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Irrigation Engineering - Science topic
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Questions related to Irrigation Engineering
I have a question from the literature: How does an irrigation rate of (96 mL/hr.) equal (8.5 L/m2.h) if I have a column of 125 mm in diameter and 2m long?
Proper guidance for starting a research career in the field of agricultural engineering.
In order to investigate the level of humidity of a soil for irrigation purposes, I'd like to learn more on different types of technology that could define soil's level of humidity as a criteria to determine whether or not a land needs to be watered.
For example: Iran falls within the Middle East arid zone, with some 13% of the country receiving less than 100 mm mean annual rainfall, an additional 61% receiving less than 250 mm and only 9% receiving more than 500 mm.
Our need to create alternative water sources is increasing day by day. However, while providing alternative water resources, can we adequately predict long-term effects on the natural balance? Although the dams built on rivers and streams are useful as an irrigation and energy source, serious damage occurs to the habitat on the natural passage areas of the streams. Similarly, can rainwater harvesting in urban or rural areas (especially covering large areas) cause adverse effects both in terms of feeding aquifers and soil-water balance? I don't have a clear opinion on this subject, but I think that we should question how we affect nature in the long run and that we should take our steps carefully.
I mean, is it possible to deliver water as water vapor to the plant root zone? No matter which irrigation method is used, plants cannot benefit from a significant portion of irrigation water. Because we actually give water to the soil, not to the plant. The plant is able to use the water left over from evaporation and deep percolation. Even if we assume that there is no deep percolation, a significant part of the water evaporates from the gaps in the soil. As a suggestion, I think that water can be applied in the form of water vapor to save water in agriculture. Similar to the subsurface drip irrigation system, when the water vapor reaches the root zone of the plant, it can feed the plant roots. There are several methods for evaporating water, but it is necessary to determine an economical and viable method under field conditions.
I'm trying to design an irrigation system in which I'm able to get slow liquid flow (dripping) out of multiple holes (exit points) that is uniform across all of the holes. The issue I keep running into is that any discrepancies in the holes - be it slight differences in size, orientation, etc.- results in a preferential path for the liquid and the flow becomes nonuniform; it flows fast out of some holes and slow (or not at all ) out of others.
Any thoughts on an approach would be greatly appreciated.
I am working on a drip irrigation system build and need new papers on the topic so I can work on new areas, I am currently focusing on energy efficiency and failure detection.
Any recommendation is appreciated
Here is the FAO Dependable Rain Method to computes MONTHLY effective rainfall
Pe = 0.8 P - 25 if P > 75 mm/month
Pe = 0.6 P - 10 if P < 75 mm/month
Where Pe is the monthly effective rainfall and P is the monthly rainfall
If I want to use the same formula to compute DAILY rather than Monthly Rainfall, can I do that?
DailyPe = 0.8 DailyP - 25 if daily P >2.5mm/day (or 75 mm/30 days)
DailyPe = 0.6 DailyP - 10 if daily P < 2.5mm/day (or 75mm/30 days)
Where DailyPe is the daily effective rainfall and DailyP is the daily rainfall.
Im doing a thesis on 'flow study of alappuzha canal network'.
Hi !
Do you know a source that provides the average monthly reference evapotranspiration in your location ? Where is it available ? Do you have any table that shows average evapotranspiration in any given month in your area (state or region...)?
Thanks a lot,
Best regards
Irrigated (e.g: 20-25% of the available water holding capacity is supplied)
How to measure discharge of a canal by surface float method?
If we know flow depth, top and bottom width of canal. And canal is lined with cement concrete. What should be size, weight and material of float? What is relation (Multiplying coefficient)between surface velocity and mean velocity?
i hold BSC degree in Agricultural Engineering and Msc in water resource engineering.My research intrest is in irrigation efficiency and performance indicators
I want to do the atmospheric correction taking this data. Actually at the time of selection of sensor type there is no option for LISS 4 and AWIFS sensor's name..even I have tried by taking unknown MSI but then also it is not done, then how will I do ?
we know that for CO2 concentration, AquaCrop model uses SRES scenarios but how we can use RCPs in AquaCrop? Can we assume A2 as same as RCP8.5 for this purpose?
Main advantage of sub surface drip system over surface drip in field condition like adoption, operation, efficiency etc.,
After runing MT3DMS, the results of salinity reach 200 g/l in two meshs located in the extremity of the layer. However, all inputs are about 1 to 5 g/l! I tried also with MT3D but I found the same results! Can anyone help me to solve this problem??
Creation of recharge surface through rainfall data ....
As irrigation water quality effects the water potential in the soil profile, so it is effect on irrigation interval and scheduling.
Best Regards
Dear All
Can we use the lateral movement irrigation system supplied with LESA technology to irrigate wheat crop? If yes what are the most appropriate type of nozzles or sprinkler heads that must used? and what are the wetting pattern that work with the wheat crop? any information about this issues will be appreciated.
What is the calculation? Is it calculated in volume/time?
By adopting good water management practices (by reducing the duty of water for cultivation) definitely you can achieve this. But the question is how to convince the agriculture users.
Major challenge in subsurface drip for vegetable cultivation is emitter clogging by soil or roots. Any effective solution to this issue?? I am operating the system in sandy loam soil with one day irrigation interval. Emitters are placed 15 cm below soil surface.
Many studies related to ecology conservation and water footprint require precise assessment of environmental flows. Is there any method that can assess the environmental flow requirements based on the historic flow records or any other such inputs.
What is the best way to :
1. Model subsurface drainage (and irrigation) using perforated pipe.
2. Model water table under
3. Model soil moisture distribution
simultaneously. Is there any model that can accommodate the development of 1+2+3 model to evaluate effectiveness of farmland sub-drain system
what is the advantages of center pivot irrigation system ?
and how many center pivot equipment required for area of one million and a half acres ?? how can i calculate it ?
i am working on dssat model v 4.6 for climate change studies for rice wheat crop but i am using the automatic irrigation option for irrigation which after simulation gives output effective irrigation less than the recommended for both the crops so i want to know how to increase it to the recommended. what is the reason that it is happining so i am also attaching the file. please have it in attachments
I'm wondering which is the most appropriate position for a flow meter in a solar water pumping system (borehole equipped with submersible pump), in particular referring to any problems that could come from interference with the check valve, in order to obtain the highest accuracy.
What would be the impact of drip (small holder) irrigation on water resources at Basin scale?
- Citrus water requirements may vary as it is grown in tropics as well as on sub tropics. What should be the criteria to estimate the water need of the citrus cultivars like mandarin sweet orange and lime groups ?
- Kindly give the precise methods of estimation in climate change situations.
more in service delivery especially in the developing countries context where land holding sizes are small
the water is being used for golf course irrigation purpose and not for potable water.
What is the preferable method of irrigation system for smallholder irrigation farming, short furrow irrigation system or pressurized (drip, sprinkler, etc.) system?
I need papers or your answers about the comparison between these methods of irrigation particularly about soil moisture and nutrient movement, as I need that at my Ph.D. studies
Can someone please recommend a software analysis tool that use water quality parameters (EC, SAR, pH, salt concentrations, etc) to evaluate quality of irrigation water and potential effect on soil health?
It is for a student of mine which is trying to get her master degree. She is just starting the studies of this subject in our University. Any information (applied to household facilities: single houses or apartment houses) concerning rainwatew harvesting in your region for urban residences - such as techniques, methods, equipment, practical results, anything you can tell me about - will be enthusiastically welcomed! Thank you.
I want to design small irigation system about 1mx1.5mx1.5m , the example design as shown in attachment. which sprinkler head is suitable so that it can water my plantation, soaker hoses head, dipper system?, rotor sytem or spray system?

Is there any research/studies on economic valuation of ecosystem services of human made wetlands (e.g. for a reservoir) which is also a Ramsar site? Site may be Ramsar designate and the reservoir purposely built for irrigation.
Is there any type of a soiler available in the market which replaces the subsurface drain system by using a salt affected soil?
I am requested by University to do term paper on drip irrigation effort, a sustainable solution for scarcity water resource management in desert and semi-arid regions. But I have no materials that I should refer this work to.
I am therefore requesting the support of those who are expert and knowledgeable in research areas to provide with free access references that I can use for development of this term paper. Your support will mean a lot to me. Thanks
Looking for appropriate technology suppliers who can guide marginal farmers to decide upon bore well or other irrigation technologies based on water pockets and availability.
For upcoming years water scarcity will be in peak, in order to reduce the water consumption for irrigation and urban landscapes we have to take some serious step to protect the water scarcity. My research was based on the sprinkler irrigation to reduce the water consumption on landscape.
Reverse osmosis is very costly and therefore it is not economically to reduce the salinity of the irrigation water. Are biological or non-biological methods has been developed to reduce salinity of irrigation water? and have found wide (large-scale) application.
I mean what is the timeline for crops like rice, wheat, potatoes or other crops in Asian countries? And also how many months they take to grow? And what is the amount of water crops need for irrigation?
I know these are easy and simple questions but after searching google I didn't get proper and sufficient information. Hope you would please help me directing some info or book or paper.
Thanks in advance.
Canal(river) and ground(well) waters contain variable amounts of plant nutrients . and the number of irrigations given depend on availability of irrigation water, soil ,crop and local weather conditions .The nutrients supplied by these sources depend on nutrient content and number of irrigations given to a crop. Irrigation water has the potential to reduce the fertilizer requirement and also improve the nutrient balance in soil.It is of interest to know which crops are benefited more , which nutrients and also the source of water.
I want to find Irrigation potential developed in Maharashtra for every district specially after 1950's till date along with area under various crops varieties?
Where can I find such data?
Can we reduce the leaching water, and is there any idea to reduce the evapo-transpiration, if yes will it will harm the growth of the plant?
For the Darcy's law equation what is my actual input etc.
The putative relationship between the isolation of this bacterium from open irrigation systems and epidemiological event/s
My experiments was mainly a split-plot design with water treatment as the main factor. Measurements were taken in 6 harvests from Dec 2012 to May 2013. In Dec, all plots under irrigation; from Jan to March, half plots under irrigation and the other half withholding water; from Apr to May, all plots under irrigation. In each harvest, plants were defoliated after other measurements were taken. I do not know whether I should do an ANCOVA with measurements in the first harvest as covariates, or do a repeated measures ANOVA?
The question to be answered is "How should we allocate financial resources while constructing irrigation (and drainage) networks?". We'd like to know about the factors affecting this decision. What countries finance main canals first and tertiary canals after them, and what countries do this process in a different way? What factors affect this decision? Is there any standard related to chronological order of the construction of different components of irrigation networks?
Linking rivers and large scale irrigation projects in the erstwhile Soviet Union resulted in a reduced flow into the Caspian Sea. The resulting disaster included a retreating shoreline, so that ports were several kilometers from the water, increased salinity, etc. Are there any other cases of river linking and its results? India is probably going in for this and it might be useful to know a bit more about the ecological, economic and practical impacts of lavish engineering schemes.
I need some furrow field data (advance and Recession time, inflow, outflow and etc.) to evaluate my idea on infiltration parameter prediction in volume-balance (so, all data in volume-balance such as Elliott & Walker method are needed).
I know there are some data sets such as NCEA collected data and etc. but I can't find any way to get them. Can someone provide me any data set or a way (link) to download it?
The wetted radius (the throw) of a sprinkler is function of many parameters:
1- the pressure head
2- the the nozzle diameter
3- the throw angle
4- the sprinkler height
5- the nozzle interior design factors.
6- the type of the sprinkler whether hanged or fixed.
For the fixed type, I found some formulas to estimate the wetted radius like this lecture note Pages 36 and 37, however, it is not so practical equation.
On the other hand, I found nothing for the hanged type!
Can any one help finding a formula to estimate the wetted radius of sprinklers in irrigation?
Thanks in advance...

I'm trying to develop a system that with the use of sensors is able to plan irrigation in vineyards calculating the optimal Eto and Kc throughout the campaign. I know that it's possible to model the Kc input through the percentage shaded area but that would be difficult to sense remotely.
I want to simulate water flow at open canals and irrigation water networks in ArcGIS
Is there any tool help me?
Arduino will be used as the micro-controller whereas android will be used as the monitoring device online.
I am looking for real uniformity of application, while minimizing weight and supplies needed to build the apparatus. I would like to be able to isolate 2x4 foot areas of the bench by either changing nozzles or turning valves. I have built a prototype using inverted micro-sprinklers and uniformity is lacking. I am thinking of using Tee-jet, spray rig downward pointing nozzles (more what I imagine is used on manufactured dynamic booms in greenhouses) but I'm unsure of the best spacing, droplet size, coverage, overlap, etc. Any suggestions are welcome.