Science topic
Kenya - Science topic
A republic in eastern Africa, south of ETHIOPIA, west of SOMALIA with TANZANIA to its south, and coastline on the Indian Ocean. Its capital is Nairobi.
Questions related to Kenya
What are the primary challenges in implementing standardized pediatric care norms in resource-limited settings,
A critical analysis of sports law in Kenya focusing on the Sports Act and consequently highlighting the emerging jurisprudence.
Hello all, I am looking for five collaborators to work on a manuscript titled "Heterogeneous Catalysts in Biodiesel Synthesis: A Comprehensive Review" for publication in Scientific Research Publishing. If interested, please share your email for further communication. Thank you.
Dr. Masime,
Nairobi, Kenya.
- Kenya is renowned for its national parks and the abundance and diversity of wildlife; however, Kenya’s protected areas are too small, fragmented and not viable to maintain the current wildlife populations which rely on larger ecosystems than protected within the national parks.
- The threats against wildlife in Kenya continue to escalate due to an increase in habitat fragmentation, change in land use and human population pressure in areas outside parks. To secure Kenya’s ecological integrity and maintain viable populations of wildlife, land outside protected areas must be preserved
Based on the article by Kavulavu et al. (2022) about the challenges facing blood transfusion services being faced by Kenya during blood transfusion states, one of the problems faced is that the blood being donated is contaminated by viruses or diseases, such as blood containing tropical diseases or other serious viruses such as HIV, hepatitis, etc.
In a journal article written by Kavulavu et al. (2022), entitled “Challenges facing Blood Transfusion Services at a Regional Blood Transfusion Center in Western Kenya”, one of the key challenges faced at the Eldoret Regional Blood Transfusion Center (ERBTC) is unsuitable blood wastages and discards. While majority of these blood discards were due to transfusion transmissible infections, statistics have shown that about 33.3% of the discards were due to insufficient volumes. Aligned with this, this question is raised in hopes to know what strategies can be implemented to reduce the incidence of unsuitable blood discards. Moreover, this will also look into the potential of using technology and automated machines in addressing these problems.
This question is based on the study conducted by Kavulavu et. al. in 2022 entitled "Challenges facing blood transfusion services at a regional blood transfusion center in Western Kenya". In this study, it was mentioned that one of the increasing trends for the demand of blood in Kenya is due to infectious diseases.
In the research article "Challenges facing blood transfusion services at a regional blood transfusion center in Western Kenya" by Kavulavu et al. (2022), the demand and need for blood in Kenya were caused by tropical infectious diseases such as malaria, as well as trauma-related incidents in recent years. From a Philippine standpoint, what could contribute to a spike in the need for blood?
Blood transfusion is a critical medical procedure that can save lives in various situations. However, according to Chevalier et al. (2016), as stated in the article of Kavulavu et al. (2022) entitled "Challenges facing blood transfusion services at a regional blood transfusion center in Western Kenya," blood transfusion services face many difficulties. One of which is the overall community reluctance to donate blood.
Thus, this question focuses on the difficulties of engaging the community to recruit voluntary blood donors and ensuring a consistent and varied blood supply at blood transfusion centers.
This question also seeks to explore strategies like outreach campaigns, educational initiatives, and donor retention programs to effectively address these challenges and encourage regular blood donation.
The study by Kavulavu et. al. (2022) examined the challenges faced by a regional blood transfusion center in Western Kenya. One of the key challenges identified was the limited equipment available at the facility. This lack of adequate equipment was found to hinder the overall effectiveness and productivity of the blood transfusion services provided by the center. The study revealed that the regional blood transfusion center was constrained by a shortage of necessary equipment, which in turn impacted the efficiency and output of the services it was able to deliver to the local community.
Based on the journal of Kavulavu et al. (2022) entitled “Challenges facing blood transfusion services at a regional blood transfusion center in Western Kenya”, the supply of blood components in Western Kenya is facing several challenges. These challenges include scarcity, incompatible transfusions, and transfusion-transmissible infections. Other developing countries also suffer from the same problems, including the Philippines. How can these life-threatening challenges be prevented?
This question relates to the article published titled “Challenges facing blood transfusion services at a regional blood transfusion center in Western Kenya
Parts of East and Southern Africa, in particular, have experienced severe droughts, leading to water shortages, crop failures, and food insecurity. On the other hand, intense rainfall events have led to flooding in various regions, especially in low-lying areas and regions with poor drainage systems. What are the other threats and how those threats are related to nutrition security?
kindly help me identify variables and constructs in my topic of research. My topic is ; EXPLORING THE EXTENT INTO WHICH HUMAN-WILDLIFE CONFLICT AFFECT FORMAL EDUCATION IN KENYA
Your assistance shall be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Dear gents,
Please kindly assist on the following questions.
Currently, I am conducting my Ph.D. thesis and am looking for data to support my research on the following questions.
1. How to identify Chinese companies that are currently operating in the below mentioned countries? OR where can I find a list of Chinese companies that are currently operating in the below-mentioned countries?
2. Where /How can I find their CSR report from the last five years?
1. 🇪🇹 (Ethiopia)
2. Congo DRC)
3. 🇩🇿(Algeria)
4. 🇰🇪(Kenya)
6. 🇦🇴(Angola)
7. 🇿🇦(South Africa)
8. 🇧🇼(Botswana)
9. 🇳🇦(Namibia)
10. 🇲🇦(Morocco)
11.🇹🇳 (Tunisia)
"Prior to the incursion of Western imperialism, a sizeable proportion of the governance models of Africa’s peoples placed a high premium on consensus-building rather than majoritarianism. In this, they were inspired by kinship-based communalism. This is true of the Luo of Kenya, the Acholi and Baganda of Uganda, the Igbo of Nigeria, and the Ashanti of Ghana, among others."
These are Reginald Oduour's words from his essay here:
Can you name the merits of consensus-building over majoritarianism?
I'm doing a research on establishment of potential fishing zones in Lake Victoria Kenya using sentinel 3 data by determining chlorophyll concentration, sea surface temperature and altimetry (currents, eddies and upwelling, wind speed)
Different researchers have been trying to estimate the percentage of persons with disabilities in Kenya since 2007. Between 2007 and 2019, five independent studies have been conducted, each reporting significantly different results eg 4.6%, 3.5%, 13.5%, 11.4% and 2.2%. Utilizing all this published information, what Statistical treatment can be used to get the true estimate of disability prevalence.
We are trying to calibrate/validate our predictive productivity/erosion model (APEX) against multi-year productivity data for Kenya and Namibia. Erosion measurements also needed. FAO datasets do not provide raw values, so are not good for us. We are looking for ground measurements in any location throughout either Kenya or Namibia. Can anyone help? Thanks.
We are trying to calibrate/validate our predictive productivity/erosion model (APEX) against multi-year productivity data for Kenya and Namibia. Erosion measurements also needed. FAO datasets do not provide raw values, therefore they are not good for us. We are looking for ground measurements in any location throughout either Kenya or Namibia. Can anyone help? Thanks.
I Intend to take this assignment through Fairclough's Critical Discourse Analysis framework
My post today is directed to registered nurses from Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, and South Africa.
I am interested in collecting research data from the African countries listed above. Thus, I would like to collaborate with one nurse from each of these countries. The nurse will be responsible for coordinating the data collection in the country and all the logistics related to that country. In return, the nurse will get more research experience and payment or research experience and co-authorship in the resulting publications.
The population will be women who have undergone mastectomy and those who are scheduled to undergo mastectomy. This means that you must be working in a healthcare facility that offers such surgical services.
Please send a direct message to my inbox if you are interested. We will discuss the details of the study if you are ready, willing, and eligible.
Please share with your contacts.
Thank you!
#ethiopia #kenya #Ghana #SouthAfrica #nursingresearch #collaboration #datacollection #nursing
A case to consider is the Somalia versus Kenya tiff at Ras Kamboni that is currently at the ICJ. Kenya is claiming determination by latitude whereas Somalia is claiming determination by extrapolating of the borderline.
I would want to carry out an ethnographic study on the prevalent 'cultural' issue of cattle rustling among some ethnic communities in Kenya and parts of East Africa. I would like suggestions of journals I can pitch for publication. Thank you
I'm interested in studies/literature on average crop distribution/cover over Kenya. Thank you.
water hyacinth has for a long time been a menace in Lake Victoria, Kenya, despite both social and economic efforts being put in place to curb its impact on the region's economy. Should more research and focus therefore be directed to its eradication or rather to maximizing the benefits that may be derived from the hyacinth?
Guerena, D., Neufeldt, H., Berazneva, J., Duby, S., (2015) Water hyacinth control in Lake Victoria: Transforming an ecological catastrophe into economic, social, and environmental benefits. Sustainable Production and Consumption. VL - 42
DO - 10.1016/j.spc.2015.06.003
I'm working on sand dams monitoring in Kitui region in Kenya and I was able to find rainfall data for Kenya but not the area I need although there is a station (KITUI AGRIC STATION) that was mentioned on other papers but I couldn't reach the website of it online, , any one can help and give me a link or someone I can contact for these info please?
I already have one called: Refugees, Migration and National Security: States, Intelligence Agencies and the Perpetual Global Crisis - Case Study, Kenya. But I find a lot of papers online on this topic.
Therefore am requesting you my learned colleagues to help me identify a suitable RESEARCH PROPOSAL. I would prefer proposals that focus on Africa.
Currently Kenya has been invaded by large swam of desert locusts that are destroying both food and cash crops and pasture for livestock. Please may you explain strategies that can be under taken to manage this insect?
What is the significance of Pradhan et al from New Delhi’s work?
state the effects
empirical framework
i would like to use cluster sampling in my study on the effects of fiscal decentralization on household income inequalities in Kenya
We have two ongoing studies in Kenya that are addressing questions about the frequency of detection of >20 enteric viruses, bacteria, and parasites in 736 infant food samples in Kenya and in 397 matched sources of vended milk used to prepare some of these infant food samples. We are combining this foodborne exposure data with information on self-reported diarrhea and enteric infection of infants to calculate dose-response probabilities, among other research questions. This seems to be useful information for many of the pathogens identified in your project. We'd love for our emergent findings to have rapid impact on other projects. Thanks.
Is health in Kenya adequately financed? Relatedly, is there a need for additional sources of revenue to fund health? The limited resources that are available to the Kenyan government are prioritised in the budget that earmarks how much is to be allocated to each public sector. Regrettably, health financing has been on a reducing scale and the government is considering ways to broaden its revenue base for financing health. I want to pick up on the argument of limited resources and posit Islamic taxation as an alternative source of revenue potentially available to the Kenyan government for financing health. Scholars have considered the argument of limited resources from the lens of prioritisation – that is the need to make the best possible use of these limited resources to continually improve the well-being of society and increase the revenue in the long term. Other scholars have posited that the argument on limited resources is to be examined by inquiring into different ways by which the resource base can be increased. Among the latter scholars, many suggest an examination of the tax policy of a state to increase taxation. Tax increments place a higher burden on the poor and middle-income earners, and is therefore not a persuasive approach to broadening the tax base. If the discourse on limited resources is to be analysed further from the scholarship on broadening the tax base then isnt it important to also address it from a different discipline, Islamic taxation?
I would like to ask, if we have foreground data of certain process but could not get the background data because there is few study/commercial database does not cover it, can we just use any background data for other similar process in other region?(e.g. I do WtE study in Kenya).
Also, many impact method are developed somewhere, should it be adopted in the region of my study or i would not be much problem to use available impact method?
In Uganda and Kenya, there are services termed as mobile money. Where by business transactions are done by phone by telecommunication companies. They also lend money to public like banks. Is it good for economy?
I would be very thankful if you could support me in getting the map and the data with area of land. This is purely for academic purpose only.
Thank you.
The country’s irrigation-based farming is still limited. Of the total land area under agriculture, 2.9 million ha, irrigation accounts for only 4% but contributes to 3% of the GDP and provides 18% of the value of all agricultural produce, demonstrating it’s potential in increasing agricultural production and productivity. Irrigated agriculture is carried out mainly in irrigation schemes and in large scale irrigation of crops such as rice and coffee. Individual farmers have developed their own systems of irrigation especially for export crops such as coffee and horticulture.
Could anyone share some work on post abortion care work in Kenya?
El Nino and La Nina: Why is it restricted to Pacific Ocean and WHY NOT in Indian Ocean?
Similar to El Nino and La Nina – describing the largest fluctuation in the Earth’s climate system – and subsequently, influencing the conventional weathering pattern on a larger continental-scale - resulting from the elevated/mitigated sea surface temperatures of the tropical Pacific Ocean;
Is there a possibility that the variation in sea surface temperatures - either in Bay of Bengal or Arabian Sea - would significantly influence - the normal weathering pattern - in the Indian subcontinent?
Is there a feasibility for (Bay of Bengal / Arabian Sea) ocean water – that gets significantly heated up – despite the fact that peninsular India is located significantly away from the equator; and probably, the probability of ocean water getting warmer by Sun is theoretically remote or insignificant?
If at all, if the ocean gets marginally warmer by Sun, do we really have winds that are strong enough to push the warm water – say in between East Coast of India and west coast of Thailand?
The analysis need not to be necessarily between east coast of India and Thailand (Bay of Bengal) OR in between West Coast of India and Yeman/Oman (Arabian Sea / Gulf of Aden).
The analysis could be in between East Coast Africa (Kenya/Somalia) and Singapore/Malaysia.
Any info in this regard is highly appreciated.
This Project should be extended to the rest of Africa
My questionnaire has 35 questions and the first one is the Country (Uganda, Kenya or Tanzania).
A number of respondents prefered the web-enabled version using SurveyMonkey to the hard copy. However, a number of respondents simply selected the Country, saved the template but did not proceed any further, despite a few reminders.
Should such responses be included as "Missing Data" and proceed to carry out Multiple Imputation?
Other respondents answered at least 7 questions.
I would like to know sources of funding.
Three researchers from Ethiopia, Uganda and Kenya are planing to write a proposal that will be submitted for potential donors and to this effect we are looking for a northern partner with a background/ expertise of labor or migration. Hence we appreciate if any one can positively respond to our call.
I am a Master of Biotechnology student at Kenyatta University, working on a project on determination of Fumonisin FB1, FB1, FB3 and FB4 on maize samples. I would like to use HPLC technique of determination of Fumonisin in maize. I am not able to proceed due to unavailable standards for Fumonisins in Kenyatta University, Kenya. Can I be adviced.
I want to write on the impact of public health financing on the poor in society
Kenya, and i believe some of her neighbors, is experiencing infestation by the army worm. The spread of this pest is so sporadic and widespread in the Country that it may soon add to the current food shortage in the country.
What are the indicators for the army worm infestation for the purpose of prediction and control
The common species of moths/butterflies that are army-worms?
Polythene tubes are extensively used in Kenya, and other countries in the tropics, as potting materials for raising tree seedlings. There is a ban, currently, on the use of polythene bags in the country.
For fieldwork this year. Brand with a UK supplier would be useful but not essential.
The importance of the River Nile cannot be underscored enough. The Nile, which is 6,853 km (4,258 miles) long, is an “international” river as its drainage basin covers eleven countries, namely, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Congo-Kinshasa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, South Sudan, Sudan and Egypt. In particular, the Nile is the primary water source of Egypt and Sudan. It flows from Lake Victoria to the Mediterranean, and covers an area of at least 3,349,000 square Kilometers.
I need to now how I will measure the length of grown ZnO nanowires here in Kenya, which institution has a SEM and how can I access.
We are a group of researchers in Kenya. We are responding to the LEAP-Agri call. We are working on the promotion of nutritious crops in Africa. We are looking for collaborators in the eligible countries in Africa and Europe. Kindly if interested, contact me for discussions. This is the link to the call:
Looking for any recent research or innovations on the water treatment. Work with poor communities in rural Africa and most current treatment systems are very expensive for the community. Would there be any appropriate technology solutions? Recently drilled two boreholes near Lake Turkana with good yield but water is too salty for drinking and farming as well. Also ideas of how to use this water would be welcomed.
Consider cost effectiveness of the approach and applicability in rural Kenya
I am doing a study on monitoring and evaluation system and am trying how the system is designed using a a case study in Kenya. Are there any publications and journals in this area. Kindly share any useful information.
We understand that M-PESA technology adopted by Kenya is a success story for the world in digital financing. I would appreciate it if researchers could shed light for its success and the basic infrastructure required for its successful operation. We are visiting Kenya to learn about this technology so that it could be introduced in Nepal as well.
In line with achieving the MDG 5.
In Kenya, as in many other countries, once tea is picked, it passes through a value chain before it is eventually exported (Farmer to transporter to tea processor then eventually transport to the port for export). In this process, value is created and costs also accumulate. In the end, farmers are uncertain about the value that reaches them in terms of price per kg of tea.
Is there a demotivating factor here that could make farmers be apathetic to risk management?
I am currently working on a proposal on the application of lignocellulosic biomass for production of value-added chemicals in Kenya. I am looking forward to collaborate with a senior faculty member from UK. Kindly contact me for discussions
It was found at 1850 m at the base of the Ngong Hills, near the Karen area. Size is ca. 5 cm in length.
For example, the nomads in Northeastern Kenya?
I would like to know the Methodology I can use to evaluate the RED/REC immunization strategy among the hard to reach communities e.g the pastoralists and Nomads in Northeastern Kenya.
I am looking to secure access for county level data on climate and soil indicators in Kenya. I thought there was an FAO AEZ project a while back which made this data available, but can't seem to locate this information. Any ideas?
For some greenhouse experiments I would like to grow Avicennia marina imported from Kenya. However, I have no experience in growing this trees. I know this species tolerates considerable variations of water salinity, extreme conditions of temperature as well as long submergence of its pneumatophores during exceptional floods. But can anyone help me with a good stable starting environment to create for my experiments? Thank you in advance.
I am looking for fieldwork conducted in northern Kenya, which describes typical patterns of herd management in concordance with seasonal variations in rainfall and the spatial distribution of relevant features such as wells, dry season grazing areas etc. Moreover I would like to know if there are significant differences between regions (for example between Turkana County and Marsabit County). Any suggestions?
I am doing a research on the subject “form of the city and local socio-cultural impact on the situation of Jame Mosque in historical cities of East Africa”. Accordingly, I try to find and study Swahili settlements in the region. Historically, the Shirazi people were founder the urban civilization in that region. In this regards I have found good information but there is lost data about one of their settlements.
Can anyone help me in finding the exact location of historical City of Shirazi settlement in south-east of Kenya? According to the documents it had changed the name to Funzi and in smaller area Kefunzi. Through Google Earth I found the Funzi peninsula, but the exact location of its historical city was not mentioned in the historical maps and Google map data.
Can anyone have any information about its data even the location of its ruins?