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Legal Research - Science topic
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Questions related to Legal Research
what other legal researchers say
Hello everyone;
I am here to seek your kind help. Currently, I have conducted pilot-stage interviews. After the research, I have found that there are no changes that need to be made to the research design, as it yields the expected outcome. Thus, I want to use the outcome from the pilot study in my final results.
Is this the right move? I have searched much to find valid authority, but I could not find any relevant authority that says, " the data from the pilot study can be included in the final results if there are no changes made to the methodology".
Looking for research focus on mood disorders identified while going through divorce/family court system and subsequent impact on work performance. I am interested in how adversarial processes (legal remedy systems) impact mood and work function.
would be very grateful if some recommendations are made on the relevant cases or articles to read to help. thank you.
Do you consider mediation or other ADR method (alternative dispute resolution) as an efficient and suitable method for settling international trade disputes with pharmaceutical products? Why? Pro & cons arguments?
In my LLM thesis, the research objective and questions decided to employ mixed method and doubted the data analysis technique.
I would like to know the international and regional journals for publication
I want to know the websites of the magazines to communicate with.
I have a legal research (the field of labor law) I want to publish, and I do not know about a good publication magazine
A content analysis of Canadian arbitration cases over the past 10 years, would be the most effective way to gather documented evidence on how social media related human resources issues are being ruled upon by arbitrators.
Various pieces of academic writing indicate that there is no definitive criteria which must be satisfied in order for a judiciary to be considered institutionally independent. I am interested however in finding out whether there is at least a minimum set of values which ought to exist.
I'd appreciate any comments or suggestions of texts I ought to read.
Could anyone find the originial text of Judiciary Act of 1789?
The Canadian Bill C-13: An Act to amend the Criminal Code, the Canada Evidence Act, the Competition Act and the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act was enforced on March 9, 2015. This law is "to protect “personal integrity” when it comes to sharing images and information online" (CTV news report)
I would like to know if anyone has any knowledge or recent articles concerning any cyberusers have been prosecuted under this anti-cyberbullying law in Canada so far? Are there any report on deficiencies of this law?
advantages of the adversarial system
There is a copy of it in the Agricultural Department on St Helena. There are chapters in there on hybridisation and self-incompatibilty in C. rotundifolium and C. spurium. These aren't unfortunately published as sample sizes deemed too small (the plants are rare!) and I didn't have the time to submit revisions to the journal. However, they seem very relevant to your Ph.D.
Dear colleagues,
I've met some troubles finding the information on freedom of economic activity as a basic human right. Anyone knows who might've been conducting research on this topic, particularly (and preferably) in ECHR cases? Any hint will be very helpful.
Thank you in advance!
A recent study about the cultural elements of academic dishonesty said their participants reported that “it sometimes appeared as if university leadership were more interested in catching perpetrators than in offering training” (p. 149). The participants were talking about universities in a particular country and they were from a particular cultural group. But I want to sidestep the “culture clash” discussion and ask to what extent colleagues see this as a description of their own contexts.
Where you work or study, now or recently, does it feel like the administration is more concerned with catching plagiarists than in training everyone to understand and avoid plagiarism?
[For those interested in following up on the article I quoted above, here is the reference:
Thompson, L. W., Bagby, J. H., Sulak, T. N., Sheets, J., & Trepinski, T. M. (2017). The cultural elements of academic honesty. Journal of International Students, 7(1), 136-153. Retrieved from]
I am having an extensive research on EU members courts for jurisprudence related to insolvency of groups of companies. Germany, Spain and Netherlands present a particular interest on this subject, however they are not easily accessible in English or French.
It would be very helpful, if you could propose national reports or any other source.
Thank you in advance.
I need to know on what grounds the question to what extent is an arbitral tribunal free to apply identified Lex Mercatoria principles can be answered?
Please explain the nature, significance and main features of the legal principle according to which an arbitral tribunal is entitled to rule on its own jurisdiction.
What are the pros and cons of this legal principle?
I'm looking for documents that talk about the conditions of Google Inc. employees. In particular i'm searching about the labour legislation that Google Inc. must observe and if there is any kind of collective agreement between Google Inc. and his employees.
Visa decisions on Illegal Maritime Arrivals/refugees are complex & complicated.Organizational culture of the DIBP may have an influence of their visa decisions.Therefore, measuring DIBP organizational culture is important to critically analyze DIBP decisions.
I am looking for any work concerning Whistle Blowing Law. Thanks , Alan
Please send me a copy via email if you have it.
Thanks Charlotte
using the restricting and non restricting distinguishing factors
In the framework of my research I'm looking for any available literature on the topics of drafting legislation, nomotechnics, legal standardization etc.
In Slovenia metrics is used (impact factor of journals, citation etc.). However, when compared to science, law is not doing so well and is in inferior position. I will need concrete data for arguing that law and science cannot be measured in the same way. E.g. Harvard Law Review only publishes 1 or 2 articles per issues, that's around 10 articles per year. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, however, publish 80 articles a week, 48 issues a year. That's a substantive difference. One journal publishes the same number of articles as all SSCI journals in the field of law together per year. I think no legal scholar can publish 80 SSCI articles a year as this would amount to 2% of all SSCI publications in law that year, yet chemists do (of course in co-authorship with several other people and often with upper limit of 4000 characters per article - legal articles, however, are normally much longer - in US journals also minimum 20.000 words etc). So, I think putting different fields of research under the same criteria of relevancy is not suitable. But when it comes to distributing money, numbers (citations, IF...) are the most easy to use... unfortunately.
I am looking for statistics (official or unofficial) on the residence rights of EU citizens in Italy.
In particular, I am trying to find out the number of residence documents issued to EU citizens and family members in Italy, as well as numbers of EU citizens expelled from Italy. (This includes but is not limited to the expulsion of members of the Roma community).
I have already consulted ISTAT (only total EU resident numbers available) and sent information requests to the Ministero dell'Interno (no response).
Richard Posner (Foreword: A Political Court; No Thanks, We Already Have our own Laws) and John Yoo/Robert Delahunty (Against Foreign Law) say the American Courts should not use foreign decisions because 4 main reasons: 1) the foreign law is not published in the official reports, 2) the foreign law emerge from a complex socio-historical-politico-institutional background that judges are almost entirely ignorant (problems of knowledge and reliable translations), 3) the undemocratic character of the use of foreign law, and, 4) the use of foreign law is a figuration to convey an artificial lore. These are true reasons to prevent or prohibit National Courts the use of foreign law?
The 2015 ruling condemning the NRW legislation on headscarves worn by teachers seems again focused on religion, though this time on discrimination instead of religious freedom. I wonder whether there is a debate on the ethnic and gender discrimination involved here. I am aware of some German publications in the general press, partly by women who criticise the ruling as supporting patriarchal rule, but have not seen any English case note yet, looking on this other aspect.
Under Swiss Law can a party avoid performance if the market price for the commodity increases or decreases after conclusion of the contract in case of absence of the price adjustment clause? please refer to icc arbitration awards if you have any.
Legal positivism, by contrast to natural law, holds that there is no necessary connection between law and morality and that the force of law comes from some basic social facts. Legal positivists differ on what those facts are. (Soper, "Legal Positivism", Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy)
In his book Law's Empire Dworkin attacked Hart and the positivists for their refusal to treat law as a moral issue. Dworkin argues that law is an 'interpretive' concept, that requires judges to find the best-fitting and most just solution to a legal dispute, given their constitutional traditions. (Ronald Dworkin, Law's Empire (1986) Harvard University Press)
Considerable amounts of fieldwork are undertaken to discover and then analyse comparative data on the highly contingent incidence and perception of crime and disorder in different settings and jurisdictions. The role of professionalised policing is a core element in this work. It would be interesting to explore how far various professionalised policing styles and methods have been found to be effective in providing specific, definable impacts that benefit social identity and wellbeing by successfully improving public safety.
Probably need a comprehensive yet current Law Review article regarding the nature of evidentiary privilege in civil cases, or access to an all-state database on evidentiary privilege statutes and someone who knows how to research it!
I am writing an article about the comparison of the regulations of the french référé procedure (in english: summary interlocutory proceedings) and the Hungarian small claims proceedings. The only thing that I can not find is in which cases the french people like to turn to the president of the court to initiate a référé proceding. In Hungary these procedings are initiated in the case of a claim under 1 milion HUF (approximately: 4761$ or 3000 euros). Is there a limit in the french system like in the Hungarian?
I am looking for information on historical development on prohibition of marijuana in South Africa
I am interested in the legal needs of PLWH as they age, but in order to understand the legal landscape, I need to better understand how needs change from medical, public health, epidemiological, sociological, and psychological perspectives. I have requested a number of articles, and I am interested in any opinions, articles or research my search may have missed. I am looking forward to your feedback and article suggestions.
What is the difference between these two terms in property law, "Right to possession" and "Right of possession"