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International Organizations - Science topic
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Questions related to International Organizations
At the XIV International Palynological Congress and X International Organization of Palaeobotany Conference (Salvador, Brazil, 2016) W. M. K. Matsumura, N. M. Balzaretti, and R. Iannuzzi demonstrated a poster entitled "Fourier transform infrared spectrosopy of Spongiophyton (Spongiophytaceae) frpm the Middle Devonian of Parana Basin, Brazil". Now I am stadying compressions of similar plants from the Devonian of Russia by the same method. So I am very interested to find out whether their results were published in more details.
Avoiding the shift from perfect traditional market thinking to perfect green market thinking since 2012 RIO +20 has created a deep green market paradigm shift knowledge gap.
Flipping perfect traditional market thinking to imperfect dwarf green market thinking since 2012 to avoid the shift to perfect green markets has created a deep dwarf green market paradigm flip knowledge gap too.
These knowledge gaps are apparently helping those researchers and institutions implementing development under permanent environmental market failure as well as confusing environmental stakeholders on proper place for action and protest as the responsibility of governments, of businesses and of consumers are changed, and even inversed depending on the market in question.
And this raises the question, green market paradigm shift knowledge gaps and dwarf green market paradigm flip knowledge gaps, are they academic tunneling/willful blindness push helpers?
What do you think?
Il Seminario SSIP è un think tank autonomo e indipendente istituito a gennaio 2020 sull'esperienza di un precedente istituto di studi e ricerche denominato "Istituto europeo per le Nuove Professioni". Il Seminario SSIP ha le seguenti finalità (come da Statuto):
a) sostenere e promuovere ogni azione di ricerca, studi, alta formazione, anche attraverso la piattaforma e-learning,intesi alla sviluppo della coscienza internazionale ed europea, in particolare la trasmissione dei valori comuni dell’Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite (ONU), dell’Unione europea (UE), della partecipazione democratica e civica, dei diritti di cittadinanza italiana ed europea, della libera circolazione, della mobilità giovanile e del turismo; nel settore della comunicazione, privata e pubblica, favorire lo scambio di best practice tra addetti ai lavori della comunicazione istituzionale; delle nuove professioni emergenti a livello internazionale e dell’Unione europea;
b) aderire a progetti pubblici e privati finalizzati alla comprensione tra i Popoli con l’obiettivo di contribuire a raggiungere un livello di conoscenza quantomeno minimo di istruzione e di formazione; contribuire al benessere della persona attraverso un’ambiente più salubre e ecologico, attraverso la cultura, il progresso umano, economico, ambientale e sociale,ilrispetto della dignità umana, della libertà, della democrazia, dell'uguaglianza, dello stato di diritto e del rispetto dei diritti delle persone appartenenti a minoranze in una società fondata sul pluralismo, sulla non discriminazione, sulla tolleranza, sulla giustizia, sulla solidarietà, sulla parità tra donne e uomini e sul pluralismo religiosoin particolare nello spazio euro-mediterraneo;
c)affermare eincoraggiare nei giovani laureati la conoscenza del multilateralismo e delle organizzazioni internazionali, governative e non governative, nella prospettiva della carriera diplomatica, delle carriere internazionali e dei concorsi nelle organizzazioni internazionali e in particolare nell’Unione europea;
d) partecipare a progetti pubblici e privati relativi al mercato digitale per accrescere la competitività digitale ed economica di enti, imprese e persone nonchè la coesione digitale in tutta l'Unione europea e nella prospettiva mondo, in particolare nelle zone più svantaggiate e in ritardo di sviluppo;
e) aderire a progetti interculturali e realizzare scambi internazionali, gemellaggi, azioni concrete di volontariato internazionale finanziati da enti pubblici e privati, nazionali ed internazionali incluse le tematiche dell’immigrazione e dell’integrazione;
f)predisporre studi e ricerche, convegni, seminari, simposi di studio, corsi di formazione e/o aggiornamento professionale e dei docenti della scuola, intesi a favorire la consapevolezza delle problematiche e delle dinamiche internazionali, europee, della geopolitica e del fenomeno della globalizzazione.
As shown by our experience in evaluating small projects (up to 1-2 million) - the implementer (both the CSO and the International Organizations) have neither the resources nor the capacity to make a high quality project evaluation. The result is a game of imitation evaluation:
The customer puts in ToR 20-30 evaluation questions (which he found in online) with no budget, with limit of 15-20 working day (including field mission), ask detailed methodology without access to project documentation etc.
The evaluator taking his standard offer, change keywords and use other tips to imitate tailor-made methodology. Later, as such calls usually for individuals, the evaluator is limit his/her work by interview and desk review without in-depth stakeholders analysis, triangulation etc.
Usually such project has no clear logical model, no any M&E system. So actually there is no any chance to talk seriously about efficiency and effectiveness at all.
But 80% of calls for proposals in developing countries are such.
Anyone familiar with any mechanism for organizing a high-quality evaluation of a small-scale project without profaning the process itself? Are there any publication or tools/standardized methodology solving such case? If not - Is there a demand for such a tool / methodology? Do you know professors who may be interested in such research and development?
Fellow Scientists/Researchers/Scholars
I recently got contacted by a certain Editor (name undisclosed for privacy reasons) of a journal, who invited me to submit a paper in
* International Organization of Scientific Invention (IOSI)*.
According to the editor's email "IOSI is an International body which is approved by Govt. of India. It publish(es) scientific research work for more than 75 countries in the area of Microbiology, Biotechnology, Food Science. We will publish your paper in Very Short Period of Review."
While all this sounds ok, the thing that concerned me the most was that the person claimed in the email that,
"All submitted paper may be reviewed within 3 days, we will provide Hard Copy of Paper and Certificates to each Author".
I do not know if it is even possible to arrange such a fast review!!! And even if it issomehow arranged, can one justify the authenticity of the peer review in such a short period?
This discussion thread aims at
1. Getting your opinions / experiences, about this or similar journal editors, who might have contacted you,
2. To create awareness about such journals' legitemacy and how is it effecting the quality of publication in scientific community.
Your views are most welcome.
Dr. Waqas Hassan
Is media framing theory suitable for studying the media image for this or no?
How might knowledge sharing—across and within international organizations, governments, government agencies, the private sector, civil society organizations, and other development practitioners—be advanced to create synergies toward the Sustainable Development Goals? Specifically: What are the needs for knowledge partnerships? What strategies should they adopt to meet needs? What issues and challenges can one foresee and how might they be overcome?
To wit:
- Reflecting on what strategies are being formulated by international organizations to implement the SDGs, which do you think show promise? (In other words: What are the characteristics of an effective strategy? What, in different regions of the world, should be a strategy for knowledge sharing across the different goals of the SDGs? Which of the 17 goals of the SDGs do you think should be the larger object of a knowledge sharing program?)
- How might multi-stakeholder partnerships—across and within international organizations, governments, government agencies, the private sector, civil society organizations, and other development practitioners—be advanced to create synergies toward the SDGs? (In other words: What are the needs for knowledge sharing partnerships? What strategies should multi-stakeholder partnerships adopt to meet needs? What issues and challenges can one foresee and how might they be overcome?
Came across a case of few mortality in a herd of pigs. Post mortem lesions were not typical of CSF. The herd has persistent arthritis problems, Tested the tissue samples for CSFAg by ELISA and got positive result with only a moderate increase in the titre. The animals were vaccinated 6 months back with live vaccine. Is it possible that the vaccination leaves virus in spleen and kidneys which may interfere with Ag detection diagnosis?
I am studying the influence of occupant presence and occupancy density on building energy demand. I look for occupancy schedules (occupants´ presence) in residential buildings in different countries. I have information from different country regulations and organizations, for example, Spain, France, Portugal and ISO( International Organization for Standardization). I would like to find, at list, information regarding Italy and UK.
You can find attached an example, from the spanish regulation, of the information that I look for.
I looked forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards.
Elena Cuerda
Especially if it (even remotely) relates to the notion of expertise? To contextualize, the text is supposed to feed into a debate on the proliferation of the so-called experts in international organizations. Thank you so much for any clues!
educational organizations in particular
A recent article from the New York Times ( suggests that failures can be catalysts for innovation and improvement in development. However how do failures weigh in, when we consider wider discourses, relations of power and political operations that cannot be disconnected from development? Are failures symptoms of wider, underlying issues? Or they do they distract us from wider, deeper issues?
And here we are not talking about money. Nowadays, there are many efforts for establishing international networkings. Some of them are supported by international organizations (UN, EU, CEE, USAID, others). The first issue that probably comes to our mind could be "economical resources" but probably this is just the top of the iceberg. Training and formative initiatives could be one of those important tools that could help researchers from developing countries to resolve these other barriers. And then the question comes... which areas could be reinforced?
I research underprivileged empowerment where international organizations sponsoring funds to the underdeveloped countries. After the funds have been received there are changes in the local community in socioeconomic aspects. I want to know how to analyse these changes.
I posit that there are some organizational issues that shouldn't be dealt at the strategic level, especially in complex organizations, for instance conglomerates, but «one level above», that is to say at political level... but I'm having trouble to find a good article where that level is clearly defined. Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance.
I've read articles from dubious sources across the web about this problem. Most of them claim that the IMF structural adjustment plans (SAPs) lock poor countries into a debt cycle, which results in a decrease in funding for public goods such as education.
Would love to hear some researchers shed light on the consequences of the actions of these three large international organizations.
Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC) is a relatively new entity that appeared in the post-Soviet region, which tries to join the neighboring countries into a strong and structured union. But what are its economic prospects and how are the newly established geostrategic conditions going to affect the balances of the region?
In order to explain innovation at the United Nations, I would like to draw from knowledge management theory.
I would like to get in touch with researchers who have done or are currently doing work on border-related issues, particularly on border management, border disputes, and soft borders.
There are many hardworking and value adding NGOs that are embedded in a country with endemic and systemic culture of corruption. Because of the determination to maintain integrity and credibility they are not able to access funds from international donor agencies and international organizations through government channels. At the same time, funds from other sources have significantly declined because of low trust perception of such countries.