Science topics: Political ScienceInternational Relations
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International Relations - Science topic
Group devoted to the social science discipline of International Relations
Questions related to International Relations
I am looking for the foreign evaluators in Sociology, Psychology and International Relations to evaluate PhD Dissertation of our PhD Students. If someone is interested please share your CV. An evaluator must be from the advanced country and have the PhD in respective subject.
I am looking for the foreign evaluators in Sociology, Psychology and International Relations to evaluate PhD Dissertation of our PhD Students. If someone is interested please share your CV. An evaluator must be from the advanced country and have the PhD in respective subject.
Dear Doctors, professors, researchers, scholars,
I am currently developing a paper titled "A World Without Power: How the Number Zero Changes International Relations" which argues that traditional distinctions in power dynamics are illusory and that power (P) is equivalent to zero in the international system.
Please give me your honest opinion. I am attaching the file here.
Note: I know perfectly that the paper is incomplete since I need to situate my argument within or in relation to other works on International Relations.
Can anyone suggest me some SSCI journals in Politics or International Relations or wider that are relatively easy and fast to publish?
It has been more than 2.7 years and the Russia-Ukraine war still seems to have no end. Now the Republicans have won the US General Election. From an international relations point of view, what could be the future of this highly tensed situation between the two countries?
Simultaneously now what is the US strategy toward supporting the ISREL war with Gaza, Hamas, and other surrounding countries?
Discussion are open for an open debate for the research community, or the person having a keen interest in International Relations.
Is Foreign Affairs an academic peer-reviewed source or it is an academic-style magazine?
Dear colleagues! Could anyone suggest books or articles on the political role of multinational corporations (be they Western or Asian)? I look for the instances of corporations interacting on more or less equal footing with states, imposing contracts on them, etc. Situations when corporations behave more like political (geopolitical) actors than purely economic structures. I would be much obliged.
Thailand Government has been state that they want to lavarage its Halal comodity for 4 years (Which is 2024-2028). Why they do this? (except for economy beneficial)
"Integration of Mass Media and Communication into the System of International Relations: Place, Role, Actuality and Prospects: Modern Media Issues 2024"
It has been a quite long time since the Russia and Ukraine war has been going on and if we see the context of Geopolitics and International Relations we don't see a mediation between the two parties and ultimately the people of the two countries are facing the circumstances that arise by the governments.
I'm currently doing a PhD in International Relations and my research is based on the topic of the place of women in key positions in the european institutions.
Every interesting article related to this sibject is more than welcome :)
Context - I am an International Relations student, and President of the International Relations Society, at the University of Exeter.
I'm currently undertaking a week long group research project, and this is our starting question.
Any research suggestions or perspectives would be greatly appreciated.
On that note, please do get in touch with myself either on ResearchGate or LinkedIn, if you would be interested in potentially giving an online talk (or in-person if our finances permit) to the Society. Our members are especially interested in strategy and security studies research/professional experience.
Best regards, thanks very much!
Dear colleagues,
in the doctrinal literature usually three sui generis subjects of international law are mentioned:
Holy See, ICRC and the Sovreign Order of Malta.
My question is, do you know about any other entities of their own kind, that possess international legal personality, but do not fall under any category of subjects of international law (state, international organisation, insurrectional movement, individual...)
Other question is, is ICRC really a subject sui generis, when its subjectivity is based namely on Geneva Convention, but these themselves are recognizing that this legal status may apply also to "other impartial humanitarian organization"
Thank you for your opinions and answers.
Research Question(RQ): "Why can't Europe adopt a diplomatic approach similar to that of Qatar or Turkey or establish its own path as a reconciliator/mediator in international relations (IRs), international conflicts (ICs), and regional conflicts (RCs)?"
IRs: International Relations; ICs: International Conflicts; RCs: Regional Conflicts.
Dear friends,
Is there anyone who can share a book by Stephen G. Walker: Role Theory and Foreign Policy Analysis (1987, Duke University Press) in PDF? Please contact me via PM or e-mail. Thank you!
Like Realism and Liberalism, Constructivism offers its own paradigm in the study of International Relation. Can Someone explain the main factor that facilitate or achieves intonational cooperation based in a Constructivism view?
If you consider circumstances like leaders, identity, beliefs, ideas, social norms etc., then please explain how that will lead to a corporation.
Thanks in advance.
This is for an identity perspective analysis of international relations master thesis. I have researched so far some of the theoretical bases of those two, but I am trying to figure out a practical and if possible facile method of analysis for my first hand research that I need to do for the paper.
I would like to find out how I need to go about steps such as: finding the material, structuring of the material, comparative method, etc.
IRs: International Relations
RCs: Regional Cooperations
IR: International Relations;
RC: Regional Cooperations
Describing Three Seas Initiative in the light of constructivism should base on an examination of regional cooperation in the CE region in the context of two types of knowledge: knowing-that and knowing-how. In addition, it is significant to underline Azizov described the knowing-how and knowing-that approach as two different types of knowledge that are relevant in the context of international cooperation. Knowing-how is practical knowledge, related to skills, experience and intuition, and knowing-that is theoretical knowledge, related to facts, data and information.
International cooperation requires both practical and theoretical knowledge, because the ability to solve practical problems (knowing-how) is as important as understanding concepts and theories (knowing-that). Thus, the constructivist aim will be the examination of the current state of countries' approaches and their perceptions of the future form and meaning of 3SI.
I would like to carry out an evaluation process of the Three Seas Initiative based on a constructivist model. Hence my question - what in your opinion are the features of constructivism that can be used as evaluation criteria for 3SI? Which perspectives can be used to qualify 3SI towards this theory?
China's rise to ‘great-power status’ in the 21st century, together with the growing
influence of the EU as a ‘normative power’2 has ushered in a period of significant geopolitical reorientations of the Central Asian states and of major external players. Specifically, over the past decade, the emergence of the Shanghai Co-operation Organization (SCO) appears to have relatively altered the existing ‘balance of power’ in the CA region. By inventing the SCO— an inter-governmental security cooperation organization China has markedly increased its presence throughout the region politically, culturally, economically and militarily.At the beginning of the 21st century, however, the EU’s foreign policy toward the CA states underwent radical changes. On the basis of empirical observation, it can be argued that the events of 9/11 accompanied by the rise in ‘global discourse on terrorism’ made EU policy makers more aware of the rising political profile and strategic importance of the CA countries and encouraged them to carve out a differentiated, meaningful and value-oriented strategy vis-à-vis the region. How do the EU's norms differ from the ones promulgated by the Chinese and Russians within the SCO club?
The Sources of International Relations have always played a funfamental role in the resolution of crisis. The Treaties, seen as the main sources of International Relations since then, had been used to resolve crises through Diplomatic ways.This time, several schemes which have nothing to do with problem solving in International Relations has been used. My question addresses precisely this new paradigm. So, what will be taught in the future and what will be the role of Diplomacy in the international context?
Hello Everyone,
I am a doctoral fellow, conducting research with a special focus on International Relations. I want to know that can I use the email survey method to collect data for my work. Is it considered a valid technique to collect the primary data?
Thanks in Advance for ur precious suggestions and answers.
Wanie Mehraj
Given the enormous diversity and versality of areas that International Relations can encompass, ranging from International Law to Political Economy, what is the current state of traditional theory in the field?
In other words, are departments and scholars worldwide still inclined upon broad theoretical questions related to basic schools such as neorealism, neoclassical realism, and power transition theory? Or has the field moved on to more narrowed down models and the status for those who are still oriented towards big theoretical question is not favorable?
If there is any literature or article available with quantitative data regarding the latest growing trends of research typology in International Relations, it would be a welcomed read.
Non-native English teachers are often regarded as not as competent as native teachers especially when considering their accent, pronunciation and English language abilities : what do you think about this issue ?
I am looking for a co-author and I wondering if you may be interested. The article was accepted in September 2021 for publication after peer review, but I don't have too much time to complete the process.
Title of the Manuscript: Russia, Armed Groups and the Central African conflict
African Journal of Political Science and International Relations
Manuscript Number
Current Status: First Revision Reminder
What are your suggestions, guidelines and points which be cared to write a research paper or article?
What is impact factor?
What is required for a social scientist to be considered a political scientist?
BSc/BA in Political Science w/ PhD in Political Science? Or only the PhD in Political Science is enough?
Can PhDs in International Relations be considered political scientists?
i want to know the what are the methods can i use for my data collection? who are the experts in that field? is that related to International Relations.
Analysing the repertoire of power impact of primarily economic and political instruments preferred by postcolonial leading actors, a banal idea comes that the economic dominance of individual countries and macro-regions becomes crucial because of creating the prerequisites for redistributive gains or competitive advantages. These advantages can be called "leadership rent". This concept borrowed from the political economy literature demonstrates that the group of developed countries predetermines the nature and pace of development of the world economy and acts as a natural "centre of gravitation" to emerging economies.
These centres of gravitation often use personalised relations between the dominant and the dependent; and, it is usually attributed to cultural grounds. I'm trying to use patron-client relations as an explanatory model. My argument comes from the observation that since patronage supposes to be imprinted in polity behaviour and affects the way how these polities represent their interests, this instrument is utilised by leaders-patrons linked to their clients by the strong historical and cultural ties resilient to radical political transformations.
So the question is could we stretch the concept of patronage from electoral behavior to a strategy for acquiring, maintaining, and exacerbating political power from patrons? Are there any important research that I possibly miss?
Apologies if this sounds like a dumb question.
Is it acceptable that the south Korean intervention model penetrated into other spheres not relating to economics like their creative-cultural industries??
I see it as penetrating through their Strategic Narratives and Creative Cultural Industries
Thank you,
I want to focus upon the external dimension of European Green Deal. Since I am a student of International Economics, I would prefer working within the field of International Relations/ International Political Economy.
I have a research paper coming up where I have to present a puzzle, review the relevant scholarly literature and argue for my own preferred explanation on any international security threat. I have to have a broadly defined hypothesis and my argument/ theory along with findings confirming the hypothesis. Any ideas?
There is consensus on the principle that cybersecurity can better be achieved through transnational cooperation rather every country or block on its own. Yet, the work undertaken under the auspices of the United Nations, namely under the General Assembly, is progressing at a very slow pace. I recently published a research article on that ongoing work at the UN in the field of cybersecurity, available at : . It confirms that progress is slow, so this raises a few questions. What is needed to improve multilateral cooperation on cybersecurity? Are there some specific topics of cybersecurity that should be prioritized in the multilateral arenas? What format (binding, non-binding, information sharing, confidence-building) should the expected deliverables have?
What is the potential of blockchain technologies (DLT) in the field of e-government, and in particular for procedures for recognition of credentials? If so, what are the specific hurdles in implementing a DLT-based solution in the context of e-administration at transnational level? I recently published a research article on blockchain, e-government and recognition which you can access and download at: (published by Elsevier, in Research in Globalization).
The fact is that beyond bitcoins and some Fintech applications, DLT / BC has led to encouraging use cases in some transnational administrative procedures, e.g. recognition of qualified exporters in the context of customs procedures, or in the field of government procurement bids. But for now that's about it. Are there other example of transnational administrative procedures where BC use cases could be developed? In my article I examine what are the opportunities and challenges of using the DLT /BC in the context of official recognition of foreign diplomas (diplomas earned abroad) by governments. Now I wish to ask the views on that from the RG community of researchers.
Hello Seniors!
Please guide me what are the names of the biggest databases of books, journals, conferences, etc for Social Sciences?
There are dozens of databases which are made for a specific field of science. Is there any specific database for Social Sciences like Political Science, International Relations, Sociology?
Thanks in advance.
i am planning to do PhD in International Relations. some of the areas of research are: Middle East, India - Pakistan, Afghanistan-Pakistan?
Sociological and psychological factors are ignored when examining events and situations in International Relations. Do you think that sociological and psychological factors should be taken into consideration when examining the events and situations of international relations? If so, at what level should be considered; Heads of state, at the individual level, at the social level? at the state level? or comparative between states? Your answers will be invaluable. Thank you.
I am conducting a study of South Africa-Nigeria relations from an Afrocentric perspective.
Which theories of IR can I apply on inter-war period? Please guide
I am writing a brief section on the American Anti-Imperialist League of the late 1800s, early 1900s. I find that most of the people in it and statements made by it oppose U.S. imperialism, in large part, for racist reasons. They don't want all those "non-white" people to be part of the United States and they think it would distort the Constitution to have people be part of the United States who are not citizens. I know a few people, like Mark Twain, held different views. But does anyone know more about non-racist reasons why people were anti-imperialists at that time? Or where I could find more about what they thought and why? Thank you.
Many efforts are spent to prevent, treat and stop COVID-19 spread.
but I think these efforts are fragmentary and not organized.
there is no platform for a scientific collaboration that could shorten the time of interesting findings, some nations hide some facts are a privilege of authorship or for other political reasons.
I think that all countries should a global platform for scientific collaboration.
Personally I have some ideas that could be proposed for the treatment of COVID-19 based on scientific facts but with the innovative mode of application, how and where can I try to apply them?
All nations should avoid wasting their time to find a solution for COVID-19 without international collaboration.
I need literature (monographs, articles, strategic documents, etc), rather basic, to receive understanding about geopolitical developments in Africa.
There have always been more poor people than rich people in any given place at any given time, though rich people would seem to fence themselves off from harm more, eat better, allocate themselves better health care, insure themselves expensively from risk, invoice their burdens on the poor, and live longer. In thousands of years, the population of the long-living rich has never come close to outstripping that of their shorter-life-spanned poor compatriots. Why is this the case?
Why do the concepts, theories and paradigms we use to talk about international relations always come from philosophy, political science and public administration, or are these concepts based on these sciences? Will this not permanently overshadow the character of international relations as an independent discipline
We see that the establishment of international relations as a discipline and theoretical autonomy is possible by going beyond the main themes of peace and war. Can we say that the continuation of international relations as a discipline in the future will depend on the ability to go beyond the main themes and emphasize the elements such as environment, justice and health?
The history of the discipline of International Relations began thousands of years, perhaps hundreds of thousands of years ago, but its main development was in the last century. It would not be wrong to start the history of international relations in the academic community from the end of the First World War. Is it possible to evaluate this discipline, which was established with the stands in the USA and the UK, as impartial and unbiased?
Is England the definition of "the country that does not set sun on it", does the main definition go unnoticed? So why is it not seen as "exploiting every place on earth where the sun rises"? Why is Germany's challenge to this colonial state viewed by Britain? So why did the British perceive a very good administration and the perception that the bad Germans came and broke the order?
Why is it called ideal idealism an after the First World War, where injustice was signed and the invitations to the Second World War? Whose idealism? against whom? for what?
Then why did Germany, who could not cope with the harsh conditions, change the situation and was discredited by the real war-lovers? The so-called peace-loving Britain and the US did not really do anything to prevent the Second World War from being invoked by the heavy-duty treaties that followed the First World War? Why was international relations called "realist" after the Second World War?
What was your idealism so that something could be understood from your subsequent realism. Why look at the world through the glasses of the United States or England? Why should we assimilate and accept the political history written and imposed on us by the rogue state that clearly exploited the previous world and the rogue state who later committed the greatest crime of humanity in Japan?
In the discipline of International Relations, there are events where all evaluations will be turned upside down. What do you think about writing history before these events are illuminated? Is this information intentionally left in the dark? Should a separate science and discipline be established to clarify critical information in history?
Examples of the events I mentioned;
Did the US know in advance that there would be an attack on Pearl Harbor?
Why were atomic bombs used when there was no threat to their use? Why aren't those involved with charges against humanity? Why is this described in history books as an end to an ordinary war?
Who killed US President John F. Kennedy and why?
What is the status of being the employees of the state where the 9/11 attacks were planned in advance and where the perpetrators were actually made?
Is the world really ruled by what we are taught?
The security environment in the region is uncertain and evolving. Though the bilateral and trilateral defense interactions are increasing, might this lead to the emergence of a new regional security alignment of regional powers? Is a regional security commitment important or is it dangerous?
Help needed.
I am currently looking to come up with a research questions for my bachelor thesis. I study International Relations but I wanted to narrow down my profile towards economic because of my plans for my postgraduate education.
We agreed with my supervisor in this topic : "Forms of Capitalism and EU governance"
I am reading an enormous amount of papers and academic works for days now but I cannot come up with a research questions that successfully creates a bridge between forms of capitalism and EU.
Any ideas on the questions would be welcome. Any suggestion of papers I can read would be welcome.
Thank you
Dear International relations experts/Sociologists
Weak is weak, always deserves to be supported not dictated: From individual level to country level.
Thanks for comments.
the role of diplomacy in international relations
Will the opening up of new embassy / high comission and consulate office by a country significantly increase its export?
Is anyone of you aware of a systematic (or at least very broad/comprehensive) review of the literature on securitisation theory? I was just discussing this with a colleague, but besides some "state of the art" pieces by Waever, Balzacq, Stritzel etc. and the "Agents without agency" paper by Comte (which is rather systematic, but largely focused on the aspect of agency), we could find little that systematically maps out which elements of securitisation have been used how and where for which purposes.
What are the potential options available with regards to the Irish border, and how safe is the Good Friday Agreement in it's current form throughout the Brexit process?
De acuerdo a los rankin de las universidades se identifican items como calidad de los aprendizajes, eficiencia terminal de estudiantes en una carrera y estudiantes aprobadas, todos estos indicadores tienen relacion con la evalulaicon de los aprendizajes el enfoque de como evaluar y la formacio y capacitacion de docentes sobre las nuevas tendencias de evaluacion, de ahi, que preguntamos si las universidades seguimos cambiando el curriculo de las carreras y cambiamos las tenicas para evaluar?
Dear all,
I am writing my PhD thesis and I need some good references to pragmatism and methodology in social science with special emphasis on abduction.
For instance, I am now reading:
"On Acting and Knowing: How Pragmatism Can Advance International Relations Research and Methodology", Jörg Friedrichs and Friedrich Kratochwil
Thank you all for your suggestions
In 2006, Robert Ross argued that when a rising power can impact the security of a smaller state, the lesser states will accommodate rather than balance the new dominant power. His research was on the impact of the rise of China on secondary states in East Asia. I am looking for examples and literature on this phenomenon in South or Southeast Asia.
For an upcoming roundtable at ISA Baltimore, I’d be happy to hear any predictions and ideas you might have about the future relationship between Canada and the United States under a Trump Administration.
Relatedly, how does this affect the relationship between Europe and Canada - will it lead to more or less cooperation in economic, security and other policy areas?
Talk is cheap, as the saying goes. In the case of Trump, talk - no matter how nonsensical or false it may be - is everything. So if we assume that Trump wins the presidential race, what kind of foreign policy will we see in his vision of making America great again (besides his much-touted walling-off of the US' borders to Muslims and Central Americans)? Unbiased input is greatly appreciated.
The world is discussing and waiting for a response to the chemical attacks in Syria. I would like to know your opinion about it.
International law presumes the equality and sovereignty of all states, irrespective of land size, population, military might, economic strength, etc. Given this presumption, and coupled with the seemingly non-existence of an international police mandated to police the actions of states, is it possible to have effective compliance with international law?
Except Pin No. 8 and 10 in raspberry pi, can I use other GPIO pins for serial transmission of a sequence containing string and integers together (like the use of softwareserial in arduino)? Please help me about the ways/approaches to do that.
With regards,
Bhaskar Ghosh
I m looking for an interesting dissertation thesis subject on the middle east studies or African Studies... I m interested in terrorism, the public diplomacy, peace conflict and the religion/sects (wahhabism etc.)...Actually I found some subjects but I think that the subjects which I found are too detailed or too specific to work on...
The right of self-determination of peoples is provided for in the Charter of the United Nations. Why can it be used for cases like East Timor (Indonesia), but can not be used for Catalonia (Spain)?
In recent years we have been observing various pro-independence movements around the world such as Catalonia, Scotland, Bougainville, New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Greenland, Papua, California, Guam, Faroe Islands, Azores, Kurdistan, Cook Islands, Niue, Tokelau and Rapa Nui. Are we experiencing a new wave of nationalism and independence, like that of the 1960s and 1990s?
The concept of overseas presence is usually related to geopolitics. The political purpose of a national presence somewhere may seem self-evident (a deterrence, a way of expressing an interest, signalling commitment, ensuring inclusion in political processes, etc.). However, so far I have failed to find publications that discuss the concept of (also civilian) presence in greater depth -- beyond the meaning of effective control by a sovereign over a territory, self-determination, etc.
Can this be regarded as a general theory of foreign policy ?
New developmentalism is a theoretical framework of development economics that is developed mainly by Luis Carlos Bresser-Pereira and aims to present an alternative to the neoclassical development economics. For the most recent overview, see his paper which appeared in Review of Keynesian Economics, 2016:
Reflecting on the new developmentalism and classical developmentalism
It has a good theory of macroeconomics and a set of policies, but its microeconomics is still in the state of a draft. In particular, I believe it lacks a theory of international values. How do you think of the state of the art?
This is a question in relation to Breser-Pereira’s project:
The political economy of new developmentalism.
I posed a long question on it but it seems my question was refuted because it was too long (see the question "How do you think of microeconomic foundations of the new developmentalism?") I will post it as one of my answer to the question.
Taufiq Rafat was the Pakistani poet, who lived in USA lately. He was a wonderful poet. I want to know, if some M Phil or PHD thesis is done on Mr. Rafat?
Some authors refer to it as costumary internacional law, other as general international law. My research is focused mostly in the 2001 Articles on the Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts.
I'm currently researching the phenomenon of revolution for my honours thesis but am having trouble finding contemporary debate within the International Relations field on the topic, can anyone help direct me to where I should look?
Please if you do not have a theoretical framework put your answers in bullets.
I am looking for info on turkish labor camps for jews and other minorities during world war two.
Is there any evidence for construction of extermination facilities (that weren't used) i.e gas chambers and/or crematoria by Turkey during 1941-1943 for the possibility of german victory against the USSR?
The United Arab Emirates is planning to tow icebergs from Antarctica to its coast to solve its issues with drinking water. How it can adversely impact on Environmental and Ecological balance.
Hi everybody,
Can somebody please indicate me, perhaps in a dummy way, where to get historical climate data for Brazil, Colombia and (especially) Guyana, Trinidad & Tobago and Antilles?
I’ve already explored the “traditional” sources, but I suspect there may be additional (local?) ones.
I’ve emailed some institutions of the last three countries but got no answer. I’m looking for the period 1950-2000.
Thanking you in advance, sincerely.
Dear RG member! Maybe not exactly a scientific question. But. Couldn't resist to ask after seeing this photo from 1967 of the USSR - the Moscow festival. (Seit 1967 in Moskau das Internationale Modefestival stattfand, gibt es in den Minirock auch in der UdSSR)