Science topics: GeoinformaticsLand-Use Management
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Land-Use Management - Science topic
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Questions related to Land-Use Management
How can sustainable land management practices be used to improve soil health, increase biodiversity, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
I want to carry out land change prediction, is there a way i can easily do that on ENVI 5.1?
Different transportation, land-use, environmental, and other corresponding planners propose their work for new city urban plans in order to address the existing problems by identifying the major gaps they had. The existing land-use was following bad planning principles and it is already a failed plan. When planners integrate their proposed spatial plan to existing land use, they will have a real challenge in aligning. So, as a planner, what would be your choice to align the proposal you have with the existing land-use?
- Shall i follow the standard plan i have and remove the existing unplanned land-uses( NB: the compensation cost may be too large) ? or
- Shall i accept the existing situation as it is and compromise the planning standards?
What is your suggestion?
Any help is appreciated very much.
In the United States, along roadsides and on Federal lands since the coming of the European peoples with their European exotic seeds, those exotic and invasive seeds have been sown in America's wild lands and along the roadsides, causing permanent "Spatial Extinction" of the local native plant populations across hundreds of millions of hectares.
For example in the USA, our Bureau of Land Management has annually sown an average of one million pounds (about 1/2 million kilos) of exotic seeds onto Western wild lands between 2000-2015, without ever doing an environmental analysis under our environmental laws (NEPA), to consider the permanent environmental damages being done to the native plant ecosystems, when BLM already has the least environmentally damaging alternative available, of using local native seeds instead?
Our State highway departments sow so many exotics along roadsides, that my 1997 Megatransect across the West showed massive Spatial Extinction of the native ecosystems, and in many cases the intentionally-sown exotics covered 20-30X more area than the exotic weeds covered, at as follows--State highways, percentage of roads with intentionally sown exotics--Colorado, Idaho and Nevada 10%, Idaho 21%, South Dakota 28%, and Wyoming 35%.
SO, THE QUESTION IS--Do the government agencies need to immediately stop the use of exotic seeds along roadsides and on wild lands, and that includes the use of "cultivars" of natives, when they are sown outside of their original ecotype zone areas?
I want to understand how transitional probabilities are calculated for land use change modelling, given four (4) state land use types for a previous period (T1) and a new period (T2) spanning ten years.
Please, using the above percentages how do I derive the transitional probabilities for the two periods. Make the answer simple.
Thanks for your assistance.
For the best land use management in benefit of soil, what is the best method for deciding to choose the best land use occupation?
Hi everyone,
I want to make an econometric estimation in a land-use model. I will apply it to the evolution of land dedicated to grassland, compared to other corn crop, among polycropping-livestock managers. To sum up, there are farmers who have lands with crops, and livestock, and they manage both production together (they can harvest the crop and sell it to the market, or give it to the cattle, or if it is grassland directly put cattle to pasture on it, on harvest the graze and sell it on the market too).
I assume uncertainty plays a important role in the farmers choices. The more a land use is uncertain in yields, the more there are frictions that limit the land conversion.
I have two potential databases:
- The first gives the average yields for around 100 departments (equivalent to US counties, in France, but bigger in size) for maize dedicated to cattle, temporary grassland, and permanent grassland. It is a panel of approximatively 15 years. It has also the surface of lands dedicated to these different uses.
- The second is a micro dataset of around 20K farmers, observations by parcels, among which a lot have diverse maize crops, pasture grassland, harvest grassland etc. I have yields and parcels area on around 5 years only.
First matter: I do not know which database is the best to use. I guess the second do not have enough years, but there are a lot of observations and the variable are totally desaggregated, that are great advantages. But the second looks more like usual datasets used in this kind of study, and there are 15 years (a bigger timescale is better for estimating uncertainty). Problem: it is really desaggregated thus I will only outcome average county level results.
Second matter: Can I just measure the level of uncertainty, assume it as a random variable and attribute it to each observation, and regress the proportion of land dedicated to each use by this variable? Third matter: I do not really understand what assumption are associated to the Brownian motion. Can we just assume that it correctly approximates the variance of yields, thus the level of uncertainty across time, and attribute it like an observation for each year?
Fourth matter: my datasets are limited in variables. I do not have any data about farmers' livestock. Neither about their different costs. But I guess it is sadly a usual problem in econometric study...we cannot have everything we need!
Thank you very much for your advices.
Osallistu joukkoistamiseen täällä:
Kestävässä tehostamisessa pellonkäyttöä optimoidaan kohdentamalla tuotantopanokset oikein: tarvittaessa lisäämällä niitä korkeatuottoisilla lohkoilla ja taas vähentämällä heikkovasteisilla lohkoilla.
Ympäristöllisesti, taloudellisesti ja sosiaalisesti kestävällä tuotannon tehostamisella on mahdollista pienentää satokuiluja hyvätuottoisilla pelloilla ja laajaperäistää huonommin tuottavat tai kaukaisemmat pellot esimerkiksi viherlannoitusnurmiksi, reuna-alueiksi, luonnonhoitopelloiksi tai riistapelloiksi. Näillä toimilla voidaan saavuttaa mm. ilmastohyötyjä, kun voimakkaasti muokattavan peltoalan osuus vähenee ja ympärivuotisen kasvillisuuden osuus kasvaa. Nämä muutokset tukevat myös monimuotoisuuden ylläpitoa maataloussektorilla.
Lue lisää:
Katso videot kestävästä tehostamisesta:
When the invasive species is scrapped off the land , what are the control measures should be done to keep the invasive species off from further spread
It is more and more clear that the solutions for a sustainable human development and also for a mitigation and adaptation to climate change have to follow a territorial strategy ( a territory as a landscape with people, thus a social process). The Millennium Ecosystem Approach in the proposed scenarios for 2050, shows that the adaptive mosaic development strategy, is the one that better supply the population with ecosystem services. In that sense a climate smart territory has to be managed in a way that contributes to sustainable human development and to climate change mitigation and adaptation.
What is the role of green land in cities and rural areas? the role of botanical gardens and sanctuaries?
What is the role of forest extension officers and land restorators?
If anyone have recent data of land use change status of Nepal available please post for me ?
How to get access to Wharton Residential Land Use Regulation specifically, and is there a state-level data in this database?
Dear Colleagues
We know the range of NDVI for barren lands is approximately less than 0.1 or 0.2, or for sparse vegetation is between 0.2 to 0.5 and for dense is >0.6, but for this research, in some of area we have dense gardens that after slicing, these gardens are named sparse vegetation! Probably, we don't know the difference of between poor or barren lands or sparse and dense and....
Yours Sincerely
We really appreciate your opinion by taking a very few minutes to complete this online survey.
The 15th of December 2016 we release the second round of this survey. This new version is the result of gathering and analyzing the expert opinions of nearly 60 researchers from all over the world. With all this feedback, we have improved the list of candidate variables to be proposed as ESEFVs (Essential Social-Ecological Functional Variables). However, we still need your expert knowledge to make progress on the list configuration. Please, check, punctuate and comment the new list [the link is below].
Learn more about the E&SEFT Project in
Thank you for your time and help!
What analytical framework will you advise for study are study?
I have developed an index of suitability for a specified land use activity based on a spatial multi criteria analysis approach (continuous raster dataset with values 0-255); additionally, we have empirical data showing where this activity presently occurs and the intensity at which it occurs (present use) (also normalised continuous raster 0-255). The assumption is that this virtual space has not yet been fully exploited, either spatially or in terms of intensity, for this activity. Given this assumption, the problem is how to statistically describe the agreement (or lack of) between the empirical (present use) and predicted suitability datasets? This seems identical to an invasive species habitat modelling problem, where comprehensive presence and absence data may not available (where a habitat has not yet been fully exploited) to evaluate model output (false presences/absences (?)) - any ideas how I could deal with this in my example?
Thanks in advance for any advice.
The suitable spatial metrics to quantify at class and landscape levels for evaluating landscape fragmentation using FRAGSTATS in a mountain area? There are only four classes (Forest, Pastures, Farmland, and Bare surface). Thanks
I want to study land use change and for that I need LANDSHIFT software or may be any software similar to it.
Can any one give a detailed explanation about land-use/land cover map preparation and what are the softwares are good for to prepare the LULC map preparation.
I am working on LULC change detection by applying change detection techniques like image differencing, image rationing, PCA, Tasseled Cap transformation which produce change or no-change binary output. After that I have done supervised classification of original image and then applied post classification. Now I want to do cross tabulation between the change detection results derived for different techniques against the post classification data. But I could not understand how to do?
For presentation lulc mapping there must be higher percentage of accuracy. For this some new techniques must be applied to obtain it.
Land-use change is exerting pressure across the globe, but where are the tipping points? We ought to focus our research there... but where, and what issues are most important to you?
Land use planning, Spatial optimization
To be possible improve search capabilities of our application Smart Point of Interest, we are looking for available open maps borders of regions and cities. For Europe there is one options NUTS regions. Do you know anybody, if is there some address, where is possible to download all NUTS 5 data for Europe.
But the problem, is outside of Europe and also maps of some natural regions like Balearic Islands or Alps etc. Any suggestions?
The concern of salinity/sodicity development makes us to identify alternate land use and management options for sustainable agricultural production. We are interested to specifically develop simple crop growth model or use/calibrate/validate some already existing models.
The salinity/sodicity effects on soil and crop processes, specify alternate management options and assess subsequent growth and yield have been demonstrated in the field conditions, we need to develop the technical coefficients for fitting into the crop growth model, which needs to be addressed
RAN, INEGI or other data representing distribution of private property parcels and federal property (not protected areas) in SE Mexico.
We are working on a project to assess land use intensification and its impacts on a tropical rainforest over a 40 year period.We are particular interested in knowing if the forests have changed,what has changed and what is pushing this change?We are as well interested in knowing the livelihood adaptive capacities of the indigenous communities as per these changes if any.
Thank you.
Which is the the most recent techniques or methods for Modeling of land use changes?
area: 110 square kilometers ,
Land use: agriculture, urban, pasture, forest, water, desert
Data Source: Maps and satellite images, etc.
The EC-funded project INSPIRATION – – is to formulate an end-user driven Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) for land-use, soil management and spatial planning and the related, impacted compartments of the Soil-Sediment-Water (SSW) system in order to meet current and future societal challenges.
In a series of bottom-up stakeholder engagement activities across EU nations the project gathers Research and Innovation (R&I) needs related to the INSPIRATION scope (land and SSW-system use and management), including topics such as:
- What are the strategic research topics?
- What are experiences regarding connecting science to policy/practice?
- What are national and transnational funding schemes to implement such Research?
To complement these activities, I would appreciate your view and contribution! What is your view on the research and innovation needs and opportunities? Do you have a vision on, and what is your insight in upcoming knowledge demands (short, middle and long-term)?
Collecting input from you is crucial for the project in order to help us describing the state-of-the-art as input into the European research agenda.
It seems GLTN website link to download the software is broken. I have also seen the Github repository but it is quite difficult to get it right with out any instructions.
Someone mentioned to me that Uruguay has land use legislation that takes into account the capability of soils to render certain services. Apparently, this legislation places restrictions on what can be done with prime agricultural land, for example. At the core of this legislation is a very innovative, older piece of legislation that links property taxes to the potential of soils, not to their use.
I am wondering if similar land use legislations exist in other countries. I have heard that Denmark has something along the same lines. Are these the only two countries that have done something in this area?
It would be nice to document such legislations in detail, to encourage other countries to follow suit... So if you have documents that relate to soil-protective legislations in other countries, feel free to send them to me . Thanks!!!
So far I have only been able to find selective documents that express state specific (NSW) policies involving the sale of 'Crown Land' in Australia. A document or paper than involves any number of policies would be of great significance to me.
Hi, I am looking for information on work being done that examines carbon dynamics in seagrass / eelgrass and salt marsh ecosystems in Canada. I am undertaking some work to determine carbon accumulation rates on the Pacific coast and am interested to see if other work has been done in the region and in Canada.
The energy-land use nexus provides a useful framework for defining policy to minimize points of conflict between energy goals and land conservation.
We are looking for software algorithms or open source software programs developed to optimize the parameters and interrelationships between land use and energy production and consumption, especially in the context of green energy developments. Anyone aware of such developments?
Do you know documented experiences (scientific papers, book chapters or technical reports) in which spatially explicit ecosystem services models have been used for decision making (eg. public policy, compensation for infrastructure or land use management)?
I fail to differentiate where I can group the informal settlements, in customary or it should stay independent?. Because I find it in Urban and mostly in peri-urban area. I don't understand in creating a tree diagram for this.
Some factors such as distance to road and to facilities are influential in price of land. Can anyone tell me what are environmental factors that can affect the price of land?
We monitored irrigation groundwater quality for agricultural use by measuring the daily EC, TDS and pH concentration with a temperature compensated multi-parametric tester (HI 98129) produced by Hanna Instruments.
We also sampled 1500 ml of the water for detailed chemical analysis, from which we computed SAR using the laboratory results to measure sodicity and the analysis shows that SAR (0.174), which is < 3 meaning that sodicity is not an issues.
My main point is, using the daily measurement of EC & TDS, which would you most prefer to better estimate soil salinity at the root zone of water spinach (Impomoea aquatica) ?
We are currently writing a paper on land use changes and CO2 emissions by oil palm in Mesoamerica (two sites in Mexico and one site in Guatemala). We would like to link these results to findings from the rest of the region or the continent. In Central America, we have found so far only results in Spanish for Guatemala and a bachelor thesis for a specific region in Honduras. We are interested in all kinds of publications or reports in any language derived from remote sensing or local surveys. Thanks in advance.
Governance is a major challenge in natural resources like multiple use open water bodies, where multiple stakeholders operates simultaneously. the water use of different users differs with the use. what are the various methods of governance analysis in these waterbodies?
Which method and product ?
Our findings revealed that people may generate rules of inclusion and exclusion for the use of common land.
In developing countries, it is difficult to find mentor/supervisor for PhD students who want to pursue their research(s) in new areas such as VGI, SDI, Spatial Data Mining, Spatial Agriculture, m-governance and crowd sourcing etc. The reasons include brain drain. Therefore, to reduce digital divide in a sense, researchers/scholars/institution who can contribute to advise students especially of developing countries voluntarily are requested to help out.
I've been working in a peasants community that had no land to cultivate (67 families), and now the government is creating a rural settlement where they will live. I'd like to ask if there is any methodology for planning the settlement at landscape level (the hole area has 1500 ha), for better use and preservation of natural resources, such as water and vegetation.
I have already made some maps of the area, such as: land use/cover, topography, euclidean distance from the rivers, riparian forest, land use around the springs and the division of the lots .
Now we shall try to design resilient agroecosystems and to plan a better way for land and water use, but I have no idea from where to start. Anyone had done it? Any article?
Thanks for helping!
How do I use HYDATA? What type of data does the model use? Are there manuals whether pdf/word/video tutorials?
I'm interested in approaches to valuing agricultural lands for conservation in the face of energy and urban development. I would like to compare numerous models to help stakeholders formulate their own approaches to conserving their agricultural lands.
What is the state of art? Which methods do you think have potential to be used?
Most land valuation approaches in Indonesia are being conducted using market prices based on transactional value of property transfer. And its more subjected approach by finding the arranged prices to transfer the property land between buyer (willingness to pay) and seller (willingness to accept).
Meanwhile, the land itself still has other benefits, such as social and ecological functions. For example: agricultural areas not only have market value but also ecological value, for supporting the role of water management, etc. Grasslands also have ecological value, but this is not included or considered in the price negotiations.
Has anyone experienced this? How do you apply alternative methods or approaches of land valuation? How can it work for national land policy? How do we tax the land which has more productive uses which are not calculated into the market value?
I'm interested in gyttja, peat and mineral soil. How do the properties of soils change after dehydration? How does land use in the catchment change?
I am interested in studying the impact of long term land use change in a watershed on the dynamic of water quality in a reservoir using remote sensing. So, I will have long term land use data and long term water quality data (both studied using remote sensing). How to relate these two time series datasets? How can we make sure that such changes in the water quality are caused by the land use ?
I modeled urban growth in a city for 4 different scenarios. How to optimize the results of the modeled land use in (say) 2025 and choose a best one? Basically, I want to evaluate the scenarios quantitatively. I have the city master plan demand for 2025. Is it good just to compare the results with the master plan map or we can adopt any other method?
Is there a model to calculate the land demand based on different years of population?
Is quantitative data necessary to assess the conservation status of species?
How can we analyze the impact of management without this data?
I am trying to predict land use to the future based on the past changes and factors influencing the changes. Now, I have 2 transition periods: 1989-2001 and 2001-2011 (I will use only one for modeling). Both transition matrices are quite different since the rate of change of the classes were different (also the underlying reasons). In this case how should I decide which transition period should I choose for the modeling? I think even if I choose 1989-2011 (as a whole) I need a reason why I chose that. Any kind of help is really appreciated.