Science topic

Language Education - Science topic

Language education methodologies including online learning.
Questions related to Language Education
  • asked a question related to Language Education
3 answers
I am a vibrant researcher in Language Education (English), with a focus on Technological integration in education, SDGs, ICT, AI, Gen Z, teacher education, 4IR (Fourth Industrial Revolution), Digital literacy, Information literacy, Research Productivity, Gender, Ranking - Webometrics, pre-service teachers, MOOC, etc. among others.
I am opened to INTERDISCIPLINARY and MULTIDISCIPLINARY Collaboration from national and international researchers.
You can reach me via email
Or WhatsApp +2347035044420
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Surya Rathore can you connect me via any of those medium in the post?
  • asked a question related to Language Education
2 answers
Hi. Everyone. I am a student of Science of Language Education Study Program who is curious on hypnoteaching in ELT. I get some problem on finding the references from reputable international Journals. So, I need some help on explaining about the hypnoteaching and finding the refernces. Thank you very much for your help.
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OK. Thanks alot Brian...
Your aswer is so helpful
  • asked a question related to Language Education
2 answers
I need a Postdoc fellowship or Research Associate opportunity in Language Education and related areas.
I am a vibrant researcher with these areas of interest, among others; English language teaching and learning, ICT, AI, Gen Z, teacher education, 4IR (Fourth Industrial Revolution), Digital literacy, Information literacy, Research Productivity, Gender, Ranking - Webometrics, Pre-service teachers, MOOC, etc.
S.B. Apata (PhD.)
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I need a postdoctoral research in Early Childhood Development
  • asked a question related to Language Education
6 answers
I am a vibrant researcher in Language Education , ICT, AI, Gen Z, teacher education, 4IR (Fourth Industrial Revolution), Digital literacy, Information literacy, Research Productivity, Gender, Ranking - Webometrics, pre-service teachers, MOOC, etc. among others, looking for MULTIDISCIPLINARY Collaboration from national and international researchers
S.B. Apata (PhD.)
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Hi Bolanle,
I am interested. Send me more details.
  • asked a question related to Language Education
9 answers
Dear fellow language educators, linguistic researchers, computational intelligence scientists and any interested peers:
I would like to introduce you to the International Council of Academics for Progressive Education (I.C.A.P.E.). We are a global initiative engaging in research, publishments and connection with proactive dialogue and discussion among interested peers, in order to improve language education in secondary and higher education, challenge archaic curricula and learning models, and identify, communicate and eventually implement necessary changes, novel approaches and brilliant ideas in educational science, with a special focus on language education and its intersections with other related research fields, such as the integration of A.I. in curriculum development.
We are happy to welcome you on board, publish your ideas, get you in contact with interested language schools, researchers and scientists around ther globe. We maintain close relationships with journals, university faculties, research projects and much else.
For more information, please visit Self-evidently, there is no spam, no fee structure, and all of our endeavors are not-for-profit. Our only mission is contributing to better education and accelerating the implementation of changes.
Best regards!
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Dear Prof. Gross!
I fully recognise your objectives and you really make a difference. I am a biligual researcher who have studied five different languages. I am also a football coach in Finland at HJK Helsinki, helping children with disabiilities to learn the language of fooball. Football is a language via wich you can get friends, and new opportunities to learn from life:
1) J. Albrecht, K. Elmose-Østerlund, C. Klenk & S. Nagel (2019) Sports clubs as a medium for integrating people with disabilities, European Journal for Sport and Society, 16:2, 88-110, DOI: 10.1080/16138171.2019.1607468, Available at:
2) Dennis Bengtsson, Andreas Stenling, Jens Nygren, Nikos Ntoumanis, Andreas Ivarsson, The effects of interpersonal development programmes with sport coaches and parents on youth athlete outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Psychology of Sport and Exercise, Volume 70,
Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely
  • asked a question related to Language Education
3 answers
Dear Researchers,
I am currently in need of *financial and data analytic* *collaborators* for some of my articles in education and English Language Education.
Two articles that are urgent are on Undergraduates' Application of ChatGPT in Academic writing, investigating perceptions, prospects, problems and panacea , while the second one is on Preservice Teachers' perceptions and utilization of ChatGPT in enhancing learning in higher institutions.
I will like to publish them in paid Scorpus indexed journals.
Prospective collaborators that can run the analysis of data and that can sponsor the APC is of highest interest here 😊.
Thank you.
Dr. S. B. Apata
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It's ok. You can send a message to me on Whatsapp+2347035044420
  • asked a question related to Language Education
3 answers
International Journal of English Learning and Applied Linguistics (IJELAL), E-ISSN 2775-4359, is a peer-reviewed and open-access academic journal publishes biannually in December and June by the Department of English Education, Universitas Darussalam Gontor, Ponorogo, Indonesia.
Focus and Scope
The journal promotes discussion on English language Education (both learning and teaching), English linguistics, and English literature, including:
1. Methodology of English teaching for non-native speakers;
2. Teaching English as Foreign Language;
3. Teaching for English Skills and Competences;
4. Strategies for teaching and learning English;
5. Models of English teaching for the Pesantrens' Students;
6. English Linguistics;
7. English Literature;
8. Applied Linguistics on English Education;
9. The Technology of English Education;
10. English Translation
Contact: Zeny Luthvia 0895367365331 (WA only)
Available: (next issue)
June 2024 (5 slot)
💸 Free APC
Best Regards,
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thanks prof.
Kindly, if you have an article about it; we can publish it freely.
  • asked a question related to Language Education
5 answers
For a linguistic research project about emotion recogniton ability, I am looking for a convenient way to test my participants' proficiency level in (standard) Mandarin. I'll test both native and nonnative speakers' proficiency, so I would like to use the same test for both groups. Nonnatives will come from all over the world, so I think  a test of Mandarin formulated in English would be the best option.
I would also like to focus on verbal proficiency rather than written skills / literacy, but I don't know how to tackle this problem since this test have to be integrated in an online survey. Maybe only a listening test?
Many thanks in advance for your help.
Kind regards,
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@Pernelle Lorette Sorry to disturb but I wonder whether you have got access to the cloze test by professor Yuan. I'm looking for such a proficiency test.
  • asked a question related to Language Education
3 answers
I am a Language Education graduate.
My areas of interest include AI, ICT, E-learning, Gen Z, ESL, Digital literacy, 21st century skills, information literacy, and critical literacy, among others.
Thank you.
You can reach me via
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Finding a professor or mentor for a postdoctoral fellowship through an individual posting on ResearchGate, for example, is certainly a strategy. But whether and to what extent it is ultimately successful is an important question that points to the general conditions for the success of a postdoctoral fellowship.
Even if it is possible to establish contact with potential supervisors, it is unclear whether this person is the right one. Just because someone offers me a position or even promises me one, that doesn't mean anything. It is essential that you first clarify for yourself in which academic field and with which research focus you would like to further your academic qualification. Based on this, you should research nationally and internationally to find out which scholarship and exchange programs exist that could be advantageous for your desired academic profile.
Now, based on criteria, a targeted selection must be made among relevant universities, schools and chairs that could potentially or optionally come into question. The following criteria have to be considered in particular: the academic reputation of the host institution, the professional fit with the main supervisor or research unit, the scope, duration and funding of the fellowship, details regarding work and residence permits, etc.
At the end of this selection process, you will see which suitable programs, funding and fellowships remain and whether and to what extent you can meet the required application criteria. Once you have applied and have been shortlisted for the position, it is always important to take a self-critical look at whether the working conditions and supervision offered suit me both professionally and personally.
  • asked a question related to Language Education
3 answers
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Hello, you can also consider the following:
International Journal of Language Studies
Language Learning in Higher Education
  • asked a question related to Language Education
4 answers
Please I will like a postdoc guide/opportunity with list of suggested universities for Language Education, Teacher Education and other related areas.
Germany, Canada and others.
Thank you in anticipation of your help.
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Thats great to hear dear Michelle Mitchell . I will check online. But please assist if you have any professor that who might want me to work with him or her.
Thank you.
  • asked a question related to Language Education
10 answers
Please recommend any international association for language education, English as Second language or any related networks to me. I will like to join.
Thank you.
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Somnath Das Thank you
  • asked a question related to Language Education
4 answers
Have you thought about integrating Augmented Reality (AR) Apps, e.g., Mondoly, in your teaching?
I found this article useful for language teachers and would like to share it.
I hope you will share your experiences.
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It's important to note that AR should be seen as a complementary tool, not a replacement for traditional language teaching methods. Proper planning, training, and support for both educators and students are essential to ensure effective integration of AR into language teaching. Therefore, as instructional designer we should always consider the age, language proficiency level, and the availability of technology resources in our educational context when integrating AR into language education. In this context, the general rules of technology integration could be applied to the teachings in the following steps: 1-Define learning objectives, 2-choose suitable AR apps, 3-plan activities, integrate AR into lessons, and 4-provide clear instructions on how to use the AR app. 5-Create engaging and interactive AR activities to align with learning.
  • asked a question related to Language Education
3 answers
Good afternoon.
I want to introduce my self, I am Dede Kosasih from Sundanese Language Education Study Program, FPBS UPI Bandung.
I apologize for permission to submit questions and suggestions, related to a paper that I have uploaded on ResearchGate, entitled Toponimi Masyarakat Sunda and incidentally many have cited it, but it is not integrated (not recorded) on my Google Scholar. I hope the ResearchGate team can help integrate this ResearchGate with Google scholar so that the citations are recorded.
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Dede Kosasih, Google Scholar not always find and add articles automatically. To add a missing article to your profile, you must follow these steps:
  1. Sign in to the Google account that you used to create your profile;
  2. Open your Google Scholar profile;
  3. Clic on "Add articles" (gray add icon) from the menu;
  4. Select "Add article manually";
  5. Select the type of work you will add (Journal, Conference, Chapter, Book, Thesis, Patent, Court case, and Other);
  6. Enter the bibliographic record;
  7. Clic on the blue check mark icon to save the information.
  • asked a question related to Language Education
38 answers
One of the journals at our university, requires Editor and Reviewer volunteers for one of the English Language Education journals with the requirement minimun have Google Scholar ID. Please fill your data through this link
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  • asked a question related to Language Education
2 answers
Hi everyone! I'm writing for my masters dissertation in Education and I got a question about the findings from cross-case analysis. Must each section (I have 3 sections there) correspond to each research question (I have 3 RQs)? Currently, all the sections I wrote only answer RQ2 & 3 (Section 1 > RQ2; Section 2 > RQ2&3; Section 3 > RQ3) as these are the more crucial RQs. Is this good practice? Thank you!
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Your manuscript should be organized around answering your research question. For each question, you should have a process to collect data and analyze it. Your Methods section and your Findings section should both be organized by research question. For example: "The answer research question 1, about _____, the researcher used ________."
I do not think the manuscript should describe collecting and analyzing data that does not answer one (or more) of your research questions.
  • asked a question related to Language Education
7 answers
I have a question for you all , if you can take just a few minutes to respond, I shall be highly appreciate it.
Over the years, I have noticed that L2/SLA researchers are not as interested in investigating learning to read a new language as they are in investigating learning to speak and listening comprehend the language. While there is some interest in L2 writing, there seems to be more interest in writing than reading. I have found that interesting because, in L1, there are very strong relationships between reading and writing skills. Two questions:
1. Are my perceptions accurate?
2. If so, what is the reason(s)?
I asked another researcher, and here is the response:
Re. L2 researchers not being interested in reading, I'm not sure that's true across the board. Depending on the researcher's focus, they may be interested in the initial stages of learning, and there the focus would indeed be more on the basic building blocks of morphosyntax, the lexicon and/or phonology, but others are interested in more advanced stages as well and would then look at different skills, including reading. But I guess it would be correct to say that most work with educated participants and therefore treat reading (and writing) as a skill like any other, i.e. it's not got a special status compared with listening (and speaking). A few researchers are specifically interested in L2 reading only, e.g. those looking at strategies etc.
Your feedback is very welcome and any references are appreciated.
Edward on Behalf of:
Prof Richard Sparks
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Reading and listening are considered receptive L2 skills, while writing and speaking are productive L2 skills. It is generally more difficult to train productive skills, such as teaching students how to speak or write the L2. Receptive skills seem to emerge from doing the activity itself (repeatedly), via mere exposure. So they might seem less complex to acquire and teach. This might be a reason why there is comparatively less interest in L2 reading?
  • asked a question related to Language Education
2 answers
CALLA is cognitive approach which introduced by Anna Uhl Chamot, PhD and Jill Robins, PhD. I need good references from you about it.
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Cognitive Sense Analysis then Emphasis outlook Concern Subject Matters...
  • asked a question related to Language Education
15 answers
Seeking articles related to aphasia and aphasia rehabilitation in Native Americans, as well as articles pertaining to differences in verbal narrative style between Native American speakers of American English versus narrative styles considered standard in American English.
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Here is a PowerPoint on Native American Humor, and another PowerPoint on Sherman Alexie's humor. Enjoy.
  • asked a question related to Language Education
11 answers
I am looking at second language development for children  through play activities. I can see a a lot of second language use through the child's monologue with herself while playing but need to find research on the subject.
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Play is an extremely important aspect of children's development, and adult development as well. Associated with play is laughter (mainly a public phenomienon), and smililng (mainly an individual phenomenon). Here is a PowerPoint about "Play," one about "Laughter and Smiling," and one about "Humor and Education." Enjoy:
  • asked a question related to Language Education
15 answers
Asking for a friend:
I am a last-year Ph.D. student who is waiting for a doctoral defense session. I am going to continue my Postdoc in the area of pragmatics and language education. Do you have any idea about the existed opportunities? Thanks so much in advance
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Look out for vacancies on The Linguist List If you know which researchers have projects on these topics that you are interested in, write to them to introduce yourself. It's also worth asking your PhD supervisor about this.
  • asked a question related to Language Education
3 answers
One of the journals at our university, requires Editor and Reviewer volunteers for one of the English Language Education journals with the requirement minimum have google scholar ID. Please fill your data through this link
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Yes, I do want to be a volunteer editor in the journal you stated. I have diploma in English, BED in English, MA in TEFL and currently PhD candidate in ELT in Addis Abeba University. I have taught English for the last 13 years at higher institution.
  • asked a question related to Language Education
12 answers
Hello everyone,
We are creating new academic journals and we are searching for Scientific Committee Members within Education discipline. More specifically e-learning, Childhood Education, Higher Education Pedagogies and Foreign Language Education. If any of you wish for this job, please contact me at
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Estimada Gintare,
Podéis facilitar más datos sobre vuestra Revista: ¿Estará vinculada a una Universidad o Institución de Educación Superior? ¿Es una revista electrónica? ¿Es open access?
Muchas gracias y saludos cordiales.
  • asked a question related to Language Education
15 answers
What is the best method in teach speaking subject for EFL Learners?
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  • asked a question related to Language Education
6 answers
The Mercator Institute for Literacy and Language Education at the University of Cologne, Germany, is conducting a systematic review on the effectiveness of language integrated strategies (e.g. scaffolding, Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP)) in classrooms. In this review, it is intended to collate, critically appraise and synthesize existing research evidence according to pre-defined criteria.
To complement our electronic database search, we are looking for manuscripts/working papers/project reports/dissertations (except for BA-/MA-thesis) that have not (yet) been published or submitted for publication (and are not (yet) indexed in databases).
We are interested in (quasi-)experimental and observational studies using a control group design that (statistically) examine
  • the effectiveness of concepts of instruction that integrate language support and subject teaching
  • for children of primary or secondary school age.
If you have carried out this type of study or if first results of an ongoing study are available, we would like to kindly request the document. Submitted studies will be reviewed by the project team; studies that match the review inclusion criteria will be included in the final review synthesis (i.e. summarized and discussed). Publication of the results is planned for 2021.
Of course, your submissions will only be used within the scope of the review and will not be passed to third parties.
Please send documents by September 30th, 2019 to Leonie Twente at If you have any questions, please contact Till Woerfel at Alternatively you can use the comment field below.
Thank you for your support!
Kind regards,
Till Woerfel, Martha Höfler, Annika Witte, Anastasia Knaus, Rebekka Wanka and Leonie Twente
  • asked a question related to Language Education
5 answers
I am an Arabic lecturer from Indonesia who intend to compose a proficiency test to measure my students' Arabic competencies. In this case, I consider to copy the format of TOEFL for English proficiency test. The challenge is, I have difficulties finding any native Arabic recording for that kind of test. Is there any Arabic listening assessment format which resembles TOEFL?
Thank you very much! I really appreciate each word you give as the responses of my question.
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Good Answer Maziyyatul Muslimah
  • asked a question related to Language Education
9 answers
Language Education should prepare learners and teachers to become critical thinkers and agents of change. In the 21st century, Critical cosmopolitan citizenship can serve as the catalyst to empower learners of all ages to fight against climate change, ethnic prejudice and discrimination, and financial inequality. How do you see cosmopolitan citizenship education as an integral part of language education? How would this approach work in at the elementary level (ages 4 to 12)?
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Language education can contribute to the future of humanity if language teachers promote social justice and cosmopolitan citizenship. @H.Starkey (2007) defends that through language learning, learners are able to identify with members of the target language's community, develop a sense of belonging to that community, and consequently a feeling of "shared citizenship". @Bykerej (2013) talks about teaching language through a critical cosmopolitan citizenship approach. He suggests that, for teacher and students to become cosmopolitan citizens they need to: investigate the world, communicate ideas with diverse audiences, take action and accept plurality of perspectives. Language education through critical cosmopolitan citizenship is possible from a very young age. Unfortunately, the curriculum does not motivate teachers to empower language learners to become critical thinkers (de LiraSilva, 2018). Language education will contribute to the future of humanity if language teachers and teacher candidates become committed to helping learners become active cosmopolitan citizens who try to improve life at the local, national and global levels.
  • asked a question related to Language Education
6 answers
The question is for teachers of any language.
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We use singing in a sort of choir setting as a means of teaching Swedish pronounciation och prosody to second languages learners/university students. We use both folk songs and "pure" pronounciation execises accompanied by guitar. Works very well apparently :)
  • asked a question related to Language Education
5 answers
We are looking for contributions that - empirically - investigate the use of digital learning tools/aids for language education/promotion of language skills (reading, writing, speaking or listening) in kindergarten and school.
Many thanks for references!
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children learning by playing and children learning by doing. because of their cognitive milestone is pre-operational concret and children learn with various learning style, ecpecially kinesthetic and tactile.
  • asked a question related to Language Education
31 answers
Can an individual have more ‘natural talent’ to learn only a certain second language or type of languages, yet being unable to learn others? Besides motivation, identification and/or exposure what other factors may enhance or hinder foreign language learning success?
As I would like to use the arriving responses for a study, please specify if you agree your response to be used anonymously or with your name in it. Thank you very much!
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Language acquisition is a multi-factorial, multi-dimensional and multi-stratal phenomenon. If you focus on one aspect, the approach is at the expense of excluding other aspects. A big question as is asked entails a vast reply, the whole scholars in the universe are trying to answer just a portion of what is considered as the most complicated faculty of human species_language. Don't dismay. Btw, plasticity is sth that belongs to pre-puberty. After puberty it is claimed that the plasticity vanishes. Man is stuck in a hard shell rather than a flexible all-absorbing ability. They can master lexico-grammar and also discoursal aspects yet for people after puberty acquiring native-like pronunciation is claimed to be very hard, out of reach or impossible. Notions and factors such as the individual psychology, neurology, physiology, internal motivation; social , cultural, historical factors; power distribution; class, age, gender, ethnicity; natural vs classroom environment, authenticity real life example vs artificial classroom exposure, learning styles and learning strategies; input, intake, and output and still a longer list of factors all have an impact on SLA. We are all on the route to know just part of the system or mechanism , yet there is no conclusive answer. We can easily pose a very short question such as "What is the treatment for cancer?" but the answer is neither conclusive, nor utterable. It involves a huge pile of information concerning numerous factors inspected through various perspectives, "signifying nothing." Yet, as human beings we try to quench our curiosity. In this activity, we are fortunate enough to have a collective curiosity; that is, all the thinkers in applied linguistics collectively try to find a way to better understand SLA. From antiquity, Plato, and Aristotle , to F Saussure, Chomsky, Hymes, Halliday, Gass, Ellis, and many other important scholars they have tried to grasp some aspect of SLA and expand human knowledge on the quest for language learning /acquisition. ... you see, this is not yet finished.
Best wishes. Dr Babak Majidzadeh (PhD)
  • asked a question related to Language Education
4 answers
I am looking for literature or research that focuses on how different structural or agency-based factors influence the strengthening of different language hierarchies in school settings.
We conducted some research on Hungarian language teaching for Hungarian minority students in Romanian language schools. The short story is the following. These classes are optional and the curriculum and how they need to be organized are not clear and in this context seemingly the goals formulated by teachers (language revitalization, Hungarian as a basic element of Hungarian identity for students) are not in concordance with the actual language teaching practices and the teachers', schools' and students' attitudes toward the language, and through this teachers unintendedly reify the lack of importance or asymmetry between Romanian and Hungarian languages.
So can you suggest some literature that could help me contextualize or findings?
I am familiar with Shohamy's Hidden language strategies, Tollefson's book on inequalities and some of Ricento's work.
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Hi , in my paper on assessment policy change- The Challenges of Implementing Assessment Policy Change and the Mitigating Factors for Success at Schools in Malaysia, I relied on Halasz (2002); Fullan, (2005); Priestley (2005), Priestley et al (2010). In describing teachers' reaction to change and reform where they feel professionally marginalized, dis-empowered and afflicted by bureaucracy, I relied on sources from Ball (2008); Goodson (2003); and Levin, 2008. Though I did not specifically zoom in on language, it is part of the overall context. I think you will these literature indirectly useful.
  • asked a question related to Language Education
4 answers
Im conducting a research on the effect of some methods on the vocabulary achievement of EFL learners. Yet, I need a scale which can measure the achievement in their speaking productions. does anyone know such a scale?
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Do you want to evaluate students' vocabulary achievement or their speaking performance?
  • asked a question related to Language Education
45 answers
I have heard a lot of people say that Chinese is the most difficult language to learn. What are your views? Do you believe it is accurate to assume that Chinese/Mandarin really is the most difficult language to lean comparing to all the world languages?
Please share your thoughts!
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I totally agree with Nael Hijjo and I strongly believe that any serious linguist would. Nevertheless, it is always positive challenge to discuss about it. First of all, we should define "difficult to learn", in terms of oral aspect, written aspect, grammar etc. Mandarin Chinese is an analytical language (grammatically isolating), which uses little or no inflection to indicate grammatical relationships, so from this point of view it is considered one of the easiest languages to learn. But then we have tones, and phonetics and things get more complicated. So one should specify "difficulty" with clear scientific criteria. If we step out of the strictly objective scientific area, should I be asked to make a list in order of "difficulty", and following my own multilingual experience, Mandarin Chinese would definitely be in the middle. I would probably top list Japanese, Hungarian and Slovenian, for almost exclusively grammatical reasons.
  • asked a question related to Language Education
292 answers
In your opinion, what is the single most important quality of a good students?
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Abdullah, since you are focusing your question in the single most important quality I choose among other relevant qualities the tandem curiosity-motivation (for me it is impossible to disentangle them).
Studying is about learning, discovering, exploring... Therefore it is about wanting to learn, it is an active process and it requires fundamentally the will to learn which I think comes from this tandem of motivation-curiosity.
Having this, other qualities enhance the learning process but without it there is a problem at the heart of it.
  • asked a question related to Language Education
5 answers
Pl answer anyone from applied linguistics and ELT
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Yes certainly. Students love teachers/professor who are motivated and enthusiastic, and research indicates that students learn better from those teachers as well.
  • asked a question related to Language Education
12 answers
EFL college classes need extra teaching aids and is peripheral learning will enrich their experience of acquiring new language, what do you think?
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Peripheral learning defi itely helps college student. As a teacher we knew in engineering study is about STEM but now it is STEHM.  Where H refers to humanities. Peripheral subjects like lman making courses, rural internship, rural orientation and industrial orientations helps engineering students a lot.
  • asked a question related to Language Education
211 answers
In fact, I would like to make a survey in order to know your experiences with learning English as a foreign or second language. Which one of the four skills increased your knowledge of English language? Do you think that the accumulation of vocabularies enrich your spoken level of English language?
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Whenever I encounter an unknown English word
I try to look up the translation in an online
dictionary like LEO.
My memory partially resides on external data
carriers. I store translations and meanings
of words in a big semantic network.
Wikipedia often has the option to switch between
Conjugation tables can be found with Google:
Sometimes you've got to determine which alternative
is a correct or better one. This can be done with "vs."
With wildcards it is possible to find sample sentences.
For pronunciation and meter I recommend
Carl Sagan's Cosmos on Youtube.
  • asked a question related to Language Education
2 answers
Dear sir:
I am a college student .I have some problem of x-parameters.Could you give me some suggestion,please?(I only know English and Chinese)
Thank you
(Seeing attachments)
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X-parameters represent a new category of nonlinear network parameters for high-frequency design (Nonlinear vector network analyzers are sometimes called large signal network analyzers.[1])
X-parameters are applicable to both large-signal and small-signal conditions, for linear and nonlinear components. They are an extension of S-parameters[2] meaning that, in the limit of a small signal, X-parameters reduce to S-parameters.
They help overcome a key challenge in RF engineering, namely that nonlinear impedance differences, harmonic mixing, and nonlinear reflection effects occur when components are cascaded under large signal operating conditions. This means that there is a nonlinear and as such non-trivial relationship between the properties of the individual cascaded components and the composite properties of the resulting cascade. This situation is unlike that at DC, where one can simply add the values of resistors connected in series. X-parameters help solve this cascading problem: if the X-parameters of a set of components are measured individually, the X-parameters (and hence the non-linear transfer function) can be calculated of any cascade made from them. Calculations based on X-parameters are usually performed within a harmonic balance simulator environment.[3]  
  • asked a question related to Language Education
6 answers
1. Which standardize rubrics can you recommend?
2. Do I need to triangulate the result?
3. What is the ideal sample size in measuring the speaking corpus of students?
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Dear Percia Leyte,
Generally speaking, as you have rightly observed, you need to have an appropriate rubric serving as your analytic rating guide because you want to assess learners' speaking performance for making decisions about their rate of progress.Here, you  need to specify certain criteria and standards showing varying degrees of success in learners' performance by writing clear qualitative themes. Naturally, these qualitative statements guide you to rate the participants consistently. As an illustration, such statements should be based on predetermined behavioral objectives such as  rate of  delivery, language use,  topic development, etc. As for your second question (i.e. triangulation), in qualitative research, it is common to measure a construct using different techniques. Therefore, after rating the learners' performance, it will be a good idea to recheck them by an other instrument like interview, role play or discourse completion test (DCT).
Best of luck,
R. Biria
  • asked a question related to Language Education
29 answers
The use of translation/students’ L1 in second/foreign language teaching has had many ups and downs during the history. From its heydays during the Grammar Translation Method, to its total rejection by the advent of the Direct Method, to its recent revival as a potential pedagogic tool (Guy Cook, 2010).  Based on your teaching experience, I want to know if you think the use of students’ L1 in foreign language classes can be facilitative or harmful for foreign/second language learning. If your answer is positive, then, for which age group(s) and language skill(s) the use of L1 can be more beneficial.
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I would rather think towards translanguaging as the guiding concept. I feel the strict view on not using any L1 at all is not up-to-date anymore, but pros and cons would have to be considered carefully for the very teaching situation;
  • asked a question related to Language Education
27 answers
Language teacher and learner.
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Basically, learning is a conscious process, and it is used for L2 learning as instruction and conscious attention/effort are needed
Acquiring mostly refer to L1 for which no instruction is needed and the language competency is believed to be activated in the environment without any conscious effort or instruction. 
  • asked a question related to Language Education
5 answers
Hi, dear colleagues
I'm going to write an article about "the perceptions of ELT teachers and learners about critical thinking". I want to interview both with teachers and learners. Would you please help me in writing the interview questions? I want to extract the main principles and constructs of critical thinking through asking these questions.
Thanks a lot.
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Hi, dear colleagues 
I thank all of you for your great comments.
Best wishes
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8 answers
TOEFL or IELTS became the essential Key to log in the research field and some time getting the required score is very difficult despite the learning English Language is very easy in comparison with this kinds of tests which kill the personal ambitious
could you help me how can I apply without this test ?
very thanks 
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Personally, I would say that if you struggle with the TOEFL test, you would also struggle with writing an English-language thesis.
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3 answers
Please provide information on experimental work in peer-assessment and peer-tutoring at university level in the applicative contexts, if possible with ref. to teaching/learning a foreign language. Thanks!
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Dear María,
I have some experience in peer-tutoring programs for language learners, but no at experimental design research, if that is your request. If you want I can provide some insigts on a two-year experience perido administering such a program.
My five cents
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3 answers
I want to find previous research on the proficiency level of heritage speakers in evaluations of reading comprehension and written production
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I do not have a copy of this chapter to share, but it may be worth looking up: Para, M. L. Strengthening our teacher community: Consolidating a ‘signature pedagogy’ for the teaching of Spanish as a heritage language. In P. P. Trifonas & T. Aravossitas (Eds.), Rethinking heritage language education (pp. 213-235). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
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27 answers
Working on speaking skills assessment of EFL students and would-be teachers. When no pronunciation tool I found tests consitency in using one English accent (e.g., American Vs British) by the same learner, it has been suggested to me that it IS an important feature of speech that should be emphasized in an academic context i.e., given bigger attention in teaching and assessing speaking. I would like to have opinion on this matter and whether there are any assessment tools or protocols currently in use in such context. Thank you! 
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@Sabrine, in 2014 a conference had been conducted in Medan City, Indonesia. The topic of the conference is the challenge in learning English for Southeast Asia countries. One of the issues arise in that conference was English pronunciation and all the ASEAN experts in that conference agreed that American or British accent should not be the main objective of teaching speaking skill but we have to control their pronunciation is understandable for others (intelligible). Here, I agree with @Michael ""do you speak in a way that people will understand you?".  
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18 answers
The dying or not-so-young dichotomy in terms of ESL/EFL Industry may be a reality today. Is the ESL industry in the country you're teaching a "dying"  one? Are there fewer and fewer ESL/EFL teachers from abroad being employed, for whatever reason? Demographics, government policy changes, less interest, a downturn in the economy, etc
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In Spain, the  adult ESL market is not as buoyant as it used to be, but there is still a lot of work available, at least for experienced teachers. However, I can see several clouds on the horizon. Firstly, companies are depending more on online courses and on blended learning, i.e. mixing face to face classes with online lessons. Secondly, recent measures like the introduction of bilingual education schemes are bound to improve the overall level of students' English in the long run, making it less necessary for them to receive classes as adults  in order to conduct professional tasks in English. Thirdly, younger adults are becoming increasingly aware of the possibilities of maintaining or improving their English level on their own through films, TV series, the Internet etc. Finally,  the competition from other languages, e.g. Mandarin, and other training needs ,e.g. information technology, may erode demand for English classes. However, my prediction is that teachers and language schools will survive if they are able to offer increasingly specialized courses.
Business English classes will need to address the need of specific companies or departments within companies far more closely than most language schools are doing now. All too frequently, teachers get away with offering general "conversational" English with a little bit of "business" thrown in, because the HR departments responsible for evaluating the classes don't  demand any more than this. In the future, some companies will become aware of the need to specialize in order to offer courses that are useful for students with a higher level of English, and others will need to be made aware of this need by more forward-thinking schools. 
EAP teaching at Spanish universities is a potential growth area for two reasons. Firstly, more universities are offering or looking into the possibility of offering courses taught through the medium of English. As a result, teachers will need specific courses to enable them to give lectures in English. Secondly, English for Research Publication Purposes will need to be developed if Spanish academics wish to get more work published in international journals. However,  this potential for growth will not be realized with current levels of  financial investment.
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5 answers
How can I operationalise or capture equity/equality of programme purchase and management at schools? Informed by what literature?
Data (to be) collected includes documents on programmes which are purchased by schools and how they are managed from more than 150 schools, and also interviews about, observations of, these programme in 4 case schools.
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Not entirely sure, but perhaps you could look at the quantitative attainment of certain cohorts of students within the study body as a measure of their provision for equity...perhaps this might also reveal disjunctures between efforts and belief in equitable programme purchasing and practical delivery, or perhaps even some programmes that are equitable for some only signifying different definitions or understandings of what equity means. A great question! I'm going to follow closely. All the best. 
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20 answers
I want to know how does the first language influence in grammar, in the pronunciation and what strategies I can use for not to be confused between the two languages.
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James makes a very important point about L1 abilities. From my own experience over decades of ESL teaching, I can honestly state that the research into the influence of L1 in regards to ability is significant in the ability to learn another language.  And if that target language is radically different from the L1 ( like Arabic, Chinese, Japanese are radically different from English), this factor of L1 ability is even more important. Because much of ESL teaching relies upon what a student knows of his/her own language, if that knowledge is limited, learning a new language grows much more difficult.
For the more advanced language learner, the L1 impact is still great, but at this level, I have found the difficulty lies in cultural and social differences that can make reading and writing more academic essays very difficult.  For instance, I prepare foreign university graduates for the admission exams to American graduate schools.  Most of these students are quite skilled in their first language and have a good speaking ability, but when it comes to writing essays in American rhetorical style, these students encounter dramatic difficulties. But because they are skilled in their own language, a teacher can use that knowledge and build on it to explain the American demands of argument, for instance. There are just so many factors at play in learning another language that it is difficult to determine which factors are at play in different students. 
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14 answers
I'm conducting a quasi-experimental study on the effects of an intervention program on students' pragmatics competence. I have planned to use Liu's (2006) Multiple-choice discourse completion task (MDCT) to measure experimental group participants' pragmatics (requesting) improvement if any. However, I'm confused as to whether to use the same MDCT as pretest and post-test  or to have two tests. Will students' remembrance affect the result? Should I look for two different but equivalent tests? Can anyone help me get such pragmatics tests?
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 Dear Tesfamichael Getu,
Naturally, test wiseness is a major threat to internal validity of research. When the same per-test is also used as the post-test of a study, the outcome may become influenced by extraneous factors like memory factor. There are different ways of bringing the issue under control. For instance, it is possible to use alternate versions of the same DCT, or you can utilize Solomon design to control for test bias and likelihood of practice effect. Wish you lots of luck with your research.
Best regards,
R. Biria
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4 answers
Topics for writing tasks
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Dear Mojgan,
   I came across with this writing task double- entry journal which can be used in different genres.
 Please see attached file.
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7 answers
I am particularly interested in women's letters.
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8 answers
Is text simplification, through the cogent implementation of intelligent algorithms seeking main ideas and supporting details, useful when attempting to accelerate current levels of reading comprehension among English speakers, and English learners?
In which scholarly research organizations, might this type of question be explored fully?
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Esteban, I'm not sure what you mean exactly by "text simplification," but if you mean reducing the readability level of the text, the answer is no.  Such simplification actually hinders comprehension.  There appear to be two factors that have a significant effect on reading comprehension.  One is working memory disfunction associated with slow reading speed.  The other, related, factor is lack of vocabulary.  Instruction that increases vocabulary and reading speed, as well as instruction designed to enhance WM will provide benefits. 
These issues are addressed in education and psychology research, some of which is supported by the International Reading Association.
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32 answers
It is quite difficult to impart academic writing skills effectively without exactly knowing the important components and sequence of components to include while teaching. 
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Dear Dorji,
One of the most practical ways of improving academic writing is the use of mentor texts. These texts are stylistically idealized writing tasks  which teachers use in order to show to the learners how a particular writing task can be actualized. I have tried them in my TOEFL classes and the results were exceptional.
Best regards,
R. Biria
  • asked a question related to Language Education
23 answers
Dear all, 
I'm now trying to determine the reliability of an oral English language proficiency test, but a bit confused how to determine the internal consistency reliability. The test is a subjective test comprising 3 sections of different difficulty levels. Section A consists of 10 items to answer, section B is a stimulus (an interview) with 5 questions and lastly, section C is a group discussion of four individuals. Suppose that the respondents are from different language proficiency levels of band 2, 3, 4 and 5 of IELTS. 
I would be so much thankful if you could share your views on this.
Kind regards, 
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Hi Karwan,
Just sharing my beliefs.
Best regards,
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3 answers
Researchers for :Home language teaching, teaching of reading , Foundation phase and Early Childhood Education. 
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Hi Thembi,
The theories of reading acquisition/intervention are the same regardless of where a child learns literacy.  There are two primary theoretical stances....the behavioristic and code-oriented approach and the constructivist and meaning-based approach.  Given that behaviorism and it tenets have not held sway in human learning for about 60 years....the constructivist approaches is more defensible and works best for acquisition for all human learning...including literacy.  The whole literature in Emergent Literacy supports this approach.  The best to do is read to your child and make it a positive social interaction....generally done with a share reading approach.  I will attach several relevant pieces that will help.
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7 answers
I myself analyzed complexity using total number of clauses per total number of t-units (C/T) and total number of dependent clauses per total number of clauses (DC/C). In addition, the accuracy was analyzed using total number of errors per t-units (E/T) and total number of clause per t-unit (C/T). So, if anyone understands a better way to analyze them, I am eager to hear!
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For me the biggest challenge is not in the complexity or accuracy of the writing in grammatical terms.  I struggle more with any analysis of the depth of the ideas within the writing.  L2 learners struggle with having their writing reflect their actual cognitive understanding.  Does anyone have a measure for this?
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12 answers
AR's application, usability, limitations in SLA (second language acquisition).
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Check out J.P. Duquette's research on using Second Life
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4 answers
Mean syllable duration, Number of filled pauses, Number of silent pauses, Mean duration of silent pauses, Number of corrections, and Number of repetitions. I do really need suggestion as I am not sure whether PRAAT can measure all of that. Maybe there are someone who knows well about PRAAT and how to analyze that. I would be very thanksful. Thank you
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14 answers
During the process of learning and acquiring new language skills, competencies development (English), present tough challenges for participants; technology and communication which are the essential and required tools to perform different activities in ways to attain knowledge represent obstacles among learners. 
What do you consider can be of help for them to overcome such difficulties?
E-learning, new teaching trends, anyone? - 
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 Hi. Do you want it for an already structured online course, or a blended learning course or seek help from open learning, please specify. Technology enhanced language learning (TELL)  would be a broad term which encompasses e-learning and blended learning and even CALL. You can use various software, freeware to make the language learning-teaching process easier, interesting and effective. I would recommend Nick Peachy blogs to you for keeping yourself updated. We can have further discussion and sharing of resources if I know the exact context.
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10 answers
Tools like Word Engine and its V-check system establish the learner's approximate vocabulary size and allow learners to study from lists pertaining to either general purposes or TOEFL study, for example. Cihi's 2013 research suggests that a 500 score on the PBT correlates to a knowledge of about 6,000 word families. Paper-based TOEFL tests, according to Chujo & Oghigian (2009) present about 1,500 types and 7,000 tokens (running words). How many families on the average are known by those who score 550? Someone versed in this area please help! Thanks, Paul
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Shhram, If you look at Cihi"s paper (, you will see that people who had a vocabulary size of 5,902 got TOEFL pbt scores ranging from 380 to 595 with a mean of 502. If you look at the graph in the paper, it also suggests that people with vocabulary sizes of between roughly 4000 and 8000also got TOEFL scores of 502. Clearly the figures presented show that there is quite a large margin of error in these estimates, in spite of a correlation coefficient of 0.81, or 66% shared variance.
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28 answers
i am doing a  research on this topic and wanna know scholars' ideas. 
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As I mentioned before, I believe that a content teacher should have content knowledge regardless the situation. I taught world history, geography and history of Mexico in English in a middle school in Mexico and despite it being middle-school, I had to spend massive amount of time brushing up on the content subjects and making meaningful and suitable material for the classes. Would I do it again? Probably not as I believe that a content teacher with a high command of the target language should be teaching topics and not an ELT Specialist. 
As for Business English, is it really a business class or is it an English class that uses publish material that is aimed at no specific area. That I think and qualified ELT teacher can do. But to teach a topic related to a business BA is a whole new ball game. You should really think of the pros and cons of doing so.
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5 answers
I am working on a classroom-based assessment project in which a group of EFL teachers are strategically mediated within their ZPTD. Thus, as part of this study, I need to describe SLTE programmes in Iranian setting. I wounder if anyone can help me in this regard to find them, if any.
Many many thanks in advance. 
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8 answers
I came across a study on listening comprehension and the researcher has designed his own listening comprehension test. He has also adapted Cambridge Young Learners Listening Test in designing the listening comprehension test. Can we adapt the Cambridge Young Learners in designing our own listening comprehension test? How can i check the validity and reliability of the listening comprehension test that i have designed with reference to the Cambridge Young Learners' Listening test. Thank you.
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Hello, you can definitely do that. We used CYL - adapted and always cited - for the evaluation of a primary bilingual education project. Especially the listening comprehension test only covered a part of what we wanted to know. So we developed it further, added more difficult questions and tasks to it. Also seeing&listening tasks via video&audio was implementet (video&audio comprehension). We checked quality criteria with a pretest in a same age learners` group beforehand and optimized it afterwords. This I can suggest and advise. Hope it helps you a little further - all the best!
  • asked a question related to Language Education
15 answers
The Common European Framework plays a central role in language and education policy worldwide. Has it enhanced foreign language learning/teaching across Europe since 2001? Your opinions and findings are very welcome.
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To borrow Widdowson’s (2015: 359 - JELF) words, the specifications of the CEFR never question “the old orthodoxy that the objective of learning can only be the acquisition of competence defined as conformity to native speaker norms”.  Baker (2015: 135 - Lang. Teach.), for example, quotes the following specification among many similar ones: “Can sustain relationships with native speakers without unintentionally amusing or irritating them or requiring them to behave other than they would with a native speaker” (Council of Europe 2001: 122).  It may be argued that such specifications make it difficult to prepare students for real-world international and intercultural communication in a multilingual setting.
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7 answers
Learner autonomy is gaining currency among scholars in language education. A lot of experts have postulated some approaches that help foster autonomy among learners of a second/foreign. Which teaching approaches are top-notch ones that could be termed as 'standardised-21st-century' ones which may result in learners ability to 'communicate' and 'function' correctly in a target language? 
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Tomlison (2003 Developing Materials for Language Teaching) claims that laughters, joy, excitement, sorrow and anger can promote learning. Therefore, I would say any communication activity where learners can get (emotionally) involved. Furthermore, possibily, any activity which raises their interest (i.e., if you're teaching English to waiters, it would be wise to relate the English lessons to the world of  restaurants etc.).
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13 answers
I want to use a questionnaire to collect data on the use of ‘ICT and Multimedia’-based English language teaching, especially teaching of writing skills.  I need any relevant model questionnaire for my further preparation of final questionnaire for my study.
Thank you so much in advance.
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Hello Simhachalam,
I had developed three surveys, for my MEd degree (Educational Technology) concerning students', teachers' and administration's perspectives on implementing elearning practices at the University of Guyana (my home university). The three published papers, published between Aug-Oct 2015, are on my RG webpage. However, I do not have the surveys as appendices in the published articles.
Perhaps you can send me an email, discussing the issue some more, and I could send you the surveys I used.
Do let me know, thanks.
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3 answers
I am looking for ready questionnaires so I could either adopt or develop for my study.
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9 answers
My students come predominantly from India and China and just wanting to find out new ways we can engage them online in their studies
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I have presented on this topic.  Fundamentally, the activities used must address the overall instructional goals, which in turn must be based on the outcome goals for the students.
My paper below suggests that too often people choose a technology and then try to fig ure out how to use it.  Rather instructors should identify requires learning activities that are requires to meet the outcome goals, and only THEN select the technology that provides the necessary affordances.
So what does your instructional design require?  Critical thinking?  That may be addressed in writing or group discussion.  Vocabulary practice? That will require different kinds of online activities. 
I know that this is a little different from your question about engaging students, b ut the learning activities must support the outcome goals.
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14 answers
The context I am investigating is Dubai schools; however, studies in other contexts are welcomed too.  Thanks.
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Hello Zeineb
DO you have access to the printed books of the 4th conference of Arabic Language that was held in Dubai last May ? There, you can find plenty  of articles written concerning your area of research .
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25 answers
Traditional English writing process vs digital English Writing process.
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Are you asking if the the process of writing is different between the two mediums? An essay is an essay and the "process" of writing is the same through either vehicle. Of course word processors offer easier access to some tools (e.g. spelling, thesaurus...). Perhaps your talking about writing different genres however. Twitter as micro blogging, wikis for collaborative writing... again, these tools offer little different except access and audience in some cases. The effects of digital tools in this sense could be mimicked with paper and pencil, but I view authenticity as key. Students will be doing most of their writing through digital transcription tools - and thus, we should embrace those, just as we embraced paper. Did we still have students writing on slates and blackboards when paper became readily available?
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5 answers
Within a culture, there are culturally rich items or ‘key’ words that are important for –and are instantly recognized by– members of this cultural group. These ‘key’ words (and phrases) reflect values, ideals, ideas and beliefs that the people hold dear, even if not each and every individual member of this cultural group fully subscribes to these values and beliefs. For example, “saudade” could be proposed as a ‘key’ word for Portuguese-speaking cultures; for Americans, this could be “American way of life”. 
Though I am particularly interested in Spanish-speaking cultures, I would be happy to receive your ideas about 'key' words in various world languages and cultures. Thank you.
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One key word, I guess, would be "madre". Another one would be "bola", "bolas". If you have questions, feel free to ask. 
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8 answers
language education
Is the propaedeutic effect using pluralistic approach consequential on foreign language learning?
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Back in the 1980s, a popular idea developed in the foreign language teaching profession that exposing elementary school children to a variety of languages would be helpful in developing their later acquisition of one or more foreign languages (the program model was labeled FLEX). Students would receive 6-week lesson sequences in a range of different languages. There is  probably some published research (you could check the Modern Language Quarterly) on the results of this experiment. Enthusiasm soon waned, and there is little of this being done now, so far as I know. Our twin boys were exposed to two years of alternating classes in Spanish and French during Kindergarten and 1st grade, and learned nothing except a few meaningless songs (which they shortly forgot). They have since taken Spanish every year for the past three years, and are scarcely able to put a single sentence together. So our personal experience would suggest that there is no significant effect of this early "exposure", without a rigorous curriculum fostering contextual interpersonal use and learning of linguistic structures and forms.
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3 answers
I'm hoping to be able to explain how Europe can learn from the experience of multilingual policies in India.
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Pour les politiques linguistiques  européennes et les questions liées aux perspectives de plurilinguisme en Europe, un bon  début de documentation, c'est la lecture du rapport de François Grin :
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10 answers
I am critically reviewing a journal article that suggests boys exhibit better listening skills than girls when the subject matter and assessment method stimulate male learning preferences, in this case a competitive, task-based listening activity.
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I think this kind of different behaviour is influenced more by the social status, family background and personal experiences rather than sex. Learning methods tends to adapt to the field of study, and personal interests and other variable factors related to the social ambiance.
I don't think that being a male or a female influences ones learning process, however if we consider the gender aspect as a social issue then there could be some differences as Michael Wamg said about "different interests". If a male is supposed to like sport more than a female, than here the difference in learning methods is established by the social view given to specific interests that are considered "masculine" or "feminine".
So, in account, if there's some difference the latter is created by the entourage and the gender discrepancy. Though, in my opinion the word "gender" and all the meanings it takes shouldn't be used except for social phenomena.
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5 answers
I'm looking for a multiple choice test which assesses the collocational knowledge of EFL learners
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