Science topics: PhilosophyLogic
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Logic - Science topic

An open group for the discussion of various logics and their applications
Questions related to Logic
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7 answers
Thought experiment:
A bus of length L0 = 10 m is parked at a bus stop.
Two cars drive past with speeds v1 = 100000 km/s and v2= 200000 km/s respectively.
The two observers use the Lorentz Factor (γ = 1/(1 - v2/c2)1/2) and calculate the length of the bus to be L1 = 9.43 m and L2 = 7.45 m.
Note: We only have one bus and three lengths!
Question: How long is the bus?
Please consult my article:
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Three lengths depending on the relative velocites are the physical reality. That may be philosophically hard to wrap your head around, but that's an important point in the basics of relativity: there is no absolute reference inertial system, so there is no absolute length or time.
For that reason, one bus having three lengths depending on relative speeds may be strange for someone new to the topic, but that's the reality we live in, apparently. The answer to the question which one of the lengths is the right one is therefore: all of them.
This was already implied in my first answer.
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1 answer
Hi, I am using a regularized XGBoost model. I have included industry and location dummies. The ML model, via regularization, is excluding a few city dummies and a few industry dummies, declaring them statistically insignificant contributors in the prediction.
Is there any literature that we cannot remove a few such dummies just based on the mathematics behind the regularization? We should have strong logic, says one of my labmates.
My personal opinion is that it should be just fine because we need significant predictors for feature selection purposes. Therefore, it should not have any side effects as we have in econometric modeling.
Any constructive suggestions are welcome from domain experts.
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When regularization in ML models, like XGBoost, removes some industry or location dummies, it identifies them as statistically insignificant. This is generally acceptable because regularization aims to improve model generalizability by retaining only significant predictors. While some argue for strong logic beyond mathematics, the primary goal is to enhance prediction accuracy and reduce overfitting. Therefore, excluding insignificant dummies should not have adverse effects, unlike in econometric modeling, where theoretical considerations might be more critical.
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9 answers
Questions about the relationship between “interpreters” and “interpretants” in Peircean semiotics have broken out again.  To put the matter as pointedly as possible — because I know someone or other is bound to — “In a theory of three‑place relations among objects, signs, and interpretant signs, where indeed is there any place for the interpretive agent?”
Resources —
Survey of Pragmatic Semiotic Information
Survey of Semiotics, Semiosis, Sign Relations
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Interpreter and Interpretant • Selection 9
Transfer —
Let's examine how the transfer of knowledge through the analogy of experience works in the case of Dewey's “Sign of Rain” example.
For concreteness, consider a fragment K_pres of the reasoner's knowledge base which is logically equivalent to a conjunction of two rules.
• K_pres ⇔ (B ⇒ A) \land (B ⇒ D).
K_pres may be thought of as a piece of knowledge or item of information allowing for the possibility of certain conditions, expressed in the form of a logical constraint on the present universe of discourse.
It is convenient to have the option of expressing all logical statements in terms of their models, that is, in terms of the primitive circumstances or elements of experience over which they hold true.
• Let E_past be the chosen set of experiences, or the circumstances in mind under “past experience”.
• Let E_poss be the collective set of experiences, or the prospective total of possible circumstances.
• Let E_pres be the current experience, or the circumstances immediately present to the reasoner.
If we think of the knowledge base K_pres as referring to the “regime of experience” over which it is valid, then the sets of models involved in the analogy may be ordered according to the relationships of set inclusion or logical implication existing among them.
In logical terms, the analogy of experience proceeds by inducing a Rule about the validity of a current knowledge base and then by deducing a Fact, the applicability of that knowledge base to a current experience.
Step 1 is Inductive, abstracting a Rule from a Case and a Fact.
• Case : E_past ⇒ E_poss, Chosen events fairly sample Collective events.
• Fact : E_past ⇒ K_pres, Chosen events support the Knowledge regime.
• Rule : E_poss ⇒ K_pres, Collective events support the Knowledge regime.
Step 2 is Deductive, admitting a Case to a Rule and arriving at a Fact.
• Case : E_pres ⇒ E_poss, Current events fairly sample Collective events.
• Rule : E_poss ⇒ K_pres, Collective events support the Knowledge regime.
• Fact : E_pres ⇒ K_pres, Current events support the Knowledge regime.
References —
Awbrey, J.L., and Awbrey, S.M. (1995), “Interpretation as Action : The Risk of Inquiry”, Inquiry : Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 15(1), 40–52.
Dewey, J. (1910), How We Think, D.C. Heath, Boston, MA. Reprinted (1991), Prometheus Books, Buffalo, NY.
Resources —
Survey of Abduction, Deduction, Induction, Analogy, Inquiry
Survey of Semiotics, Semiosis, Sign Relations
  • asked a question related to Logic
7 answers
I've been working for quite some time on developing self-consistent extended-body electromagnetic theories, with the idea it may resolve some of the infinite self-interactions of the standard model.
The culmination of this is that if one simply considers a single 2-tensor on a manifold, and looks at the lowest order, quadratic Lagrangians that can produce gravity and electromagnetism from this tensor, one obtains a theory that can support such solutions:
It has a number of other interesting properties (for instance, magnetic charge is naturally introduced, but only interacts via curvature coupling, which sounds a lot like dark matter).
I'll be submitting it for peer review soon, and I'm getting some feedback from colleagues, but I'd be interested in feedback from a wider audience. General discussion is great, but I'm looking for two types of feedback in particular.
1. Mathematical or logical flaws with what I've done.
2. Areas where I need to improve how I am communication of what I'm doing.
Any feedback is appreciated.
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“…self-consistent extended-body electromagnetic theories, with the idea it may resolve some of the infinite self-interactions of the standard model…..”
- the “the infinite self-interactions of the standard model” exist in standard model because of that in the model [classical electrodynamics] it is postulated that fundamental Nature Electric force field contains energy,
- what evidently violates the energy conservation law, while this law is fundamental in Mater, and so always acts. This principal flaw of the theory reveals itself also in the infinities above.
Really, as that rigorously scientifically rationally shown in the Shevchenko-Tokarevsky’s Planck scale informational physical model, in this case it is essentially enough to read one of two main papers , section “Mediation of the fundamental forces in complex systems”
- at least fundamental Nature Gravity, Electric, and Nuclear/[seems Strong also] mediators, intensive flows of which compose the “classical” Forces fields, at least at statics don’t contain/carry energy, so the fields don’t contain energy and there really don’t exist – just so quite naturally never were experimentally observed – any infinities..
“….The culmination of this is that if one simply considers a single 2-tensor on a manifold, and looks at the lowest order, quadratic Lagrangians that can produce gravity and electromagnetism from this tensor, one obtains a theory that can support such solutions:….”
- really Gravity and Electric Forces, though are similar in a few traits, are fundamentally different Forces, and so there is no necessity to unite them by some way, including in some common tensors [Which in mainstream physics contain energy-momentum terms, and so really are questionable].
, where the models above are commented rather in detail, it is useful as well.
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5 answers
The logic I aim to establish is rooted in utility theory, which suggests that utility maximisation can motivate farmers to adopt new technologies. In some countries, however, the adoption of new technologies remains low. Many studies attribute this to a lack of awareness regarding their economic benefits. To evaluate these benefits, specific indicators of economic sustainability were selected. If the hypothesis is validated—demonstrating that these technologies provide economic advantages for farmers—it would suggest that adopting them enables farmers to achieve higher utility compared to non-adopters. Consequently, this would not only reinforce the utility theory framework but also contribute to economic sustainability while advancing several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Does this logical framework seem correct, or could additional elements be included to strengthen it further?
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Sounds interesting. Hope that the Q would go deep into some specific & effective new tech (e.g. crop variety, pesticide, machine etc.) without proper application, that more practical parameters can be measured and evaluated before and after adoption. Or specific Agro scene can be focused (e.g. Orchard, paddy field, herd and so on).
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2 answers
On January 14th, 'World Logic Day' will be celebrated. In connection with this event, I would like to discuss the purpose and, furthermore, the necessity of the formal aspects of logic, which, even in the 21st century, should remain just one part of logic alongside the theory of argumentation and logical propaedeutics.
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I seldom use formalizations, but when I do they are short and their purpose is (i) to express a claim or principle in an ambiguity-free way and/or (ii) as a convenience for expressing ontological commitments, viz. as values of variables bound by quantifiers. However, I recognize that this is merely pragmatic and local (or parochial); on a global stage I lean towards logical pluralism.
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Data analysis is a fundamental aspect of academic research, enabling researchers to make sense of collected data, draw meaningful conclusions, and contribute to the body of knowledge in their field. This article examines the critical role of data analysis in academic research, discusses various data analysis techniques and their applications, and provides tips for interpreting and presenting data effectively. Overview of Data Analysis in Research Data analysis involves systematically applying statistical and logical techniques to describe, summarize, and evaluate data. It helps researchers identify patterns, relationships, and trends within the data, which are essential for testing hypotheses and making informed decisions. Effective data analysis ensures the reliability and validity of research findings, making it a cornerstone of academic research. Descriptive vs. Inferential Statistics 1. Descriptive Statistics: • Purpose: Descriptive statistics summarize and describe the main features of a dataset. They provide simple summaries about the sample and the measures. • Techniques: Common techniques include measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode), measures of variability (range, variance, standard deviation), and graphical representations (histograms, bar charts, scatter plots). • Applications: Descriptive statistics are used to present basic information about the dataset and to highlight potential patterns or anomalies. 2. Inferential Statistics: • Purpose: Inferential statistics allow researchers to make inferences and predictions about a population based on a sample of data. They help determine the probability that an observed difference or relationship is due to chance. • Techniques: Common techniques include hypothesis testing (t-tests, chi-square tests), confidence intervals, regression analysis, and ANOVA (analysis of variance). • Applications: Inferential statistics are used to test hypotheses, estimate population parameters, and make predictions about future trends. Qualitative Data Analysis Methods 1. Content Analysis: • Purpose: Content analysis involves systematically coding and categorizing textual or visual data to identify patterns, themes, and meanings. • Applications: Used in fields such as sociology, psychology, and media studies to analyze interview transcripts, open-ended survey responses, and media content. 2. Thematic Analysis: • Purpose: Thematic analysis focuses on identifying and analyzing themes or patterns within qualitative data. • Applications: Commonly used in social sciences to analyze interview data, focus group discussions, and qualitative survey responses. 3. Grounded Theory: • Purpose: Grounded theory involves generating theories based on data collected during the research process. It is an iterative process of data collection and analysis. • Applications: Used in fields such as sociology, education, and health sciences to develop new theories grounded in empirical data. 4. Narrative Analysis: • Purpose: Narrative analysis examines the stories or accounts provided by participants to understand how they make sense of their experiences. • Applications: Used in psychology, anthropology, and literary studies to analyze personal narratives, life histories, and case studies. Tools and Software for Data Analysis 1. Statistical Software: • SPSS: Widely used for statistical analysis in social sciences. It offers a range of statistical tests and data management tools. • R: A powerful open-source software for statistical computing and graphics. It is highly extensible and widely used in academia. • SAS: A comprehensive software suite for advanced analytics, multivariate analysis, and data management. 2. Qualitative Data Analysis Software: • NVivo: A popular software for qualitative data analysis, offering tools for coding, categorizing, and visualizing qualitative data. • ATLAS.ti: Another widely used software for qualitative research, providing tools for coding, memoing, and network visualization. 3. Data Visualization Tools: • Tableau: A powerful data visualization tool that helps create interactive and shareable dashboards. • Microsoft Power BI: A business analytics tool that provides interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities. Tips for Interpreting and Presenting Data 1. Understand Your Data: Before analyzing data, ensure you have a thorough understanding of its source, structure, and limitations. This helps in selecting appropriate analysis techniques and interpreting results accurately. 2. Use Clear Visualizations: Visual representations such as charts, graphs, and tables can make complex data more accessible and understandable. Choose the right type of visualization for your data and ensure it is clear and well-labelled. 3. Contextualize Findings: Interpret your data in the context of existing literature and theoretical frameworks. Discuss how your findings align with or differ from previous research. 4. Report Limitations: Be transparent about the limitations of your data and analysis. Discuss potential sources of bias, measurement errors, and the generalizability of your findings. 5. Communicate Clearly: Present your data and findings in a clear and concise manner. Avoid jargon and technical language that may confuse readers. Use straightforward language and provide explanations for complex concepts. In conclusion, data analysis plays a crucial role in academic research, enabling researchers to draw meaningful conclusions and contribute to their field. By understanding different data analysis techniques, utilizing appropriate tools, and following best practices for interpreting and presenting data, researchers can enhance the quality and impact of their work. #ResearchAdvice #WritingAdvice #AcademicHelp #ResearchHelp #WritingHelp #AcademicSupport #ResearchSupport #dataanalysis #datacollection #researchdata #WritingSupport #hamnicwriting #hamnicsolutions #AcademicResources #ResearchResources
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This is question or sermon?
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4 answers
Is it logical to convert an effect measure given as an ODDs ratio in an article to a Hazard ratio to be pooled in the Meta Analysis given the effect measures in other articles are Hazard ratios?
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Thank you all for your valuable information.
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37 answers
Differential Propositional Calculus • Overview
❝The most fundamental concept in cybernetics is that of “difference”, either that two things are recognisably different or that one thing has changed with time.❞
— W. Ross Ashby • An Introduction to Cybernetics
Differential logic is the component of logic whose object is the description of variation — the aspects of change, difference, distribution, and diversity — in universes of discourse subject to logical description. To the extent a logical inquiry makes use of a formal system, its differential component treats the use of a differential logical calculus — a formal system with the expressive capacity to describe change and diversity in logical universes of discourse.
In accord with the strategy of approaching logical systems in stages, first gaining a foothold in propositional logic and advancing on those grounds, we may set our first stepping stones toward differential logic in “differential propositional calculi” — propositional calculi extended by sets of terms for describing aspects of change and difference, for example, processes taking place in a universe of discourse or transformations mapping a source universe to a target universe.
What follows is the outline of a sketch on differential propositional calculus intended as an intuitive introduction to the larger subject of differential logic, which amounts in turn to my best effort so far at dealing with the ancient and persistent problems of treating diversity and mutability in logical terms.
Note. I'll give just the links to the main topic heads below. Please follow the link at the top of the page for the full outline.
Part 1 —
Casual Introduction
Cactus Calculus
Part 2 —
Elementary Notions
Special Classes of Propositions
Differential Extensions
Appendices —
References —
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Differential Propositional Calculus • 37
Foreshadowing Transformations • Extensions and Projections of Discourse —
❝And, despite the care which she took to look behind her at every moment, she failed to see a shadow which followed her like her own shadow, which stopped when she stopped, which started again when she did, and which made no more noise than a well‑conducted shadow should.❞
— Gaston Leroux • The Phantom of the Opera
Many times in our discussion we have occasion to place one universe of discourse in the context of a larger universe of discourse. An embedding of the type [†X†] → [†Y†] is implied any time we make use of one basis †X† which happens to be included in another basis †Y†. When discussing differential relations we usually have in mind the extended alphabet ‡Y‡ has a special construction or a specific lexical relation with respect to the initial alphabet ‡X‡, one which is marked by characteristic types of accents, indices, or inflected forms.
Resources —
Differential Logic and Dynamic Systems
Differential Logic • Foreshadowing Transformations
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5 answers
Logically, when calculating Urbach energy, one should consider the region corresponding to the absorption edge and determine the slope. However, I have found that many studies use the region below the energy corresponding to the bandgap
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For perfect crystalline semiconductors, the concept of the Urbach edge is irrelevant; for completely amorphous, for example, glassy, ​​semiconductors, the Urbach edge can be observed throughout the entire electron spectrum, while for disordered and ammorphized semiconductors, the Urbach edge lies in the energy region below Eg.
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🔎 In response to the need for a systematic and comprehensive classification of organizational and management theories that can encompass a broad range of perspectives and theories, I have developed a new classification. This classification considers core parameters such as organizational performance (efficiency and effectiveness), factors influencing organizational performance (human beings, human groups, structure, environment, and society), and philosophical foundations of theories. The goal of this classification is to provide a more organized and practical framework for analyzing and comparing organizational and management theories.
The classification consists of five main categories as follows:
In response to the need for a systematic and comprehensive classification of organizational and management theories that can encompass a broad range of perspectives and theories, I have developed a new classification. This classification considers core parameters such as organizational performance (efficiency and effectiveness), factors influencing organizational performance (human beings, human groups, structure, environment, and society), and philosophical foundations of theories. This classification aims to provide a more organized and practical framework for analyzing and comparing organizational and management theories.
Category 1: Humans as Instruments of Organizational Efficiency
This category conceptualizes humans within the framework of industrial modernity, adopting a mechanistic perspective that treats them as the primary resource for organizational production and efficiency. The roots of this approach can be traced back to classical economic thought and scientific management theories, which emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In the theories under this category, humans are considered efficient machines tasked with delivering maximum output at minimal cost. Evidently, theories in this category view efficiency, as the organization's paramount goal, as the result of internal production factors. Consequently, external environmental factors hold no significant place in the analysis of organizational essence, performance, or management processes. Within this category, the metaphor of an organization as a machine and humans as tools of production dominates.
The level of analysis here is micro-level, focusing on individual employees. Philosophically, theories in this category regard the organization as a tangible entity and management as an objective process, both of which can be comprehended through a positivist approach. Humans, akin to other tools of production, are utilized within a deterministic cycle. Consequently, addressing organizational and managerial challenges in this category is pursued through rule-based solutions, leaving little room for innovation or inductive reasoning.
Core Criteria of Theories in This Category:
  • Emphasis on the instrumental role of humans within the organization.
  • Use of quantitative and scientific methods to optimize performance.
  • Standardization of human behavior.
  • Focus on individual productivity and cost reduction.
  • Reliance on precise control mechanisms for human resources.
  • Positivist assumptions and instrumental rationality underpinning managerial philosophy.
  • Micro-level, individual-oriented unit of analysis.
Examples of Theories in This Category:
  • Scientific Management
  • Principles of Administrative Management
  • Task-Oriented Management (Gilbreths)
  • Production-Oriented Management Approach (Charles Babbage)
  • Economic Motivation (Adam Smith)
Category 2: Human Groups as Instruments of Organizational Efficiency
This category represents a shift from a mechanistic view of humans to an appreciation of the complexities of human interactions within organizations, with a focus on groups and interpersonal relationships as the core drivers of organizational efficiency. Emerging primarily between the 1920s and 1950s, this perspective was advanced by researchers like Elton Mayo, who demonstrated that informal relationships, emotions, and group dynamics have a more profound impact on organizational efficiency than formal and mechanistic mechanisms. This viewpoint regards humans not as passive tools but as social beings who create meaning and efficiency through their interactions with others.
The level of analysis in this category is meso-level, concentrating on groups and informal structures within work settings. It highlights that organizational efficiency stems not from mechanistic control but from a deeper understanding of employees’ needs, expectations, and social relationships. Theories within this category draw on foundations from social psychology and organizational sociology, emphasizing that workgroups are the primary units for creating meaning and efficiency.
From a philosophical standpoint, these theories still perceive organizations as real phenomena and management as an objective process, which can be understood through a positivist lens. However, they recognize that individuals, while somewhat autonomous, are subjected to forms of compulsion imposed by groups and the organization itself. Methodologically, rule-based approaches continue to dominate research in this category, though there is a transition from purely quantitative measurements to a combination of observation and interpretation in data collection and analysis.
Core Criteria of Theories in This Category:
  • Emphasis on human relationships and group interactions.
  • Examination of informal relations within organizations.
  • Focus on motivation, job satisfaction, and team collaboration.
  • Viewing the organization as a social environment.
  • Use of qualitative methods and analysis of interpersonal relationships.
  • Aiming to enhance productivity through improved communication and interactions.
  • Unit of analysis: the individual within the group.
Examples of Theories in This Category:
  • Human Relations Theory (Elton Mayo)
  • Hierarchy of Needs (Abraham Maslow)
  • Theory X and Theory Y (Douglas McGregor)
  • Motivation-Hygiene Theory (Frederick Herzberg)
  • Three Needs Theory (David McClelland)
  • Force Field Theory (Kurt Lewin)
  • Systems Approach to Motivation (Chris Argyris)
  • Participation Theory (Mary Parker Follett)
  • Equity Theory (John Stacey Adams)
  • Transformational Leadership Theory
Category 3: Organizational Structure as a Driver of Efficiency
In this category, rooted in organizational sociology and classical management theories, the organizational structure is regarded as the primary determinant of efficiency. These theories, which evolved from the early 20th century through the mid-century decades, assert that the precise design of organizational structures—including hierarchy, division of labor, coordination, and control—can maximize efficiency. Scholars such as Max Weber, with his concept of bureaucracy, and later theorists like James Thompson and Henry Mintzberg, sought to develop optimal organizational models. These models emphasize placing every component in its appropriate position, minimizing friction, and maximizing efficiency.
The level of analysis in this category is macro-level, focusing on the overall architecture of the organization. The approach underscores that efficiency arises from the intelligent design of systems, processes, and organizational relationships rather than solely from the performance of individuals or groups. Theories in this category draw inspiration from engineering sciences, cybernetics, and systems theory, while maintaining a closed-systems perspective. They posit that the closer the organizational structure aligns with a mechanical and machine-like model, the greater its efficiency. Philosophically, these theories follow the same objectivist epistemological foundations as the previous two categories, positioning the science of organization and management on the objective end of the epistemological spectrum.
Core Criteria of Theories in This Category:
  • Emphasis on the design and optimization of formal organizational structures.
  • Focus on standardized processes and rules.
  • Application of structural theories to reduce inefficiencies.
  • Emphasis on coordination and control in large and complex organizations.
  • Use of formal organizational models to enhance productivity.
  • Machine-like modeling of organizations.
  • Unit of analysis: the organization as a whole.
Examples of Theories in This Category:
  • Bureaucracy Theory (Max Weber)
  • Organizational Structuralism (Henry Mintzberg)
  • Organizational Design Theory
  • Organizational Control Theory
  • Systems Management Theory (Kenneth Blanchard)
  • Coordination Mechanisms (Henry Mintzberg)
Category 4: Efficiency and Effectiveness as Products of Organizational and Societal Interaction
Theories in this category, influenced by the emerging role of corporate social responsibility, expand the traditional organizational goal of efficiency to include the concept of effectiveness. This category adopts a systemic and interactive view of efficiency and effectiveness, defining the organization not as a closed system but as a dynamic, living entity engaged in continuous interaction with its social environment. Emerging primarily in the 1970s and beyond, this perspective argues that organizational efficiency and effectiveness result not only from internal factors but also from complex, multifaceted interactions between the organization and society.
Thinkers who introduced the concept of open systems, as well as figures like Peter Drucker and Michael Porter who highlighted the importance of creating synergies between organizational and societal interests through social responsibility, transparency, and accountability, belong to this category.
The level of analysis in this category is trans-organizational and inter-organizational, focusing on the intricate relationships between organizations and their external environment. Efficiency and effectiveness are redefined not merely as economic productivity but as an organization’s ability to create social value and align with environmental demands. Theories in this category draw upon disciplines like sociology, institutional economics, and organizational studies, advocating that the boundary between organization and society is not a fixed line but a dynamic, interactive space.
Philosophically, the epistemology and methodology in this category lean towards interpretivist and subjectivist paradigms, though organizations are still largely perceived as real and objective entities. The inclusion of concepts such as social values, however, often necessitates the adoption of nominalist ontologies as well. Furthermore, this category grants individuals a higher level of autonomy within organizational contexts compared to prior categories.
Core Criteria of Theories in This Category:
  • Emphasis on the dynamism and adaptability of the external environment.
  • Analysis of reciprocal effects between the organization and its environment.
  • Use of systemic approaches.
  • Focus on aligning organizational actions with societal needs and conditions.
  • Unit of analysis: the organizational environment.
Examples of Theories in This Category:
  • Contingency Theory
  • Open Systems Theory
  • Theory of Collective Action
  • Social Systems Theory
  • Network Theory (Allen & Nau)
  • Dynamic Environmental Analysis Theory
  • Organizational Ecology Approach
  • Organizational Learning Theory
Category 5: Organizational Effectiveness as a Product of Society
In this category, organizational effectiveness is regarded entirely as a product of broader social systems, where organizations have minimal agency in shaping their goals and directions. This radical approach, rooted in critical theories and post-structuralism, perceives organizations not as independent entities but merely as reflections of larger societal structures. Thinkers like Michel Foucault, Jean-François Lyotard, and Jacques Derrida argued that organizations are mere reproductions of dominant discourses, power relations, and societal structures, with little to no autonomous role in defining their objectives and trajectories.
The level of analysis in this category is distinctly macro, focusing on discursive and cultural dimensions and emphasizing the role of organizations in reproducing and mirroring social structures. Effectiveness is not defined by the achievement of organizational objectives but rather as a direct outcome of social, cultural, and historical processes. Theories within this category draw inspiration from critical theories, post-structuralism, and historical sociology, contending that organizations act as passive entities that merely reflect societal structures rather than independently shaping them.
This perspective shifts organizational knowledge entirely towards interpretivist and subjectivist philosophical foundations, spanning ontology, epistemology, methodology, and the view of human agency and values. However, regarding human agency, influenced by anarchist thought, the shift in perspective becomes even more radical.
Core Criteria of Theories in This Category:
  • Fundamental critique of the concept of the organization and its societal role.
  • Emphasis on the influence of social forces on organizational performance and objectives.
  • Questioning the very nature of organizational structures.
  • Viewing organizations as tools for social domination and reproduction.
  • Employing radical and postmodern perspectives for analyzing organizations.
  • Macro-level analysis.
Examples of Theories in This Category:
  • Organizations in Marxist Theory
  • Organizations in Postmodernism
  • Critical Philosophical Theories
  • Structuralist Theories
  • Phenomenological Approaches to Organizations
  • Anti-Organization Theories
  • Theories of Social Capital Accumulation
  • Anti-Systemic Theories
💬 Please share your views in the comments section. Your insights will be invaluable for refining and enhancing this academic framework!
#Management #Organization #TheoriesOfManagement #OrganizationalDevelopment #Efficiency #Effectiveness #Research #AcademicDiscussion #OrganizationalTheory #ComparativeAnalysis
I hope this academic post resonates with the goals of your research and facilitates meaningful discussions on ResearchGate. Should you require any adjustments, let me know!
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Sanal gerçeklik (VR) teknolojisinin mesleki eğitimde, özellikle otelcilik sektöründe uygulanması, örgüt ve yönetim teorileri açısından oldukça ilginç ve anlamlı bir sınıflandırmadır. Bu değerlendirmeyi örgüt ve yönetim teorilerinin temel yaklaşımlarıyla bağlantı kurarak ele alabiliriz:
1. Klasik Yönetim Teorileri
Klasik yönetim teorileri (Fayol, Taylor, Weber), verimlilik ve standartlaşmayı vurgular. Bu teoriler açısından VR uygulamaları şu şekilde değerlendirilebilir:
  • Standartlaşma: VR, belirli bir iş sürecinin (örneğin, resepsiyon prosedürleri, oda temizliği) her bir çalışan tarafından aynı şekilde öğrenilmesini sağlar. Böylece süreçlerin standart hale gelmesi ve hataların azaltılması sağlanır.
  • İş Bölümü: VR eğitimleri, çalışanların belirli görevler için özel olarak hazırlanmasını sağlar. Bu da iş bölümü prensibine uygun bir şekilde uzmanlaşmayı teşvik eder.
  • Verimlilik Artışı: Eğitim sürelerinin kısalması ve gerçek hayatta deneme-yanılma riskinin ortadan kalkması, verimlilik açısından büyük bir avantaj sağlar.
2. Neoklasik Yönetim Teorileri
Neoklasik teoriler (insan ilişkileri yaklaşımı) insan faktörüne ve bireyin tatminine odaklanır. Bu bağlamda:
  • Çalışan Motivasyonu: VR ortamında öğrenme, geleneksel yöntemlere kıyasla daha eğlenceli ve etkileşimli olduğu için çalışanların motivasyonunu artırabilir.
  • Empati ve İletişim: Özellikle müşteri ilişkileri eğitiminde, çalışanların empati kurma yeteneklerini geliştirebileceği etkileşimli VR senaryoları, insana odaklanan neoklasik teorilerle uyumludur.
3. Sistem Teorisi
Sistem teorisine göre örgütler, birbirine bağlı parçaların oluşturduğu bir bütündür. VR uygulamaları bu bütünlük içinde:
  • Dinamik Eğitim Modelleri: VR, örgütün farklı birimlerinde çalışan kişilerin görevlerini bir sistemin parçası olarak anlamasına olanak tanır. Örneğin, bir resepsiyonistin kat hizmetlerinin işleyişini anlaması için VR senaryoları tasarlanabilir.
  • Geri Bildirim Mekanizmaları: VR ortamında yapılan hatalar veya başarılar, çalışanlara anlık geri bildirimlerle iletilebilir, bu da sistemin kendi kendini düzenleme yeteneğini güçlendirir.
4. Durumsallık Teorisi
Durumsallık teorisi, örgütlerin çevresel faktörlere ve özel durumlara uygun çözümler üretmesi gerektiğini savunur. Bu teoriden hareketle:
  • Uyarlanabilir Eğitim: VR ile her bir otelin veya işletmenin ihtiyaçlarına özgü eğitim senaryoları oluşturulabilir. Örneğin, lüks bir otelde çalışan bir personel ile bütçe otelinde çalışan bir personelin eğitimi farklılaştırılabilir.
  • Kriz Yönetimi Simülasyonları: Farklı senaryolar (yangın, müşteri şikayeti, rezervasyon hatası) için durumsal çözüm üretme becerisi geliştirilebilir.
5. Modern ve Postmodern Yaklaşımlar
Modern ve postmodern yönetim teorileri, örgütlerin dinamik, esnek ve inovatif yapılar olarak ele alınmasını önerir:
  • İnovasyon ve Teknoloji Kullanımı: VR’nin eğitim süreçlerine entegrasyonu, otelcilik sektöründe inovasyonu ve teknolojik liderliği teşvik eder.
  • Çeşitlilik ve Kültürel Farkındalık: VR, çalışanların farklı kültürlerden gelen müşterilerle etkileşim kurma becerilerini geliştirmesine olanak sağlar. Bu, postmodern teorilerin çokkültürlülüğe verdiği önemi destekler.
6. İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi Perspektifi
VR uygulamaları, çalışanların işe alım ve geliştirilme süreçlerinde insan kaynakları yönetimi açısından da değerlidir:
  • Eğitimde Eşitlik: Çalışanlar, hangi eğitim geçmişine sahip olurlarsa olsunlar, VR ile aynı standartta eğitim alabilir.
  • Performans Ölçümü: VR ortamında yapılan değerlendirmeler, işe alım süreçlerinde adayların uygunluğunu belirlemek veya mevcut çalışanların gelişim alanlarını tespit etmek için kullanılabilir.
VR'nin otelcilik eğitimine uygulanması, yönetim teorilerinin birçok farklı perspektifiyle uyumlu ve yenilikçi bir yaklaşımı temsil eder. Bu uygulamalar:
  • Klasik teoriler açısından verimlilik ve standartlaşma sağlar.
  • Neoklasik teorilere uygun olarak çalışan tatmini ve motivasyonunu artırır.
  • Sistem teorisiyle örgütsel bütünlük ve uyum yaratır.
  • Durumsallık teorisine göre uyarlanabilir ve esnek çözümler sunar.
  • Modern yaklaşımlarla inovasyon ve çeşitlilik yönetimini destekler.
Bu nedenle VR, otelcilik sektöründe sadece bir eğitim aracı değil, aynı zamanda örgütlerin genel yönetim ve stratejilerine katkıda bulunabilecek bir yenilik olarak değerlendirilebilir.
  • asked a question related to Logic
5 answers
Who is responsible for the dumbing-down of the world's population? Language is the medium of consensus and of discord. As cultures seek a meaningful world-view, volubility increases with the need for more words. Concepts become redundant and discarded; words are invented and reification changes reality. Modern science, religion – and contemporary education – are based on the presumption of Pluralism (not Realism or Materialism, as is commonly held). The primacy of a metaphysical perspective has all-but been abandoned. The vast body of academic scholarship over the last century was predicated on the catastrophic Oxford Model and is mostly meaningless and redundant. An incomprehensible waste of resources and lives supporting the crumbling edifice of Ivory Tower-based education. That culture, based on erroneous assumptions, must take responsibility for the World's stultified condition. The world-view of the vast majority is based on harm, through ignorance, lies and deception.
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This is an old gripe, the gripe of every generation. The world has always been dumb.
  • asked a question related to Logic
5 answers
Are the foundations of science rock solid? Do we really understand the cosmogonies of the Ancients upon which the development and integrity of modern beliefs rest? Has the Truth been obscured, perhaps corrupted? It is widely held that Democritus was an atomist, but what did his concepts “atom and void” and “reality” mean in those times? Have “atoms” and “matter” been objectified through “reification”; originally understood as concepts, have they become the real things that distort the devolving, reified world-view? Why were the Ancient paradigms corrupted? Is reification the world's – and the individual's – greatest problem? Does matter exist?
Relevant answer
One aswer can be traced back to political reasons.
Az a
Is Matter Real?
The answer to this is simple and obvious. Yes, the matter is real. because that is why we can experience it with our senses and form a subjective image of it in our consciousness. It's another matter what physical effects this matter has, whether they are real or unreal. Maybe my answer was wrong because you capitalized the word Matter. I wasn't wrong about "Real" because the ontologically primary material (Matter) is expressed in the ordinary material.
  • asked a question related to Logic
16 answers
I am looking for a quotation of the tale described below. I know it appeared at the beginning of an article or text on paraconsistent logic but I can't find that source nor any other authoritative source.
Two disputants come to a rabbi for a resolution. After hearing the first case, the rabbi says, “You are right.” When he hears the antagonist’s response, he says, “You are also right.” An observer says, “Rabbi, you said person A and person B are both right; they can't both be right!” The rabbi responds, “you are also right!”
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In the Talmud, it is written that, “These and those are the words of the living God.” This indicates that often in our disputes, both sides may possess elements of truth that are valid within their respective frameworks. The rabbi, in acknowledging both disputants, demonstrates the multifaceted nature of reality; what is true for one may not fully encompass the truth for the other.
Simon-Shoshan, Moshe. ""These and Those are the Words of the Living God, but …": Meaning, Background, and Reception of an Early Rabbinic Teaching." AJS Review: The Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies, vol. 45 no. 2, 2021, p. 382-410. Project MUSE,
In the early days of the Talmud (hundreds of years before the oral teachings were even written down), the two major opposing viewpoints in Judaism were known as Beit Hillel and Beit Shammai, named for their respective founders. In the Talmud (Eruvin 13b), we read that:
For three years Beit Shammai and Beit Hillel disagreed. One party said: The law is according to our opinion, and the other party said: The law is according to our opinion. Ultimately, a Divine Voice emerged and proclaimed:
ֵאלּוּ ָוֵאלּוּ ִדּ ְבֵרי ֱא ִ˄הים ַחִיּים
“Both these and those are the words of the living God.”
Eilu v’eilu divrei Elohim chayim. These words are famous among Jews who study even a little Talmud. Two opinions can be in opposition and still be words of God. The Divine Voice continued:
However, the law is in accordance with the opinion of Beit Hillel… for they would teach both their own statements and the statements of Beit Shammai, and they even placed the statements of Beit Shammai before their own.
Even though two opinions can both be righteous, at the end of the day a matter of law must be settled. According to the Talmud, the obligation on the successful party is to understand and give serious consideration to the opinion of the minority party. The Jewish view of history is not a series of winners and losers, but of opposing viewpoints arriving at a point of coexistence, preferably through peaceful means and mutual respect.
  • asked a question related to Logic
4 answers
Logic plays a crucial role in the process of thinking, analyzing facts, evaluating situations, etc. Many philosophers, psychologists, and others with a scientific background have mentioned the great importance of logic, emphasizing its everyday and timeless applications. However, logic, like other dimensions of human cognition, has its limits. In your perspective, what are the limits of logic?
Relevant answer
Thank you for your response. Yes, logic applies the principles of mathematical thinking, contextualizing them in everyday and scientific realities. However, these variations of logic have mutual influence, being interconnected through universal regularities, and computational reasoning.
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17 answers
Differential Logic • 1
Introduction —
Differential logic is the component of logic whose object is the description of variation — focusing on the aspects of change, difference, distribution, and diversity — in universes of discourse subject to logical description. A definition that broad naturally incorporates any study of variation by way of mathematical models, but differential logic is especially charged with the qualitative aspects of variation pervading or preceding quantitative models. To the extent a logical inquiry makes use of a formal system, its differential component governs the use of a “differential logical calculus”, that is, a formal system with the expressive capacity to describe change and diversity in logical universes of discourse.
Simple examples of differential logical calculi are furnished by “differential propositional calculi”. A differential propositional calculus is a propositional calculus extended by a set of terms for describing aspects of change and difference, for example, processes taking place in a universe of discourse or transformations mapping a source universe to a target universe. Such a calculus augments ordinary propositional calculus in the same way the differential calculus of Leibniz and Newton augments the analytic geometry of Descartes.
Resources —
Logic Syllabus
Survey of Differential Logic
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Differential Logic • 18
Tangent and Remainder Maps —
If we follow the classical line which singles out linear functions as ideals of simplicity then we may complete the analytic series of the proposition f = pq : X → B in the following way.
The next venn diagram shows the differential proposition df = d(pq) : EX → B we get by extracting the linear approximation to the difference map Df = D(pq) : EX → B at each cell or point of the universe X. What results is the logical analogue of what would ordinarily be called “the differential” of pq but since the adjective “differential” is being attached to just about everything in sight the alternative name “tangent map” is commonly used for df whenever it's necessary to single it out.
Tangent Map d(pq) : EX → B
To be clear about what's being indicated here, it's a visual way of summarizing the following data.
= p ∙ q ∙ (dp , dq)
+ p ∙ (q) ∙ dq
+ (p) ∙ q ∙ dp
+ (p) ∙ (q) ∙ 0
To understand the extended interpretations, that is, the conjunctions of basic and differential features which are being indicated here, it may help to note the following equivalences.
• (dp , dq) = dp ∙ (dq) + (dp) ∙ dq
• dp = dp ∙ dq + dp ∙ (dq)
• dq = dp ∙ dq + (dp) ∙ dq
Capping the analysis of the proposition pq in terms of succeeding orders of linear propositions, the final venn diagram of the series shows the “remainder map” r(pq) : EX → B, which happens to be linear in pairs of variables.
Remainder r(pq) : EX → B
Reading the arrows off the map produces the following data.
= p ∙ q ∙ dp ∙ dq
+ p ∙ (q) ∙ dp ∙ dq
+ (p) ∙ q ∙ dp ∙ dq
+ (p) ∙ (q) ∙ dp ∙ dq
In short, r(pq) is a constant field, having the value dp ∙ dq at each cell.
Resources —
Logic Syllabus
Survey of Differential Logic
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2 answers
Human consciousness includes cognitive patterns, logical notions, as well as rational and emotional elements. The complex process of thinking can be categorized as logical or factual (rational), and emotional. In your perspective, why is rational thinking important?
Relevant answer
Thank you for your response. Yes, both rational and emotional thinking play a crucial role in human thinking. Rationality is based on objective reasoning, and emotionality comes from subjective judgments. While rational thinking gives foundations for sciences, emotional reasoning helps in creating art, and having aesthetic experiences. When balancing these psychological layers, the process of thinking becomes harmonious, and leads to better cognitive outcomes.
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2 answers
Understanding the concept of Paraconsistent Logic.
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Algebraically speaking, rejecting that (p \land \lnot p) = \bot (the characteristic property of paraconsistent logics) is dual to rejecting that (p \lor \lnot p) = \top (the characteristic property of intuitionistic logics), where \bot and \top here are understood as minimal and maximal elements of the lattice of propositions (ordered by entailment). From a Lindenbaum algebra perspective, it is clear that a logic is explosive if and only if (p \land \lnot p) is a minimum element of the lattice of propositions, and that a logic satisfies the law of the excluded middle if and only if (p \lor \lnot p) is a maximum element of the lattice of propositions. Hence, at least in the context of a general introduction to paraconsistent logics, I would humbly submit that it is not in fact incorrect to conceptualise the property of a logic being paraconsistent as dual to the property of a logic being intuitionistic.
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7 answers
Comments on “Information = Comprehension × Extension”
Inquiry Blog • Survey of Pragmatic Semiotic Information
OEIS Wiki • Information = Comprehension × Extension
C.S. Peirce • Upon Logical Comprehension and Extension
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Information = Comprehension × Extension • Comment 7
Let's stay with Peirce's example of inductive inference a little longer and try to clear up the more troublesome confusions tending to arise.
Figure 2 shows the implication ordering of logical terms in the form of a lattice diagram.
Figure 2. Disjunctive Term u, Taken as Subject
Figure 4 shows an inductive step of inquiry, as taken on the cue of an indicial sign.
Figure 4. Disjunctive Subject u, Induction of Rule v ⇒ w
One final point needs to be stressed. It is important to recognize the disjunctive term itself — the syntactic formula “neat, swine, sheep, deer” or any logically equivalent formula — is not an index but a symbol. It has the character of an artificial symbol which is constructed to fill a place in a formal system of symbols, for example, a propositional calculus. In that setting it would normally be interpreted as a logical disjunction of four elementary propositions, denoting anything in the universe of discourse which has any of the four corresponding properties.
The artificial symbol “neat, swine, sheep, deer” denotes objects which serve as indices of the genus herbivore by virtue of their belonging to one of the four named species of herbivore. But there is in addition a natural symbol which serves to unify the manifold of given species, namely, the concept of a cloven‑hoofed animal.
As a symbol or general representation, the concept of a cloven‑hoofed animal connotes an attribute and connotes it in such a way as to determine what it denotes. Thus we observe a natural expansion in the connotation of the symbol, amounting to what Peirce calls the “superfluous comprehension” or information added by an “ampliative” or synthetic inference.
In sum we have sufficient information to motivate an inductive inference, from the Fact u ⇒ w and the Case u ⇒ v to the Rule v ⇒ w.
Reference —
Peirce, C.S. (1866), “The Logic of Science, or, Induction and Hypothesis”, Lowell Lectures of 1866, pp. 357–504 in Writings of Charles S. Peirce : A Chronological Edition, Volume 1, 1857–1866, Peirce Edition Project, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN, 1982.
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7 answers
We will time-travel to the time of Christ by looking at the language and culture of Afghanistan. In this PowerPoint, you will see a student’s wooden chalk board to help Afghan children learn verses from the Khoran, an Afghan Coloring Book, and a straw picture of Two Important Afghan Words: “Muhammad” and “Allah”
The Afghan language (Dari) is rich in metaphor. The Afghan word for a Prickly Pear Cactus is “zabane mader showhar” (which translates as “mother-in-law’s tongue.” The Afghan word for Ostrich is “shotor-morgh” which translates as “elephant hen.” The Afghan word for Popcorn is “chos e fil” which means “elephant’s fart. Another Afghan word for Popcorn is “pof e fil” which means “elephant’s puff.” The Afghan word for Lady Bird (the insect) is “kafsh duzak” which means “little shoe-smith.” A Turkey in Afghan Persian is “fil morgh” which means “elephant chicken.” And a Turtle is “sang posht” which means “rock back.”
Our favorite Afghan metaphor is their word for Walnut. A Walnjt is called “chahar maghs” which means “four brains.” If you think about it, that’s what a Walnut actually looks like—four brains.
From 1967-1969, when the Nilsen family lived in Kabul, Afghanistan we saw many beautiful English signs that were mostly misspelled, but the misspellings are perfectly logically. Our favorite sign advertised flowers, and the wording on the sign was “Flower and Buket Maker.” It took us a while to figure this one out. What the sign meant to saywas “Flower and bouquet maker.”
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Don and Alleen Nilsen have prepared PowerPoints for each chapter of their Language of Humor (Cambridge University Press, 2019).
If you would like to receive the PowerPoint related to any of the following chapters, please request it from Don Nilsen on Research Gate or at :
Chapter 1: Introduction & Humor Theories Chapter 2: Humor in Anthropology & Ethnic Studies Chapter 3: Humor in Art Chapter 4: Humor in Business Chapter 5: Humor in Computer Science Chapter 6: Humor in Education Chapter 7: Humor in Gender Studies Chapter 8: Humor in Geography (International Humor: Books, Conferences and Organizations) Chapter 9: Humor in Gerontology Chapter 10: Humor in History Chapter 11: Humor in Journalism Chapter 12: Humor in Law Chapter 13: Humor in Linguistics Chapter 14: Humor in Literature Chapter 15: Humor in Medicine and Health Chapter 16: Humor in Music Chapter 17: Humor in Names and Naming Chapter 18: Humor in the Performing Arts Chapter 19: Humor in Philosophy Chapter 20: Physical Humor Chapter 21: Humor in Politics Chapter 22: Humor in Psychology Chapter 23: Humor in Religion Chapter 24: Humor in Rhetoric and Composition Chapter 25: Humor in Sociology
If you would like to receive any of the PowerPoints above, please contact Don Nilsen on Research Gate, or e-mail me at .
  • asked a question related to Logic
7 answers
Is there a logic which allows to define functions and relationships both through formulas and by algorithms?
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Propositional dynamic logic, and more generally the entire family of dynamic logics, might fit the bill here. Essentially, these are multimodal logics constructed by introducing a modality [\alpha]\phi which captures that "after executing the program \alpha then the formula \phi is true."
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6 answers
Information = Comprehension × Extension • Preamble
Eight summers ago I hit on what struck me as a new insight into one of the most recalcitrant problems in Peirce’s semiotics and logic of science, namely, the relation between “the manner in which different representations stand for their objects” and the way in which different inferences transform states of information.  I roughed out a sketch of my epiphany in a series of blog posts then set it aside for the cool of later reflection.  Now looks to be a choice moment for taking another look.
A first pass through the variations of representation and reasoning detects the axes of iconic, indexical, and symbolic manners of representation on the one hand and the axes of abductive, inductive, and deductive modes of inference on the other.  Early and often Peirce suggests a natural correspondence between the main modes of inference and the main manners of representation but his early arguments differ from his later accounts in ways deserving close examination, partly for the extra points in his line of reasoning and partly for his explanation of indices as signs constituted by convening the variant conceptions of sundry interpreters.
Inquiry Blog • Survey of Pragmatic Semiotic Information
OEIS Wiki • Information = Comprehension × Extension
C.S. Peirce • Upon Logical Comprehension and Extension
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Information = Comprehension × Extension • Selection 6
Selection 1 opens with Peirce proposing, “The information of a term is the measure of its superfluous comprehension”, and it closes with his offering the following promise.
❝I am going, next, to show that inference is symbolization and that the puzzle of the validity of scientific inference lies merely in this superfluous comprehension and is therefore entirely removed by a consideration of the laws of information.❞
Summing up his account to this point, Peirce appears confident he's kept his promise. Promising on our own account to give it another pass, we'll let him have the last word — for now.
❝We have now seen how the mind is forced by the very nature of inference itself to make use of induction and hypothesis.
❝But the question arises how these conclusions come to receive their justification by the event. Why are most inductions and hypotheses true? I reply that they are not true. On the contrary, experience shows that of the most rigid and careful inductions and hypotheses only an infinitesimal proportion are never found to be in any respect false.
❝And yet it is a fact that all careful inductions are nearly true and all well-grounded hypotheses resemble the truth; why is that? If we put our hand in a bag of beans the sample we take out has perhaps not quite but about the same proportion of the different colours as the whole bag. Why is that?
❝The answer is that which I gave a week ago. Namely, that there is a certain vague tendency for the whole to be like any of its parts taken at random because it is composed of its parts. And, therefore, there must be some slight preponderance of true over false scientific inferences. Now the falsity in conclusions is eliminated and neutralized by opposing falsity while the slight tendency to the truth is always one way and is accumulated by experience. The same principle of balancing of errors holds alike in observation and in reasoning.❞
(Peirce 1866, pp. 470–471)
Reference —
Peirce, C.S. (1866), “The Logic of Science, or, Induction and Hypothesis”, Lowell Lectures of 1866, pp. 357–504 in Writings of Charles S. Peirce : A Chronological Edition, Volume 1, 1857–1866, Peirce Edition Project, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN, 1982.
Resources —
Inquiry Blog • Survey of Pragmatic Semiotic Information
OEIS Wiki • Information = Comprehension × Extension
C.S. Peirce • Upon Logical Comprehension and Extension
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3 answers
To be developed in relation to AI.
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From a philosophical perspective, if we consider questions to be copyrightable, imposing copyright on questions may stifle innovation and the free exchange of ideas, as people may be reluctant to ask questions for fear of violating someone else’s copyright.
While theories, philosophies, and narratives can be copyrighted because of their creative and original nature, questions generally do not meet the criteria for copyright protection. In the world of AI, this distinction remains important to ensure that AI technologies continue to be developed and used to foster innovation and the free flow of information.
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2 answers
BACK DOORS MITIGATION IN IoT: The persistent attacks on IoT that is now part of our daily lives as regard sustaining it with the generation of IoMT is growing on daily basis. No matter the different logical layers of controls to mitigate there is always that weak point when put to test. What back door control or measure would most likely assure no collusion with device manufacturers?
Relevant answer
The security of existing industrial and manufacturing systems, existing for future
security challenges, and security must play a key role underpinning the development of future smart manufacturing systems.
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5 answers
RESPECTFULLY, pan-dualism is more plausible than pan-deism. All entities either are unique, or too different for perfect prediction. Plus, humans may be bound by some rules(genetics, environment, circumstances, etc.) but, without the fundamental choice to focus on life, human reason would be impossible. Plus, humans can lose all their cells yet survive and retain their individual identities. So, at least humans have some immaterial tracker(maybe souls). Pan-deism depends on the unlikely premise that a creator destroyed itself(thus, all existence are dubiously the creator’s debris). We don’t know who created us or how. Thus, pan-dualism has the most evidence, while making the least assumptions.
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The plausibility of pan-deism versus pan-dualism largely depends on individual philosophical perspectives.
  • Pan-deism posits that God is immanent in the universe and that everything is part of a divine whole, suggesting a unified existence without a personal deity actively intervening. This view aligns well with naturalistic and holistic philosophies.
  • Pan-dualism, on the other hand, emphasizes a dualistic nature where both the divine and the material world are distinct yet interconnected. This perspective can resonate with religious and spiritual traditions that recognize a personal deity or force alongside the material realm.
Ultimately, the preference for one over the other hinges on personal beliefs about the nature of divinity and existence.
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2 answers
Let's consider two egregious cases:
  • Christian G. Wolf "iSpacetime"
  • Gerd Pommerenke "The Metric Universe" and "Accelerated Expansion: A Fallacy"
Christian G. Wolf
Christian Wolf is cynical. When he was presented with the derivation of the "proposed formula" for G, where he hid the value of G in one of the factors, F_g, he just laughed.
In addition to other tautologies and claims that he derived Cosmological Constants with infinite precision (it is a tautology like G=G), the precision depends only on the number of bytes used, he also has a numerology (converting constants to rational numbers.
The reason is simple: The proposed expression for G contains G. The rest of the expression simplifies to 1. I provided the Python Sympy derivations. Anyone can check it.
So, in his "work" you see idiotic ideas like: Time Unit is 1/6961 iSpace-second...:)
Gerd Pommerenke
In the case of Gerd Pommerenke, there the model has a logspiral photon path in a 4D spatial manifold. I explained to Gerd that all logspirals models (where the 4D k-vector is at a constant angle with respect to the 3D hypersurface), produce ZERO Redshift.
You can see that from the attached picture ("LightPropagationin4D_left.png").
So, any claim that the model fits the Supernova Observations is fraudulent.
In addition, the model is a simple one-dimensional waveguide model, where a conductance kappa is arbitrarily introduced and given values that create a tautology H_0=H_0.
In other words, when Gerd claims that he calculated the Hubble Constant, he is faking it.
I say faking it because he has been given this information and decided to disregard it. The same goes for Christian G. Wolf.
Nobody is at blame when one makes a mistake in a calculation. To persist after learning the mistake and refuse to retract the work is scientific fraud.
The problem is that the kappa, when inserted into the proposed formula for the Hubble Constant, yields a tautology H_0=H_0.
The reason is simple: The proposed expression contains Kappa_0. Kappa_0 contains H_0. The rest of the expression simplifies to 1. I provided the Python Sympy derivations. Anyone can check it.
Gerd knows that H_0 cannot be a cosmological constant since it is equal to the inverse of the universe's age. Gerd lifted the Universe as a Lightspeed Expanding Hyperspherical Hypersurface from my work without referencing it.
The problem is that, in my theory, all particles are surfing the Inner Dilation Layer, and thus, they cannot move radially at will. They are being dragged by the Inner Dilation Layer.
That is not the case in Gerd's model, so Gerd cannot explain why particles don't diffuse in 4D or why Gravity and Electromagnetism do not decay with cubic distances.
In addition, Gerd's value of vacuum impedance is imaginary, meaning that light would be absorbed as it travels over billions and billions of light-years, resulting in a totally dark sky.
For the value of the impedance, we wouldn't be able to see the Sun!!!
So, the model grossly failed, and the contrived value of kappa was designed to create the tautology.
Hence, in addition to not reproducing redshifts and containing circular reasoning, Gerd's work claim of deriving Cosmological Constants is fraudulent.
Circular reasoning and tautology fraud are very common, so it is worthwhile to evaluate these two models.
Feel free to ask questions. I provided the Python Notebooks showcasing the tautologies.
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Dear Gerd Pommerenke,
Do you dispute that your logspiral photon path leads to no redshift?
Do you dispute that your "derivation" of the Hubble Constant is just circular reasoning (creating tautologies inside a bad model)?
I said bad model because the value of Kappa (vacuum conductance) would make the universe dark—light would dissipate by traveling through a vacuum.
Am I wrong?
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8 answers
If you follow the rules of classical logic, it establishes a structure of the universe that produces the results of the MME experiment, and the the observations of GTR and QM in 3-space. I would be curious if anyone can find a flaw in the theory (page 23).
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While strictly modeling these concepts in 3-space is challenging, integrating quantum physics principles with thought regulation and behavioral intelligence offers a novel way to understand and visualize cognitive processes. This interdisciplinary approach aligns well with mental awareness. and decision-making, providing
  • asked a question related to Logic
4 answers
Hi All .
Recently, I conducted Hall measurement experiments at high temperatures on highly p-doped diamond with a doping concentration of 2.5×10^20 cm−3
During these experiments, I observed two key phenomena:
Carrier Concentration: As the temperature increased, the carrier concentration decreased.
Resistivity: Despite the decrease in carrier concentration, the resistivity of the material decreased with increasing temperature.
Resistivity decreasing is logical. But why the carrier concentrations are decreasing?.
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I'm not a great specialist neither in diamond nor in Hall effect measurements, but AFAIK so called "Hall" mobility and concentrations are measured during Hall effect measurements, which in general differ from the "real" (conductivity) mobility and concentrations by the Hall scattering factor r, which in turn depends on temperature due to different contributions of various scattering mechanisms at different temperatures.
That may be a reason, I'd search in that direction if other causes have been ruled out.
  • asked a question related to Logic
1 answer
How can you create a logical and coherent structure
for your literature review to guide readers through
complex information?
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3 answers
The delta function seems produce logical contradictions when analyzed on a fundamental level. I would be curious if anyone else agrees.
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Haris Shekeris I agree. There are many logical mistakes within physics that lead to the correct result for the the wrong reason. The delta function on point particles is one of them. Here is a link if you want more details. Thanks for your comment.
Deleted research item The research item mentioned here has been deleted
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If not, logic derives from another entity.
Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Yahweh". Encyclopedia Britannica, 22 Jul. 2024, Accessed 22 July 2024.
Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "logos". Encyclopedia Britannica, 1 Jun. 2024, Accessed 22 July 2024.
Aguirre, Anthony. "multiverse". Encyclopedia Britannica, 25 Jun. 2024, Accessed 22 July 2024.
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dear Alexander Ohnemus , is it the britannica that thinks that Logic is tied to god? I thought was just a human construct and hence it came from the entity which may have been (separately, think of writing systems for example) thought first say by Aristotle, then by I don't know some asian philosopher or mathematician, before that a Mayan one, etc. I always thought that God would only need to be a truth-maker rather than also organize experience in terms of logics (i'm a bit of a pluralist on the topic of logic, that no one system of logic is overarching).
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Several researchers (using different approaches) have been obtained the correct fields produced by an electrical charge moving with constant rectilinear velocity without using the relativistic machinery (Heaviside, Landau, Jefimenko, Dimitriyev, Ogiba, …).
On the other hand, if electrical charges are placed in external electromagnetic fields, then appear asymmetries in the Maxwell equations (see the introduction of the ontological Einstein’s paper) that can only be resolved by applying the Lorentz transformations.
I believe that if we get a true answer for the first case (based on first principles), the second case will be easily (and logically) understood. Moreover, the number of relativistic paradoxes will be drastically reduced.
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Heaviside did not use relativity at all to obtain the ellipsoid.
Heaviside was pro aether, hence was against relativity when it came out.
For him the ellipsoid was an effect of moving in a preferred system or the propagation domain of light or aether...
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7 answers
I am interested in knowing how does an AI detection tool work and what's the main logic behind it? How it is able to detect the presence of AI work?
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Seeing identity as a defined single unit is a mistake, it is a number of culturally related points. So when the body dies, identity dies except in those who remain.
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Yes because critical rationalism recognizes substance, parsimony and identity(adjusts premises upon contradiction), while skeptical empiricism believes all results from impressions. Skeptical empiricism also believes the self is an illusion.
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Si lo es, definitivamente, porque el gran valor de la CIENCIA RACIONAL, a demostrado y lo sigue haciendo hoy,su inconmensurable valor social y humano al solucionar infinidad de padecimientos y grandes sufrimientos humanos. Además del la mayor duración y esperanza de vida actual es disfrutada y dá esperanzas de ser prolongada.
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needed research papers or other sources to learn logical circuits design for trinary logics
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Trinary Logic Algorithm (pls see the attachment)
Visit my website for other trinary research:
My contact:
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4 answers
the quantity of credentials or problems solved?
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27 answers
In the article linked below, a derivation is done using strictly classical logic and experimental results as the premises. Through logic alone, the processes that mimic superposition, quantum tunneling, black holes, etc are derived implying that quantum mechanics is more very classical... I would be curious if there are any mistakes in the derivations of existence, and time.
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Bakhodir Khonnazarovich Tursunbaev That is a great question... If you consider both an ontological and epistemological ball, the only difference is that one has a property distinguishing it from nothingness... Essentially this means that existence can be defined more or less as a continuum with at least one property (from a specific set). Additionally, since enclosing an existing object in a larger geometry would not entail such larger object exists, every point in the continuum must have a property. Since the atom does not form a continuum, the atom does not exist: it is composed of things that exists, and those interactions produce the properties of the atom. Per the infinite divisibility property, existence is infinitely divisible. What we perceive as being fundamental, is again infinitely divisible. Quantum mechanics models the exchange between the visible and the invisible so to speak.... With that said, the processes that occur in nature can be deduced logically, but the extent to which such processes occur is found through experimentation. Therefore your question does not make sense in relation to the claims but that is probably my fault for not being more clear.
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Rationalism is referring to rational behavior, and it can be based upon many kinds of evidence sources like testimony, history, empirical evidence, etc.. and so on. Critical entails a behavior of carefully analyzing something to the point where it is required. From there we can understand that critical rationalism means that the person is employing a behavior in which they are employing rationality to their thinking using different kinds of evidences as a base for their analysis.
On the other hand, empiricism entails that we are demanding about empirical evidence. Skepticism means that the person is employing a behavior of radically questioning something. So if we join both terms, it will mean that the person is asking simultaneous questions about something while demanding only empirical evidence.
So, from the above mentioned understanding we can conclude that critical rationalism is a concept and empirical skepticism is a type of critical rationalism but the latter employ a bit more strong behavior then the former.
So, I am not an expert on the field, neither do I know what these terms actually mean. But from names, I have derived this meaning which is quite sensible in my view
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24 answers
All good derives from bad. Disincentives are everything. Deduction is more rigorous than induction.
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L.D. Edmonds Indeed. I regard that as an implicit feature since the comparatives (more, less) can apply adverbially to the adjectives "good" and "bad".
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1 answer
My impression:
I: The known empirical facts were tried to explain or describe at least by the known logics and/or respective mathematical relations.
II: The obvious logical or empirical contradictions are tried to exceed by the complex mathematical or experimental procedures, just consisting of respective elementary steps.
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Sorry,not my cup of tea
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4 answers
The simulation theory is NOT parsimonious because at least partial free will is self-evident. Reason would not exist without the fundamental choice to focus on life. Even animals probably make decisions thus, have souls.
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this is a good start, you will see how subject to environmental and pseudo-random chaos theory effects of critical systems like the brain, are. the idea that we are masters of our brains and minds, is an illusion to all but probably some very dedicated monks and practices of discipline.
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2 answers
If you examine General Theory of Relativity (GTR), it operates under the premise of a constant speed of light. Similarly, Quantum Mechanics (QM) is built upon the notion of particles existing in multiple states simultaneously. Following the logical pathways from these premises often leads to logically valid conclusions, but the soundness of these conclusions depends on the accuracy of the initial assumptions.
Now, if one were to construct a theory solely on the assumption that classical logic remains consistent, would it necessarily align with all empirical observations? In other words, does soundness imply empirical?
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Nature cannot be understood under
logic alone. Need empiricism.
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Quantum mechanics focuses more on probability and specific units which seems more empirical. Whereas relativity is more theoretical and thus rationalist.
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In my opinion, there is a degree of mysticism in quantum mechanics because it is not properly formulated. It is generally recognized that ψ.ψ* represents the probability of finding the particle at a specified set of coordinates (the Born rule) but this has to be wrong. Consider a particle moving from A to B in accord with the Schrödinger equation. According to the Born rule, the most probable place to find the particle is at the wave antinode, but that cann0ot be correct because if you do the mathematics, the wave travels at half the velocity of the particle. The particle is at a pace where the wave has yet to catch up.
Now you can wave your arms and say the wave doesn't exist an dit is just a calculating aid, but even if that were true, if the most obvious simple calculation gives the wrong answer, how can it be a calculating aid?
There is a lot more wrong with current quantum mechanics, in my opinion. As an example, besides the Born rule two other Nobel prizes have been awarded with, in my opinion, incorrect physics. The award to Pople for his calculation of chemical bond energies uses the wrong orbitals and misses a quantum effect. The difference between what he uses and what I believe should be used is not large and is compensated for by assigned constants, i.e an empirical correction. The orbitals he should use are given by the relationship in I. J. Miller 1987. The quantization of the screening constant. Aust. J. Phys. 40 : 329 -346. As it happens, the carbon p orbitals do not have radial nodes, and the 2s orbital has only a minor effect so all is not lost
Similarly, the 2022mprize for showing violations of Bell's inequality is wrong. All they did was in calculating the results, they violated the conditions of deriving the inequality. If you do not believe me, show where the error is in Miller, I. J. (2023). Non-Violations in Bell's Inequality. J Math Techniques Comput Math, 2(6), 209-210.
I concede to being biased since I have published papers contradicting standard QM and In have also written two ebooks, one is "Guidance Waves", which outlines my answer to what I think is more correct, and "The Covalent Bond from Guidance Waves", which accounts for chemical bonds. The sim0lifications are clear. As an example, the calculations of bond dissociation energies for then triply bonded P2, As2 and Sb2 are within about 2 kJ/mol with no assigned constants, and a computer is not needed for what is one analytic function that inserts different quantum numbers.
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3 answers
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What counts as a bird? If feathers are a sine qua non, then it's not inconceivable that some early featherless flying critters evolved into feathered flying critters, in which case their birdhood evolved after the capacity for flight. Note that I said "some". The evolution of birds might have taken several paths with different sequences from a common nonbird ancestor.
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3 answers
Violating [(tradition)' = (risk analysis)' = (skin in the game)'] = ethics has many risks.
1)LONG-term higher SELF.
2)Morality is more about concrete empathy than the abstract kind.
3)Criminals risk A LOT.
4)More parsimonous, given the law of identity, and time is an illusion, the individual is more likely eternal than abstract ideas are.
5)We probably realize, upon death, time is an illusion.
6)People evolved to be more easily bored by the abstract than concrete. So, applied mathematics may help teach math.
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Ethical risk in procurement can include conflict of interest, fraud, corruption, and anything that prevents progress with regards to social, environmental, and economic outcomes
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There is a logical relationship among the three mentioned methods; however, distinguishing which one is comprehensive and which one is specialized is essential in a fluid mechanic context.
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First of all, the term 'fluid mechanics' is more commonly used than 'fluid mechanic'
The Ritz method, the method of weighted residuals (MWR), and variational methods are all closely related approaches for approximating solutions to partial differential equations (PDEs) that arise in various fields, including fluid mechanics. They share the common goal of finding an approximate solution that minimizes a residual or energy functional.
In the context of fluid mechanics, these methods are commonly used to approximate solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations, which govern the flow of viscous fluids. The choice of method depends on the specific problem and the desired level of accuracy.
All right, let's have a quick review:
The Ritz method, also known as the Rayleigh-Ritz method, is a general approach for solving variational problems. It involves approximating the unknown solution using a trial function that is expanded in terms of a set of basis functions. The residual is then formed by substituting the trial function into the governing PDE and multiplying by a weighting function. The solution is found by minimizing the residual over the set of admissible trial functions.
The method of weighted residuals (MWR) is a broader class of numerical methods that encompasses the Ritz method and other approaches. It involves discretizing the governing PDE by introducing a trial function and a weighting function. The residual is then formed by substituting the trial function into the PDE and multiplying by the weighting function. The solution is found by enforcing the residual to be zero at a set of collocation points or by integrating the residual over the domain of the problem.
Variational methods are based on the principle that the true solution of a physical system minimizes a certain energy functional. This energy functional can be derived from the governing PDEs using Hamilton's principle or other variational principles. The solution is then found by minimizing the energy functional over the set of admissible trial functions.
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2 answers
When a polymer is soluble in water, how is it able to interact with the adsorbate molecules dispersed in the solution? I need some logical explanation regarding this phenomenon along with relevant literature. Thanks in advance.
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Dear Noor ul Ain, you didn't specified the type of polymer and its mechanism of action. I will talk about flocculants. These are polar and charged ionic polymers of four types: polar/neutral, anionic, cationic, and zwetterionic (+ & -). Flocculants help disperded substances to associate/agglomerate so that they settle down by gravity. They do so mainly by two mechanisms: charge neutralization and bridging. My Regards
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8 answers
I think so because
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In general, instincts may contribute to some forms of tribal knowledge, such as basic survival instincts, but not all tribal knowledge can be reduced to instincts. The distinction lies in the source and nature of knowledge: instincts are innate biological tendencies, while prior knowledge is independent of sensory experience and can be known through reason alone.
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9 answers
We contend that in the Kritik A70-76 (B95-101) Kant attempted to give what in modern terms would be a formal definition of the syntax of his logic (i.e. an inductive definition of judgment).
The question we wish to ask is, given such an analysis of Kant's logic, is the said logic sufficiently expressive (with regards to multiple generality) to formulate Kant's own analogies of experience ?
The original version of the second analogy in A was: for everything that happens there is something which succeeds it, according to a rule. Alles, was geschiet (anhebt zu sein) setzt etwas voraus, worauf es nach einer Regel folgt.
for all x. (if Happens(x) then there exists y such that Follows_by_a_rule(x,y))
We think this question might interest researchers who are interested in how multiple generality might have been dealt with in ancient and medieval logic.
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19 answers
My best strategy is to make my body of work on metaphysics so big and rigorous that, people will ponder "how would he have done this without a doctorate?"
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There are also other anomalous cases I didn't mention in my response to Orlando M Lourenço that can be added as qualifications to my claim that empirical premises yield an empirical conclusion. For example, when the premises are contradictory or entail a contradiction. In classical logic that yields a valid argument no matter what the conclusion. Likewise, if the conclusion is a tautology or logical truth, the argument is valid no matter what the premises. Nonclassical logics such as relevance logics were developed in order to avoid such anomalies which many regard as unacceptable or counterintuitive.
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2 answers
Showing ABSTRACT moral absolutes probably don’t exist, women evolved to try to fix men’s flaws. Very few women cite Prince Charming as the sexiest man. God maybe designed women to desire the men they could fix or, all females would wait until the second coming to reproduce. Many women are sexually attracted to serial killers.
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Bad boys are more lively. ..and sweet
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3 answers
Results show that these tests are not significant in every personal and functional data even though logically there is difference!
I have gender (male, female)
Position (3 choices)
Experience (4 choices)
How to treat this and did i use the wrong anova test?
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It seems like you are trying to compare categorical variables (gender, position, and experience) using an ANOVA test. However, the ANOVA test is primarily used to compare means between groups in a continuous variable, given categorical variables.
For your dataset, which contains only categorical variables, you should use a Chi-square test of independence to examine whether there is an association between these variables. The Chi-square test assesses the statistical significance of differences between two or more independent groups with categorical variables.
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Are all interesting people missing in heaven? Mark Twain thought that many of them would be: "Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company."
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6 answers
Hello everyone,
in our team we have established the use of NGN2 to differentiate hiPSC into neurons. We do so by transducing neurons with two lentiviruses, one with inducible NGN2 and puro resistance and another one with rtTA with neo resistance. We then do a 5 day selection with 2ug/mL of puro and 250ug/mL of G418 for two days and then 3 more days with 1ug/mL and 250ug/mL G418.
We start the differentiation by seeding the cells with mtesr with 4ug/mL of doxy and then next day we move to N2 media (dmem, NEA, N2, bdnf, hnt3, laminin, doxy). Next day we add rat astrocytes and then the next day we change to B27 media with AraC. Adapted from here:
The thing is that during the culture with N2 media we have some clusters of hiPSC developing in the culture that only disappear after treatment with AraC (logic), leaving a lot of debris in the culture. Also it limits us a lot with the densities we can work, because the higher the density, the bigger the clusters and the dirtier the culture.
Has anyone the same problem? Anyone has any recommendation to get rid of these cells? We think that they are cells with basal expression of the neo resistance but with not enough expression to trigger the differentiation once we add the doxy. How would you address this?
Thank you guys.
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Hello Sterling. In our case we have constitutive expression of the resistance gene. Thus, it shouldn’t really matter when I add doxycicline…
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12 answers
Many times in physics, the equations accurately model certain aspects of reality, but the explanation is not compatible with philosophical truths. For example, in GTR, time is often believed to have begun with the universe and this violates reason: how did the universe begin without time? In the link shown below, I setup a framework in which logic is never violated, and the conclusions are compatible with STR, GTR, and QM. I would value your opinion on them. Thanks.
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Recent SS posts in
- and in , pages 29, 30, 31 though; that always is necessary to have in mind at considering ant scientific – or non-scientific, if that isn’t in accordance with the criteria – texts,
- are relevant to this thread question.
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5 answers
Hello,o o o o o o o o o
I have master's level training in logic and meta-logic, high marks, A's, but am not a practicing logician at all, I am a neo-empiricist pluralist (epistemic and ontological) who does not think any single CTM based model of the mind can be reduced to logic exactly because of a categorical ambiguity that gets contingently invoked.
Neurons appear and so must be first modelled as objects with endogenous functions rendered over many internal sub-relations describing their emergent dynamics (behaviour). BUT, when we swtich to building a bit model of human cognition in terms of neural patterns and inter-dynamics, especially when thinking of the brain as composed of neural bit maps made morphic to structures in reality "outside", we then need to categorize neurons on more purely exogenous and relational terms too.
I do not believe this is allowed (does not lead to wff's) in any model built over any singular, i.e. a strictly reduced and monist and singular classical logic based model, but I am not versed enough in these technical terms to be certain here about the argumentative or procedural complexities involved, and would welcome any logician's insights here (I am a "fan" of semi-classical model building, although!).
I am looking for a practiced logician, with expertise in Model Theory (building structures of interpretation) who might have a peripheral interest in philosophy of mind, but who is willing to consider non-classical approaches.
Quid pro quo!
If you want a primer on my overall concern with the limits of finalizing totalized logical models (TOE's), please give this a go:
Thanks, Brian
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I’m not much of a logician either, but it seems to me that given standard first-order logic, one can introduce an operator λx such that, when prefixed to an open sentence (predicate), creates a singular term for a property or relation. So for example given the open sentence Fx one can create λxFx to be a singular term naming the property of being F (or F-ness) and with the open sentence Hxy one can create λxyHxy as a name for the H-relation.
Then it’s business as usual:
Kermit likes the property of being green: LkλxGx
Kermit likes the relation of being to the right of: LkλxyRxy
The property of being tall, blonde, and not overweight is desirable. Dλx(Tx & Bx & ~Ox)
Parenthood is statutory: SλxyPxy
And the λ-terms can be quantified over just like the regular singular terms:
e.g. if SλxyPxy then ∃xSx
And you could quantify into the scope of the λ-operator too.
So basically you'd have a way of using singular terms as either unstructured objects or as displaying some internal relational features.
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21 answers
Consider the following quotation by Pierre Boutroux (1880 - 1922):
"Logic is invincible because in order to combat logic it is necessary to use logic."
I would like to add that to prove logical principles, we also need logical principles.
Can logical principles prove their own truthfulness?
I think that the only way is to test their suitability by experience. Accordingly, we only can accept some logical principle provided that it works fine to describe the real world.
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I think of Kripke's argument that true identity statements involving rigid designators are necessary truths, yet discovering such truths (and thereby acquiring knowledge of them) can be an empirical enterprise. Knowing the truth of The Morning Star = The Morning Star was not empirical knowledge, but knowing the truth of The Morning Star = The Evening Star was empirical; it required astronomical observations to establish its truth. I think logic can be like that: logical truths are necessarily true, but coming to know some of them involves squaring them with linguistic and other facts, which is empirical trial and error activity.
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1 answer
I need references
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Not my field, but try this:
Article Budget logic
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7 answers
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And what can you say about life before birth?
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3 answers
Maybe we should identify what is the most parsimonious afterlife. Expanding the law of identity, maybe physics can determine the exact afterlife all have coming.
My previous attempts:
Guessing what the afterlife broadly is:
Guessing what the afterlife is NOT.
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I'm not sure, but I think you did a great job of answering your own question... 'Charting the afterlife?" Answer; Why?' Somethings can't be known. Or, even if we were explained, would we have a hope of understanding the answer? Every morning on the way to work I ask the Universe for a special watch over some friends and family (including my most recent 'best friend' Chihuahua) who have 'recently' passed. I know that they are soaring the Universe as Light Beings and I am a bit jealous of all they will see and re-understand. But charting the afterlife... it's like charting the Universe itself accurately. THEY could do it, but we can't even imagine what it looks like in totality. MY opinion, of course.