Science topic
Learning - Science topic
Relatively permanent change in behavior that is the result of past experience or practice. The concept includes the acquisition of knowledge.
Publications related to Learning (10,000)
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This study introduces the concept of Sustainable TPACK, an extension of the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework, emphasizing the integration of eco-friendly technology in education. By incorporating environmental awareness and sustainable practices, Sustainable TPACK aims to enhance teachers' ability to design and implemen...
Programa da 19.ª edição da Formação de Psicoterapeutas Clássicos de Xamanismo Transcultural (Estudos Antropológicos Teórico-Práticos) que se realizará através de teleaulas e de telepráticas (por videoconferência, portanto, ao vivo, mas online) entre os dias 14 de junho e 16 de novembro de 2025.
Neste curso os formandos colaboram (facultativamente)...
Artificial intelligence is reforming different areas, including training, with commitments to upgrading opportunities for growth, further developing effectiveness, and customising instruction. In advanced education, a combination of simulated intelligence presents two amazing open doors and difficulties. This writing survey aimed to investigate the...
Good testing is full of challenges that need to be addressed to bridge the gaps and to improve. This interactive tutorial is about real-world examples of testing challenges from different areas (e.g., test mission, TDD, review and test design, design for testability, built-in quality) and how to overcome them in practice.
Attend this tutorial to
The cover of our upcoming book Artificial Intelligence Applications for Brain-Computer Interfaces. This book will be a valuable resource for researchers, engineers, academicians and professionals who are interested in learning more about the impact of Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence in contemporary Brain-Computer Interfaces.
La inteligencia artificial está revolucionando la educación y, en este marco, la Red Internacional de Investigadores en Educación (REDIIE ) te invita a formar parte de este cambio en el I Simposio Internacional «Inteligencia Artificial en la Educación: Desafíos y Oportunidades». Este evento híbrido reunirá a expertos de todo el mundo para explorar...
This article is an exploration of leadership in media education and some of its identifying features. As lecturers in media studies and production, our teaching philosophy weaves through these themes: active learning (Budhai 2021), learning by doing (Schank et al 2013), peer and self-assessment (Iglesias Pérez, Vidal-Puga, and Pino Juste 2022) and...
This chapter offers practical, technology-driven methods to learn spoken Kannada, focusing
on clinical contexts. By leveraging these tools, you can enhance your language skills efficiently,
even with a busy schedule
Apparently the DOGE, Department of Government Efficiency, from 2025 under leadership of Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy, are going to attempt to improve government efficiency. I know what I would do, if I were so audacious. Keep it simple and keep it focussed around valuable results that the government and electorate would be proud of. The obvious fo...
Intramural pregnancy is a very rare type of ectopic pregnancy, which is surrounded by uterine myometrium layer and separates from endometrium. To our knowledge, this abnormal location site of ectopic pregnancy remains likely under-recognized and under-reported. Through this paper, we aim to underscore the role of minimally invasive surge...
This paper explores the role of playfulness in adult learning and examines the case of LEGO seminars. This study interviewed trainees and educators in LEGO Education seminars and findings show that playful process in seminars could benefit adults in multiple ways. Playful elements in adult learning and psycho-pedagogical dimensions of the learning...
Online model predictive control (MPC) for piece-wise affine (PWA) systems requires the online solution to an optimization problem that implicitly optimizes over the switching sequence of PWA regions, for which the computational burden can be prohibitive. Alternatively, the computation can be moved offline using explicit MPC; however, the online mem...
Additive manufacturing (AM), including 3D printing, is changing industries worldwide. This study looks at how 3D printing is currently taught in universities by reviewing existing research and surveying students and teachers at three European universities: Wrocław University of Science and Technology, University of Žilina and Technical University o...
The purpose of the study reported on in this chapter is to enhance the personalized learning experiences of school learners by applying a rigorous online Learning Analytics (LA) framework, while one of the objectives of the study include to provide a descriptive and structured framework for educators to follow, when embarking on a learning interven...
Exemplar-free class incremental learning is a highly challenging setting where replay memory is unavailable. Methods relying on frozen feature extractors have drawn attention recently in this setting due to their impressive performances and lower computational costs. However, those methods are highly dependent on the data used to train the feature...
The learning process that is only monotonous using books makes students easily feel bored in learning. It is not surprising when students are sometimes still confused about the material that has been studied. In this increasingly advanced era, many teachers use video media as learning materials, both from YouTube and editing their own vide...
As our current world has entered the era of international communication and advanced technology, there are more and more chances for engineers and technical professionals to convey technical information in English for various purposes. Therefore, besides learning general English as an international language, engineering students of colleges and tec...
Learning Analytics is a possibility to understand how teaching and learning in online courses might work. This presentation summarizes research studies done in the last 10 years
Speaker-conditioned target speaker extraction aims at estimating the target speaker from a mixture of speakers utilizing auxiliary information about the target speaker. In this paper, we consider a single-channel target speaker extraction system consisting of a speaker embedder network and a speaker separator network. Instead of using standard long...
Foundational arithmetic skills in early education and understanding effective teaching methodologies are fundamental. This paper studies how exploratory teaching (ET) impacts the integration of an applet and its effect on understanding multiplication in a second-grade primary school. The data collected assessed students' knowledge levels and overal...
Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi pendekatan yang ada dalam pendidikan di Pondok Pesantren Bali Bina Insani Tabanan Bali, yang menekankan integrasi tiga kurikulum yaitu Kementerian Agama, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, serta Kurikulum Pesantren. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami bagaimana pendekatan ini mendukung tujuan lembaga dalam menc...
We address the development of efficient neural network (NN)-based post-equalizers in long-haul coherent-detection dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM) optical transmission systems. To achieve a high level of generalization of the NN-based equalizers, we propose to employ multi-task learning (MTL). MTL refers to a single shared machine lear...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh pembelajaran ilmu tajwid terhadap kemampuan membaca Al-Quran di kalangan siswa kelas 8 SMP Islam Al Karimah Bogor. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif, melibatkan 22 murid sebagai subjek penelitian.Tiga surat Al-Quran, yaitu Al-Bayyinah, Al-Zalzalah, dan Al-'Adiyat, dijadikan objek...
Since the first years of the EMS-98 scale being made available, it has been taken into great consideration in the Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) routine. The clarity of the language, its foundations, the application guidelines in different aspects of use, from its application in the most common seismicity to the less common case...
As I read Zhang and Chen's (2024) perspective paper, I was impressed with the authors' flexibility moving into the medical field and the impact of their research. Moreover, I agreed wholeheartedly with their call to learn by working across fields and with their assessment of how differently management and healthcare scholarship is created, dissemin...
Problem behavior disrupts classrooms across the United States, impacting student learning. Despite the adverse consequences, teachers often exclude disruptive students from school as a punitive and default response to problem behavior. Alternatives to exclusion are becoming increasingly popular in many school districts to improve behavior and keep...
Federated Unlearning (FU) is becoming increasingly important in Federated Learning (FL) for safeguarding privacy by enabling the removal of specific client data from trained models. This review delves into the key challenges and emerging directions in FU, particularly around incentive mechanisms, environmental sustainability, and its use in large f...
A classroom study was conducted to understand how to engage in responsive teaching with 18 seventh grade students at three stages of units coordination during a unit on proportional reasoning co-taught by the first author and classroom teacher. In the unit, students worked on making two cars travel the same speed. Students at all three stages of un...
In this paper, we propose FairML.jl, a Julia package providing a framework for fair classification in machine learning. In this framework, the fair learning process is divided into three stages. Each stage aims to reduce unfairness, such as disparate impact and disparate mistreatment, in the final prediction. For the preprocessing stage, we present...
Task knowledge is encoded hierarchically such that complex tasks are composed of simpler tasks. This compositional organization also supports generalization to facilitate learning of related but novel complex tasks. To study how the brain implements composition and generalization in hierarchical task learning, we trained human participants on two c...
In this work, we investigate the problem of learning distance functions within the query-based learning framework, where a learner is able to pose triplet queries of the form: ``Is $x_i$ closer to $x_j$ or $x_k$?'' We establish formal guarantees on the query complexity required to learn smooth, but otherwise general, distance functions under two no...
La enseñanza de lenguajes de computación es un reto que enfrentan los estudiantes de ingeniería de software a nivel mundial. En este proceso, contar con la ayuda de un tutor que responda preguntas referentes a cómo programar ciertas funcionalidades puede ser fundamental para desarrollar las capacidades de abstracción requeridas. Con este trabajo pr...
Agroecologia é uma ciência visceralmente interdisciplinar onde ensinar e aprender ao mesmo tempo é o único caminho possível. Assim, relata-se aqui a construção das práticas com os alunos da edição 2023i desta eletiva concentrada (30h/bimestral), usufruindo dos espaços agroecológicos do campus. Cada aluno elaborou seu sumário autodidata, listando to...
El presente ensayo descriptivo aborda la aplicabilidad de la estrategia EACC en séptimo grado de educación secundaria, cuyas siglas significan: Exploro y expreso mis ideas; Actividad cognitiva, Contexto aplicado y Comparto mi aprendizaje, con la finalidad de interdisciplinar las asignaturas de Educación, Aprender, Emprender, Prosperar (EAEP) y Mate...
Atualmente, percebe-se uma preocupação em desenvolver recursos que auxiliem no processo de ensino e aprendizagem da Matemática. Partindo dessa necessidade, esta pesquisa se propõe a responder à seguinte questão: em que medida a utilização de um jogo digital pode contribuir para o ensino de conceitos matemáticos de estudantes dos anos finais do Ensi...
Este estudo tem como objetivo tecer relações entre as Funções Executivas – FE (mais especificamente, memória de trabalho, controle inibitório e flexibilidade cognitiva), as abordagens de ensino-aprendizagem de inglês como segunda língua e a Base Nacional Comum Curricular, especialmente em relação às competências e habilidades da língua Inglesa. As...
The Qur'an was revealed to Prophet Muhammad SAW gradually as a guide to the path of the Apostle's da'wah in the cities of Mecca and Medina for 23 years. This article aims to find out the virtues of the Makiyah and Madaniyah verses in living with humans. From this article, researchers are intended to prove the wisdom of learning suras of the Qur'an,...
Learn how to submit samples to CD Genomics for bioinformatic processing
Proses pembelajaran yang ideal mencakup aspek interaktif, memberikan tantangan, membangkitkan motivasi, menyenangkan, serta memfasilitasi peserta didik dengan menyediakan ruang belajar yang sesuai dengan bakat dan minat mereka. Pembelajaran ideal juga harus mampu mengeksplorasi potensi kreatif peserta didik sehingga tercipta kemandirian dalam belaj...
Scientific research is devoted to the human`s word-stock
increasing and enriching in “Languages of secondary socialization” in the process of
teaching and learning. The technology of familiarization with a new word
(acoustic-graphic code (AGC) based on the phenomenon of polysemy is proposed.
Online abusive content detection, particularly in low-resource settings and within the audio modality, remains underexplored. We investigate the potential of pre-trained audio representations for detecting abusive language in low-resource languages, in this case, in Indian languages using Few Shot Learning (FSL). Leveraging powerful representations...
Latent inhibition refers to the observation, made in both human and nonhuman animals, that learning about the relationship between a stimulus and an outcome progresses more rapidly when the stimulus is novel compared to when the stimulus has been rendered familiar by preexposure. Three experiments with human participants show that this effect can b...
Trata-se um estado da questão que busca compreender o cenário de pesquisas sobre a prevalência de TDAH (Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade) em jovens aprendizes frente a situações enfrentadas no dia a dia relacionadas ao mercado de trabalho. Para tal, metodologicamente, adotou-se como fonte de pesquisa a Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde d...
Dengan metode pengajaran saat ini yang dilakukan oleh guru cenderung membuat Pelajaran membosankan karena suasana proses pembelajaran tidak menarik dan cenderung peserta didik sulit untuk fokus pada proses pembelajaran, sama halnya yang terjadi di Madrasah Ibtidayah 3 Kota Palembang. Peserta didik cenderung bosan dan gaduh pada pembelajaran tersebu...
Orientado por perspectivas pós-estruturais de currículo (Lopes, 2016; 2018a; 2018b; Macedo, 2011; 2012) e pela Teoria Política do Discurso (Laclau, 2000), o artigo tenciona problematizar a hegemonia de um discurso que significa as propostas curriculares de formação de professores como garantia da produção curricular docente em alfabetização. Tem co...
The Internet is relatively easy because it has become part of the work routine in all fields, especially education. The Internet allows teachers to deliver lesson material more easily and quickly, making learning more accessible and enjoyable. This research aims to determine the ability of Islamic school teachers to use the Internet in learning. Th...
An efficient and expressive wave function Ansatz is key to scalable solutions for complex many-body electronic structures. While Slater determinants are predominantly used for constructing antisymmetric electronic wave function Ansätze, this construction can result in limited expressiveness when the targeted wave function is highly complex. In this...
Over the past two decades, the education system, particularly in higher learning, has undergone significant transformations driven by technological advancements. This study explores the utilization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, such as ChatGPT, QuillBot, and Perplexity, in learning and assessment among higher learning students in Kota Kina...
This is the transcript of the third episode of the second season of DiveIn. You can listen to the episode at In this episode, you will learn about technical assistance centers and the free services you can receive from them. We will discuss the work of TA centers with Seena Skelton, director of the Midwest and Plains Equi...
Explanation of Specific Rhythms and Meters in Middle Eastern Music
A Look at the Notation of Specific Rhythms and Meters in Middle Eastern Music (Focusing on Iranian, Arabic, and Turkish Music)
By Hadi Sepehri
Introduction From childhood, while learning the tombak, I felt discrepancies between some written pieces and their sound as played by the m...
Currently, there are methods to optimize the relationship between teaching and learning in higher education, notably highlighting one methodology: gamification. Emerging as a response to technological advancements, it facilitates collaborative work between teachers and students. Through a literature review, this article explores the influence and a...
Pentingnya keterlibatan belajar peserta didik dalam pembelajaran, terutama dalam konteks pendidikan yang semakin berkembang dan digital. Keterlibatan belajar termasuk komponen yang berperan penting dalam psikologi pembelajaran mencakup aspek kognitif, emosional, dan perilaku yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap efektivitas pendidikan dan hasil yang...
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan intensitas bermain game online terhadap motivasi belajar siswa kelas V SD 2 Karang Bener Kabupaten Kudus. Metode korelasi merupakan metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif korelasi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas V SD 2...
The presented research investigates and compares the relative effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence, specifically large language models (ChatGPT) and human-generated videos in teaching students the calculus topic of derivatives. 30 randomly chosen high school students were taught derivatives. 15 of them were taught through Chat GPT and the other...
Formal enforcement punishing defectors can sustain cooperation by changing incentives. In this paper, we introduce a second effect of enforcement: it can also affect the capacity to learn about the group’s cooperativeness. Indeed, in contexts with strong enforcement, it is difficult to tell apart those who cooperate because of the threat of fines f...
El paso del huracán Otis por las costas de Guerrero dejó graves daños en las ciudades de Acapulco y Coyuca de Benítez, en particular casi la totalidad de las viviendas de ambas ciudades sufrieron algún tipo de daño, que en muchos casos representó una pérdida total del patrimonio. Las lecciones por aprender son varias y en muchas materias; en vivien...
span lang="EN-US">Despite extensive research on facial expression recognition, achieving the highest level of accuracy remains challenging. The objective of this study is to enhance the accuracy of current models by adjusting the structure, the data used, and the training procedure. The incorporation of regularization into the Xception architecture...
Bundled approaches to prevent colon surgical site infections (SSIs) have been shown effective for patients having elective colon surgeries. There is a lack of a standardized SSI prevention bundle for patients undergoing non-elective colon surgery. Our goal was to develop and implement a non-elective bundle for the prevention of colon SS...
Solo se puede garantizar y contribuir al aprendizaje de los estudiantes en la formación inicial docente, de forma óptima si el profesorado universitario se pregunta el para qué de su formación y docencia y reflexiona sobre lo que realmente aprende el alumnado en sus aulas. El objetivo de este estudio radica en realizar un diagnóstico de las percepc...
Het aanpakken van complexe maatschappelijke vraagstukken, zoals klimaatverandering, sociale ongelijkheid en de energietransitie, vereist samenwerkingen die sectoren en disciplines overstijgen. Dit paper belicht de onmiskenbare rol van onafhankelijke facilitators in het creëren van effectieve, inclusieve en duurzame samenwerkingsprocessen. Vanuit mi...
носимі пристрої, такі як розумні-годинники, здатні передавати значні обсяги даних, зібраних різноманітними сенсорами. У звичайних умовах ці дані є нерозміченими та потребують застосування методів навчання без підкріплення. Генеративні мережі, зокрема варіаційні автокодувальники, мають архітектуру, придатну для дослідження загальної структури даних,...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media interaktif berbasis Google Site untuk pelajaran Qur'an Hadits di MAN Kota Palangka Raya. Dalam era digital, kebutuhan akan metode pembelajaran yang menarik dan efektif semakin meningkat, terutama dalam pendidikan agama. Media interaktif yang dikembangkan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan minat belajar...
Neural operators have recently grown in popularity as Partial Differential Equation (PDE) surrogate models. Learning solution functionals, rather than functions, has proven to be a powerful approach to calculate fast, accurate solutions to complex PDEs. While much work has been performed evaluating neural operator performance on a wide variety of s...
Large language models (LLMs) are often sycophantic, prioritizing agreement with their users over accurate or objective statements. This problematic behavior becomes more pronounced during reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), an LLM fine-tuning stage intended to align model outputs with human values. Instead of increasing accuracy and...
Besides the positive effects of Augmented Reality (AR) on work and learning performance, research on its impact on cognitive load has generated ambiguous results. Therefore, this study investigates the effects of visual guidance in AR on cognitive load by
highlighting essential virtual input depending on their necessity to the work and learning tas...
Recent work has shown that during perceptual decision-making tasks, animals frequently alternate between different internal states or strategies. However, the question of how or when these emerge during learning remains an important open problem. Does an animal alternate between multiple strategies from the very start of training, or only after ext...
In higher education, motivational factors are considered one of “the strongest predictors of academic performance” (Honike et al., 2020, p. 1). A meta-analysis of face-to-face (f2f) courses (Richardson et al., 2012) supports these claims, finding a strong correlation between performance self-efficacy and academic performance (r = 0.59), as well as...
The development of technology related to Artificial Intelligence is growing rapidly, and one of its implications is the teaching of mathematics in the classroom. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research on the perspective of mathematics teachers in addressing the development of artificial intelligence (AI) used in mathematics learning. This s...
uma condessa, nascida em 19 de outubro de 1986, em Paulista, Pernambuco, no Brasil. Seu título é uma herança de antigos senhores de Melo e de príncipes da França, que a conceberam uma condessa reconhecidamente real. Possui um castelo em Portugal, onde é possível aprender a sua história a sua família e a sua linhagem real e os descendentes. Seguindo...
Language Agent could be endowed with different mechanisms for autonomous task accomplishment. Current agents typically rely on fixed mechanisms or a set of mechanisms activated in a predefined order, limiting their adaptation to varied potential task solution structures. To this end, this paper proposes \textbf{A}daptive \textbf{L}anguage \textbf{A...
The media is one of the means by which we can teach and learn a language. In the case of French in Nigeria, it is relevant to learn this language for multiple reasons. In the 21 st century often considered as the age of technology, the use of media in its diversity, to transmit knowledge becomes a necessity. In this presentation, we are tasked with...
Pembelajaran HyFlex-VR: Ekuitas Pendidikan, Persepsi, dan Preferensi di Perguruan Tinggi menghadirkan wawasan mendalam tentang transformasi pendidikan tinggi melalui model pembelajaran inovatif berbasis teknologi. Buku ini membahas konsep HyFlex-VR, yang memadukan fleksibilitas Hybrid Learning dengan teknologi Virtual Reality (VR), sehingga memungk...
La atención a los trastornos de aprendizaje en las instituciones educativas de nivel primario representa un desafío significativo para el perfeccionamiento educativo en Cuba. La implementación de alianzas estratégicas entre diversas agencias y agentes comunitarios es fundamental para garantizar la inclusión socioeducativa de todos los educandos. La...
The use of video and paper-based materials is commonly widespread in foreign language learning (FLL). It is well established that the level of acceptance of these materials influences learning outcomes, but there is lack of evidence regarding the use and related impact of videos generated by artificial intelligence (AI) on these aspects. This paper...
This research aims to describe the application of a problem solving model to improve learning outcomes for flat shapes and space shapes in class VI students at SD Negeri 3 Jereweh. The problem formulation in this research is how to apply the problem solving model to improve Mathematics learning outcomes in plane figures and geometry in class VI stu...
Teachers' roles in their students' lives cannot be underestimated because they impact students in various ways. However, what makes a good teacher is often based on personal perspectives and values, making it subjective. This qualitative descriptive study sought to explore how teachers, who are also students or recent graduates of a teaching and le...
Metode yang digunakan dalam pengajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) hendaknya menciptakan pemikiran kritis siswa agar berpikir secara mendalam tentang Islam. Namun pembelajaran PAI di kelas VIII SMP Negeri 6 Palangka Raya masih belum maksimal dalam membangkitkan berpikir kritis siswa karena penerapan metode konvensional. Penelitian ini bertujuan un...
Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui inovasi pembelajaran dan peningkatan motivasi peserta didik dalam pelajaran matematika berbasis metode PBL dan media QR-Code. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus. Data diperoleh dengan jalan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan tiga langk...
This Braille-formatted article on the Great Barrier Reef provides a comprehensive overview of its diverse features. It serves as an educational resource, enabling students with visual impairments to learn about the wonders of the Great Barrier Reef.
This study aimed to examine types of informal learning participation among adult learners and to reveal how the predictors and outcomes of the participation vary across groups. The data was sourced from the 2022 Korean Adult Lifelong Learning Survey, and a total of 2,814 adult learners were analyzed using latent class analysis. The main findings ar...
In the modern era, information technology in education is becoming increasingly important. This is why creating a desktop-based database learning media application using Microsoft Visual Basic Net 8.0 is a strategic step to improve the efficiency and quality of education. Additional application programs that can be used to design and create learnin...
We consider the problem of identifying the defectives from a population of items via a non-adaptive group testing framework with a random pooling-matrix design. We analyze the sufficient number of tests needed for approximate set identification, i.e., for identifying almost all the defective and non-defective items with high confidence. To this end...
Education is the main pillar in the self-development of individuals and society. Education serves to transfer knowledge, skills and values from the younger generation. In this context, learning motivation is very important because it is an internal drive that encourages students to be able to actively participate in the learning process. However, d...
Artikel ini membahas kontribusi Model Pembelajaran Project-Based Learning (PjBL) sebagai akselerator peningkatan kompetensi desain motif tekstil siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Busana. Fokusnya adalah pada integrasi PjBL dalam pembelajaran desain dan produksi busana di SMK, yang dianggap penting untuk mempersiapkan lulusan dalam menghadapi ta...