Science topic
Landscape Design - Science topic
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Questions related to Landscape Design
In most of the land grant universities in the United States, landscape architecture began in the Colleges of Agriculture. Landscape design and planning dates back to 19th century, when courses incorporating principles of ornamental planting and the art of laying out gardens and pleasure grounds were offered in different horticulture programs.
Nowadays the profile of the most faculties/colleges that offer landscape architecture degree is related with two fields; agriculture and architecture. In Europe there is almost equilibrium between these two fields, while in USA there is a clear supremacy of architectural schools. Does it mean that there is a trend to move from faculties/colleges of agriculture to architecture?
According to a recent definition of IFLA “Landscape Architects plan, design and manage natural, rural, and built environments, applying aesthetic and scientific principles to address the sustainability, quality and health of landscapes, collective memory, heritage and culture, and territorial justice. By leading and coordinating other disciplines, landscape architects deal with the interactions between natural and cultural ecosystems, such as adaptation and mitigation related to climate change and the stability of ecosystems, socioeconomic improvements, and community health and welfare to create places that anticipate social and economic well-being”
Does the increased interest on the sustainability, quality and health of landscapes, interactions between natural and cultural ecosystems, climate change and the stability of ecosystems make agriculture faculties/colleges a better option for landscape architecture education?
There is no doubt that green building envelopes have become a significant role in urban development. Just hesitant to explore policy or potential for green building envelopes.
I am currently working on my MSc dissertation with a focus on 'Impacts of urban surfaces i.e. roof surface, pavement surface and vegetation on urban micro-climate in hot arid regions'.
Envi-met simulation software was used to predict the air temperature of the micro-climate. However, due to the software's limitations the surface air temperature of the roof can not be calculated.
I am wondering articles on healthy campus landscape design.
I'm looking for examples of public squares/plazas with a high tree canopy coverage. Places that are classic 'plazas' in architectural meaning, function as places of large gatherings and events, but have substantial amount of trees and high degree of tree canopy coverage. Place de la Republique in Paris is one example.
I'm also interested in any research on trees on urban plazas.
I am trying to find a topic for my PhD thesis. I've done two MSc; one in Landscape Architecture (about Ecological Landscape Design and Permaculture) and one in Forest Entomology (about Lepidoptera). Now I want to study further both of them in PhD. Can you help me find a topic that icludes both and woth studying.
Dear Colleagues,
The fundamental goal of scholarship in the field of landscape architecture is to enhance the practice of designing, planning, conserving and managing the land. Due to the inherently multifunctional nature of landscapes, both biophysical and cultural, many scholars and practitioners have addressed the importance of multi-, trans- and interdisciplinary approaches to landscape architecture education, research and practice. Such approaches have resulted in new skills, competences, methods, and processes to be articulated, and have led to professional organisations being more involved in accrediting and regulating educational programmes, advancing continuous professional development and training and introducing ethical and moral codes for professional practice.
Despite major efforts in teaching and research activities that nurture the future of design professions, considerable challenges still confront efforts to reconcile the academic and professional facets. Demands of professional organisations in terms of landscape architectural standards, curriculum development and recognition procedures as well as the changing focus of design pedagogy faced by higher education providers are putting at risk the long-term outcomes of landscape architecture and planning and its fundamental role in promoting social and environmental justice.
This Special Issue invites papers that discuss and present perspectives from both academia and professional practice in landscape architecture which address the synergies between academic programmes and professional organisations. We aim for this Special Issue to critically look at existing system barriers and opportunities afforded by educational standards and assessment of landscape architecture programmes and to explore strategies required to promote a better collaboration between education institutions and professional bodies in terms of landscape design, planning, conservation and management.
Bruno Marques, Andreja Tutundžić, Emilia Weckman and Marina Cervera Alonso de Medina Guest Editors
For submissions, please visit this weblink:
Just wondering which kind of plants are most suitable for green roofs and living walls.
What percentage of plants are native species & what percentage are semi-mature tree?
Dear experts,
I am going to work on a project related to urban green-space planning. I welcome and appreciate your suggestions and comments.
The key purpose of the project is to map and analyze the current green-spaces in the city, then to detect the areas which need optimization (patch size, connectivity, etc). In fact, the output of this project should help to prepare a master plan for future green space construction in the city.
To the best of my knowledge, I should firstly map land cover pattern in the city, then I should analyze the patch size and its connection by FRAGSTATS software. Also , Land Surface Temperature map may help to find the areas which need more greenspace construction.
However, I want to know:
1. What other software do you recommend to use?
2. What kind of innovation I can have in this project so that I could publish good paper from my results?
3. Do you have any suggestion for the methodology?
4. If you know any relevant and helpful paper, please share with me.
5. Any other comment and suggestion is appreciated.
I'm an architect and urban designer and currently working in a landscape design department of a company. I would like to ask for some suggestions on books and sources in Landscape design and landscape architecture.
Dear experts,
I am going to prepare a research proposal about planting design or about urban agriculture .
Do you have any suggestion or guidance for me?
Best regards,
This question is coming from a study of the "aesthetic values" of the concept of ecosystem services in the field of landscape and ecology. Aesthetics has values, and is a positive attribute. My question is, can aesthetics of a place be felt, or to put it less sophisticated, can a person who is unable to see, say that a place is aesthetically pleasing?
If we say visual aesthetics, it infers that there is some other kind of aesthetics, perhaps auditory or sensory aesthetics?
I'd like to develop some kind of checklist to score a place/landscape in terms of its aesthetic values, even if there are some universal laws to design it still seems impossible to tell people how to design objectively aesthetically pleasing spaces, IF we don't start with some value judgement.
I look forward to discussion with researchers not from this field, or artists too.
My recent project is focusing on visual impact assessment of new ecotourism developments. My intention is to compare the plans (including layout plans, visualizations) made before the construction of the new buildings, structures, and a realized landscape elements. This is an applied research, I'd like to use the results for the methodological development of visual impact assessment practice (as a part of environmental impact assessments).
Does the designing process harm natural landscapes around wetlands and lagoons or does it preserve them?
Can a designing process which uses sustainable development and ecotourism principles protect lagoons or not?
I have been doing a landscape individual design project recently. The site original is a 200 hectares salt-marsh land and there are many migratory birds living on that site. I want to develop some tourism areas on it. However, I am not too sure if this proposal can work well.
I want to ask if there are other landscape techniques to deal with the salt-marsh land?So the natural environment can be kept well as well as brings more benefits. Any relevant case studies or thesis are welcome. Thank you.
Thank you for your time. Please discuss the optimizing parameters when you analyze the catchment area of the MRT station in (tropical) cities, include:
- distance
- direction and entrance of the stations.
- landscape design
- passenger behavior
I have started a research on trees at small sacral architecture in the rural landscape last year (within a larger work on rural green infrastructure) as a partial aspect. So far, I have evidence of 8 small sacral elements, which are accompanied by old trees (there are many other without trees or with young trees). These are located in 6 municipalities (cadastral territories), accompanied with in total 19 old memorial trees. In the compositon of 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 trees at a particular object. An interesting finding is, that all these trees are horse chestnuts Aesculus hippocastanum L. I will extend this research in the coming summer to more cadastral territories in order to cover a larger area with more sacral elements and I am wondering, if someone would like to join me in a different region, country, culture, etc. It could end up in a nice paper and after some years even in a book. Looking forward to your questions and interest.
Best regards from Nitra,
Hi all,
I made a comparison between different types of optimization techniques, among them was particle swarm optimization..
My question is how can I plot heat map or 3d plots to show what the fitness landscape look likes?
I kindly need your visual opinions and comments as visitors of Waterfront (joggers, artists, etc).
I have compared two carefully selected conditions: contemplative landscapes (CL) with non-contemplative landscapes (NCL). After data aquisition and processing I have obtained a statictically significant difference between conditions in the temporal activity for all power spectra, more precisely right temporal lobe activity greater for the CL condition .
There is no statistical differences between conditions in terms of frontal and parietal lobes.
I would be grateful for some guidlines on how to interpret and explain that. So far I am trying to connect it with visual attention , or ADHD, but still didn´t figure out how. And what about the right asymmetry...
I need to construct voronoi diagrams to trees in a plot, but I want to weight the end surface of the tiles by the size of the trees!
In this paper the author use a specific program to build them but at the moment I can not get it.
The theory of landscape design will be effected by which kind of factors? Is it the style of landscape design means the theory of this design?
If i need to create a new design in Austin Park, how can i find the most suitable theory to this area? Is it I need to consider one theme to this park firstly?
There are several sites around Geelong and around Australia that have the annual rainfall amounts.
here we don't talk about the drought tolerant plants.
The question is that pond is or is not a viable option to make the sites looks refreshing rather than dryness.
In some current Urban Forest Strategies, the urban heat island effect is being a challenge and issue to the forest. Is it possible to improve it by landscape design of the forest?
I'm looking for a program to visualize my hand drawn core descriptions. Preferably freeware and unlike Corel / Illistrator / Inkscape.
My basic understanding is that the majority of the field emerged from pioneering research from Americans such as Fredrick Turners Frontier Thesis. My main objective is to gain a better understanding of the chronology of environmental history. Furthermore my definition of environmental history includes both humans relations with animals and landscapes. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Integrated land form relation with vegetation (both the habitats) studies are not so popular in the Indian subcontinent, though are very imperative for landscape planning, wild life conservation and overall developmental planning processes. They are especially important for the Himalayan terrain where development is needed with parallel inputs of both the disciplines for better planning.
Except CH2 building and rooftop garden at the Burnley campus of the University of Melbourne, we almost cannot find many green roofs in Melbourne. However, through the picture, we can see the green roofs occupy the most of the city of Sydney.