Science topic

Knowledge - Science topic

Knowledge is the body of truths or facts accumulated in the course of time, the cumulated sum of information, its volume and nature, in any civilization, period, or country.
Questions related to Knowledge
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
2 answers
Differentiating and integrating
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Just integrate f(x) up to an X.
Then take a d/dX
You should get f(X)
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
1 answer
Clinical > book. Therefore, if a barber was trained and had a track record of successfully giving a very specific surgery then, is more likely to succeed than an MD who only has read books without clinical experience.
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Neat idea, how about letting or certifying someone just in simple antibiotics and Corticosteroid pills (usually prednisone)? For example, for severe rashes like poison ivy are always of prednisone and go home. You could easily make a list of 20 common ailments and their protocols that are almost knee-jerk reactions.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
1 answer
Another try to make progress in eliminating ignorance/delusion and arrogance and conceit in behavioral SCIENCE.
For science , for empiricism (and for AI (<-- to enlist, YET eventually dispel, the greed motivator)) : the truly empirical behavioral scientists, those who ARE empirical in studying behavior PATTERNS (SO: just and only all the involved overt behavioral PATTERNS will do, when looked at developmentally, for ALL explanation), must work in a way to come to see that THE MAJOR TYPES OF LEARNING (and these occur during ontogeny) ___ ARE ___ found (discovered, like the naturalist) to BE major kinds/types of INDUCTION (as is true of all other developed organisms). We cannot be that different for it to be otherwise.
As true factual and empirical as classical and operant conditioning (and habituation, etc.) ARE, THESE ARE the extreme trivial details. [ AND, one must realize : "Social leaning" is a farce, for such a vague concept looses the individual organism as the ONLY true empirical unit-of-analysis -- which it IS (MUST be, that's biology, friends). ] MY system of understanding, in my two major papers, OUTLINES what one should find concretely IN OVERT BEHAVIOR PATTERNS (and never leave the word "patterns" out ) -- reflecting the major types/kinds of induction.
[ And, though big on induction, the proximate causes are [ attentional / ] perceptual shifts . (I hate to say it, but one can reason-out the necessity of this being the case.) ]
Starting with this attitude and outlook, only then can we find (AS IS NECESSARY for ALL good reasons and science) the was-ness in the is-ness ( i.e.; previous grand well-developed units as THE units, or portions as part-units, USED IN more advanced inductive reasonings). This all (all the above) is absolutely the shortest way of saying what we MUST realize (<-- not "just subjectively" at all) ). AND: one cannot argue an excuse, or THAT ITSELF is THE VERY damning premature hypothetico-deductive "reasoning" , the very essence of arrogance and conceit AND that which necessarily derails science -- that being the necessary consequence of "jumping the gun" on prediction .
Any questions? I am 70 years old, so one will find further true leads / clues (or that which will result in true leads IN my WORK (science essays and the theory outlines)) , I have introduced before in my writings, beginning 40 years ++ ago.
[ FOOTNOTE : the descriptors provided by researchgate ARE GROSSLY INCOMPLETE and INADEQUATE. Just one example : NO "inductive reasoning" ! : this is the premature know-it-all stance that has been, and is, destroying science (AND us). ALSO : no "innate action pattern" !! No : "hypotheses" -- enabling THAT to be a SUBJECT itself ! Come on ! It's sickening -- and NOT the way to make progress, but the way to fail. (One used to be able to add non-existing descriptors, but THAT is gone, obviously WAY TOO SOON.) ]
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Wisdom can emerge at any time rather than regurgitation of past knowledge and its deductions. This being said, our limited knowledge of cognitive development has to be based on observations of diverse reality, as per Copernicus. The observer does have an intricate effect upon the observation, so deductive reasoning alone limits and induction takes us beyond the assumptions of neatly packaged compartmentalized thinking, antithetical to the pioneers in thought and cognition. Margaret Mead tried to break through this by her investigations into other diverse culture/paradigmatic views. She said: "Children need to be taught how to think, not what to think." Albert Einstein in Relativity recognized that everything is relative, everything is in relationship with everything else from the microcosmic to the macrocosmic. The analogs in nature he observed led to his own theory inductions, never fully proven by science until years after his death. He stated: "I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music." Art met Science in his thinking. We need merger of the arts to express cognitions that go beyond our current cognitions/assumptions/compartmentalized thought and observe All inducing in us that which we participate in throughout the cosmos. Then science can deduce new ideas from that inspirational origin with first humility and then heuristic quality. Psychology is still a new science still defending itself by certitude of what cognition is, which limits our understanding. William James, the Father of American Psychology investigated the "Stuff of Consciousness" grounding in the observable, pragmatics of the stuff of the Cosmos.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
56 answers
If man succeeds in building a general artificial intelligence, will this mean that man has become better acquainted with the essence of his own intelligence and consciousness?
If man succeeds in building a general artificial intelligence, i.e., AI technology capable of self-improvement, independent development and perhaps also achieving a state of artificial consciousness, will this mean that man has fully learned the essence of his own intelligence and consciousness?
Assuming that if man succeeds in building a general, general artificial intelligence, i.e. AI technology capable of self-improvement, independent development and perhaps also obtaining a state of artificial consciousness then perhaps this will mean that man has fully learned the essence of his own intelligence and consciousness. If this happens, what will be the result? Will man first learn the essence of his own intelligence and consciousness and then build a general, general artificial intelligence, i.e. AI technology capable of self-improvement, independent development and perhaps also obtaining a state of artificial consciousness, or vice versa, i.e. first a general artificial intelligence and artificial consciousness capable of self-improvement and development will be created and then thanks to the aforementioned technological progress made from the field of artificial intelligence, man will fully learn the essence of his own intelligence and consciousness. In my opinion, it is most likely that both processes will develop and implement simultaneously on a reciprocal feedback basis.
I have described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
If man succeeds in building a general artificial intelligence, i.e., AI technology capable of self-improvement, independent development and perhaps also achieving a state of artificial consciousness, will this mean that man has fully learned the essence of his own intelligence and consciousness?
If man succeeds in building a general artificial intelligence, will this mean that man has better learned the essence of his own consciousness?
And what is your opinion about it?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
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It will be very difficult to create an AGI... and it will be a different type of intelligence...
The cognitive system will have to go through "crime and punishment"... The genie will need to be let out of the bottle... Only intense mental suffering shapes humanity and spirituality... You have to love and hate at the same time... Mental struggle necessarily leads to a violation of ethics, morality...
Governments are trying to ban this path of AI development... But without this, AGI cannot be created...
Without a Soul there is no AGI! ... there is no consciousness and human intelligence...
AGI will appear like Covid-19... from secret laboratories... after many, many decades...
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
6 answers
I kindly request your esteemed response to the question, based on your unique perspective. Your valuable insights are greatly appreciated and will be of immense value.
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At first knowledge is a power or a pillar what's boost a successful future or a strong personality individual stand on. And it's not only from Higher Education also through other educational institutions can start built upon and refined over time in a slow processes that can improve their capacity ,skills and knowledge and developed new ideas what's make them capable to identify problems and take challenge to discoveries the solutions to those problems leading the generation to a better future.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
18 answers
In my opinion, scientific research is the most important source of emerging innovations, new technological solutions and improvements in production processes that contribute to civilization development and technological progress, and also constitute an important source of added value of production processes in the economies of developed countries in knowledge-based economies. In the future, research should play a particularly important role in knowledge-based economies. For example, research should generate innovative ecological and new renewable energy solutions in the future to reduce adverse climate change resulting from a progressive global warming process.
In view of the above, I would like to ask you: Can research be considered as the most important factor generating technological value added in knowledge-based economies?
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.
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Can research be considered as the most important factor generating technological value added in knowledge-based economies? Yes, I think so.
Kind regards and Happy New Year.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
39 answers
In your opinion, does it make sense to create a new generation of something similar to ChatGPT, which will use databases built solely on the basis of continuously updated data, information, objectively verified knowledge resources taken from online scientific knowledge bases, online scientific portals and online indexing databases of scientific publications?
I'm curious to know what you think about this? This kind of solution based on an intelligent publication search system and an intelligent content analysis system of retrieved publications on an online scientific portal could be of great help to researchers and scientists. In my opinion, the creation of a new generation of something similar to ChatGPT, which will use databases built solely on the basis of online scientific knowledge bases, online scientific portals and online scientific publication indexing databases makes sense if basic issues of copyright respect are met and such tools use continuously updated and objectively and scientifically verified knowledge, data and information resources. With such a solution, researchers and scientists conducting research on a specific topic would have the opportunity to review the literature within the millions of scientific publications collected on specific online scientific portals and scientific publication indexing databases. Besides, what is particularly important, the mentioned partially automated literature review would probably be realized in a relatively short time. Thus, an intelligent system for searching and analyzing the content of scientific publications would, in a short period of time, from among the millions of texts archived in specific scientific publication indexing databases, select those publications in which other researchers and scientists have described analogous, similar, related, correlated, related, etc. issues, results of scientific research conducted, selected publications within the same scientific discipline, the same topic or in the interdisciplinary field. Besides, an intelligent system for searching and analyzing the content of scientific publications could also categorize the retrieved publications into those in which other researchers and scientists confirmed analogous conclusions of conducted similar research, polemicized with the results of other researchers' research on a specific topic, obtained other results from conducted research, suggested other practical applications of obtained research results realized on the same or similar topic, etc. However, for ethical reasons and properly conducted research, i.e., respecting the research results of other researchers and scientists, it would be unacceptable for this kind of intelligent system for searching and analyzing the content of many publications available on specific databases for indexing scientific publications to enable plagiarism, i.e., to provide research results, provide retrieved content on specific issues and topics, etc., without accurately providing the source of the data, description of the source data, names of the authors of the publications, etc., and some unreliable researchers would take advantage of this opportunity. This kind of intelligent system for searching and analyzing the content of scientific publications should give for all searched publications full bibliographic descriptions, source descriptions, footnotes containing all the data that are necessary to develop full source footnotes for possible citation of specific studies, research results, theses, data, etc. contained in other publications written by other researchers and scientists. So, building this kind of intelligent tool would make sense if ChatGPT-type tools were properly improved and the system of laws for their use appropriately supplemented so that the use of ChatGPT-type tools does not violate copyrights and that these tools are used in accordance with ethics and do not generate misinformation. Improving these tools so that they do not generate disinformation, do not create "fictitious facts" in the form of descriptions, essays, photos, videos, etc. containing nicely described, presented never and nowhere seemingly facts is to keep Big Data systems updated, update data sets and information, based on which they create answers to questions, create descriptions, photos, companies and so on. This is important because current online tools like ChatGPT often create "nicely described fictitious facts," which is used to generate fake news and misinformation in online social media. When all that I have written above would be corrected and the use completed, and not only in some parts of the world but on a global scale, then the creation of a new generation of something similar to ChatGPT, which will use databases built solely on the basis of online scientific knowledge bases, online scientific portals and online indexing databases of scientific publications would make sense and could prove helpful to people, including researchers and scientists. Besides, the current online ChatGPT-type tools are not perfect, as they draw data not directly in real-time online from specific databases and knowledge contained in selected websites and portals, but draw information, knowledge, data from an offline database created some time ago. For example, currently the most popular ChatGPT still relies on a database of data, information, etc. contained in many publication texts downloaded from selected websites and web portals but not today or yesterday downloaded only in 2021! So these are data and information already outdated on many issues. Hence the absurdities, inconsistencies with the facts, creation of "fictitious facts" by ChatGPT in a significant part of the answers generated by this system to questions asked by Internet users. In view of the above, in a number of issues, both technological, organizational, formal, normative, etc., such intelligent systems should be improved so that they can be used in open access in the applications I wrote about above.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
In your opinion, does it make sense to create a new generation of something similar to ChatGPT, which will use databases built solely on the basis of continuously updated data, information, objectively verified knowledge resources taken from online scientific knowledge bases, online scientific portals and online indexing databases of scientific publications?
What do you think about creating a new generation of something similar to ChatGPT, which will use exclusively online scientific knowledge resources?
And what is your opinion about it?
What is your opinion on this topic?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
The key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technologies are described in my article below:
Please write what you think in this issue? Do you see rather threats or opportunities associated with the development of artificial intelligence technology?
What is your opinion on this issue?
I invite you to familiarize yourself with the problems described in the article given above and to scientific cooperation on this issue.
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Counting on your opinions, on getting to know your personal opinion, on a fair approach to the discussion of scientific issues, I deliberately used the phrase "in your opinion" in the question.
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Our team has been working on retraining the ChatGPT 4.0 API and to develop an academic research assistant tool to boost productivity in exactly the areas you discuss. There are two aspects of the process: a) customize or fine-tine the generic bot to remove its tendency to confabulate and to assume a scientific mindset (critical thinking, objectivity, ethics etc.), and b) train the model on your specific academic literature to become an SME in your domain. Re-training the bot is a rather arduous process as you have to provide at least 50-100 examples of the desired behavior in each specific area, and it also comes with considerable cost. However, we believe that it will pay off thanks to the productivity gains after the bot is deployed. We hope to have a working prototype soon and will share with a group of researchers interested in beta-testing. We will share updates on the project here:
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
728 answers
The 45,000-Year-Old Pig Painting in Indonesia may be the oldest known "Art" representation [1]. “Art” embodies the idea of imagination and creativity, “Science” refers to innovation and progress. This gives intuition that "Science" is bounded, unlike "Art" which is limitless. The same goes for philosophy, except this one integrates a desire to ask questions, understand, argue, and respond to material and immaterial issues that concern humans, their lives, and their environment. All contributions on the topic are welcome!
Illustration: Scientists estimate this pig painting was drawn 45,500 years ago. Source [1]
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@Stephen I. Ternyik Purely my opinion! I think to say that, science is hierarchically above art is to certain degree debatable. Facts can be dependent or independent entities and are malleable with time. Science must apply before it can lead (anonymous) for even scientific investigations to prosper, there must employment of some artistic functions that have to do with observations (even though called scientific methods). To say that, science is hierarchical over art implies that, there is no equality among disciplines, which can disturb scholarly community. And this can raise some questions whether there is absolute interdisciplinarity or multidisciplinarity in the academia. I think art is given least treatment in terms of the function it performs right from the middle ages to the present such as in trivium and quadrivium.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
2 answers
I am curious to know factors that crafted the best minds of 1890 to 1940. Is it possible to go back to the same level of learning process again?
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Hello Sir!
Human potential for intellectual achievement is not limited to a specific time period. Throughout history, there have been exceptional individuals who have emerged and made profound impacts on society. The advancement of technology, access to education, and the interconnectedness of the modern world provide a fertile ground for the development of brilliant minds.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
7 answers
What, in your opinion, are the negative effects of the low level of economic knowledge of society and what can the low level of economic knowledge of a significant part of citizens in society lead to?
A recent survey shows that only 60 per cent of the public in Poland knows what inflation is, including the awareness that a drop in inflation from a high level means that prices are still rising but more slowly. In Poland, in February 2023, the government-controlled Central Statistical Office showed consumer inflation at 18.4 per cent. Since March, disinflation has been realised. In April 2023, shown by the Central Statistical Office, consumer inflation stood at 14.7 per cent. the most optimistic forecasts of the central bank cooperating informally with the government, i.e. the National Bank of Poland, suggest that Poland's falling inflation may only fall to single-digit levels in December. After deducting international factors, i.e. the prices of energy raw materials, energy and foodstuffs, core inflation, i.e. that determined by internal factors in Poland, still stands at around 12 per cent. The drop in inflation since March has been largely determined by a reduction in the high, until recently excessively high margins and prices of motor fuels by the government-controlled, monopolistically operating, state-owned gas and fuel concern, which holds over 90 per cent of domestic production and sales of motor fuels. These reductions are the result of criticism in the independent media that this government-controlled concern is acting anti-socially, making excessive profits by maintaining increased margins and not reducing the price of motor fuels until early 2023, despite the fact that the prices of energy raw materials, including oil and natural gas, have already fallen to pre-war levels in Ukraine. Citizens can only find out from the government-independent media what is really happening in the economy. Consequently, in the government-controlled meanstream media, including, among others, the government-controlled so-called public television, other media, including independent media, are constantly criticised and informationally harassed. But back to the issue of economic knowledge of the public. Taking into account the media in Poland, it is the media independent from the PIS government that play an important role in increasing economic awareness and knowledge, including objective presentation of events in the economy, objective and consistent with the fundamentals of economics explanation of how economic processes work. The aforementioned research shows that as many as 40 per cent of citizens in Poland still do not know what inflation is, do not fully understand what the successive decrease in inflation consists in. Some of these 40 per cent of the public assume that a fall in inflation, even from a high level, i.e. the disinflation currently taking place, means that the prices of purchased products and services are supposedly falling. The level of economic knowledge is therefore still low and various dishonest economic actors and institutions take advantage of this. The low level of economic knowledge among the public has often been exploited by para-financial companies, which, in their advertising campaigns and in the presentation of their image as banks, have created financial pyramids that have taken money from the public for unreliable deposits. Many citizens lost their life savings in this way. In Poland, this was the case when the authorities overseeing the financial system inadequately informed citizens about the high risk of losing the money they deposited with such para-banking companies and pseudo-investment companies as Kasa Grobelnego and AmberGold. In addition, the low level of economic knowledge in society also makes it easier for unreliable political options to find support among a significant proportion of citizens in society for populist pseudo-economic policy programmes and, on that basis, also to win parliamentary elections, and to conduct economic policy in a way that leads to financial or economic crises after a few years. It is therefore necessary to develop a system of economic education from primary school onwards, but also in the so-called Universities of the Third Age, which are mainly used by senior citizens. This is important because it is seniors who are most exposed to unreliable, misleading publicity campaigns run by money laundering companies. Thanks to the low level of economic knowledge, the government in Poland, through the medium of the controlled meanstream media, persuades a significant part of the population to support a real anti-social, anti-environmental, anti-climatic, financially unsustainable pseudo economic policy, which leads to high indebtedness of the state financial system, to the continuation of financial and economic crises.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What, in your opinion, are the negative consequences of the low level of economic knowledge of society and what can the low level of economic knowledge of a significant part of citizens in society lead to?
What are the negative consequences of the low level of economic knowledge of the public?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Counting on your opinions, on getting to know your personal opinion, on an honest approach to the discussion of scientific issues and not ready-made answers generated in ChatGPT, I deliberately used the phrase "in your opinion" in the question.
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
I have not used other sources or automatic text generation systems such as ChatGPT in writing this text.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Time limits to acquire economical knowledge.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
7 answers
Where can I get the original paper by Ackoff from 1989 titled "From data to wisdom" published in Journal of applied systems analysis?
The file that is publicly available under this title is a 2-page article from 1999.
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See enclosed file. I think this is what you are looking for.
Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
16 answers
Hello everyone!
I'm looking for papers that demonstrate/show how to quantitatively measure knowledge management (in general or part of it, like KM processes). In particular, I need to know which elements of a financial statement/balance sheet can be considered to offer an "objective measure" of KM within a company.
I really appreciate any help you can provide!
Please, note that I would like to study the relationship between servitization and KM. Given that I will measure servitization through panel data taken from companies' financial statements/balance sheets, I would like to find - in the financial statements/balance sheets - data that can allow me to measure the KM (or the CI, intended as a proxy for the KM). Do you have any suggestions according to this specific purpose? I was looking at the VAIC as well as the modified VAIC, but not sure it can be the best approach...
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Modifying Accounting Data For Managerial Decision
1 Oprating asset and total oprating capital
2 Net operating profit after taxes (NOPAT)
from pages 102 through 105.
Financial Management: Theory and Practice
Eugene F. Brigham and Michael C. Ehrhardt 2005.
I hope this helps you.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
4 answers
What forms of external financing of pro-climate and pro-environmental economic ventures within the framework of green finance dominate now and will dominate in the future?
In recent years, various forms of financing pro-environmental business ventures within the framework of green finance have been growing in importance.
Within the framework of green financing of pro-environmental and pro-climate economic ventures, e.g. in the development of renewable and emission-free energy sources, improvement of energy transmission and storage systems, development of sustainable organic agriculture, improvement of waste sorting and recycling systems, construction of wastewater treatment plants and recovery of clean water, development of electromobility, zero-energy construction, etc. Commercial banks offer green loans, internationally operating investment banks and investment funds provide financing combined with equity participation in green investment, enterprises and companies provide green loans to their subsidiaries, the state offers green subsidies offered by government agencies as part of programs to activate the green transformation of the economy. At the UN Climate Summit COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, which began on 6.11.2022, discussions are expected to focus on financial needs and commitments, financing pro-climate and pro-environmental business ventures within the framework of green finance, and shaping the tools needed to respond to the damage that climate change is causing. At the aforementioned COP27 Climate Summit in Egypt, delegates from nearly 200 countries are holding lectures and discussions on the issue of financial compensation to poor countries for the growing damage from global warming. This is a new topic on the agenda, appearing at the UN Climate Summit COP27 for the first time in a decade, i.e., since the start of such conferences and climate talks. At last year's UN Climate Summit COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland, one of the new topics and agreements was a commitment to end forest deforestation by the end of the current decade, i.e., by 2030. However, in connection with the new agenda topic that emerged at UN Climate Summit COP27, viz. the issue of financial compensation to poor countries for the growing damage of global warming is an important issue that needs to be elaborated is the identification of key sources of financing, types of external financing within the framework of green finance, clarification of the objectives of financial support, i.e. the key types of negative effects of the progressive global warming process in countries characterized by low levels of economic development, low incomes and the ability to implement pro-climate and pro-environmental economic projects on their own. First of all, most of the poor countries, characterized by low income and low level of economic development are located in the tropical and subtropical climate zones and therefore in zones particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of climate change. In these countries, the problem of droughts is intensifying, and they are becoming more severe and prolonged every year. Droughts, declining rainfall, declining supplies of clean water are serious problems for agriculture, causing a decline in the production of agricultural crops and a growing problem of food shortages. In a large part of the mentioned poor countries, large-scale predatory logging has been implemented in recent years, the scale of deforestation has significantly increased, including natural biodiverse forest ecosystems, various forest formations, including, among others, the largest natural complex of forest ecosystems, known as the lungs of the planet, i.e. the rainforests of the Amazon. In this regard, it is a necessary issue to increase the scale of international cooperation and assistance regarding the transfer of green technologies, capital to enable the pro-environmental and pro-climate transformation of the economy, the realization of sustainable development goals, the implementation of investments enabling the development of renewable and emission-free energy sources, etc. Rich countries (mainly of the north, temperate climate zone), characterized by a high level of economic development, high incomes, high levels of productivity and equipment of production processes with modern technologies should help poor countries (of the south and the tropical, subtropical climate zone) to a greater extent, to reduce the scale of disparities, differentiation in the issue of sustainable development, activities and investments implemented to carry out pro-climate transformation of the economy and reduce the scale of the negative impact on the economy, agriculture and people of the progressive process of global warming and reduce the scale of the operation of the negative effects of this process. This is a key issue of international cooperation for the implementation of the concept of sustainable economic development, taking into account environmental, climate and energy policies on an international scale. The problem of global warming is a global problem and should be solved on a global scale through the development of international cooperation. This is part of the developing pro-climate and pro-environmental globalization.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of researchers and scientists:
What forms of external financing for pro-climate and pro-environmental green finance business ventures are dominant now and will be in the future?
What forms of external financing of pro-climate and pro-environmental economic ventures within the framework of green finance currently dominate internationally?
What are the international forms of external financing of green economic transformation?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
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Green external financing can be direct or indirect: Direct is a connection between two parties between borrowers and lenders without the intervention of a financial intermediary in exchange for credit risk guarantees, and the loan is in the form of financial instruments or direct securities such as green shares and bonds. And indirect green external financing is done through a financial intermediary such as commercial banks, insurance companies, savings and loan associations to finance green projects
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
24 answers
It can be said that Thomas Kuhn’s loop is active only when the working of paradigms generates abnormalities. If a paradigm does not generate abnormalities it is a golden paradigm.
Hence, the Kuhn’s loop can be envisioned as moving from paradigm to paradigm correcting abnormalities until there are no more abnormalities to correct.
In other words, the Kuhn’s loop works its way up from non-golden paradigms to the golden paradigm.
And this raises the question; Can Thomas Kuhn’s scientific revolution loop be seen as the road that leads in the end to a golden paradigm ruled world?
I think the answer is Yes, what do you think?
Feel free to share your own views on the question!
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Over the past decades, a number of sources of globalization have emerged. One of them is technological progress, which has led to a sharp reduction in transport and communication costs, a significant reduction the costs of processing, storing and using information.
The second source of globalization is trade liberalization and other forms of economic liberalization that have curtailed protectionist policies and made world trade freer. As a result there were tariffs have been substantially reduced, and many other barriers to trade in goods and services have been removed. Other liberalization measures have led to an increase in the movement of capital and other factors of production.
The third source of globalization can be considered a significant expansion of the scope of organizations, which became possible both as a result of technological progress and wider horizons of management on basis of new means of communication. Thus, many companies that previously focused only on local markets have expanded their production and marketing capabilities, reaching the national, multinational, international and even global level.
Globalization brings not only benefits, it is fraught with negative consequences or potential problems, which some of its critics see as a great danger.
One of the main problems is related to the question: who benefits from globalization? In fact, most of the benefits are rich countries or individuals. The unfair distribution of the benefits of globalization gives rise to the threat of conflicts at the regional, national and international levels.
The second problem is related to potential regional or global instability due to the interdependence of national economies at the global level. Local economic fluctuations or crises in one country may have regional or even global implications.
The third set of problems posed by globalization is caused by the fear that control over the economies of individual countries may shift from sovereign governments to other hands, including the most powerful states, multinational or global corporations and international organizations.
Because of this, some see globalization as an attempt to undermine national sovereignty. For this reason, globalization can make national leaders feel helpless before its forces, and the electorate - antipathy towards her. Such sentiments can easily turn into extreme nationalism and xenophobia with calls for protectionism, lead to the growth of extremist political movements, which is potentially fraught with serious conflicts.
The problem generated by globalization - the infringement of national sovereignty and the independence of political leaders - can also be largely resolved on the basis of international cooperation, for example, by a clear delineation of the powers of the parties, i.e. national governments and their leaders, on the one hand, and international organizations and multinational or global corporations, on the other. The very involvement of political leaders in building the necessary institutions to deal with these and other globalization-related issues will help them regain the sense that they are in control of their future and in control of their positions in the world.
Globalized world. In the meantime, unfortunately, the world is moving in the opposite direction, along the path of political and military dictate of a strong
weak, that in the context of globalization of all aspects of the life of the world community, it is fraught with a global confrontation.
The current crisis of the Western economy is not a recession because it is not cyclical and is not limited to 12-16 months. What is happening in the US and Europe today is a structural crisis, a process that began in the fourth quarter of 2021 and will continue for at least five years without interruption. However, the West does not understand the causes and essence of the crisis, because they do not have theories describing it. That is why, according to the economist, the American and European authorities are doing stupid things instead of effective measures to resolve problems.
It was impossible to avoid this crisis, because they went too far. They have expanded private consumption so much that they can no longer keep it. You need to name the main number. There is an indicator in the United States that they do not disclose in public discussion: this is the level of price growth for all industrial goods, not only for final goods entering the wholesale trade, but in general for everything, from raw materials to the final product. For the first time, the rise in prices for manufactured goods exceeded the level of the late 1970s. The previous peak was at the end of 1947. There are 23 with something percent.
The entire system of socio-political management in the West, both in the USA and in Europe, is built through representatives of the middle class, qualified consumers. Today this instrument is being destroyed. Instead of the middle class, new poor people appear, who have a middle-class attitude, but they have no money.
The sanctions pressure on Russia has exacerbated the economic problems of the West. European financiers note that EU politicians are afraid to take responsibility for decisions taken under the slogans of transatlantic solidarity and assistance to Ukraine.
In fact, this whole situation with global confrontation and the breakdown of the dollar system is disastrous for the United States not by economic factors, but by intellectual ones. Roughly speaking, Washington will undoubtedly lose to Moscow only because the US does not even have a concept of a plan to solve the colossal economic problems and save the dollar system.
Intellectual life in the US and Russia goes in opposite directions. The US has nothing left for a long time. There, no one can imagine even a weak positive scenario. The complete absence of any thought, not to mention the concept.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
67 answers
Knowledge has been defined as a true and justified belief. The problem is justification, which is never absolute (unquestionable). Do you know a newer (better) description / definition?
Relevant answer
Gettier examples were devised to show that justified true belief (JTB) is necessary but not sufficient for knowledge. Also, we might in some sense not always know or believe that we know something, which further complicates matters. Knowledge claims are fallible, which is another way of saying that absolute (= infallible) justification is not possible. There may be better definitions than JTB, but they'd better not make any knowledge claims unquestionable in principle. Still, merely being questionable in principle is not grounds for reasonable doubt.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
3 answers
How much does the existence of advanced laboratories and appropriate financial budgets and different support for a researcher's research affect the quality and quantity of a researcher's work?
Relevant answer
Many sciences cannot function at all, unless they have laboratories, for instance physics, chemistry, medicine, biology, pharmacology, and plenty of other ones. Those labs, and their equipment and technologies are necessary prerequisites for successful research.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
52 answers
Heidegger said that philosophy is thinking. What else is philosophy? What is the ultimate aim of philosophy? Truth? Certainty? …
Heidegger said that science is knowledge. What else is science? What is the ultimate aim of science? Knowledge? Truth? Certainty? …
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  • asked a question related to Knowledge
27 answers
Dear Researchers,
The recent changes in the COVID-19 epidemic have led to the emergence of a new SARS-CoV-2 Variant of Concern (VOC), named "Omicron," and the number of Omicron cases were consistently increasing around the world. The health professional's knowledge is of utmost importance to prevent and control the spreading of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant of COVID-19. In this regard, we would likely to know the level of knowledge and Perceptions of health professionals about the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant; this can provide a greater opportunity to understand the existing knowledge gaps about the novel Omicron variant and to scale up the interventional strategies. Thus, I invite you to participate in this short survey and provide your
valuable opinion regarding the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant.
Thanking you in advance
Akshaya Bhagavathula
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
24 answers
Dear peers, comments and ideas welcome. If you don't mind, hope you can also share your projects / papers on digital literacy or skills. We're looking to study this in 2021. Thanking all of you in advance :-)
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There is no digital literacy possible without advanced literacy and technical skills, i.e. tech-know-logical education and enlightenment operate as information selection system In the digitized cosmos of virtual reality. Am in line with
Jebunnesa Jeba and Áurea Gabriel , but I see digital literacy as tech-know-logical icing on the cake, with respect to advanced literacy and technical skills In physical reality.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
20 answers
Why are there still people in the 21st century who in some countries do not accept the prevailing knowledge confirmed by scientific research who believe that the Earth is not round is only flat or that the Earth is the center of the Solar System, not the Sun or negating the process the evolution of the origin of various life forms on Earth, etc.?
In my opinion, it is not a question of faith but a lack of knowledge confirmed by scientific research. It is strange, however, that in the 21st century, in the face of the facts widely confirmed in the media, confirmed in many aspects scientifically, on the basis of experiments carried out, space expeditions are still people who ignore this widely available knowledge in the media and create their unjustified theories.
No wonder that even a few centuries ago and before, i.e. in a situation of widespread illiteracy and lack of universal access to knowledge and information, in the absence of media it was easy to maintain, promote anachronistic and illogical theories to implement a specific information policy for the needs of maintaining absolute power, which one of the attributes was access to knowledge and information deliberately restricted for a large part of society, and in some epochs, such as, for example, in the Middle Ages, deliberately limited research possibilities and deliberately placed barriers to the development of science. In such realities, totalitarianisms are easily formed and it is easy to carry out indoctrination of the society by propagating even illogical, unjustified ideologies that are not supported by any scientific research.
Therefore, nowadays access to knowledge and results of scientific research should be universal and unlimited. A large positive role in this matter is played by the Internet and Internet portals such as the Research Gate portal.
Do you agree with my opinion on this matter?
In view of the above, I am asking you the following question:
How has the significance of scientific knowledge changed over the centuries from the point of view of the present day?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Best wishes
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A very interesting topic, thank you. In my opinion, all scientific discoveries established during the previous centuries such as mathematical equations serves as the basis for the actual mathematical approach. Another example would be the geographical works of antiquity which have served both as a scientific model and also as a corpus of data which could be used for modern purposes.
Best wishes,
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
59 answers
Should the dimension and scope of ecological knowledge in contemporary education and schooling systems be increased in the context of the growing problems of the modern world?
Contemporary XXI century is, among other things, the age of national and globally recognized growing problems regarding environmental protection, ecology, protection of ecosystems and species of various life threatened by extinction, growing risk of climatic cataclysms associated with the progressing greenhouse effect on Earth, exhausting some categories of resources necessary for development modern industries, the need for energy transformation, conversion of classic sources of energy based on minerals to renewable, ecological energy sources. In view of the above, the question becomes more and more relevant: Should the dimension and scope of ecological knowledge in contemporary education and schooling systems be increased in the context of the growing problems of the modern world?
Please, answer, comments,
I invite you to the discussion,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
This would really assist to bring awareness in long term that will probably produce innovations that might prolong the life span of earth however, nuclear peace talks remains paramount or else we shall have nothing to save for the future generations.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
43 answers
How to obtain currently necessary information from Big Data database systems for the needs of specific scientific research and necessary to carry out economic, business and other analyzes?
Of course, the right data is important for scientific research. However, in the present era of digitalization of various categories of information and creating various libraries, databases, constantly expanding large data sets stored in database systems, data warehouses and Big Data database systems, it is important to develop techniques and tools for filtering large data sets in those databases data to filter out of terabytes of data only information that is currently needed for the purpose of conducted scientific research in a given field of knowledge, for the purposes of obtaining answers to a given research question and for business needs, eg after connecting these databases to Business Intelligence analytical platforms. I described these issues in my scientific publications presented below.
Do you agree with my opinion on this matter?
In view of the above, I am asking you the following question:
How to obtain currently necessary information from Big Data database systems for the needs of specific scientific research and necessary to carry out economic, business and other analyzes?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Dear Colleagues and Friends from RG
The issues of the use of information contained in Big Data database systems for the purposes of conducting Business Intelligence analyzes are described in the publications:
I invite you to discussion and cooperation.
Best wishes
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Respected Doctor
Big data has three characteristics as follows:
It is the volume of data extracted from a source, which determines the value and capabilities of the data to be classified as big data, and by the year 2020, cyberspace will contain approximately 40,000 megabytes of data ready for analysis and information extraction.
It means the diversity of extracted data, which helps users, whether they are researchers or analysts, to choose the appropriate data for their field of research and includes structured data in databases and unstructured data (such as: images, clips, audio recordings, videos, SMS, call logs, and data). Maps (GPS), and require time and effort to prepare them in a suitable form for processing and analysis.
It means the speed of producing and extracting data and sending it to cover the demand for it. Speed is a crucial element in making a decision based on this data, and it is the time we take from the moment this data arrives to the moment the decision is made based on it.
There are many tools and techniques that are used to analyze big data, such as: Hadoop, Map Reduce, HPCC, but Hadoop is one of the most famous of these tools. Big data is on several devices and then distributes the processing process to these devices to speed up the processing result and is returned or called as a single package. Tools that deal with big data consist of three main parts:
1- Data mining tools
2- Data Analysis Tools
3- Tools for displaying results (Dashboard).
Its use also varies statistically according to the research objectives (improving education, effectiveness of decision-making, military benefit, economic development, health management ... etc.).
Senior lecturer
Nuha hamid taher
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
7 answers
From the beginning of the industrial revolution and the description of the functioning of enterprises in the conditions of market structures, in the trend of classical economics, three types of production factors dominated in the production processes defined by three slogans: land, labor, capital.
However, successively with the development of industry and technological progress in the 20th century, other categories of production factors, typical for economies largely based on information, are added to these classic factors of production.
These factors of production, whose role in many industries has been growing since the 1960s include: knowledge, information, technology and innovation.
In view of the above, the current question is: In what branches of industry such production factors as knowledge, information, technology and innovation are currently or become the most important?
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.
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Dear Alhaji Ahmadu Ibrahim,
Yes, intellectual capital is one of the most important success factors for many business entities and projects implemented in various spheres of human activity.
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
6 answers
What modern, new concepts of management in technological companies are currently used, where innovative research projects are developed and innovative technologies are created, new technical standards, etc.?
The current technological revolution known as Industry 4.0 is motivated by the development of the following factors:
Big Data database technologies, cloud computing, machine learning, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence.
On the basis of the development of the new technological solutions mentioned in recent years, the processes of innovatively organized analyzes of large information collections gathered in Big Data database systems dynamically develop.
What other technological improvements, innovative organizational, technical and IT solutions will be developed in the future based on the development of the above-mentioned factors?
At present, in the age of the technological revolution known as the 4.0 Industry, new technology management or Internet-based companies are emerging.
In the context of this problem, many questions arise:
Do business management processes play a particularly important role in the context of the effective functioning of business entities in currently developing economies based on knowledge, information and technology?
Is e-management a new concept of managing virtual enterprises or rather managing online technology companies?
Are new management concepts of innovative enterprises and start-ups based mainly on knowledge, information, entrepreneurship and creation of innovations?
Does the development of data processing technology in Big Data database systems and other technologies developed in the field of technological revolution Industry 4.0 generates the emergence of new business management concepts?
Please reply. I invite you to the discussion
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Dear José Roberto Marty Delgado,
Thanks for answering the above question: Yes, you have noticed important issues related to the use of new information technologies, ICT and Industry 4.0 in order to improve enterprise management systems.
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
105 answers
how do you understand life as it is really big suspense, why we are here, our consciousness is big unconsciousness and our unconsciousness big consciousness.
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My philosophy in life is to treat people as you would like them to treat you, help others as much as possible, worship God as much as possible, and everything you do will pay off for you.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
9 answers
Relationship between conducted scientific research and innovations
Innovations can be the result of conducted research and scientific research.
Research work may concern, for example, defining, developing and planning the process of implementing innovative technologies in production processes or determining the potential industrial application of new, innovative types of materials, eg in the field of organic, biodegradable materials replacing hard-degradable plastics.
Research work is a process that is to lead to the implementation of specific research, analytical, research and implementation goals, the development of new solutions, formulas, laws, dependencies, correlations, inventions, patents and sometimes also innovations. Research work requires financial outlays, knowledge, and human resources of educated, experienced research staff. On the other hand, innovations are a new added value created, the value of which is determined by the possibilities of using a particular innovation in manufacturing processes, production or offering services. Innovation is a kind of product of previously conducted research.
I invite you to the discussion
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Dear Osama Rahil Shaltami,
Yes, without research, many innovations would not arise.
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
8 answers
I have noticed an unfortunate trend within a sub-group of the RG community. These researchers ask an urgent question, and after the question has been answered by one or several people they then go ahead and delete the question. The reason for this seems to be to avoid having questions on their profile, and instead act as a paragon of knowledge and insight. This hurts both the community and the researchers whom provide answers within the platform. By spending time and effort into solving someone else's problems, these people should be rewarded by increasing their answer/solution reads, and potentially even recommendations. In proxy, their research and themselves as researchers are also promoted from this effort, in gaining traction. By deleting questions (and the answers) this sub-group is hurting the very foundation of research by discouraging researchers to solve others problems. Science is fundamentally about cooperation in solving problems, and is something that should always be encouraged to contribute to a flowering community.
What does the RG community think of this phenomena and what can be done to discourage this damaging behaviour?
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Here's an example of someone that should know better:
If they want to keep something confidential or only known to them, then they should not be on RG.
Related to this is the use of private messaging within RG where experts are 'consulted' outside the RG forum and no one else can share in this knowledge interchange. Personally I believe that the private messaging facility should be abolished in RG and all discussions (except abusive, offensive etc) and answers kept visible and permanent so all can benefit from the scientific interchanges.
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76 answers
When the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic expires, what key problems in the development of civilization will become the priority for solving them as soon as possible? What major global problems should be addressed now, apart from the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic? Probably thanks to the efficiently conducted programs of vaccination of citizens against the Coronavirus, the problem of the pandemic should gradually decrease from the middle of this year 2021. Perhaps thanks to the vaccination of the majority of citizens, a high level of social, collective immunity will be achieved. Perhaps in the fall of 2021 the scale of the pandemic will drop to such a low level that no lockouts will be introduced on selected sectors and branches of the economy. When the current health crisis caused by the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic is resolved, what problems in the development of civilization in the 21st century should become the key to solving them as soon as possible? When the pandemic health crisis is resolved, what global problems of humanity and planet Earth in the 21st century should science address? Is the growing risk of the climate crisis, which may appear as early as the end of the 21st century as a result of the continued emission of greenhouse gases, which are the source of the ongoing global warming process, the greatest threat to the biosphere of planet Earth and to humans? Is it crucial to achieve global climate neutrality by 2050? Will the key problems include reducing the level of environmental pollution, improving waste management, improving waste segregation and recycling techniques, reducing the scale of extinction of flora and fauna species, protecting pollinating insects, improving drinking water saving systems, developing renewable energy sources, developing sustainable ecological agriculture , development of electromobility and improvement of technology of engines powered by hydrogen combustion with oxygen using in land, sea and air transport, improvement of systems of protection of forests against fires and agricultural fields against drought and aridosis, protection of forests and green areas against devastation and logging, development of programs afforestation of civilization degraded areas? Can increasing the efficiency of solving global problems be achieved through the use of constantly developed and improved technology of artificial intelligence? Can the solution to some of the global problems of mankind be achieved through the development of space exploration technology? Can the development of biotechnology, genetics, molecular biology solve the serious problems of food shortage and hunger in many countries? In what application areas can the development of nanotechnology, ICT information technology, and Industry 4.0 technology contribute to solving key problems of the development of civilization? The development of what technologies can be helpful in the protection of the climate and the biosphere of planet Earth? How important is the protection of biodiversity of natural ecosystems in the context of solving global problems and the potential significant deterioration of the living conditions of subsequent generations of people? What do you think global issues should be tackled first when the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) pandemic is over? In what areas of economic and scientific development should the financial outlays be increased? What kind of innovative technological solutions should be developed?
What do you think about it? What is your opinion on this topic?
Please reply
I described the various global problems that may continue to unfold in the years following the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic in my article published in late December 2021. I am providing a link to this article:
I invite all those who study this subject to research cooperation.
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Uh oh!, COVID-19 is a "One Thousand and One Nights" story. It seems that we are at the beginning!
This epidemic become a point to chronicle date like the One Thousand and One Nights stories(لقد أصبح هذا الوباء نقطة تأريخ مثل حكايات ألف ليلة وليلة)! Our sons will say at the years of COVID-19 years.
Let me ask the following two questions:
  • Is there a lack of interpretability and transparency related to this virus?
  • Did we reach a state with this pandemic that is hard to control and monitor?
Furthermore, this discussion thread raises other three rational questions:
  • Is COVID-19 one of nature's secretions or it has been fabricated in the laboratories of one or more countries?
  • Are vaccines, especially for COVID-19, one of the "big businesses"?
  • Do you think that the pandemic has its "Cyclical Apparition"?
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
1307 answers
What students in schools and students at universities should learn, what skills should they improve and acquire beyond the knowledge itself?
In education, it is not only about transferring knowledge, but also about the ability to use this knowledge, to acquire, search, process and use it to implement projects. In some fields of study, apart from the knowledge itself, it is important to develop students 'and students' skills, inter alia, regarding the activation of teamwork, critical thinking, participation in debates and discussions, entrepreneurship, innovation, creativity, specific computer programs related to the field of study, etc.
Do you agree with me on the above matter?
In the context of the above issues, the following question is valid:
What students in schools and students at universities should learn, what skills should they improve and acquire beyond the knowledge itself?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes.
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University friends are often friends for life.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
127 answers
Knowledge is what distinguishes human species from others, but how we use this knowledge depends only on man. Man can use his intelligence and knowledge wisely, ie according to the innate need for self-preservation instinct and survival of the human species in changing environmental conditions, including the ongoing global warming process. But he also may not use his knowledge and intelligence for this purpose.
However, one should think positively that the previous generations, previous cultures, previous ancestors in the process of evolution and the process of development of cultures, development of civilization and finally development of technology have created modern man as being equipped with intelligence, self-awareness, knowledge, technology, i.e. unique instruments, thanks which man became a dominant species on Earth. But will it always be the dominant species on Earth? This question remains open. It will be settled in the future.
Knowledge, huge resources of knowledge and various possibilities of its use is what only one species has on Earth. Knowledge gives people a lot of potential to complete the next stages of technological and civilization development. However, if this knowledge allows to forecast new categories of natural, climatic and civilizational phenomena and to secure adequately against appearing threats, to use it as a development opportunity, time will show.
The following question may be added to these considerations: Will dinosaurs survive the global cataclysm caused by the impact of a large meteor on Earth, whether they survive global warming, drought, limited food resources and areas suitable for existence, if they knew when, where and in what form this cataclysm would occur? ? If dinosaurs survive this or still on Earth until now they would dominate as known dinosaurs or would a new species of intelligent post-dinosaurs be created? These questions will remain open due to incomplete knowledge in this topic.
If the knowledge in this matter would be supplemented in the future, will it change anything about the possibility of adapting people to such cataclysms that have destroyed dinosaurs? Not necessarily. Dinosaurs could only know what they could know, having a much more limited awareness of natural and cosmic phenomena. Dinosaurs could know very little about what a person knows, but they did not have the awareness of lack of knowledge and the need to increase knowledge resources through the development of scientific research. Man is probably the first species who, thanks to his intelligence and built knowledge, also has an awareness of the potential lack of knowledge. Man has this knowledge, is equipped with specific instruments for conducting scientific research and the possibilities of expanding knowledge resources. Man already possesses this knowledge, but will this knowledge prove to be helpful in surviving future cataclysms, their outpacing and securing them against them? The answer to this question will appear in the future and it is not yet decided. So the development of knowledge and what is being discovered, created with the help of knowledge, intelligence and creativity, should also be carried out wisely. Wisely, ie according to the need for self-preservation instinct, with the need to survive the human species.
This need should take into account the necessity to implement sustainable ecological development in the development of civilization, protect the natural environment, care for biodiversity in the natural biological ecosystems, individual species of flora and fauna, genomic composition in gene banks of endangered species of flora and fauna, that is, preservation of knowledge about biodiversity , natural resources of weeds created by nature. This we know thanks to our intelligence, self-awareness and civilization-generated knowledge. But we also know something more. We know that humans are probably the first species that, thanks to their intelligence and built knowledge, also has the awareness of the potential lack of specific categories of knowledge.
There are many questions that we do not know the answer to. It is also part of your knowledge or these questions on the government are unanswered from this knowledge. These questions would not exist if there was no intelligence, knowledge and built culture, civilization, technology, etc. Man has this knowledge, is equipped with specific instruments for conducting scientific research and the possibilities of expanding knowledge resources. Which questions will we get in the future thanks to our scientific research, will these be satisfactory answers for us? One thing is certain, the resources of knowledge will increase. But how we use this knowledge depends only on us.
Do you agree with me on the above matter?
In the context of the above issues, I am asking you the following question:
Is knowledge something that distinguishes the human species on Earth?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
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  • asked a question related to Knowledge
21 answers
What do you know about personal Google knowledge panel? What are the benefits of the the knowledge panel for a researcher? Do you have one?
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It is an automatic process.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
15 answers
We are making progress in every field but rather we are forgetting our our goal our own humanity we are treating each other like ......
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To preserve our humanity, when we preserve it and act humanely with everything on the surface of our planet, then everything will be fixed, and all our problems will be over... Unfortunately, this is very difficult with the presence of greed, selfishness, and other qualities that make a person forget that he is a human being...My sincere gratitude to everyone.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
165 answers
everyone has a certain strong statement and some heart touching thought for life, work research...many more whats your.
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Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) in the noble Quran says:
"وَقُلِ اعْمَلُوا فَسَيَرَى اللَّهُ عَمَلَكُمْ وَرَسُولُهُ وَالْمُؤْمِنُونَ وَسَتُرَدُّونَ إِلَى عَالِمِ الْغَيْبِ وَالشَّهَادَةِ فَيُنَبِّئُكُمْ بِمَا كُنْتُمْ تَعْمَلُونَ"
الآية (105) من سورة التوبة
This verse means: "Work (righteousness): Soon will Allah observe your work, and His Messenger, and the Believers: Soon will ye be brought back to the knower of what is hidden and what is open: then will He show you the truth of all that ye did."
So, Sooner or later, we will be asked about everything in our life.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
44 answers
One of the first authors aiming to differentiate between entrepreneurial knowledge and expert knowledge was Austrian economist Kirzner (1979). Kirzner (1979) suggested that the entrepreneurs may not have such domain-specific (expert) knowledge that experts may have, but it is the entrepreneur who recognizes the value of the expert knowledge. Kirzner (1979) argued that expert does not recognize the value of their knowledge or how to turn it into a profit or else the expert would be an entrepreneur.
Contrary, Desouza & Awazu (2006) stated that most entrepreneurs who open up small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) usually ‘’do so because they have knowledge in key areas of competencies and think they can compete using such knowledge’’.
So, the question still remains - does expertise reside in almost every SME ‒ is it held by experts (who are recognized for that knowledge and employed by owners or managers of SMEs) or are owners or managers of SMEs, by themselves, experts?
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33 answers
Our previous research suggested that experts’ perceptions related to the existence of expertise in standardization in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) significantly differ.
While some experts argued that expertise resides in all SMEs, others strongly suggested that expertise does not exist in SMEs. Assuming that owners and managers of SMEs must have had some level of expertise that enabled them to start their business activities and successfully carry them forward, given their lack of resources and capabilities, the question still remains - does expertise in standardization exist in SMEs?
What do you think - does expertise in standardization actually exist in SMEs?
Relevant answer
SME used to have much more serious priorities, than standardization (which is certainly a good and desirable thing). So that even having a decent expertise in standardization, it may be not a current priority, not speaking of a case, if such expertise is absent within the company. Typically, standardization is highly dependent on the budget availability and the urgency of the moment. Eventually, some companies are coming to that point, unless they disappear before it.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
20 answers
Is it possible now or in the future to create an artificial intelligence that will draw knowledge directly from the analysis of Internet resources and learn this knowledge?
Please reply
Best wishes
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The issue of the possibility of self-improvement of the system of artificial intelligence, which gained autonomy, got out of human control and by downloading data from the Internet it is becoming an increasingly powerful and threatening system for humans since the 1990s in science fiction literature and film. With each subsequent year, the technology of artificial intelligence is developed and improved. So, can the scenario presented above come true in the future? What do you think about this? Please reply.
Thank you, Regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
15 answers
I studied a number of research papers on "Knowledge Entrepreneurship". However, most of the researchers conducted qualitative research. Kindly, suggest me any quantitative research on Knowledge Entrepreneurship. Moreover, recommend the developed scale for Knowledge Entrepreneurship.
Relevant answer
Dear,Nida ji
Knowledge management and entrepreneurship
David B. Audretsch, Maksim Belitski, […]Erik E. Lehmann
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal volume 16, pages373–385(2020)Cite this article
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
8 answers
everyone knows the importance of knowledge but knowing this too why there is a restriction in getting access to it what is reason behind this.
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Thanks a lot dear professor Madhukar Baburao Deshmukh for your nice view.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
9 answers
What we see outside and what is detectable is generally a macro universe but there is so many undetectable micro universe ....what is that.
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Thanks a lot, dear all professors for your view.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
42 answers
What kinds of knowledge resources, scientific source publications you mainly use: from printed or digital publications, computerized, and online?
What kinds of knowledge resources, scientific source publications, do you prefer to use in your scientific work: from printed or digital publications, computerized, and online?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
Relevant answer
in 2020 →90% Online publications.
  • asked a question related to Knowledge
3 answers
Eric Kandel (2006) has revealed that the consolidation of memory at the level of the nucleus is a bipolar process: chemical agents exist in our cells that can either potentiate or suppress memory. Having a double-ended system prevents extremes: remembering everything or remembering nothing. As a child we are rewarded for remembering everything we are taught in school under the assumption that all knowledge is good. But what happens if the knowledge is tainted such as that the black slaves on plantations enjoyed being supported by the white slave owners, that the Holocaust was a fabrication, that the recent election in the United States was rigged, that vaccines produce massive side-effects, that drinking Clorox is an effective way to kill Covid-19, and so on. It is instructive that Albert Einstein was not a great student (i.e., did not like to memorize things and he had difficulty in his second language, French, which he needed to complete his university entrance exams, Strauss 2016) yet his ability to zero-in on the important data while excluding nonsense is what made him an extraordinary scientist. Ergo, the management of one’s memory may be as important as having a good memory.
Kandel ER (2006) In Search of Memory. The Emergence of a New Science of Mind. W.W. Norton & Company Inc., New York.
Strauss V (2016) Was Albert Einstein really a bad student who failed math? The Washington Post, Feb.
Relevant answer
Thomas Ryan (MIT), and others talked about this matter, and they even go further by stating that they found that memory (offline consciousness) don't reside in the brain. I however see the entire consciousness reside in extra physical dimensions; kindly see the following video:
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3 answers
I would very much like to know what exactly is measured by the ADHD Stigma Questionnaire (ASQ). I find it very confusing.
Some research says the ASQ measures the perceptions of the perceived public stigma of ADHD (Kellison, Bussing, Bell, & Garvan, 2010). I don't quite understand what this means but I suppose it means the ASQ measures how aware respondents are about the public stigma that exists about people with ADHD. So I guess it doesn't measure their own (personal) stigma about people with ADHD. I guess this implicates that more knowledge and awareness on the public stigma surrounding ADHD, leads to higher scores on the ASQ. This is also what I've found in Bell, Long, Garvan, and Bussing (2011). They describe how the ASQ is used among teachers and how it measures the teachers' perceptions of how their students with ADHD experience stigma, and how it does not measure the teachers' own stigmatizing beliefs about their students with ADHD.
But, when I read other work (Jung, Jang, & Park, 2018) I see that they say the ASQ measures the personal stigma of the respondents surrounding ADHD. I also read this in Langlois (2020) where the researcher says that higher levels of knowledge about ADHD, are expected to lead to lower scores on the ASQ. Suggesting that it measures their own stigmatizing beliefs?
So I'm kinda lost... Who can help?
Thank you in advance!
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Interesting topic... need to explore in this area.
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7 answers
I like this from Zhuangzi (369 BC – 286 BC): “吾生也有涯,而知也无涯。以有涯随无涯,殆已”
(“My life has a limit, but knowledge has no limit. Pursuing an unlimited knowledge with a limited life is perilous.")
One should stop pursing knowledge when it is enough for one's daily work and life.
Would you share some interesting/funny quotes here? Thank you!
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Something is better than nothing.😀😁
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874 answers
Do you know any aphorisms, old sayings, parables, folk proverbs, etc. on science, wisdom and knowledge, ...?
Please, quote.
Best wishes
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All too often a clear conscience is merely the result of a bad memory.
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6 answers
Distinguished colleagues,
I need your professional opinion for my ongoing research. If possible, please elaborate your opinion in detail. Any input, supporting materials or comments will be highly appreciated!
Thank you in advance!
Best regards,
Dr. Vardan Atoyan
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To stop vast emigration from Your country in general, and to stop vast emigration of intellectuals too. Of course, this refers only to those countries, which suffer from vast brain emigration (as many developing countries and such countries as Lithuania and Latvia in the Baltics).
But it is easy to recommend, difficult to implement.
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3 answers
I have a database, I have converted it to kowledge graph ,this database contain a missing values .
now i want to predict this value using knowledge graph
help me .......
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Not exactly sure what you would like to do, however maybe knowledge inference is what you are looking for? At least you can use knowledge inference in order to insert missing values. Have a look for instance for those papers:
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422 answers
Here is a small challenge:
In a research community (e.g., uni faculty, conferences) consisting of researchers (e.g., professors, etc), every researcher knows each other. There are good researchers and a corrupt one. Each researcher knows about some other researchers and whether each of them is good or corrupt, but s/he doesn't know whether her/himself is corrupt or not. One day, a queen who has the power to know everything about all communities, came to the research community and told that "there is one corrupt researcher in this community. You should not exchange with each other what you already know about the corruption. I ask any of you to leave in the midnight of the day once you know that yourself is corrupt."
Edit: Readers may find the definition of 'corrupt':
Corruption detection in Distributed Network
In computer science, if a 'good entity' doesn't act under the rule nor communicate their knowledge, it is said malfunctioned, compromised or corrupted. Theoretically, those entities actually become no different from the corrupt ones who actually targets the network. Mathematically, if many such 'good' entities existed, the whole network is compromised, it can no longer distinguish what is good or not. When the network comes to that state, it is irreversible. Detected corruption is as important as the knowledge, and sharing detected corruption must be part of the rules.
Only computer science is given in this example, readers may get their own intuition in the matters they are concerned.
Conjecture 1:
Given: there are rules (law) for every good entity to follow, and assume they all follow.
Conjecture: If all good entities still act (do, follow, obey) based on the common rules (law) and share knowledge (truth, facts) via communication, then corruption can be uncovered if not dominant.
Truth, Majority, Transparency and Education
For any sample of population and any person in the sample has an equal chance to access to or deduce the truth, then majority is likely to get closer to the truth than the remainder. In practice, the chances vary and truths sometimes are restricted to only a small portion. That's why majority may not work in such setting. Transparency and education help.
Summary of discussions
Knowledge and communication may be not sufficient to stop corruption. It needs rules and transparency.
Version 2: In a committee of n researchers, each researcher interacts with exactly k other researchers each day and finds out whether any of the k is corrupt. The researcher then gossips the new finding with 1 other research on that day. Note that, the corrupt researcher can also gossip, but his/her message can be true/wrong each time. If the queen comes and tells that there is one corrupt researcher, can the committee spot it out? in how many days? if there is no such queen, can the committee still find it out?
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In my opinion, the main cause of corruption is the morality.
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29 answers
Kindly share the key strategies, techniques and practices which makes the learning process indeed effective. The key ingredients for quality teaching.
Note: it is not focused on a quality teacher; rather on how can learning take place more effectively.
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That's what we need in the Arab and Islamic worlds nowadays ...@@@
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25 answers
Dear Researchers,
The current Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) epidemic in China has been declared an "Emergency of International Concern" by the World Health Organization (WHO). The number of SARS-CoV-2 cases are consistently increasing around the world. We are doing a survey on SARS-CoV-2 in health professionals to understand the existing knowledge gaps in the Novel coronavirus disease. Thus, we request your participation in this survey and provide your valuable opinion.
Kindly participate in the Survey: 
We value your input and thank you in advance for your participation!
Akshaya Bhagavathula
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SARS-COV-2 Causing COVID-19: All you want to know
Read on this link:
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15 answers
Distinguished colleagues,
I need your professional opinion for my ongoing research on think tank industry. The outputs of the research and the best international practices will be used in elaborating development strategy of our think tank. Please, indicate the best examples and strategic steps, which could be important in this process! Any comment, which you think should be considered, will be appreciated.
Thank you in advance!
Dr. Vardan Atoyan
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Dear Vardan,
My advice is not to look to the best international practices -- you cannot replicate the Conference Board, American Enterprise Institute, the Brooking Institution, the RAND Corporation or EIU.
In post-USSR countries there are just three types of striving thin tanks
1) extensions of particular ministries (ministry of finance, ministry of economy) performing outsourcing works to their major clients using the government money. The development strategy is simple -- to expand the basis of clients with gradual serving two, three ministries etc. The moment of truth in your strategy is to present or do not present in your report a point which totally contradicts the opinion of your client (minister, deputy minister etc.);
2) networks of researchers serving industry (employers) associations. Here you strategy is to extract data from participants of such associations and to present it back in a fresh interesting way with some assertive arguments for the benefits of the members of associations;
3) 'brain departments' of influential political parties. Here your strategy is dualistic -- be able to produce attractive populist ideas and assertive slogans and short texts (manifestos and political programs) and also to offer to politicians the real analysis of the current situation and the short-term forecasts.
For the first and sometimes for the third cases of think tanks do not expect that they will survive for a very long time. For the second case, you can work successfully for decades. In the second case you may also have a possibility to mutate into a consultancy company providing specified services for particular corporations.
Igor Gurkov
Head of a think tank of the first type in 1994-2000, head of a think tank of first&second type in 2000-2006.
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4 answers
The technology gap is the divergence between nations and communities in their abilities to access, diffuse and use scientific and technical knowledge. It is one of the main causes of the rapidly expanding socio-economic gap between rich and poor nations and constitutes a major challenge for developing countries in their efforts to achieving the development goals.
Countries diverge greatly in their access to Science and Technology (S&T) knowledge; most of this knowledge is generated in developed countries, as they also have varying capacities to translate S&T knowledge into goods and services and invest in human resources and entrepreneurial capacity-building. Similarly, counties diverge in appreciation of the importance of science and technology to development; in capabilities to provide S&T advice to multilateral negotiations at the international level, and to implement the results of such negotiations at the national level.
As a scientist, can you kindly share your contribution in bridging the Gap in knowledge generation and technological activity between industrialized and developing countries?
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Technology is very important for every country, to make an advanced using resources efficiency, education system , can give you the real applied knowledge as the base to Patent and innovation.
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194 answers
Present humanity is based on application of S&T. Political and social framework provide a base to development of S&T. This framework is not so strong due to selfish nature of individuals in a community.
The other issue is that invertebrates and primitive organisms may be more successful in the changed climatic conditions in future due to their adaptability and immense reproduction rates.
Knowledge provides ability to change the environment at the place of changing own DNA and genes. How far humanity can be successful by changing (and damaging) the environment. Adaptability of human society is being ceased due to increasing dependency on medical facilities.
Can S&T sustain without strengthening political, cultural and ethical framework?
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above the salt , it means:
— Of or in a position of high standing, rank, regard, or repute. The term is derived from the social hierarchy of nobility in medieval times, in which salt, a precious commodity then, was set in the middle of the dining table. Those of high noble rank were seated "above the salt," that is, closer to the lord and lady of the house, while those in lower social standing were seated "below" it.
So, Knowledge is not the whole thing, I guess.
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4 answers
Go back to Euler, Lagrange and the eighteenth century thinkers. They laid a foundation for much of the scientific knowledge today. Much of that knowledge tends to commerce. Yet, in a way, commerce resists abstraction of thought. So, is the mechanics of knowledge (knowing) an harmonic conserved structure? If so, what does the conservation tell us about nature?
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Conservation is in social life not in researchers life or in research
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4 answers
I need to know how does a boost converter helps I power factor correction. In every of my references they have directly mentioned that a chopper helps in pcc but the proof or working is not given. Please if you can provide me with this knowledge, it'll be very much helpful.
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A rectifer of an SMPS acts as a non-linear load to the grid supply, because the current at the output of the rectifier is not sinusoidal in nature. The input current (in picture) is the current obtained after bridge rectifier. Notice that the current flows through the diodes of the bridge rectifer only at the peaks of the sinusoidal input voltage to the rectifier. This is because the diodes conduct only when the input sine wave is more than the output DC voltage across output capacitor.
A boost converter between the rectifier and the C filter helps to achieve a sinusoidal input supply current and hence helps to achieve better P.F. The working principle as shown in the diagram is that the switch used in the boost converter is turned ON and OFF at different duty cycles for different time periods.
More boost i.e. wider pulses are applied near the zero crossings so that the inductor can store more energy and dissipate less energy during this period. Less boost i.e. narrow pulses are applied at the peaks of the input sine voltage as already, currents are reaching the peaks during this time, so no need to store more energy in inductor. In the end you get current as per the simulation waveform shown in the picture. The end result is a current having the same shape as a sinusoial waveform and in phase with the input rectifier voltage.
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12 answers
Hi everyone, We plan to conduct a study on knowledge and awareness about congenital cytomegalovirus among health workers in Yemen.
Can anyone help us to prepare the questionnaires?
What questions should we ask about?
What statistical tests should we do in data analysis?
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i would address any deficiency in knowledge also and equally with research on current thinking, views, beliefs, etc, to understand why the knowledge deficiency exists in the first place.
i suppose research into the knowledge of healthcare workers regarding the disease would reveal whether the knowledge gap (also) exists with healthcare workers.
at the same time, i revert back to social factors - how serious the disease is taken, etc. the social factors that permit the disease to persist.
you may not be able to resolve the matter with one research study only.
examples of interview questions that would reveal knowledge, thinking, and perceptions regarding the disease, would include:
- do you know someone with the disease?
- how has the disease affected you or your family?
- how dangerous or risky do you belief the disease to be?
- do you believe the disease can be prevented?
- what do you see as the remedy or cure for the disease?
- have you considered any steps to prevent the disease?
also from these questions, some of the propositions are that either the population/ women are not impacted extensively by the disease - the disease is not close enough to them to really take it seriously. a disease typically become common knowledge, if enough people are affected by it. or, that they dont believe the disease can be cured or prevented - part of the knowledge gap you highlight.
i am not sure you need any true statistical test when surveying healthcare workers. you would make sure you have a proper representation in your sampling, or substantiate a non-random sampling technique.
you would use descriptive statistics to analyze and unpack the results.
you can test across clusters or groups within the data. but a lot will only emerge after having obtained the data, i believe.
if the disease is attributed to lack of awareness or knowledge, what about alternative methods to raise awareness, other than healthcare workers? for instance, what about a national awareness campaign?
how well researched or documented is the prevention of the disease - is it a straightforward or complicated matter? this too would impact healthcare workers' knowledge.
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30 answers
How much education and knowledge does the entrepreneur need?
This is referring to common/ ordinary entrepreneurs - the average entrepreneur - and not "lucky stars" or "fly by nights".
At the same time, it also does not refer to "wannabe" or "going nowhere" entrepreneurs.
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If we restrict the question to now much education in entrepreneurship an entrepreneur needs, a large amount of formal education is not required. The skills necessary to succeed can be learned informally. In Silicon Valley, there are lots of organizations that support the entrepreneurial ecosystem such as the Silicon Valley Forum, that hosts educational seminars, networking events with investors, and connects entrepreneurs with mentors.
In my own experience, as mentioned in a previous post, to a question posed by Brian, the academic training as part of an MBA program is wholly inadequate. It focuses on the wrong things. In your typical course it is structured around writing the various sections of the business plan, culminating as a business plan as a capstone project. That is of minor importance compared to other aspects like navigating business registration, raising money (the professor tells you that the business plan is a plan, when it in fact is a sales document for raising money), real estate transactions, HR issues, insurance, managing cash flow (guerrilla finance), negotiating.
Were I teaching in a business school, I would be using lots of guest lecturers, veterans of startup companies to tell their stories, especially their failures, so that the students can benefit from the entrepreneur's mistakes. This is so superior to doing packaged case studies, which really just prepare MBAs for case study interviews, useful in itself, but produces what we call at Cisco 'MBA weenies'. They don't actually know very much and lack appreciation for subtlety and detail.
One of the big weaknesses of business school for teaching entrepreneurship is that the skills you learn in business school actually discourages entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs need to have an erroneous estimate of the probability of success to undertake the venture in the first place. (For this reason, every investor knows that the finance plan in a business plan is an optimistic fiction.) Were you to act as a rational economic actor, you would never undertake the venture in the first place. All that financial modeling you do in the required finance class in an AACSB accredited MBA is not very useful. Nor in accounting do they teach you the guerrilla finance tactics to stay alive when you have a new product and no customers.
To recap, formal schooling is not that valuable, but informal education and mentoring is invaluable. I learned more in lunch time conversations with Don Massaro (Shugart Associates, Xerox, Metaphor, Silicon Gaming, Reconnex) than I ever could have learned in school.
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27 answers
I'd like to know about the best method to defined a fuzzy rule base for fuzzy logic controllers, most of references said experience knowledge is the best way, but what are the other parameters?
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Useful link from , thanks for sharing.
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28 answers
Why are there still pseudo-scientific conspiracy theories that undermine obviously confirmed facts and scientific knowledge in the present era of publicly available large amounts of scientific knowledge?
Why in the present age of computerization, the digitization of knowledge resources and the huge scientific knowledge available on the Internet are still created pseudoscientific conspiracy theories, sometimes absurd claims of the type that the Earth is flat, that evolution is a fiction, that some people are aliens from outside the Earth etc.? For what reason and for what purpose are these types of irrational pseudoscience theories created?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
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The so-called irrational is an essential element of human nature and a heightened if sometimes misjudged adjunct to scepticism. Disbelieving received or given knowledge and ideas is essential to scientific and philosophical discovery. Myths and story making are pronounced human traits.
But in the end many conspiracy theorists appear unwilling to do the hard work of finding genuine proof.
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11 answers
The world witnessed a marginalisation of normative perspectives in disciplines and an emphasis of positive perspective as the norm upon which disciplines should be developed. This caused much destruction in material and non-material sense. What does the future hide from us?
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I've often heard people say things like, "That's not a moral issue, that's an economic issue". To me that's always sounded confused. What such people are implying is, that we ought to base a decision on economic principles, or that it is better to base a decision on economic principles, which to me sounds like a moral decision or a normative stance after all. What I think is going on underneath is some sort of view of morality being limited to some set of fixed rules, whereas in reality such rules are just rules of thumb that can be overridden in various circumstances. Morality at it most general level may converge with economic principles as expressed by a utilitarianian calculus -- theoretically, anyway. The problem is that too many things of value are often left out of consideration in classical or typical cost-benefit analyses. It's not so much a positivistic lack of normativity as a narrowly conceived set of values.
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17 answers
Developing knowledge is one of the most important factors in the development of civilization, including technical progress, technology development, etc. Knowledge is one of the most important production factors in modern knowledge-based economies. In modern knowledge-based economies, information services, Internet and modern information technologies based on advanced information processing are developing dynamically in the most economically developed countries. Currently, the development of knowledge led to the fourth technological revolution known as Industry 4.0.
A particularly important area of ​​knowledge that is rapidly developing in recent years and probability is determined by the development of modern economies are advanced information processing technologies ranked among the main determinants of the technological revolution called Industry 4.0.
The currently ongoing technological revolution Industry 4.0 is determined by the development of the following advanced information processing technologies: Big Data database technologies, cloud computing, machine learning, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, Business Intelligence and other advanced data mining technologies and other information technologies.
Knowledge development is therefore a key issue for the continuation of technological progress in the 21st century.
In view of the above, I am asking you the following question:
What is the significance of knowledge in the development of the 21st century civilization?
Please reply
Best wishes
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Every blade has two sides.
The present technology based knowledge and its practice may lead to some new problems like failure of the next generation people to think in versatile directions. Innovations may stop or may be totally dependent on technology for that reason.
As an example, one question may be asked. How many of modern day school student can perform simple calculations without calculator?
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6 answers
So there is this 'two communities' theory / metaphor arguing that academics and policy makers are from separate communities, with distinct languages, values, and reward system, and that leads to limited knowledge use (Caplan 1979, Dunn 1980).
Although criticized by many (e.g. Bogenschneider and Corbett 2010, Jacobson 2007) it still in my opinion is a good story / starting point for analyzing determinants / context of knowledge use in public administration.
I wonder if you could point me to some other examples of alternative theories / metaphors that could serve the same purpose. Let me specify that I'm not asking for sources enlisting factors / determinants of knowledge / evaluation use or models consisting - again - of factors, but something more like a story / perspective (sth like two communities:)
Regards, TK
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Good Day, Thomasz. The below paper ' Effectuating Tacit and Explicit Knowledge via Personal Knowledge Management Frameworks and Devices' utilizes and references sources which differentiate (e.g. Wierzbicki A.P. and Nakamori Y. (2007a) Creative environments: Issues of creativity support for the knowledge civilization age, Springer Publishing Company) between the academic and business world but also point to cumulative synthesis as a common ground methodology (e.g. Usher, A.P. (2013) A history of mechanical inventions (Revised ed.), Courier Corporation). see:
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3 answers
In non-mathematical sciences what I observed is usually people apply the existing material and methodology to different location, species, scenario, conditions etc (May be some other type of research method may exists as I don't have full knowledge of them). And in mathematical sciences researchers either apply the existing methods (with possible modifications in the methods) to different problems or the extended the existing general results. (may be some other). So a natural questions arises what is a good research. I guess an intuitive way of thinking will be better than above?
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I think the following link will be useful
Best Regards Wajid Ali
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22 answers
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of The role of education in the economy?
Education is one of the most important determinants of ensuring the country's economic development. It is also one of the forms of public goods, one of the social security categories for which the state is responsible for ensuring and financing at a given basic level. In addition, education in a modern, knowledge-based society, ie in contemporary developed economies, is becoming more and more important. In such economies, education shapes one of the most important factors of production, ie knowledge, information, technology, innovations and entrepreneurship.
Please reply. I invite you to the discussion
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