Science topics: History of ReligionIraq
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Iraq - Science topic
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Questions related to Iraq
This question is asked to explore potential solutions for enhancing sustainability in Iraq's infrastructure projects. Integrating smart construction technologies with recycled materials could improve energy efficiency, reduce waste, and minimize environmental impact, addressing local challenges while aligning with global sustainability objectives in the construction industry.
- April 2024
- DOI:
- 10.46903/gjms/22.01.1499
- 📷Abdulla Abdulla
- Regards
An excerpts from my book:
Varied expressions
"The Other important Arabic months are: Moharram and Rabiul Awwal. The 1st lunar calendar month Muharram and the 3rd lunar calendar Arabic month Rabiul Awal, are also two important lunar, Arabic months are significant to Muslims life. In the 3rd Lunar Arabic month Rabiul Awwal, on the 12th date on Monday evening in the year 570, The Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him, PBUH was born in the city of Makkah, in the Quraish Tribe Leaders family. Mohammed PBUHs fathers name was Abdullah the late beloved son of Quraish Tribe, Makkah leader Abul Mutalib and his mother was Amina from Madina. In the year of Mohammed birth the Makkah people witnessed many countless miracles and blessing."
" Mohammed PBUH had taste the death in Madina in his last residence near his Mosjid, the Madina Heram, on the 12th of Rabiul Awwal the 3rd lunar calendar month in the year 632 ( 8th of June). The Muharram is the 1st lunar calendar, Arabic month. On this date marked the beginning of Arabic, Islamic year (Hijri) in 622. Then, Islamic Khelafath made to paused and Mohammed PBUHs family lineage members (dynasty line) were murdered in the month Moharram in the Karbala genocide in Iraq."
"1st month of Islamic Calendar Muharram is New Year in Islamic Calendar marked since the Hijrath (migration of Prophet PBUH), and the Arabic name of Months has been followed down from the ancient Arab tradition of following the moon circulation on its orbit (from the beginning of the first crescent sighting). Since Muharram has been marked as the beginning of the year, it makes Muharram the Islamic New Year. Islamic New Year isn’t celebrated like World’s other Cultural/ regional New Years are celebrated, because besides Islam forbids unnecessary expenses and wasting on extravagancy, moreover, the Arabic New Year recalls the inhumane massacre of Prophet (peace be upon him)’s beloved Grand children and their families (peace be upon them), within the 1st ten days of Muharram, in Karbala, (in todays date it is known as the Shiet practise, and this is performed as a ritual by Shiet followers all over the world specially in the Iraqi city of Karbala.). Further, Mohammed PBUH was forced to leave Makkah his birth land with his followers to scape with their dear lives in unhappy state and emigrated, (Hijrath) to Madina. "
Chapter 1 page 16.
Varied expressions. By author Fatema Miah.
Available in Waterstones.
"Integration of Mass Media and Communication into the System of International Relations: Place, Role, Actuality and Prospects: Modern Media Issues 2024"
Please introduce some journals from Turkey or Iraq that are in Scopus and are about nursing.
Dear Colleagues
Worldwide date palm farming is seriously threatened by the Red Palm Weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus), which results in both financial losses and environmental harm. Regretfully, the Red Palm Weevil insect that recently surfaced in a private date palm plantation in Babylon, Iraq, brings attention to its consequences and suggests ways to mitigate it. ( All infection stages are attached).
To safeguard private palm farms, it is imperative to determine and implement the most effective control strategies due to the seriousness of the Rhynchophorus ferrugineus threat.
I would be very grateful if you kindly give me your suggestion to solve this problem.
best regards

Are the licensing rounds that China recently obtained from Iraq considered a victory for the Chinese pole over the American pole?
we are planning to conduct a study on the concept of linguistic insecurity from a sociolinguistic perspective in Kurdistan Region of Iraq.
Any suggestions , resources, specialized people is highly appreciated.
Homo sapiens clone 55-R precursor miRNA 331, partial sequence
GenBank: PP092201.1
FASTA Graphics
Go to:
LOCUS PP092201 722 bp ds-RNA linear PRI 25-MAR-2024
DEFINITION Homo sapiens clone 55-R precursor miRNA 331, partial sequence.
VERSION PP092201.1
SOURCE Homo sapiens (human)
ORGANISM Homo sapiens
Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini;
Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo.
REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 722)
AUTHORS Al-Rikabi,R.H., Fares,N.H., AbdelWahab,A.A. and Al-Faham,M.A.
TITLE Iraqi patients women with breast cancer
JOURNAL Unpublished
REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 722)
AUTHORS Al-Rikabi,R.H., Fares,N.H., AbdelWahab,A.A. and Al-Faham,M.A.
TITLE Direct Submission
JOURNAL Submitted (01-JAN-2024) Biology Dept., Baghdad University, Baghdad,
Baghdad 10011, Iraq
COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START##
Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..722
/organism="Homo sapiens"
/mol_type="transcribed RNA"
/isolation_source="patient with breast cancer"
/host="Homo sapiens; sex: female"
/collected_by="Rasha Habeeb Fadhil"
precursor_RNA <1..>722
/product="precursor miRNA 331"
1 taattctatg agatatggct atggatatat atatttcctc tcctatttat atcctaagat
61 tttcttaaag gataatttta ctgttttagg ctttatgttt ttcagtttta tatcatttcc
121 taaagcttag ctacctacaa atgaatatta ttgaagaatt tttctaaaac taaagcatgt
181 cttttataag tttactcttt tataatatcc taaacaaagc atatcctttt ccccttcctt
241 aagtaaattc ttaaggaaat taacttcatt tctaaatcaa agtattttct gcacttttat
301 tgcaccaatc tgttaccttc tgttcatacc atgacttaaa taatgcttac tcaggcacag
361 tactatcagc tgacaacgta cagaaggctc cagaaatgtc actcccatcc cttaaaggtt
421 ggtatatggt cctggtacag tcgtggaggt ccatatgggt gaaaagccca gaagtctacc
481 tgagctgaaa gcactcccaa ggagtttggt tttgtttggg tttgttctag gtatggtccc
541 agggatccca gatcaaacca ggcccctggg cctatccgag aaccaaccta agctcgcgca
601 tcattcctgg aacatcaaga gtgtgaagac tgaagataac ctgaggccta ccagacatcc
661 tatattcacc aagattcaca ttttttggta tgtgtgccta cattttagca aaaattggtt
721 gg
Iraq is the top country of old culture ,history and civilization ,but now its going slow in return to lead in civilization despite its strategic position in middle east ,how can iraqi contribute to its progress?
this thin section sample which taken from Late Campanian - Maastrichtian age carbonate Formation Northern Iraq.

this thin section which taken from Late Campanian - Maastrichtian Carbonate Formation Northern Iraq.

With climate change, high temperatures, and scarcity of rain in Iraq, we find it difficult to determine future agricultural plans based on the abundance of water and temperatures and providing agricultural sustainability.
Will the regional wars that use nuclear bombs and phosphorous bombs remain in the earth's atmosphere and affect the future generation of humans?
According to the opinion of biological and biological scientists as well as meteorologists, they believe that nuclear bombs and prohibited chemical and phosphorous bombs and bombs weakened by nuclear radioactivity are used. In the future, these bombs will penetrate into the earth's soil and penetrate into the water cycle of the region, the hydrological cycle of the region, and will cause irreparable damage to the environment and the food resources that are used by humans and animal and plant creatures, and will affect their generations. and it is possible that their generation will be cut off and they may not have arms and legs. And this alleged witness can be done after the Second World War, which the United States of America carried out after the nuclear bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Japan. According to meteorologists, these nuclear particles remain in the earth's atmosphere for up to 50 years and cause the Japanese generation to die. It has been since then. The question is whether now that nuclear countries like the United States of America and Israel are using weakened radioactive and phosphorous bombs, will there be environmental effects and nuclear pollution on the future generation of Iraq, Syria, and Palestine? have taken ? Does their drinking water lead to nuclear and radioactive effects that lead to the end of their generation? Does the environment and the earth's atmosphere, which is circulating and may send radioactive particles to places where they were not at all, but the effects Will the war reach them and cause genetic damage?
As a marketing specialist, how do you see the future of digital marketing in Iraq in particular and the Arab world in general? In light of the development of technology and the use of artificial intelligence, which imposes new challenges on people and companies
hydrologic study of catchment area of south desert of Iraq to work harvesting water dams
Change the direction of rain line to the center, south, west and east of Iraq in the winter due to climate change requires the construction of water harvesting dams in these areas to benefit from their water to replenish surface and groundwater.
Topic for discussion
Best regards and wishes
Iraq is one of the impacted party in Paris Agrement-2015, last COP-27 decied to creat the Loss and Damage funds to support impcted countires in way to help them to stay resiliance to tackle cliamte change imapcts
Clarification of the countries(التوضيح عن الدول)
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
The United Arab Emirates
The Kingdom of Morocco
I have a PhD student from Iraq. her thesis subject is "Customer purchase intention in Iraq: a study in the field of Ethical consumption". The purpose of this study is to discover the complex aspects of ethical consumption from the perspective of Iraqi women by examining their perceptions from various aspects in this field.
I would like to have a colleague as a marketing consultant. The name of the collaborator will be included in the articles extracted from the thesis.
A necessary condition for this cooperation is that the colleague is a member of the faculty of a valid university outside of Iran
We have successfully implemented several solar projects with a combined capacity of around 2 MW. Furthermore, we are in the process of devising plans for additional installations of solar and renewable energy projects. However, we are uncertain about the avenues available for securing international financial assistance for projects located within Iraq, such as through the utilization of carbon credits. If anyone possesses knowledge or can offer guidance in this regard, we would greatly appreciate the support.
Does the state of Iraq and its people follow the capitalist system or the socialist system in terms of the state's general budget?
In Iraq, tropospheric ozone concentrations are almost equal in the spring and autumn seasons. Why?
Regarding the disasters and destruction in Iraq, don't you think that Bush is worse than Hulagu?
My dear brothers and sisters
To those who have the desire to be an arbitrator in the (modern sports) journal/ physical education and sport sciences college for women/ Baghdad university ..
Please go to the journal's website and register through the following link
As an arbitrator, by adding the full name, major, college and university name, the official email used by you, and choosing the role (arbitrator).
In the event of participation, the arbitrator from outside Iraq will receive a letter of thanks signed by the Dean of the College.
And for arbitrators inside Iraq they will get reviewing fees and a confirmation letter of the review process which have the benefit in evaluating process
Much appreciated
Journal link to view
in Iraq most universities the number of females more than males, I think the Males work to provide the basic needs of life, and most of them are the breadwinners for their families ..........
Earthquakes are now causing fear and unstability in most iraqi and jordanion citizens who live in big building ,How can we secure building and check the standards of constructions?
- In Iraq, Turkey's construction of dams on the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers has been a significant concern. The dams, including the Ataturk Dam, reduce the flow of water downstream, which can have a significant impact on the Mesopotamian Marshes, agriculture, and the environment in Iraq. Additionally, the construction of dams in Turkey can lead to changes in the timing and volume of water flows, which can further exacerbate the water crisis in downstream areas.
- Climate change is another significant factor contributing to the water crisis in Iraq. Rising temperatures and changing weather patterns are leading to increased evaporation rates and reduced precipitation, which further reduce the availability of water resources. The impact of climate change on the water crisis is particularly severe during the summer season when temperatures are at their highest.
- The effects of the water crisis on the marshes, agriculture, and the environment in Iraq are significant. The Mesopotamian Marshes, which were drained and damaged in past, have been slowly restored over the years, but the water crisis is making it difficult to maintain the water levels needed to sustain the wetlands. Agriculture is heavily impacted, with reduced crop yields, increased food insecurity, and loss of income for farmers. The water crisis has also had severe environmental impacts, including soil degradation, loss of biodiversity, and increased desertification.
What is the diagnosis of histopathological change in the gill tissue of carp fish cultured in floating cages in the Tigris River in Iraq?

In recent years, the phenomenon of dust storms has become a major regional problem in the countries of the Middle East. This phenomenon has created many environmental problems for some countries in this region, including Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, the UAE and, Kuwait, and so on.
Now the main question from scientists, experts and relevant planners is: why the phenomenon of dust storm has intensified in this area and what should be done? What is the solution to this inter-country environmental problems? Is there a solution in the short term? What do you think about the medium and long term plans?
I would like some suggestions regarding the objectives of this title, provided that they are deep and specific(A comparative study of the problems of ethnic music in Iraq before and after 2003?)
climate change disclosure (governance, strategy and risk management)
Iraq regions seismology data are quite contraventional, and yet no real study has been conducted, to draw the proper steps to establish such maps. Baghdad Captial undergoing construction of Low-to-Medium Rise Building, which desperately need such reference maps (Building Design Codes regulations) which effects/threat life of millions of peoples ...

Dear Colleagues,
Have a good day; I'm planning to initiate an alliance for nursing research to respond to the research priorities in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR). The main goal of this alliance is to come together to identify ways to promote evidence-based practice, collaborate on research projects, and raise awareness of nursing research in the healthcare community. Moreover, to produce excellent international quality research and evidence reviews that will inform national, regional, and international nursing and health practice and policy.
The research team is planning to include the following EMR countries:
Countries in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region
- Afghanistan
- Bahrain
- Djibouti
- Egypt
- Iran (Islamic Republic of)
- Iraq
- Jordan
- Kuwait
- Lebanon
- Libya
- Morocco
- Oman
- Pakistan
- Palestine
- Qatar
- Saudi Arabia
- Somalia
- Sudan
- Syrian Arab Republic
- Tunisia
- United Arab Emirates
- Yemen
If you're interested in joining, please send me the following info to
- Country
- Research Interest
- Research Experience
- List of publications
* Eastern MEditerranean ReGion rEsearch (EMERGE)
How much spend from your pocket to support research work and publishing in higher rank Journal.
In Iraq there is no fund to support academic research. So, research's work on self funding.
Is that common in your country ? If so, how much you spend from your pocket to support research as a percentage from your yearly salary?
Can you please mentation the country ?
In Iraq we spend approximately 10 % from our yearly salary.
What are the reasons for the failure of participatory democracy in Iraq?
I am a researcher from Iraq, I am currently studying goal orientation as researchers in this field. Can you help me with:
- Provide me with the complete theory according to your opinion and in the military field because my search for the officers.
Can you provide me with a measure of orientation towards the military objective?
thank you
Dear respected colleagues,
I am grateful for your kind support in the following matter.
I want to register as a Chartered Engineer (CEng) at (IMechE). However, my BACHELOR and MASTER degrees in Iraq, which most probably they are not accredited by IMechE and Engineering Council’s academic requirements for registration (UK). I am not sure about that.
I checked the following webpages from IMechE:
However, I have not received a clear picture regarding to the membership as a CEng at IMechE for a mechanical engineer whose education background (bachelor and master) from Iraqi universities.
My question is: anybody from Iraqi education background, Iranian, Syrian, East Asian or from any other country education background [that not accredited by IMechE and Engineering Council’s academic requirements for registration (UK)] EVER APPLIED FOR CEng membership at IMechE? and obtained membership at IMechE as a CEng?
I am very thankful if anybody experienced the similar situation and GOT MEMBERSHIP AT IMechE to share his/her experience here or email me at ((((((
Thank you very much for your kind cooperation and great support.
Best Regards,
Is it possible for oil revenues to have a negative impact on the growth of GDP in Iraq in the short term, and if it is possible, what is the explanation for this, knowing that in the long term it becomes positive
The result of the ARDL test showed me that the effect of the mobile phone on the average per capita share is negative in the short term in Iraq. What is the explanation for this?
This wall is part of the Caliph’s Palace in Samarra, an archaeological building in the ninth century. It is one of the most prominent Islamic buildings in Iraq.
The building has been neglected for over 15 years,
Two photos, one showing the entire building, and the other showing the effect of high humidity.

In view of the recurring droughts in recent years because of climate change. We have an idea to establish a national project to confront climate change in Iraq.
Dear, I am aware of literature regarding the correlation between higher level of violence against civilians and foreign fighters presence (for example Bakke 2014, Moore 2019, Doctor and Willingham 2020, Doctor 2021, ...). I was wondering if there is anything that compares (also with qualitative methods) IS foreign fighters and IS local fighters in their relations with the locals in Syria and Iraq.
will be conducting a study focusing on the topic of that focuses on measuring heart failure patient knowledge in my country (Iraq). Unfortunately, I didn't find a tool . therefore, I'm seeking your help and support to identify a tool that measure heart failure patient knowledge. Your support & guidance are greatly appreciated.
Dear researchers hope all be fine and save from COVID19 , can anyone knows what is this fossil? it is belong to paleocene-eocene succession from Northern Iraq .

I have a research related to social network and I need a big dataset , I hope to get a Facebook dataset related to Iraq country...
also how I can build a Facebook dataset , are there an applications can help me?
Best regard..
hi all of you: I hope you can help me in giving your comments in making an environmental map for all regions of Iraq, so that it will be a healthy environmental reference and benefit from it in reducing the correct problems, and I will be thankful to all.
Dear colleagues, I have a project to work in. However, the study area regarding to Iraq.
So, if you new any website that can provide me any lidar data about the Iraq I will be very appreciate Regards
I am an EMBA student, doing my research on the current situation of online businesses in Kurdistan and its effect on traditional business. Since this region is new to that era and the implementing ways can differ, my research would be focusing on finding out implicable ways to implement E-commerce correctly for the near future.
I am an EMBA student, and I plan to do my thesis on the Forex market In the Kurdistan region of Iraq to find out about the impacts it will have on the economy and comprehend the financial situations of those traders that trade on Forex platforms. This information then is used to determine whether Forex trading affects the employment rate or not.
that i should to use it for my project ( security system by using face recognition techniques)
i want the system open source and able to programed by using easy method or language and can enter my data base in it and what is suitable algorithm for it
Qamchuqa formation represent forebulge depozone of zagrose foreland basin. Iraq 🇮🇶 segment.
I am going to study the potential vegetation that could fix the desert soil to lessen the dust emission. The required plants should endure severe drought and high temperature because the west desert of Iraq has a very hot and arid weather most of the time of the year. Mr Craig Carlton Dremann from USA kindly suggested a plant called (Peganum Harmala) because it is not favored by grazing animals. I need to test many types of plants and natural grass in my study.
Any help or suggestion would be appreciated.
Iraq is great country since old civilization and culture,and if we go to the old civilization . q is the name of the state that currently partially encompasses the territory of the civilization of ancient Mesopotamia. This civilization came into being between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. These rivers flow into the Persian Gulf, through the State of Iraq. The Hashemite Kingdom of Iraq, also known as Mandatory Iraq in its early phase, was established by the Anglo-Iraqi treaty of 1922 resulting from the 1920 Iraqi revolt against British rule. It is centered in Lower Mesopotamia (corresponding to historical Babylonia, later also known as ʿIrāq-i ʿArab) but also includes part of Upper Mesopotamia and of the Syrian Desert and the Arabian Desert. The history of this area has witnessed some of the world's earliest writing, literature, sciences, mathematics, laws and philosophies; hence its common epithet, the Cradle of Civilization. so why Iraq is the old country of civilization?
There are several hundred distinct national populations inside Iraq, Iran, Syria, Turkey, etc. and many do not choose to remain inside the state since the state is considered to be in violent opposition to the nation(s) in pursuit of autonomy or independence. This condition exists in Russia, Spain, England, Mexico, Chile, Taiwan, China and many other states. Without a consistent mechanism for resolving differences, violence ends up being the primary focus. Your thoughts?
Iraq is good country...the last year ..before 35 year of education and height science
...know is live and life's in iraq is the daeth Progressive...
Oh may god...
Who is cases ( people of iraq or culture iraq or
Governance of Iraq or Failed policy or coronavirus or All that I mentioned)
I need..I want ..I wish.. helpe to iraq may country)
Iraqi to where ?
The Tigris - Euphrates water conflict is frozen conflict between three riparians (Iraq, Syria and Turkey). The conflict came up because of upstream water projects by Turkey and therefore the restriction of water access to individuals of downstream failed states (Iraq and Syria). There are two principles are conflicting: Territorial sovereignty of Turkey and human right to water of individuals (This is issue of global justice and not international justice due to failed states). My question is: whom belongs water and how property (connected with territory) theory of Locke can be connected to the sovereignty principle of Turkey?
Thank you beforehand
The Kurdish situation is unique in Iraq when the Iraqi constitution granted Kurdistan region extensive powers.
هل تعتقد ان الرئيس في العراق قادر على تغيير الوضع الاقتصادي؟
The adoption of federalism in Iraq subsequent to 2005 and its practical application in legal context was the result of Iraqs transition from unitary state to a federal state.
we lost a large number of intellectuals, critics and writers during the years from 2003-2020.
Iraq has been witnessing successive crises for more than two decades, and after the American occupation that tore the country apart and deprived the people of political and economic stability, what was reflected today in a stifling financial crisis that may not have passed before on Iraq, coinciding with a disjointed political reality and a global epidemic that nearly paralyzed the global economy How will Iraq get out of its current financial crisis?
Is it possible to solve the economic crisis in Iraq by raising the price of the dollar and reducing the national currency? Are there countries or peoples who have gone through this experience?
Dear colleagues,
Please, let us discuss your opinions about the obstacles to using wind or solar energy in Iraq? Using of renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind and biomass. Generating electricity using solar or wind plants in Iraq. What are challenges facing Iraq?
Our teacher of differentiation, I need the title of a study or research on the civilization of the ancient Near East.
What is the possibility of obtaining data for the values of solar radiation for Iraq and the rates of pollutants in the atmosphere such as CO2 or aerosols?
An attempt to study the values of solar radiation and their variation in Iraq and the effect of pollutants on these values