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Labor Studies - Science topic

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Questions related to Labor Studies
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
11 answers
Is there any inequality in wages?
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Gender inequalities we do face first at schools, later at workplace...
How to embed service to society within the educational experience
With outreach firmly on the agenda for the modern university, one way institutions can aspire to shape and transform local communities is by embedding service to society within the educational experience. As well as enriching students’ time at university, this can have both short- and long-term benefits to wider society....
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
8 answers
Cultural Historical Activity Theory extends Vygotsky's Activity Theory.
I am interested in garnering quantitative data relating to the varying degrees of individual participation group during collaborative digital games-based learning.
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Dear Hugh O'Donnell
I have developed a general approach to quantifying the division of labor using the example of the emergence of multicellularity. I believe that this approach can be applied to your case as well.
Check out the attached articles. And if you have any questions - write to me.
Good luck!
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
3 answers
How could one measure changes (improvements) in conditions of employment across many countries and over periods of several years? Are there any datasets readily available? And what specific indicators one could seek (assuming increase in wages would be one such obvious indicator, what else?} And is there any literature on this topic you're familiar with?
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So what?!
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
5 answers
Dear Professionals,
Kindly do share with me the sample questionnaire of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) along with any of the reading material for the theory as well.
1). What are the major considerations that need to be taken account while framing a
questionnaire for the SEM.
2) After the data collection gets over how to convert the questionnaire information into
the excel sheet
Your valuable feedback/ information is of phenomenal to me. Kindly do spare a few minutes
of your valuable time. Thank you very much in advance.
Adhikari V V Subba Rao,
PhD Scholar,
School of Management & Labour Studies,
Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS)- Mumbai.
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Here is a recent application that uses the more recently developed framework
sorry not to be more helpful but your question is very encompassing, and this area is not my specialty!
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
4 answers
Dear Professionals,
Hoping you all are doing excellent.
I could understand your busy schedule, yet I need your great views/insights on the topic
"Artificial Intelligent (AI) centric future of work: The HR challenges". Kindly share your great experiences on the title, your views are of highly regarded.
Thank you very much in advance.
Warm Regards Adhikari V V Subba Rao, Research Scholar, School of Management & Labour Studies, TISS- Mumbai.
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Dear Prof. Vidoni,
Thank you very much for your time and thought-provoking inputs and the article.
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
8 answers
I am looking for research that analyses forms of 'digital organising' in countries/industries where trade unions are weak, repressed or outlawed. Do workers build connections through social media? Does it help in organising? etc.
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Dear Jeroen, you could have a look on at article - Rego, R., Sprenger, W., Kirov, V., Thomson, G., & Nunzio, D. D. (2016). The use of new ICTs in trade union protests–five European cases. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 22(3), 315-329. Good luck. Vassil
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
2 answers
What are the reasons and consequences?
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there can be many reasons behind this policy of the government... nowadays private culture is growing and people are choosing private sector over the government sector
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
2 answers
Most companies in Africa nowadays don't pay their workers good salary.
Trade unionist need to protest against this injustice.
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As a general rule, in the United States, enterprises that have contracts with labor unions covering their employees insist on no-strike clauses, for which the union obtains the right to grieve and arbitrate labor disputes. That governs the relationship during the term of the labor contract, typically three years, Prior to the expiration of the labor contract, the union and management commence bargaining for a new contract. Typically, the union will hold a general meeting of the membership of the bargaining unit to receive their authority to call a strike once the contract expires if there is no contract offer from management that they find worth taking back to the membership for ratification. Members are told to stand by on the expiration date for updates on whether or not a strike was called, a deal was struck, or an extension of negotiations had been agreed to. This is called an economic strike, and workers on strike can be permanently replaced. In the event the employer violates the labor laws, or wrongly refuses to accept a grievance, arbitrate a dispute, or comply with an arbitrator's decision, that is called an unfair labor practice strike, and workers who walk out in protest have a right to be reinstated to their jobs, with back pay, upon a finding of unlawful conduct by the employer, Unfortunately, many times workers must decide whether they will walk out before there is a determination of whether the employer's conduct is or is not illegal, meaning they walk out without certainty that they will be entitled to reinstatement. Where a union has set up a lawful picket line (either due to an economic strike or an unfair labor practice strike), other unions may refuse to cross the line (as, for example, a truck driver union refusing to deliver supplies to a struck factory, or a maintenance crew refusing to cross a line to repair equipment during a strike), if their contracts with their employer permit such "sympathy strikes." Where there is no recognized union, or where there is a recognized union but no collective bargaining agreement, two or more employees banding together for labor causes are considered acting in "concerted protected activity," and action taken against them for engaging in such activity is unlawful, even in the absence of a union. However, if they desert their job for economic reasons, they can be permanently replaced, similar to the strikers who walk off at the expiration of the contract. If they walk off due to breaches of the law, they usually can claim the protection of an unfair labor practice striker and have a right to reinstatement. I hope this is helpful. The US has substantial  jurisprudence on the issue under its National Labor Relations Act.
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
3 answers
i am planning to compare regulatory ompact analysis impact factor acros the countries?
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Hi Murat,
I published a paper some years ago now that examined regulatory impact statements in Australia and NZ, and their relative effectiveness.  The reference is:
Adrian Sawyer, "Regulatory Impact Statements and Accountability: Recent Australasian Evidence" (2008) 11(1) Journal of Australian Taxation,  42-107.  It is available online. 
I am not entirely sure whether this is what you are looking for when you mention impact factors, which may be you are looking to journal rankings and impact factors. If so, then you may wish to look at tools such as Scopus.
All the best with your research.
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
6 answers
I´m looking for papers dealing with the Japanese prefab systems, particularly those based on steel framing and automated processes.
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Look at the research of Thomas Bock at Technical University of Munich; extensive research in automation and expert on Japanese construction.
Numerous papers, not everything might be listed on his page here
Also, search for publications referencing Sekisui House
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
1 answer
i want an article about root cause analysis measurment that use in any industry and explain impact of root cause analysis in our organisation.
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I have an article on root cause analysis (fishbone) as part of using LFA 
Buttigieg, S. C., Gauci, D., & Dey, P. (2016). Continuous quality improvement in a Maltese hospital using logical framework analysis. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 30(7), 1026-1046.
A working definition for healthcare:
Uberoi, R. S., Gupta, U., & Sibal, A. (2004). Root cause analysis in healthcare. Apollo Medicine, 1(1), 60-63.
"Root Cause Analysis is a tool for identifying prevention strategies. It is a process that is part of the effort to build a culture of safety and move beyond the culture of blame. Thus it can be said that Root Cause Analysis is interdisciplinary, involving experts from the frontline services, involving those who are the most familiar with the situation, continually digging deeper by asking why, why, why at each level of cause and effect; a process that identifies changes that need to be made to systems and a process that is as impartial as possible. The goal of a Root Cause Analysis is to find out what happened, why did it happen and what do you do to prevent it from happening again. In Root Cause Analysis, basic and contributing causes are discovered in a process similar to diagnosis of disease -with the goal always in mind of preventing recurrence. To be thorough a Root Cause Analysis must include determination of human and other factors, determination of related processes and systems and analysis of underlying cause and effect systems through a series of why questions like identification of risks and their potential contributions and determination of potential improvement in processes or systems. To be Credible a Root Cause Analysis must include participation by the leadership of the organization and those most closely involved in the processes and systems. It should also be internally consistent and include consideration of relevant literature."
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
4 answers
Are there studies linking the associational power of the working class (collective labor rights: Collective bargaining and unionization) to political ecology theory (Blaikie and Brookfield, 1987)?
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  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
4 answers
labour output rates for the following: masonry, carpentry, paints and coatings and reinforcement steel bars etc.
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For your region not, but I can send you comparatives of Latin America, does this serve you?
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
4 answers
Hello, I am a student of Social Work at the University of Huelva. I am doing a research work on how a social worker should act against a woman who has suffered gender violence, unfortunately the complaints about such violence have increased by 13.9% and I find it interesting to know what social skills should carry out a Social worker to help the person overcome the difficult moment he is going through.
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As a social work practice professional for many years (moved to research and policy), our skills are taught as "generalist practice" such that I/a social worker can apply them with different groups, individuals, etc. These include compassion, sensitivity, non-judgemental, and client centered. Most important, the social worker should be comfortable with persons in such sensitive situations and sometimes what is needed  is specialized training with "... " a specific group or population.  Here in US, (at least in the urban area where I live) even a Masters level social worker has to take a 40 hr training to work with this group
You could start with visiting a shelter or look for a social worker who works with victims of gender violence or maybe just observe such a case in the courts. (I am assuming lots of things here that ARE possible in US). Interestingly, there are many persons working with this group who are not SW professional but volunteers or w/o college education.
Re the research:  perhaps also looking at skills of persons who work with gender violence victims (in general) to include hospital personnel (doctors, nurses, orderlies, assistants), EMT, police, clinic, counseling centers. 
Please say, "social worker should act toward or with a woman...". "against"  means "en contra."
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
4 answers
I run a model on physical capital per woker, in which variable of gross fixed capital formation shows negative sign. Can anyone guide me according to theory for this neagtive sign? 
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Respected Sir Hameed Rafiee!
My model is about to evalaute the impact of some main and also some conditioning varaibles on physical capital per worker. As physical capital is my dependent variable and that is calculating by prepetual inventory method than divided by labor force. Including some other control variables one of the varaible is gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) as %of GDP.  When i run the model the coefficient of (GFCF) shows negative sign. My question is about the theoretical reason of such negative sign for dependent varaible
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
1 answer
I had a limited understanding about UK and USA basically on ER and IR features which are employer association, Trade Union and the State. If there any article that can accommodate me with more information i appreciate. 
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You could try looking up Greg Bamber's work on comparative IR.
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
6 answers
It is usually assumed that labor productivity is the criterion of effectiveness. However, if you conduct a thought experiment may prove to be effective an enterprise with one head with a very large salary. What is the criterion still may be adequate for assessing the effectiveness?
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I agree Mikhail.
The OECD produced a guide 16 years ago - it is interesting now to see how they think about productivity (see link), and some of the limitations that Mikhail reminds us of.
I also like this other article, which is a much more humanistic approach:
A humanistic historian viewing quantitative social research sees much in it that is admirable and indispensable as an aid to the understanding of society and men. As a guide to the significance of problems, however, it is misleading when it exudes the assumption that only problems susceptible to quantitative solutions are important. As a means of explaining human or social behavior, it is powerful but profoundly incomplete. As a source of a theory of human nature and of the universe, it is but a new formulation of an ancient romantic myth.
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
2 answers
I want to apply data for research purposes. I would like to see the relationships between natural resources abundance and its impact on the Internet regulation policies/freedom in non-democracies.
Perhaps you can advise me to compile my own proxy for DV (Internet freedom)?
Thank you in advance!
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This is exactly what I am using. The problem is that this report has only 65 countries.
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
7 answers
Often we need to distinguish between efficient among the many employees or workers in one area.
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Dear All.
Firstly, the above question says, " his field?". That means the question is specific to a person's field. But generally, there are as many fields as there are human beings to create them.
Now, to the specifics of the question, as applied to JUST a field.
Efficiency (measured in percent) = (Output divided by Input) multiplied by 100. SIMPLE.
This applies to all things, human-machines, mechanical-machines, electronic-machines, digital-machines and so on. But when we consider human-machine, then we are talking about INITIATIVE and ECONOMY.
So, a person who PRODUCES results with LESS supervision, and being most ECONOMICAL on energy, time and resources is efficient. But his/her efficiency is just still in a vacuum until applied.
The application happens when a third party comes into the scenario, that is, BUSINESS. The manager on one side, the client on the other side and the professional in between, being briefed about a job that is near a deadline. This is where his/her performance skills are put to test.
If the professional can scale the above job hurdle and goes on to scale much others over a period of time, without a single miss, the he/she is regarded as a WIZ. But, if he/she misses one or two, then he/she is said to be efficient.
Observe very carefully that the criteria normally considered are very dynamic and real-life in nature. Change is there only characteristic.
Thanks All.
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
17 answers
Is there any accepted methods or approaches to measure  competitiveness of a non-profit organization? Any related works would be very much appreciated.
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@ Harkusha, the answer lies in your question itself - the measurement - which involves a metric.
Baba Gnanakumar aptly listed the several metrics. However, most ratios depend upon the market scenario, pricing et al. what I mean is that if the market is not responding in terms of acceptance of the product, then will the organisation be competitive?
Perhaps, competitiveness is never absolute. It being a relative /comparative study the tools explained by Gnanakumar appropriately will be handy.
 I did compare competitiveness w.r.t competence. Following link will drive you to that:
Holean Human Leadership - Developing from First Principles, IBA Journal of Management ...   This paper makes an interesting reading  making similes comparing wife vs mother for competitiveness vs competence 
More on competence & competitiveness
Competitiveness Thru' a Competence Protocol 
Chasing Competence – A Journey through Metamorphosis Using Six Sigma
Each One is Capable (A Total Quality Organisation Thru' People)  Published in Foundry
Competitive Foundry Through Integration of TIPS (Technology, Innovation, Product Design and Process Systems) Published in the indian Foundry Journal (The Institute of Indian Foundrymen)
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
9 answers
We are doing research based on the ILO's concept of 'decent work'. However, issues of measuring 'decent work' in the Ukrainian context of shadow economy are challenging. I would be grateful for suggestions and relevant references.
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Це дуже важливе обговорення. Адже вимірювання та оцінка "гідної праці"  може грунтуватися на різних методологічних засадах і не всі дані для адекватної оцінки доступні
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
3 answers
 On my research analysis am looking for more recent and applicable theories that can be apply to evaluate factors that influence correlation between labor turn over and performance of telecommunication industry.
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You might be interested in the attached papers on labour turnover.
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
3 answers
Due to the 'restraint of trade' and 'undue influence' doctrines applied to contracts in the music industry does this give the exploiters of music a disadvantage in their bargaining power?
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I have some info about influence of Sufism on music.
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
7 answers
My model basically has an Export competitiveness indicator as a dependent variable. While Industrial value added, services value added and growth in value added can be good indicators however I want to do something on the wage efficiency of countries and use that particular indicator as a measure of export competitiveness. Any source that may include labor cost/efficiency data?
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Rahmah I have checked the wage data from's quite relevant and good... But I find the UNIDO industrial statistics to be the best. But I will have to purchase the complete UNIDO dataset. It's not free, which I think UNIDO should make it available for free. cheers
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
4 answers
The youth service team in Kenya are involved in clean up which seems to be a duplication of the role of the local authorities.
The public service is suffering from the high wage bill when fresh graduates needs training on job at low pay(the much used for clean up etc).
What are the gaps in Human resource capacity and service delivery effectiveness?
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Engaging youth as a direct substitute for local workers who would otherwise do the job is more job displacement than job creation—some distributional effects that may or may not add value, but little if any gain in economic productivity.
Youth employment schemes designed to build human capital are another matter. Challenging youth to design projects and their implementation (including budgeting), either narrowly construed around cleaning up the community or more broadly construed, not only produces a community service but also builds capacity, both for individual youth and for communities in developing an infrastructure to tap into opportunities for direct citizen engagement in community building and problem solving. Such schemes do not substitute for larger scale government projects, but can fill a niche locally for smaller scale, citizen driven initiatives.
There are many such examples in local communities throughout the US and some of these have been workshopped and implemented in South Africa and and Tanzania. See
Building civic infrastructure: implementing community partnership grant programmes in South Africa Charles F. Adams · Michael E. Bell · Trevor Brown Public Administration and Development 10/2002; 22(4):293 - 302. DOI:10.1002/pad.232 · 0.70 Impact Factor
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
9 answers
Does anybody know where it is possible to get  good data on child labor in developing countries ? India and China are preferred but in general would be great to have cross section for most of the developing countries,many thanks
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In India data on child labour is abundantly available with the Ministry of Women and Children affairs under Central Government, and with the respective State Governments as 'labour' is categorized under concurrent list in the constitution of India. You may even refer government websites for more details...In India many Non Governmental agencies are also actively engaged in the area of eradication of child labour and doing lot of researches in these areas. Reputed research and academic institutions like Tata Institute of Social Service, Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, can also be of immense help...
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
4 answers
Data with respect to collective bargaining in steel sector within 2000 - 2014
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The collection of charters of demand submitted by unions and their agreements with the management as much as available in various steel factories by talking with authorized unions will be the best option. 
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
4 answers
I am currently starting my analysis. For this I have constructed 12 interaction terms (r&d, researchers, human capital, values, inwardorientation and self-expression and all those interacting with the share of employment young(15-24) and the share of employment old (55+). These have to be seperated since they are all independent variables and highly correlate because they measure a part of the same construct (national creative climate). 
How should I use this in my robust regression analysis? I have added them one by one.. however, if I insert the interaction terms my independent variable (the one used in the interaction term added) turns insignificant. r&d without the interaction terms was significant in the model, however, after adding the interaction terms it turned insignificant. 
- controls (standardized)
- r&d (independent variable) (standardized)
- r&d x share of employment young
- r&d x share of employment old 
what should I do?
Thanks in advance,
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It's not a problem that R&D lost statistical significance when interactions were added. When interpreting the results of your model, you have to look not only on the coefficient of R&D, but also on the coefficient on the interaction term. That also makes sense, because the reason why you add interactions is because you want to see how the effect of R&D changes, e.g., with increasing youth employment.
In your case, when R&D is interacted with both young and old employment rates, the coefficient on R&D itself reflects the effect from R&D on your dependent variable when empl_young == 0 and empl_old == 0 (which might not be the most realistic scenario). See, e.g., for an example of the interpretation of an interaction with a discrete variable -- the logic behind the interpretation is the same here.
In your case, the situation is somewhat more difficult than in case with an interaction with a discrete variable, because it seems that you're interacting a continuous R&D variable with continuous variables (young and old employment). If you're using Stata, you might find the following links useful for the analysis of your model: (example with linear regression) and (example with logit regression).
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
7 answers
Our aim is to identify the effect of education (10 categories) on the probability of leaving unemployment for young unemployed without work experience before and after the financial crisis in Belgium. Our data is longitudinal and covers a long period before and after the crisis. We are planning to use duration analysis (mixed proportional hazard model). Many thanks !
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Here is a piece using data on individuals from the CPS.
Best, Sylvia
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
4 answers
It is believed that trade union power and density across countries is declining in the post-globalization period. I could not find any systematically compiled data in support or against this. Can you share data including research papers in this regard?
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For Europe, the most complete and up-to-date data set is that operated by Jelle Visser at AIAS, to be found here:
This is surely the most reliable and cited reference. For instance, see quotation in European Commission's report on "Industrial relations in Europe 2014" (
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
3 answers
I'm working on a research proposal, dealing with labor migration in the health and care sector. Interested in the situation in Japan, because it should be hit hard by the effects of demographic change. Any recommendations on literature?
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There is some interesting work about trafficking that focus on sex labor migration from Latin America to Japan. 
Piper, N. (1999). Labor migration trafficking and international marriage: female cross-border movements into Japan. Asian Journal of Womens Studies, 5(2), 13.
Leheny, D., & Warren, K. (Eds.). (2009). Japanese aid and the construction of global development: inescapable solutions. Routledge.
Blanchette, T. G., & da Silva, A. P. (2012). On bullshit and the trafficking of women: Moral entrepreneurs and the invention of trafficking of persons in Brazil. Dialectical anthropology, 1-19.
I also attended this session at the recent AAAs titled "PRODUCING ANTHROPOLOGY IN/OF THE "NEW GLOBE": TRANSNATIONAL HUMAN AND CULTURAL MOBILITY IN JAPAN AND BEYOND". Probably some of the participants would be interesting for you.
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
8 answers
my research aim is to identify the affect of fresh graduates on labor demand and supply, whether this is supply is surplus or deficit according to market needs.
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Here is a reference that may help in one segment of your analysis:
The Research Productivity of New PhDs in Economics: The Surprisingly High
Non-Success of the Successful by John P. Conley and Ali Sina Önder in Journal of Economic Perspectives—Volume 28, Number 3—Summer 2014—Pages 205–216
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
20 answers
I am writing a paper about the public status of teachers and the teaching proffession. I would like to get similar information from other countries where teacher unions are strongly active or that they are very weak and the consequences. I would like to see if there is correlation between the strength of these "Trade Unions" and the professional status of teaching.
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Dear Professor Stein,
Unions and their impact on the public schools in America is, in my estimation, an understudied area. Teaching is one of the most heavily unionized work forces, yet little is understood about its effects. Opinions proliferate, but research supporting those opinions often lags.Your request extends the need for research and dialogue.
In response to your query, Case Cobb, University of Connecticut, and I studied the relationship between teachers’ perceptions of being a professional and being a member of a union. It was an exploratory study. Our conclusion is that it is tangled. Teachers think of themselves as professionals, yet they want the protection of a union. They want a contract but they perceive that the contract cannot reach those difficult places of professional practice. Some find the protection that a union provides to be necessary to their sense of professionalism while others find that the union to often protects incompetence thus diminishing their sense of professionalism. Teachers act as professionals and shift to acting as union members when there is a perceived threat.
If you would like to review our findings, you can find them at the following.
DeMitchell, T.A. & Cobb, C.D. Teachers: Their union and their profession. A tangled relationship. 212 Education Law Reporter 1 (2006).
DeMitchell, T.A. & Cobb, C.D. Teacher as Union Member and Teacher as Professional: The Voice of the Teacher. 220 Education Law Reporter 25(2007).
The issue of the impact of teacher unions on other school effects is discussed by such writers as Caroline Hoxby and Terry M. Moe. I found Tom Loveless’ edited volume, Conflicting Mission? Teachers Unions and Education Reform, to be quite informative and useful.
Thanks for starting this conversation. The responses from our colleagues are helpful as I work on the second edition of my book, Labor Relations in Education: Policies, Politics, and Practices.
Todd A. DeMitchell
John and H. Irene Peters Professor of Education
Department of Education & the Justice Program
University of New Hampshire
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
5 answers
Hello fellow researchers!!!
I'm looking for suggestions about interesting longitudinal studies on turnover intentions, perhaps with emotions / moods as predictors or general work conditions like support, autonomy and so forth. Any suggestion will be appreciated :-)
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As far as I know, in the AET intention to quit should be considered as an example of judgement driven behavior. So it is already an attitude.
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
8 answers
I would like to re-think how labor market institution affects labor market performance and results, and with what goals Economic Reform of Labor Market are really concerned.  
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Try also: The institutionalist tradition in labour economics, byChamplin and Knoedler. It is an oldie but goodie!
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
1 answer
For estimating a labour supply hours equation we use the after tax wage rate and IV regression. How wrong is it to use the gross wage rate and do a simple Tobit model?
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That sounds like a "forbidden regression." Endogeneity would be a big concern, since the quantity of hours worked also affects wages-- you have more accumulated human capital, are potentially earning overtime, etc. You would want, at least, a very compelling instrument. 
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
3 answers
As labor, it is an input. However, as we survive due to the operation of the system, that we get salary from the system, it can also be considered that human beings are output.
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This question goes far deeper than one might think. The key to the answer is provided in Karl Polanyi's book called the Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Times. Polanyi argues that capitalist economies created capitalist ways of thinking which are contradictory to natural ways of thought. In order to function, capitalist economies need three ARTIFICIAL commodities -- labor, land and money. These are not commodities -- labor is actually stuff which makes up human lives, Human lives are not commodities and not for sale at any price.  In traditional societies, people find work meaningful and take pleasure and pride in as it makes them useful members of society. The idea that labor is for sale, turns people into wage slaves, and deprives them of a very meaningful component of human living. The idea that human lives are an input into production processes, captured in the term Human Resources, and also  reflected in standard economic treatment, IS AN INSULT to human dignity. Actually production of wealth should be an input in order to help improve human lives. Taking this point of view (which is one of the goals of Happiness Economics & also of Amarty Sens capabilities approach) changes economic theory very drastically.
I have provide a very brief summary of the main arguments of Polanyi in my blog post entitled: A Summary of The Great Transformation, which is linked to below. 
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
1 answer
How to define a suitable composite building structure of steel and concrete in various regions of the globe as per their respect material cost and labor conditions of the local construction industry? 
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you can see my artical titiled" Parametric study on equivalent damping ratio of different composite structural building systems" ,Steel and Composite Structures 02/2013; 14(4):349-365
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
1 answer
Branding domestic workers in South Africa.
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Hello, do you mean the marketing of the domestic workforce (e.g., as educated, compliant)?
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
17 answers
The manufacturing sector across the world is known to have higher trade union incidence as compared to that in the service sector. But after the globalization coming into vogue, this is still more so. Especially in the private sector, service organizations have negligible trade unions. What reasons explain this phenomenon?
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Service organisations are more amenable to automation . Thanks to the advances in technology. there is lot of re- engineering effort that has gone into this. Look at the way service portals operate these days. This is true for many service encounters , be in banking, be it insurance etc.
Though the manufacturing organisations have also gone for automation, the scope may be limited based on the typical characteristics of the concerned sector, such as automobile, electronics etc.
Due to automation, the bargaining power of unions get reduced , hence , we may be seeing less of unionization efforts in services as compared to manufacturing. A case in point is Indian banking industry. the unions were very strong in early 80's. However, due to automation (such as ATMs, web based/internet banking ) and due to streamlining of paper transactions, their bargaining power has substantially reduced.
The other reason as the discussion says, may be due to secure positions in service sector , there may not be any motivation for union efforts !
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
3 answers
I have been searching for this and am hitting a brick wall. I am certain this information is easily accessible and I'm simply doing something wrong. So if anyone knows of a report that details the demographic information of that nation and the state, I would really appreciate your direction.
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Have you tried this page:
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
17 answers
Compulsion to wear uniforms is generally not liked by the employees, this is especially true in manufacturing organizations, as it curbs employees' freedom. In your opinion, does it serve any purpose? How in your view will employees see such a compulsion?
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I would prefer uniform for all employees including the management. That kind of uniform dress code helps to keep all the employees feel as if they belong to a family. A discipline is needed to inculcate that kind of feeling of belonging to the organization helps to boost the morale. If necessary you can have free dress day such as all Fridays.
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
3 answers
Actually I want to know the aptitude of male and female employees regarding different knowledge management activities like knowledge sharing, capturing, integration, dissemination, creation and reuse in their respective fields. Which gender like more to execute KM activities during their jobs?
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I believe it does not matter where the knowledge is coming from. What is more important is that it is relevant and contextual.
Just capturing knowledge is not enough, it must be reused to provide the ROIs, the company is expecting.
Here are some techniques of how such knowledge is captured and manged (KM ) and re-used in industries.
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
12 answers
While commitment refers to employee's satisfaction as well as identification with the organization, employee engagement goes a step further, and involves the employee making discretionary efforts towards attainment of organizational goals.
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The commitment vs. engagement debate is for many an issue of semantics. Simply, personnaly, I would say that employee commitment may be the extent to which employees are bound emotionally to their organization, while employee engagement would be the degree to which employees are passionate about what they do, about their work, and committed to their coworkers, and their organization. So I would say that probably, as used nowadays, the concept of engagement would be a wider and better measure that gives the organization a better barometer about the employee work environment. But the truth is that it is not easy to differenciate both concepts.
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
4 answers
It has become very common that papers focused on a great part of Labour Economics issues apply the Heckman filter in order to correct problem of supposed selection bias. However, I think that maybe it is not always necessary. Does anybody know any argument justifying not correcting for Heckman filter? More concretely, I am researching on housing tenure decisions of immigrant population living in host countries. To what extent is it necessary correct by Heckman filter when I run logit models for explain this kind of decisions?
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There might be some reasons for not controlling. For instance, immigrants are not randomly selected, which means that if you want to know about the impact of a characteristic on the decision made by a person from a certain country in a host country, such estimate is likely to be biased. However, this statement refers to the whole population from the country of origin.
If your focus (and surely it is) is on the effect for the immigrant in the host country (irrespective of what people in the country of origin would do in such situation), you do not need to address the selection process, as you are interested in what happens in the selected sample.
Another example: if studying the effect of schooling on education you are interested only on employed population, there is no reason for controlling for selection into employment. If you are interested in what happened with the whole population, you should control for selection into employment (it is possible that unobservable skills of employed individuals are higher than those out of the employed population and such skills are correlated with education).
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
3 answers
I am trying to understand the relationship between trade union effectiveness and membership dynamics.
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Thanks alot Angel Martin Roman, this has been very useful. I have explored the reference suggested and it has provided further leads to other equally pertinent literature on the the economics of trade unions. This has set me on firm ground to model the objective function of trade unions by means of a utility function.
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
2 answers
My research subjects consist of both construction electric linemen and electric utility linemen. We are in the treatment phase and I am beginning to write the literature review. I want to leave no rock unturned; thus, my request for related articles pertaining to attentiveness treatments for construction workers, especially electric line workers.
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Hi Jim,
there are two lines of research on this subject, one that is retrospective and the other that is propective in regard to the focus of empirical data collection. The retrospective research is mainly based on questionnaires that assess attention and memory in the field. Usually, correlative relationships between self-report and laboratory measured attentional functioning are examined, comparing a specific sample of participants (e.g., construction workers) to a matched control sample. One of the best known instruments to conduct these kind of studies is the Cognitive Failures Questionnaire (CFQ), developed by Broadbent et al. (1984). There are some more questionnaires, such the Short Inventory of Mental Lapses (SIML), developed by James Reason, and some more. The prospective studies in that area are more expensive and thus less often found in the literature. But the common practice of researchers using this method of diary recording. Participants were required to give notes about their attention and memory efficiency in an electronic diary (an app), either in an even-frame or in a certain time-frame.
To find good literature, you may go to google-scholar and look for the original Broabent paper, then analyse the citations (about 800) and you will find all the studies that have used this instrument in a field setting. Note that most of the studies do not deal with "construction workers" but with related work place settings. But I hope that the theoretical reasoning of previous studies may help you to achieve your research goals, though.
Some References (that came to my mind)
Broadbent, D. E., Cooper, P. F., FitzGerald, P., & Parkes, K. R. (1982). The Cognitive Failures Questionnaire (CFQ) and its correlates. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 21, 1-16.
Wallace, J. C., & Vodanovich, S. J. (2003). Can accidents and industrial mishaps be predicted? Further investigation into the relationship between cognitive failure and reports of accidents. Journal of Business and Psychology, 17, 503-514.
Day, A. J., Brasher, K., & Bridger, R. S. (2012). Accident proneness revisited: The role of psychological stress and cognitive failure. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 49, 532-535.
Hopefully, I could help you a little bit,
Best regards,
Michael Steinborn, University of Wuerzburg
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
4 answers
There seems to be enough space for both management and workers of today to think of their work in a creative way.
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Both parties should share the same objective which is to produce value for the society the business serves. Value can only be sustained with the constant effort of management to guide the vision in the correct direction and with labor to engage in the process of producing engaged customers by producing valuable goods and services.
When either management or labor pursues a selfish agenda the business will suffer. But this does not seem to keep stupid managers demoralizing their workforce and selfish union bosses from driving the costs of production to un-competitive levels. Reality does not match theory far too often. In great companies it does and management and labor both pull in the same direction.
  • asked a question related to Labor Studies
1 answer
I'm researching frames used by unions/labor organizations which bridge the ideological gap between themselves and environmental groups, with the intention of situating these frames into existing environmental discourses. My problem is choosing which trade unions to look at - basically how to choose a reflective sample. Can anyone offer any ideas? I thought about doing a sectoral analysis, but previous literature has indicated that it is notoriously difficult to generalize within a specific sector. I also considered looking a specific issue, for example fracking, although I fear this could bias my sample. Can anyone offer any thoughts?
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Very interesting topic! I only know the case of Latin America, where La Vía Campesina -an international peasant organization- tries to bridge that gap with its concept of Food Sovereignty. I worked on the concept of Good Life that does the same thing in Ecuador - bridging the gap between the somewhat syndicalist indigenous movement and the environmental movement with great success (I attach a little text of mine on this topic).
As you can see, I would opt for some kind of combination between discourse analysis and content analysis - however, that depends on what exactly you are going to analyze.