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International Development - Science topic
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Questions related to International Development
Historical climate change has had a profound effect on current biogeography, so we can expect our ongoing and rapid climate change, to have a great impact on human beings life. Climate change has important implications for almost every aspect of Human life on Earth , And effects are already being felt day by day, everywhere and everybody ..
I haven't been able to find any scholarly sources that explain or even mention this question. However, in the field, I've noticed that the community development organisations I have worked for have preferred to use more traditional evaluation methods. I just want to find a paper that has noticed the same thing!! Please help! Thank you!
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*Journal Name: International Development Planning Review
Q2 ISSN: ISSN:1474-6743 | E-ISSN:1478-3401
Scopus Scopus link:
Cost 650 USD Time: 45-60 days
From a legal and political perspective, is establishing a globally recognized status of 'global citizenship' is feasible? What would be the critical legal, institutional, and practical hurdles to overcome in creating and implementing such a concept?
How should international economic aid from developed countries to developing countries on the continent of Africa be developed so that, at the same time, the scale of international cooperation is increased, the scale of international coordination in solving global problems, e.g. those resulting from the progressive process of global warming, is increased, and with a view to achieving sustainable development goals?
How should international economic aid from developed countries be developed for developing countries on the African continent in order to make development more sustainable on a global scale and to reduce the disparities between the level of economic development, the level of investment in technology, the income level of citizens and their living conditions?
In pursuit of sustainable development goals, countries should cooperate, develop international trade and help each other not only economically, but also socially, in terms of food, medicine, dealing with the negative effects of natural disasters, etc. The issue of aid should be provided mainly by rich and highly developed countries towards economically underdeveloped countries. This support should be developed with respect for the cultural differences of other countries, so that economic aid does not turn into a new form of colonialism, i.e. without imposing a specific model of government, economy, culture, etc. on other countries. In this way, international economic cooperation and humanitarian aid developed in this way can be an important element in the realisation of sustainable development goals in accordance with the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals for economic development on a global scale. The importance of the international and global scale of addressing the Sustainable Development Goals is increasing due to the growing scale and frequency of international or global economic, humanitarian, health, food, energy, climate and other crises caused by, inter alia, natural disasters, etc. In the years to come, the importance of the international scale of solving global problems with a view to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals will increase. The aforementioned increase in scale will be the result of an increasing number of different crises being realised on a global scale. These crises increasingly include the negative effects of weather anomalies and climatic disasters resulting from the progressive process of global warming. The process of global warming caused mainly by the fossil fuel-based energy industry still in place in some countries, motorisation powered by combustion engines, unsustainable production agriculture of livestock, unsustainable high-carbon construction, the use of outdated technologies for the transmission of electricity generated from combustion energy, etc., is a major problem. And this is just one of many problems that will grow in importance globally. The development of international cooperation and coordination of global environmental and climate policies, including the smooth implementation of the green transition of the economy, is therefore essential. Here, too, the rich highly developed countries should assist the economically weaker countries, inter alia, through the transfer of modern technologies. This issue relates, for example, to economic, medical, technological etc. assistance to poor countries in Africa. International economic aid from developed countries to developing countries on the African continent should therefore be developed, so that development is more balanced on a global scale and the disproportions between the level of economic development, the level of investment in technology, the level of income of citizens, in terms of living conditions, are reduced. In addition, international economic aid from developed countries to developing countries on the African continent should be developed in such a way as to simultaneously increase the scale of international cooperation, increase the scale of international coordination in solving global problems, e.g. those resulting from the progressive process of global warming, and with a view to achieving sustainable development goals. In this way, global development will be more sustainable, equitable, pro-environmental, pro-climate, etc. In this way, the solution of the global problems of the development of civilisation will be implemented to a greater extent in a more internationally coordinated manner and will be carried out more efficiently. Thanks to international cooperation developed in this way, globalisation processes will also be carried out mainly in positive aspects, taking into account the needs of citizens living in different countries. Attempts to use new forms of colonialism and activities involving the seizure of other countries' resources, theft of land and raw materials contained in the earth's crust, expanding the political sphere of influence, imposing a specific political system on other countries, and destroying a different culture are reprehensible, immoral, atavistic and primitive. The globalization of the 21st century should mainly concern the development of international cooperation, taking into account respect for cultural differences, other customs, a different system of belief, etc. tolerance for all differences. This is one of the key elements of respecting cultural, social, civilizational, and moral diversity, etc. In connection with the progressing global warming process and the need to counteract this process, the importance of developing international cooperation, including economic, humanitarian, medical, food, technological, etc. highly developed countries rich for economically underdeveloped countries will grow. This is related to the projected growing negative effect of the progressing global warming process, including, among others, intensifying and more frequent, more and more severe periods of drought, forest fires, arid soils, lack of fresh water, etc. A particularly high scale of occurrence of the above-mentioned negative effects of the progressing global warming process may, according to long-term forecasting models, appear in the future in tropical and subtropics, and thus also many countries in Africa. This is another argument for the development of the aforementioned international cooperation and multifaceted assistance for underdeveloped countries in Africa. In the future, globalization processes should be based mainly on the development of international economic cooperation, joint solving of global climate, environmental, economic and social problems, etc. development of global climate and environmental policy with respect for cultural differences, tolerance for other customs, value systems, cultural and civilizational diversity, etc.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How should international economic assistance from developed countries to developing countries on the African continent be developed so that development is more globally sustainable and the disparities that exist between the level of economic development, the level of investment in technology, the level of income of citizens, in terms of living conditions are reduced?
How should international economic aid from developed countries to developing countries on the continent of Africa be developed so that, at the same time, the scale of international cooperation is increased, the scale of international coordination in solving global problems, e.g. those resulting from the progressive process of global warming, is increased, and with a view to achieving sustainable development goals?
What do you think about it?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The project focus fits my own research agenda (i.e. youth guarantee and EU semester).
Is there any data base to get the figures of total NGOs operations worldwide? Can you suggest some references?
I am still in the early stages of this, however I am thinking of exploring the potential football has, as a means to aid the integration of Venezuelan refugees in countries like Peru and Columbia. I am reading that similar to Europe, refugees are subject to racism and resentment. While also in Europe, football clubs have started to partner up refugee forums to help. UEFA recently wrote a report of their commitment to helping the cause. I also wonder if CONEBOL could implement the same action. Early indictors suggest their is a gap in the literature, when it comes to refugees and football in South America.
Any research available on 1st, 2nd & 3rd Wave of COVID-19, and different economic responses by Top 3 Suffering Countries (USA, Brazil & India) ?
I am looking for Economic Responses in Each Wave by the top COVID-19 suffering countries,
How it lead them to prepare for the another wave ( In Economic terms)
I am working on improving the use of digital innovations at scale globally. Most of the innovations I work with provide relevant knowledge on improving the performance of projects, programs, and organizations working on social impact sectors such as agriculture, health, environment, education, etc. However, the number of decisions influenced by the knowledge is much lower than the developers' expectations and sponsors of the innovations.
I am looking for empirical studies or reviews providing evidence and insights on the factors that influence the success of knowledge in influencing decisions in social impact sectors. Could you advise publications on this?
Many thanks for considering my request.
I am doing text mining on the performance on research for development interventions in low income countries. I need some standard dictionaries and typologies to map the content of the paper in a standardized way. Can you the international standards you are aware of? Thanks in advance.
Is there research on which INGOs / NGOs / CSOs have refused donor funding, with which donors, and for what reasons? If not collected systematically anywhere, could you share examples you know of?
(note: by this, I do not mean governments disallowing NGOs to accept funds from certain donors or foreign funding, but INGOs / NGOs / CSOs making these choices outside of those political directives).
- Some INGOs have refused funding that militarized aid in Afghanistan:
- Some INGOs refused to comply with the global gag rule and did not accept the terms of USAID funding:
- Palestinian NGOs have refused EU donor conditions:
- Some NGOs refused US funding during the Vietnam war (The Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War, p. 1182)
- MSF explicitly restricts government / public money it accepts (not entirely, but at a low level):
The Investment Redistributive Incentive Model (IRIM).
Tourism holds the hopes of many in creating job opportunities for the masses of the unemployed globally. The poor growth of economies has failed to address the problems of unemployment, poverty and inequality. For growth to be impactful, foreign direct investment is considered one of the sources of the required impetuses. It is possible to incentivize both foreign (direct) and local investments. This paper, which was prepared using secondary sources of information, argues that it is possible to introduce incentives linked to investments in what is posited as the Investment Redistributive Incentive Model (IRIM). The IRIM rewards companies that support local ownership and control of enterprises through an incentive system en route to total liberation/local control of enterprises in whole geographic areas as the ultimate goal. The IRIM uses investment incentives such as tax cuts, breaks or relief as redistributive instruments to effect change through the reconfiguration of the management and ownership structures of companies. IRIM could be applied in any company, large or small, for equity and social justice. Foreign investors could also be linked to educational institutions in relation to facilitating the supply of skilled workers. Redistributive formulas become imperative to avert the various forms of societal dissonance because current trajectories are not sustainable where only a few get rich while the majority remain poor in a world trapped in a capitalistic and narcissistic modus operandi.
I'm conducting research on the development and underdevelopment of third world countries.
Hi everyone
I'm doing some research for my (second) Master's Thesis regarding the role of NGOs in Botswana's development, and I would need individuals working in or with Botswana's NGO sector (e.g. NGO staff/volunteers, funders, government officials, researchers) to answer this short questionnaire (ca. 10 minutes).
If you, or anyone in your network meets that criteria, please answer this survey and/or it with others.
All the best!
The general public relies increasingly on mobile applications for day-to-day services. Beyond sharing data sets, it is more and more important for agencies such as the Asian Development Bank, USAID, the World Bank, etc. to satisfy the communications needs of their clients, audiences, and partners (not to mention those of their own employees) by the same means. Across the project cycle, meaning, the various stages from country programming to project completion and evaluation, where might there be opportunities for cheap, effective, and low-maintenance mobile applications à la "build-once, deploy-anywhere"?
Hi there,
We're building an evidence base for both positions (pro and against) the increased uptake of big data tools in development. Would love to know your thoughts or any data you have that supports either position
What do you think about the role of international financial institutions in the process of reducing development disparities between countries and in the issue of supporting sustainable development?
What is your opinion on the assessment of the activities of international financial institutions in reducing development differences between countries, reducing income disparities, supporting poorer and developing countries?
Do international financial institutions adequately support investment projects developed according to the concept of sustainable pro-ecological development?
Please reply
Best wishes
The Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs were launched by the international development assistance community in September 2015. The policy sciences, on the other hand, were introduced by Lasswell and Lerner more than half a century ago during the so-called First Development Decade. Does the policy sciences narrative jive with today's SDG narrative? Are the policy sciences still relevant as tools in achieving the SDG's. Does existing literature or current research support this?
I have done some research work related Kosovo SME in International Trade, so if you are interested to doing a research with transition countries and specially emerging countries like Kosovo I would be glad to cooperate with you.
I am looking for evidence on social development. Although, many researchers including Brundtland Commission Report (1987) defined sustainable development as development that “meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”, is this definition is only limited to physical aspects of development?
If so what about the social aspects of development?
Can the social development too sustainable? If so how?
The question may be answered with regards to the future of these policies.
actualy, im doing a small research about how can urban agriculture like greenhouses promotes urban development and tourism
I am conducting a research on national level spatial modelling of deforestation in Sri Lanka and need to understand the gaps and improvements required in this sector.
Agricultural development is the goal of every economy of the world. What are the recent issues in agricultural sector that can lead to sustainable agricultural development in our world today.
Thank you
While creating a composite index of deprivation (area-based) integrating social determinants of health, the question about age and sex standardisation came up. In an equity perspective, some think that it should not be standardised in order to measure the direct effects of population characteristics (age and sex) on income, employment rate, etc. Others insist that standardisation is needed when resource allocation (funding and human resources) is based on the deprivation index in order to help regions with higher needs.
What arguments (with reference if possible) would you use for either option?
Sustainability is mainly consists of three things such as environment, economic and social. It is mandatory to assess framework by following those aspects. How do develop the framework of sustainability? Please suggest any useful methodology and framework.
I am doing research on artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) and its potential for socio-economic development. Over and above assessing the contribution of ASM is to socio-economic development e.g. job creation, poverty alleviation etc. I would like to get a sense of the impact of ASM as a livelihood option to the wellbeing of the miners (their families and communities). I have been looking at frameworks for assessing well-being e.g. OECD but still struggle as to what questions or how should I structure the questionnaires in order to make sure I get the right data that would allow me to paint the right picture.
I intend to establish the linkage between the food security status of farmers and their Production efficiency. I will like to create a econometric approach based on theoretical and empirical link. i will appreciate any ideas on this.
Please if you do not have a theoretical framework put your answers in bullets.
Dear FW BON members
In the GEO Handbook on Biodiversity Observation Networks, it is clearly emphasized that developing countries are a special focus in monitoring and conservation effort and capacity building. However as I see, BON networks are mostly comprised by people and organizations of developed country with limited access and knowledge of information and situations in developing countries. Personally I had an attempt to build contacts with GEO BON networks without success. In the profiles of the projects such as FW BON, there are authoritative members posting high impact articles, case studies and guides, however I do not think that this help in achieving the goals of the projects. Could you please explain more details about the project, and how the people can be involved or collaborate as to make the declared goals feasible?
Best regards
Does anyone know of reports/publications that analysis university spin-outs and the royalty rates agreed with the parent University or Institution? Any case studies or meta-analyses would be helpful to us.
Also, an associated question. If a university holds equity in the spin-out, how much does that reduce royalty rates?
I know these are difficult questions, but I am thinking that someone may have compiled examples, which would be helpful to us.
Dear friends
Last weeks, thousands of persons around the worl protested against the regression of the consideration for scientific research in the world. Indeed, even in developped countries, politics consider less and less science and scientists. Is it the case in your countries? how can we improve this consideration?
Looking forward your feedbacks
Best regards
To all RG friends,
Please see the attached file containing the agenda.
I do not manage to download it anymore.
The background would be invocation of the BIT within a civil law country whereby investor has exited, however, completion of the process hindered for need of a decree. Host government unable to assist without a decree and investor continue to incur cost due to non-completion of process.
Dear friends, please help me share our conference information: the 3rd Global Teacher Education Summit in Beijing.
Can you help me credit this widely-circulating piece of information?
Best Regards,
Let it be blank.
Make it full and fill it frank.
Draw that picture as you think
With your imagination-brush and intellectual ink!
Discover your noosphere
which rises above pollution, raises against pollution
Discover your noosphere that discovers the solution
to the problem of noospheric pollution
as sole source and fountainhead of all pollutions
and resource draw down
with the double trouble our Mother Earth is now dying and down!
I am seeking to conduct research on the issue of businesses becoming more sustainable. Anyone who wants to help please feel free to advise. I know that my subject matter is still very broad. I am trying to find a gap in the literature from which to work. Thanks everyone.
The debate on EL-Nino (ENSO) and its effects on Iran, especially the northern latitudes of the country is still working on my mind. I have gone through most of the existing research literature which show least effects, indirectly. But there are many postgrad theses complied in this country proving the direct and exact effects on Iran and I think these look like to be wrong answers to wrong questions. Any idea?
Which Financial Economics and Econometrics Conferences are you attending in US and Europe this year? in Asia?
I headed the diplomatic phase of UNDP's Tunmen River Area Development Programme (a multilateral trade facilitation and infrastructure development project) and have first hand knowledge of the DPRK ports.
Global capture fisheries has leveled off since the beginning of this century and the need for animal proteins is ever on the increase to meet up with the needs of the increasing global population. Since the terrestrial origin food and animal proteins are becoming limited there is need for substitution through increased production through aquaculture.
Working in the field of Climate Change and Sustainability I would like to get some information about the potential consequences of humanity and countries fulfilling the 17 SDGs and COP21 agreement by signing the specific agreement that exist (not what they could be if everyone were great people and amazing companies). I would like to have as much scientific and empirical evidence as possible to avoid opinions or specific good or bad examples that do not represent the overall reality that these agreements bring. Thank you for your support. All the best, Gil
Dear All, I am dealing my research in Education and educational gender in DRC, I wish,I got some information about it.
The global burden of cancer is becoming high in particular double burden in the developing country. I wish to propose a project on cervical cancer in Africa but I need a collaboration and facilitation. In this case can We get a fund to tackle cervical cancer in Africa? do you have some sponsoring organization?
As today it is clear that successful management of nuclear disaster in Fukushima by means of mainstream science and technology is hardly possible, the solution, if any, should come from outside of the Standard Model. Can a "spin-torsion" stuff help us?
A study of empirical evidence of women enterprise risk management issues from 1950 to present. Challenges and future prospect.
The topic is based on evidenced work of academic and none academic researchers on Enterprise Risk Management and women in management positions. From late 1950 to present.
The APEF forum in Economics and Finance seems to be well backed and invites both industry and academics. What is your review of it from your Network. Even if your friends and Colleagues have had any good or bad experiences with it please mention.
Can any one share the 10 Year Statistical Economical figures which support the communities and nation to build up this natural resource a new livelihood options and income in future?
Al-Qaeda and ISIL (aka Islamic State) are some of the leading transnational terrorist groups who have very strong corporate level media production capabilities. Internet research data so far is minimal on the linkage of these groups to hacking/criminal organizations, that on a daily basis make a living by hacking for profit.
Looking for some alternate scholarly data stores - research hints on this subject.
Thank you
Vic Ratermanis
NDU CT Fellow
I would like to collaborate with anyone doing a work in the field of Responsible Tourism, SDGs Global Goals 2030
Hi there. I want to conduct a study that identifies the reasons why international students choose a destination to pursue their study abroad semester. Is a factor analysis the best way to go? The literature give us a set of push/pull factors. We want to know which determine their choice of Mexico to study.
Joel Bennett has done a great deal of work in the Wellness arena... and bottom line, if the Corporate culture does not support general wellness in their policies... not Wellness Program, no matter how well planned will work...
The ministry of higher education plans in GCC important to become or on line with Five-year plan of these countries or will face big problem in future called unemployment among the graduates instead on unskilled unemployment.
This problem it will happen because of incompatibility between the plan of MOHE and the five-year plan .
I am working right now on research related on this point mentioned above in Oman, I need your value opinion on this matter .
To make the question to facilitate the understanding of the question my local populace Can I reframe a standard question from positive to negative and vice a varsa?
(Rijsdijk, Hultink, and Diamantopoulos, 2007)
Standard scale is - "The product is complicated for a lot of people".
Instead of reversing the scale to know the east of using,
can I reframe the question as "The product is easy to use by alot of people"?
I fear that if I ask a standard question, people may fail to understand it.
Thank you in advance,
Certification schemes are emerging in the fisheries sector, considered as a consumer-driven solution for the sustainability of the fisheries sector (with known objections and limitations). While many fisheries and fleets worldwide are attaining certification by different eco-labelling schemes, in the Mediterranean few fisheries and fleets are certified (at least by multiple attribute eco-labels rather than single attribute eco-labels.
Do you think that this is because of the multispecies fisheries character of the Mediterranean fleets that can not line with the assessment principles and criteria of the schemes or is because such changes and improvements are not profitable given the total catches and revenues from the Med fisheries???
United Kingdom is the biggest exporter of electronic waste is Nigeria, according to the e waste Nigeria report from UNEP. How the UK commitment on environmental issues, as the ex dirty man of europe.
Does anyone have any idea whether there has been done research on the role of mothers in Iran during the Iran-Iraq war?
I am looking for anything, research wise or in the form of documentaries.
Hoping for response on this! Thanks in advance!
I am in Beijing (China) now a days doing PhD in Business Management. I want to explore the impact of psychological contract fulfilment on the perception of Foreign workers (From Western countries) who are working in china either part-time or full-time work assignments in private and government sector.
As a masters student with no funding or collaboration, I need a thesis focus on the above named area of interest without spending on my entire income.
Email is
Some of the countries have already been incorporating the sustainability measures in the zoning/building regulations and have already formulated the guidelines and implementation mechanism for the same, but the developing countries like India are yet to formulate an effective regulatory mechanism for the same. My question is has there been any further changes/modifications/amendments or some new developments in some countries in this regard in wake of UN SDG (Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development) or the Paris Summit on climate change (COP 21).
What data can be used to work with international humanitarian aid?
I often see publications and articles saying that South-South Cooperation (SSC) is a partnership among equals, or a least that is how it should be.
But I am interested to know if it really is? Does any one have something interesting that questions this or even disproves that SSC is not always a developmental paradigm between equals?
Only academic sources to read up on a this issue.
It said a developed nation is all encompassing in terms of technology, food and basic necessities to make good human comfort. However, with the global trend of economic imbalances can the latter definition hold?
The society is demanding to the Universities a new profile of citizen, not just as professional skills but with another set of principles and values that should encourage global citizenship. Actually the Curricula include a new aims but, How can we be sure that the results are being achieved? Or at least how can How can we check that we are in the right direction?
Several times recently I have come across statements to the effect that ‘small-scale farmers produce 70 per cent of the world's food’. Although I find this claim quite plausible, I'd like to find an authoritative source for the number and to understand how it was calculated.
I'm intrigued by the fact that I'm finding it quite difficult to trace the original source for the 70 per cent claim. I’ve carried out some Google and Google Scholar searches as well as some fairly basic searches in academic databases, without finding what I'm looking for.
I’d really appreciate it if anyone out there can shed some light on this. Do you know the original source or can you provide information about how the 70 per cent figure was reached?
I hope someone out there can help with this query. I’ll really appreciate your help. Please drop me a line if you need any additional information from me.
Here’s a bit of background information:
The 70 per cent claim appears, for example, in this Rio+20 document from the FAO:
It also appears in several documents published by NGOs, such as this position paper from the Dutch NGO HIVOS: - just one examples among various others.
In most instances, the statement is not attributed to a source. However, it may originate with the IAASTD's Agriculture at a Crossroads report, vol. V
Here, the statement relates specifically to sub-Saharan Africa: “In SSA, 70% of agricultural production is subsistence farming and little commercialized farming occurs” (p. 22). However, again, an original source for this statement is not given there.
Looking forward to reading your replies!
I'm doing a master on the NGOs in Montréal, Canada. I'm trying to understand how they create their program, how they visualize the human's rights and the respect of the local traditions and how they see their political implication. Up to now my research has been pretty varied and I would like to know different opinions for the research community.
I need your contribution for compiling project proposal for Balochistan province having below three themes:
Information exchange
Technology transfer
Your valuable comments will highly be appreciated
Could anyone direct me to any current or recent research and/ or articles with regard to TVET in Sri Lanka? I would also be interested in articles discussing how development theories (dependency, capability, etc.) relate to either TVET or Sri Lanka.