Science method
LC-MS - Science method
Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC-MS, or alternatively HPLC-MS) is an analytical chemistry technique that combines the physical separation capabilities of liquid chromatography (or HPLC) with the mass analysis capabilities of mass spectrometry. LC-MS is a powerful technique used for many applications which has very high sensitivity and selectivity.
Questions related to LC-MS
I am working on developing a method for analyzing about 28 PPCPs. Calibration, SPE recovery, and all necessary validations were completed. However, I recently encountered an issue where the peaks for four compounds (eluting between RT 14–19 minutes) just disappeared. I prepared fresh standards and re-ran the analysis, but the peaks remained absent.
To troubleshoot, I switched to an isocratic method using the composition at which these compounds were previously eluting. This resulted in the detection of only 2 out of the 4 compounds, and even those appeared with very low intensity.
Since we have another high-resolution mass spectrometer (QTOF), I screened the standard mixture on it and observed all four compounds with good intensity.
We then performed maintenance on our HPLC-MS (This is the system we are using for quantification) system with the single quadrupole detector, including cleaning the ion guide, replacing the pump oil, and conducting other performance optimizations. After maintenance, we successfully detected peaks for seven new target compounds with good intensity, which were previously undetectable. However, the four problematic compounds still did not appear, even when tested at higher concentrations (up to 400 ppb).
I also tried running the analysis without the diverter valve, but the results were unchanged.
My current gradient is as follows:
0–1.5 minutes: 20% B
1.5–8 minutes: Linear increase to 80% B
8–9 minutes: Increase to 95% B, held until 20 minutes
20–23 minutes: Return to initial conditions (20% B)
23–36 minutes: Re-equilibration
Mobile phases:
A: 0.1% formic acid in water
B: Methanol
Flow rate: 0.3 mL, Injection volume: 10uL
The column in use is a SunFire C18 (4.6 × 250 mm). I am unsure what might have caused this. Please help with this or suggest what I should try now. Thanks so much
Want to know quantity of callus used, and types of solvents for extraction process.
I'm working on the method development for the analysis of various PPCPs and emerging contaminants in aquatic environments, currently focusing on SPE recovery by spiking compounds in Milli-Q water. Using the OASIS HLB cartridge, I’m achieving good recoveries for most compounds, but triclosan remains problematic. My method involves washing with 5% methanol in water and eluting with methanol. I've tested different pH levels (pH 2, 4, 7, 10) and various elution solvents (methanol, acidified methanol, basic methanol, methanol with ethyl acetate, and methanol with DCM), yet I haven't recovered triclosan. I even tried DCM, expecting it would help, but saw no improvement. I am now planning to collect samples at each SPE stage after sample loading to pinpoint where triclosan is being lost. I’m using nylon 0.2 filters with syringes and all glassware throughout the process, but I’m struggling to identify the cause of the issue. Could anyone share their thoughts on this? Thanks
I’m using gradient elution on an LC-MS (Waters 2695) for PPCP separation and analysis. Currently, with my column volume and flow rate, I allow 12-13 minutes for re-equilibration between injections, extending the overall method time to about 36 minutes. Increasing the flow rate slightly to 0.4 or 0.5 mL/min could potentially shorten re-equilibration time and I can adjust that time in between somewhere to allow more effective separation during the gradient steps, or simply decrease the overall method duration. However, I’m considering whether this adjustment could impact column or system performance, such as creating back pressure issues.
My current gradient is set at 20% methanol from 0 to 2 minutes, then linearly increases to 80% at 8 minutes, 95% at 9 minutes (held isocratic until 20 minutes), followed by a return to 20% methanol at 23 minutes, with a 13-minute re-equilibration period.
We are currently working on a school project and came across data on isoquercetin and quercetin.
When analyzing isoquercetin using a collision energy of 40, we observed only a single fragment at 303 m/z. In contrast, applying a lower collision energy to quercetin resulted in a greater variety of fragments.
If anybody interested? His name will be included as co-author. I shall be thankful for your reply.
I have LCMS test data in my hand. I need help how to analysis what compounds/substances are there (The material is crude plant extract). I'm attaching the full chromatogram for reference. It would be very helpful if I could be pointed to some resources for making sense of this result.
How can compounds with minimal or no UV absorption be effectively detected and monitored during liquid chromatography (normal or reversed-phase) purification? I am particularly interested in seeing chromatographic data or any other method that can indicate their separation in real-time without relying on post-purification staining techniques.
I performed the PAP (lipin) enzyme activity and the lipid PA (16:0/16:0) as a substrate to be added to the reaction mixture. After terminating the reaction, we extracted the PA from the mixture and performed the LC-MS analysis. However, we found a very strong carryover in the LC column which heavily affected the PA quantification in different samples. So does anyone encounter a similar problem like this and please advise it acoordingly, thanks a lot.
What will be the criteria for selection of compounds for docking from the LC-MS compound library? Is it abundance or other criteria?
I am extremely new to this and needed to analyze the data for my research work. I have downloaded OpenChrome, but I don't know how to upload the list of unknown items into it. If there is any easy portal to study the analysis of Spectrometric data, please let me know. Thank you.
I do lots of untargeted LC/MS analysis for structural elucidation of plant extracts. In the negative mode, I found uncommon adduct [M-H+114]- for some deprotonated ions [M-H]-. I have no TFA in the mobile phase (water with formic acid and acetonitrile). I noticed two fragments of m/z 113 and 69. Does anyone know or guide what the source of such an adduct (and fragments) comes from?
Thank you
Supposedly the m/z and abundance of a user spectra is being available with us. How to figure out the exact compound by searching in mass bank with the available information ?
I plan to use saliva samples for LC-MS peptide analysis and noticed many papers treat them with 0.2% TFA in a 1:1 ratio. Why is TFA used, and does it solubilize / denature proteins?
I know that TFA used with the mobile phase to enhance the ionization, but what about its role in sample preparation?
Please how can i download the .d format result from Agilent 1260 infinity II LCMS. I was only able to download pdf and csv format. I was able to download the pdf and csv format report but the i need the '.d' format result for MS DIAL analysis. Thanks
I am trying to develop the method for detection of celecoxib impurity through LCMS.
While I am optimising the ms parameters, I am able to see the ms peaks, However, when I inject the standard dilutions there is no impurity peak on chromatogram. Anybody can help what is the issue?
Does anyone know how to analyze LCMS data? I'm looking for guidance on how to identify differentially expressed genes and glycoproteins. How can I determine which glycoproteins are upregulated and downregulated?
What is the most friendly software for the analysis LC/MS on macos (e.g extension; LCD, mzml)...
Please how can i download the '.d' format result from Agilent 1260 infinity II LCMS. I was only able to download pdf and csv format. i need the .d format for MS DIAL analysis. Thanks
I wish to learn LC-MS for my work, and looking out for courses/videos for the same. I wish to learn method development, data analysis and other tips. Any valuable suggestions will be highly appreciated!!
How to calculate Decision limit (CCα) and Detection capability (CCβ) from LOD LOQ data. is there any free software?
In the qualitative compound report obtained from HR-LCMS analysis of crude plant extracts, what is meant by Hits (DB)? Should we consider all the predicted compounds from the list for further studies?
Hello everyone.
During my analyses on LC MSMS, the area ratio (Standard Area/Isotopically labelled Standard Area) increases with time for the quality control point.
I'm having trouble explaining this trend.
Also My blanks before and after the quality control are cleaned.
Do you have any hypotheses?
Thank you very much.
I have tried to optimize the serum free dmem which is the best but i am afraid the secretory profile has too much variations.
Data Acquisition detected more than 65000 metabolites with area maximum, RT-value and peak-rating. What is the significance of Peak Rating?
I would like to do an insilico study in a medicated milk. So planning to do LCMS for identifying the phytoconstituents of the same. But the experts suggested to extract the protein and fat portion and do the LCMS. Is there any other methods to use the medicated milk as a whole for LCMS. Is it possible to use the formulation as a lyophilized powder and reconstitute it with methanol for analysis?
Is there any free software or an open source for data preprocessing and compound identification?
I am doing research that requires using LC/MS to analyse my data. I have very little knowledge of chemistry and LCMS. I have read through many posts and articles, but there is not a single place that explains how much should be made and how to make Mobile phases needed for LCMS.
The mobile phase that I need to use is :
A: water containing ammonium formate [1 mM] and formic acid [0.1%]
B: acetonitrile containing ammonium formate [1 mM] and formic acid [1 mM]
Are there any resources available that I can use to help me or any idea about how I should go on to prepare the solution?
Thank you
My work is based on fungi growth and for bioactive compound identification and structure purpose, i required LC-MS and GC-MS for my study.
I am currently working on a project that requires the isolation of light chain from reduced IgG for bottam up proteomics-Mass spectrometry. Kindly provide insights or recommendations. Thanks!
For my project, I am attempting to purify an intrinsically disordered domain cloned in a pET28b vector. The strain used for overexpression is Rosetta II(DE3).
Firstly, I encountered an unexpected size difference on SDS-Page. The theoretical size is 17606.27 Da, but the observed size was around 28 kDa. I suspect this variance may be attributed to the highly charged sequence.
Secondly, I performed purification using Ni-NTA and SPFF columns. The protein was verified by LC-MS, revealing a mass of 25,662 Da, which is unusual. The DNA sequence is correctly inserted in pET28b, however, the T7 terminator is located relatively close to the stop codon (12 nucleotides away).
Consequently, I am unsure if this proximity could affect the transcription/translation of my protein.
Another possibility is a frameshift problem within the sequence.
What other explanations could account for this phenomenon?
We are an R&D laboratory focused on anionic, cationic, and zwitterionic surfactants and usually tackle surfactant synthesis and analysis of products from customers. In particular, we deal with AOS (alpha-olefin sulfonates), primary alcohol sulfates, betaines, amphoacetates, amine-oxides.. etc. To gear our analytical laboratory up, we identified an HPLC-MS (single quadrupole) instrument as a valuable addition to comply with unmet needs that have risen in the last years, like figuring out the outcome of the new reaction and investigating byproducts and new raw materials. Currently, we are evaluating three choices: Agilent LC/MSD, Waters Acquity Arc System (with Qa Acquity Detector), and Shimadzu LC-MS2050. Could anyone in this field share their experiences with these instruments? and suggest which of them is the most reliable for this application. Thank you so much for your attention and participation.
Please is there anyone who has a tutorial video on metaboanalyst 6.0 or who can assist me to run it on my LCMS/GCMS Data for untargetted metabolomics studies on soil and plants? We can collaborate on publishing together.
Regarding LC/MS metabolites
We run a Sciex X500r qToF and tune it once a week currently. I've been told that negative tune has historically been poor on other systems. The peak intensities and width are fine, however the 520.9 m/z precursor ion dips in and out of the upper 2ppm (-2 to +2pmm) range. I can't pinpoint what in the system is causing this and is this something that I should be concerned about?
How to evaluate the compounds with usage of peaks and their respective values in LCMS - TOF instrumentation? Is there any web portals for the data interpretation? I Have got Both LC (2 Files) MS (10-11 Files) cycles. How can I interpret those all data?
I would like to ask you about the method for sample storage, extraction, sample preparation and analysis of saccharides and sugar alcohols in needles and leaves of forest trees by LC-MS (or GC-MS). I would need to suppress and inactivate the enzymatic reactions in the samples.
In my opinion, needles and leaves should be immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen after tear off. Then remove water from frozen samples by lyophilization, extract non-structural sugars by ethanol, remove chlorophyl from extracts and then analysis.
Thank you for your answers and help.
I am looking suitable standard lipid for quantifying phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) from serum samples. As you may be aware, standard lipids, such as those derived from different sources (Soy, egg, brain etc), can have variations in their double bond positions. Could you please provide insights or recommendations on how to choose the most suitable standard lipid for our specific application?
Is it necessary to quantify each standard with its specific compound, or can I use a single standard to quantify two different compounds with the same chemical structure, for example?
I am working on pesticide (s-traizine herbicides) removal from water by using biopolymer-based metal organic framework. I have performed a solid phase extraction process for pesticides extraction and I have prepared 5 pre-concentration of 10 ppm, 20 ppm,30 ppm,40 ppm,, and 50 ppm by following the literature.After that we have to detect the amount of pesticides before extraction and after extraction by LCMS-MS. But the problem is there is the criteria of pesticides for LCMS is too lowest i.e ppb from 0.1 ppb, 0.001 ppb, and 0.0001 ppb and the requirement of our extraction experiment is 10 to 50 ppm .Could we prepare the LCMS-MS input concentration from obtaining eluent from removal experiment?Except these our UV-visible results shown good removal effeciency.
Hi everyone.
I'm having some trouble with the peak shape on VancoShell column. The mobile phases used are 5,5 mM ammonium acetate (pH 4,7) and methanol, in the ratio 20:80. Column temperature is 10°C, and flow rate is 0,17 mL/min. I'm trying to develop LC-MS method for chiral separation of venlafaxin. The instrument is Agiletn 1290 UHPC coupled to Agilent QTOF 6550. In the beginning, the peak shape was OK, but at some point, the peaks started to have shoulders. I tried washing the column with pure methanol, as well as tried to regenerate the column as per instructions. It helped a little, but the peak shape is still not that great.
I'm not sure what happened with the column, since the only thing injected onto it was a standard solution. Does anyone have any advice on how to improve the peak shape? Also, I'm wondering can I reverse flush the column since there is nothing in the manual about that.
I am planning to synthesize a peptide :YSTCDFIM (MW 978). However, no matter how I did the synthesis, the LCMS result always showed peaks at 529, 644, 791, 1035. It seems like I always missed STDF residues in my sequence. I don't know why it happened.
I am doing LC-MS (LC-QToF) of a phosphonate compound (nitrilotris methylene phosphonic acid), for which I add derivatization agent trimethylsilyl diazomethane to each sample and wait 2hours before running them on the instrument. I do not have any mass label internal standard for the compound, so I am using caffeine as the internal standard. I am using C18 column. In the beginning I was getting disturbed peaks with a tail from the start of the runs, then for two weeks I got clean peaks. However, I started getting the same type of disturbed peaks again. What could cause the disturbed peaks in LCMS? I have attached a screenshot of the disturbed peak I am getting. My internal standard peak also looks like this.
This year we have the opportunity to purchase an HRMSD. We have an Agilent Infinity II 1260 HPLC in our lab and are planning to purchase a Q-TOF. I have experience with Agilent equipment (GC/LC/GC-MS SQ/LC-MS SQ), but not with HRMS.
We are planning to use this instrument for untargeted metabolomics. We are interested in searching for producers of new antimicrobial compounds, performing screening and identification of new antimicrobials of microbiological origin, and studying the biosynthesis of microorganisms.
So far, we have been offered two Agilent detectors:
1. 6546
2. Revident.
As I know HRMS produces huge amounts of data, and performing untargeted metabolomics workflow requires additional software to work with the data in case of untargeted analysis.
Now Agilent offers two sets of software, which is a bit confusing for me.
1. Let's call the first set "classic". It includes:
a. MassHunter Profinder (for Feature finding stage)
b. Mass Profiler Professional (MPP) (for Alignment and statistics)
i. ID Browser (module of MPP for Identification)
ii. PathWay Architect (optional MPP module for metabolite pathways buildings)
c. METLIN PCDL for LC/Q-TOF (database for metabolomics)
2. Let's call the second set "new" It includes:
a. software product - MassHunter Explorer, which, according to the manufacturer, combines all of the above software products into one.
b. ChemVista library manager with METLIN PCDL library
1. Is the MassHunter Profinder standalone SW or is it part of MassHunter Qual or Mass Profiler Professional
2. Which one of the SW sets should be chosen? They do the same. But do they really do the same and have the same capability? Marketing? From my experience the early version of SW is quite restricted. For 6546 and the newest Revident Aglent recommends MassHunter Explorer.
3. To buy or not to buy:
a. I read that untargeted analysis has a huge community and freeware databases and SW for metabolite identification. Is METLIN PCDL library a MUST part of SW from the Vendor? Can I consider it as optional and use freeware DB?
b. The same question about ChemVista library manager?
4. By which SW/Databases do you realize your untargeted metabolomics workflow?
5. Any experience with the Revident model of Q-TOF. How far is it better/worth in metabolomics compared to 6546? Marketing?
a. Intelligent functions
b. Solutions for Tuning
6. Is the APCI source essential for untargeted metabolomics?
Thank you in advance.
I have done the LC-MS result of my complex and its molecular weight is supposed to be 515.5 g/mole. I want someone who is experienced in LC-MS data interpretation. I have attached the picture of the result. Kindly interpret it I will be highly grateful to you.
BSA assay and Fluorometric peptide assay do not work for the quantification of the Pepstatin A (aspartic protease/cathepsin D inhibitor/peptide). Does anybody have an idea to quantify it besides using LC-MS?
Hello! Is it possible to identify pigments using HPLC-MS but without the use of any standards? Despite not having any pigments standards, I have performed the separation of my extracted pigments sample in HPLC-MS. I tried comparing my results with those of other studies who have used standards but I still couldn't identify which pigments I have.
Thank you in advance.
Hello everyone!
I would like to ask you about the reasons for autosampler break.
The previous day, I used the LCMS machine and I did not put a sample in the rack at which the autosampler came and can not take any sample, but at that time, I noticed the needle did not go down, so the break can not happen. When I finished my work, the system was still fine.
Four days later, I came back and turned on the LC system, but not yet activated the LCMS on the software. After 1 minute, the light on the autosampler part turned red and I could see the needle was bending. When the engineer came, he said that both needle and sample transport parts were broken. I checked the history on the software but nobody used the machine except me on that day.
I could not understand the reason why it happened just by turning on the LC system. If you have any experience on this case, could you please help me?
Thank you very much!
Which process or technique will work? Will LC-MS give me a full enzyme profile?
I am looking for the supplementary tables of this letter "Recommendations for Reporting Metabolite Data" . they are no longer aviliable online. Anyone have them could upload them.
Do you have any suggestions, which SPE cartiges to use for markers of oxidation stress? I do a LC-MS analysis of quite various group of analytes, including bases (e.g. hydroxyguanosine), acids (e.g. ascorbic acid), aminoacids and peptides (e.g. tyrosine, glutathion), and also lipophilic substances (isoprostanes etc.). What first came to my mind was the HLB sorbent. But is there any other/better option? Or should I rather make two extraction protocols, for example one for the lipophilics and bases (maybe MCX?) and second for the acids and aminoacids?
I will be extracting those markers from serum or cell/tissue extracts, so I need to get rid of mainly proteins, phospholipides, anorganic ions.
i isolated sterols from plants methanolic extract. when run by TLC , found it is not active under UV and it is sterol by doing acidic methanolic spray with heat treatment 100 c approximately and also chemical test was positive for phytosterol. I would like to know mass of the compound which GC/LC MS Technique is suitable to know mass of the compound. and how should should i know my compound was volatile or nonvolatile.
In untargeted metabolomic (LCMS) my analytical standard is not in the same retention time as my annotation. The annotation was done through isotope-labeling to annotate the elemental formula, followed by MS/MS all-ion fragmentation data analysis. The fragmentation pattern of Phe-Glu was matching my MS/MS data for this peak (except minor alterations of the ratios between fragments). Is there another reason for that to happen, except of course that it is just not the right annotation?
Thank you very much for replying
Is it highly recommended to use northern blot to ensure my RT-PCR results instead of LC-MS for example?
Thank you in advance,
I have to detect & quantify the antibiotic residues from waterbodies but HPLC/LCMS is not available to me right now. Thus I am now thinking about the UV-NIR methods to detect & quantify the antibiotic residues from wastewater as an alternative. Is it enough? What do you think about it?
If you are an expert in this particular field please rise your voice, thanks a lot to all of you in advance.
I have 10-30 micro thickness FFPE slices. I want to extract metabolites for LC-MS analysis.
I have three native plant proteins. After digesting them, their peptides were analyzed through LCMS Agilant MassHunter qualitative analysis. I have no idea how to analyze the chromatogram peaks and spectra peaks through TIC Scan, ESI Scan, and all. Please, someone guide me on how I could interpret it and identify the proteins, as I have raw data.
Please suggest the procedure for LC-MS analysis, and what things are there to keep in mind while performing it?
I recently conducted a liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) analysis of my protein sample, which resulted in the identification of over 300 proteins. I need assistance in identifying any novel proteins within this dataset. Can someone guide me through the necessary steps and offer insights on how to interpret the results?
Dear ResearchGate Community,
I am currently facing a challenge in the LC-MS analysis of a highly hydrophobic peptide (already purified to >98% by a manufacturer) on our 1260 LC-MS System.
The experimental setup involved running a gradient of 5-80% ACN over 30 minutes on an analytical column (C18, 95Å, 4.6 x 50 mm, 5 µm). I injected 1, 2, 5, and 50 µl from a sample with a concentration of approximately 0.5 µg/µl (prepared in either 100% Methanol or 80% ACN+20%H2O+0.1%FA).
However, I observed multiple peaks at retention times between 21-24 minutes with my expected m/z in the Total Ion Current (TIC) MS. Interestingly, there were no UV peaks at either 220 or 280 nm (see pic).
Has anyone else observed such behavior (i.e., broad peaks in MS with no UV signal) with any highly hydrophobic peptide or compound?
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions or tips to resolve this issue and achieve a single peak in both TIC and UV (220nm) for this highly hydrophobic peptide.
P.S.: I can observe a single peak in both MS (TIC) and UV (220nm) with my water-soluble hydrophilic peptide, indicating that the LC-MS System is functioning properly with the chosen mobile phases (A: 0.1% TFA/water, B: 0.1% TFA).
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
I'm trying to develop a LC-ESI-HRMS/MS method for the analysis of triacylglycerols in drying oils and paints, however I struggle with removing TAG contamination in blanks. After trying almost everything, I'm stuck.
I'm working with a Thermo Vanquish UHPLC, Waters 150 x 2.1 x 1.7 BEH C18 column and Thermo Orbitrap Exactive Plus. Mobile phase A: 60:40 H2O:ACN + 0.1%FA + 10 mM NH4Ac mobile phase B: 90:10 IPA:ACN + 0.1% FA + 10 mM NH4Ac
After a few injections of diluted oil samples I started to notice carry over occurring in blank injection. I first thought, this was caused by a weak washing solvent, however when changing to 100% IPA, peaks where still visible.
I have tried the following steps, without success:
- flushed the UPLC with different solvent mixtures according to the Waters LC-MS guide
- flush multiple times with 100% IPA (+ column)
- changing the column multiple times
- bypassing the autosampler/pre-heater/divert-valve to MS
- change the entire HESI-source by another HESI-source
- clean the ion sweep cone, ion capillary with IPA in ultrasonic bath and replace the O-ring
- increase the temperature of the HESI source to 'bake out'
- changing the mobile phase by fresh mobile phase
- changing mobile phase A to 80:20 ACN:H2O
- remove the FA in the mobile phases
- clean needle seat with IPA in ultrasonic bath
However, I still see signal when I run a zero injection while bypassing the autosampler, pre-heater and the divert-valve.
Any suggestions on what could be the cause/solution?
what is the maximum number of serum proteins that can be identified by using ultra-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS) without nano liquid chromatography (nano LC). Please give the reference.
Hi all.
I wish to know what are the effects of 2,4-D treated plants in aspect of its endogenous auxin biosynthesis (IAA- Indole-3-acetic acid)?
does the exogenous artificial auxin mimic in form of 2,4-D cause acceleration in the production of endogenous auxin or rather it cause inhibition in the production?
how long after the treatment can we see the effect of the biosynthesis inside the plants (using LC-MS)?
thanks you all for any help!
I would like to perform an untargeted LC-MS analysis of the cell-free supernatant of bacterial culture to analyse all the possible metabolites present in the cell-free supernatant. Here I am attaching the protocol that I will follow to send the sample. Can I send the sample following this protocol?
I'm working with an integral membrane protein that we want to express and purify for structure/function studies. The full-length gene is cloned into a pET vector with a C-terminal His6 tag. We get fantastic expression in E. coli C43(DE3), but when blotting lysates and crude membrane fractions, there is only weak blotting at the top of the gel/membrane.
When membranes are re-solubilized in detergent and assessed by SDS-PAGE, there is a large and prominent band just smaller than the expected size of the recombinant that does not bind a Ni column. Several prominent, high MW bands are present in crude membranes and to a lesser extent in detergent-reconstituted membranes. Digest and LC/MS of the soluble species confirms that it's the recombinant protein, but C-terminally truncated so lacking the tag. The truncated region contains an important active site motif, so the truncated form is also inactive in assays when purified.
I have a few ideas to obtain the full-length form (cell-free translation, denaturing purification) but was curious if anyone had experienced something similar and had used an approach to prevent truncation in a similar case. We can map the likely site of proteolysis from the LC/MS data, but not sure what to do with that information.
I am using my LC/MS triple quad (ESI positive mode) to analyze a standard phenol solution in MeOH. The LC gradient is MeOH:water (0.1% formic acid), 5% to 95% over 12 min.
I have extracellular as well as intracellular metabolite. I have dried the sample both by lyophilizing and air drying at room temperature. It usually takes one week to get the powdered sample after complete drying. Is there any possibility of degradation of any compound present in the sample with these drying processes? Since I have to identify all the specific components present in the sample through LC-MS analysis.
We are planning to use an q-exactive mass spectrometer for top-down proteomics . There is an HCD collision cell in mass spectrometry. How well does q-exactive's top-down proteomics work?
I'm doing a targeted metabolite analysis using LCMS. I did a LCMS assay once using a set of serum samples processed for LCMS. However I wanted to repeat the LCMS run, using the same set of samples to optimize the protocol used for LCMS. The re-run was done using the initial processed samples which were stored in -80'C for about 2 months. The precision of the data of the repeated analysis was low and I didn't detect peaks for some of the metabolites which were detected in the initial run. Could you please let me know whether processed samples once used for LCMS couldn't be used again and if so, what is the reason for that?
I had to perform an LC-MS to check the post translaltional modifications of my histone isolated samples from mice brain. Can anyone let me know that how to perform desalting of my sample for LC-MS...????
Please mention name of open source software