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Invertebrate Zoology - Science topic

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Publications related to Invertebrate Zoology (744)
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Main Objective: To determine the influence of estrogen deficiency on the alveolar bone and periodontal ligament in ovariectomized murine models. Design: Experimental study. Setting: Animal facility of the Faculty of Medicine and the invertebrate zoology laboratory of the Faculty of Biology at the National University of San Marcos. Biological materi...
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Currently, technology has become an inseparable part of education and learning. Various digital learning tools have been developed and widely used in the classroom. eLEMA (electronic learning materials) was developed as a mobile application that supports learning in the Invertebrate Zoology courses at the Biology Education Program, University of Pa...
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Further analysis of the effectiveness of integrating project-based learning (PjBL) in Invertebrate Zoology courses to improve students' science process skills and conceptual understanding needs to be carried out. This research was aimed to analyze the integration of PjBL in the Invertebrate Zoology course on scientific process skills and conceptual...
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Este trabalho visa relatar a recriação de laboratório para realização de aula prática de zoologia de invertebrados no contexto da Educação Básica. A atividade foi proposta, organizada e refletida dentro do Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência-PIBID CIÊNCIAS da Universidade Federal de Alagoas, em conjunto com o professor supervis...
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This study was intended to analyze the abundance of rebon shrimp in the Sangoro lagoons of Sumbawa Regency. This research was conducted in Labuan Sangoro, Sumbawa Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. There were three sampling sites we choosed in this research based on the habitat characteristics, namely seagras beds, coral rubble, and mangrove area. We imp...
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Renowned Lepidopterist, Dr. John E. Rawlins, Curator Emeritus of the Section of Invertebrate Zoology at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, passed away on December 26, 2021, at the age of 71 in Gilbert, Arizona. He had a distinguished 33-year career at the museum where he served as the head of section for that entire...
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Antoni Waga (1799-1890) and the French Entomological Society. Antoni Waga worked mainly in the field of invertebrates zoology. He lived in Paris for long periods. He took an active part in French societies and scientific institutions. Beginning in 1836, Waga was a member of the French Entomological Society. He attended meetings and published descri...
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The biodiversity and diverse habitat of dragonflies in Kalimantan have an enormous potential that can be utilized in various fields, one of which is the field of education. Utilizing local potential as teaching materials, one of which is the Guidebook, is considered capable of supporting learning. Several skills are trained in learning activities,...
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Average global sea surface temperatures have been consistently higher during the past thirty years than any other time since reliable temperature recordings in 1880. Marine life is sufficiently adaptable to survive in a range of temperatures, but extended periods of temperature extremes can have a profound effect on the biology and behavior of aqua...
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While feeding and interacting with their surroundings, seabirds are exposed to dozens of parasites that are uniquely evolved to infect a narrow range of hosts. Despite the large taxonomic diversity of seabird parasites, they have similar morphologies, making them difficult to differentiate with confidence. To identify helminths, we use taxonomic ke...
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The Lymnaeidae (also known as 'pond snails') are a species-rich and globally distributed family of freshwater snails, many species of which are known to be hosts of parasitic trematodes (such as the liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica). Written by world-leading experts in the field, this book covers a wealth of topics, ranging from the phylogeny and tax...
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As redes sociais estão muito presentes no dia a dia dos alunos, o que as tornaram uma ferramenta auxiliar no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, pois é um espaço acessível a toda a população. Visando a disciplina de zoologia de invertebrados, mais especificamente a classe do Filo Arthropoda, os pequenos invertebrados que possuem características que pr...
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Background: Invertebrate Zoology practicum activities require students to identify and classify types of invertebrate animals found in the environment. Phylum Arthropoda as a member of invertebrate animals had a very high number and diversity. Students had difficulties identifying arthropods using general biology books and articles from online jour...
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Plant pathogenic nematode science is a relatively recent science that is related to many applied and research sciences. It is closely related to zoology and botany, which are the origin of all biological sciences. The study of plant-pathogenic nematodes requires a great understanding and knowledge of general zoology, invertebrate zoology, parasitol...
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The purpose of the current study was to investigate the effects of the guided inquiry-based instructional model (GIBIM) on pre-service biology teachers’ conceptual understanding of invertebrate zoology learning. The research study used a quantitative research method. The study used a non-equivalent quasi-experimental pre-test, post-test group desig...
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Professor Dr. Richard Willis Heard, a longtime and outstanding collaborator of the “Grigore Antipa” National Museum of Natural History of Bucharest, passed away on November 2, 2022. Richard was born on February 14, 1939 in Savannah, Georgia (USA). He was a graduate of Savannah Country Day School and attended the University of Georgia, receiving his...
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Les dernières décennies ont vu de nombreuses avancées dans la compréhension de la communication sonore chez les moustiques, arthropodes possédant une sensibilité auditive inégalée dans ce groupe phylogénétique. Nous discutons ici d’un possible biais anthropocentrique des recherches scientifiques et de leurs interprétations lié à un imaginaire music...
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O campo de estudo das Ciências Biológicas é muito vasto, com extensos conteúdos, que, em sua grande maioria são mais bem compreendidos quando se faz uso de metodologias práticas e dinâmicas variadas que introduzam o discente de forma efetiva no que está sendo abordado. A disciplina Zoologia dos Invertebrados faz parte o currículo do curso de Licenc...
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Editorial: a battle for entomology
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The philosophy of nomenclature (onymology/taxonymy) is an underdeveloped discipline. The book Taxonomic nomenclature of Pavlinov (2021) explores the history of scientific nomenclature and analyzes the theoretical and conceptual elements that underpin this discipline. It is a rich and comprehensive resource for both novice taxonomists, interested in...
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Xiphidiocercariae is a non-taxonomic group of digenean larvae. These small cercariae are characterized by complex morphology, which complicates their accurate identification. Recently, we have devoted a series of papers to the least studied groups of xiphidiocercariae-Cercariae virgulae and Cercariae microcotylae. Here we present the morphological...
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Background Asymmetric genitalia have repeatedly evolved in animals, yet the underlying causes for their evolution are mostly unknown. The fruit fly Drosophila pachea has asymmetric external genitalia and an asymmetric phallus with a right-sided phallotrema (opening for sperm release). The complex of female and male genitalia is asymmetrically twist...
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In the theory of ageing, it has been assumed that ageing is associated with a decline in somatic defences, including the immune system, as a consequence of a trade-off with reproduction. While overall immunity suffers from age-related deterioration (immune senescence), the different components of the immune response appear to age differently. It is...
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Holothuria, commonly known as sea cucumbers, are traded in more than 70 countries around the world. They are harvested throughout the tropics, polar regions and temperate zones. When processed—cooked and/or dried—they are referred to as "bêche de mer" * or "trepang". This user-friendly identification guide features 56 species of sea cucumbers— prot...
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RESUMO Visando contribuir para a formação de futuros professores de Ciências e Biologia, foi proposto um trabalho de Prática de Formação Docente na disciplina de Zoologia dos Invertebrados, num curso de licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas de uma universidade pública de Minas Gerais. Uma dupla de alunos propôs uma atividade de construção de modelos...
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The objective of the research work was to propose a teaching method that allowed the self-management of knowledge related to the zoology of invertebrates by the students of the 3rd year of the Bachelor of Education career, comparing in-person learning vs. those not in attendance. For the development of the research, information gathering and proces...
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The purpose of this study was to explore the reflective thinking skills of students as prospective teachers in the invertebrate zoology course through an analysis of the learning process of the literature provided during lectures. The research method used was the case study of the invertebrate zoology lecturing process. The instruments in this stud...
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Molluscs, due to their species richness and abundance in number and biomass, are important members of the benthic communities of inland waters, where they play different roles as detritus decomposers, filter feeders, and predators. Numerous studies also point to the value of freshwater molluscs as biological indicators of anthropogenic impact, thei...
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We sequenced the complete mitochondrial genome of the flatworm Australopacifica atrata. The species, originally described from New South Wales, Australia, has been found in various locations in the Brit-ish Isles, New Zealand and in the United States of America; it is thus potentially invasive. The genome is 16513 bp long, encodes for 12 protein co...
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Évoquer les milieux extrêmes, c’est immanquablement ouvrir le champ de l’extraordinaire, nourri de récits historiques d’explorations au bout du monde et d’images contemporaines de banquise, de déserts ou de fonds abyssaux. Longtemps dépeints comme inaccessibles et hostiles pour l’homme, ils hébergent une immense diversité d’espèces qui illustre com...
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Cells of most bacterial species are around 2 micrometers in length, with some of the largest specimens reaching 750 micrometers. Using fluorescence, x-ray, and electron microscopy in conjunction with genome sequencing, we characterized Candidatus ( Ca. ) Thiomargarita magnifica, a bacterium that has an average cell length greater than 9000 micromet...
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Bivalves have an important role for the aquatic environment, namely as bioindicators of environmental health and water quality associated with seagrass. Bivalves are a class of molluscs associated with seagrass. This study aims to analyze the diversity of bivalves, and the relationship of environmental factors to the habitat of bivalves. The method...
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The Neogastropoda (Mollusca, Gastropoda) encompass more than 15,000 described species of marine predators, including several model organisms in toxinology, embryology and physiology. However, their phylogenetic relationships remain mostly unresolved and their classification unstable. We took advantage of the many mitogenomes published in GenBank to...
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Terrestrial isopods (Oniscidea) are crustaceans that thrive in terrestrial environments. This study provides an overview of the major topics in terrestrial isopod research during the last 70 years in order to provide an example of publication practices in invertebrate zoology and to examine how basic research in this area is transferred to its appl...
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The veined squid, Loligo forbesii Steenstrup, 1856, occurs at the European Shelf areas including the Azores and represents a valuable resource for the European commercial fishery in the North East Atlantic. However, very little is known about its population structure and phylogeography. This lack of knowledge also impedes the development of sustain...
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Understanding of 21st century learning is a demand for teachers as a pedagogical framework in the learning process. Schools must also implement competencies not only focusing on mastering the content of the main subjects, but also academic content at a higher level. In general, science learning in the classroom emphasizes practical work rather than...
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Only few millipede species were encountered in 2016 and 2021 in Pied flycatcher nests inside nest boxes set at a field station (60°46′N, 32°48′E) located within the subzone of middle taiga in Karelia, Russia. More species (5 vs 3) and higher abundance levels (123 vs 86) were observed in the cooler and rainy 2016 compared to the warmer and drier 202...
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A popular piece about the world invasion by hammerhead flatworms. In French.
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Aedes albopictus is a major vector of arboviruses. Better understanding of its sex determination is crucial for developing mosquito control tools, especially genetic sexing strains. In Aedes aegypti, Nix is the primary gene responsible for masculinization and Nix-expressing genetic females develop into fertile, albeit flightless, males. In Ae. albo...
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Described from Namibia, Trichophiala devylderi Aurivillius, 1879 is a species for which, apart from the original description of female “types”, little is known. Building upon recent observations in the field, investigations in various museums that preserve specimens, and a review of the literature, we describe for the first time the habitat, the kn...
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The predicted increase in allochthonous dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in high‐altitude lakes is expected to alter the phytoplankton–bacterioplankton relationship. However, few studies address the influence of summer phytoplankton dynamics on microbial responses to DOC additions. We sampled natural plankton assemblages during two contrasting period...
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A tribute is paid to Philippe Bruneau de Miré (1921-2021) a french ecologist, entomologist, explorer and humanist
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The problem that occurs in the invertebrate zoology course is that there are no innovative teaching materials related to the diversity of crab species. One of them is in the Tabanio mangrove area to explore students' critical thinking skills. This makes it necessary to develop learning resources in popular scientific books containing material with...
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Trichogramma are parasitic microwasps much used as biological control agents. The genus is known to harbor tremendous diversity, at both inter- and intra-specific levels. The successful selection of Trichogramma strains for biocontrol depends on characterizing the existing diversity in this group, especially regarding oviposition performance and be...
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Poster detailing the extant brachiopod collection at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History Invertebrate Zoology collections
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Editorial: Osmia, Journal of Hymenopterology
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Discovery of a new population of Rhithrogena delphinensis Sowa & Degrange, 1987, in the Arves Massif, and additions to the morphological description of the larva (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae). Rhithrogena delphinensis, described originally on the basis of four larvae from the Western Alps, south of the Arves Massif and from the northern flank of t...
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This study aims to determine the profile of science process skills and scientific attitudes of prospective biology teachers in the Invertebrate Zoology course. The method used is descriptive to examine all students of the Biology Education Study Program in the second semester of the 2020/2021 academic year as research subjects. Process skills data...
Conference Paper
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RESUMO: O presente produto educacional, caracterizado como proposta de ensino, visa desenvolver processos metodológicos e instrumentos para validação de métodos alternativos ao uso de animais como recurso didático. Neste intuito, objetivou-se avaliar como acadêmicos de Ciências Biológicas interagem com métodos alternativos em aulas práticas de zool...
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RESUMO: O presente produto educacional, caracterizado como proposta de ensino, visa desenvolver processos metodológicos e instrumentos para validação de métodos alternativos ao uso de animais como recurso didático, especificamente em aulas de zoologia de invertebrados. Para tal, as experiências de três turmas de estudantes de primeiro ano de ciênci...
Conference Paper
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Este estudo educacional buscou avaliar o uso de aulas de campo como estratégia pedagógica para o ensino de Zoologia de Invertebrados e a relevância desta metodologia para o desenvolvimento profissional de licenciandos em Ciências Biológicas. Para isso foram realizadas quatro aulas de campo em praias da região metropolitana de São Luís (Maranhão) co...
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This paper describes the first record of the Sejida (= Sejina) family Sejidae (superfamily Sejoidea) from Burmese amber, based on deutonymphs. Specimens were found in the amber piece along with a wasp (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae), flies (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) and thrips (Thysanoptera: Adiheterothripidae). This record traces the Sejida (= Sejina)...
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In bivalves, no clear-cut functional role of microbiota has yet been identified, although many publications suggest that they could be involved in nutrition or immunity of their host. In the context of climate change, integrative approaches at the crossroads of disciplines have been developed to explore the environment-host-pathogen-microbiota syst...
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Este estudo educacional buscou avaliar o uso de aulas de campo como estratégia pedagógica para o ensino de Zoologia de Invertebrados e a relevância desta metodologia para o desenvolvimento profissional de licenciandos em Ciências Biológicas.
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This study aims to test the validation and practicality of student worksheets (LKM) based on the science process skills of dragonflies in the invertebrate zoology course. The method used is Research and Development 4D model. The developed worksheets were tested for feasibility (validation) to material, media and language experts, and practicality t...
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Mosquitoes are considered one of the most important threats worldwide due to their ability to vector pathogens. They are responsible for the transmission of major pathogens such as malaria, dengue, zika, or chikungunya. Due to the lack of treatments or prophylaxis against many of the transmitted pathogens and an increasing prevalence of mosquito re...
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Significance Knowledge of host–symbiont biogeography is critical to understanding fundamental aspects of symbiosis such as host–symbiont specificity. Marine animals typically acquire their symbionts from the environment, a strategy that enables the host to associate with symbionts that are well-suited to local conditions. In contrast, we discovered...
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The resistance-nodulation-division (RND)-type efflux pumps AcrAB and MdtABC contribute to multidrug-resistance (MDR) in Gram-negative bacteria. Photorhabdus is a symbiotic bacterium of soil nematodes that also produces virulence factors killing insects by septicaemia. We previously showed that mdtA deletion in Photorhabdus laumondii TT01 resulted i...
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The presence of alien mollusc species in an ecosystem has a negative impact on the endemic mollusc fauna and can result in economic losses. The West African land snail Tomostele musaecola (Morelet) was previously recorded from numerous localities in the Western Hemisphere. In this paper, we provide a new locality of this malacophagous snail in the...
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The development of electronic learning materials is very necessary for the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic which requires lecture activities to be carried out online. This was carried out to support physical distancing to break the chain of transmission of COVID-19. Currently, there are not many electronic learning materials available that lead to s...
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This descriptive study aims to determine the reasoning of the formal-post formal operations of biology teacher candidates in three aspects of lectures. The research sample consisted of 76 students who took part in the 2019/2020 academic year lectures which were taken using the purposive technique. The sample consisted of 29 students in the General...
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There is a great importance for undergraduate biology students to study organisms in their natural context. Safety concerns surrounding the global COVID‐19 pandemic prevented Marine Invertebrate Zoology students at the University of Tampa from participating in traditional faculty‐led field trips during the Fall of 2020. Instead, students were assig...
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The COVID‐19 global pandemic caused instructors to pivot to remote and online teaching, an especially challenging task in hands‐on classes such as invertebrate biology. In this special 25th anniversary issue of Invertebrate Biology, the authors present a variety of clever and effective ways to help invertebrate biology instructors adapt to teaching...
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Background: In recent years, the breeding of honeybees has gained significant scientific interest, and numerous theoretical and practical improvements have been made regarding the collection and processing of their performance data. It is now known that the selection of high-quality drone material is crucial for mid to long-term breeding success. H...
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The deep-sea malacofauna of temperate Australia remains comparatively poorly known. However, a recent influx of DNA-suitable material obtained from a series of deep-sea cruises has facilitated integrative taxonomic study on the Conoidea (Caenogastropoda : Neogastropoda). Building on a recent molecular phylogeny of the conoidean family Raphitomidae,...
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O estudo aqui apresentado objetivou avaliar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem de Zoologia de Invertebrados no curso de Biologia, tendo como foco as interações, ludicidade e inteligências múltiplas. A pesquisa possui caráter qualitativo e os dados foram coletados utilizando as técnicas de observação sistemática e questionário misto. Constatou-se que...
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Ants are well-known for their amazing load carriage performances. Yet, the biomechanics of locomotion during load transport in these insects has so far been poorly investigated. Here, we present a study of the biomechanics of unloaded and loaded locomotion in the polymorphic seed-harvesting ant Messor barbarus (Linnaeus, 1767). This species is char...
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This study aims at obtaining pre-service biology teachers’ metacognitive skills in invertebrate zoology. A number of pre-service biology teachers that take invertebrate zoology course at a state university in Sumatera, Indonesia, were involved as participants in this study. Data on metacognitive skills were collected using metacognitive skills inst...
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Ильясов Р.А., Николенко А.Г., Квон Х.В. Генетическое улучшение медоносной пчелы для разведения в экстремальных климатических условиях. В книге: Концептуальные и прикладные аспекты научных исследований и образования в области зоологии беспозвоночных. 328 с. Томск: Издательство Томского государственного университета, 26–28 октября 2020. 214-217 с. DO...
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The diclidophorid Flexophora ophidii Prost & Euzet, 1962, the type- and only species of the genus Flexophora Prost & Euzet, 1962, has never been redescribed neither reported since its original description. The latest lacked a diagnosis of the genus that remains unavailable to date. Flexophora ophidii is redescribed and illustrated based on examinat...