Publications related to Legal (10,000)
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The book develops the main issues related to the legal regulation of tourism in Bulgaria. The peculiarities of tourism activities and the regulatory requirements for their exercise are clarified. A commentary is made on key concepts used in tourism legislation. Special attention is paid to the tourist package contract, tourist area management organ...
Agricultural University-Plovdiv; Резюме: В доклада са разгледани въпросите относно юридическия статут на туристическите сдружения, които са важен фактор в туристическото развитие на страната ни. Изяснени са особеностите и същността на анализираните организации, както и условията за тяхното законосъобразно учредяване и вписване...
1. Introducción Reflexionar sobre la implementación temprana del acuerdo de paz colombiano del 2016 que ha sido caracterizado como uno de los más integrales completos e innovadores (Instituto Kroc en El Tiempo, 2016, Instituto Kroc, 2017), plantea la necesidad de priorizar qué factores de la implementación logran mayor estabilización inicial y así,...
The militarization of space has emerged as a significant dimension of global politics, driven by geopolitical competition, technological advancements, and strategic imperatives. This article explores the political ramifications of militarized space, analyzing its impact on international security, power dynamics, and diplomatic relations. It assesse...
This paper examines Kafka's "The Castle" through a juridical lens, focusing on the intersection of Sein (fact) and Sollen (ought) from both a normativist perspective and within the context of Talmudic legal thought. It engages with theoretical approaches from Hans Kelsen's pure theory of law-positing that Kafka's narrative captures the crisis of po...
Following the Aristotelian constructivism proposed by Mark LeBar, the paper outlines a possible metaethical framework of values, necessary elements within legal reasoning. This framework proposes a consideration of values that need to be virtuously constructed, namely through the virtue of phronesis. In this way, legal reasoning can take into accou...
En materia jurídica procesal, la oportunidad de recurrir de los autos y sentencias, es una garantía plena que constitucionalmente puede ser presentada por quien necesita que un fallo emitido, sea revisado en una posterior instancia. El COGEP vigente, establece los mecanismos de impugnación que pueden ser activados en caso de que se necesite la aten...
O presente artigo tem como escopo analisar o devido processo legal enquanto princípio constitucional e sua relevância como instrumento de consolidação da democracia. Fundamentado na Constituição Federal de 1988, o estudo procura explorar como esse princípio, ao assegurar direitos como o contraditório, a ampla defesa e o acesso à justiça, fomenta a...
Three species of sea turtles occur in Tunisia; the loggerhead is the most common. Tunisian coasts are important for this species in the Mediterranean Sea; the Gulf of Gabes is considered a wintering and foraging area. Among many threats, the bycatch is the most impacting. Many studies were carried out on these species and many measures and mitigati... ISBN 979-12-5608-045-8 layout grafico: L'opera è rilasciata nei termini della licenza Creative Commons: Attribuzione-Non commerciale-Non opere derivate 4.0 Internazionale (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). Legal Code: L'Editore resta a disposizione degli aventi...
La creación del lenguaje claro surge como una iniciativa de los entes gubernamentales a favor de las comunidades que conforman la sociedad, por cuanto las normativas legales y administrativas se fundamentan en una terminología técnica propia de esas áreas del conocimiento, siendo, en la generalidad de los casos, de difícil comprensión para sus usua...
This paper provides an overview of the evolution and regulation of legal practice in Nepal, tracing its roots from traditional customs and Hindu Dharmasashtra to the modern legal framework established by the Constitution of Nepal 2015. It examines key legislative milestones such as the Bar Council Act 2050 B.S. (1993), the Code of Conduct for Legal...
According to the World Bank (WB), the Republic of Equatorial Guinea population
was estimated in 2021 to be 1 634 466 inhabitants. According to the 2022
Equatorial Guinea Statistics Yearbook, over the period from 2008 to 2021, there
were a total of 8 067 persons with disabilities. No percentage of persons with
disabilities was found. There are as ye...
This article provides a comprehensive understanding of latent defects in real property construction and a guide for homebuyers to navigate the defects liability period and legal action deadlines in Malaysia. Latent defects, hidden flaws that may emerge over time, pose significant risks to homebuyers. By uncovering the nature and implications of the...
In many countries struggling with a shortage of affordable housing, one available instrument is to increase the housing stock at the disposal of local authorities using commercial, residential projects. This solution is called the Inclusionary Housing (IH) model, which creates a mix of residents with different rights to housing and who belong to va...
A pesquisa teve como tema a contribuição dos CEJUSC`S na comarca goiana de Anápolis: uma análise à luz do Conselho Nacional de Justiça (CNJ) e do Código de Processo Civil (CPC), como instrumento de política pública para o desenvolvimento regional, no período de 2021 a 2023, buscando examinar a seguinte questão: afinal, de que forma os CEJUSC`S cont...
Sex and gender-related issues have been the subject of many discussions recently and mostly concern the rights of transgender people. In addition to transgender people, the question of gender also concerns intersex people. When a child is born, as a rule, it is necessary to enter the sex of the child in the form of male/female in the official docum...
Análise introdutória do Direito Desportivo, voltada em especial aos acadêmicos do Direito que não tiveram contato com a disciplina. O Direito Desportivo, via de regra, não é apresentado aos estudantes durante o período de sua graduação, devendo os mesmos buscarem, de vontade própria, informações sobre o mesmo. Busca-se, aqui, aguçar os sentidos do...
Introdução: Hoje há uma enorme demanda para o reconhecimento individual tanto na esfera civil como na penal. Uma informação detalhada obtida da análise fisiológica e osteológica dos restos mortais, dados morfológicos do nariz em população específica podem promover o sucesso da identificação. Objetivo: formar uma base de dados para determinação do p...
Delves into the landmark case of contributory negligence. Written in my first year, it opened a vast world of research.
A conformidade com as leis trabalhistas é essencial para garantir a segurança dos colaboradores e a proteção da empresa contra penalidades e processos judiciais. Um RH bem informado atua preventivamente, promovendo uma relação saudável entre empregador e funcionários. Este artigo aborda as principais leis trabalhistas, a negociação sindical e acord...
The status rights of transgender persons also concern their legal status in relation to parentage. Changes in the field of requirements for the legal transition of transgender persons, which gradually abandon the requirement of permanent impairment of reproductive function, bring a number of new questions that need to be answered. These questions a...
The most serious crime that lies with man is the destabilization of his security and stability, and the attack on the person is an attack on the group, but an attack on the public order of society, and the crime of kidnapping has more than one picture, different from the description of the victim and the offender and the means used, and given the i...
zet Mecelle, hem İslam hukukuna dair ilk kanun metni olması hem de Türk edebiyatı için tarihi öneme sahip bir ürün olması sebebiyle emsalsiz bir konuma sahiptir. Özellikle de Mecelle'nin başında yer alan 99 külli kaide, İslam hukukundaki pek çok meselenin soyutlanarak çeşitli söz sanatları ile ifade edilmiş halidir. Hukuk ve edebiyat disiplinleri a...
This paper presents procedural, policy, and legal considerations that states may encounter before and after ratifying the BBNJ Agreement, with a focus on its marine genetic resources (MGR) provisions. It briefly examines the behaviours of parties to the other two previously ratified implementing agreements to the United Nations Convention on the La...
O presente artigo é desenvolvido utilizando o método lógico-dedutivo, fundamentado em um estudo bibliográfico e jurisprudencial que explora o inquérito policial contemporâneo, sob uma nova perspectiva constitucional que valoriza os direitos fundamentais. A promulgação da Constituição Federal de 1988 trouxe a necessidade imperativa de buscar um equi...
El presente estudio tuvo por propósito Caracterizar los factores de la inteligencia emocional desde una perspectiva jurídica del personal en las Alcaldías de los municipios del departamento del Chocó-Colombia, soportado a través de autores como, Goleman (2011), Larocca (2012) y Rodríguez (2011), entre otros. El estudio se enmarca en el paradigma po...
Although the European legal framework intended to regulate our technological revolution is still in the making, it is, perhaps, possible to begin to discuss the actual correspondence of the most relevant actions taken to the humanistic ideal always recalled.
Are we really moving in the direction of the defense of human dignity as it appears to be...
This paper explores the arguments for the benefits of printing and their authors' careers in the Ottoman religious and legal apparatus.
Introducción: La evidencia científica respalda que los profesionales formados en enfermería de práctica avanzada (EPA) mejoran la calidad de sus cuidados, fomentan la profesionalización de la disciplina y promueven una mayor autonomía en la práctica enfermera. En México, aunque no existe un marco legal para la práctica avanzada en el sistema de sal...
Dada a crescente importância do câncer como problema de saúde pública na população brasileira é necessário discutir as estratégias de vigilância do câncer a nível populacional. A complexidade da doença, englobando numerosos tipos de neoplasias, com características próprias, demanda medidas de enfrentamento dirigidas especificamente para cada tipo d...
The aim of this article is to clarify the minimum requirements for regional head candidates referred to in the decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia No. 23 P/HUM/2024 and to find out the judge's considerations in resolving cases from the Fiqh Siyasah perspective. The writing method uses a normative approach and the data collect...
According to the traditional interpretation of relevant Vinaya rules, the gihigatā (“married”) candidate type for Buddhist nunhood can be ordained at the minimum age of twelve, whereas the kumāribhūtā (“maiden”) type, at that of twenty. There are several issues with the aforesaid interpretation: (1) A compulsory question that a candidate must answe...
En este artículo se analizan los dos primeros Informes de Investigación que se realizaron en México sobre la desaparición forzada de personas. Estos informes se centraron en el caso de la movilización armada rural en el estado de Guerrero a principios de la década de los setenta. El análisis de estos expedientes de investigación devela cómo el esta...
La Administración pública no tiene la potestad para instruir y sancionar por tiempo infinito. Esta es una garantía constitucional y legal. La prescripción y la caducidad administrativas son figuras jurídicas reguladas en los procedimientos sancionadores. La primera se analiza desde la potestad para determinar la responsabilidad administrativa; la s...
This research note contributes to moving the scholarly field of international investment law beyond its dominant focus in recent decades on issues of post-admission investment protection and investor–State dispute settlement (ISDS). Specifically, it maps a future research agenda focusing on issues of investment facilitation and investment liberaliz...
Con la Sentencia de la Sala Cuarta del Tribunal de Justicia de 16 de marzo 2023 (Asunto 565/2021), se ratifica lo que algunos habían comprendido desde la STJUE Caixabank de 16 de julio 2020 acerca de que la comisión de apertura al igual que otros gastos anejos a la puesta a disposición del dinero de un crédito hipotecario o de consumo estandarizado...
In 1843, Theodor Mommsen completed his legal studies at the University of Kiel; in the same year, his dissertation De collegiis et sodaliciis Romanorum appeared in print. This publication, which was small in terms of volume, not only opened the door to an illustrious academic career for its author, but also had an enormous impact on the course of s...
O Brasil, em descompasso com o mundo, não possui política pública própria para os psicopatas, confundindo-os com doentes mentais ou tratando-os como criminosos comuns. O avanço consolidado da ciência pode ser uma nova forma de abordagem para o controle de constitucionalidade ou de interpretação legal. Far-se-á uma análise dos psicopatas, seus crime...
This research aims to analyze in more depth the issue of implementing artificial intelligence in health applications which focuses on losses if they arise because of it. This research uses normative juridical methods, data collection techniques using literature studies where meta data is taken from books, online journals and references. other secon...
A través del lente de la conciencia jurídica, este trabajo analiza la insatisfacción institucional en el marco de un profundo escepticismo hacia las instituciones formales, particularmente en el contexto de la sociedad chilena post-Octubre de 2019. El artículo busca investigar la relación entre la expresión de una profunda antipatía hacia e...
Sidechickism is one philosophy and practice that appears to be gaining wide acceptability among members of society despite the negative consequences it poses. This paper seeks to introduce the concept of sidechickism and its kindred concepts and spotlight its problems and effects on victims-wives, children, active sidechickists and the larger socie...
O artigo “Homicídios na cidade de Manaus: uma análise da violência letal na maior capital da Amazônia legal Brasileira” investiga as dinâmicas de homicídios na cidade de Manaus, contextualizando a violência letal sob aspectos socioeconômicos, territoriais e institucionais. A partir da pesquisa, destacamos que o homicídio é uma expressão máxima da v...
Geographic location tracking, a ubiquitous feature in modern devices, poses a significant threat to privacy. Given its widespread use in phones and computers, individuals must be mindful of its implications and ensure they don't infringe on others' privacy. Legal frameworks should be in place to safeguard individual rights against this technology.
Десятирічна війна росії проти України, розпочата локально ще 2014 року та розширена повномасштабно 24 лютого 2022 року, багато в чому стала переломною і для європейських країн. Держави-члени Європейського Союзу (ЄС), які з часу його безпрецедентного розширення 2004 року стали сусідами України, не тільки виявилися свідками найбільшої європейської бі...
This trilingual (English, Kurdish, Arabic) glossary of administrative terms represents a significant effort to develop and standardize administrative terminology in the Kurdish language. It compiles institutional transaction and procedure terms, including legal terminology concerning corporate governance, business, and employment. These specialized...
There is a plethora of technology currently available that have the ability to notify individuals of traffic enforcement locations while they are driving. This technology has the potential to undermine legal deterrent efforts for preventing risky driving behaviours. However, drivers' experiences using this technology and the trajectories through wh...
Background: Regional regulations (Perda) in Indonesia often face issues of overlap and
inefficiency. Specific Background: The Omnibus Law method, known for simplifying and
harmonizing regulations, has been applied nationally but remains underexplored locally.
Knowledge Gap: Its practical application at the regional level, including challenges and
This paper fills a gap in the gender diversity and initial public offering (IPO) withdrawal literature by examining how female directors on boards of management at the time of offering, affect withdrawal risk. The study employs a global dataset encompassing 33,535 withdrawn and completed IPOs between January 1995 and December 2019 in 22 diverse cou...
The increasing use of personal data for personalization strategies has raised concerns about data privacy. This research examines the legal frameworks governing data privacy and their effects on personalization strategies. A qualitative and quantitative approach is used to analyze the key components of existing legal frameworks (GDPR, CCPA, NDPR) a...
Auction is basically an act of buying and selling, where there are elements of price and goods, the difference is that the auction requires the presence of an auction official, with the stipulation of PMK 122/2023 concerning the implementation of electronic auctions, the auction can be carried out without the presence of an auction official, with t...
Copyright: © HISPANIA NOVA es una revista de-bidamente registrada, con ISSN 1138-7319 y Depó-sito Legal M 9472-1998. Los textos publicados es-tán-si no se indica lo contrario-bajo una licencia Reconocimiento-Sin obras derivadas 3.0 España de Creative Commons. Puede copiarlos, distribuirlos y comunicarlos públicamente siempre que cite su autor y la...
Hindsight bias arises when people do not realize how extensively observing an event has changed their perception of the world. As a result, the event appears more likely than it actually was, in foresight. Underestimating how much one has to learn is a form of overconfidence that could, in the extreme, lead to a seemingly surprise-free past portend...
Globalization has a major impact on social, cultural, and economic life throughout the world, including in the field of Islamic law. Fiqh, as a legal system in Islam, is faced with major challenges in maintaining its relevance and sustainability amidst rapid global changes. This article aims to examine the role of fiqh in facing the challenges of g...
El presente artículo evidencia el valor y el significado que tiene un hijo o hija en la vida de cualquier padre de familia y más aún cuando se trate de un hijo o hija con Síndrome de Down. A través de los diferentes marcos legales que existen para garantizar los derechos de la personas con discapacidad ha permitido que éstas personas sean vistas co...
شركة التوريق هي الشركة التي تزاول نشاط إصدار سندات قابلة للتداول في حدود ما يحال إليها من حقوق مالية ومستحقات آجلة الدفع بالضمانات المقررة لها. التوريق هو عملية مالية يتم فيها إصدار صكوك تحمل قيمة أصول تدر عائدا وتباع بعد ذلك إلى المستثمرين. يمكن أن يكون التوريق تحويل أقساط القروض طويلة الأجل إلى سندات وبيعها في سوق الأوراق المالية بهدف الحصول على...
ظل الاقتصاد الإسلامي يشوبه الإرباك في التطبيق، وذلك تبعاً للمتغيرات السياسية وتعسر فهم ما ورد في مصادر التشريع الإسلامي، وانسجاماً مع هذا الاتجاه وقع اختيارنا على كتاب هو ليـــــس من كتــــــب الاقتصاد، بل من كتب غريب اللغــــــــة والحديث، وهو كتاب (مجمع البحريـــــن ومطـلع النيرين للطريحي ت- ١٠٨٥هـ) الذي تضمن في مادته أخبارا اقتصادية ومالية متنوع...
The execution of mortgage collateral auctions often encounters legal obstacles when the object of collateral provided by the debtor is under dispute. Such conditions pose significant challenges to the legal protection of creditors, particularly in their efforts to secure debt repayment through auction mechanisms. Disputes over the collateral freque...
The paper discusses the role of social media in covering human rights violations under martial law. Social media serves as a powerful tool for rapidly disseminating information, documenting war crimes, mobilizing society, and exerting international pressure on the aggressor. However, risks such as disinformation, violations of victims' privacy, and...
There are emerging ethical and legal dilemmas brought about by the nexus between prenatal testing, neo-eugenics and abortion under the Kenyan constitution.
Nos encontramos en un momento histórico donde las decisiones que tomemos hoy tendrán repercusiones que se sentirán durante generaciones: La inteligencia artificial nos alcanzó y está redefiniendo la forma en que trabajamos, interactuamos y vivimos. Por su parte el transhumanismo nos enfrenta a la posibilidad de trascender los límites biológicos que...
Highly portable and accessible MRI technology will allow researchers to conduct field-based MRI research in community settings. Previous guidance for researchers working with fixed MRI does not address the novel ethical, legal, and societal issues (ELSI) of portable MRI (pMRI). Our interdisciplinary Working Group (WG) previously identified 15 core...
This doctoral thesis explores the effectiveness of immigration policy solutions in the United States, focusing on the interplay between political interests, economic market manipulation, and legal rulings. Employing a qualitative narrative literature review, the study examines these factors role in shaping immigration policies and their impact of s...
Este estudo analisou o acesso de crianças gestantes ao Programa de Interrupção Gestacional Previsto em Lei (PIGL) do Distrito Federal no período de 2021 a 2023. Mediante um estudo retrospectivo, descritivo, desenvolvido por meio de uma pesquisa de análise quantitativa e mediante revisão de literatura e análise de dados secundários, obteve-se como r...
The purpose of this research is to determine the problems that school principals experience with the assistant school personnel and their solutions to the problems. The study group of this research, which was carried out as a qualitative case study, consists of 33 school principals working in Eğirdir district of Isparta province. The data of the re...
The purpose of this study is to describe how the principal ofThis study is to describe how the principal of the school as a supervisor in improving and balancing the professionalism of teachers at the Thawalib Tanjung Limau Islamic Boarding School. as a supervisor in improving and balancing the professionalism of teachers at the Thawalib Tanjung Li...
The Netherlands has played a pioneering role in the legalization of euthanasia, which has resulted in both international recognition and criticism of the Netherlands. In other countries, assisted suicide rather than euthanasia was central. The doctor plays a central role in the Netherlands while this is much less the case in countries where assiste...
O Boletim de Conjuntura (BOCA) publica ensaios, artigos de revisão, artigos teóricos e empíricos, resenhas e vídeos relacionados às temáticas de políticas públicas. O periódico tem como escopo a publicação de trabalhos inéditos e originais, nacionais ou internacionais que versem sobre Políticas Públicas, resultantes de pesquisas científicas e refle...
Unlawful Actions (PMH) in land cases is an important issue in the legal system in various countries, including Indonesia and France. Although both countries have similar basic principles regarding PMH, there are fundamental differences in the way they are regulated and implemented, especially in the land context. This research aims to analyze the c...
Translation and interpreting technologies are advancing at an unprecedented pace. Despite such developments impacting fundamental social rights, the legal frameworks have paid little attention to their implications. Based on the challenges posed to the idea of technology and legal frameworks being gendered in the peer review process of an editorial...
This study aims to analyze the authority of a notary as a class II auction official in providing legal counseling related to the auction minutes deed they create. This research focuses on understanding the notary's role in ensuring that the parties involved in the auction gain a clear legal understanding of their rights and obligations and provide...
Este sexto manual presenta un método para formular un plan de negocios para
la agroempresa asociativa orientado a productos de origen agropecuario con valor
agregado. Incluye cinco módulos que presentan los distintos capítulos del plan: la
descripción del negocio, el plan de mercadeo, el plan de producción, el plan legal y de administración y el pl...
This study aims to determine the legal position of children from the results of sirri marriage and its implications for civil rights. This researchers uses descriptive methods with data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the study indicate that the practice of nikah sirri is very widespread in so...
The Western Balkan States have enormous potential to further develop arbitration as the most attractive method of alternative dispute resolution. The courts in this region are overburdened. The litigation in commercial cases takes too long. Arbitration should benefit from the lack of efficiency in litigation, but it does not. This paper aims to det...
This research discusses the legal protection for auction winners whose items are still held by the debtor, analyzed based on Law Number 4 of 2004 on Auctions. An auction is one way to enforce creditors' rights against debtors who cannot fulfill their obligations. In this study, the author examines the provisions in Law Number 4 of 2004, and the app...
In 2023, Croatia enacted the new Amicable Dispute Resolution Act, aimed at providing a new framework for mediation, negotiation, and similar non-adjudicative amicable dispute resolution methods. Despite its ambitions, the changes were not fully implemented, and the new framework has not been unanimously welcomed by the mediation community. The new...
The buzz around Generative AI (GenAI) and AI agents is everywhere. A paradigm shift is happening in how people and businesses operate, with the potential for increased efficiency, productivity, and highly personalized experiences. However, this excitement is tempered by significant concerns surrounding the probabilistic, often opaque nature of GenA...
Undertook case analysis of McDonald’s & Coca-Cola, dissecting their market entry in India while navigating cultural and legal complexities. Moreover, uncovered innovative branding approaches and evaluated their effectiveness in deepening market penetration
A proposed state administrative rule would have required medical ethicists to approve certain aspects of gender-affirming care. The authors argue the proposed rule lacked appropriate justification compared to other instances of state-mandated ethics oversight and would undermine trust, raise practical challenges, and send harmful messages to societ...
Islamic inheritance law is regulated according to qath'i wurudz and dalalah. This legal certainty of inheritance covers who has the right to be an heir, who is covered by the hijab, up to the amount of shares received. Even so, the inheritance law of abstruse khuntsa is a complicated issue in determining gender, which in turn of course also influen...
El Derecho Administrativo transnacional alude el efecto extraterritorial de las normas y decisiones del Derecho Administrativo, incluyendo los casos en los que los tribunales extranjeros deben interpretar y aplicar el marco constitucional y legal de la Administración Pública. Un ejemplo interesante es el contrato público de la deuda externa, típica...
Introducción: La evolución de las normativas en Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (SST) refleja un crecimiento continuo en la conciencia sobre la protección de los trabajadores. Este estudio revisa la evolución histórica de las regulaciones de SST en Colombia, con enfoque en la Prevención de Riesgos Laborales (PRL). Metodología: Se realizó una invest...
El problema de la contaminación ambiental se sustenta en las normas legales que emiten los legisladores y como perciben los ciudadanos, tanto las leyes como los factores contaminantes del ambiente, por ello el propósito del trabajo fue establecer que tanto las normas influyen en el ambiente a través de los ciudadanos. El tipo de estudio es cuantita...
Explore a new perspective on land relations with Ownership Regimes, which shifts focus from traditional legal views to socio-historical contexts. This book reveals how land holding was influenced by diverse practices, including doctrine, laws, customs, regional kinship, and community ties. By understanding these as components of a broader normative...
With an Electronic Certificate confirming the legal status of land, disputes regarding ownership and land boundaries can be minimized. This certificate is a valid means of proof and can be accounted for in court, making it easier to resolve land disputes. Legal certainty of the subject and object of the land plot in the electronic certificate must...
An in-depth analysis of the national legal framework on the role of sub-national governments in achieving NDC targets. The paper explores several challenges faced by local governments in Indonesia regarding climate actions that can contribute to NDC and opportunities that can be harnessed to strengthen their roles in climate governance.