Science topic
Iridaceae - Science topic
A monocot plant family of the Liliopsida class. It is classified by some in the Liliales order and some in the Asparagales order.
Questions related to Iridaceae
I have dissected some common flowers to observe their floral anatomy and to get familiarized with the taxonomic terms, now today I took a little difficult (and unknown) flower of Iridaceae family (Trimezia sp.) but I can't understand most of the parts, especially placentation, I searched for available literature but could not find any for it.
Now what should I do? Should I select more well described flowers at this stage, please help
There is many applications for assessing or measuring International Roughness Index (IRI) of road sections but I need to know is there any official administration which uses one of these apps during road pavement management process practically, or not?
I have a student who is working on a short-term (3-6 months) dissertation on a potentially new Libertia (Iridaceae) from the northern North Island, New Zealand. We have limited resources - but he is keen to try and use some DNA marker to determine (if anything) how different the 'new' entity is. We already know that the basic cpDNA markers (matK, trnl etc) don't help much, and ITS (as is typical for New Zealand) doesn't tend to resolve at species level in our Libertia. So we thought we'd try ETS - if someone has designed a primer that works for the Iridaceae. Failing that anyone can advise another fast moving, small marker that a short-term, study like this might be able to use?