Science topic
Islam - Science topic
Islam is a monotheistic religion promulgated by the Prophet Mohammed with Allah as the deity.
Questions related to Islam
Can anyone point me towards studies on Christian missionary activity in the Persian Gulf in the 19th century? I am especially interested in written Arabic literature that was circulated in the effort to convert Muslims and/or written responses in Arabic to those polemics. I am especially interested in an polemic aimed at Muslims called Miftāḥal-Khazā’in wa-Miṣbāḥal-Dafā’in and a Muslim response that carries the title Thamarāt Lubb al-Albāb.
I am looking for the sources on the history of late antiquity and early islam
Faith is core in civilization and has been phenomenal, since the civilization began. Global human and species co- living arrangement has been re-shaped, to suitable arrangements to necessity to global change for the commodity, consuming availabilities and for the manageable living conditions. Mass of Migration took place between continents, therefore, human being are living across the globe 🌎,planet indifferent places.
Human instinct, traditionally said to be there is a six sense, what links to spiritually to the higher power, in another word this is appreciation, being thank for fof the abundance, the earth full of natural consumable production and fresh water for survival.
This is understandably where faith is connected to higher power.
Anyway, faith is meant to be for good teaching, for guidance and for enlightenment. Faith is often abused and used in cruelty and power.
Christianity, wider spread Old established faith, had been abused for power, might exercise for too long and too much in Europe marked deep huge scars led to Europeans mindsets to Secularism, to totally anti religious.
Christianity faith set up in the name Christ son of Mary cannot be bad notion.
The current Canterbury news is not only shame it is grossly disgusting. As such, among the Ethic claiming UK the worlds Law and reformation, Modern evolved Justice and value promoting, diverse loving human, this Art bishop of Canterbury resign case over Abuses abuses , disgraceful.
Jews , there in Israel Zionists had bern abusing Palestinians, and now in open injuring helpless people. There in India the RSS Hindu Nationalists abusing power over, weak Muslims. In Africa too many cruel dictation power running like closed doors to the world.
Muslims in some places rose up with cruel power towards good people. Muslims are worse vastly abused by Muslims namely evils.
Come on power abusers, power abuses come fore opens up before the world and eventually face the justice. The Canterbury has come to facing Justice and the rest will be too, soon.
Dr Fatema Miah
I am doing research that can shed light on what held muslims back, during their Golden Age ( 7th to 9th century BCE) from using their scientific insights and mathematical knowledge to develop innovative products. I suspect that it has something to do with the way they understand what "scientific knowledge" means. It appears to be different from what it means (and meant) to Europeans when they first received the same knowledge. (Ironically, they received quite a lot if it from the Arab manuscripts on Math and sciences that entered Europe through Spanish schools). Both received the same knowledge, and understand it equally deeply. Yet Christian Europe ran with it. The muslims simply sat on it. I want to explore the reasons why. Will be happy to connect with anyone who can point me to the right research and literature. Thank you.
Ancient history/history of the Arabs before Islam
Kesehatan mental merupakan aspek penting dalam kehidupan manusia yang mencakup kesejahteraan emosional, psikologis, dan sosial. Pemahaman mengenai kesehatan mental telah berkembang pesat, baik dari perspektif medis, psikologis, maupun sosial. Namun, penting untuk diingat bahwa pemikiran tentang kesehatan mental tidak hanya terbatas pada pemikiran modern. Banyak pemikir klasik telah memberikan kontribusi signifikan terhadap pemahaman kita tentang keseimbangan jiwa dan tubuh, salah satunya adalah Ibnu Rusyd atau Averroes (1126–1198). Sebagai seorang filsuf, dokter, dan pemikir Islam yang berpengaruh, Ibnu Rusyd memberikan pandangan yang unik dan komprehensif mengenai kesehatan mental yang mengintegrasikan aspek filosofis, medis, dan sosial.
An excerpts from my book:
Varied expressions
"The Other important Arabic months are: Moharram and Rabiul Awwal. The 1st lunar calendar month Muharram and the 3rd lunar calendar Arabic month Rabiul Awal, are also two important lunar, Arabic months are significant to Muslims life. In the 3rd Lunar Arabic month Rabiul Awwal, on the 12th date on Monday evening in the year 570, The Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him, PBUH was born in the city of Makkah, in the Quraish Tribe Leaders family. Mohammed PBUHs fathers name was Abdullah the late beloved son of Quraish Tribe, Makkah leader Abul Mutalib and his mother was Amina from Madina. In the year of Mohammed birth the Makkah people witnessed many countless miracles and blessing."
" Mohammed PBUH had taste the death in Madina in his last residence near his Mosjid, the Madina Heram, on the 12th of Rabiul Awwal the 3rd lunar calendar month in the year 632 ( 8th of June). The Muharram is the 1st lunar calendar, Arabic month. On this date marked the beginning of Arabic, Islamic year (Hijri) in 622. Then, Islamic Khelafath made to paused and Mohammed PBUHs family lineage members (dynasty line) were murdered in the month Moharram in the Karbala genocide in Iraq."
"1st month of Islamic Calendar Muharram is New Year in Islamic Calendar marked since the Hijrath (migration of Prophet PBUH), and the Arabic name of Months has been followed down from the ancient Arab tradition of following the moon circulation on its orbit (from the beginning of the first crescent sighting). Since Muharram has been marked as the beginning of the year, it makes Muharram the Islamic New Year. Islamic New Year isn’t celebrated like World’s other Cultural/ regional New Years are celebrated, because besides Islam forbids unnecessary expenses and wasting on extravagancy, moreover, the Arabic New Year recalls the inhumane massacre of Prophet (peace be upon him)’s beloved Grand children and their families (peace be upon them), within the 1st ten days of Muharram, in Karbala, (in todays date it is known as the Shiet practise, and this is performed as a ritual by Shiet followers all over the world specially in the Iraqi city of Karbala.). Further, Mohammed PBUH was forced to leave Makkah his birth land with his followers to scape with their dear lives in unhappy state and emigrated, (Hijrath) to Madina. "
Chapter 1 page 16.
Varied expressions. By author Fatema Miah.
Available in Waterstones.
History of the Arabs before Islam / Hanafi
I need to know the most important unverified manuscripts written by Muslim geographers and travelers after the third century AH, corresponding to the ninth century AD.
"The Teaching and Study of Islam in Western Universities"
Edited by Paul Morris, William Shepard, Paul Trebilco, Toni Tidswell.
London and New York: Routledge, 2014
Review by Nevad Kahteran
is a collection of articles discussing the role of Islamic studies in Western universities.
The book focuses on the key issues of the relationship between the study of Islam and the cultures created by the religion, as well as the acceptable public role of an Islamic scholar. The book is part of a larger attempt to convey real Islamic teaching in light of current issues in Western colleges. The University of Otago and Victoria University of Wellington co-host the New Zealand Centre for the Study of Islam and Muslim Cultures, which is becoming increasingly diversified with Muslim migrant and refugee groups. This book is the result of a joint effort to have a better knowledge of Islam.
To which extent would western universities benefit from teaching Islam? and What are the methods to teaching Islam to student living in AI sphere?
World of people, most and majority playing bad politics with Gaza people, helpless Gaza people are put under the Bombardments, by Hamas, Cruelly been bombarded by cruel Israeli military, and Muslims playing competitions against Israelis, Muslims are adamant to defeat Israelis when Israelis are rigid and sharp on mission against Gaza Muslims. In all this Gaza helpless people are under the attacks and suffering..
Cruels, careless, warmongers, and playful groups from every directions, gazing at Gaza, and and holding Gaza people tightened -down as the dart 🎯 board, and world of people targeted on it, some hitting on it and all watching the aim and results. Allah Allah...
I don't care about I am not being liked. I say it is wrong Gaza people not been moved out. My heart pumps hard, my body shakes. I cannot be for in the game Gaza people made the game play, target point. For peace sake, for safe settlement Gaza people relocation is good move. Gaza isn't Muslims Holy land anyway. They say they fighting Holy war. Holy war for what? Land by seaside?
No one thought about to talk for negotiation land plan.
Do they really think they will force Jews out of there or will kill all the Jews ??? What???
Is Israel is cruel and crook minded, Zionists' Government. There USA standing with fuel worse cruelly fuelling the fire.
Since Israel has been mandated state there, Arab League accepted Israel as an state. To stop the conflict, Muslim nations must have talked about to resolve with land plan, to make boundaries for separate states.
Crushner of USA, want Gaza to make coastal tourists resort, Muslims Holding weak bleeding injured Gaza people, unduly fighting world's super power USA. By force pushing people out of homeland is ethnic cleansing, though through talk, by plan relocation for peace and political negotiation is called the resolution.
Fatema Miah
Ain't no doubt that the Western style theatre is not the sole theatre form in the world. Many performances that was in vogue in ancient Egypt or Mesopotamia may be upheld as where the genesis of theatre spawned. The passion play and the shadow play are also but worthy of mentioning two examples of drama that was performed during the golden days of Islam!
- Sex Reassignment Surgery, Marriage, and Reproductive Rights of Intersex and Transgender People in Sunni Islam
- 10.1007/s10508-024-02813-9
What is the Ultimate Goal of the Word of any Prayer?
+ Prayer in Judaism aims to adhere to the instructions of the traditional Jewish prayer book "Siddur."
+ Prayer in Christianity (Lord's Prayer) aims at commitment. It was recommended by Jesus when the disciples asked him how to pray, and it is mentioned in the Gospel.
+ Praying to idols in pre-Islamic times aimed to adhere to their belief through education and habituation.
+ Prayer in Islam is aimed at divine commitment and is the first act of worship for which a Muslim will be held accountable on the Day of Resurrection, and it is made obligatory on the night of Meraaj (Ascension). Prayer has been mentioned in the Holy Qur'an in more than one place. For example, it was stated in Surat Al-Mu'minun: (Prosperous are the believers, who are humble in their prayers.) In addition, in the words of the Almighty, Glory be to Him, in Surat Al-Kawthar, verse No. 2: "Therefore, turn in prayer to your Lord and sacrifice (to Him only)." Also, the Almighty said in Surah Al-A'la: "And glorify the name of their Guardian-Lord, and (lift their hearts) in prayer." Also, God Almighty said in Surat Taha, verse 14: "Indeed, I am Allah. There is no deity except Me, so worship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance." Abdullah bin Qart said, quoting Muhammad, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said, "The first thing for which a servant will be held accountable on the Day of Resurrection is prayer, and if it is good, all of his deeds will be good, and if it is corrupt, all of his deeds will be corrupt.
+ Prayer in Hinduism, Buddhism, and other religions aims to adhere to their beliefs in education and habituation. It is recorded in their books and practices.
Is the term "research" justified when authors from distinct spaces collaborate despite differing research interests? Notably, among Muslim authors in Pakistan, India, and Kashmir, a prevailing trend involves 3-3 to 5-5 co-authors, resembling a business model. Considering the illogical nature of collaboration across varied locations and research interests, should the UGC in India take stringent action against such malpractices? Urgent guidelines may be imperative in addressing this issue.
Call for Papers
Tanzil: Jurnal Studi Al-Quran
We invite researchers in the field of Quranic Studies to publish the results of their research in Tanzil: Jurnal Studi Al-Quran for Vol. 6, Number 2 April 2024 and Vol. 7, Number 1 October 2024.
Accreditation Process by Arjuna (National Journal Accreditation (ARJUNA) managed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia/Not Already Indexed in Scopus)
The manuscript must be written in good academic English.
Author: Free
📌Submission Deadlines:
📕Vol. 6, Number 2 April 2024, 20 February 2024
📗Vol. 7, Number 1 October 2024, 20 August 2024
🌐Register and Submit Manuscripts:
i want to understand if the model that has low or no interest rates at all imposed on loans work much better compared to the conventional funding model mostly used by the western countries
i am student of MS Banking & Finance and want to write thesis on islamic banking and finance. please share your topic related to this industry so i coud start my thesis work. topic should be related to current islamic finance problem. thanks
Our beloved prophet (MPBUH) used to pray ' 'O Allah guide me to see the reality as it is and to form an opinion according to its reality'. We are confronted with freely floating fiat money. The basic understanding of Islam shows and all Schools agree that measurability is essential condition for Riba. Unless one can measure something how does one know what is its Misl (equal). Riba is excess. In absence of measurement one can not know if there is excess. Absolute majority of our scholars do not know how to measure a free float. Prior to 1971/1914 we had no such problem and therefore other than our current understanding nothing other than Quran and Sunnah (including great work of our Fuqaha regarding its understanding and interpretation) is relevant in this case. The solution is simple consider fiat money to be what it is and apply Shariah on it according to its reality. Basic understanding of Riba shows that it can not be that it is not Ribawi. Accordingly it must be measurable as Shariah can never be wrong/irrelevant. You do not know how to measure ask those who know.
Why Prophet Muhammad ordered Muslims to wear white clothes, while the weather in desert is hot and dried?
´Variables. Independent, Religiosity, Knowledge, Attitude, Subjective Norms, Perceived behavioral control, Islamic Banking, Shariah Compliant Investment
´Dependent, Islamic Financial literacy, Islamic Microfinance,
´Mediating Variable. Attitude
To clarify the sayings of scholars in this matter
To clarify, in order to find out if there is a difference between the one who is recommended to be a Muslim or not?
Assalam Alaikom w rahmato ALLAH
For the purpose of a scientific study entitled:
Post-doctoral scientific research motives of the Muslim researcher?
Please answer this questionnaire and share it.
Thank you
Early Islam refers to the formative period of the Islamic religion, beginning with the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad in the early 7th century and extending to the first few generations of Muslims who succeeded him. This period is of great significance in Islamic history, as it laid the foundation for the development and spread of the religion.
During the early years of Islam, Muhammad received revelations from God, which were later compiled into the Quran, the holy book of Islam. He preached monotheism, social justice, and moral conduct, and his teachings attracted a growing number of followers. Muhammad and his followers faced opposition and persecution from the dominant tribes in Mecca, but they eventually migrated to the city of Medina in 622 CE, known as the Hijra. This event marked the beginning of the Islamic calendar.
In Medina, Muhammad established a thriving community and continued to spread his message. He also became a political leader, uniting various tribes under the banner of Islam. The early Muslim community faced military conflicts with Meccan forces and other tribes, leading to several significant battles. Eventually, the Muslims achieved military victories and gained control over the Arabian Peninsula.
Following Muhammad's death in 632 CE, the early Muslims faced the challenge of establishing a leadership structure. This led to the appointment of Abu Bakr, Umar ibn al-Khattab, Uthman ibn Affan, and Ali ibn Abi Talib as the first four caliphs (successors) of Islam. This period, known as the Rashidun Caliphate, is often considered a golden age of Islam, characterized by expansion, codification of religious practices, and the compilation of the Quran.
Early Islam witnessed the development of Islamic jurisprudence, the formation of a strong Muslim community, and the expansion of Islam beyond the Arabian Peninsula. It also witnessed the codification of various religious, legal, and ethical principles that continue to form the foundation of Islamic beliefs and practices to this day.
If I am working on dealing with sadness as being stigmatized as "sinful/immoral" culturally in Muslim societies that made a roadblock to the process of sad emotion regulation psychologically, which emotion regulation difficulty is a renowned risk factor across emotional psychopathologies - and I propose solutions from the Qur'an as Muslims' Holy Scripture, is this effort considered as a "bioethic study" although I embarked and am involved from the Islamic Studies field?
Can anyone tell me where can we get the database for islamic microfinance?
jurnal hukum adat mengenai pembagian harta warisan menurut prespektiv islam kelompok saya terdiri dari 2 orang yakni:
raihan ramadhan hayatuddin (2210611085)
rasendrya hendarwin (2210611386)
Assalamu Alaikum and good day to everyone,
My study theoretical framework includes five different independents variables from IDT and TPB. Now the QUESTION is since I used two theories to support my research study as "Underpinning Theory", so to support/reference them?
During my work completion defence (WCD), the examiners suggested me to give strong support as I used two theories.
So kindly, please suggest to me how to give strong support? Also please give me any related article as I can give the support before go through my final viva.
Amirul Islam
Multimedia University (MMU), Malaysia
Dear readers,
I would like to join efforts with researchers to write a paper for SciencDirect`s Call for Paper called:
Quantitative Islam: Exploring the Impact of Religion in and on Individuals’ Lives and Societies.
Anyone who wants to contribute to Quantitative Islam studies please text me for more ınformation.
I am a PhD Candidate in Islamic History and Muslim Civilization at the University of Tehran. I want to have the experience of peer review. Can you help me? Do you know any journal that can get me a review?
Best wishes,
Hi Folks,
Could you please suggest me which is the best house keeping protein for Laccaria for western blot assay?
Does anybody has any antibody I may request or any suggestions please.....
Thank you in advance
Torikul Islam
Postdoc, Oakridge national Lab
To explore and discuss Islam's view on human rights and its origin, where must I start from?
I am working on a research project with one of the objectives is to investigate factors affecting/influence muslim travellers to stay in halal/muslim-friendly accomodations. With regards to this project, I need the international co-authors/contributors for the above, particularly from the university in Asian countries who has similar research area. People from school of tourism, business or industrial engineering are most welcome. Please feel free to respond if you are interested and I will email you with the detail of my work.
Thank you.
Reading Bruce Chatwin's Songlines where he describes how the songlines work amongst the aborigines of Australia, creating a spiritual network of Australia based on individual totems and their narratives. not only do we, therefore, have religion, but also psychology, geography and its symbolism (I recently read a Muslim writer who claimed the latter for Islam) but a sense of knowledge connected to both individuals and tribes.
Does this reach back in time thereby representing a means of transmitting knowledge over a long distance but also preserving it?
Islamic Psychology is a new field combining Islamic Studies and Psychology in an effort to Islamize the field of Psychology to fit Islamic practicing Muslims' [whatever the sect they affiliated to as the umbrella that covers Islam and Muslims are very vast, wide and colourful diversity] needs. It was founded by the late Prof. Malik Badri Babiker who was based in International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) for a very long time away from his home country in Sudan since he first experienced dissonance between being a Muslim practicing Western psychology in his study days more than a half century ago.
Alhamdulillah, it was progressively developing as he would wish to see and more but the journals that the associations that advocate this budding field are new like established in 2018, thus, commonsensically still not indexed in Scopus list yet like those under International Association of Islamic Psychology and International Association of Muslim Psychologists. Even the mother journal of all Islamization efforts that was championed by International Islamic Thoughts (IIIT), which is previously named American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, had to change its name into the American Journal of Islam and Society-AJIS [for no announced reason] also no longer indexed in the Scopus list [also without any apparent reason] although already established since 1984.
Most of the journals tried, had excused for a shortage of suitable/compatible peer-reviewers database who are multidisciplinarily able to see the Arabic language part being translated and the interaction between them in the interpretation of the Holy Qur'an, which some researchers in the social sciences specifically in Psychology considered it superstitious reverence to refer everything to it more specifically for those who were convinced with secular stance and lense of worldview in life. Thus, got high tendency of declining submission like it was being marginalized for being 'religious' in the beginning of the founding firmness of the late Prof Malik Badri on the dissonance of the mainstream worldview in practice to give freedom to the Muslims to feel fitting with what is practiced in living and believing.
So, what is our alternatives?
It takes time to reach the established level the Western had reached after the post-colonialism.
Hi, please I'm conducting a research in USA on the adoption of the Murabaha and I need the list of islamic banks in USA .
Dower goes from the groom to the bride. It is mandatory for Muslim marriages. In Murdock's Ethnographic Atlas, however, nearly all Muslim societies are characterized by bridewealth, which is different, as it goes from groom's kin to bride's kin thereby excluding the bride.
I’m looking for books, articles... and references dealing with arches in Islamic architecture: geometry, construction, technology, historical evolution ....
What is Islamic anthropology? is it a new discipline? or a sub-field in Anthropology? or Islamization of western anthropology?
If I take the first question, then, would claim a Quranic Anthropology?
If a new discipline, then what would be the methodology? is it recasting the Malinowskian fieldwork and techniques?
If Subfield, then obviously, what is the line of demarcation with Anthropology of Islam of Islamic Anthropology?
Scholars, in the locked down time, can we discuss?
I have been asked to write a book chapter on Islam and the environment. I plan on offering a 2 brief qualitative brief case studies; 1) on the 2006 Somalia Islamic Courts Union (if I can find enough sources) and 2) the participation and role of the OIC-member states in the 2015 Paris COP21 conference (which I am sure I will be able to find enough sources for).
I would welcome a couple good short references to Islamic sources on the environment during Islam's 'Golden Age' Period (approx. 750- until the sack of Baghdad in 1258 CE). I would like to write perhaps 1 or 2 minor paragraphs on this for my introductory section-- a couple nice zinger quotes from someone like Al-Farabi or Ibn Rushd (or someone a bit more obscure) would be welcomed.
I am working on a publication on the religious identification of an environmental crisis. I will be very grateful for the literature hint on this subject from an Islamic perspective.
Hello everyone,
I am looking for a mixed method to measure religiosity, particularly among Muslim migrants in the Western societies. I am familiar with Glock, 1962; Sethi and Seligman 1993, and El-Menouar 2014. Can you recommend some more insightful studies?
The kalam, often rendered "speculative theology", was an important development in Islamic thought; ideas from the kalam made deep inroads into Jewish thought as well. Maimonides devotes a good part of his famous Guide of the Perplexed to a running debate with the kalam on a number of issues.
It was observed globally that by putting mask on face reduced the transmission of coronavirus which is already stated in Islam. Moreover, by praying 5 times a days is essential in Islam in which wazu (gargling mouth and rinsing nose) which are two steps out of five steps are used to prevent the infection....
Zakat is the third pillar of Islam and it is an obligatory
payment that a free and rational Muslim who owns a certain amount of wealth has to observe. Its importance in Islam is manifested by the numerous pairings of its obligation to that of prayer (salah) in the Quran. Among the fundamentals of Islam, it has the most direct economic implications on Muslims for it involves the distribution of wealth from the affluent in society to those in need.
I am interested in the rules of conduct and in the differences between different Islamic traditions and subgroups.
I have been collecting the daily data for the Islamic stock market index in the largest Muslim population. I plan to investigate the performance, volatility, and determinant of the Sharia stock index during several events, such as Covid-19, global financial crisis, etc. Besides, I would like to compare them with the conventional stock index from G-7 countries.
If anyone is interested in this topic, especially those who have experience running the panel regression and volatility test model such as ARCH, GARCH, etc. Please let me know, and we can discuss further.
Best regards,
Early Christianity (after 100 CE) functioned economically as a separate group within the Roman Empire and Catholocism is recognised for its extraordinary wealth: Islam was constructed by merchants and has a clear economic programme.
The earliest religions and temples were constructed for economic and political purposes.
I am looking for managament tools to increase organization output by colloborating with muslim knowledge workers.
I feel that religion has affect on knowledge workers behavior and but i do not know how and to what extent islam infleunces knowledge worker managament
The Waqf (confined endowment) was one of the foundations of Islamic Renaissance that has led to a wide activity in scientific, architectural, and health-care movements. It has also resulted the establishment of several institutions which were integrated and vital for the community. These institutions have worked on improvising solutions to new problems. Early Muslims have been racing to establish their own waqf emphasizing the peculiarity of the different goals of each one. This research aims to study the waqf of Abdul Basit ibn Khalil the Damascene (790-857 AH / 1388 - 1450 AD) the Chief-inspector of the Egyptian armies. And I have included in the annexes two of these waqfs.
Hi alls..What say you
This is my thesis title:
The methodologies of study of religion in doing da'wah; the case study of some muslim activitsts in Malaysia
Islamic finance products could be thought with opportunities of blockchain technology ?
Contemporary Muslim scholars deferred in opinion whether Government has the authority to order for closure of the "moques" masjid or not.
is there any legal basis for this closure ?
Was the Lord previous to his son, or was his son before him,?
If you say: His father was previously . We told you: You have abolished the theory of the three universes . This means that the son did not manage the affairs of the universe with his father !!!
You have to answer the question: When did the father decide to have a child? And who ran the universe before he had his son?
If you say: the son was previously on his father . We told you: how to be the former son to his father ?!
If you say: they are together forever, we said to you: Who decided to make the father father?!!Who made the son a son?!And how to be a father and son without being one of them before the other ?!
I am currently almost completing data analyzing by using thematic procedures and now struggling to summarise the data to finish the chapter. Until now still head wired, assuming that I am again trapping somewhere.. especially to demonstrate the data sufficiently.
Choose phenomenological to further understand consumer' experiences with islamic labelling during purchasing.
Any advice would be much appreciated!
Many thanks
I am researching about Islam and disability. How do Islamic values explain disability, both legally and aspects of social life with disabilities? I'm looking for reading resources to answer the problem.
There are always problems from the interference of the capital owners of the islamic banks.
Conference Paper "A Somali girl is Muslim and does not have premarital sex. I...
First of all I couldn't access this article to comment further even though I tried in different ways but failed but finally I wrote of the co-authors and now waiting for her feedback. Going through the very short abstract that the authors displayed I could see one of the major themes extracted from their transcribed collected data was, "(1) perceived barriers to uptake of preventive measures: distrust of the Dutch health care system...". My question is why there is distrust as we can experience in different setting for example recently there were rejection of Polio vaccination campaign in Minnesota Somali community because they were afraid ( or thinking)of getting 'Autism' from Polio vaccination and if I am not mistaken this happened for the first time since Somali migrated to Minn. and it is the most Somali populated cities in whole America. Why there is distrust in such community where there are educated and skilled people in those areas? How an individual and later a whole community can perceive and share similar conception and thoughts against specified immunization or Expanded Program for Immunizaation ( EPI)?Thanks
Dr Abdullahi
In my research plan/book writting tittled" The role of Islam on fight against drug abuse/intoxicants".
there is a certain chapter tittled ; " the position of Islamic countries on capital punishment against drug peddlers /Saudi as a case study .
1- Equality between members of society before Islam and at the acoming of Islam of the?
2- Preserving human life before Islam and at the coming of Islam?
The European Academy of Religion announces its fourth Annual Conference, which will take place in Münster (Germany) between Monday, August 30th and Thursday, September 2nd. Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster will be the organizing institution.
Due to the cancellation of #EuARe2020, it will be possible to re-submit for the next annual conference those panels that were already accepted in 2020 and were listed in the conference program - This is our case!
Proponents will find a dedicated submission form that will be open from Friday, December 4th to Wednesday, December 23rd. Re-submitted panels will be automatically included in the conference program.
Further to the re-submission, proponents will be able to make adjustments to the general setting of their sessions. Changes to the panel duration are possible, but not guaranteed.
PANEL: Religious experiences of contemporary pilgrims
The panel aims to discuss relations between cultural and religious heritage and the religious experiences of modern pilgrims. Who is a modern “real” pilgrim? How the religious heritage is perceived and experienced during its journey? How the religious heritage is interpreted in literary and visual representations? The panel is mainly focused on networks called European Cultural Route i.e. Santiago de Compostela Pilgrim Routes (1987); Via Francigena (1994); Saint Martin of Tours Route (2005), Cluniac Sites in Europe (2005), European Route of Cistercian abbeys (2010), European Cemeteries Route (2010), Route of Saint Olav Ways (2010), Huguenot and Waldensian trail (2013), Routes of Reformation (2019) but it accepts papers on other local examples and non-European studies and perspectives.
The deadline for paper submission is Friday, MARCH, 19th, 2021 (23.59, GMT +1) Contact:
Dear researcher,
Recently on January 23, 2020, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the Hague ordered Myanmar to take all necessary measures to protect Rohingya Muslims from genocide. Killing has been reported even after that. How do you evaluate this order and the response of the authority of Myanmar to that?
I am interested in natural draft (ND), top-lit updraft gasifiers (TLUD) that also have the bi-effect of producing biochar for farming. I am also looking for construction plans for the stove from Bangladesh the Akha Chula designed by Mahbubul Islam and Julien Winter in 2016. Can you recommend articles on clean burning cook stoves (TLUD) that also produce biochar?
I would like to get information and articles about measurements of efficiency in zakat institutions.
most of the islamic banks’ advisory committees are satisfied with the activities of the islamic banks and the banks CEOs.
Am searching on the documented materials on the above questions to use as reference .
@ our able Islamic scholars in the house , kindly assist .
My research is about the relationship between level of cultural knowledge and development of intercultural communication.
My problem is, items in my questionaire reflecting IV which is level of knowledge is true false question which are factual questions.
Eg: Gambling is allowed in Islam religion. (Yes / No)
My DV items which is intercultural development is in likert scale.
So, i cant make correlations using spss to analyze the data. Therefore, I would like to ask whether I can transform the dichotomous question to likert only for analyzing and make correlation.
I'm new in history of islam and i need to study some article in my field. please help me.
I accidently purchased the first edition -- and would like to obtain the added material from the fourth edition without purchasing another book.