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Iron Deficiency Anemia - Science topic

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Questions related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
1 answer
"What are the latest treatments for iron-deficiency anemia, and how do they compare to traditional iron supplements in efficacy and patient adherence?"
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The latest treatments for iron-deficiency anemia include both traditional oral iron supplements and newer formulations designed to improve efficacy and patient adherence. Here's a comparison:
Traditional Treatments:
  • Ferrous Sulfate: The most commonly prescribed oral iron supplement. It's effective but often causes gastrointestinal side effects like nausea, constipation, and stomach upset, which can reduce patient adherence1.
Newer Formulations:
  • Iron Polysaccharide Complex: Designed to have a more pleasant taste and be better tolerated.
  • Ferric Maltol: A lipophilic iron donor that is easier on the stomach.
  • Sucrosomial Iron: Encapsulated in nanoparticles to improve absorption and reduce gastrointestinal side effects.
Efficacy and Adherence:
  • Efficacy: Both traditional and newer treatments are effective in correcting iron-deficiency anemia and replenishing iron stores. However, newer formulations may offer better absorption and fewer side effects, potentially leading to improved patient adherence1.
  • Adherence: Patient adherence is often higher with newer formulations due to reduced gastrointestinal side effects. For example, studies have shown that administering iron every other day can increase absorption and reduce side effects compared to daily dosing
  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
1 answer
Hi everyone
I am currently investigating the effect of iron deficiency on neuronal cells (SHYSY5Y to be exact). For this, I need to create an environment of iron-depletion in-vitro. While past publications have used iron chelators in media, this involves considerable quality control. This is why I am choosing to mimic an iron-deficient environment through serum starvation.
I am currently struggling to find publications outlining a validated method of serum starvation to achieve this, which would be of great help, as a trial- and error method in the lab is time consuming. Another concern is that other essential nutrients would also be depleted with serum starvation, that may affect any findings and therefore impact the validity of results. I am also interested in any iron-depleted media out there that I could potentially use?
Would greatly appreciate any advice, links to publications or methods I could follow.
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Ruchitha Venkatesh An effective method for preparing iron-deficient cell-culture medium without using chelators involves serum starvation, which mimics an iron-depleted environment. However, this approach may also deplete other essential nutrients, potentially impacting research findings. To address this, you could consider using commercially available iron-depleted media specifically designed for cell culture experiments, ensuring the controlled removal of iron while maintaining essential nutrient levels. Additionally, consulting relevant literature or protocols for serum starvation techniques in neuronal cell cultures may provide valuable insights and guidance for your experiments, reducing the laboratory's need for trial and error.
  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
3 answers
It is seen that the amount of labile iron is prevented with ferric carboxymaltose and iron isomaltoside, which are the two most up-to-date iron compounds. I wonder if there is a special contribution of maltose derivatives biochemically.
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Dear Muhamment, this is a very interesting technical question. The advantages of using iron isomaltoside and ferric carboxymaltose have been outlined in the following useful articles:
Assessment of dextran antigenicity of intravenous iron products by an immunodiffusion assay
Physico-chemical properties of the new generation IV iron preparations ferumoxytol, iron isomaltoside 1000 and ferric carboxymaltose
Both papers have been posted by the authors as public full texts on RG. Thus they can be freely downloaded as ppdf files.
I hope this helps. Good luck with your research and best wishes!
  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
5 answers
How will you treat a patient with iron deficiency anemia - before the infusion of iron, you will make an intravenous infusion of vitamin C or after, guided by biochemical and pathophysiological principles?
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Iron infusion is a kind of stress for the body and is poorly tolerated by most patients. Practice shows more side effects when no preparation or premedication is performed. So the answer is ....
  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
11 answers
Definition and Background of Helicobacter Pylori Infections
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacterium is involved in many diseases other than peptic ulcer disease, such as coronary artery inflammation, gastroesophageal reflux disease, skin disease, iron deficiency anemia, rheumatologic issues and lymphoid tissue lymphomas associated with mucosa. It has also been reported that there is a strong association between gastric adenocarcinoma and lymphoma and H. pylori bacterium.
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Please also take a look at this link.
  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
3 answers
I selected 200 samples from different medical camps to study the exposed population to Iron deficiency anemia, >50 were IDA positive. Rest was negative.I have used all samples to build a comparison study.
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This is a cross.sectional study. In case and control studies (also a type of cross-sectional study) you deliberately match the cases with the controls. Here you can find a detailed explanation on the differences
Hope this helps
  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
5 answers
Iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia are common children especially in developing countries. For screening we need a test which is sensitive and cheap, so that t can be applied to large number of children, and taking in consideration that the these samples will be withdrawn from children who are apparently healthy.
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It's very important question
  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
4 answers
any research done on a similar topic?
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Please take a look at the following RG links and PDF attachments.
  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
1 answer
With multiple Red cells transfusions in extreme preterm babies with AOP, Do we still need to give iron supplements? Do we need to measure Ferrritin level?
Is there a reference values of plasma ferritin witth GA? at what level We have  not to administer Fe supplements
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ferritin dosing isn't a good newborn parameter
  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
30 answers
Please see the following:
The Labile Side of Iron Supplementation in CKD
Itzchak Slotki* and Zvi Ioav Cabantchik†
*Division of Adult Nephrology, Shaare Zedek Medical Center and Hadassah Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
Israel; and †Department of Biological Chemistry, Alexander Silberman Institute of Life Sciences, The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
The practice of intravenous iron supplementation has grown as nephrologists have
gradually moved away from the liberal use of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents
as the main treatment for the anemia of CKD. This approach, together with the
introduction of large-dose iron preparations, raises the future specter of inadvertent
iatrogenic iron toxicity. Concerns have been raised in original studies and reviews
about cardiac complications and severe infections that result from long-term
intravenous iron supplementation. 
J Am Soc Nephrol 26: 2612–2619, 2015. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2015010052
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Most food species provide the required amount of iron. However, the body needs large amounts of iron during pregnancy. The additional amount is given throughout the pregnancy, as well as within 2 - 3 months after birth, to compensate the iron reserve in the body of the woman after birth. Deficiency symptoms Iron deficiency leads to anemia, which includes symptoms of fatigue, fatigue, shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat. It can also show apathy, irritability and decreased body ability to resist infections. Symptoms and risks in overdose Iron poisoning is very serious. The symptoms are: abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, accompanied by high body temperature, abdominal distension, dryness and a serious reduction in blood pressure. These conditions require immediate medical treatment. Pharmaceutical preparations Iron sulphate, iron fumarate, iron gluconate and iron compound - polysaccharides can be obtained over-the-counter in medical preparations, vitamins and minerals. Dextran iron given by injection can only be obtained by prescription and at bedtime. Liver sources is the best source of iron. Meat (especially brains and kidneys), eggs, chicken, fish, green leafy vegetables, dried fruits, whole or fortified cereals, bread and some baked goods, nuts and dried pulses are all rich sources of iron. Iron, which comes from meat, chicken and fish, is better absorbed than iron, which comes from vegetables. The dose is determined individually, depending on the nature and severity of the condition. In adults, anemia is usually treated with a dose of 30-100 mg of iron, two or three times a day. In children, the dosage should be reduced by generation and weight. In the case of pregnancy it is recommended to give between 30 - 60 mg per day. Recommended daily dose Details of recommended daily amount (RDA) for iron, 10 mg (from birth to 6 months), 15 mg (from 6 months to 3 years), 10 mg (4 to 10 years) 18 mg (for males between the ages of 11 to 18 years - for females from the age of 11 years to 50 years), 10 mg (for males aged 19 years and above and for females aged 51 and above) the body needs a larger amount during pregnancy and up to two or three months after Birth. I have foods that contain vitamin and iron
  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
8 answers
It seems that many children with febrile convulsions have iron deficiency anemia , so that iron deficiency may be a risk factor for development of febrile seizures .
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IDA increase ferritin serum level which per se induce oxidative stress at neural level that dcrease seizure threshold
  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
5 answers
Interested  especially  in  data  on  iron and  zinc deficiencies 
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Thank you so much , Niloufar !
  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
3 answers
many children with recurrent febrile seizures have iron deficiency anemia .
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There is a article published by iqbal memon
In pakistan paediatric journal showing a significant corelation
  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
6 answers
Effect of chronic anemia on nutrition and appetite?
Effect of chronic anemia on growth hormone-IGF-I secretion?
Effect of chronic anemia on puberty and pubertal growth spurt ? 
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Dear Ashraf,
Please have a look at these links and PDF attachment.
Good luck!
  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
1 answer
I have some mice in which we have induced focal gastrointestinal ulcers with bleeding at least in the first two weeks post injury, and we observed anemia from two weeks to two months post injury. At two months I see complete ablation of bone marrow iron stores using Prussian blue staining but moderately increased tissue iron stores in the spleen and liver. This is accompanied by a reticulocytosis and increased extramedullary hematopoiesis. Does anyone have any explanation for this decrease and increase? And does this fit better with iron deficiency or anemia of chronic disease? I also have increased serum il6 at two weeks post injury which is leading me down the ACD track despite the fairly classic IDA presentation.
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anaemia of chronic disease
  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
2 answers
I want to know the normal range of the Concentration of the following electrolytes in Albino rat urine samples: Na, Ca, K, Cl, HCO3
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Thanks Dennis
  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
12 answers
I want to calculate the appropriate dose of ferrous sulfate for anemic patient depending on MCV, HB level and his diet ?
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Thank you . My comment was not addressed to you, but your response is amazing, I had same question as was asked but some answers were not specific but were helpful
  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
1 answer
I am providing 3ppm iron diet to develop anaemia i rat. after 21 days i found haemoglobin level of rat decreased from 16 to 11 gms%  
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Haemolytic anaemia in rats may be induced by intravascular or extravascular destruction of red blood cells using phenylhydrazine (PHZ) and thymoquinone (TQ). PHZ could be injected intraperitoneal at 40mg/kg.  It will take 3-5 days for the ras to become anaemic. Thymoquinone can be administered orally.
  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
4 answers
Thanks in advance for your replies.
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Osmotic fragility depends upon surface to volume ratio. In different diseased condition, they differ a lot. Kindly follow the attached links for little more information.
  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
4 answers
Would like to strengthen my knowledge in this field
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Thanks all for kind replies. 
  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
4 answers
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  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
4 answers
Many studies have reported that overweight and obesity are prevalent among children and adolescents with hemophilia and correlate these findings with physical activity. What about underweight and wasting in these patients. I would be grateful if you can supply me with papers with such findings
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Thank you. My question is about patients with hemophilia specifically.
It is right that physical activity is the only determinants of growth parameters. 
  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
8 answers
Okay, so I am doing a study on Iron Deficiency Anemia. In the first phase, I will determine the prevalence and then I need to go for Case control and an RCT. I need to ask if I have to calculate sample size for Case Control and RCT or can I have some standard minimum number of my own choice?
I mean, I have seen a lot of papers where the authors have just taken a certain number of cases and two or three controls per case. So can I take (for example) 50 cases and 100 controls, depending on my prevalence results or is there a specific formula for calculation?
Similar is the case with my Randomized Control Design, that is, can I take a certain  number of people to start with or (again) is there any formula?
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All the hypothesis testing studies (here RCT and case control studies) needs sample size estimation before start of study. Estimation procedure needs certain assumptions. For example (for case control study) you should have  the desired level of power of the study (typically 0.84 for 80% power);  statistical significance (typically 1.96 for 5% significance); ratio of controls to cases (typically 1: 1); percent of case/control exposed and an expected Odds Ratio. You can use an online calculator that calculates sample size. 
As you can see that the Ratio of Controls to Cases is one of the factor deciding total sample size. So you  can't take Arbitrarily 50 cases and 100 controls or vice versa, 
  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
4 answers
A 45 years old female with iron deficiency anemia from 8 years first her response to intravenous iton was good.but now she is not responsed to it.
Gastrointestinal survey was NL.abdominopelvic somography is NL.
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Sounds like an assignment you have to work on. What are the options?
  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
6 answers
Could iron-deficiency anaemia secondary to heavy menstrual bleeding be a potential risk factor to the formation of venous thromboembolism (bilateral PE)?
I encountered two cases  within 2 months of obstetrics and gynaecology posting? Especially those were given trenaxamic acid.
Appreciate your comments and thoughts. 
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Women after severe hemorrhages are at risk of thrombosis.  I suppose the hemorrhage causes an unbalance in clotting factors.  This could be true for heavy menstruation as well.
  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
2 answers
In the monograph of Venofer (iron sucrose complex) it is written that 2700 mg iron sucrose complex is equal to 20 mg elemental iron. Could someone help me on  this conversion?
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Thank you for your helpful reply Louis
  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
1 answer
Within body cells, which organelle is least likely to function properly in an individual who is anemic?
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Certainly, mitochondria K-cycle and respiration (K-O2 transport)  the key function in human living cells.  
  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
20 answers
It was seen that large number of rural women suffering from Anemia. This is major cause of Maternal and infant mortality among rural population.
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Few low cost changes to help improve hemoglobin level among rural women:
1. Cooking meals in an iron container
2. Adding jaggery/gud to diet (processed in iron vessels)
3. If giving iron supplementation to child-bearing age women, advise them to:
  (a) Take some lime juice with iron tablet (Vitamin C helps iron absorption)
  (b) Avoid tea/coffee intake close to iron tablet
  (c) Avoid taking any dairy products close to iron tablets (Calcium interferes with absorption of iron)
Hope these help!
  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
14 answers
I am doing my PhD research on Iron Deficiency Anemia in adolescent females and for that, I need to do detect Anemia. What could be the cheapest but still most reliable method of doing so?
I do not want to go for bio chemical profiling as it is expensive and I do not have any funding. :(
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Refer these papers:1.      David, Seligson. (1958). Standard methods of clinical chemistry: By the American Association of clinical chemists. Academic press, New York, London, pp.52–53.
  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
5 answers
I want to test the efficacy of a certain plants extract on anemic rats.Anybody with useful suggestion on how to induce anemia in rats in the  short time like a month or forty days ?
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Hi Dear Farid
You have to induce anemia drug irinotecan hydrochloride in rats can be used.
If you want I can send you the protocol.
  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
7 answers
Anyone having access to research papers/ reports, please share with me.
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concern "Zn and Fe biofortification: The right chemical environment for human
bioavailability" by Stephan Clemens
A Question Mark on Zinc Deficiency in 185 Million People in Pakistan—Possible Way Out by Khalid et al., in 2014
  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
11 answers
Iron stores are generally assessed using bone marrow aspiration from the iliac crest. However, the sternum is also used to perform aspiration. Are the results comparable in humans? In the cited article, both sample cites are used, did you find any differences?
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I think we must consider the ethic problem: it's not correct to perform the bone marrow aspiration and examination in a suspected chronic diseases anemia because no more information can come from this site. Furthermore, i agree with dr. Klabusay and dr. Jan-Gert Nel: the  Perls reaction is not the "gold standard" for iron storage evaluation because it is only semi-quantitative 
  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
8 answers
behaviors , nutritional habits , causes
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  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
4 answers
Other than patient's asthenia, are there other kinds of relationship that may explain iron deficiency anemia and male infertility?
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There is a report that suggests that mitochondrial iron is required for proper spermatogenesis in Drosophila, but this has not been verified in a mammalian system (Metzendorf et al BMC Dev Biol. 2010). Even if this holds true in the human, the iron deficiency would (I guess) have to to be so dramatic that the anemic symptoms would explain the lack of energy for fertility. One way to answer your question could possibly be to check spermatic function in IRIDA patients (Finberg et al Nat Genetics 2008). 
  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
8 answers
Pagophagia (the consumption of ice) and geophagia (the consumption of soil compounds) are the most common forms of pica, which have often been associated with cases of iron deficiency anaemia. What is the motivation? Which metabolic pathways are interested?
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Prof Rugarli is one of the most important internal medicine doctor in Italy.
Unfortunately the book is only in Italian language, but I can confirm what Samin has reported.
  • asked a question related to Iron Deficiency Anemia
1 answer
I'm planning a study on blood donors. The study will be in large cohort of blood donors. One objective will be to characterize prevalence and symptoms of low iron in frequent blood donors. Pica is quickly reversible with iron treatment.
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Bryan: As of now there is no such questionnaire that is reliable and valid. This is good news for a researcher- may be you can develop the questionnaire and validate it?
Simple steps:
1. Literature review
2. Key informant interviews/ focus groups
3. Make a questionnaire
4. Get reviews from experts and sample audience
5. Refine
6. Send for stability reliability analysis.
7. Use statistical techniques to assess instrument properties (validity and reliability).
Good luck!