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Islamic Accounting - Science topic

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Questions related to Islamic Accounting
  • asked a question related to Islamic Accounting
9 answers
Which books considered as fundamental literature of Islamic economics according to Hanefi school of thought after kitabul kharz and Amwal ?
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  • asked a question related to Islamic Accounting
5 answers
Is there any theory for corporate zakat can increase company performance?
When company pay zakat , then the performance will increase. thanks
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This paper comprehensively estimates the potential Zakat collectible from individuals and businesses from a broad cross section of OIC countries. I hope it is helpful.
Thanks and Best Regards
  • asked a question related to Islamic Accounting
7 answers
I would like to get information and articles about measurements of efficiency in zakat institutions.
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Efficiency and productivity performance of zakat funds in Algeria
  • asked a question related to Islamic Accounting
9 answers
Dear Researchers,
I am very interested to have some papers on Islamic issues in my home country Iran. Any researchers want to collaborate on mentioned topic are welcomed
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With pleasure
  • asked a question related to Islamic Accounting
3 answers
I have some topics I'd like to focus on but still debating which to focus on and whether they have a lot of background to evaluate. The following topics:
-Accounting ethics and sustainability influences.
-Sharia/Islamic accounting in Western countries compared to the middle East.
-"Green accounting" a market strategy or a code of conduct.
I love the whole topic of ethics and sustainability.
Thank you all.
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At MSc level I would expect a thesis that has a hypothesis that is either confirmed or rejected by your research. What are your thoughts about the relationships between the three elements of sustainability/ethics and accounting practices?
I come from a marketing background so anything that the organization does to improve their image would work for me.
Perhaps you could test whether
a) companies that apply triple bottom line accounting have a higher degree of ethical behavior than those who do not… and
b) in turn this is reflected in their growth and target markets’ ratings of the organizations.
If you don't have the time you could just focus on a) or b) but it would add to the body of knowledge if you could show ethical behavior is rewarded in the market place. To make it simpler/easier to handle I would concentrate on a single industry for your thesis.
  • asked a question related to Islamic Accounting
3 answers
The Islamic accounting standards reflect the fact of leasing in financial leasing operations, the product appear as assets in FS of Islamic Bank. The bank bears full ownership risks during the lease period
In traditional banks, accounting reflects the fact of the transaction as a debt rather than a lease, the asset appears in the client's assets rather than the bank. The rent is considered a debt on the customer since the first day of the contract.
This is my opinion, what do you think?
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Yes it does.
  • asked a question related to Islamic Accounting
3 answers
The Shariah-compliant credit cards are becoming increasingly common in many countries. 
"According to Brian Riley, a research director at TowerGroup, a financial services research firm based in Needham, Mass., Muslims constitute almost 24 percent of the world's population, and he estimates that total assets in Shariah-compliant banks will hit $1 trillion by 2011" (Read more:
many Islamic banks are now involved in these Islamic credit cards in GCC Region, UK, USA, and more importantly in Malaysia (see Noor, A.M. and Azli, R.M., 2009. A review of SharENah compliant instruments for Islamic credit cards as adopted by Malaysian Financial Institutions. International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance, 2(3-4), pp.221-238). instead of charging an interest "Riba", the customer is charged a subscription fee periodically
These efforts are apparently an attempt to utilize the huge Islamic compliant-assets worldwide. however, many people are still skeptics about the substance of these credit cards and the extent of its significance.
to what extent do you think that these Islamic instruments can contribute in the inclusion of Muslims in the financial system? and is it really Shariah-compliant? 
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Different products are used while structuring Islamic credit cards. 
You may read the attached Shariah Resolutions of SAC of the Central Bank of Malaysia:
See specifically, page 148 onwards.  There is ample justification for the products used in Islamic credit cards in Islamic finance from the Shariah perspective. 
  • asked a question related to Islamic Accounting
5 answers
is Islamic finance failing to deliver on its promises?
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It is not a failure, just see one attached paper are proved 
the paper examined twenty-eight Islamic banks of fifteen Muslim majority countries to determine whether or to what extent the promises (Islamic principles) are delivered. The overwhelming percentage of total assets is allocated for debt-type financing which the critiques of Islamic bank doubt about its Islamic validity.
For full paper see the following link 
  • asked a question related to Islamic Accounting
3 answers
Can any one suggests a measure of tangible asset ratio for islamic banks? is this ratio =1 if we consider the required asset tangibility principle?
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from these two balance sheets, may be a proxy for tangibility ratio of IB : (Total assets - Intangible assets) /total assets ? a simple measure!
  • asked a question related to Islamic Accounting
5 answers
Malaysian Islamic Banking early establish than Indonesia. It cause from Internal factors or external factors?
i'm Master candidate for islamic economic.
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Dear Shairazi, before we look at the popularity of the product, we have to look at the components of the community in those two countries. Are they the same. About 1 million of of the population in Malaysia work as gorvernment servants. And they are provided with home and vehicle and computer financing. So this could lead to the low demand of profit and loss sharing financing.
  • asked a question related to Islamic Accounting
3 answers
There is great debate about theory and application of Islamic Banks with reference to two prominent segments i.e. theorists in terms of Religious scholars and practitioners i.e. bankers. How this gap in perception of both groups can be measured?
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Can measure it by the following questions:
1-      What are the religious Scholars views on the Islamic banking?
2-      What is the dominant view within the religious Scholars views?
3-      What are the banker’s views on the Islamic banking?
4-      What is the dominant view within the banker’s views?
  • asked a question related to Islamic Accounting
9 answers
What is the difference between Islamic sukuk and bonds?
What is difference between Islamic sukuk, common stock, and Preferred shares ?
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The substance of finance or financial system is to find reasonable solutions for existing practical problems. Both of these financial vehicles, conventional bonds and Sukuk, attempt to mobilize the funds from surplus spending units to shortage spending units. There are fundamental risk/return differences between the two.In the conventional bond the underlying asset is money (debt) and in the Sukuk the
underlying asset is indeed an asset.The two solutions are clearly not identical; the fundamental difference in their structure has great religious difference but virtually no financial differences. The conventional bonds are based on debt instrument while the Sukuk financing is based on equity method.
  • asked a question related to Islamic Accounting
7 answers
Which factor could be the greatest barrier towards the development/promotion/effectiveness of islamic microfinance models?
(e.g. Cash disbursement? Group bonding? Adequate supervision? What else??)
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In addition to microfinance support provided by financiers, entrepreneurs must be linked to the full supply-chain players. Islamic microfinance can provide that link. In our recent research on Islamic microfinance at my institute, we linked entrepreneurs who are doing a tailoring business with microcredit financiers (including a waqaf organisation) and a large hypermarket operator. Whilst the financiers facilitated the business owners with capital, the hypermarket supplied raw materials at discounted price and purchased the finished product (sewn dresses) from the entrepreneurs. To ensure sustainability, entrepreneurs work in group and managed to specialise. Our research saw success when recently the hypermarket launched the product from the microfinance business. As researchers, we document this whole process and developed the business model. We also write case study on the business and provide training on financial management