Science topic
Journalism - Science topic
Journalism is the collection, preparation, and distribution of news and related commentary and feature materials through such media as pamphlets, newsletters, newspapers, magazines, radio, motion pictures, television, and books. While originally applied to the reportage of current events in printed form, specifically newspapers, with the advent of radio and television the use of the term has broadened to include all printed and electronic communication dealing with current affairs.
Questions related to Journalism
I am currently exploring options for journal publication and came across ARDA Publication. I wanted to reach out to the researcher community and inquire about any experiences you may have had with publishing through ARDA Publication.
Any information or personal experiences you could share would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You
I am currently working on a paper written in LaTeX and am trying to obtain abbreviated journal names in the references. Using the built-in tools in Zotero, I can get abbreviations for a few journals, but many still appear with their full names, including journals such as JCP and CMAME.
How can I manually add an abbreviation for a specific journal name in Zotero without modifying each individual item in my library? Is there a central location where all these abbreviations are defined?
Generally, most of the journals use these two figures (A) and (B) to calculate the Impact Factor. Let us calculate the Impact Factor for a particular journal for the year 2023.
Impact Factor(IF-2023) = A/B
A -> The number of times that all items published in that journal in 2021 and 2022 were cited by indexed publications during 2023.
B -> The total number of “citable items” published by that journal in 2021 and 2022.
For Example,
A = 1298 (Number of times that all items published in that journal in 2021 and 2022)
B = 541 (The total number of “citable items” published by that journal in 2021 and 2022)
Then the Impact factor of the Journal should be (1298/541)= 2.40 IF.
Can anyone please share their feedback or review on the journal - Empirical Economics Letters (ISSN 1681 8997)? Can anyone confirm its authenticity and metrics? The articles published by the journal look really unstandardized, and their website looks questionable. I have also tried seeing their previous issues published only some have doi? is this journal predatory ?
I would like to publish my Scientific Preprint Paper free-of-charge in an international Astrophysics journal with a satisfactory Impact Factor. Can you please suggest such a journal?
I have published my Research Results on a New Orbital Model for Moving Bodies in the Universe that I am asserting as a result of my scientific analysis, which can be found below:
"Everything Is A Circle: A New Model For Orbits Of Bodies In The Universe"
(Paperback Book)
(Kindle eBook)
I will be presenting this work to the general scientific community at #COSPAR in Sydney, Australia, which will be broadcast Live according to Congress schedule on February 2, 2021
and will be available as Video-On-Demand in more detail.
To provide an introductory idea for readers and scientific community in general, here is a short video giving an overview description of the main and most significant findings:
MDPI journals provide 100CHF vouchers or so to the reviewers. Can they be used cummulatively?
This seems to be an avoided topic. Many journals require some sort of fee to get published, even if not a predatory journal. This can be a barrier to people looking to publish earlier work without funding. It is even harder to publish review papers, as many journals want you to already be an expert in the topic rather than someone who is beginning their career chasing down and closing literature gaps. Are there any peer-reviewed journals that are willing to publish early career or student review papers without charging hundreds or thousands of $USD?
Dear fellow researchers,
There has been some rumours in the last few months that some journals are paying reviewers for their work. I do not know if this is true, but, assuming it is, can you tell me what those journals are, in the engineering field (broad)? Also, are there any journals that pay for editorial services (decisions on manuscripts), in the engineering field?
I thank you in advance,
Best regards,
Hugo Silva
International Journal of Science and Research Archive
Please anyone tell me details about this journal. I thought this was not a good journal. I need some specific reasons.
Now, Taiz University attempts to formulate new rules regulating the academic promotions for faculty members. That is challenging and courageous effort made by the academic council to raise our university ranking. However, there are still fluctuations and misunderstanding of some of these rules, e.g., misestimating the effort devoted by a researcher who write and publish a review/mini-review paper. While simple practical articles published in local universities’ journals (all without any impact factors and some with no ISSN yet) are strongly accepted for the academic promotions, the review/mini-review articles are not even if published in ISI journals of good impact factor and mention. So, answering the aforementioned question may assist the academic council to make a proper decision for sake of enhancing the international ranking of our university.
Today, scopus has a hard time publishing articles in scientific journals, so we want to get help from experienced specialists. We think that this mihim will be considered to popularize Ilim. The publication of scientific articles together leads to an examination of more scientific directions, which will help to make future work more perfect.

Being an average Indian and a good academician,
I have come across this a lot, "Scopus Indexed Journal"
I hear you say "Of course I too". My question is....
If all the Journals that are indexed in Scopus are not really worth enough to be called as a reputed journal (at least in average scale), then why Scopus is accepting and approving all those journals to get indexed in their data base????
Who is to be blamed?
Option (a) The academicians who publish their works in ill worth journals
Option (b) The ELSVIER system who approves those ill worth journals to get indexed in Scopus
Option (c) The system which urges the academics to publish in Scopus indexed journals but not considering the publication in ill worth Scopus journals (In Indian terms, 'Paid Journals')
I expect our fellow community to discuss about the reality behind Scopus Indexed journals, Measuring academics with Scopus,.

Dear sir/madam,
I hope this mail finds you well. I am writing to express my keen interest to make you as editorial board member of newly proposed journal [Tying to submit proposal to Elsevier] in the title of "Journal of Sustainable AI and IoT sensor data".
In this regards, i would like to know your interest towards this proposal. If it is , kindly share your detailed CV to
Thank you
MSW Management Journal is hijacked. The fake website is There are numerous red flags:
-Look at for example and see that there are countless unrelated papers ‘published’ in the field of art, education, energy/engine and health science
-Also, the number of papers does not fit the moderate number of papers according to Scopus just click on Scopus content coverage and see that with these fraudsters they publish more in one issue than what the legit one publish in one year
-According to SCImago the real publisher used to be Forester Communication Inc. (also named Forester Media Inc.) if you click on the homepage link on the SCImago page you are redirected to
-The pop-up message indicate that there is a new owner. Indeed they are/used to be linked to SWANA and they published in MSW Management (scroll down to the bottom of the page) if you click on it then you are redirected to the same waste today website.
-Looking at the fake website there are the ‘usual’ issues with a hijacked version:
Older issues are not accessible (if you click on a pdf you need to enter a password…)
Contact info is nothing but a Gmail address
Editorial team is most likely fake (and lacking info about the members) and is way too small to handle the huge number of manuscripts
Last but not least they make use of a logo I’ve never seen before (it misleadingly mimics the WoS logo, see figures enclosed).
Again, a sad example of deception.

I tried to add information about a new article that was published in a relatively new journal, which was not listed in the drop down menu. I typed in name of journal, however, I think some other journal's name got automatically entered. How can this be corrected please? Thanks.
Should researchers and educators do more to encourage policy-makers, media influencers, other opinion leaders, friends, family, neighbors, etc. to productively address propaganda?
Welcome your thoughts…
As an Editorial Board Member of The Journal of Advanced Energy Conversion Materials (Open Access) , I Invite you to Submit your work to the Journal and you Can get all Information you need from the attached file and the Link Below:
Kind Regards
Abdalla M Abdalla
Assistant Professor - Faculty of Engineering
Suez Canal University
Need to know Some Good journal related to Textile or natural dyes related journal which has no publication charges.
Interested in learning about media power and the role of the media system, have a look at my latest article:
#mediapower #discourse analysis
Hello everyone
I have revised my manuscript according to the reviewers' comments and tried to submit it to the Transportation Engineering journal. ""
However, I encountered a PDF build error that prevented me from completing the submission process. The error message said: "PDF build failed: There were errors building the PDF file. I checked the file but I could not understand what the problem was. I used Microsoft Word to write my manuscript and followed the journal's template and guidelines. Has anyone faced a similar issue before? How can I fix this error and submit my manuscript successfully?
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Indeed, I read conflicting information and I am asking the question to eliminate confusion.
Please guide me how do i add my paper in scholar if i have published in paid journal. The journal name is IJBPAS (International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences)
What is the difference between article, journal paper, research paper and conference paper?
Recently, I completed a review article, submitted it to the journal, and received comments/questions from the journal editor. Now, as the deadline approaches, I will submit the revised manuscript. Since I have answered the reviewers’ questions and solved all the questions they raised, but in the editor’s email, this is clearly mentioned, that is, only after you have obtained all necessary copyright permissions from the publisher , We can continue publishing. I know this is an important step, but I found that, unlike Willey ACS journals, Springer Nature journals do not provide image licenses for free. Now let me ask everyone, how to solve this problem? Since I am a student, I cannot afford huge fees. Although the manuscript is already in the review process, the images cannot be changed. What should I do now? Has anyone else encountered the same problem as me? If so, please guide me and help me get rid of the pressure...! I would be very grateful if someone guides me in the right direction.
Usman Ali Shah
Please suggest about it with your relevant documentary proof.
Hi everybody
I tried to contact the editorial staff of "Journal of Franklin Institute" via email. Surprisingly, there is no email or contact on their website! Has anyone had a similar experience?
If anyone has their email, I would be grateful if you could share it with me.
Just finsished a review (second round) finding that another five reviewers are providing comments as well. Finished a paper in the same journal with 8 reviewers on board. At the same time journals are complaining that the willingness to review is getting lower and lower. What is the point in asking 6 reviewers to do a review on a paper? Poor authors, just a matter of time that they have to fulfill contradicting tasks. This is not necessarily improving the paper. Why? Because it is unlikely the “best” reviewer being the most annoying one. But the annoying one will make sure that his/her views will be considered in the end.
What do you think about it?
I am experiencing difficulty putting citations in author-year format. The Template says it uses natbib for author-year citations. However, when I use \citet{ID number}, It shows question mark in front of authors name.
Recently, a generalised neural network model was proposed by (author?)
[1] for solving partial differential equations
The error is: Package natbib Warning: Author undefined for citation`raissi_physics-informed_2019' on page 2 on input line 134.
My reference:
title = {Physics-informed neural networks: {A} deep learning framework for solving forward and inverse problems involving nonlinear partial differential equations},
volume = {378},
issn = {0021-9991},
shorttitle = {Physics-informed neural networks},
doi = {10.1016/},
abstract = {We introduce physics-informed neural networks – neural networks that are trained to solve supervised learning tasks while respecting any given laws of physics described by general nonlinear partial differential equations. In this work, we present our developments in the context of solving two main classes of problems: data-driven solution and data-driven discovery of partial differential equations. Depending on the nature and arrangement of the available data, we devise two distinct types of algorithms, namely continuous time and discrete time models. The first type of models forms a new family of data-efficient spatio-temporal function approximators, while the latter type allows the use of arbitrarily accurate implicit Runge–Kutta time stepping schemes with unlimited number of stages. The effectiveness of the proposed framework is demonstrated through a collection of classical problems in fluids, quantum mechanics, reaction–diffusion systems, and the propagation of nonlinear shallow-water waves.},
language = {en},
urldate = {2022-01-31},
journal = {Journal of Computational Physics},
author = {Raissi, M. and Perdikaris, P. and Karniadakis, G. E.},
month = feb,
year = {2019},
keywords = {Data-driven scientific computing, Machine learning, Nonlinear dynamics, Predictive modeling, Runge–Kutta methods},
pages = {686--707},
file = {ScienceDirect Snapshot:/home/hell/Zotero/storage/62WUGXLX/S0021999118307125.html:text/html},
I intend to publish my article in the journal: Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government
(Although websites suggest it is a legitimate journal, and i have verified the ISSN number)
However, Their have been frequent suspicious actions on part of the journal (Such as rapid requests for payments, recently changed website , and acceptance without review).
Can an expert please advise.
Below is the link for the journal:
This unwelcome email made it into my inbox, and since I like to keep my inbox free of unwelcome spam, I am starting a thread on this particular publisher so that I hopefully will never receive an "invitation" from this particular "publisher" again. The email has many if not all the hallmarks of a typical email sent from a predatory publisher.
Trends in Anatomy and Physiology (ISSN: 2640-7752) | DOI: 10.24966/TAP-7752 | Google Scholar| NLM ID: 101731839 | Scientific Indexing Services ID: 6732
Dear Dr (My Name),
I hope this mail finds you well.
We would like to inform you that we have sent you mail earlier, but we did not receive any response from you. So, we are taking liberty to resend this mail.
We were quite impressed with your prior work, and we believe that your contribution to the journal will help to further expand its scholarly reach.
It gives us great pleasure to ask you to contribute some interesting articles for publication in the upcoming issue to our journal Trends in Anatomy and Physiology
Submission date: March 30, 2023.
If this is a short notice, please do send short review or a short commentary (or other type of article).
Please submit your manuscript as an attachment to this mail (Contact address of the supposed journal)
Waiting for your positive response.
(Name of the supposed sender of the email, probably a fake name anyway)
Herald Scholarly Open Access
I try to add the journal of my article called "effects of the repeated sprints training in hypoxia on tennis specific performance" it Sports Medicine International Open
we have submitted to a number of Elsevier journals recently - and every time we pick a new journal, the editorialmanager web page requires us to register from scratch - i.e. we needed to enter a lot of information each time, instead of having a common profile (typically it takes at least 20 minutes to enter personal data, scientific fields, priorities, keywords, gender statement, and so on). I personally have found it annoying.
What is your opinion?
Good Day researchers.
I am currently looking for some journals that have high acceptance rate(AR) and average impact factor(IF). My work is on battery materials.
I am currently looking at "The Chemical Record" and "Scientific Report". Both have an impact factor of around 5 and an acceptance rate >50%.
However I feel those should be my safe bet, and I should aim for something with higher impact factor (around 10) and with >36% acceptance rate.
Do you have any Journal suggestions? Is there a centralized place I can see what are my options? I feel a place we can see most journals' IFs and ARs can help researchers greatly in selecting where to publish.
Thank you in advance!
Recently I visited <> (R) (a platform that lists top scientists around the world from the areas of computer science and electronics) and later I also visited <> (A) (the ATLAS Experiment at CERN). I made the following observations (I intentionally don't mention names):
1. One of the top authors at R has published 1,816 papers.
If one's professional career lasts 40 years, the calculation says:
40 years X 365 days = 14600 days; 14600 / 1816 = 8 days to publish a paper
That means 1 paper is published every 8 days during the entire professional life! That's about 45 papers a year... every year!
2. The same author at R has an h-index of 167.
"The h-index is defined as the maximum value of h such that the given author/journal has published at least h papers that have each been cited at least h times."
The R's top author has 167 papers each one cited 167 times!
3. A paper published by A's researchers had 78 authors!
I realize that CERN is something "big" and quite complex. But... there are 78 authors anyway...
Probably all those people are high-level scientists. But... what makes them hyperprolific? Is it real? How is it possible? Is it more for the benefit of science or is it a kind of business?
What's your opinion?
How to avoid it? I have an accepted manuscript in applied geophysics journal from springer ( according to my corresponding author. However, I discovered that this paper has been withdrwan from the journal and not issued in the previously-mentioned issue by him due to personal reasons, thus I really blame both the editorial board and the corresponding author for this. I am asking relevant researchers whom faced such a serious issue before to give their sincere opinion and I will accept, listen to all critisims and follow your guidence too.
Dear aspiring young researchers,
Tech Science Press recognizes the important role that you play in shaping the future of science and technology worldwide. As such, we are looking to recruit early career editorial board members to enhance the quality and increase the international reputation of our journals.
Our goal is to create a diverse and talented pool of professionals for the editorial board of each journal, providing a platform for open, free, and equal communication among young researchers. We firmly believe that by working together, we can achieve mutual success and growth.
If you are passionate about your field and want to be part of a professional community that is dedicated to advancing scientific knowledge, we welcome your application. As an early career editorial board member, you will have the opportunity to polish your skills, edit high-quality research papers, provide guidance to fellow researchers, and forward important discoveries to the broader scientific community.
Join us at Tech Science Press and let us work together towards a brighter future for science and technology.
Tech Science Press
Whether posting a preprint will affect the publication of the same paper in a journal ?
I wish to find the doi of the article from journal's name, volume, and page. I believe that these information can uniquely determine the article ID (DOI). But as far as I searched with Google, no useful information is available. Google Scholar is not so convenient from this viewpoint. For me, it is tedious to repeat going to the journals' homepage and enter the vol. and pg. Thanks in advance for your kind suggestion,
How do I post a call for papers for a peer-reviewed journal published by Springer and an edited book by Springer? I am the co-editor for the journal and the editor for the book.
The call for papers also appears on the Springer's site.
Can anyone tell me some journals related to industrial design to publish a design thesis in a journal based in Pakistan? Or if there are any journals from abroad as well.
I have written a reserch paper on MCDM Method with sensitivity analysis. And submitted to InderScience journal. after 15 month without review, they just mail me a rejection letter. I m very depressed. Since i have to publish paper for my Ph.D work as it already 5yr. Can any one help me publish my research paper by suusgesting genuine journal that actually give result.
[Context - Indian Medical College - An Institute of National Importance]
An MBBS student of mine has worked very well on a non-funded research project that has reached the stage of paper writing. I want to decide on the journal so that the manuscript can be tailored to its guidelines.
I am unable to find any such journals on MedLine/ Pubmed / PMC except those pertaining to medical education/pedagogy.
I would appreciate suggestions of indexed journals with nominal APCs which are receptive to undergraduate medical research papers.
Otherwise, I will have to submit it to a usual journal where it will need to jostle around with papers coming in from more significant funded projects.
Thank you so much!
Asking for my practical work.
A person published an article, but the Journal eventually identified the manipulation of images in the published article. What are the further actions?
Could you describe in some steps shortly.
- Go to web portal
- This web portal search allows to search for open access journals with no Article Processing Charges, With DOAJ Seals and author retains all rights. (In Left Pane)
- 19827 indexed journals in total are listed for above 3 catagories.
- Go to Search tab [in the orange bar], Select to journals [left hand facets]
- Select without fees [No APC] then search by your area of Interest.

Hello friends,
I could not find any template for this journal which stated that it should be doubled column. Any help?
Hello all,
My paper is missing in my profile in Scopus what can I do?
Knowing that I tried to contact the journal to find out why my article was not published in Scopus, but to no avail.
Article link:
Journal name: computer systems science and engineering
Does anyone know the scopus indexed management journal with minimum APC and faster publication . Pls dont provide the paid journal list
for recruitment process in academics in India, research publications are considered as a criteria for screening of the candidate. the recruitment rules say that a particular number of research paper is required as essential criteria. then the question arises whether research paper here means original article or review article or both. some clarification in this regard is required.
Our accepted article in Indian journal of Cancer has been not seen in their new system anymore. we tried to contact their editor and editorial staff but we cannot contact and communicate with them. about 3 years until 6 months ago we had seen our accepted article in their system but now we cannot. What can ı do anymore? How can ı contact them except by email, telephone, twitter and etc which we already tried to reach them?
There are few journals such as diseases, scientia pharmaceutica by MDPI which mention impact factor on their journal page. But a perusal of JCR list does not mention these journals. Concerned editors suggested to refer to the Clarivate analytics page to confirm the IF. I do not have access to it. Request fellow colleagues who have access to the Clarivate analytics journal search database to confirm IF of these journals and share the screenshots if possible. Thanks.
Do you think it is true, to see a scientific study as a source of income, from the race to be published by the journals to the publication of the symposium? Yes, money is spent on scientific efforts. And, this money must correspond to income. But the inventions, the patents that are the result of these efforts should be traded. I think that organizing so many symposiums, also being in the race for publication of articles by the open journals (or others), reduces the quality of science. What do you think about this?
I encountered a situation where I submitted an article to BMC, but unexpectedly, my preprint was published on ResearchSquare instead. However, I have since withdrawn my article from BMC, and now I need to remove the preprint from ResearchSquare as well, as requested by the new journal. I would appreciate any guidance or advice from individuals who have faced a similar issue on how to handle this situation
Here is the full list. Most journals drowned badly. Corona's Impact seems to vanish as Citations decreased.
I would like to know how to have a certificate of reviewing with seal from a springer journal and how to generate a CV containing articles that have been reviewed from publon with the current version?
Anybody got invited to submit his/her article to OPAST group? I recently received several emails from this network of OPAST journals (e.g. International Journal of Health Policy Planning), and I could not verify the reputation yet. Is there anyone with any knowledge about this so far? Thank you for the attention.
# SPR-KKR input file Fe3GeTe2_JXC.inp
# created by xband on Wed Oct 19 00:10:47 CST 2022
POTFIL = Fe3GeTe2.pot_new_new
EMIN=-0.2 Ry
Generated by cif2cell 1.2.10. : Failed to get author information, No journal information.
Bravais lattice
11 hexagonal primitive 6/mmm D_6h
space group number (ITXC and AP)
194 457
structure type
lattice parameter A [a.u.]
ratio of lattice parameters b/a c/a
1.000000000000 4.113814098534
lattice parameters a b c [a.u.]
7.514117891430 7.514117891430 30.911684119810
lattice angles alpha beta gamma [deg]
90.000000000000 90.000000000000 120.000000000000
primitive vectors (cart. coord.) [A]
0.866025403784 -0.500000000000 0.000000000000
0.000000000000 1.000000000000 0.000000000000
0.000000000000 0.000000000000 4.113814098534
number of sites NQ
IQ ICL basis vectors (cart. coord.) [A] RWS [a.u.] NLQ NOQ ITOQ
1 1 0.288675134595 0.500000000000 0.370983755406 3.109661743277 2 1 1
2 1 0.288675134595 0.500000000000 1.685923293861 3.109661743277 2 1 1
3 1 0.577350269190 0.000000000000 2.427890804673 3.109661743277 2 1 1
4 1 0.577350269190 0.000000000000 3.742830343128 3.109661743277 2 1 1
5 2 0.288675134595 0.500000000000 3.085360573900 3.109661743277 2 1 2
6 2 0.577350269190 0.000000000000 1.028453524633 3.109661743277 2 1 2
7 3 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.706753262128 3.109661743277 3 1 3
8 3 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 1.350153787139 3.109661743277 3 1 3
9 3 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 2.763660311395 3.109661743277 3 1 3
10 3 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 3.407060836406 3.109661743277 3 1 3
11 4 0.288675134595 0.500000000000 1.028453524633 3.109661743277 3 2 4 5
12 4 0.577350269190 0.000000000000 3.085360573900 3.109661743277 3 2 4 5
number of sites classes NCL
ICL WYCK NQCL IQECL (equivalent sites)
1 - 4 1 2 3 4
2 - 2 5 6
3 - 4 7 8 9 10
4 - 2 11 12
number of atom types NT
IT ZT TXTT NAT CONC IQAT (sites occupied)
1 52 Te 4 1.000 1 2 3 4
2 32 Ge 2 1.000 5 6
3 26 Fe 4 1.000 7 8 9 10
4 0 Vc 2 0.200 11 12
5 26 Fe 2 0.800 11 12
Can someone tell me what went wrong? Thank you very much!
Hello and have a good time.
Considering that my paper titled "Botnet Detection Based on Markov Chain and Fuzzy Rough Set" and "" has not yet been refereed in the submitted journal . Is it possible to remove its full text from public access?
Please let me know, If i want to Publish our work in Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, whether it belongs to OA OR SUBSCRIPTION based?
We assume this to be true in a manner similar to the statistical modeling approach called Cairo techniques. Here, real time t exists in intervals quantized as a dimensionless integer 1,2 3 , . . .N and has been successfully used to solve time-dependent PDEs in 4D x-t unit space. some examples are heat diffusion versus time, Laplace and Poisson PDEs, sound volume and reverberation time in audio rooms, digital integration and differentiation, etc.
These classical physics solutions can be called statistical equivalence of the time-dependent diffusion problem.
[some examples are given by 1,2,3]
The Schrödinger PDE (SE) itself is no exception and the statistical equivalence of the SE exists.
Surprisingly, this SESE is more revealing and more comprehensive than the SE itself.
The route is quite long, how can we cross it?
1-A numerical statistical solution to the partial differential equations of Laplace and Poisson, Researchgate, IJISRT journal.
2-a statistical numerical solution for the time-dependent 3D heat diffusion problem without the need for the PD thermal equation or its FDM techniques, Researchgate, IJISRT journal.
3-Theory and design of audio rooms-A statistical view, Researchgate, IJISRT journal.
The journal indexing such as SCI, ESCI, and SCIE are received more good reputation across the publishing industries to measure performance and citation metrics of both at the journal and author level.
The journals indexed under this databased are considered to be the world’s leading journals of science and technology, because of a rigorous selection process. The different indexing categories carried out by the journal evaluation companies create more confusion among researchers to choose the right journal for the publication of their scientific manuscripts.
Google Scholar ranks journals according to h-index while impact factor is well known as a ranking system. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Let's discuss.
After acceptance from Benchmarking: an International Journal, I checked for the impact factor on which I can fully trust. But I could not find either impact factor or JCR for 2022 or before. Can anyone help me out with this?
I am currently developing a manuscript which I plan to submit in one of the journal available in the web of science list.
I just published a new paper on "Proceedings of the National Institute of Ecology of the Republic of Korea" and try to upload the file on ResearchGate.
But I cannot find the journal of this. Please let me know how to register a new journal on ResearchGate?
* I linked the journal site ""
Sincerely yours,
Share list or links of journal in regards to medical and surgical field with no publication charges and is indexed in pubmed
The most common reason is: "The content of the manuscript is not suitable for this journal (out of scope)", even though there may exist similar papers in the recent issues of that journal. Above all, the same journals may also assign similar papers to me as a reviewer.
Rather than getting to the basis of these arguments, I am simply looking for some signal processing or biomedical journals that may follow a more logical review process.
Please suggest some journals, if you may know.
I red a paper on an important journal of cardiology. In this work they found that 8 miRNAs were dysregulated in plasma samples of a study cohor of 1710 participants (Controls + patientes affected by Heart failure). I evaluated these 8 miRNAs in plasma samples in a study-cohort of 129 subjects (Controls + Heart failure patients) and I found that only 2 miRNAs were dysregulated according to the work I red. Because I have to explain thi data in "Discussion" I don't know how to explain this difference. Why could be the main reason of these different results? Maybe the size samples or other? Thank you
What is the benefit of being a peer-reviewer of scopus journal