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Introduction - Science topic

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Intermediary actors are key catalysts in accelerating sustainability transitions. Over the last decade, the literature on intermediaries and intermediation has expanded rapidly, leading to inconsistent use of the concept, proliferating lists of intermediary activities, and questions about their impact on transition processes. These challenges risk...
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I am thrilled to announce the forthcoming publication of my book with UVK Verlag and UTB: Game Studies and Ludology: Theory and Practice (600 pages – not 200!!!), scheduled for release in April 2025. This textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to both the theoretical and practical dimensions of Game Studies and Ludology—the scholarly explo...
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We study the monolithic quasi-ohmic contact formation with single-elementary Al to GeSn channel devices with various Sn concentrations between 0.5 % and 4 %. Thereby we investigate the influence of increasing Sn content on the electrical transport properties in field-effect transistors for a wide temperature range between 77 K and 400 K. At low tem...
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Various set concepts are widely recognized for effectively a ddressing u ncertainty, i ncluding fuzzy sets, neutrosophic sets, plithogenic sets, rough sets, and soft sets. These concepts have been further extended through hyperstructures (based on powersets) and superhyperstructures (based on n-th powersets, which are sets with repeated power set s...
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This chapter introduces various notions necessary to the discussion of this volume, concerning the types of motion events and the types of their linguistic descriptions (Section 2), and the nature and types of motion components such as manner, means, path, and deixis (Section 3). Next, we introduce the research ques-tions that are to be examined in...
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The aim of the present paper is to prove the existence of a graviton particle. The idea that the graviton particle exists was born randomly, intuitively, in the author of the current article, on 26 September 2021 [1]. At the beginning of this article – after the introduction – there is a brief explanation of why graviton has not been detected so fa...
Conference Paper
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This paper initially approaches the general terms of communication and communication skills. Subsequently, their importance and the importance of the school principal's communication skills in educational administration are briefly presented. The paper then mentions the communication skills that help a manager develop effective management and the r...
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The issues of using intelligent automation tools in the pulp and paper industry are considered. It is shown that the level of use of intelligent automation tools still remains insignificant. Promising directions for the implementation of intelligent automation tools in pulp and paper production have been identified. Areas where it is possible to ob...
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Introduction: Single-port video-assisted techniques, such as one-trocar-assisted pyeloplasty (OTAP) or Round-Traction-Assisted Pyeloplasty (RoTAP), have proven helpful for correcting congenital ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJO), especially in infants. Surgical Technique: This manuscript presents a technical variation based on the gloveport...
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This chapter provides a background to the study and the broader context in which the survey was conducted. It introduces the motivation behind the work, which was to examine views related to African languages and decolonisation and transformation. It provides a short overview of the #RhodesMustFall movement in South Africa and highlights parallels...
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Resumen Se registran trece nuevas localidades para Nasua nasua de las cuales doce se corresponden al sur del Rio Negro, Uruguay. Se reportan dos poblaciones a partir de introducciones intencionales y accidentales Abstract Thirteen new locations are registered for Nasua nasua, of which twelve correspond to the south of the Rio Negro, Uruguay. Two po...
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Nykaa company dataset business analysis
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Hybrid arrangements incorporate ambiguities and controversies, but they also represent opportunities for joint action and goal achievement. The difficulties inherent in hybridity originate from the dichotomous view of the public–private divide and the underdeveloped measurement instruments. The contributions of this special issue address these chal...
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This is an introduction to the articles submitted to the special issue of Trends in Organised Crime on dealing with organised crime and the financing of terrorism. The aim of the special issue is to draw together a range of empirical studies from around the world outlining important considerations for dealing with the relevant phenomena, including...
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This presentation explores the evolution of card technologies from traditional cash and cheque systems to magnetic stripe cards, then the introduction of EMV chips and current adoption of Near Field Communication enabled cards and how thy have transformed the global financial ecosystem.
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The presented article deals with the application of tools to calculate the Master Production Schedule (MPS) in the production of beverages (consumer packed goods) and its impact on the inventory profile in finite or infinite capacity. The calculation of MPS can be performed at the level of an ERP solution or with dedicated standalone planning softw...
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We developed novel photostable mitochondria targeting probes based on aggregation-induced emission (AIE) luminogens with a cyanostilbene core. The introduction of an alkyl chain onto the pyridinium moiety enhanced their interaction...
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A Rough Set approximates uncertain or vague information using lower and upper bounds defined by equivalence classes within a universe [57]. This paper revisits the concepts of Rough, HyperRough, SuperHyperRough, TreeRough, and MultiRough Sets as defined in [18]. Additionally, it introduces a new concept called the Tree-HyperRough Set and briefly ex...
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The main focus of this chapter is to introduce different ways of understanding development and why the concept has been matter of dispute. We discuss the concepts of nature, nurture, and culture while providing an introduction to some recent debates within what today is called the developmental sciences. Some developmental sciences are in part onto...
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Aiming at the problem of increased complexity in broadband oscillations caused by the introduction of virtual synchronous generator (VSG) control to grid‐forming and grid‐following grid‐connected converters interacting with inductive weak grids, positive and negative sequence impedance of such converters is established under small perturbations in...
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This paper presents a contemporary introduction of fractional calculus for Type 2 interval-valued functions. Type 2 interval uncertainty involves interval uncertainty with the goal of more assembled perception with reference to impreciseness. In this paper, a Riemann–Liouville fractional-order integral is constructed in Type 2 interval delineated v...
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This is the introduction book to Microsoft Word 2007. It is suitable for beginners.
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This Special Issue of Philosophies, entitled “Communicative Philosophies”, intends to push our philosophical reflections into the direction of the embodied realities lived and enacted as we engage in the communicative processes of thinking, feeling, and acting [...]
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Introduction: Ayurveda is a vast body of knowledge that describes in depth both systemic and local problems, no
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This is the introduction book to Microsoft Excel 2010. It is suitable for beginners.
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Duelo complicado en familiares de pacientes en etapa terminal: Enfermedades Crónico-Degenerativas Complicated grief in families of patients in terminal stage: chronic-degenerative diseases Luto complicado em familiares de pacientes terminais: doenças crônico-degenerativas Resumen Introducción: El duelo complicado se rela-ciona directamente con el p...
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Quantum technology is central to the operation of modern gravitational-wave detectors and will play crucial role in the success of next-generation observatories, such as the Einstein Telescope. There, quantum squeezed light will be utilized to suppress quantum noise across the entire detection band, a task that demands advancements in several areas...
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The study of Korean Protestantism can be traced back to the writings of missionaries in the late 19th century [...]
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Reproducibility and Open Science are increasingly discussed as essential aspects of the research process. While there are areas where the Lattice community has been ahead of the curve with respect to the broader research world in this space, including early adoption of open publications via the arXiv, and the introduction of the International Latti...
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Genesis 3:16 has traditionally been interpreted as proof of woman’s inferiority, of her nefarious powers of seduction, and as a license for men to rule and master her [...]
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Introduction to MS Word 2007. It is suitable for beginners.
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This is an introduction to Microsoft Word 2010. Suitable for beginners.
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We provide an expository introduction to Euclidean Scissors Congruence, the study of polytopes in Euclidean space up to `cut and paste' relations. We first re-frame questions in scissors congruence as those in group homology. We then use this perspective to review the proof of the Dehn-Sydler-Jessen Theorem as found in the works of Dupont and Sah.
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This is the introduction book to Microsoft Excel 2007. It is suitable for beginners.
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Introduction University syllabi are a semester-long working tool through which professors present a thematic content program, precise assessment mechanisms, and establish the activities schedule, among other tasks. Teachers can promote high-quality motivation among students through syllabi. The goal of this research was to replicate a previous stud...
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This article is an introduction to the Digital Medievalist special collection "Digital Approaches to Medieval Sigillography." Cet article est une introduction à la collection spéciale de Digital Medievalist "Approches numériques à la sigillographie médiévale."
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The influence of secondary porosity and the dimensionality of zeolitic structures with 1D and 3D pore systems on the accessibility of cumene to Brønsted acid sites was evaluated in this study. Zeolites Y, ZSM-5, and MOR, obtained through NH4F leaching and basic and acid treatments, were studied. Zeolites Y and ZSM-5 showed a significant increase in...
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This study investigates whether cryptocurrency investments have a distinct impact on corporate liquidity depending on when they are held and the stage of a firm’s life cycle at the time of holding, using a sample of Korean companies. The empirical findings first show that cryptocurrency investments affect a company’s liquidity differently depending...
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Introduction paper of a special issue in the journal Vegetation History and Archaeobotany resulting from the 12th International Meeting for Phytolith Research (IMPR). The IMPR is the official conference of the International Phytolith Society. The paper gives information about the conference and presents the papers published in the special issue.
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Introduction Relative fibular shortening compared to the tibia and syndesmotic widening are recognized contributors to the valgus tilt of the talus. This study aimed to assess: (1) the impact of fibular shortening relative to the tibia; and (2) the influence of syndesmotic widening, in correcting a large varus talar tilt (TT) associated with advanc...
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Introduction Firms use various forms of equity-based compensation to allow employees to participate in their success. Methods We examine how an unannounced profit-sharing distribution (PSD) affects participation in Employee stock purchase plans (ESPPs), which offer discounted shares. Using panel data from a multinational firm, we find counterbalan...
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An ID, series of even steps or combinations of even and odd steps may have an equivalent number and some IDs are nonexistent. The dilemma is that, is there ID/s unending or until it reaches 1? Numbers missed certain margins for them to have a cycle or be unbounded. Each math problem usually or could have an inequality such as the conjecture. The pr...
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Large Language Models (LLMs) have gained attention for addressing coding problems, but their effectiveness in fixing code maintainability remains unclear. This study evaluates LLMs capability to resolve 127 maintainability issues from 10 GitHub repositories. We use zero-shot prompting for Copilot Chat and Llama 3.1, and few-shot prompting with Llam...
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Introduction à la géotechnique routière
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‘Restoring Women’s Power Through Self-Injection Contraception’ article responds to introduction of the modern hormonal contraceptive method by Reproductive Health Directorate, under Malaŵi Ministry of Health in 2018. The article targets to create awareness of the benefits and side effects that are associated with this new contraceptive method that...
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John J Murphy’s Solution Focused Therapy is the 26th volume in the esteemed APA Theories of Psychotherapy series, and a great step towards making Solution Focused Therapy (SFT) more known and accepted in the therapeutic field. The book, which dives headfirst into the refreshing, pragmatic world of SFT, is a well-structured and easy-to-read introduc...
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Introduction: Turnaround time (TAT) is one of the key performance indicator of laboratory services. In transfusion services it is more important due to involvement of emergency cases often. We analyzed the TAT in issuing blood units using Immediate Spin Crossmatch (ISCM) in our institution and also tried to identify the factors which leads to incre...
Conference Paper
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This presentation provides an introduction to Recovery Boiler Water Treatment. The goals of the course are to become familiar with the objectives of recovery boiler water treatment and the basic components of the steam/water cycle, understand the effects of deposits on the boiler, and be familiar with routine chemistry monitoring.
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Direct democratic institutions are often introduced by popular vote, but there is little research on what motivates voters to support these new instruments. Using a unique dataset on the ideological positions of voters and members of parliament, this article examines support for the introduction of the initiative right in a popular vote. We find th...
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Introduction A ureteral stricture often develops after a cutaneous ureterostomy and can lead to complicated situations in some cases. Case presentation We performed surgery on a 54‐year‐old man who required routine replacement of a ureteral stent every 2 weeks after cystectomy. We surgically converted his cutaneous ureterostomy into a new ileal co...
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This article delves into the innovative integration of IoT technology in fire safety systems through an exploration of an IoT-based fire detector and automatic extinguisher using NodeMCU. The system combines real-time monitoring, remote control, and efficient fire suppression to revolutionize traditional fire safety methods. Fire detecting and Aler...
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Prenant acte du tournant éthique qu’ont pris la critique littéraire et la théorie esthétique de ce nouveau millénaire, SAXIFRAGES a pour ambition de contribuer à questionner les processus d’enchevêtrement du réel, du poétique et du politique auxquels on assiste plus particulièrement aujourd’hui. Cet ouvrage réunit dix articles.
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En se focalisant sur une cartographie de diverses tendances esthétiques qui traversent le paysage littéraire contemporain depuis la seconde moitié du xxe siècle, les articles de ce volume ont pour objectif de revisiter l’écriture du silence dans la parole littéraire. Entre l’expérience d’ordre mystique et l’inscription du silence dans le récit, il...
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This brief paper explores several basic parameters regarding the number of primitive roots of prime(n) k , more broadly speaking, φ(φ(prime(n)^k)) for n ≥ 1 and k ≥ 0. Introduction.
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Back ground : Aim: Patients and Methods: Results: Conclusion: Introduction:
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BENEFITS OF HORMONAL IUD article respond to introduction of the modern hormonal contraceptive method by Reproductive Health Directorate, under Malawi Ministry of Health between 2022 and 2023. The awareness creation article highlights the benefits and side effects that are associated with this new contraceptive method that women of reproductive heal...
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We present an analysis of the exclusive semileptonic decay \(B\rightarrow D^*\ell \bar{\nu }_\ell \) based on the Belle and Belle II data made public in 2023, combined with recent lattice-QCD calculations of the hadronic transition form factors by FNAL/MILC, HPQCD and JLQCD. We also consider a new combination of the Belle and Belle II data sets by...
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This study investigates drivers' eye gaze behavior in response to Emergency Vehicle Approaching (EVA) warnings. EVA warnings, delivered through in-car alerts, provide advance notice of approaching EVs, enabling drivers to move over in time. Previous research indicates that EVA warnings influence driver behavior positively, promoting safer interacti...
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We extend Yosida’s 1941 version of Stone-Gelfand duality to metrically complete unital lattice-ordered groups that are no longer required to be real vector spaces. This calls for a generalised notion of compact Hausdor space whose points carry an arithmetic character to be preserved by continuous maps. The arithmetic character of a point is (the co...
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The role of a Business Analyst in a B2B (Business-to-Business) context is pivotal in ensuring smooth operations and enhancing customer satisfaction. This study aims to analyze the responsibilities and impact of a Business Analyst in Inspacco, a leading service provider in the Baner area, with a particular focus on understanding how customer satisfa...
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We consider the generalization of a nonlinear Urysohn-type integral equation based on the introduction of two real numerical parameters in the integrand. This enables us to find the set of points of possible branching (bifurcation) of the solutions in the form of spectral lines in a given domain as a result of the solution of a nonlinear two-parame...
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Increasing the number of SiMe3 substituents on a cyclopentadienyl ring has, in addition to a stabilizing effect of unusual coordination geometries and oxidation states, the effect of increasing the solubility in unpolar solvents and increasing the volatility. Starting from pentabromoferrocene and pentabromo(pentamethyl)ruthenocene, we could achieve...
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2025 2 Introduction In practical applications, especially economics, we find that simple linear regression is very rarely used and that most applications include estimating the relationship between more than two variables, that is, the presence of more than one independent variable with one dependent variable, which is included in the multiple line...
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Introduction: The potassium removed by various dialysis methods (pre- and post-dilution on-line hemodiafiltration) is not clear in the literature. The aim of the study was to investigate the amount of potassium eliminated with each session of pre- or post-dilution on-line hemodiafiltration with collection of the total ultrafiltrate in a tank. Mater...
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Introduction. L’arthrodèse du genou est une intervention chirurgicale consistant à bloquer un genou lésé et douloureux par l’obtention d’une fusion osseuse afin de corriger une déformation ou d’obtenir une indolence. Le but de notre étude était de décrire le profil des patients et les méthodes d’arthrodèse du genou utilisées à l’Hôpital Général Idr...
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Introduction: Living conditions and the main activity from which the resources for their financial support come are vital to know the wellbeing of a rural family. This research aimed to characterize the social and economic status of 98 peasant families in the municipalities of Ábrego, Bochalema, Bucarasica, Los Patios, Pamplonita and Villa Caro in...
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Conduct disorder (CD) is a mental health condition that involves a pattern of aggressive and antisocial behaviors that violate social norms and the rights of others. It's usually diagnosed in childhood or adolescence. This paper covers an exploration of the causes, symptoms, and treatments of conduct disorder.
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We examine the onset and resilience of emergent time periodicity in a few-body all-to-all interacting Lipkin–Meshkov–Glick model, where one of the constituents is locally in contact with a thermal bath. Employing both a collision model framework and a suitable time-continuous description, we show that stable time-periodic behavior can only be exhib...
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To be considered reliable, a model must be calibrated so that its confidence in each decision closely reflects its true outcome. In this blogpost we'll take a look at the most commonly used definition for calibration and then dive into a frequently used evaluation measure for model calibration. We'll then cover some of the drawbacks of this measure...
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The goal of this paper is to develop the theory of Courant algebroids with integrable para-Hermitian vector bundle structures by invoking the theory of Lie bialgebroids. We consider the case where the underlying manifold has an almost para-complex structure, and use this to define a notion of para-holomorphic algebroid. We investigate connections o...
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The booklet introduces tensor calculus with a practical focus. I personally found the small book very interesting and the topic a pleasant discovery. I hope it may be useful and interesting to others as well.
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Since its introduction by Anthony Giddens in the early 1980s, the use of the concept of “agency” as a way to accommodate an irreducible element of voluntarism into sociological explanations has grown exponentially in the literature. In this chapter, we examine the most prominent theoretical justifications for adopting the notion of “agency” as an i...
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Introduction: Serofast state is defined as an insufficient decrease in the non-treponemal reaction titre after 6-12 months for early syphilis or after 12-24 months for late syphilis counting from the recommended treatment, with the simultaneous resolution of the infection symptoms. Aim: The aim of this article was to review the current understandin...
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Introduction: The use of beauty products containing hazardous chemicals is a public health concern and has become a common practice locally and globally, raising concerns about their potential impact on human health and the environment.
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Puligere, present Lxmeshvar in Shirahatti taluka of Gadag District in the state of Karnataka, comprises the area of about 300 villages in the talukas of Shirahatti, Savanur, parts of Shiggaon, Kundagol, Gadag and Haveri in the former Dharwad district of Karnataka state. It is well known as Puligere Nadu, played an important role in the medieval his...
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Nanowires, defined as one-dimensional nanostructures with diameters on the nanometer scale, have garnered significant attention in the fields of materials science, engineering, and nanotechnology due to their unique electrical, optical, and mechanical properties. Their properties differ from bulk materials, often exhibiting enhanced performance and...
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Knowledge of Qualitative research approaches is lacking in developing countries. This presentation is in a PowerPoint format to help researchers
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Available open access at Written by a former early intervention developmental therapist in consultation with EI parents, this text provides an updated and easily accessible framework for providing culturally responsive early intervention services. Each component of the updated...
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These notes detail the theoretical framework, comprising of linear system theory, feedback theory and complex analysis, for understanding, proving, and using, the Nyquist criterion for stability. To apply Nyquist’s criterion for stability to a given feedback electronic amplifier, it is first necessary to establish an equivalent feedback model for...
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This edited volume is devoted to a comparative analysis of gender equality in Central Asia. The region is comprised of five post-Soviet countries—Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan, which became independent from the Soviet Union in 1991.
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More then 35 approaches to the Dirac equation derivation are presented. Various physical principles and mathematical methods are used. A review of well-known and not enough known contributions to the problem is given, unexpected and unconventional derivations are presented as well. Three original approaches to the problem suggested by the author ar...
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One of the most striking generative AI-related phenomena is its popularity and exposure – after its launch in November, 2022, it has generated millions of users across different walks of life, has made a successful entry into higher education, and is currently shaking the existing, long-held principles of teaching, learning, and research. Although...
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This introduction is mqainly devoted to mind, a powerful biomimetic tool for AI. The day and night transition leads to consider the unconscious properties which reveal a deep instability. This instability increases within a social group and leads to the requirement of stabilization rules.