research on multifoci loyalty alludes to this. Is there any other research stream that explains this?
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Individual motivational and hygiene factors are self determined ; while the knowledge, skill and capability oriented factors are functionally oriented. Naturally all SOBC model applied researches will fall in this segment and offer you inputs.
Best wishes
Krishnan Umachandran
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
5 answers
Please click on the link below to complete this quick survey for my dissertation at The Emirates Academy on loyalty program in hotels. Your input is highly appreciated. Thank you.
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Completed questionnaire interesting
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
2 answers
I am exploring concepts for demand driven aspects of B2C eCommerce related to packaging, and somewhat nuanced; e.g. is there any correlation or causality for different types of void fill packaging and customer perceptions of and behavior with eCommerce merchants including brand loyalty and purchases and referrals/recommendations including social networks. If you know any recent studies that have been done on the subject I would truly appreciate any information on them.
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I hope there is significant positive correlation between different types of void fill packaging and customer perceptions of and behavior with eCommerce merchants.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
3 answers
Hi all my question is regarding a topic "Role of CRM in B2B marketing in context with paint industry. Can i discuss tools like loyalty programs, dealer incentives schemes, value/volume based lifting schemes, Dealer annual tie ups, dealer clubs etc under the aegis of my topic i.e. "role of CRM in B2B marketing" are they relevant for the topic.
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You can and can go even further by adding social CRM to your work.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
5 answers
Does anyone know some influential studies that developed items and scales about the measurmente of brand loyalty and/or store loyalty?
Thanks in advance for your suggestions!
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Customer loyalty may fall into several types that include:
Loyalty towards brands
Loyalty towards stores
Loyalty towards organisation
Loyalty towards sales and persons and
Loyalty towards any other related aspects in the process of purchase and consumption.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
4 answers
I am looking for articles discussing intermittent reinforcement and customer behavior.
-e.g shopping, loyalty programs, token economy, sales, etc.
Open to suggestions.
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  • asked a question related to Loyalty
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Hi all,
I'm doing a paper on a Danish retailer. I have some data and i'm trying to find out which drivers are affecting loyalty.
By doing a multiple regression analysis in SPSS I found out that customer loyalty is affected by prices, service, environment and the shop's lay-out. But the problem is that my constant in the model is insignificant. My model looks like this:
Customer loyalty= -0,11 + 0,257 service + 0,237 * priser + 0,279 * indretning + 0,304 * miljø.
What should I do? How do I interpreted this outcome?
Thanks for helping.
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  • asked a question related to Loyalty
20 answers
Hi dear researchers.
I have worked in Organizational commitment topic, and I was confused by the concept of Organizational loyalty, is it a synonym of Organizational commitment?
Even though many researchers consider them as synonyms I suggest that organizational commitment has an obligatory action, i e the other one is an optional action. thus, many researchers used the first concept commonly
in Law (legacy aspect.however, they used loyalty in Marketing practices.
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Loyalty involves being firm and not changing in your relationship with someone, some organization or your country. It is your faithfulness. You do not give up your relationship, support, friendship or attachment when things go either favourably or unfavourably. During difficult times too you do not change your relationship with someone or something. That is your loyalty. In this context loyalty is a virtue and it is more than organizational commitment. If an attempt is made to differentiate between the loyalty and commitment, loyalty is more than commitment. Loyalty is moral and commitment may be or may not be moral. For example, one can be committed to do a bad thing by harming others. Loyalty is firmer that commitment. These ideas might be useful.
In OB literature, both organizational commitment (this term is more popular) and organizational loyalty are the same. If you want to make a scholastic distinction between the two terms, it requires a serious conceptualization.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
5 answers
Brand loyalty, awareness, etc are discussed in many researchpapers. Hence the Question why?
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Dear Kalpathy Subramanian and colleagues,
It does not seem to me that the interest in branding have been increasing. However, for sure we would need to find some kind of survey related to the action that marketing managers have been dealing with. Brands always call attention because in a way or another they are in the center of marketing communication. On the other hand, we would need a kind of bibliometric study to have an idea if the interests of scholars on the subject have been increasing. If we look at the journals which are published in the field, as for instance, Journal of Brand Management, Journal of Product & Brand Management, and Journal of Brand Strategy, among others, brand, of course, will be a trend topic.
All the best,
Francisco Vieira
UEM, Brazil
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
3 answers
Brands are admired in different ways. Is this not a sign of brand loyalty or closely related?
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Not necessarily. Let's take a typical men's trivial example. :)
I might admire BMW for its features (technology, innovation, style, message, position on the market, super aggressive and muscled outlook etc.). However, I am not necessarily loyal to this brand since I do not disperse positive WoM, neither I do buy/consume it.
My personal theory is that you can not be loyal to something you did not have some time to properly connect with or experience (in aforementioned case BMW car). From the company's perspective, I am just a prospective lead - but nothing more then that. This is, of course, subject of change in a long-run.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
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My research is about consumer loyalty and the data will be analyzed by the Modeling of Structural Equations.
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Five point likert scale is adequate
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
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- work attitude, work ethics, etc.
- relationships (with bosses and colleagues)
- turnover rate (loyalty)
- other aspects...
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Overall, the millennials may be considered as persons aged between 15 & 40 years old. In other words, this is the generation which came after our generation & will take over the responsibility from us "the senior generation" very soon.
Of course, there are differences between generations with regard to attitudes, ethics, relationships, loyalty…etc.
As a recent retired person "who moved to part time work temporarily" , a big question (similar to yours) came to my mind with regard to the effectiveness of the young generation in shouldering the huge duties that we are leaving for them. Are they trustworthy or not?
I shall write my anticipation as a hint. There are enemies who would like to see our universities turning into high schools & getting rid of the experienced old staff, as early as possible, can help in arriving at that goal. The enemies are predicted to win the game, unfortunately.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
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- is it bad for the person's resume?
- does it tell something about the person's loyalty to her/his job?
Of course many of us want higher salaries and also to work in more prestigious organizations as we get older...
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I think it creates not so favourable image of a person...especially if it is in a short time period.
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
8 answers
Currently I am doing a research on
Customer Retention Hotel Service Attributes in Sri Lanka: Effect of Customer's Nationality - Case of Cinnamon Grand Hotel. with the support of literature i have prepared a questionnaire. Hotel service attributes will be critical, desirable, satisfies, dissatisfier and neutral dimensions (Cadotte and Turgeon (1988); Silverman and Grover (1995); Hartline et al.(2003). Customer retention will be operationalized in terms of loyalty and intent to switch.
May I have suggestions to the Questionnaire ?
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It is a good questionnaire. Still wants to give some suggestions.
Check reliability and validity with 50 responses.
Try to put demographic data at the tail of the questionnaire.
Skip highly correlated statements , if any.
Check negative statements before doing pilot study.
To get instant real help for improvement in questionnaire , if possible try to get it fill by 2-3 respondents. Here I am talking about the quality of the questionnaire.
And best of luck in last
  • asked a question related to Loyalty
4 answers
For data gathering on Factors affecting customers loyalty on E-commerce sites in AP, INDIA. Based on previous researches and my loyalty model i framed the questionnaire on 5 point Like rt Scale.