Science topic

Internationality - Science topic

The quality or state of relating to or affecting two or more nations. (After Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary, 10th ed)
Questions related to Internationality
  • asked a question related to Internationality
23 answers
whether the development of international industrial corporations and large international banks and investment funds operating internationally will be the main factor of economic globalization in the 21st century?
What other determinants will shape the processes of economic globalization in the 21st century?
Please, answer, comments.
I invite you to the discussion.
I have described these issues in recently published publications:
I invite you to discussion and scientific cooperation
Best wishes
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Your point of political relationships over geography Holm Arno Leonhardt makes sense. However, this possible (emerging) ideological trend (e.g. autocratic vs. market principle) will impede even economic regionalization as many bordering countries are 'governed' by conclicting political ideologies or power groups.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
8 answers
Hey everyone!
Where can I find future projections of global climate, preferably decadal average forecasts (means to yr 2030, 2040, ..., 2100) in a WorldClim-like format (bioclimatic predictions for different climate models).
Many thanks,
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On Climate Models: From General Circulation Models (GCMs) and Earth System Models (ESMs). General Circulation Models (GCMs)which are the core of weather forecasting Models appeared in the 1960s with the pioneer's work of Manabe (2021 Nobel Prize in Physics). A fundamental point is that is difficult to speak about GCMs and even less of Climate Models without a minimum review starting from Atmosphere Dynamics Models genesis in the 1960s to the actual Earth System Models (ESMs) that participated in the last "CMIP6". These represent the State-of-art of universal knowledge about Climate and its modeling. The results published in 2021 covers 80 ESMs from as many research teams throughout the world. Nowadays, Climate Science and Modelling have attained an international critic-mass never reached in any other domain.
ESMs include a number of components that try to describe the evolution of intercoupled phenomena that govern Climate Phenomena. To understand how this works, one has to know about the progress achieved and still-opened questions related to Climate Models. Mathematically the resolution of the dynamic and the transport equations of physical quantities on more or less important scales provide accurate predetermination in a relatively short time. This is what meteorologists do to deliver us every day their newsletter. This is what the same meteorologists are trying to do with scientists from all sides to build climate models in the long term, sure inaccurate today, exactly as was the 1960s weather model of Manabe, Nobel Prize in Physics 2021, the pioneer of general circulation modeling. The very first general circulation models were based on atmosphere-only physical models (Manabe et al., 1965, Nobel Prize in Physics, 2021), which were quickly improved to take into account the hydrologic cycle and its role in the general circulation of the atmosphere (Smagorinsky et al. 1965). From there, climate modeling has made considerable progress by gradually integrating the many positive or negative feedback processes that occur at different scales between the different components of the system: ocean circulation (Manabe and Bryan, 1969), land hydrological processes (Sellers et al., 1986), sea ice dynamics (Meehl and Washington, 1995), and aerosols (Takemura et al., 2000), biophysical and biogeochemical processes (Cox et al., 2000). Models with these latter components are often called Earth System Models (ESMs) and more recent such models include land and ocean carbon cycle, atmospheric chemistry, dynamic vegetation, and other biogeochemical cycles (Watanabe et al., 2011, Collins et al., 2011). It should be noted that as a whole and for the same reasons, the horns of ESMs, which are based on physical formulations similar to those employed in general circulation models applied in meteorology, have not evolved much, except for the increase in the resolution of the calculations made possible thanks to the increase in the computing capacity or their capacity to assimilate increasingly abundant and precise data; in particular global satellite data, which complements and connects measurements on the ground or at low altitude.
Manabe, S., Smagorinsky, J., & Strickler, R. F. (1965). Simulated climatology of a general circulation model with a hydrologic cycle. Monthly Weather Review, 93(12), 769-798.
Smagorinsky, S. Manabe, and J. L. Holloway, “Numericd Results From a Nine-Level General Circulation Model of the Atmosphere,” Monthly Weather Review, vol. 93, No. 12, Dec. 1965, pp. 727-768.
Manabe, S., & Bryan, K. (1969). Climate calculations with a combined ocean-atmosphere model. J. Atmos. Sci, 26(4), 786-789.
Sellers, P. J., Mintz, Y. C. S. Y., Sud, Y. E. A., & Dalcher, A. (1986). A simple biosphere model (SiB) for use within general circulation models. Journal of the atmospheric sciences, 43(6), 505-531.
Meehl, G. A., & Washington, W. M. (1995). Cloud albedo feedback and the super greenhouse effect in a global coupled GCM. Climate dynamics, 11(7), 399-411.
Takemura, T., Okamoto, H., Maruyama, Y., Numaguti, A., Higurashi, A., & Nakajima, T. (2000). Global three‐dimensional simulation of aerosol optical thickness distribution of various origins. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 105(D14), 17853-17873.
Cox, P. M., Betts, R. A., Jones, C. D., Spall, S. A., & Totterdell, I. J. (2000). Acceleration of global warming due to carbon-cycle feedbacks in a coupled climate model. Nature, 408(6809), 184-187.
Watanabe, S., Hajima, T., Sudo, K., Nagashima, T., Takemura, T., Okajima, H., ... & Kawamiya, M. (2011). MIROC-ESM 2010: Model description and basic results of CMIP5-20c3m experiments. Geoscientific Model Development, 4(4), 845-872.
Collins, W. J., Bellouin, N., Doutriaux-Boucher, M., Gedney, N., Halloran, P., Hinton, T., ... & Woodward, S. (2011). Development and evaluation of an Earth-System model–HadGEM2. Geoscientific Model Development, 4(4), 1051-1075.
See Also:
Besbes, M., & Chahed, J. (2023). Predictability of water resources with global climate models. Case of Northern Tunisia. Comptes Rendus. Géoscience, 355(S1), 1-22. Available on:
  • asked a question related to Internationality
25 answers
Due to the progressing global warming process, the issue of necessary ecological reforms should be one of the most important issues shaping the processes of globalization in the 21st century.
Will ecology become one of the key aspects of globalization in the 21st century?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
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Yes, ecology will become one of the key aspects of globalization in the 21st century. Globalization has facilitated the rapid growth of international trade and investment, along with an increase in the movement of people, goods and services across borders. As a result, the global environment is becoming increasingly interconnected, with human activities having an increasingly significant impact on ecosystems and climate. In this context, ecology will become increasingly important as businesses, governments and citizens seek to understand and mitigate the environmental effects of their activities. This will require a comprehensive approach to environmental management, including the development of new tools, mechanisms and technologies to reduce environmental impacts and increase resource efficiency. It will also mean engaging in ecological research, education and public awareness initiatives to ensure that ecological issues are taken into consideration in the decision-making process. Finally, it will involve the development of international agreements and regulations to ensure that environmental concerns are adequately addressed.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
26 answers
The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) criteria does provide clarity on who qualifies to be an author but I have not been able to find any guidelines about the last author.
1. What is the main senior supervisor's correct position (order of authorship)?
2. Is the second position more valuable than the last one?
3. Do the first and last authors have the same value?
4. In case an author does qualify the ICJME criteria but contributes the least, would it be ideal to place the author last or as the penultimate author to the main senior author?
5. What value does being a corresponding author hold? Since its often used as an important criterion for promotions.
Many thanks
  • asked a question related to Internationality
1 answer
Are people too quick to accept information at face value through social media and therefore failing to use essential critical thinking and evaluation in establishing the knowledge that underpins the development of a global society?
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Nowadays, people are quickly accepting social media in developing countries.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
15 answers
Difficult question, esp where scientists face persecution and harassment for whistle-blowing.
Could we have a Global body to report infringements to? A body with the power to investigate and prosecute?
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If there is no morality in everything, it is a worthless product. We Uzbeks have a saying: It is easy to be a scientist, it is difficult to be a man. Because it is very sad that even among scientists there are immoral people, which is primarily a sign of their lack of moral qualities.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
6 answers
Hello everyone
I am modelling masonry infilled RC frame in ANSYS Mechanical APDL and defining joints (between mortar-mortar, infill and RC member) using cohesive zone material model. But the global base shear vs -displacement response which I am getting is not comparable to experimental values. I have tried changing the parameters of czm model but then also I am unable to get any close response, both in-terms of peak as well as initial stiffness.
I have attached the image of plot and model for your reference.
Can anyone help me with this?
Any suggestion what could be the mistake or any changes that can make it correct?
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I am facing problem in contact debonding using czm material. My model is a 3d infillnwall model.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
94 answers
What is the Advantages and disadvantages of Globalization???
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Advantages : Buisness networking through IT can be too much popular .
( automation of whole world become easier ) .
Disadvanges : Unemplyment , money hacking through banking sector , Cyber crime through social media are increasing day by day
  • asked a question related to Internationality
19 answers
It is observed that global economy is weakening. A economic slowdown giving rise to tit-for -tat tariffs and moreover the political uncertainties are adding woes.
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“The optimum population is modeled on the iceberg- eight-ninths below the water line, one-ninth above.”
― Aldous Huxley, Brave New World
  • asked a question related to Internationality
3 answers
Where can I get global Covid19 related data publicly available for research and academic work. Specifically looking for patient data, demographics, distribution etc.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
35 answers
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The pandemic has definitely changed the way in which countries operate from the health sector to technological advances to the education and economic well being. However, Kiprotich Kiptum has a valid point.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
9 answers
Is Global Journal of Science Frontier Research B: Chemistry , trust-able journal to publish work.
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I suppose not; Global Journals is on Beall's list of (potential) predatory journals
( and many Global Journals are also on the following list of predatory journals:
  • asked a question related to Internationality
2 answers
In the last decade, Western military interventions have changed. States like the UK, the U.S., and France intervene abroad “by, with and through” local and regional partners. Instead of deploying a large number of their own forces, they work with international partners to build local and regional capacity to address shared threats. Even in areas where Western states do deploy large numbers of their own troops – such as France in the Sahel – the emphasis remains on building international coalitions to work with local forces. There is an assumption that such an approach will improve the legitimacy of the intervention and, by building local capacity to address the threat more autonomously in the future, “play a role in regional and global stability.”[i] However, the success of these operations is poorly and inconsistently measures and, as such, there is little evidence on whether these engagements are actually achieving these objectives.
I have spent 6 years professionally researching these issues and have found two important and interrelated problems:
1. Current evaluation efforts are inconsistent (between departments and countries), short-term, and fail to engage with the right people (e.g. questionnaires are often directed at partner forces rather than local populations).
2. The fragmented nature of international engagement in many parts of the world means that, even where there are exceptional good national efforts, they tend to be lost in the ineffectiveness of broader international engagement.
Why do these problems remain? And, how can they be addressed?
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I agree that measurement is often driven by a qualitative need to demonstrate progress and so in many ways can act as a confirmation bias when the strategic answer given is that better trained local security forces will solve the problem – which recent events have proved to be a big assumption.
When the strategic solution and exit is linked to reform of security forces there is a strong operational imperative down the chain of command to report and demonstrate success in support of it. This is driven as much by the need to show effectiveness throughout the current rotation within the organisation as it to any external desire for success.
The internal dynamics even within a nation’s armed forces are often not considered important but experience suggest internal rivalries have a greater part to play than we might like to think. When these factors are combined with similar rivalries within the partner force it is not surprising there is a divergence of perception and reality.
As stated above a realistic strategic vision combined with a concept of what success looks like is essential but very often driven by reportable metrics rather than a realistic appraisal of how the capabilities of the trained forces match the problem set.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
6 answers
How can a beginner researcher start publishing in SCI/Scopus indexed journals or likes of Elsevier, Springer, IEEE, Inderscience, IGI Global, T&F???
Is there any links or network required for that or purely on the basis of quality of research work it can be achieved?
Inputs are welcome.
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I think for novice researchers it is very important to have some mentor who guides in developing and sharpening arguments, coherence of the the point of focus and then submission of the manuscript in some authentic journal. Though sometimes not palatable, comments of reviewers help a lot in improving. Continuous reading and practice is also essential.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
119 answers
Internationally funded organizations have been criticized for failing in their mandates. While such criticism has been dismissed in some quarters as politically motivated, what has been your experience as a researcher in accessing or using their services and products?
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Dear Dr. Oswell Namasasu.
Unfortunately, most of these non-profit organizations end up wearing out over time and tend to drift into the abstract and formal ... and not only!
My respects.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
43 answers
As an academic or professional leader with an academic career, what is the appropriate leadership style to lead your team in the light of the global epidemic, quarantine and remote leadership?
Please it is very important to give your opinion
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Be a visionary leader
  • asked a question related to Internationality
47 answers
As of Mar. 22, 2020, 13,592 deaths have been attributed to COVID-19. However, 94,175 people have recovered from the illness. This information comes from the Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases map developed by the Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering.
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Yes, this is a very dangerous and deadly virus! It causes death!
  • asked a question related to Internationality
8 answers
With confirmed cases of Kovid-19 globally 8 million and more countries going into lockdown to slow the epidemic, the emerging question is: "When will it all end?" The answer depends on a large part of the uncertainties about the novel coronavirus that causes the disease, Which includes whether you can get it more than once and how quickly the world's scientists can produce a vaccine. There are also factors such as the cost and benefits of long-term closure and what different countries can do from both economic and political perspectives
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It will most likely fade off gradually
  • asked a question related to Internationality
31 answers
The development of a vaccine for COVID-19 has become a battleground for many countries to prove to the world/their own peoples that their technology is superior and better than the competitors at the international stage. it is always a point of concern when science is serving the political establishment. Russia claimed that they have developed 'the first' Covid-19 vaccine. WHO is raising concern about the validity of this claim and urging Russia to provide sufficient data to back this claim.
Is it possible for the same scenario to be repeated in the US? An election is near and COVID-19 vaccine development can influence the result.
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Please also have a look at this useful link.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
56 answers
With the continuing threat of the Coronavirus and the deterioration of global economies due to quarantine, are we heading towards choosing between health or the economy?
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Health is more important
  • asked a question related to Internationality
12 answers
C. Møller was wrong in his famost paper "On homogeneous gravitational fields in the general theory of relativity and the clock paradox" . see pdf.
  • C. Møller wroted: The equations (14) thus reduce to the single equation (16) with the general solution
  • (I) D = a(1+gx)2
  • However (16) is not a global solution of the equation:
  • (II) G22=G33=[D1/2 ]''/D1/2=0
  • Inserting Moller's solution (I) into Eq.(II) on Moller horizon x=-1/g, one obtains 0/0 ,i.e., uncertainty
  • but not 0!!!
  • Under this Møller mistake, Unruch calculation obviously breaks down.
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  • asked a question related to Internationality
15 answers
We have just started to explore Digital Platforms as Global Public Goods. I am wondering whether others have ventured into the same and if there are other works in this area.
For your reference, you can find an early paper on this here:
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Petter Nielsen Bulcsu Szekely Loretta Anania , many thanks for your insights.
Two recent developments can be noted, showing different approaches towards a similar recognition of Digital Platforms and infrastructure as goods of common interest for Society:
-the USA initiative on infrastructure, following the inaugural speech of President Biden on the need to develop infrastructure (as a public/common good)
Public role is recognised, an the common need is promoted, with consideration on the growth impact on the economy for any investment in the infrastructure [1]
-the EU interest on Data Sovereignty, which may not give answers yet, but emphasises the importance of infrastructure (and its digital aspects: digital infrastructure as such, and digital twin of physical infrastructure) [2]. Workshops are happening on the potential impact for AI linked to Data Sovereignty scenarios for the EU, and more general aspects of decision autonomy as in this activity reported by the European Parliament [3]
  • asked a question related to Internationality
7 answers
Currently, it is difficult to define this type of analytic problem. The key issue is forecasting future global problems. It is necessary to collect additional analytical data over the next years and perhaps in about 100 years in huge Big Data database systems supported by another generation of artificial intelligence, it will be possible to forecast what can happen to the planet Earth in the next 1000 years.
In view of the above, the current question is: Will I be able to precisely forecast in the 21st century what will be the future of planet Earth in the next 1000 years?
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.
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Forecasting climatic, geological, natural and other processes that may occur in the next several dozen years is burdened with a very large scope of research error. Despite the progress made in the field of predictive analytics, the impact of the development of civilization on the climate and the biosphere of the planet Earth is still large and growing. Therefore, forecasting the development of climatic, geological and natural processes that may appear in the next several hundred years may border on the proverbial "fortune-telling on tea grounds".
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Internationality
9 answers
Can anyone recommend the subject book in Arabic or English that is available on the net?
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  • asked a question related to Internationality
1 answer
GVC is an abbreviation that stands for Global Value Chains. Therefore, as a Theory that many scholars are using nowadays, I want to use it if I get appropriate methodology to follow.
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It has no standard method. It depends on your goal. Here are some options:'_performance_in_Global_Value_Chains
  • asked a question related to Internationality
8 answers
Hello, I am preparing a publication about the entrepreneurship of slums dwellers. I need information, articles, data, cases etc. Of course, I already have a lot, but the global reach of the ReseearchGate can give me some tips from people who have direct experience in this research field.
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Thank you for your reply. I have managed to publish an article in relation to this question. IMHO The second part of this article, examples of entrepreneurship by slum dwellers, is quite interesting.The article is not a great scientific work, but it gives food for thought.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
5 answers
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The environment from local to global scales has witnessed apparent positive and negative impacts. Global lockdowns have drastically altered the patterns of energy demand and have caused an economic downturn but at the same time, have provided an upside-cleaner global environment. Irrespective of the obvious decline in CO2 emission and air pollution owing to the lockdowns which although temporarily, but may contribute to mitigating climate change, many parallels indeed do exist between the challenges in fighting this global climate change and pandemic.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
68 answers
From an empirical, scientific perspective, which approach, love or fear, will lead to higher productivity?
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Feared as L. D. Landau was, Prof. Joseph Tham
A good way for a great school. Saludos desde Venezuela.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
16 answers
Developing a vaccine is an important task. What is the best way to achieve this goal? Should we use a global competitive process?
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I think somehow competition is good as long as following fairness principles
  • asked a question related to Internationality
1 answer
Global supply and demand chain of finance and capital got severely disrupted due to the widespread attack of novel corona virus. can we consider that the global economy is heading towards a 'liquidity trap' situation? During this lockdown situation of almost all the countries of the world, would the global services and finance trade will fill the vacuum of world merchandise trade?
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Dear Shaijumon C S,
When the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic appeared in March 2020, the situation on the financial markets changed significantly, there was a panic sale of shares on stock exchanges, and investment risk increased significantly. In terms of international financial markets, as in previous economic and financial crises, speculative capital was withdrawn from the emerging markets of smaller economies. Banks and investment funds operating internationally were changing the structure of their investment portfolios in foreign financial markets. In addition, international delivery logistics has changed. The changes mainly concerned shortening international supply logistics chains and increasing the scale of domestic production of components and semi-finished products necessary for the implementation of the production processes of final products. In this way, the scale of international capital flows has decreased.
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Internationality
33 answers
In many countries formal rules have been adopted or guidelines have been included in key national legal regulations according to which public debt in the amount of 50%. Gross Domestic Product is interpreted as not generating high risk of domestic debt.
However, in some countries, the public debt in relation to Gross Domestic Product for many years has been at a level well above 100%.
Among these countries are developing countries but also large, rich developed countries.
On the other hand, if such countries are increasingly global, systemic credit risk may grow and if another global financial crisis similar to the one in 2008 could emerge in the future, it could turn into a serious global debt crisis.
In view of the above, let me ask you: Do you think that public debt is 50% to the Gross Domestic Product generates high or low risk of indebtedness of the country?
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.
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Before COVID-19 crisis 50 % of debt to Gross Domestic Product was a high public debt for any country, but nowadays, during coronavirus crisis, and I think, for some time after it, 50 % of country's debt is rather low.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
16 answers
if |psi> is a quantum state vector, we know that exp(ia)* |psi> is also a quantum state of the system, where exp(ia) is the global phase factor, and they are indistinguishable w.r.t the expectation value of any system observable or density matrix representation of the state.
my question is there any new developments in QM formalism that distinguishes |psi> and exp(ia)* |psi> ?
Also, is there any significance of the matrices of the form exp(ia)* |psi> <psi| in modern QM formalism studies?
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You are welcome, Prof. Debopam Ghosh.
U(1) symmetry/gauge, is the name given to the underlying phase transformation in macroscopic QM, it appears in superconductors and quantum liquids.
Some authors argue that the Meissner effect can be explained with a breaking of this phase, for example.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
82 answers
COVID-19 exposed many divisions among countries and prevented the formation of a united front to combat this pandemic. Even the very closely networked blocs such as ASEAN and EU failed to coordinate their efforts to combat COVID-19 because of national interest. Undermining the world organizations such as WHO, ICOJ, and the United nation various agencies are not painting a very good picture of what to come in the future. Can globalization survive?
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Due to the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic, a lot will change in terms of economic globalization. International, intermodal logistics chains of supply and distribution are shortened.
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Internationality
5 answers
Can global supply chains be highly resilient against this global virus?
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I have discussed supply chain resilience in the face of COVID in my latest publication:
  • asked a question related to Internationality
46 answers
The health crisis that the world is going through these days affected jobs and businesses, closed companies and airports, and stopped most aspects of life in most countries of the world, God willing, this crisis will be evacuated, but how will the global economy, stagnation or inflation, or will we turn into an economic shock ??
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Dr. Nidhal Al-Maliki: This disaster of coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) influenced the national (macro) economic status of some countries and also increases the poverty level.
The important thing is how the world is looking for this disaster. The vaccines, especially for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), are one of the "big business". They are looking for this crisis as a way of money production. Hence, the gap between rich and poor has increased dramatically.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
6 answers
Dear Colleagues,
What is the your information about Publons Ranking of Universities?Is it important for universities? Does it global ranking refers to scientific sobriety?
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Publons is important to track your publications, citation metrics, peer reviews, and journal editing work in a single, easy-to-maintain profile. So, it is necessary to know about the ranking of universities and the activities.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
7 answers
It is common knowledge that architecture plays an essential role in defining the cityscape and its cultural identity.
In the face of rising cases of global tourism, violent crime and conflict, can architecture be used as a tool for promoting global peace and how?
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السؤال جميل جدا وعميق واتفق مع الاخ ريزال زماني ادريس لازالت اغلب الشعوب لاتدرك اهمية هندسة المدن وبخاصة المتناحرة
  • asked a question related to Internationality
2 answers
I have found no clear answers to this question. There is an underlying problem to it: in the global warming scenario it is necessary to stabilize the population growth. If such phenomenon happens will economic growth —understood as the perpetual increase of the GDP— stabilize as well? Is perpetual economic growth a utopia?
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Dear Alejandro Sanchez-Aizcorbe,
In my opinion, global economic growth without population growth is unlikely, but it may be possible to a very limited extent. Global economic growth without population growth is possible only to a very limited extent, in a relatively short period of time, in the phase of economic development before achieving a high level of sustainability (in terms of sustainable economic development, circular economy) and thanks to the use of advanced technology involved in production and provide services.
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Internationality
39 answers
Is the role of strategic management changing in the context of current economic processes and the development of new information technologies typical of the current fourth technological revolution, known as Industry 4.0?
Strategic management is an important area of ​​management in the context of management of both individual enterprises (microeconomically) as well as domestic economic policy (macroeconomics).
In connection with the development of internationally operating corporations, strategic management acquires a new character, it becomes a part of the study of information and economic globalization processes.
In addition, strategic management can also change its charler in relation to processes such as prolonged business cycles, shortened life cycles of products, increased importance of information, technology, innovation, etc. as particularly important production factors in knowledge-based enterprises and economies in which an ever-increasing role of fully computerized advanced information processing technology, ie technologies typical of the current fourth technological revolution, known as Industry 4.0.
The current technological revolution, known as Industry 4.0, is determined by the development of the following technologies of advanced information processing: Big Data database technologies, cloud computing, machine learning, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, Business Intelligence and other advanced data mining technologies.
Do you agree with my opinion on this matter?
In view of the above, I am asking you the following question:
Is the role of strategic management changing in the context of current economic processes?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
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It may be necessary to change the attitude and methodology of explaining and discovering the appropriate strategy management, according to iera of Industry 4.0 based on determining factors such as information technology, ICT and most importantly, human aspects.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
4 answers
Hi I'm interested in to know where find records of Aedes sp. and Anopheles sp. I visited GBIF repository but I want to know other sources of data
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51 answers
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of globalization?
In developed countries, knowledge-based economies are characterized by the development of information services, and production processes are increasingly determined by the quality of such factors as information, technology, innovations, patents, etc. In addition, analogous standards of telecommunications, transaction, market, financial systems, etc. operate in different countries. Globalization is therefore still progressing.
In connection with the above, the communication, transactional and information aspects of globalization are characterized by a positive meaning. It is referred to as "the Earth as a" global village. "Through more and more modern communication, the global circulation of information is carried out in real time via Internet teleinformation systems.
But not all aspects of globalization have positive aspects.
Please reply. I invite you to the discussion
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nuclear and chemical weapons
  • asked a question related to Internationality
32 answers
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of Economic globalization?
Please, provide your suggestions for a question, problem or research thesis in the issues: Economic globalization.
Please reply.
I invite you to the discussion
Dear Friends and Colleagues of RG
The issues of globalization of financial and banking systems are described in the publications:
I invite you to discussion and cooperation.
Best wishes
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Dear Dariusz Prokopowicz thanks a lot for the suggested literature to discuss this topic. I would like to contribute considering that from the economic perspective, the integration of green programs into recovery plans could better rebuild the way industries operate, specially, after the COVID-19 pandemic, adopting innovative methods as the case of the so-called doughnut. It comprises an economic model that envisions a world in which people and planet can thrive in the balance based on the SDGs, as stated by its author Kate Raworth: ―As we all start thinking about how we will emerge from this crisis, let us seek to be holistic in how we reimagine and recreate the local-to-global futures of the places we live". Kind regards, Ernani
  • asked a question related to Internationality
15 answers
Dear colleagues, Globally over 1.2 billion children are out of school due to COVID-19 (World Economic Forum). COVID-19 has dramatically changed the face of education worldwide. This change in the face of education is sine quo non. However, do we precisely know what teachers need to make remote schooling/online learning work? Are teachers equipped with the whole arsenal of technologies required to unleash students' full potential? Are teachers confident in using technologies to teach?
I would like to know how you were able to address these issues as teachers. Additionally, as teacher educators, how would you like to tailor curricula to accommodate the needs of pre/in-service teachers to effectively integrate technologies in their practice.
Please share your thoughts and practices with me
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Here in Kingdom of Bahrain, where I live, at the beginning of the crisis, a shift was made to digital instructional platforms such as Ms.Teams. However, this was preceded by many training courses for both teachers and students on how to use Ms.Teams platform. After a while, the moodle was used as LMS after upgrading it to be integrated with Ms.Teams to deliver live sessions. Now, we are using a blended learning approach. In practical courses, students are divided into small groups to attend on campus. As for theoretical classes, we still are using moodle.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
15 answers
Dear Colleagues,
I have a project to prepare a Global Halal Tourism Tourist Profile Barometer for a while now. The global halal tourism industry needs detailed information about the halal tourism demand. I think we must control the characteristics of halal tourism demand every year. A few years later we can prepare trends and make predictions about the evolution of halal tourism demand. Because of this reason, this project must be a barometer that produce information about the demand side of halal tourism market annualy.
In fact, two of my colleagues and I prepared a pilot study in Antalya / TURKEY destination. You can reach this report from my RG page.
To prepare a GHTTPB I have to overcome these two problems;
1. A data collection network (Volunteer co-researchers)
2. Financial funding (Sponsorships or project funding systems)
For data collection network: I need volunteer co-researchers from different countries which are popular for the Muslim travellers (especially from Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Morocco, Russia, Spain, France, Thailand, Singapore, Italy, Greece). My colleagues and I have developed and tested a tourist profile questionnaire. We can use this instrument for this study too or we can improve it all together. The volunteer co-researchers should conduct this study in their country. We must collect 500 questionnaires from every countries. All co-researcher will be presented as co-writers of the GHTTPB.
For financial funding: We need a fund to conduct this research. I think maybe we can find sponsorhips from some companies that are care halal tourism. And maybe we can find a project funding system. I am not sure and I have not found a way out so far.
Is there anybody who wants to be a part of this project? Please contact with me.
Can you offer me a solution to find a financial funding?
Best regards.
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Thank you very much Ömer Akgün Tekin
  • asked a question related to Internationality
1 answer
  • The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the world into a standstill mode. To contain the transmission of the virus, many countries across the world have implemented “lock-down” policy. However, with this lock-down, people’s lives have shut down inside their homes. This has changed people’s normal life routine and is likely to affect their mental health too. With a sudden transition from a fast-moving world to a complete stationary world with uncertainties around, COVID 19 is believed to have a long-lasting impact on people and societies. Thus, this survey is being conducted to assess the mental health status of people during this global COVID-19 pandemic. The result will help us in getting the data on mental health issues, especially those in early stages and is believed to help policy makers in designing strategies to mitigate the problem. Please be assured that the information provided by you will be used only for the study purpose and proper confidentiality of the data will be mentioned. This online survey consists of 37 questions and should not take more than 10 minutes. If you have any feedback, please feel free to mention it at the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your participation
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Arjun Suresh , this is very important research to help understand the effects of a pandemic like this, and its consequences for the life, work and health of the population. Congratulations and success with the research. I just answered the questionnaire.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
35 answers
Could you know what are Historical diseases / pandemics in the past reflected on Global economy and Financial markets in the past?
like Spanish influenza that spread in 1918 and reached peak in 1920 impacted on the global economy?
There were another pandemics in the past had significant impact on the global economy and/or financial markets ?
There were many and many pandemics (e.g., Ebola, SARS 2003, H1N1, .... etc)
So, which one or more of them have significant impact on Economy / financial market even globally or in specific countries (i.e., SARS 2003 impacted on China's Economy)
Kindly, Let's share and discuss
Thanks in advance
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The Spanish flu has a detrimental impact on the economy. Swine flu, although considered an epidemic instead of a pandemic, has an adverse effect on USA economy. Basically pandemics and epidemics resulted in deaths and unemployment which led to a reduction in consumer spending and thus an imminent decline in economics performance.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
20 answers
What may be some of the techniques or methods that can be employed globally to check the spread of CORONA VIRUS at higher speed?
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Your immune system is your body's defense system. When a harmful invader — like a cold or flu virus, or the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 — gets into your body, your immune system mounts an attack. Known as an immune response, this attack is a sequence of events that involves various cells and unfolds over time.
Following general health guidelines is the best step you can take toward keeping your immune system strong and healthy. Every part of your body, including your immune system, functions better when protected from environmental assaults and bolstered by healthy-living strategies such as these:
Don't smoke or vape.
Eat a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Take a multivitamin if you suspect that you may not be getting all the nutrients you need through your diet.
Exercise regularly.
Maintain a healthy weight.
Control your stress level.
Control your blood pressure.
If you drink alcohol, drink only in moderation (no more than one to two drinks a day for men, no more than one a day for women).
Get enough sleep.
Take steps to avoid infection, such as washing your hands frequently and trying not to touch your hands to your face, since harmful germs can enter through your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
6 answers
Sustainable farming practices appears into different names confusing the global audience which to follow and why?
What makes conservation agriculture as different approach than regenerative farming practices?
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You can consult the meta-analysis studies. Important information can be found in Reiss ER, Drinkwater LE. doi: 10.1002 / eap.1629.
You can also consult Knapp, S., van der Heijden, M.G.A. A global meta-analysis of yield stability in organic and conservation agriculture. Nat Commun 9, 3632 (2018).
  • asked a question related to Internationality
1 answer
What is the relationship between the Corona pandemic, the decline in global oil prices, and the collapse of the global economy?
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  • asked a question related to Internationality
10 answers
The present global challenges are safe drinking water for all, proper health care for all, food for all, residence for all, education for all, energy and oil, climate change, terrorism, wars, environmental pollutions and finally the presentCOVID-19 pandemic. You may add a few to the list. My question is, "Can religion help us to fight these challenges?" If your answer is Yes, please explain.
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Thanks M. A. Azadi for your excellent insight. You have made exceptional comments.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
2 answers
This question is in regard to the publication:
Downing, S.D., Socie, D.F. (1982). Simple rainflow counting algorithms. International Journal of Fatigue, Volume 4, Issue 1, January, 31-4.
It contains two simple, yet ingenious algorithms for rainflow fatigue counting.
Therein “algorithm 1” relies on first cutting the data, by chopping the data at the global maximum (or global minimum) then moving the extremes data from the left side of the chop as a block to the other side of the data on the right side of the chop, including the global maximum (or global minimum) in both data subsets.
In the example provided in Fig. 2 of the referenced paper, the first extreme is a maximum and the last a minimum. This means that after cutting the local minimum at the end of the original data set is followed by the local maximum at the beginning of the original set. Further the former is smaller than the latter. Thus for the example it is all as it should be. But what if the above two conditions are not satisfied?
Has the suitability of the algorithm been confirmed for such cases as well?
Should one perform the rainflow counting only on data sets that satisfy the two conditions. I.e. that either the first extreme is a local maximum and the last a local minimum and the first is larger than the last, or that the first extreme is a local minimum and the last a local maximum and the first is smaller than then last.
Although this question is asked for “Algorithm 1” it really also applies to “Algorithm 2” since, in essence that also cuts the data, though most of the extremes for the points before the cut are accounted for (and eliminated) before the processing of the extremes after the cut starts.
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Thank you for your answer. Our application is Vortex Induced Vibrations (VIV), which are not exactly a “repeating process” but rather more like a stationary, ergodic random process, though looking over short periods of time the “stationary” property could be debatable. Nevertheless we hope to have sampled it for long enough in the VIV tests to get a representative average fatigue damage rate.
I suppose this falls into your category where the artificial closure technique is “not correct” but can still be expected to give a reasonable approximation in most cases?
Indeed, apart from the closure issue, for such a process the long term average fatigue damage rate would only converge in the limit as the sample becomes very long.
I guess an issue may still be whether removing some data at the start or end of the sample before rearranging the data so that they start and end at the global maximum or minimum might reduce or limit the residue error.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
2 answers
Hi everyone,
I'm currently using the Brain Connectivity Toolbox to run a graph theoretical analysis of resting-state EEG data. I'm confused. Is it possible to get a short average characteristic path length and a low global efficiency in one group and a long average characteristic path length and high global efficiency in the other group? To my knowledge, characteristic path length and global efficiency are inversely related. Thus, a short average characteristic path length should be linked to a high global efficiency, right? Can anyone help?
  • asked a question related to Internationality
4 answers
Do you know of any study of global prevalence of metabolic syndrome?
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My research dissertation is on metabolic syndrome with 15,000 workers in a steel industry. If your research topic is Metabolic Syndrome, I'll be happy to work with you.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
9 answers
Is there a variation or different pattern of behavior of the COVID -19 viral infections with in different countries globally
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Dear Prof. Raya Al-Naimi, I am not a medical specialist, but I am concerned as it has been previously stated in your thread.
In Venezuela, we see different behaviour in the speed of the infection, as if there are different strains. For example, one localized in Maracaibo city kills in less than 48 hours, where more than 20 physicians and nurses have been killed already in less than 2 weeks.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
9 answers
Pandemic & financial crisis : global re-start of ecomomic?
Who benefits from a mortality rate of +4% and a decline in industrial indices of 15%
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The crisis is everywhere and it's going down day by day.....
Sweden unemployment at 22-year high
The unemployment rate in Sweden has risen to its highest level in more than two decades, the country's statistics agency has said.
The seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate among 16 to 64-year-olds reached 9.4% in June, up from 8.6% the previous month.
The figure is the highest since the late 1990s, when a severe economic crisis led to an all-time high of 11.7%.
The rate among young people is even higher, with 28% of 16-24 year olds out of work - a rise of more than 7% since January.
South Korea in recession as exports at 57-year low
In another indication of how hard the coronavirus pandemic is hitting Asia’s economies, South Korea has fallen into recession.
Gross domestic product contracted in the second quarter by a worse-than-expected 2.9% in year-on-year terms, the steepest decline since 1998.
Exports, which account for nearly 40% of the economy, were the biggest drag as they fell by the most since 1963.
But the country’s finance minister remains optimistic that the economy will recover swiftly.
23 July, BBC
  • asked a question related to Internationality
17 answers
Dear Colleagues,
I am looking for papers, books and other stuff that can help me understand pop culture on a global scale.
Many thanks in advance for your suggestions
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I will go with Mr Victor
  • asked a question related to Internationality
48 answers
By all accounts it should take several months to bring the COVID-19 pandemic under control. The "end of globalization" has already been foretold, just check out Amazon for a list of books. Still, some speak of "post-globalization" and others (myself incl.) speak of localization and/or glocalization. We witness aggressive state intervention, closing of borders, physical movement restriction, "social distancing", the collapse of the travel industry, and several other geopolitical changes are certain to happen as a partial result of the pandemic. Contrary to suggestions that more cooperation is the proper response, there is a strong impetus toward the opposite direction, with countries often placing their own national interest over other considerations. What do you think?
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I agree with Bhanu Pratap Singh sir
  • asked a question related to Internationality
20 answers
It seems grossly unfair that cities of the Global North continue extravagant consumption of resources, while claiming to be ‘carbon neutral’, when many in the South lack the basics of life. Can responsibilities for reducing resource consumption and carbon be allocated and shared more equitably?
Prof Walter Stahel wrote in 2008: “The present Global Climate Change discussion is limited to reducing CO2 emissions from burning of fossil fuels. This approach neglects the fact that reducing resource consumption always reduces CO2 emissions”, adding that the key issue at stake was unbalanced consumption on a global level, “an issue of global ethics.” In this regard, the International Resource Panel (2014) promoted “equal access to and/or attribution of resource consumption on a per capita basis", recognising that countries within the Global South should achieve a rising share of global resources while those of the North should dramatically lower their absolute levels of consumption. The Factor 10 Club, founded in 1994, argued that the South should be able to double its resource use within 50 years, while the North should reduce consumption by Factor 10 (around 90%) – described by the WWF as ‘shrink and share’.
The UN Clean Development Mechanism provides a means of cooperation between countries to reduce emissions, whereby developed countries may offset their emissions by undertaking carbon abatement projects and programs in the developing world. At COP 25, means of extending this scheme were proposed, including voluntary cooperation between countries of the North and South and private sector involvement. Such activities must drive sustainable development, benefit local communities in an inclusive way, and reduce emissions. However, present accounting of emissions is narrowly focused on operating and territorial carbon, enabling cities of the North to claim they are ‘carbon-neutral’ – because they have outsourced production (including emissions and resource consumption) to the South. Accounting for such ‘consumption-based emissions’, estimated to be 60% greater than under the present system (C40 Cities 2018), would enable responsibility to be sheeted home to the final consumers, of whom 80% reside in the developed world.
So I should be grateful for your comments on the following questions:
a) Looking to COP 26, could both shrinking and sharing of resources and emissions be incorporated in extended CDM cooperation between North and South?
b) Could such a scheme be supported by accounting of consumption-based emissions?
I endeavoured to ‘set the ball rolling’ in my recent article. Thank you!
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This is a key question that many Degrowth and post-development thinkers from the Global North and South alike have sought to answer. Overall, it will require more than simply redesigning production, consumption or accounting models within current climate agreements and systemic structures. Indeed, solving this issue necessitates a paradigm shift and a lifestyle transformation towards "frugally abundant" and convivial forms of life. This entails moving beyond capitalism and building an entirely new system based on solidarity, care and harmony with the earth. Degrowth and post-development thinkers have been asking theses questions since the 1970s and have sought inspiration from a plurality of alternative visions from the Global North and South alike such as Buen Vivir, Ubuntu, Gandhian Economics, Ecological Swaraj etc. I highly recommend the two following books, which bring invaluable insights towards answering your question:
  • asked a question related to Internationality
23 answers
Hello to the scientific community,
Between the global physical activity questionnaire (GPAQ) of the world health organization and the international physical activity questionnaire (IPAQ) which is the most suitable and best recommended questionnaire to assess the level of physical activity?
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Jerson Mekoulou I have created a couple of tools to calculate the variables from IPAQ short and long version.
They are available in my profile:
Long version tool ->
Short version tool ->
I hope they are useful for you.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
2 answers
I have a hypothesis that (audio)visual media like movies, videos and memes are more globalized than music, literature or jokes. Of course, this is difficult to measure - so I will appreciate even studies loosely related.
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There are several studies about globalization of anime and manga such as:
I think those publication can give some depiction about what should be measured in globalization of (audio)visual media. It can be how many movie subbed in native languange, the number of fans or fandom community, etc.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
16 answers
Considering the Corona Virus pandemic in terms of human security and the global economy what do you consider as the main impact on these two global issues?
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It is important to mention that both economy as well as security are adversely affected by the pandemic caused by COVID-19.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
38 answers
The standard model of cosmology is assumes an arbitrary number of antigravity energy infusions in order to counteract an arbitrarily-assumed global gravitational contraction force. What alternative theories are being examined.
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“…The standard model of cosmology is assumes an arbitrary number of antigravity energy infusions in order to counteract an arbitrarily-assumed global gravitational contraction force. What alternative theories are being examined.……”
- yeah, that is indeed so in standard cosmological model, where so called, and really transcendent, “dark energy” purely ad hoc, and without any grounds in physics, is introduced.
Moreover, in some “solutions” of the “space expansions” problem even some “repulsive gravity” is considered quite legitimately in official physics, what is simply physically unbelievable. More see the SS comment to corresponding paper in
Now seems as only one scientifically grounded model of Matter’s Beginning and evolution exists, see DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12325.734 ;
- at least the Sec. “Cosmology”. However to understand what is in this Sec. it is necessary to read whole paper.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
4 answers
The question is simply intended to understand and explore on the nature of global economy, whether it is based on relationship of independence, dependence or interdependence .
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Global, political and economy are three themes of the question. The producer may produce any product. If the raw materials/technology are available in its country then no question of import. If the producer enjoys monopoly then it can sell independently with unlimited profit. If the producer has to import then it suffers from dependence. If the supplier of raw materials ask for contract then it is the example of interdependence. In fact rich nation can impose and withdraw conditions as per its sweet will.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
38 answers
Pandemic is causing "unprecedented decline in global activity," according to the IMF
Some key forecasts:
China, which got a head start on the recovery, is expected to log growth of 1%, in part due to policy support from the government. India's economy, meanwhile, is forecast to shrink 4.5% following a longer lockdown and slower-than-expected recovery.
The US economy is expected to shrink by 8%, while output across the 19 countries that use the euro could decline by 10.2%.
Countries in Latin America that are still struggling to contain the virus will also be hard hit. Brazil's economy is expected to contract by 9.1%, while output in Mexico could decline by 10.5%.
The outlook is slightly rosier than those provided by the World Bank and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, which have recently forecast that global GDP would shrink by 5.2% and 6%, respectively, before rebounding in 2021.
But the IMF warned of a "higher-than-usual degree of uncertainty" around its forecast, which it said was based on a number of assumptions, including stable financial conditions.
Source: June 25, CNN
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I totally agree with the statement, 'Global economy is just collapsed by a hidden tsunami of COVID-19 '. Yes, it is but the only saving point is how quickly we are overcoming with it. For that, I agree with Atil Assia that with precautionary measures everybody starts working towards their work and not let the Covid destroy us. Though this pandemic have taken many lives that do not mean we should stop working. We need to open our commercial premises in a systematic way and think of alternative measures to revive the economy. For country like Brazil and India, it is a huge setback but there are opportunities too in post covid scenario where hatred towards China started and many US and European companies would like to shift their base to other countries.
Moreover, I like the discussion above between Atil Assia and you ( Muhammed Ashraful Alam ).
Thank you
  • asked a question related to Internationality
11 answers
I start working on research about international air transportation and the spread of COVID-19, and I need urgently the network of global Airlines.
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Thanks all, I got it from
and I created a database of Air transport.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
15 answers
How would economies and various markets (stocks, commodities, derivatives, etc.) respond to these sustained shocks in the coming days? Just as the easing of restrictions in several countries due to the Covid-19 related shocks, serious civil unrest is brewing in various countries. Considering the globalization and integration of markets worldwide, how would different economies and markets respond to these stressors in order to overcome the anticipated recession. Is some markets immune to these pressures? How would developed, emerging and developing economies respond to these shocks? Which markets will be seriously affected? Which sector of the economy will be affected the most. Which industries would be affected the most.
Your response is needed.
Thanks in advance.
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...countries with more service-oriented economies will be more affected, and have more jobs at risk … Fernandes, N. (2020). Economic effects of coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19) on the world economy. Available at SSRN 3557504.
... Russia imposed strict lockdown measures similar to many countries, resulting in sharp reductions in demand and production. The collapse of oil prices and Russia's commitments to cutting back its oil production cause further economic damage. ... Simola, H. (2020). Russian economy hit by COVID-19 and oil market turmoil.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
44 answers
It is a very common belief. It is not clear HOW and WHY people acquire this unjustified belief. As a tentative scientific discipline, it is probably better than astrology but hardly compares to theoretical physics.
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Dear Prof. Joseph Tham,
Because Economics has a large group of scientists from different fields working on its principles.
They welcome theoretical physicists, but when a theoretical physicist will welcome a leading economist to have a say in their field?
  • asked a question related to Internationality
4 answers
There has been Global Lock Down but even then mostly it has seen that number of cases and deaths mostly found as to increasing. What could be the reasons steadiness of COVID-19 morbidity /mortality.
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Thank you Prof. Sanchez-Duque, Aljarallah and Kapooria
  • asked a question related to Internationality
9 answers
Virtual Reality (VR) is defining the landscape of tourism but the experience and preparedness for its future in the global north and global south seem not to be the same.
Can one really claim to have tourism experience with VR?
What are the implications of VR in the tourism sector of developing nations?
Who manufactures VR gadgets, for who and what cost?
Discussions and articles on VR and any facet of tourism are welcomed.
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Thanks@Shilpi B. Aggarwal
  • asked a question related to Internationality
51 answers
Consider the following voluntary scheme. There would be some eligibility requirements that would be consistent with the principles of health promotion. Only certain target groups would qualify.
You sign up and for walking 10,000 steps per day, you get a certain amount of money deposited directly to your cell phone. In principle, and in theory, what is wrong with this? In practice, people could cheat and so on but with the development of new technologies, it would be much more difficult to cheat so this disadvantage can be minimized. The funds for this scheme could come from a public-private partnership.
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Joseph Tham this is a great question and I applaud your efforts to plumb the ethical dimensions. I wonder if the responses would be equally well-received if it was inverted asking pretty much the same thing. " Would it be ethically acceptable to decline monetary incentives to those not reporting sanctioned health behaviors, such as daily walks?
Interesting as this scheme sounds similar to other health care and insurance company incentives. If I go for yearly check-ups, wellness visits etc., I receive a $500 dollar reduction on my health care premiums. Of course, I engage in this behavior because of the "incentive". But it could be equally be seen as punitive if I don't engage in these behaviors. It is designed so that my behaviors are not private. Sanctioned behavior becomes one of the public (or at least medical) records to be used in whatever fashion is deemed appropriate by whoever has access.
There are many ways these could be decoupled. They could have other parties that monitor the behavior and provide the incentive from stakeholders without telling the stakeholders who is receiving the benefit. Separating the validation from the medical and insurance records would encourage behavior while preserving privacy. But I suspect this, like so many other things, is not about promoting positive behavior as it is about mitigating risk and the affiliated cost of private information. So, while it is a blunt tool, it may be the best one available to all involved.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
3 answers
Sociological and psychological factors are ignored when examining events and situations in International Relations. Do you think that sociological and psychological factors should be taken into consideration when examining the events and situations of international relations? If so, at what level should be considered; Heads of state, at the individual level, at the social level? at the state level? or comparative between states? Your answers will be invaluable. Thank you.
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I work in the area of International Relations and understand that they can only be studied from an interdisciplinary approach. Sociology is very necessary since Foreign Policy has a deep relationship with the socio-economic-cultural realities of countries and, therefore, with Internal Policy. As for psychology, I have less knowledge, but I understand that there are important dialogues to be made, not only in decision-making but also in the identity factors involved.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
4 answers
From the lens of global political environment, National Interest is influenced by intersecting interests that are crossing to each other.
Please I need explanation for this statement with an example.
Thank you
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National interest like any other concept in social science, lack a general defined. The regime or system of government in operation speak volume on who and who may contribute in determining national interest. Under rigid and dictator leader, national interest may be more like a reflection of the leader. Is also very import to point that national interest is influenced by international (or external factor) and national (or internal factors). Please find attached article that may be of help.
  • asked a question related to Internationality
13 answers
What are the top 10 global issues which PhD applicants need to consider as part of their research in 2020-2023?