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Israel - Science topic
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Questions related to Israel
I cannot ignore this topic anymore.
WHY Egypt or Jordan should take Gaza people,??
No. Gaza people must be put together with Palestinians people .
There must be certainly a Palestine to be Marked , with plan, under a treaty.
It looks a time now that I now by UN, International Committee Western countries to agree upon to Give Palestine a title State.
For such it is essential to planned Mark Boundary for Palestine to be in region alongside Israel.
I read that Israel has developed a cure for pancreatic cancer
(see link below)
Can anyone tell me more?
Dear colleagues,
Dear policymakers of countries in need of a short-term earthquake prediction method,
I am Alexander Yagodin, a geophysical engineer with a master’s degree, the author of the Earthquake Genesis Theory and the short-term earthquake prediction method.I am informing my colleagues that the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) is concealing from the public that my method has successfully undergone scientific evaluation and received excellent ratings during tests of short-term earthquake prediction. These tests and evaluations were conducted by the world’s leading experts, including the President of IASPEI, the Chairman of the Expert Council, and RAS Corresponding Member, Professor A.V. Nikolaev. These conclusions were confirmed by Deputy Director of the Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth (RAS), E.A. Rogozhin, and acknowledged during the 2015 meeting of the RAS Expert Council. I also received a letter of gratitude for my presentation on the Genesis Theory and short-term prediction from the Director of the Institute of Earthquake Prediction and the President of the European Seismological Commission (ESC RAASN). However, RAS is distorting the materials to hide these outstanding results.Russian Presidential officials suggest I file a lawsuit if I want to seek justice. But I am 77 years old and live in Israel, making it unrealistic for me to pursue the truth in Russia.In Israel, a system is also being implemented that will not save lives, and everyone understands this. During a Knesset Commission meeting in 2017, it was stated that it is impossible to save lives with the current method of notification once an earthquake begins.The situation has escalated to the point where I am being blocked in Israel. They refuse to implement a working method that has been successfully tested in Israel, Russia, Europe, and by independent experts in the United States and Australia.Unfortunately, my age and health may lead to the loss of over 20 years of research and discoveries. Although the articles are written, it is essential to transfer earthquake prediction calculations and adjustments to geophysical organizations using practical examples.I appeal to the governments of countries aspiring to become leaders in earthquake and volcano eruption prediction to accept our team. My sons and I are the ones who created the laboratory and the unique short-term earthquake prediction method.
Alexander Yagodin
Уважаемые коллеги, уважаемые политики стран, которым нужна методика краткосрочного прогноза землетрясений.
Я - Александр Ягодин, магистр инженер геофизик, автор теории Генезиса землетрясений и метода краткосрочного прогноза землетрясений. Я извещаю коллег, что РАН скрывает от народа, что моя методика успешно прошла научную экспертизу и отличную оценку по испытаниям краткосрочного прогноза землетрясений при том, что все испытания и экспертизы были проведены лучшими экспертами мира. (Президентом IASPEI, Председателем экспертного совета, Членом корреспондентом РАН профессором А.В. Николаевым. Эти заключения РЭС были подтверждены Заместителем директора ИФЗ РАН Е.А. Рогожиным, признаны заседанием РЭС 2015 года. Получено благодарственное письмо за доклад о теории Генезисе и краткосрочного прогноза от директора ИЗК и от Президента ЕСА РААСН). РАН искаженными материалами скрывают отличные результаты. Чиновники Президента России предлагают мне подать в суд, если я хочу добиться правды. Но мне 77+ и я живу в Израиле, добваться правды в России - мне это не реально. В Израиле также внедряют систему, которая не сохранит жизнь людям. Все это понимают. Заседание Комиссии Кнессета 2017 г заявило о невозможности сохранить жизнь людей в случае применения методики сообщения о том, что началось землетрясение. Дошло до того, что меня начали блокировать, в Израиле. Они не желают внедрить рабочий метод, прошедший испытания в Израиле, России, Европе, и независимыми экспертами США - Австралии. К сожалению, мой возраст и здоровье могут привести к том, что все мои 20 лет исследований и открытий будут потеряны так-как статьи написаны, но нужно передать геофизическим организациям расчеты прогнозов землетрясений и поправок на практических примерах. Я прошу правительства стран, желающих стать лидером в прогнозировании землетрясений и извержений вулканов принять нашу группу. Я и мои сыновья - это те, кто создали лабораторию и уникальную методику краткосрочного прогноза землетрясений.
С уважением.
Александр Ягодин
Israel needs immediate establishment of a short-term earthquake forecasting network.
Alexandr Yagodin <>
15:13 (29 минут назад)
кому: Zohar, yoram, ittaik, yor, ia, v_mada
Dear Director of the Institute of Geology, prof. Zohar Gvirtsman. I am a Master of Geophysics. Consultant on the short-term forecast method.
I inform you that despite the widespread use of the EEWS and TRUAA methods, these methods were applied without knowledge of geophysics and the stages of earthquake development, without knowledge of the time standards necessary to save human lives, especially the lives of children in children's institutions.
This method can only be used by a person who is ready to lead the country to great sacrifices. Only the immediate implementation of short-term earthquake forecasting can save the lives of our children.
I demand an immediate consideration of this issue in the presence of the prosecutor's office and the academic council.
I urge you to consider the desire and possibility of creating a laboratory for short-term earthquake forecasting in Israel.
There is an urgent need to establish a short-term earthquake forecasting network. I am willing to work under contract as a consultant using my method. If my methodology is not implemented, Israel may suffer significant losses. Methods that simply notify people after the earthquake has started are effective in cases of tsunamis and other related disasters. However, for earthquakes, especially in epicentral zones, only an accurate short-term forecast can save lives. I am the only expert in this method.
I am ready to demonstrate the conclusions of the best scientists in the world. Time is running out. Earthquakes can start in winter, and the casualties can exceed those caused by war. Sincerely,
Alexander Yagodin Master of Geophysics.
After all, arrest werrent has been Issues with War Crime Conviction. However, the suffering of the victims and the death of their loved ones was not prevented.
Heartbreaking, such suffering continued and we watched on.
Surely we could and still can take better action for better and fairer world.
I attached my last book on Israel - Palestine solution I proposed.
Good day, colleagues. I do now write a thesis about the status of Jerusalem in the conflict between Israel and Palestine and my interest fell on the question of Jerusalem's special regime. however, I failed to find any work dedicated to this plan. I know that I was never created, but its interesting to look how modern researchers analyze at least theoretically its chances fo success
Many bombings are happening around the world, including the Ukraine-Russia war and Israel's aggression in Gaza. My query to the respective expert -
Is there any effect of bombing on the increase in global temperature?
Why are western media reporting 'Iran escalation' by launching projectiles to Israel?
Was it not Israel that escalated by attacking Iranian embassy? Or is an attack against another country's embassy now a normal thing?
During the Russia -Ukraine war and Israel - Gaza crises, recent tension between Israel & Iran is seem to continuation of another front of tension.
The world has become bipolar, the American and European pole with Israel, and the Chinese and Russian pole with Hamas
In co-operation with Russia, although most of their recent missile attacks failed on or just after take-over, will Iran use nuclear weapons against Israel. Iran has moved away from using its proxies, Hamas, Hezbollah, and has shown its willingness to engage in full-scale war.
Iran has learned from Russia and may feel it will have better luck than its ally. Still, there is evidence that Kleptocracies, like Russia and Iran, are more likely to stumble into war.
Example: Africa is a label for a continent. It has no overall leader or rulership, it is devided into countries. But now we are being told Africa is trying to sue Israel. But who is Africa? If "they" win, who gets the reward and how will it be fairly distributed around the continent of Africa? Or will only some people claim to have been successful in taking a country to court, and use it to show off against other African nations? I thought in order for a continent to take a country to courts, it would have to gather the signatures of every leader of each African country? If not, how does it work?
On the other side, there's Israel, the whole country's label. But within Israel are some people doing some things whilst others are not. Why should some people of Isreal get a reputation for genocide when it was just some other people using the Isreal label? How would others do trade and judge them in the future? It's not precise enough.
I don't think it is a legal move for a continent to sue a country and I'm struggling to see how this process is allowed, who personally will gain a reward from this, who will lose what etc?
It seems like an unfair trial with unfair uses of public legal systems both locally and globally. All because of labeling again. Like "them/they" issues.
Can anyone explain this process or direct me to further information I could read?
World of people, most and majority playing bad politics with Gaza people, helpless Gaza people are put under the Bombardments, by Hamas, Cruelly been bombarded by cruel Israeli military, and Muslims playing competitions against Israelis, Muslims are adamant to defeat Israelis when Israelis are rigid and sharp on mission against Gaza Muslims. In all this Gaza helpless people are under the attacks and suffering..
Cruels, careless, warmongers, and playful groups from every directions, gazing at Gaza, and and holding Gaza people tightened -down as the dart 🎯 board, and world of people targeted on it, some hitting on it and all watching the aim and results. Allah Allah...
I don't care about I am not being liked. I say it is wrong Gaza people not been moved out. My heart pumps hard, my body shakes. I cannot be for in the game Gaza people made the game play, target point. For peace sake, for safe settlement Gaza people relocation is good move. Gaza isn't Muslims Holy land anyway. They say they fighting Holy war. Holy war for what? Land by seaside?
No one thought about to talk for negotiation land plan.
Do they really think they will force Jews out of there or will kill all the Jews ??? What???
Is Israel is cruel and crook minded, Zionists' Government. There USA standing with fuel worse cruelly fuelling the fire.
Since Israel has been mandated state there, Arab League accepted Israel as an state. To stop the conflict, Muslim nations must have talked about to resolve with land plan, to make boundaries for separate states.
Crushner of USA, want Gaza to make coastal tourists resort, Muslims Holding weak bleeding injured Gaza people, unduly fighting world's super power USA. By force pushing people out of homeland is ethnic cleansing, though through talk, by plan relocation for peace and political negotiation is called the resolution.
Fatema Miah
What are the requirements to start a Reform Jewish Temple?
The retaliation act by Israel would be one of the worst scenario nowadays in this planet, probably after WWII which also deter the cross border humanitarian activities & totally a genocide for human beings.
So, where about the rule-of-law, UN conventions,...etc. Instead of those Israel action & even people lost, why not UN, US & other actors that play the game make an imposition on Palestinian leaders, diplomacy sanctions, economic sanctions and others, in Arab-league also.
However, the mess in politics many innocent people, children and others lost their life and face great suffering. The same is going in Ukraine- Russia war and in many places in the world.
Hence, again where is about the rule-of-law, role of UN,...??? where is the voice of amnesty, ICC and others humanitarian agencies??? They shall examine their mandates. Otherwise, with this ignorance we don't anticipate where the world is going???
Any views?
¿Crees que el conflicto entre israelíes y palestinos puede afectar a tu día a día en España?
am interested in the role of unhealed trauma in shaping responses to the Israel Gaza war specially among african populations in south africa
My POTUS takes:
I think Joe Biden will be the kindest to Palestinians, out of our current options. I think Trump is and will continue as a Zionist. I predict all the other candidates will probably lose.
The International Court of Justice holds its first session regarding the claim filed by South Africa to prosecute Israel for genocide.
Will the regional wars that use nuclear bombs and phosphorous bombs remain in the earth's atmosphere and affect the future generation of humans?
According to the opinion of biological and biological scientists as well as meteorologists, they believe that nuclear bombs and prohibited chemical and phosphorous bombs and bombs weakened by nuclear radioactivity are used. In the future, these bombs will penetrate into the earth's soil and penetrate into the water cycle of the region, the hydrological cycle of the region, and will cause irreparable damage to the environment and the food resources that are used by humans and animal and plant creatures, and will affect their generations. and it is possible that their generation will be cut off and they may not have arms and legs. And this alleged witness can be done after the Second World War, which the United States of America carried out after the nuclear bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Japan. According to meteorologists, these nuclear particles remain in the earth's atmosphere for up to 50 years and cause the Japanese generation to die. It has been since then. The question is whether now that nuclear countries like the United States of America and Israel are using weakened radioactive and phosphorous bombs, will there be environmental effects and nuclear pollution on the future generation of Iraq, Syria, and Palestine? have taken ? Does their drinking water lead to nuclear and radioactive effects that lead to the end of their generation? Does the environment and the earth's atmosphere, which is circulating and may send radioactive particles to places where they were not at all, but the effects Will the war reach them and cause genetic damage?
What are the reasons for the forced displacement of Palestinians by Israel?
Ridiculous? Yes.
Although this is by far pathetic and of course ridiculous, though it is an act of cleverness, well I am not saying not thoughtfulness, more of clever than thought I am not saying police staff aren't thoughtful of Gaza discrimination, they are, the most officers, surely are saddened of such suffering of mass civilians, there are children and babies.
A) Clever. This act of step "Woke", is a clever act because, in UK police are concerned about home grown UK peoples reaction feelings, not to allow, or cleverly acting not to poke it to be vented out on UK.
B) Ridiculous, Yes. Of course, on the ordinary general, level Police force is for Inner Nations public, in fact police is departmental into each regional, area by area, not even national let alone to be international.
A new turning, to new page, in new year, with new point.
UK police, from UK, our of catering, doing investigations on Israel War Crime. Though, by doing so, Met police have angered, irritated UKs some far right groups.
UK in the past century changed by large, taken big step, turned things around, and here is another marking point, todays act is for the tomorrows history.
Fatema Miah
Geneva agreement differentiates between killing or injuring a military person versus a civilian in wars.
So leaders outside Israel who are giving green lights or openly agree on Israel actions should be as equally responsible in front of the International Court of Justice and in front of the whole world as committing an antihuman crime.
Israel, now in its war with Hamas, does not care about the prisoners, as happened in 2014?
It is a TV watched very bad incidents in front of the whole world. It shows Israel a winner in bombing Palestinian houses killing babies, children and their mothers (some are pregnant). Oppositely Hamas is a winner in military battles but also captured Israeli Civilians to interchange with their children and civilian men and women prisoned by Israel.
The pictures on TV shows Hamas are very humanistic in dealing with their hostages. Oppositely what is called the state of Israel is behaving like animals bombing and killing all Palestinian civilians at all ages with no military target seen on the scene !!!
The whole world nations are very angry.
On the contrary many governments of what is called civilised !!! Countries are supporting Israel.
Out of Biden and Trump, who is more critical of Israel? Whose policies will favor Israel more?
Many people have many ideas of Palestine and Israel conflict. So, what we can do, to stop the war?
To clarify what Israel's policies are regarding white phosphorus.
How plausibly are modern day Jews, largely partial descendants of Gauls?
Work Cited
Ohnemus , Alexander . "The Jews May be Partially Descended from the Celts. Part 1.." . Accessed 17 Sep. 2023.
Ohnemus , Alexander . "The Jews May be Partially Descended from the Celts. Part 2. Second prequel to The Jewish-Celtic Theorem(The Galatians were Celts in Anatolia. The Galileans were also Celts because they were related to the Galatians. No Ten Tribes of Israel were Lost. The Ten Tribes that included Celts assimilated with the remaining tribes of Israel. Therefore, Jews are at least partially descended from the Celts).." . Accessed 17 Sep. 2023.
Ohnemus , Alexander . "The Jewish-Celtic Theorem: ." . Accessed 17 Sep. 2023.
We need a director and investor for the Center for the Global Forecast Network.
You are already familiar with my discovery of the Genesis of earthquakes and short-term earthquake prediction.
You know that you have received positive conclusions from the expertise of the scientific department and have successfully passed the forecast tests without errors (reliability 95 - 100%).
Official tests were held in Israel, in the European group and in Russia, a positive conclusion was received from the USA. A positive opinion of the UN expert was received.
I'm 76 and it's time to start the treatment that I've been putting off for years to get the job done.
I am ready to be the lead director - method consultant (either in Israel or remotely).
It was found that my work, in addition to my method, allows us to perform a large number of new methods, one of which has already been voiced and passed laboratory tests: the forecast of volcanic eruptions, which is very necessary for Italy and the United States.
In order to start work, a director is needed who is able to find an investment, conclude agreements with a group of countries from the BRICS, SCO and others.
If there are people interested in the role of director and the role of interpreter geophysicists, please contact me.
If there are no volunteers, then we will continue the conversation after there are big sacrifices and the governments decide to finance the forecast.
Alexander Yagodin.
I wrote the article Israel’s Targeted Killings of Terrorists: A Life-Saving Tactic That Is Legal, Effective, Precise, and Just.
You can not claim I didn't. There is only one Alex Grobman, who is an historian. And only one with a PhD from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Alex Z. Grobman and Alex Grobman are one and the same. That's me.
Because there is an Alexander Grobman who is a scientist from Peru, there is always some confusion.
I do not write about science, and Alexander does not write about history.
It is clear that those who work in institutions - they receive money and titles for what the state accepts from them.
And if the discovery and the most reliable method was created by a person who is not associated with the institute and they do not have a "hairy paw" in the government.
Do the state and government need the created method, even if it has successfully passed all the tests?
I created what people need. All results are verified by experts. The patent is registered and there are no analogues.
I am a citizen of Russia and Israel. Russia has no money for implementation (let's say so).
Israel would like to take my method if I gave it away without any contracts or agreements. The Israel Institute of Geology listened to my presentation and asked me: what do we need to change to make our method work the same way as yours? What could I tell them? Give away all the results of twenty years?
I ask you all:
Are your government and your institutions ready to accept me and give me funding so that I can give them the patent and my twenty years of experience?
Or do you think that there are no such states and governments?
I am already 75+ and have a health problem, so you need to implement it now, if you want me to pass everything on and help implement it so that people no longer die in earthquakes.
I'm beginning a research paper on the Eastern Mediterranean Pipeline's effect on the economy of Israel, Greece, and Cyprus. What would be a good way to phrase this question?
I have a problem with this pollen type. I'm analyzing a sample of pollen from wild bee (Lasioglossum sp.) body in Israel. Other pollen type is Senecio sp. Pollen approximate size is 20 μm. Any help is welcome- even for family level. Thank you!

I have recently found a fairly slender isopod attached to the eggs/embryos of an Apseudopsis mediterraneus (Tanaidacea) sampled off the coast of Israel. The isopod itself appeared to be protected by a thin mucous sac.
Any ideas where I should start my search for a possible identification?
Many thanks.
Graham Bird
We are investigating lymphoma in the ME using our Iraqi Kurdistan database, individual published papers from the region, and national cancer registries from Jordan, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. The WHO maintains an excellent world registry (IICC-3) for childhood cancers, including specific types of NHL. But I am having difficulty finding information on adult BL. Adult BL appears to be very uncommon in the Middle East, but it may be increasing as it currently accounts for about 20% of our BL. I cannot find any information on other countries of the ME and NA. I am particularly interested in Israel. Rates of childhood BL in Israel are high, but I can find no information on the rates of adult BL that should also be high if the epidemiology is simar to the US and Europe. I can also find no information on the seroprevalence of EBV except for one paper on male university students that would indicate a biphasic pattern of infection in early childhood and adolescence similar to that reported in Europe and N America. Can anyone point me to any resources to fill in the gaps?
Dear Colleagues,
I am the head of the Dror (Imri) Center of health informatics in Ruppin Academic Center, Israel.
I am interested in comparatively studying the social and moral application and implications of the "Green Pass" poilcy in different countries.
If this topic is of an interest, please contact me so we can form an international study group.
I am doing bachelors in social sciences. I have already asked this before but need more opinions on this.
and If not so pls suggest few topics related to middle-eastern countries.
God prescribed garments with blue tassels for Israel (Numb. 15:37-41) so that when they looked at the tassels, they would remember His commandments. What is the relationship between the tassel and the commandments? Could it be that the Ten Commandment law was written on a blue stone? This is what I am investigating. Could you share your ideas and facts with me, whether they are biblical or extra-biblical?
With a small team we are currently researching on nouvelle Jewish-Israeli cuisine as a worldwide trend and hence as a social-anthropological modern phenomenon. Your contribution could help analyze and describe a complex and ever changing food-culture.
Understanding processes that shape our cultures and identities is key.
Thank you.
I came across reference to the above recently in the world history of a Dutch writer and I was aghast as archaeological research has been going on in present day Israel for over a hundred years and no evidence for this famed polity has emerged, except for occasional finds in the Shephelah. Assessments of Jerusalem continue to insist it was little more than a village and many of the urban sites claimed in Judaic writings as belonging to this supposed early Hebrew empire seem culturally Philistine or Canaanite.
I have elsewhere theorised that the stories were fabricated after the defeat of Judea, never more than a secondary power in the region, by Assyria and Babylon, the crushing and annihilation of the Kingdom of Israel based in Samaria, in order to assuage such overwhelming defeats.
I recently became aware of a published proposal to reintroduce African cheetahs in India by US scientists.
Apart from scientific considerations - I have much to disagree on this proposal - my question is: should it be proposed if the last Asiatic cheetahs lived in Israel or Jordan rather than in Iran, as it is the case? I believe that global organizations should try to support local and national conservation initiatives, not totally disvalue work in Iran that is really critical for the conservation of Asiatic cheetah.
Many specialists consider normalization with Arab countries, and Israel is an important factor in overcoming the obstacle of hatred and spreading the culture of tolerance among peoples. In contrast, others believe that it is impossible to talk about peace between the Arab and Islamic peoples on the one hand and the Jewish people on the other hand in the absence of a real settlement to solve the two states.
Dear Israeli students and researchers,
You are invited to post your studies on the subreddit for surveys/studies in Hebrew (for free):
Hopefully this website may become a useful resource for students.
I am looking for M(SD) in Satisfaction With Life scale (5-items, 7-point scale by Diener) for a representative sample in Israel.
Thanks for your help,
Eugene Tartakovsky
I am working on a research project regarding afforestation in Israel, and I am trying to establish how perceptions vary between foresters and ecologists in Israel. The survey is fairly short/simple, and should only take around 5-10 minutes to complete. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Anybody familiar with a lab/company that is doing mouse cell line authentication in Israel?
If not , can this procedure be performed by a certain kit in a "regular" lab? and if yes how?
thank you for your help
Rich natural gas deposits have been found in the Eastern Mediterranean, but there are several problems with their sharing. a Turkey excluded on one side; on the other hand, there is a block with Greece, Cyprus, Israel and Egypt. What could be the future of this sharing war? Is Libya a key country of this problem? Where is the European Union in this sharing problem? What is the approach of the USA, Russia and China to this issue? What do you think is the most effective and fair solution?
The fact that the US martyred Kasım Süleymani, one of Iran's most important commanders, points out that the balance and policies will change in the Middle East. Can Iran's attitude to terrorist organizations, which threaten Iran primarily, change? Can it damage the US policies in the Middle East? What kind of new policies can it pursue in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and Afghanistan, where it is effective? What kind of new and more visible actions could he take in his interest in Israel? Would this powerful attack on Iran make his policies more acceptable in the Islamic world? Can there be a positive change in the perspectives of the states on the axis of Islam? Has Iran's style of administration been reinforced as a result of this attack?
In Lake Kinneret (Israel) the product of the Ca+ concentration and Alkalinity (as CO3---) has been significantly increased amid progressive lowering of the lake water level. What are the potential ecological consequences of such a phenomenon?
It was a long time since the Arab-Israeli conflict, the Soviet Union supported the emergence of Israel on the Arab territories, and then supported the Arabs to liberate the land from the Israelis, the Arabs came with Britain in World War II, but gave a "Balfour Declaration" to the Jews, Arabs still love Britain and America, although they With Israel, the Arabs hate the Soviet Union, even though with them, the Arab territories are still occupied, and the conflict still exists.
Under the current political climate, we have an unusual commonality that seems to arise as a direct result of Trumpism and Netanyahu led Likud dominance marching in step with one another. This relationship appears to be symbiotic.
While the politics du jour favor each other, there are skeptics who warn us that it may backfire.
I ask you: what is your opinion?
How does the largest Diaspora community (the US) view Israeli politics and vice versa, what do Israelis think?
What do you think is the likely trend in the future?
In Hungary, a tender was launched in which it supports cooperation between research groups and industrial relations from Israel and from Hungary. We would be looking for a biogas co-operating partner from Israel, just to get support.
Thank you in advance if you can cooparate with usÓbuda . Yours sincerely, Ágnes Bálint, University, Budapest, Hungary
We are planning a study to compare the resilience at work before and following a drill simulating an emergency scenario. Your tool seems to be relevant to check the level of resilience and we thus wanted permission to use it.
My appreciation,
Dr. Bruria Adini
head of the Emergency Management & Disaster Medicine department, Tel Aviv University
To determine the costs of feed in israeli milk production I am interested of the amount of roughage, TMR and byproducts that an average dairy cow consumes in Israel.
Looking for a travel grant that can help me cover my airfare to start my Ph.D. in Israel. The University doesn't cover my travel grant and I'm not able to secure travel grant any other way'. Can some one give me some suggestions?
What factors influence the degree of telling the truth in academic research?
I have humanities in mind, particularly politics related topics.
How much where a researcher comes from influences his/her inclination to reveal the truth? What triggered this question is a declaration by a European teacher that researchers from the Middle East don't tell the truth in their writings!
I am working on project connected with human rights in Israel and looking for text by a. reichmann Judicial constitution making in a divided society: The Israeli case . Have you maybe got it and could share to me
I need to know to estimate the water used in milk production in Israel. I'm just interested in the water of that part of the feed for dairy cows, that was produced domestically.
Australia announces plans to move embassy in Israel to West Jerusalem
Australian news -- Yesterday
Scott Morrison formally announced that Australia sees West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Morrison said the Australian government has decided to “start the work” to find a site for its embassy in West Jerusalem.
Here we stand at the beginning of a long haul in embitterment.
When peace becomes the last resort, we have spin doctors who begin to "see" things their own ways, and, expect others to "see" and think in their own way. Away and Far from Middle East is no protection.
Lessons of history are in denial.
UN looks the other way.
I am looking for the amount of water that is used to produce raw milk in Israel. Or a way to approximate it.
I am doing a research paper on how the education system in Israel has nurtured the entrepreneurial spirit in its citizen. But it is hard to find good sources ( books, journal articles and so on) on this matter. I am a first year student so I do not have much experience on this. I truly appreciate any advice or suggestion.
Thank you.
I have been working on compensation for Holocaust survivors in Israel and Germany since about 2005, and have established a legal clinic for the right of Holocaust survivors at the law faculty of Tel Aviv University, but my knowledge of the situation in the Netherlands is very limited.
Jose Brunner
When the Non-Proliferation regimes were created, the basic intent was it should remain confined in the hands of select few ie P-5 or N-5. However, there were two self declared N- weapons states ie India and Pakistan and Israel duly backed by USA.
However, North Korea's ambivalent attitude puts a question mark on the efficacy of the regime. So, in case of unwelcome posture acquired by Iran. Comment pls.
The issues in the conflict are longstanding. It seems next to impossible for either side, especially on the extreme, to even imagine a way that the conflict can be resolved. For the people of the region, it is one that must be addressed and one that the whole world watches.
I am looking for a few peer-reviewed references (other than Israel, 1992) that support the argument that sample size determination is not necessary in situations where a research study population is the full population (e.g. in some record-linkage studies). Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hey all!
Does anyone know if and where can a young start-up in Israel with a limited budget rent a flow-cytometer for a few months?
I'm looking for the industry place of the composite bow in ancient Near east specifically in the late bronze age
During the early Iron age there were two significant gods, Ba'al and El, in Canaan. The latter was for centuries the chief Canaanite (West Semitic) god. Towards the end of the Bronze Age El began losing acolytes to Ba'al except in South Palestine. Many feel that El was Israel's primary god but that as the Ba'al cult began to gain ground in Israel (the Palestinian highlands), representing urban-life, agriculture and kingship, the early Israelites transformed El's character. The story of Moses and the Exodus is a much later epic detailing that conversion from a benevolent into a martial god.
The Canaanites were a sophisticated, learned people with their own literature and art (some, but not much). They, like other ancient peoples, had a view of world based on choas and the necessity for balance. This involved, as in Egypt, how well you treated others.
Israel, probably originally employed to designate the hilly country above the Palestine plains not a people, appears, by referencing Biblical texts, to have been immensely jealous of their wealthy, urban neighbours.
Dear sirs: Condensate towers to treat the outcome of natural gas drills from the sea - are planned to be build near the shore- in Israel. There is a civil concern - is it dangerous ? health problems ?
We need an expert on this matter- to present a professional resume to the supreme court - that will deal about this soon. If you are such a expert - or know one - please contact me
Thanks Yosi Scolnik