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Publications related to Locality (10,000)
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The mean average temperature across the distribution of Centrobolus millipedes was estimated for one calendar year as 18.6960526316 degrees Celsius (n=19 type localities). The maximum mean average temperature at any one locality was 22.78 degrees Celsius at Gorongosa (Mozambique) and the minimum mean average temperature was at Lochiel which was 15....
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The mean maximum temperature across the distribution of Centrobolus millipedes was estimated for one calendar year as 23.4912280702 degrees Celsius (n=19 type localities). The maximum mean maximum temperature at any one locality was 27.725 degrees Celsius at Gorongosa (Mozambique) and the minimum mean maximum temperature was at Cape Town (Little Li...
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The mean minimum temperature across the distribution of Centrobolus millipedes was estimated for one calendar year as 14.5460526316 degrees Celsius (n=19 type localities). The maximum mean minimum temperature at any one locality was 17.13 degrees Celsius at Umhlanga Rocks and the minimum mean maximum temperature was at Vryheid which was 10.92 degre...
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Local news are a main pillar in citizens' information ecosystems and are oftentimes considered as highly relevant for functioning local politics and democracy. This entry elaborates on how local news can be defined in a digital age, focusing on their geo-social relevance to their recipients instead of focusing on geographical links, the roles and f...
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In this paper, we developed a SEIaIsQRS epidemic model for COVID-19 by using compartmental analysis. In this article, the dynamics of COVID-19 are divided into six compartments: susceptible, exposed, asymp-tomatically infected, symptomatically infected, quarantined, and recovered. The positivity and boundedness of the solutions have been proven. We...
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Resumen El artículo desgrana algunos de los efectos de la transformación de los espacios industriales en Barcelona desde la segunda mitad de los años ochenta del siglo XX. Describe las fases de la gestión del patrimonio industrial en la ciudad condal desde los inicios de la democracia y analiza las resistencias y acciones ciudadanas que se originan...
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Oral Presentations and Poster Abstract Submission NOW OPEN. Register and submit abrstract here: Scan Come to Bangkok, Thailand, to enjoy the tropical weather and local cuisine. Then, join speakers from around the globe to discuss the potential of the sigma-1 receptor as a target for disease treatment.
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The theory of generalized locally Toeplitz (GLT) sequences is an apparatus for computing the asymptotic spectral distribution of matrices A_n arising from numerical discretizations of differential equations. Indeed, when the mesh fineness parameter n tends to infinity, these matrices A_n give rise to a sequence {A_n}_n, which often turns out to be...
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The mean precipitation across the distribution of Centrobolus millipedes was estimated for one calendar year as 821.3 mm (n=19 type localities). The maximum mean precipitation at any one locality was 1266mm at Gorongosa and the minimum mean number was at De Hoop which was 386mm. Population Standard Deviation (σ) was 237.998 mm and the Sample Standa...
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The humidity across the distribution of Centrobolus millipedes was estimated for one calendar year as 69.838% (n=19 type localities). The maximum mean humidity at any one locality was 76.5% at Port Shepstone and the minimum mean number was at Kirkwood which was 60.6%. Population Standard Deviation (σ) was 74.9831 and the Sample Standard Deviation (...
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El objetivo de este artículo fue analizar la historia de vida de una cañera interesada en ser lideresa de una organización cañera local para establecer si se ajusta a la teoría del capital profesional acumulado. El estudio consistió en un enfoque cualitativo, con una entrevista a profundidad de una mujer cañera. Los resultados muestran evidencia de...
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We prove the local existence of solutions of the form x2+ct+g, with g∈Hs(R) and s⩾3, for the Muskat problem in the stable regime. We use energy methods to obtain a bound of g in Sobolev spaces. In the proof we deal with the loss of the Rayleigh–Taylor condition at infinity and a new structure of the kernels in the equation. Remarkably, these soluti...
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This article is about the effects of tourism on local communities. Also, it explains us many effects of tourism with advantages and disadvantages.
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The number of rainy days across the distribution of Centrobolus millipedes was estimated for one calendar year as 1566 rainy days over 19 type localities. The maximum number of rainy days at any one locality was 104 days at Gorongosa (Mozambique) and Port Shepstone (South Africa) equally and the minimum number was at Mariepskop/Hoedspruit which was...
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We investigate properties of closed approximate subgroups of locally compact groups, with a particular interest for approximate lattices (i.e., those approximate subgroups that are discrete and have finite co-volume). We prove an approximate subgroup version of Cartan’s closed-subgroup theorem and study some applications. We give a structure theore...
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Tujuan dari Penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui peran hukum dalam pengelolaan dana desa berbasis kearifan lokal melalui Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) sangat penting untuk menciptakan tata kelola yang transparan, akuntabel, dan berkelanjutan. Pengelolaan dana desa diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat desa dengan memanfaatkan poten...
Research Proposal
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In this work, we will provide a complete proof structured in three sections: Algebra, Analysis, and Topology. This division aims to clarify the role each of the involved aspects plays. Moreover, a generalization of this theorem will be carried out for locally compact spaces, making use of the unitization of the associated subalgebra.
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Housing affordability and stability are pressing concerns for many individuals and families across Ireland.The Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) scheme was introduced as a social housing support to address long-term housing needs. Administered by local authorities, HAP allows eligible tenants to access private rented accommodation while receiving fi...
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尽管双曲空间是无限的(即没有边界),但在局部区域内,引力场的“强度”或“影响范围”是有限的。 Although hyperbolic space is infinite (i.e., it has no boundary), the "strength" or "range of influence" of the gravitational field is finite within local regions.
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ABSTRAKT Rosnące zainteresowanie historią lokalną i niemal powszechne przekonanie, że jej ważnym komponentem są dzieje sportu, stały się powodem do refleksji nad „infrastrukturą” prowadzonych w tym zakresie badań. Kwestia ta dotyczy choćby tworzenia specjalistycznych archiwów i bibliotek. Wzorów co do metod zmniejszania dyskomfortu badań może dosta...
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The average sun hours across the distribution of Centrobolus millipedes was estimated for one calendar year as 1749.7 hours over 19 type localities. The maximum number of sun hours at any one locality was 103.4 days at Hout Bay and the minimum number was at Port St Johns which was 84.3 hours. Population Standard Deviation (σ) was 5.8993 hours and t...
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En los últimos veinte años nuestras investigaciones pusieron atención a la situación educativa de la población migrante desde abordajes socioantropológicos. A partir de los datos que registra el Censo 2022, nos propusimos hacer preguntas direccionadas por las preocupaciones que a lo largo de estos años, revelaron los relevamientos etnográficos. Las...
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This work focuses on the dynamics of localized waves for the higher-order modified Gerdjikov–Ivanov equation. Based on the Lax pair, the Nth-fold Darboux transformation is built. The modulation instability is analyzed based on the plane-wave solution. In addition, the second-, third- and fourth-order positon solutions are obtained and presented gra...
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While it is well-known that local anaphors match their antecedents in ϕ-features in many languages, it has been suggested that the form of anaphors is insensitive to the morphological case of their antecedent. We show that this is not the case for local complex reflexives (and reciprocals) in Telugu. Pieces of these elements must match in case feat...
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Partindo da análise acerca da necessidade de transformação da administração pública, no que concerne a transparência e agilidade de suas ações, nota-se o quão essencial torna-se o uso de artifícios que possibilitem, constantemente, o desenvolvimento processual. Dessa forma, é de grande importância compreender os métodos que compõem as atividades ut...
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Este artigo relata as atividades de extensão dos acadêmicos de Geografia da UENP com pesquisa-ação e a importância da extensão universitária. Explora o impacto dessas práticas na formação dos estudantes e inclui relatos de experiências em atividades de extensão. Os resultados mostram uma compreensão ampliada do papel da Geografia na transformação s...
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In this paper we study local systems of $(\infty,n)$-categories on spaces. We prove that categorical local systems are captured by (higher) monodromy data. We show that if $X$ is $(n+1)$-connected, local systems of $(\infty,n)$-categories over $X$ can be described as $\mathbb{E}_{n}$-modules over the iterated loop space $\Omega^{n+1}_*X$. Our main...
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We consider a class of complex manifolds constructed as multiplicative quiver varieties associated with a cyclic quiver extended by an arbitrary number of arrows starting at a new vertex. Such varieties admit a Poisson structure, which is obtained by quasi-Hamiltonian reduction. We construct several families of Poisson subalgebras inside the coordi...
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Este artigo explora a integração do Design Thinking (DT) e dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) na busca por soluções sustentáveis para os desafios enfrentados na Amazônia Legal. O estudo de caso foca na Praia da Graciosa, em Palmas, Tocantins, e utiliza métodos de intervenção sociotécnica para desenvolver soluções inovadoras para o O...
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This article discusses the existence conditions of dual frames and their uniqueness for the \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\Gamma $$\end{document}-tran...
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We study Jost solutions of Schrödinger operators with potentials which decay with respect to a local H⁻¹ Sobolev norm; in particular, we generalise to this setting the results of Christ–Kiselev for potentials between the integrable and square-integrable rates of decay, proving existence of solutions with WKB asymptotic behaviour on a large set of p...
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We determine the primitive-ideal spaces, and hence the ideal lattices, of a large class of \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$C^*$$\end{document}-algebras...
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As it is well known, the Catalan architect Félix Hernández Giménez (1889-1975) developed most of his long professional activity in Córdoba. Even though he was never a well-known person in this city, over the years his name appeared at times in the local press which announced some of his restorations works or the tributes he received. Through severa...
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This work investigates the Cauchy problem for a focusing inhomogeneous nonlinear Hartree equation in the energy space \(H^1_{rd}(\mathbb R^N)\). The goal is three folds. First, one gives a sharp Gagliardo-Nirenberg type inequality adapted to the evolution problem. Second, one proves a local well-posedness result in the energy space. Third, one obta...
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This publisher’s note contains a correction to Opt. Lett. 49, 6928 (2024)10.1364/OL.544994.
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In this paper, we consider the small and large eigenvalues of the one-dimensional Schr\"odinger operator L(q) with a periodic, real and locally integrable potential q. First we explicitly write out the first and second terms of the asymptotic formulas for the large periodic and antiperiodic eigenvalues and illustrate these formulas for the Kronig-P...
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Letting $\delta_1(n,m)$ be the density of the set of integers with exactly one divisor in $(n,m)$, Erd\H{o}s wondered if $\delta_1(n,m)$ is unimodular for fixed $n$. We prove this is false in general, as the sequence $(\delta_1(n,m))$ has superpolynomially many local extrema. However, we confirm unimodality in the single case for which it occurs; $...
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Este estudio gira en torno a la instrumentalización de un proceso judicial para inculpar a una serie de individuos en unos reales mineros del norte de Nueva España sobre su supuesto apoyo al enemigo en la guerra contra Francia durante el año 1809. La investigación de la causa mostró que tales acusaciones eran falsas y se insertaban dentro de dinámi...
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O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar a paisagem ribeirinha da zona Sul de Teresina, capital do estado do Piauí, identificando e caracterizando as diferentes paisagens através da delimitação de cenários. A análise fundamenta-se em pesquisas bibliográficas que abordam conceitos pertinentes ao tema, como espaços livres e paisagem, com o intuit...
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Este trabajo analiza las herramientas lingüísticas y estrategias discursivas en la divulgación científica. Explora cómo simplificar conceptos complejos mediante parafrasis, ejemplos, metáforas y recursos visuales, destacando su importancia para acercar la ciencia al público. Se identifican desafíos como el limitado apoyo institucional y el desinter...
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We show that any homomorphism between Noetherian $F$-finite rings can be factored into a regular morphism between Noetherian $F$-finite rings followed by a surjection. This result establishes an analog of the 'smooth-by-surjective' factorization for finite type maps. As part of our analysis, we observe that for maps of Noetherian $F$-finite rings,...
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A mechanism of reduction of symmetry-invariant conservation laws, presymplectic structures, and variational principles of partial differential equations (PDEs) is proposed. The mechanism applies for an arbitrary PDE system that admits a local (point, contact, or higher) symmetry, and relates symmetry-invariant conservation laws, as well as presympl...
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En este trabajo analizamos el proceso de innovación en la economía campesina rural. Este proceso no necesariamente es generado por la fuerza de conocimiento y tecnología avanzada, sino por la misma dinámica cultural, económica y política de la sociedad rural. Se discuten dos lógicas y formas de entender la innovación rural: la innovación local con...
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In this paper, we study the trajectory of a classic SIR epidemic on a family of dynamic random graphs of fixed size, whose set of edges continuously evolves over time. We set general infection and recovery times, and start the epidemic from a positive, yet small, proportion of vertices. We show that in such a case, the spread of an infectious disea...
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Resumo: Este artigo faz uma breve análise sobre a apresentação, informações, representações e observações sobre o bar Station: um Cruising Bar que serviu como um dos campos de pesquisa para a tese de doutorado do professor Camilo Braz. Trataremos sobre as diferenciações do Cruising Bar em relação aos outros locais pesquisados, com especial atenção...
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We investigated knowledge of local toll roads among Oslo residents with a valid driver’s license and access to a car through a survey (N = 419; sample: e-scooter users). Knowledge of prices, rules, and rush hour times is limited. Only 0.5-3% of respondents indicate a correct price (±1 NOK) for toll-passings. Correct answers regarding monthly and ho...
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We construct an arithmetic analogue of the quantum local systems on the moduli of curves, and study its basic structure. Such an arithmetic local system gives rise to a uniform way of assigning a Galois cohomology class of the first geometric \'etale cohomology of a smooth proper curve over a number field.
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The gradient of weak solutions to porous medium-type equations or systems possesses a higher integrability than the one assumed in the pure notion of a solution. We settle the critical and sub-critical, singular case and complete the program.
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In this paper, we investigate the local convergence of Schröder’s method for finding zeros of analytic functions with unknown multiplicity. Thus, we obtain a convergence theorem that provides exact domains of initial points together with error estimates to ensure the Q-quadratic convergence of Schröder’s method right from the first step. A comparis...
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En esta entrevista, Martina Angela Caretta, geógrafa feminista y académica de la Universidad de Lund, revisa su trayectoria en temas de cambio climático, género y agua, a la vez que discute los principales elementos de una geografía feminista, basada en conocimientos situados y metodologías participativas. Revisando su experiencia de investigación...
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In this article we investigate the question of chromatic purity of L-theory. To do so, we utilize the theory of additive GW and L-theory in the language of Poincar\'e categories as laid out in the series of papers by Calm\`es et al. We apply this theory to chromatically localised L-theory at the prime $p=2$ and recover the L-theoretic analogues of...
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En este trabajo se describe la visión tseltal enfocada en las transformaciones de la vida y se contrasta con la visión de un posible desarrollo local alternativo generado desde un cuasi experimento de política pública que fue impulsado mediante un programa de Diversificación Productiva y organización de agricultores campesinos en Oxchuc, Chiapas, M...
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El estudio analiza la relación entre el etnocentrismo y el amor a la marca en consumidores de productos de emprendedores del Altiplano Hidalguense. Usando una metodología cuantitativa y correlacional, se recolectaron datos de 114 participantes mediante una encuesta basada en una escala de Likert. Las variables clave fueron etnocentrismo y amor a la...
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In this paper, we study quasi-linear hyperbolic systems. Our goal in this paper is to provide a new proof of local existence of a classical solution for the system. Most difficult point is to prove the convergence of the derivative of approximate solutions by the Arzela-Ascoli theorem.
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We develop a systematic study of the interior Sobolev regularity of weak solutions to the mixed local and nonlocal p-Laplace equations. To be precise, we show that the weak solution u belongs to W 2,p loc and even W 2,2 loc Sobolev spaces in the subquadratic case, while |∇u| p−2 2 ∇u is of the class W 1,2 loc in the superquadratic scenario, both of...
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We propose and analyze random subspace variants of the second-order Adaptive Regularization using Cubics (ARC) algorithm. These methods iteratively restrict the search space to some random subspace of the parameters, constructing and minimizing a local model only within this subspace. Thus, our variants only require access to (small-dimensional) pr...
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In this paper, we consider the 2-dimensional non-viscous Oldroyd-B model with infinity Reynolds number (\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\nu =a=0$$\end{d...
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We consider the effect of the emergence of chimera states in a system of coexisting stationary and flying-through in potential particles with an internal degree of freedom determined by the phase. All particles tend to an equilibrium state with a small number of potential wells, which leads to the emergence of a stationary chimera. An increase in t...
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Propuesta: El proyecto busca resolver la falta de un sistema de información territorial que facilite la comunalización de la ciencia en el Estado Portuguesa. Justificado por la necesidad de un desarrollo sostenible y orde-nado del territorio, se propone un sistema de geomática que fortalezca el registro de comités comunales de ciencia y tecnología....
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The primary aim of this paper is to develop the theory of product local Hardy spaces on Banach lattices. We begin by introducing local Hardy spaces associated with product ball quasi-Banach function spaces, denoted as \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbs...
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No ano de 2020, o ensino no meio acadêmico universitário modificou-se diante do contexto imposto pela Pandemia de Covid-19. A transição dos espaços educacionais para o ambiente doméstico alterou não apenas o local de trabalho, mas influenciou, também, os processos formativos. O enfoque deste trabalho ocorre nos cursos de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, vi...
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We construct a Gelfand-Tsetlin representation of $\mathfrak{sl}_3$ in the space of sections of a local system. The local system lives on an open part of the flag variety given by the intersection of three translates of the big cell and has two complex monodromy parameters. We analyze the structure of this representation.
Technical Report
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On June 9, 2022, on the southwestern shore of Agatti Island, Lakshadweep, India, local fishermen sighted mass beaching of hundreds of squids in the morning. This article is based on a short video of this episode that the authors were able to view despite not being able to obtain a sample of the squids.
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A reflexão sobre o ensino de Geografia destaca a importância do uso de diferentes recursos didáticos, como jogos, que contribuem no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Questionamos e investigamos como um jogo pode ajudar a ensinar o conceito de paisagem, presente no cotidiano dos alunos e capaz de despertar interesse pela realidade local. Este estud...
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In this paper, we establish a local smoothing estimate on two-dimensional quantum Euclidean space. This is the noncommutative analogue of the one due to Mockenhaupt$-$Seeger$-$Sogge \cite{MSS}. As an application and simultaneously one motivation, we obtain the noncommutative analogue of Bourgain's circular maximal theorem, resolving one problem aft...
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La gran tortuga de río o tortuga blanca (Dermatemys mawii) habita las aguas del sureste de México, Guate-mala y Belice. Para muchas poblaciones mesoamericanas representa una fuente complementaria de alimentación; para otras, un recurso natural sagrado. Pese a lo anterior, debido a su sobreexplotación ilegal y a la degradación de su hábitat, esta es...
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For a local suitable weak solution to the Navier-Stokes equations, we prove that if the vorticity vectors belong to a double cone in regions of high vorticity magnitude, then the solution is regular. Roughly speaking this implies that, near a potential singularity, the directions of vorticity cannot avoid any great circle on the unit sphere. Our me...
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Este trabajo analiza las largas consecuencias del terremoto de 1692, acaecido en Port Royal (Jamaica), desde la perspectiva del desorden que ocasionó. Eventos destructores de tal magnitud suelen ir asociados a situaciones de enorme caos que alteran la cotidianidad de una sociedad, perturbando un orden preexistente. Ello acaeció el 7 de junio de aqu...
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O artigo destaca a existência de dois modelos preponderantes de produção de alimentos no Brasil, apontando suas características. A par da relevância do agronegócio para o Produto Interno Bruto (PIB), a pesquisa se dedica à agricultura em regime familiar e as políticas públicas voltadas a esse setor. A reforma tributária promovida pela Emenda Consti...
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We give a generalization of the nonexistence of level structures as Nadel, Noguchi, Hwang-To, for quasi-projective manifolds uniformized by strongly Carath\'eodory hyperbolic complex manifolds. Examples include moduli space of compact Riemann surfaces with a finite number punctures and locally Hermitian symmetric spaces of finite volume. This leads...
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We prove that if every chain on a strictly pseudoconvex hypersurface $M$ in $\mathbb{C}^2$ coincides with the boundary of a stationary disc, then $M$ is locally spherical.
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A caracterização do perfil epidemiológico de jovens adultos com AVE é fundamental para a mitigação do entrave. Este trabalho objetiva avaliar o perfil epidemiológico de jovens adultos comprometidos com AVE nas regiões brasileiras. A metodologia foi de um estudo epidemiológico de caráter observacional descritivo, do tipo transversal com abordagem qu...
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Ultrafast Electron Dynamics in Molecules Studied with Ultrashort Intense Pulses: Dynamic Electron Localization studed using time dependent electorn localizaiton funciton and time dependent average local ionization energy. High harmonic generation as probe in pump probe studies of photoisomerization of ring opening chemical reaction.
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This paper presents an optimal control problem to analyze the efficacy of counter-terrorism tactics. We present an algorithm that efficiently combines the Minimum Principle of Pontryagin, the shooting method and the cyclic descent of coordinates. We also present a result that allows us to know a priori the steady state solutions. Using this techniq...
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Objetivo: Mapear a rede de cuidados e serviços na atenção à saúde das gestantes na região do Baixo Amazonas, com foco em analisar a cobertura dos serviços de saúde prestados. Métodos: O estudo adotou uma abordagem descritiva e quantitativa, utilizando dados secundários extraídos do Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimentos de Saúde (CNES) e informações...
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Um cão macho, 4 anos de idade, sem raça definida, pesando 23,6 kg, foi atendido em clínica veterinária por perfuração causado por projétil balístico. O animal foi contido para exame físico, bioquímico e de imagem. O animal foi encaminhado para cirurgia, onde foi realizada laparotomia exploradora e amputação do membro. O objetivo deste estudo foi re...
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Let $E/L$ be a real quadratic extension of number fields. We construct an explicit map from an irreducible cuspidal automorphic representation of $\mathrm{GL}(2,E)$ which contains a Hilbert modular form with $\Gamma_0$ level to an irreducible automorphic representation of $\mathrm{GSp}(4,L)$ which contains a Siegel paramodular form and exhibit loca...
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Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag geht der Frage nach, welchen Einfluss Frauen in kommunalpolitischen Ämtern auf die Nutzung dialogorientierter Beteiligungsverfahren haben. Grundlage der Analyse ist eine einzigartige Zusammenstellung makro-quantitativer Daten aus 817 Gemeinden in Baden-Württemberg. Die Ergebnisse zeigen einen signifikanten positiven Einf...
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Given a number field $\mathbb {K} \subset \mathbb {C}$ that is not contained in $\mathbb {R}$ , we prove the existence of a dense set (with respect to the topology of local uniform convergence) of entire maps $f \colon \mathbb {C} \rightarrow \mathbb {C}$ whose preperiodic points and multipliers all lie in $\mathbb {K}$ . This contrasts with the ca...
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This Op-Ed recognizes the contributions of the veterans of the Civil Rights Movement in Natchez, Mississippi. It also supports the decision to honor them in the Natchez NAACP Dr. MLK Parade on January 20, 2025. These veterans of the Natchez movement were the people who were arrested in early October 1965 after they marched through the streets of Na...
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La creciente generación de residuos sólidos y la incapacidad técnica, operativa y económica para su manejo, representan un desafío y una preocupación para los gobiernos locales en México, en especial para el Ayuntamiento de Cuetzalan, en el estado de Puebla. Este artículo explica la incorporación en la agenda pública reciente de Cuetzalan, la propu...
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We give characterizations for the inclusions $Add(M)\subseteq Prod(M)$ and $Prod(M)\subseteq Add(M)$ in locally finitely presented categories and in compactly generated triangulated categories.
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On a symplectic manifold $(M, \omega)$, a spacefilling brane structure is a closed 2-form $F$ which determines a complex structure, with respect to which $F +i\omega$ is holomorphic symplectic. For holomorphic symplectic compact K\"ahler 4-manifolds, we show that the moduli space of spacefilling branes is smooth, and determine its dimension. The pr...
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Ações de educação em saúde são fundamentais ao considerar-se a promoção de informação à população, no que diz respeito ao controle, prevenção e retardamento de questões inerentes às doenças presentes, como o Diabetes Mellitus (DM). Nesse sentido, o presente relato tem como objetivo descrever a experiência dos autores na elaboração e na efetivação d...
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A partir de una larga trayectoria de estudios sobre las dinámicas políticas en la Ciudad de México, Héctor Tejera y Emanuel Rodríguez, en su obra Antropología de los gobiernos locales y los procesos políticos en la Ciudad de México, ofrecen a quien se acerque a la lectura del libro una perspectiva de los desarrollos políticos acaecidos en los últim...
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A construção civil desempenha um papel crucial no desenvolvimento das sociedades, atendendo às demandas por infraestrutura, habitações e edificações com qualidade e sustentabilidade. No entanto, problemas patológicos, como fissuras, infiltrações e descolamento de revestimentos, ainda comprometem a durabilidade e a segurança das construções, especia...