Science topic

Leptin - Science topic

Leptin is a 16-kDa protein hormone that plays a key role in regulating energy intake and energy expenditure, including appetite/hunger and metabolism. It is one of the most important adipose-derived hormones.
Questions related to Leptin
  • asked a question related to Leptin
1 answer
I am new to cell culture studies and workin g on colorectal cancer cell lines. I want to see the effect of a leptin on CRC cell proliferation and HCT 116 is used for that purpose (previously it was found that cell number was increased followed leptin treatment) . I have repeated my experiment several but do not see any significant difference in the cell number between control and treated group. I also added a positive control too and did find any significant change. this is extremely stressful as even with positive control I am not getting the result. I am using the following procedur:
1. Maintain HCT116 cells in DMEM (high glucose, L-glutamine, sodium pyruvate) with 10%FBS for 24 hours
2. Cells are starved in low serum media (0.1% FBS, high glucose with L-glutamine) for 24 hours
3. treatment is given to the cells in the same low serum media for 48 hours and then cell number is counted using BIO-rad automatic cell counter.
4. HCT 116 cells are from ATCC and i am using fresh new cells for my experiments.
what could be wrong I am doing? any Suggestions and ideas will be really helpfu.
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You have more than one option here.
1- You have to look at the cells under the microscope to see if there are any dead cells, there may be something wrong with the counter.
2- For the positive control, it is very strange actually but you have to mention it and search for its effect on the HCT116 cell line in the literature
3- The concentrations you are using with the positive control is very low to cause cell death.
4- if you have to take care also for the confluency of cells in both the control and the cells to be treated, they should be the same before treatment.
Hope to hear about the positive control you are using
  • asked a question related to Leptin
1 answer
These tests are required for research purpose. Cost for these tests and contact numbers are required
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Metabolic Disorders Solve Programme
We see that metabolic disorders are an epidemic in the world. All Allopathic, Ayurveda, Homeopathic, colour path, Iso path, naturopathy, Antipathy, Zyso pathy, Bio-chemic- path, fruit path, vitamin path, home path, acupressure path, acupuncture path, spiritual path, rake path electro-homoeopath, leaf path, flower path, Unani, Siddha, and Every country have Indigenous systems of medicine, Traditional systems of medicine but all are failed to cure diabetes and metabolic disorders.
We see that all kinds of metabolic disorders take place due to mutations of enzymes, lipids, and any food we eat which means we are not eating properly as required for digestion and mixing all enzymes. To solve this problem I wrote a Book (English) “Your Health Is In Your Mouth” (Hindi) “Aap Ka Sawasth Aap Ke Muh Me” You can find it in a Google search. "The book provides comprehensive information on the topics of eating, digestion system, saliva, and enzymes."
  • asked a question related to Leptin
4 answers
I am analyzing data on phytochemical intake (exposure) and markers of cardiometabolic disease (outcome). For most of the outcomes with significant associations, the association appears in the simple models (exposure-outcome) and persists in the fully adjusted models (exposure-outcomes + covariates). However, for outcomes like leptin and total cholesterol, there are no associations in the simple models, but they do appear in the fully adjusted models. How can one interpret this regarding the impact of the covariates on the association? Thank you so much.
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Dear Yasuhiro,
Thanks again for your reply. I understand better. I planned to do subgroup analysis by BMI. I hope this would help to better understand the associations.
Kind regards,
  • asked a question related to Leptin
6 answers
Dear colleagues,
May I ask, What are the most important factors that affect the feeling of hunger?
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Physiological and behavioral factors, gastrointestinal factors, disease-associated factors, and environmental factors that initiate the hunger center can affect the feeling of hunger.
  • asked a question related to Leptin
7 answers
Leptin hormone have many function as a long mediator on metabolism in the body
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Leptin is a small peptide hormone (16-kDa protein) that is mainly, but not exclusively, produced in adipose tissue. The circulating leptin concentration therefore directly reflects the amount of body fat.
is many evidences supporting the statement that changes in insulin secretion and glucose metabolism are the major mediators of leptin production by adipose tissue .
but not article this hormone affect on Hematological Parameters
  • asked a question related to Leptin
2 answers
Is there anyone who knows if Leptin is degraded in human plasma samples that have been stored for a long time in -70 (approx 10-15 years)?
Kind regards Anna Lundberg
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Plasma dissolution and centrifugation to obtain the serum, then measurement of leptin hormone by ELISA kit
  • asked a question related to Leptin
1 answer
I have to measure the blood leptin concentration with an Elisa. But in the Abcam kit I ordered he asks me to dilute the sample without saying how many times. So has anyone ever used this kit and would they know the dilution to be done or would they know the standard values of the plasma leptin concentration of a mouse?
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Emilie Doeraene I used the ELISA Kit (Solarbio) for the same purpose (measuring blood leptin levels) and I used it as such without any dilution. In your case, Please check the protocol and it will be specified in the Kit manual.
  • asked a question related to Leptin
4 answers
We are open to any suggestions thanks!
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Dear Rachel!
Please You look ar the article:
Table 1
Summary of animal models of obesity described in this chapter.
Leptin and its receptor
  • asked a question related to Leptin
3 answers
Recently I 've been confused by my experimental results of leptin treatment. I used PBS to dissolve the leptin ( mouse leptin recombinant) powder into 1mg/ml, and i.p. injected fresh leptin solution into the mice at the dosage of 5mg/kg or 10mg/kg for 3 consecutive days. Each day I recorded animals' weight and found that none of these animals showed weight loss after 3 days of treatment.
It's a simple experiment which has been repeated many times in the publications. Could anyone tell me what I might be wrong with the experiment or operation? BTW, I usually use i.p. injection to anesthetize the animals. There should be no problem with the injection operation.
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Thanks for the suggestions from Tahir and Marie. Both of what you said is good points to the experiment. While designing the experiment, I have considered some factors, such as leptin resistance, injection time, age
Finally I fixed this problem by using the dissolving buffer recommended by the company and extending the dissolving time up to 30min. This time, even the moderate dosage with 2mg/kg could reduce animals' body weight remarkably.
  • asked a question related to Leptin
6 answers
I have been using mouse leptin ELISA kit (Catalog number (90030) from crystal chem. I have been doing manual washing between my steps as I didn't have automatic washer instrument. Does this cause higher OD values for my samples? My standard curve ODs have been normal according to the ELISA kit but not sure why my samples have been giving higher ODs despite diluting the sample.
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Sai Shilpa Kommaraju - by background, I mean the same sample background, how do you know you don't get some kind of interference from the sample? another question - are all of your readings in the linear range?
  • asked a question related to Leptin
7 answers
1). Is leptin, adiponectin, cortisol, apart from insulin, HbA1c worth measuring in weight loss trial pre and post trial only ?
2). And if it is performed as a repeated measure along a trial for how long would you need to follow a subject in a trial to say it is worth to repeat leptin, adiponectin, or the suggested measures ?
3). Especially what are leptin, adiponectin indicatiors like: are there any kind of changes in fat tissue volume ? (visceral fat or subdermal fat ?)
4). Would you recommend in a shorter trial minimum of 12 weeks to have these measures collected only pre and post trial (and as asked how often would it be worth to collect these along a 1 year trial) ? 
5). Is there a massive variation in leptin and adiponectin levels (so should it be collected more than 1 time to estimate somebodies actual value) ? - 5b). Can you give a reference for how to do this ?
6). Can you please indicate hallmark article which describe when these should be measured and what are these indicating really ?
MOST important:
Is there anybody who is interested in being /acting as an external advisor for multicenter RCTs with conditions to be discussed ?
If so please write on: bujpet{AaT]
many thanks,
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Yes. leptin work against weight loss
  • asked a question related to Leptin
1 answer
We will carry out dose-response tests with applications of different concentrations of the proteins mentioned (leptin, adiponectin, melatonin and BDNF) in the whole blood of male and female individuals. However, we did not find in the literature articles that used these stimuli in whole blood (starting point).
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  • asked a question related to Leptin
2 answers
Good afternoon,
Currently my team is performing animal studies with majority of the time using rats of different strains.
Our latest experiment was a weight loss study with diet-induced obesity SD rats, where now, as part of the analysis, we need to measure the following:
- HbA1c
- Insulin
- Adiponectin
- Leptin
- Ghrelin
- GLP-1
- Glucacon
Were have those samples as serum (except the HbA1c which is whole blood) and would be open to options when it comes to the analysis: different options for analysis and where to perform.
I've been having trouble in finding a company that can provide a service for the analysis of those above. I am aware one could purchase ELISA kits for those, but would prefer to outsource to a company, since the results of ELISA can vary greatly depending on the ability of the person performing it.
Thank you,
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Not sure about RAT (renin angiotension?) but when measuring HbA1c in animals, note that the human methods that rely on beta N terminal glycation, including charge based alterations chromotographic mobility may not be appropriate. Immunoassays based on human haemoglobin glycation might also be suspect. Methods that generally measure overall haemoglobin glycation - ie affinity methods eg Beckman & Tosoh may be most appropriate.
  • asked a question related to Leptin
2 answers
I am working on a project about the involvement of oxidative stress in obesity. Does anyone have experience with adiponectin and/or leptin measurement using microplate readers (FluoStar Omega in particular)?
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Sorry I just bumped into your question. We have a long experience doing both of these assays in our lab, measuring them in plasma and reading the plates (384-well) with the FluoStar Omega reader. What is it that you need to know? The type of sample, the assay to use or the parametres to set in the reader?
  • asked a question related to Leptin
13 answers
I am looking for other diagnostic marker for Type II Diabetes Mellitus. We are currently studying leptin as one of the potential diagnostic marker of this disease.
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Adiponectin, resistin and visfatin
  • asked a question related to Leptin
4 answers
What is the best way and tool kit to detect Leptin and Ghrelin in human blood plasma?
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ELISA is the best way
herewith a R&D ELISA kit for Human leptin
You can check
  • asked a question related to Leptin
3 answers
Leptin is one of the main satiety factor in mammalian systems, its concentration is positively correlated with white adipose tissue mass (ie: BMI).
I'm studying Leptin in the context of CVD. Serum samples are drawn from patients and Leptin concentration is measured using ELISA.
What is the equation or calculation used to normalize my reading with respect to BMI?
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Dear Faek Ali,
Maybe the following papers will help you on the subject:
Ruhl CE, Everhart JE, Ding J, Goodpaster BH, Kanaya AM, Simonsick EM, Tylavsky FA, Harris TB; Health, Aging, and Body Composition Study. Serum leptin concentrations and body adipose measures in older black and white adults. Am J Clin Nutr 2004;80(3):576-83.
Ruhl CE, Harris TB, Ding J, Goodpaster BH, Kanaya AM, Kritchevsky SB, Simonsick EM, Tylavsky FA, Everhart JE. Body mass index and serum leptin concentration independently estimate percentage body fat in older adults. Am J Clin Nutr 2007;85(4):1121-6.
Nazish Rafique, Mohammad Nasir Afzal. Relationship of serum leptin levels with body mass index and gender. Rawal Medical Journal 2009;34(2):1-11.
Shah NR, Braverman ER. Measuring adiposity in patients: the utility of body mass index (BMI), percent body fat, and leptin. PLoS One 2012;7(4):e33308.
Cohen SS, Fowke JH, Cai Q, Buchowski MS, Signorello LB, Hargreaves MK, Zheng W, Blot WJ, Matthews CE. Differences in the association between serum leptin levels and body mass index in black and white women: a report from the Southern Community Cohort Study. Ann Nutr Metab 2012;60(2):90-7.
Khan Tabassum Tanvir, Mohd Muzaffer Ali Khan , Mohd Inayatulla Khan. Correlation of Serum Leptin levels with Body Mass Index and Gender. J Cont Med A Dent 2016;4(1):54-57.
“Leptin values are appromiately 2.5 times higher in women than men per unit BMI.”
Best wishes from Germany,
  • asked a question related to Leptin
8 answers
I carry out ELISA experiments, in which a log/log curve fit is required in order to calculate concentration from O.D.
I have used the drc package previously to fit a 4PL model, but this kit requires a loglog curve fit.
I am not sure if I am on the correct track or if my formula is even correct. The table is not correct, most of the values are NA, and that is not what I expect.
This is my code so far:
od<-c(0.129, 0.159, 0.234, 0.4, 0.745, 1.631, 3.493)
conc<-c(15.6, 31.3, 62.5, 125, 250, 500, 1000)
scdata<-data.frame(od, conc)
scdata$logconc <-log10(scdata$conc)
scdata$logod <-log10(scdata$od)
sc<-plot(scdata$logconc, scdata$od)
fit<-drm(formula=od~logconc, data=scdata, fct=LL.2())
x<-seq(min(scdata$logconc), max(scdata$logconc))
samples<-samples <- read.csv("odreadings.csv",head = T , sep= ";",comment.char="#")# maybe you shoud use sep= ","
samples$loganswer<- fit$coefficients[4]*(((-1* fit$coefficients[3]+samples$od)/( fit$coefficients[2]-samples$od))^(1/ fit$coefficients[1]))
samples$conc <- samples$loganswer * 100
write.table(samples,file="calculated concentration (trial_leptin).csv",sep=";")
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You implied to express the measured OD by the given concentration. If you have the OD given and you want to know the concentration, you would have to find the inverse function. There might be some smart trick in drc, but I solved the problem "manually" with a function that searches the x-values (conc) at which a given y-value (od) is obtained:
inverse <- function(fit, y, interval="prediction") {
rootFn <- function(value, which)
predict(fit, new=data.frame(value), interval=interval)[which]-y
mean <- uniroot(rootFn, interval = range(fit$dataList$dose), which = 1)$root
if ( return(mean)
Prediction = mean,
Lower = uniroot(rootFn, interval = range(fit$dataList$dose), which = 3)$root,
Upper = uniroot(rootFn, interval = range(fit$dataList$dose), which = 2)$root
inverse(fit, 2)
## Prediction Lower Upper ## 601.1108 583.4868 619.1450
So if the measured OD is 2.0, the predicted conc. is with 95% confidence between 583 to 619 (the best guess is 601).
Simpler but actually not really correct is to fit the inverse function:
invfit <- drm(conc~od, fct=LL.4()) predict(invfit, new=data.frame(od=2), interval = "prediction") ## Prediction Lower Upper ## 620.0661 568.6277 671.5045
You see that the results are similar, but not identical.
The scatterplot shows the given data, OD on the y-axis and conc. on the x-axis. The solid red line ist the fitted model curve, and the dotted lines are the limits of the 95% prediction interval. Not sure what your problem is here.
  • asked a question related to Leptin
4 answers
As we work on the RRL of our study, some references suggest to use leptin sensitivity as a more appropriate term for leptin resistance. What can you suggest about it?
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Leptin resistance is the more appropriate. Its generally defined as the failure of endogenous or exogenous leptin to promote anticipated salutary metabolic outcomes in states of over-nutrition or obesity, although the hormone's inability to promote desired responses in specific situations results from multiple molecular, neural, behavioral, and environmental mechanisms.
  • asked a question related to Leptin
3 answers
As my co-researchers currently work on knowing if leptin can be a possible diagnostic marker for T2DM, we also want to know what other diseases can leptin be used as a diagnostic marker.
  • asked a question related to Leptin
4 answers
I want to know what is the normal blood leptin level for both male and female.
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Please check
  • asked a question related to Leptin
5 answers
Function of leptin is same or different in physiological and pathological condition (obese)
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Is any relation to insulin plasma concentration
  • asked a question related to Leptin
3 answers
As we work on a study about leptin, we want to know more about the detailed metabolic pathway of leptin in our body.
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  • asked a question related to Leptin
5 answers
Dear esteemed colleagues,
Does anyone have any insight why most of the neuroendocrine studies, i.e hypothalamus-pituitary-peripheral organs axis, are mostly studied in mice? I do know some studies were done in rat, and even there are some rat animal models (HFD, genetic models, streptozocin, etc) but to my knowledge this is overwhelmingly minor compared to mouse models.
Is there any particular reason, such as mice neuroendocrine system more closely mimics human's? Or is there any technical reason? Thank you!
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Hi Yanuar
I've found lots of old papers in rats. Handling rats is always easier, their brain and bodies are x10 times larger, everything is easier with them. But since genetically modified animals are usually mice, they have become the species-of-use in the last two decades.
Optogenetics and pharmacogenetics can be done in rats as well, provided you get viral vectors designed for rats, which is not so difficult.
Both species are similar but not identical. Both are rodents, and good models for studying interesting issues for humans, I don't find advantages in mice or rats relative to their similarity to humans.
Good luck
  • asked a question related to Leptin
7 answers
Is there a link with leptin and intramuscular triglycerides and/or leptin and fat ingestion?
Can low body adipose fat and leptin be countered by fat ingestion and IMTG
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Since the discovery of leptin there is a considerable amount of research has focused on leptin as a central regulator of body weight. In the animal model, research has demonstrated leptin action through hypothalamic centres altering both satiety and energy expenditure. In contrast to animal studies, it is unlikely that leptin functioning in the human system exerts such a profound role in body weight regulation. Human studies suggest that leptin levels are strongly correlated with both percentage fat mass and body mass index, in accordance with the proposed 'lipostatic theory'. It has been demonstrated that polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) intake influences adipose tissue expression of leptin, and of several lipogenic enzymes and transcription factors. In addition, leptin stimulates triglyceride depletion in white adipose tissue without increasing free fatty acid release, thus favouring fatty acids versus glucose as a fuel source. Recent studies also suggest that the reduction in adipose hypertrophy observed with n-3 PUFA-containing fish oil feeding might involve a leptin-specific process. A large amount of evidence supports direct functioning of leptin in peripheral lipid metabolism in vivo and in vitro. It is possible that PUFAs will maintain an efficient level of circulating leptin, thus preventing leptin insensitivity and weight gain.
  • asked a question related to Leptin
1 answer
Hi there,
I'm starting new experiments and I need to identify vesicles containing leptin in 3T3 mouse adipocites, but my expertise is not so high.... :(
is there anyone that routinely performs these experiments who can suggest me an antibody for IF capable to recognize these kind of vesicles?
thank you so much!
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Please have a look this review papers
1. Sáinz N, Rodríguez A, Catalán V, Becerril S, Ramírez B, Lancha A, et al. (2012) Leptin Reduces the Expression and Increases the Phosphorylation of the Negative Regulators of GLUT4 Traffic TBC1D1 and TBC1D4 in Muscle of ob/ob Mice. PLoS ONE 7(1): e29389.
2. Cammisotto P, Bendayan M. A review on gastric leptin: the exocrine secretion of a gastric hormone. Anatomy & Cell Biology. 2012;45(1):1-16. doi:10.5115/acb.2012.45.1.1.
3. Roh C, Thoidis G, Farmer SR, Kandror KV.Identification and characterization of leptin-containing intracellular compartment in rat adipose cells. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2000 Oct;279(4):E893-9.
4. Cecilia Roh , Raphael Roduit , Bernard Thorens , Susan Fried , and Konstantin V. Kandror .Lipoprotein lipase and leptin are accumulated in different secretory compartments in rat adipocytes. K. V. Kandror. J. Biol. Chem. published online July 12, 2001
5. Feng Ye, Aung Than, Yanying Zhao, Kian Hong Goh, Peng Chen .Vesicular storage, vesicle trafficking, and secretion of leptin and resistin: the commons, differences and interplays ; Nanyang Technological University;1-35
6. LinglinXie, Cormac P.O'Reilly, Stephen K.Chapes, SilviaMora. Adiponectin and leptin are secreted through distinct trafficking pathways in adipocytes; Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease;Volume 1782, Issue 2, February 2008, Pages 99-108
7. CECILIA ROH, GALINI THOIDIS, STEPHEN R. FARMER, AND KONSTANTIN V. KANDROR ;Identification and characterization of leptin-containing intracellular compartment in rat adipose cells; Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab;2000
  • asked a question related to Leptin
4 answers
I am looking for kits, measuring mouse adiponectin and leptin levels in plasma samples. I am looking for reliable kits, utilizing very small plasma volumes and having a good dynamic range. Has someone come across such kits and can recommend? I would really appreciate your answers!
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I have used this one fro leptin and works fine. You also have adiponectin from the same company. They are a little expensive but they work very well
If you have more questions let me know!
  • asked a question related to Leptin
5 answers
I am looking for ELISA kits with the best sensitivity to measure fasting plasma insulin and leptin in newborn rats.
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  • asked a question related to Leptin
1 answer
The cost estimates of a planned study are mainly based on serum blood. However, to reduce particiants burden, we would like to choose dried blood spot. Therefore, it would be very helpful if anyone could provide some approximate cost estimates for assaying the following biomarkers via DBS:
- zinc ($5 ??)
- transferrin
- Vitamin A & D ($3 each ???)
- IL-6, TNF-alpha, CRP, leptin ($ 9.5 ???), adiponectin
Thank you very much.
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I think there should be no cost differences, but I would prefer serum estimation than DBS, because of sample retrieval, limited whole blood assay availability, micro sample errors etc.
  • asked a question related to Leptin
5 answers
I found that Leptin can form dimers and trimers. I performed my western blot in denaturant conditions with ß-mercaptoethanol and heated at 95ºC, however, it still appearing 2 strips up and down of 31 kDa when leptin MW is 16 kDa. I already used 2 antibodies sc-842 and AB16227. I hope someone can help me.
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It's a cell culture
  • asked a question related to Leptin
2 answers
I am interested in measuring leptin in human saliva but most commercial kits can't handle this due to complex matrix effects in saliva. I can't do radioactive approach here. I wondered if anyone had experience with kits that measure leptin accurately in saliva?
Many thanks for advice
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Excellent thanks Russell.
  • asked a question related to Leptin
4 answers
Diet induced mice insulin levels and leptin levels are higher than in lean mice. What dilutions do I need to make to load sample into the ELISA?
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I work with mostly pregnant mice (with and w/o 3 weeks of high fat diet), but the leptin levels we detect are very similar to male mice on HFD for longer time periods (~40ng/mL). We also use the Crystal Chem kits.
For insulin I do a 1:2 dilution
For leptin I do 1:20 dilution.
Hope that helps.
  • asked a question related to Leptin
1 answer
I am going to stimulate fibroblast-like synoviocytes by leptin and TL1A to study the expression of IHH gene. I have wondered, maybe there are special protocols or instructions to follow them in this experiment because I did not try it before.
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Depending on what are you measuring you will find "activation" even in the absence of ·activator·. Then run controls without activators and , very important, treat cells as gently as possible.
  • asked a question related to Leptin
10 answers
Hello Craig. Is it possible to include Jordanian school children in the project of SWPS any time soon?
I was thinking of conducting a study examining the relationship between changes in the lifestyle, food preferences and the prevalence of childhood obesity. Perhaps we can also consider adding both attitudinal and physical bio markers, such as BMI, HBA1C, and serum leptin to predict DM. What do you think?
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Hello everybody,
I was thinking of conducting a study that investigates both pyscho-social well-being and biosphysiological markers that correlate with the well-being of students. There is some effort on the correlation between childhood obesity, life style and the prevalence of early adulthood diabetes. Additionally, other markers could be important, such as BMI, leptin, and even vitamin serum levels (such as B12 and D).  This is a rich area of investigation. But we can determine our priorities first and then decide on the variables which can be included in the study.
  • asked a question related to Leptin
3 answers
Other than leptin and ghrelin, what other salivary biomarkers are commonly related with obesity? Thanks.
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Adiponectin, Resistin, IL-8, VEGF, MCP-1, CRP, Insulin, IL-1β, MPO, MMP-9, IL-12P70, IL-4, IL-6, IL-13, TNF-alpha, IL-10, IFN-gamma,Leptin, Ghrelin, and IL-17A are used as salivary bio-markers to evaluate metabolic changes associated with obesity
  • asked a question related to Leptin
6 answers
why glucose increases, but insulin doesn't change?
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Insulin resistant, maybe, but then you would see the inverse, no? High insulin with normal to high glucose. Sounds rather like a defect in insulin production or secretion. Or there is some problem with insulinotropic hormone production in the intestine. Interesting phenotype...
  • asked a question related to Leptin
3 answers
I am conducting a trial were I look at the association between adiposity and lung function, and I also aim to include serum leptin measurements. 
Is anyone aware of studies in humans that describes an association between the composition of body fat and serum leptin levels?
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1.Leptin concentrations in relation to overall adiposity, fat distribution, and blood pressure in a rural Chinese population.
3.Body Composition, Visceral Fat, Leptin, and Insulin Resistance in Asian Indian Men
Mary Ann Banerji, Nuzhat Faridi, Rajesh Atluri, Rochelle L. Chaiken, and Harold E. Lebovitz
Hope this might be useful...
  • asked a question related to Leptin
3 answers
I am new in qPCR, sorry if the question is very basic. I will run B-actin as a reference gene, but the anneal temperature for this gene is different than from Leptin, the gene I am interested in, and in the conventional PCR I run B-actin for 30 cycles and Leptin for 35. Do I have to run them separately? If yes, how I compare them?
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Dear Juliana,
have a look at the attached files. These will give you a general introduction to RT-qPCR. This will explain a few things, such as how to validate your reference genes (ideally you would use more than one) and should also help you to understand the answer to your question.
There is no problem in running the two PCRs separately (they are two separate PCRs anyway!) and you are doing relative quantification. As long as you amplification efficiencies for both PCRs are close to 100%. You are using the reference genes to compensate for differences in RT-amplification, pipetting, RNA quantity and so on between your samples. Ideally the reference gene expression levels don't change between your treatment and control - however, you can't just assume that this is the case, therefore you need to validate your reference genes first.
Also, actin may not be your best option as it is fairly highly expressed in the cell and leptin probably quite a bit less. Ideally you would have reference genes that are fairly similarly expressed...
  • asked a question related to Leptin
11 answers
Hello everyone, I need to evaluate leptin levels in the serum of rats in vivo treated with silica nanoparticles. I have difficulties in finding robust commercial ELISA assays to evaluate this and other adipokines (for instance, I tried to measure adiponectin by commercial kits providing pre-coated plates, but it was impossible to have results since the standard curve did not work). Do you have any suggestion based on your experimental experience?
Thanks in advance.
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  • asked a question related to Leptin
7 answers
I found primer sequences for checking genetic expression of leptin in Aston strain mice. I was wondering if they would work on tissues harvested from swiss webster mice?
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You can query a database of sequences of 36 different mouse strains for your sequence of interest here:
Even if the mouse strains you are interested in are not in this database, you should be considerably reassured that there is not a likely difference between them, if there is no variation that has been detected in the 36 mouse strains that have been sequenced and compared.
  • asked a question related to Leptin
3 answers
Can anyone explain the regulation of Leptin, Orexin and NPY for metabolism and growth out in teleost?
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@Mr. Asturiano: thank you very much..
@Mr. Kelany: it is interesting
  • asked a question related to Leptin
3 answers
Steroids can affect gherlin and leptin levels
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Dear Mohammed, a PubMed search or a search on Google Scholar with the terms "glucocorticoids  AND (ghrelin OR leptin)" will provide you multitude of articles. Pleae find a short list with publications attached.
  • asked a question related to Leptin
2 answers
Hello . mention to the source please
Thank you for your attention.
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Here's a paper that might be useful:
Lu, X. Y. (2007). The leptin hypothesis of depression: a potential link between mood disorders and obesity? Curr Opin Pharmacol, 7(6), 648-652.
The full text is available here:
  • asked a question related to Leptin
1 answer
thank you
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Dear Mojtaba,
Research on depression with inflammatory markers has grown considerably in the last 25 years. Leptin is only one of several important markers. I would also examine c-reactive protein, a correlate of crp, because  it is now used as for clinical diagnoses in many countries. Like leptin, crp is related to obesity, depression, plaques in the brain ( dementia) and certainly diabetes. It may be difficult to research leptin without considering crp or even insulin, which is related to anger and depression.
I currently have an undergraduate honors student who is completing his thesis. It shows that psychological distress (depression, anxiety) mediates increases in exercise in persons caring for a spouse with Alzheimer's disease, but not in matched older adults who are not caregivers.
Please be encouraged to pursue this research as it has great clinical meaning.
Here is an example with many good references.
Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2011 Jun;43(6):1002-9. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0b013e3182059eda.
Sixteen weeks of exercise reduces C-reactive protein levels in young women.
Arikawa AY1, Thomas W, Schmitz KH, Kurzer MS.
  • asked a question related to Leptin
7 answers
There are so many methods to assess insulin resistance. Is there any easy method to assess Leptin resistance?
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There is no easy way.  However, an increase in Leptin levels is indicative of Leptin resistance.  This is only correlational though.  The only way would be to look at downstream targets of activated leptin receptor in neurons expressing leptin receptor. 
  • asked a question related to Leptin
1 answer
We would like to evaluate small molecule compound(s), where exact mechanism-of-action is not clear at the moment. We are conducting in vitro studies right now and would like to extend these studies in appropriate rodent model(s). Primarily, our aim is to explore:
1. Full/partial blockage of pre-adipocyte to adipocyte conversion?
2. De-differentiation of fully differentiated adipocytes?
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A possible animal model for your POC efficacy study could be the diet induced obesity model using Nnt-mutant C57BL/6J (B6/J) (Jackson Laboratory number #664).  This animal model exhibits significant weight gain by 20 wks when fed a high fat (60% of calories).  The reference for the article is:
Diet induced obesity in two C57BL/6 substrains with intact or mutant nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase (Nnt) gene.  Obesity 2010 18(10):1902-1905 the article comes from Edward Leiter's lab at Jackson.  Another rodent model might be the Zucker fatty rat (single gene mutation).  Hope this is of help to you.
Jorge L. Jacot, Ph.D.
  • asked a question related to Leptin
10 answers
When comparing leptin levels between a larger and a smaller rodent of the same species and similar body composition, will the larger one have a higher serum leptin concentration due to absolutely higher fat mass, or will the concentration be the same, as fat mass relative to body mass is similar?
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Here is a paper that shows that muscle mass contributes to whole body leptin production. 
  • asked a question related to Leptin
9 answers
I tested some blood serum parameters like HDL, LDL, trigyceride etc. and leptin in albino wistar rats. When I look at the literature I could not find a direct answer about right timing of blood collection. If I applied sample collection in the same way, same time, same row for all animals, can eating of rats before blood collection still create a huge individual variance differences and avoid to have significant data for treatment? Please help me, I am completely confused.
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You are likely to get less inter-animal variation if your rats were fasted.
The reason we use fasting is to eliminate some of the variability between different animals. When you leave rodents with unlimited access to food, not all of them eat at the same time or even the same amounts. If you have multiple animals in a single cage, you will often notice some differences in their weights. All of this plays into what you may see in serum levels of various measurements, especially parameters that are known to be effected by feeding status, such as the ones you are measuring.
If your experiment requires levels from animals that fed ad libitum, that's a different matter.
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3 answers
For now I manually homogenize the tissue using regular lysis buffer that has 1% triton x
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How did it work?
  • asked a question related to Leptin
2 answers
I'm searching for references about "quantification" of leptin resistance in women 
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I do not have any reference in human but you can refer to this article it can help.
Development of high fat diet-induced obesity and leptin resistance in C57Bl/6J mice. S Lin, T C Thomas, L H Storlien and X F Huang. May 2000, Volume 24, Number 5, Pages 639-646.
They established a scale to determine the leptin resistance rate you can maybe translated to human values.
Good luck.
  • asked a question related to Leptin
21 answers
In addition to continued memory loss, I have come across some research regarding changes in leptin and ghrelin levels as a possible long-term consequence of ECT. Are there any researchers or practitioners with insight about other possible long-lasting side effects (1 year or more) after treatment?
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With all due respect, there is no reasonable way that one could argue that the so called therapeutic effect of ECT is not actually the result of the brain trauma caused by inducing a grand mal seizure (of course in any other circumstance considered the sign for a severe medical disorder, epilepsy) and very damaging. I strongly recommend for the relevant overview of research that y'all review psychiatrist Peter Breggin's material on ECT research in the 2nd edition of his 2007 book Brain Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry.
  • asked a question related to Leptin
6 answers
I would like to inhibit the leptin expression
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Does the leptin antibody block the leptin receptor or just bind with circulation leptin?