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Knowledge Transfer - Science topic

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Questions related to Knowledge Transfer
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
3 answers
Dear Researchers,
As part of my PhD research at Université Cadi Ayyad, I am conducting a study on knowledge transfer among Moroccan researchers in the field of science and technology. The goal of this research is to better understand the dynamics of knowledge transfer and its impact on innovation in Morocco.
I would greatly appreciate your participation in this anonymous questionnaire, which will take only a few minutes of your time. Your insights will be invaluable in contributing to a deeper understanding of the role of knowledge transfer in fostering scientific and technological progress in Morocco.
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That fine. Its good to generalise your findings. Surely, I will try to respond by filling in your questionnaire.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
2 answers
Chères/Chers chercheurs
Dans le cadre d'une thèse à l’Université Cadi Ayyad, on mène une enquête sur le transfert de connaissances chez les chercheurs marocains en sciences et technologies. Votre participation à ce questionnaire anonyme (quelques minutes seulement) serait précieuse. Merci pour votre précieux temps et votre collaboration.
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Je ne suis malheureusement pas marocaine mais je vais diffuser dans mon réseau!
Bonne journée
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
6 answers
In a systemic crisis like today, why pay to publish?
Nowadays, knowledge transfer must be a source of survival, not a business model.
How to transfer knowledge with digital tools and media?
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Cecilia Calderon, further my last post, two articles that address the issue of knowledge transfer are:
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
7 answers
Dear All,
I have access to many INGOs working here in Syria, and I plan to research "Knowledge Transferring in INGOs during Crisis".
I am searching for a partner to be part of the project from planning to publishing, I have MSC in business management and prefer to be a partner with a Ph.D. Holder, I am flexible with choosing the research scope too.
please inbox me or send your interest to:
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Hi Nechirvan, I am interested to be a partner in this research and help you to conduct this research. Let me know how I can be of support in this regard. I have published one paper already already, and two others are in process for publication.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
18 answers
I received the following email over my published paper, but I doubt about the legitimate of the sender's organisation : I’m a creative manager for - a new podcast service for the research community that works with researchers, to connect their work to peers and a broad, engaged online audience. ResearchPod improves research impact and AltMetric scores. When it comes to improving impact and dissemination, podcasts released with a new project'spublication or as part of a projects knowledge transfer strategy. I believe our productions could have a real benefit to your work either now, or in the future. ResearchPod's mission is covered in detail on our website:
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  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
15 answers
I am looking for an interesting topic in the field of organizational behavior. I was thinking that the field of knowledge transfer and Succession Management could be a suitable and innovative field. Thanks for sharing your comments.
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Organizational Behavior Research Topics
Counterproductive Work Behavior: CWB-I.
Counterproductive Work Behavior: CWB-O.
Creativity at Work.
Customer Satisfaction.
Cyberloafing at Work.
Employee Theft.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
4 answers
Hi there,
as I am working in applied research, I always come across the problem that knowledge is not applied in practice (theory-practice gap). Is there a particularly good paper / book to recommend about this? :-)
Best thanks and best regards
Alexander Kwiatkowski
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There are two articles that show this gap from different perspectives and that can be complemented. One takes it from education in general and the other from education for health practice. I hope they serve you, best regards.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
14 answers
Dear community of researchers,
I am a French business school student.
For my master dissertation, I'm working on innovation and how could innovation influence multinational's internationalization.
I've already find some interesting articles and topics that could help me to answer my question, but I'm referring to you today to have a new look on this subject.
So, I'm asking you if you have any advice to handle this subject in the best way or you know some articles that could fit my research question ?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
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In recent years, technological innovations, including, for example, innovations in the field of new information technologies, ICT and Industry 4.0, increase the possibilities of international operation of enterprises and corporations. These processes take place in many economic entities operating internationally and thus accelerate the processes of informational, technological and economic globalization.
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
12 answers
This discussion aims to initiate knowledge transfer about collaborative writing tips that could be of benefit to researchers. How do you handle collaborative writing? Some researchers share the subtopics/sections among all contributing authors (particularly for review articles). In other instances, the lead author writes the larger portion of the paper. Against this background, what are the best practices about collaborative writing? What methods work best for you either as the lead author or as a contributing author? What are the differences between the research paper and review papers in this regard?
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In my view, collaboration writing is a good idea, in the general topic, collaborate idea to completed and create good quality articles.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
3 answers
I have been searching to identify and know, how the policy environment facing by HEIs affects their knowledge management. Limited literature covered this aspect. What is policy environment in HEIs and how it is related to affect the knowledge transfer as a process of knowledge management.
Thank you.!
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ادارة المعرفة بحر يعتمد في طبيهته على KNOW HOW
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
4 answers
I want to know the positive outcomes of cross-border tourism development cooperation between countries.
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Mr. Samithamby Senthilnathan, thank you very much!
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
5 answers
Hi healthcare instructors.
we all know that nurse students and medical trainees can not be a part of daily activities in the hospitals while Covid-19 still there, so do you think that Medical Simulation can be the best solution to provide health care practical knowledge transfer.?
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
3 answers
what is knowledge transfer?
what is learning transfer?
what is the difference between these two?
what are the theory/principles to explain the way learning and knowledge transfer?
how this two transfer can be explained in Topic specific PCK
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Knowledge transfer is a new role undertaken by significant universities. The part of universities used to be research and education. Currently, knowledge transfer has been added to these roles. The aim of knowledge transfer is to use new knowledge produced from research to create projects. These projects can help in improving the community, industry, education and health. This can be achieved through collaboration with industry and innovative projects. in the example you mentioned, chemistry, it could be through joint projects with industry- production of new chemicals, or materials from chemicals, or medications etc. it is not about the learning process. It is about the use of knowledge and transfers new knowledge to projects.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
10 answers
Currentelly i am preparing my proposal research in knowledge transfer in family business, as remark, few publications in this topic. Could i find a researcher interessted in this field of research ? Is there any specific aspect that should i developped in my research topic? Do you know the most cited authors that i can refer to ?
i am actually student research master in IAE Nantes (France) and hopping to continue in PHD after but the getting the fund it's not easy anymore, any suggestion ?
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You are welcome!
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
3 answers
I am looking for a validated survey for use in my dissertation research. Thus the problem statement is how do companies create a sustainable workforce in a competitive environment with a declining population that requires an increasing level of sophisticated skills and technical knowledge when the average lifespan of skills is five years and diminishing?
My research questions are:
A. Is there a correlation between the rate of employee retention and the amount of training the employees receive?
B. Do companies that invest in training have employees with longer tenure?
C. Do companies that use professional training (higher education, consultants, etc.) have a better retention rate than those that utilize internal training?
D. Does external training provide better knowledge transfer than training which is provided internally?
Any guidance to a survey instrument that could be utilized would be helpful.
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Employee engagement is the extent to which employees feel valued and involved in their everyday work. ... Running an employee engagement survey doesn't just measure how happy employees are—it measures how dedicated they are to the mission and outcome of your company.
The measuring employee engagement on a regular basis.
  1. Pulse Surveys. Short, frequent surveys are a great way to maintain a consistent pulse on the vibe in your office. ...
  2. One-On-Ones. Another great way to measure engagement is through one-on-one meetings with employees. ...
  3. Stay/Exit Interviews. ...
  4. eNPS.
How to survey your employees – and why it's so important
  1. Design the survey to get the information you want. ...
  2. Make the survey detailed enough to give you information you can use. ...
  3. Tell staff in advance. ...
  4. Do what you can to make sure you get truthful answers. ...
  5. Encourage people to take the survey. ...
  6. Give some thought to those who didn't fill in the survey. ...
  7. Analyze and share the results.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
5 answers
I am planning to train 2500 parents on parenting issues. I want to do pre and post test to determine immediate knowledge and attitude changes
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Since you will be testing two proportions, a Z-test would be applicable and in the case sample sizes larger than thirty would suffice
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
10 answers
Although we are in the huge science and progress in every aspect of technology and artificial intelligence,and robots,but millions are ignorant,no medical hygiene,the problem is education and knowledge if if transfer,if we transfer knowledge,and know how ,we open the world to them,so how we open the darkness to millions , How we ,educate,tranfer technology and explain all mysterious things to huge peoples?
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To reach peoples and direct them,we should:
1-make things simple and easy to understand.
2-use technology to demonstrate.
3-advertise scientifically not propoganda.
4-give bonus and advantages.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
5 answers
Knowledge Management
Knowledge Creation
Knowledge Transfer
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knowledge is the basis of everything! therefore, the study of knowledge management, from whatever point of view you will face, is an issue that will always have an application.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
6 answers
We are trying to support policy-makers in self-evaluating a process of evidence synthesis for policy making. They would like to do 'case studies' or something similar in their own countries to evaluate the experience - what worked, what didn't, lessons learned, etc. but do not have the time/capacity to do in depth qualitative evaluations. Any ideas of validated approaches to something like a case study or process evaluation that can be done by non-researchers would be much appreciated!
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The Overseas Development Institute has conducted much work with researchers, organizations, and governments to improve the integration of knowledge and research-based evidence into policy-making: its publications on research and policy in development are at
ROMA, to name but one, is an approach to improving policy engagement processes and so influence change. It comprises a suite of tools that any organization can use at any stage in their policy engagement process to improve how they diagnose the problem, understand the types of impact their work could have on policy-making, set realistic objectives for policy influence, develop a plan to achieve those objectives, monitor and learn from the progress they are making, and reflect the learning back into their work. Details of ROMA are at
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
6 answers
So there is this 'two communities' theory / metaphor arguing that academics and policy makers are from separate communities, with distinct languages, values, and reward system, and that leads to limited knowledge use (Caplan 1979, Dunn 1980).
Although criticized by many (e.g. Bogenschneider and Corbett 2010, Jacobson 2007) it still in my opinion is a good story / starting point for analyzing determinants / context of knowledge use in public administration.
I wonder if you could point me to some other examples of alternative theories / metaphors that could serve the same purpose. Let me specify that I'm not asking for sources enlisting factors / determinants of knowledge / evaluation use or models consisting - again - of factors, but something more like a story / perspective (sth like two communities:)
Regards, TK
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Good Day, Thomasz. The below paper ' Effectuating Tacit and Explicit Knowledge via Personal Knowledge Management Frameworks and Devices' utilizes and references sources which differentiate (e.g. Wierzbicki A.P. and Nakamori Y. (2007a) Creative environments: Issues of creativity support for the knowledge civilization age, Springer Publishing Company) between the academic and business world but also point to cumulative synthesis as a common ground methodology (e.g. Usher, A.P. (2013) A history of mechanical inventions (Revised ed.), Courier Corporation). see:
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
7 answers
This question comes from my experiences as TTO, MSTPARK. I think all kinds of knowledge is not transferable in a same way. we need to experience different ways, for example formal and informal approaches we should take.
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Here are some suggestions for implementing a system for knowledge management and transfer in your company( Chris Cancialosi):
1. Make it formal. While water-cooler banter is better than nothing, you need consistent, clear processes and tools. As an aviator, I’m partial to lists.
My team creates documents that clearly outline how a process works. We also use checklists and sample templates to ensure that following the process is easy. This increases the confidence of the team members who know that they’re not expected to just “figure it out” when the time comes. Even something as simple as taking notes during meetings and sharing them will keep your employees in the loop.
2. Create duplication. I’m not suggesting that you need two people for every job, but you do need to plan for the worst. Cross-training can mitigate the risk of a key person leaving with a head full of knowledge. Ensure that there are at least two people who can step in during an emergency.
For example, imagine a football team. If the quarterback is injured, another player has to step into that position. But what if no one has practiced that role? Your team probably wouldn’t win the game.
3. Train, train, train. By providing your team members with formal training opportunities, you ensure that you have duplication of skills in the system. However, if you don’t have the resources for formal training, you can try this simulation: Remove a key person from the system temporarily so the team can see what happens. If things fall apart quickly, people will be eager to figure out how to prevent that failure from happening in the future.
For organizations that have effectively transferred knowledge to others, these situations present opportunities for employees to put their knowledge into practice and build their confidence.
4. Use systems. Technology can capture key information for later generations to use. They shouldn’t have to relearn what others discovered. By standing on the shoulders of those who have come before, newcomers can take the ball and run with it rather than spinning their wheels rehashing the same ground that’s already been covered.
5. Create opportunities. Set up informal gatherings where team members can exchange information and develop networks organically. Develop communities of practice so employees can work together to find and share information. This is a great way to capture and share knowledge with a broad audience.
6. Be smart when using consultants. While a consultant can be a valuable asset, keep in mind that they’ll leave after the work is through. Make sure you plan to have their knowledge transferred to internal personnel so you can carry on once they’ve departed.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
19 answers
We mostly transfer our knowledge to students by frontal lecture. We do so over 30 hours a week and know that this very efficient method is less advantageous the more we use it as monodidactic. Therefore many educators the last 500 years postulated to reduce frontal lecture by 50 % and introduce knowledge transfer by other methodologies f.e. problem based learning and handorientated learning and and and. Some of them showed better learning results with reduced quantity of knowledge transfer. We could proof in agreement with results of Carl Wieman, USA and Cnd that the learning efficiency had risen by factor 2. But, and that is my question, we could not proof the storage of knowledge in short or long term memory dependent on learning methodology. Does anybody know published results on that question? Has anybody ideas how to answer this question scientifically? It would be great if you will answer here. Peter
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The optimum blend of lecture and problem based methodology will be more effective as it requires listening and brain stroming.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
11 answers
I am going to do a research on above topic. Dancing is a traditional subject. I want to check the effect o role. Want to design a conceptual frame work. Any ideas welcome
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That's a great project and innovative as such. Please, you can read my article on conceptual framework to help you. Kindly download on my RG profile. All the best.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
3 answers
I wonder if anyone has ever designed a theoretical structure of how knowledge is transferred from a domain to another.
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Not sure if that might be useful for you, it is not a protocol nor a framework, but it might give several insights to you. It is an european project WIRKT (workshop on interdisciplinary research and knowledge transfer)
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
3 answers
Hello people, I am currently writting my dissertation and I want to measure the impact of Strategic Capabilities in Tacit Knowledge Transfer during a Succession Process. At present, I am deciding which strategic capabilities a successor must have, In the incumbent's point of view, that will help the transfer of Tacit knowledge Transfer.
At this stage, I have:
  • Visioning
  • Adaptation Strategy
  • Innovation and Technology
  • International Diversification.
My advisor and I want to add Cost Advantage Strategy and Product Differentiation Strategy as only one Strategic Capability. But we are not quite sure what would be the term associated to the combination of this two strategies.
Is there someone who can give me some advises or ideas that might help me?
I would really appreciate your help!
Have a great day!
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Milan Branko Vemić
I really appreciate your kind help, your proposal is very interesting. Would you say it will be suitable to add "ambidextrous" as one of the strategic capabilities a successor must have, from the incumbents point of view?
Thank you very much.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
7 answers
I'm developing a literature review of papers that document the use of GIS in agroecology (a topic of personal interest).
I'm curious how the technology has been used, and what might be preventing further application. I wonder which aspects of the technology are truly helpful (modeling and visualizing potential outcomes in complex systems? facilitating  knowledge transfer?), and which might be harmful or even antithetical to the principles of agroecology, since issues like cost, who has access to data, hardware requirements, internationalization of user interfaces, and so on must be a factor.
Thanks for any thoughts or pointers!
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Mapping in GIS based softwares can be very useful in determining areas where high quantity of irrigation is required, planning of irrigation and drainage schemes etc. GIS mapping of an area using interpolation techniques etc help to assess the soil composition water demand etc at any location based on observed datas at other locations etc. 
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
3 answers
I am using knowledge transfer – a process model (Liyanage, Elhag, Ballal, & Li, 2009) for knowledge transfer in Chinese context. Could you please guide me, how I can connivance or give arguments that we can use (Liyanage, Elhag, Ballal, & Li, 2009) adopted model in Chinese context.
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Guenter Clar: My question is that I am using (Liyanage et al., 2009) knowledge transfer model (Western KT model) in Chinese context. Please guide me, how I can argue that Liyanage et al., 2009 model (as Western KT model) is valid to use as adopted model in Chinese KT/TT context through literature/reference support. Waiting for your kind reply/feedback, please.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
3 answers
What is the transformation process (data/information into transformed knowledge) and how to transform (knowledge) for association and application into new/existing system of (receiving) organisation. 
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Hi, I recommend to read Gabriel Szulanski's work, for example:
Szulanski, G. (2000). The process of knowledge transfer: A diachronic analysis of stickiness. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 82(1), 9-27. Does this help?
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
4 answers
Continously statistical methods and algorithms useful for researchers in other fields are being developed. It would be interesting to know the speed of knowledge transfer. I am wondering if this issue has been subject to systematical analysis?
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@Steven: I found it, thanks. I have also had a look at Armstrong's website. There is quite a number of publications, did you have some specific paper in mind?
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
11 answers
I have one Independent variable which is Organizational culture and four dependent variables, which are Knowledge Creation, Knowledge storage, knowledge transfer and knowledge usage. Kindly guide me which regression technique i should use?
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What´s the research question? 
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
6 answers
Exam-oriented approach is a major threat to knowledge transfer and critical thinking?  It  stifles  students' imagination, creativity, and sense of self.What do you think?
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nice question!
Today's exams don't measure creativity !! You mug up ( or may be copy-cut-paste) answers to some stereotyped questions and score marks..may be this is the ultimate aim of most of the exams now a days!!!
Who cares for creativity today?? teachers?/ question setters?/ examiners?/   recruiters? ?? If none of these above then how a student can??
A million dollar question to think upon..
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
7 answers
With special reference to KT for organizational performance, mostly the conceptual frameworks / research designs and related independent variables tested with the questionnaire.
Tks for any source to obtain more research information.
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Is there a big difference between Knowledge Management (KM) and Knowledge Transfer (KT) ?
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
8 answers
need of Knowledge Transfer Documents after successful completion of project, even in future the project remain confidential to every individual employee in the company other than only Project-in-charge or very  developer for that particular project only...
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The preparation of a completion report is mandatory in many organizations. Naturally, the amount of detail required is a function of the complexity of the undertaking. Irrespective, the intention is to benefit from the experience gained so the organization might know how to improve the planning, formulation, and implementation of future endeavors.
A technical assistance completion report, for example, would typically (i) examine the rationale for the technical assistance, the adequacy of its formulation (including the level of stakeholder participation and ownership), and the clarity and comprehensiveness of the terms of reference; (ii) evaluate the achievement of the outputs and outcome, the delivery of inputs, and the conduct of activities; (iii) assess the quality of the outputs and outcome including the reports produced, the presentations made, the transfer of technology accomplished (including the number of staff trained and their retention), and the delivery of time-bound targets; (iv) describe the implementation of the technical assistance and any significant changes occurring between its preparation and implementation (including changes in the context in which the technical assistance was carried out); (v) review the performance of consultants; (vi) identify major lessons and provide recommendations on follow-up actions and how to improve future technical assistance; and (vii) rate the performance of the technical assistance.
Conducting After-Action Reviews and Retrospects, available at, describes a simple process that can be used to assess the effectiveness of any type of activity.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
12 answers
I often see publications and articles saying that South-South Cooperation (SSC) is a partnership among equals, or a least that is how it should be.
But I am interested to know if it really is? Does any one have something interesting that questions this or even disproves that SSC is not always a developmental paradigm between equals?
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South–South cooperation is something of an umbrella term that describes the exchange of resources, technology, and knowledge between developing countries. (To my mind, even if cooperative agreements are commonly framed as a means to enhance strategic resources, the more important rationale is always the intent to learn.) This said, asymmetries between parties do (naturally) exist, which of course explains why they partner in the first place. Knowledge-related asymmetries, for example, fall in three categories: (i) information, (ii) knowledge, and (iii) learning. Capabilities in each will have a different effect on the individual performance of partners, the realization of objectives, and the stability of the cooperative agreement. And so, yes, South–South cooperative agreements should not be sold as if they were partnerships of equals. Therefore, the least that partners should do is to be conscious of that so they may, proactively, work together to resolve variegated differences and enhance overall effectiveness.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
5 answers
I am researching on south-south knowledge exchange, and I am evaluating how knowledge is being transferred (exchanged) between global south countries.
My focus being between Brazil and Mozambique exchange in the forest sector.
Does anyone have experience in south-south knowledge exchange or know any piece of literature addressing this topic?
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Dear Lucas,
You should be more explicit about the kind of "exchange" that you are interested about. The answer is different if your concerns are in economics, politics. medicine or other social aspects. If you are interested in scientific exchange, e.g.,  research on medicine, plants and/or  animal biodiversity, conservation, etc,. then you should  contact the Research Councils or Institutions providing funding that should have information on ongoing research or collaborative research programs among Brazil and Mozambique or other countries. 
Best wishes,
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
4 answers
Do any such tests exist?
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Near and far learning depends on one's ability of understanding at a certain stage in life during teaching and learning (T&L). if today you are teaching children with different cognitive ability, some will understand whatever subject you are teaching immediately which is near and within a short term, but others will take a longer time till you get far of what you are teaching before their cognitive gain understanding. and in some instance they have to pass that stage or level before they will get the understanding of what you taught them.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
4 answers
Dear All,
I would like to measure the below Organizational Learning Dimensions in terms of their impact on Corporate Entrepreneurship:
1) Managerial Commitment
2) Systems Perspective
3) Openness and Experimentation
4) Knowledge Transfer
Anyone has a suitable validated questionnaire? If yes, kindly provide me.
Thanks for Kind Cooperation
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Cabrera, A., Collins, W. C., & Salgado, J. F. (2006). Determinants of individual engagement in knowledge sharing. International Journal of Human Resource
Management, 17(2), 245−264.
Knowledge Sharing Behavior
 Sharing one’s ideas and experiences (Cabrera et al. 2006)
1.     Anytime I have valuable information related to my work, I do whatever is in my hand to
make it available to other people who I think could be interested.
2.     When information is requested about some work I have done or in my area of expertise, I
do not hesitate to fully provide the interested person with all the information that I have.
3.     I participate actively in one or several forums or work groups within the virtual cooperation providing my ideas and helping others find solutions to their problems.
4.     I am too busy with my own work to be able to help others find solutions to their problems
(reversed scored)
Requesting or seeking information or insight from others (Cabrera et al. 2006)
5.     I often search through the information tools I have available for information and
experiences which may be valuable for the work I am doing.
6.     I try to stay updated by exploring all the information I can find through the information
systems I have available.
7.     I often publish requests for advice and information that can help me in my work.
8.     I do not have time to search through the sources I have within the virtual cooperation for information or experiences other people may have had (Reversed scored).
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
3 answers
With numerical variables associated with conceptual framework of knowledge transfer :  Multinational Company; knowledge transfer; knowledge integration; distances; technologies; specific knowledge; acquisition performance...
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I suggest the following paper which provides a meta-analysis of numerical measures of knowledge transfer in MNCs, and provides a list of references to the source papers. 
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
10 answers
Known research experts, known relevant and recent investigations. Recommendations on methodological approaches for the study.  
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Judith, excellent question. I suggest reviewing these documents and I Agree con Khandoker;
• Alvesson, M. (2001): Knowledge work: Ambiguity, image and identity. Human Relations, Vol. 54, Nro. 7, p. 863-886.
• Andreu, R. y Sieber, S. (1999). La gestión integral del conocimiento y del aprendizaje. Economía Industrial, Nro. 326, p. 63-72.
• Argote, L., McEvily, B., y Reagans, R. (2003). Introduction to special issue on managing knowledge in organizations: Creating, Retaining, and transfering knowledge. Management Science, Vol. 49 Nro.4, v-viii.
• Argyris, C. (1997). Double-loop learning in organizations. Harvard Business Review, September / October, p. 115-125.
• Argyris, C. y Schon, D. (1978): Organizational learning: A theory of Action Perspective. Addison-Wesley, Mass.
• Arthur, J. B., & Aiman-Smith, L. (2002). Gainsharing and organizational learning: An analysis of employee suggestions over time. Academy of Management Journal, Vol.44.,Iss 4.,p. 737-754.
• Bartol, Kathryn y Srivastava Abhishek. (2002). Encouraging knowledge sharing: The role of organizational reward systems. En: Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, Vol. 9, Nº. 1, p. 64-76.
• Blackler, F. (1995). Knowledge, knowledge work and organizations: An overview and interpretation. En: Organization Studies, Vol. 16, Nº.6; p. 1021-1046.
• Brown, J.S. y Duguid, P. (1998). Organizating knowledge. California Management Review, Vol. 40 Nro. 3, Srping, p. 90-111.
• Brown, J.S., y Duguid, P. (1991). Organizational learning and communities-of- practice: Toward a unified view of working, learning, and innovation. Organization Science, Vol. 2 , Nro. 1 , p. 40-57.
• Brown, R.B, y Woodland, M.J. (1999). Managing knowledge wisely: A case study in organisational behaviour. Journal of Applied Management Studies, Vol. 8, Nro. 2, p. 175-198.
• Chakravarthy, B., Zaheer, A., & Zaheer, S. (1999). Knowledge sharing in organizations: A field study. St. Paul: University of Minnesota, Strategic Management Resource Center. cognitive theories of development. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, Vol. 23, p. 79-103.
• Davenport, T.H. y Prusak, L. (1998): Working knowledge: How organizations manage what they know. Harvard Business School Press, Boston, Massachusetts.
• Hansen, Morten T., Nitin Nohria, y Thomas Tierney. (1999) What’s your strategy for managing knowledge? En: Harvard Business Review, Vol. 77 Nº.2, p. 106–116.
• Hargadon, Andrew y Fanelli, Angelo. (2002).Action and possibility: reconciling dual perspectives of knowledge in organizations. En: Organization Science, Vol. 13, Nº. 3; p. 290–302.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
5 answers
I have read many studies on practicing interfering skills simultaneously, and as far as I can tell, they mostly claim that interfering skills make performance and retention of those skills worse, but what are the deeper/longer-term effects of practicing in this way?
Does practicing interfering skills at the same time affect some higher level mechanisms of attention control or information resolution? It seems like this must be the case, but I haven't read anything where the researchers ask or test this question. Any resources to read or answers from interested researchers would be appreciated.
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Dr. Misra, that's very interesting. Please explain more if you get a chance.
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4 answers
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Hello Sarunya, ,
In response to your question, you may like to peruse my paper about tacit knowledge transfer by academic staff where I have used narrative analysis.
Good luck.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
15 answers
I am designing a qualitative research (observation and semi-structured interviews) about the content and processes of knowledge sharing between young (receiver) and tenured members (transmitters) of an organization. The guidelines/questions are already prepared. However, I am missing a last and delicate element: how can I assess the actual giving and receiving of knowledge of the interviewees? By asking directly to managers and peers to evaluate them? How? What kind of questions? Concerning self-evaluation (declared willingness to give/receive knowledge), what would be a fit way to ask? With a scale?
Any ideas, warnings, phrasing of questions, references of previous work may help very much in my reflection and design. Thank you.
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Hi Sébastien,
·         Consider semi-structured one on one interviews. Time consuming but will produce rich data.
·         People tend to change behaviour/productivity under observation so I tend to stay clear (Hawthorne effect).
·         The same Likert scale questionnaire could be given to both the receiver and transmitter and the responses could be compared to detect variances.
You may like to peruse/cite my papers about tacit knowledge transfer.
Good luck for your study.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
10 answers
I am having a difficult time finding the appropriate method to measure learning via metaphor. i.e. a person learns a new topic/subject/concept, and then they create a metaphor regarding what they have just learned. The theory is that the cognitive action of constructing a metaphor creates a stronger learning experience, than say just reading about the topic.
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I do most of my research in metaphor use in folklore. You might be looking for something more psychological. I would recommend publications by Sam Glucksberg and his associates. Here is an article by his group from a while back:
Glucksberg, Sam, Matthew S. McGlone and Boaz Kayser. 1992a. “Metaphor Understanding and Conceptual Schema.” Psychological Review no. 99 (3):578-581.
If you are interested in metaphor research more generally, I can post a bibliography.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
19 answers
Knowledge tradition is, by tradition, evaluated at the end of a period, by an examination process or, in the case of continuous evaluation, by a series of tests or other exercises. That should cover most of the cases. However, if a teacher could evaluate in real-time how successful he is being and how students are following his exposition most probably he would adapt contents to the success/failure of the class in real-time. Teachers have a notion of how attentive students are but if you have a big room, like an auditorium, that would not be so easy to assess. So what do you think about how to perform that real-time evaluation?
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The real-time feedback of wearable sensors for research is profound.
I think students would be willing to wear classroom sensors if they knew their learning experience was going to improve. Would need to convince them the device was not reading their actual thoughts :)
The ethics requirements would be significant but doable. It would not suprise me if the ethics process took a year or two to satisfy all the requirements. This often discourages important research but it also reduces competition.
Instead of trying to define and measure 'knowledge' transfer, could keep it relatively simple and measure 'concentration'. Its a good problem to have but maybe such an enquiry has the potential to answer too many questions.
The Muse headset software would need to be modified to collect and collate data from multiple input devices. The company provides the software development kit:
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
6 answers
Can anyone help with putting me in touch with private / public sector organizations whom I might approach to take part in my PhD field research. The research is non-intrusive, and all protocols on ethics and confidentiality are ensured. The research is focusing on organizational conversations (everyday meeting) with the objective of analysing these for knowledge work (sharing, creating, etc).
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Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding. I have actually now completed my PhD thesis but am now working on book and would be really interested in any opportunities to get audio recordings (anonymous of course) or organizational meetings to use as data for this, The book will be published next year.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
2 answers
In recent years there has been a lot of talk of 'organizational learning' or 'continuous learning environment'. A learning organization actively creates, captures, transfers, and mobilizes knowledge to enable it to adapt to a changing environment. How to promote these environments in a continuous manner?
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Product design and manufacturing organizations are no different than other organizations as far as the continuous learning environment is concerned. Any organization can become a learning organization through continuity of purpose, commitment and empowerment of employees. This requires a conducive organization culture, where human resources are valued, developed, motivated to direct their creative potential towards continuous improvement and innovation in product, process and technology. Strategic management and application of human resources are essential factors for adaptability in a changing environment.
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3 answers
To see trends in world and EU countries in last 40-50 years, money amounts in R&D and knowlegde transfer according agriculture (crop and cereals particularly) and where can be proven positive impact on productivity growth rate. 
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You can look the world development report. It has information about the trends in R and D in agriculture
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
10 answers
From the perspective of systems thinking, we can view a classroom as a system: composed of dynamic units or actors, autonomous, and part of a larger system. A system also gets inputs. For an actively engaged and knowledge building classroom, what initial inputs or preparation is necessary? In addition to a certain level of maturity and prior knowledge, does this system require some initial "knowledge transfer" from a teacher, mentor, or supervisor? What form does this come in (e.g. establishing rules, providing effective reading or learning tips, teaching a certain amount of background theory, and so on)?  What do you think? Any concrete examples of initial preparation, inputs, or direct transfers in your face-to-face or online classes, or at the institutions you have studied or worked in, that helped achieve heutagogy and knowledge building? 
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I think there are two seminal works in this area.  The first is Situated Learning by Lave and Wenger.  Essentially it posits that to be, for example,  a mathematician you need to become a member of the mathematical community.  That is a whole lot more than knowing how to add up.  It is about thinking like a mathematician.  Mathematicians, scientists and engineers have many things in common, but there are also subtle differences which distinguish one community from the other at the cognitive and problem solving levels..  Lave and Wenger show that to become a member of a community is an apprenticeship process where the student starts at the periphery of the group, but through participation in community activities they gradually move to becoming a fully paid up member. 
A very important thing about this, is the community changes as a result of "new blood".  The process of change is not one way.
The history of mathematics illustrates how each generation embraces the past, but moves the community to a different cognitive spaces.  Cantor's work on set theory was considered by many of his predecessors to be heresy.  But his work is now recognised as foundational,
The other work that is critical is the of Professor Stuart Hall from the Open University in the UK.  He shows that the Circuit of Culture has 5 interacting elements: representation (e.g. a book),  consumption (reading), regulation (don't plagiarise), identity (I am a writer) and production (writing).   To become a member of a community requires involvement in the circle.
When I first read Ed Hirsch I threw the book across the room.  It was very bad.  Years later I read it,  And I realised that what Hirsch was saying was to become a participant in aspects of society like government, executive management, etc. required person to be a member of that community, whose cultural characteristics he "defined". It showed that people from minority cultures had immense barriers to overcome if they wanted to join this "elite"   Simply put, the culture of minorities is in general not the culture of power.  Ergo minorities have more work to do if they want to make that transformation. 
As a 1950s West Indian immigrant into the UK, Stuart Hall was the embodiment of someone whose starting point was a long way from academia in the white universities of Britain.  Nevertheless he succeeded.  He certainly became every inch an academic.  But he also transformed academia, pioneering the way for black participation.
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1 answer
see above
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The development of collaborative networks is a good example of the scope of work for synergy. In Central America have been consolidating processes working together through centers of excellence, such as CIRAD of France and Bioversity International articulated with IICA, CATIE and other local partners (research institutes, universities) develop joint work processes for research in rust coffee agroforestry systems, cocoa, Musa and climate change. This networking that combines mutually reinforcing. Simultaneously, efforts to capture resources to fund research processes, innovation and transfer are also catalyze. Another good example is the promotion of graduate fellowships for researchers from Latin America and the Caribbean in academic centers of excellence.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
10 answers
What is the best way to communicate the principles and current research in cartilage repair and transfer knowledge to improve practice in rehabilitation after cartilage repair? Traditionally the attendees at specialist cartilage repair congresses are orthopaedic surgeons and physiotherapists who are currently working within or collaborating with specialist cartilage repair centres. At these congresses the latest research findings are presented but the transfer of this knowledge to the general population of non-specialist orthopaedic surgeons and physiotherapists is not addressed. Conversely, general physiotherapy conferences see cartilage repair as being too specialist an area to have dedicated sessions. There seems to be a breakdown in the knowledge transfer pathway that, based on discussions with clinicians, is having a potentially negative impact on patients who have undergone cartilage repair procedures. All ideas, thoughts, comments and suggestions welcome!
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As we know knowledge can be improve by sharing it. The sharing of the specialists knowledge may archive in different ways. Here in India, we conduct weekly intra disciplinary case discussion and journal presentation. Monthly inter disciplinary discussions, every quarterly workshops and seminars, and yearly conference. I feel this may be one of the effective method of transferring knowledge to one another. The specialist may also share their works by publishing it and allow free access of new informations.
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7 answers
Should it be direct intervention or other mechanisms?
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The government could be the mediator between universities and industri. In presumption the collaborations between industry and academia is mutually beneficial. Government could start not only collaborations but also legislative initiatives for facilitating industry if they are involved. There are very interesting practices for student training supported not only from companies but from Ministry of Sciences and Education as well.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
3 answers
There seems to be a lack of data in assessing how the cognitive load of using ever more complex passwords can be reduced by employing an interactive human-machine exchange for the development of more "natural" passwords and access codes.
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The CUPS lab at Carnegie Mellon University has been looking at the effects of memory and passwords. Serge Engelman at Berkley has also been looking at passwords and challenge questions. (Disclaimer I used to work with Serge in the CUPS lab.)
There was some work done quite a while ago looking at having humans and computers complete an exchange via a mathematical formula. Unsurprisingly humans aren't very good at math so this didn't go far.
You might actually want to look into research on out of band two factor authentication. There have been several papers, including some at CHI and SOUPS this year, which looked at ways that a user could verify themselves in a non-obvious way. One example being having a unique code sent to their cell phone. Or having tactile feedback given to the user which they then use to construct a unique password each time (CHI 2010?).
Alternatively there has been work by Roy Maxion at Carnegie Mellon on the use to biometrics for continuous authentication. In particular he has been looking at the ways people type on keyboards which can continuously be used to authenticate them and is harder to replicate than a fingerprint.
There has been piles of research into graphical type passwords. Mike Reiter did research on having users construct stories and then select the person, place, and thing associated with their story as their password. This did not work well. SOUPS has had several papers on how people select graphical passwords and the general conclusion is that, depending on the image, most people select the same points on the image. There was also some research out of the CUPS lab (SOUPS 2013?) looking at using easier to remember passwords that used full words instead of letters so you just had to remember a set of words.
I haven't seen any research specifically examining cognitive load in conjunction with passwords, though I would not be surprised if it exists.
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18 answers
I have a preference for scales, but since nothing seems to be out there, I'll do with anything.
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Hi Susanne, I think Professor Constantin Bratianu is true.  It is very difficult to find instruments to measuring transfer of tacit knowledge.  I think you will be find the indicators through observation.  Some of these indicators is the intensity of the discussions held, the contents of the discussion, and the process of learning through apprenticeship.  Most of these transfers occur through an informal process.  Nur Effendi, lecturer of business administration at the university of Lampung-Indonesia
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
5 answers
In many countries university and society (or companies) are very distant. Companies do not know what a university does, or what kind of things they can do for them. University does not understand how to work for companies. This is a basic question for knowledge transfer. In my opinion, an issue of knowledge culture is behind the problem. Let's begin a discussion forum.
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Here is a link to the best guide I have seen that explains the academic (institutional) vs industry perspective to achieve better partnerships for knowledge and technology transfer (just reading the prelude will be worth your time):
  • asked a question related to Knowledge Transfer
7 answers
I am interested to study how appreciative inquiry approach is applied to improve the effectiveness of knowledge transfer. Or appreciative inquiry can be used in Knowledge sharing? Any suggestion or reference?
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The beauty of AI, is that it allows you to find the strengths of the individual leaders. The lit review of my paper might guide you. Good luck! It sounds exciting