Science topics: Transportation EngineeringIntelligent Transportation Systems
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Intelligent Transportation Systems - Science topic
Explore the latest questions and answers in Intelligent Transportation Systems, and find Intelligent Transportation Systems experts.
Questions related to Intelligent Transportation Systems
We invite qualified candidates of Visiting Scholars to engage in research collaboration or deliver lectures on their research, with travel expenses covered. The visiting period is flexible, typically lasting less than one month. For those unable to visit in person, online lectures or research guidance are also welcome. Competitive compensation will be provided for lectures and guidance.
Senior Foreign Experts:
Candidates must meet the following criteria:
- Hold a position equivalent to associate professor, associate researcher, or higher in fields such as transportation engineering, logistics, urban planning, geography, computer science, mechanical engineering, or electrical engineering at a renowned international university or research institution.
- Contribute to research in the areas of smart cities and intelligent transportation systems.
Young Foreign Experts:
- Generally under 45 years old (born on or after January 1, 1979).
- Have obtained a doctoral degree in fields such as transportation engineering, logistics, urban planning, geography, computer science, mechanical engineering, or electrical engineering within the past six years.
- Contribute to research in the areas of smart cities and intelligent transportation systems.
Interested candidates should send their CV and a photo of the name page of their passport (as proof of foreign nationality) to
Applications submitted by July 27, 2024, will receive priority consideration.
2024 IEEE 7th International Conference on Computer Information Science and Application Technology (CISAT 2024) will be held on July 12-14, 2024 in Hangzhou, China.
---Call For Papers---
The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
◕ Computational Science and Algorithms
· Algorithms
· Automated Software Engineering
· Bioinformatics and Scientific Computing
◕ Intelligent Computing and Artificial Intelligence
· Basic Theory and Application of Artificial Intelligence
· Big Data Analysis and Processing
· Biometric Identification
◕ Software Process and Data Mining
· Software Engineering Practice
· Web Engineering
· Multimedia and Visual Software Engineering
◕ Intelligent Transportation
· Intelligent Transportation Systems
· Vehicular Networks
· Edge Computing
· Spatiotemporal Data
All papers, both invited and contributed, the accepted papers, will be published and submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore's scope and quality requirements, and also submitted to EI Compendex and Scopus for indexing. All conference proceedings paper can not be less than 4 pages.
Important Dates:
Full Paper Submission Date: April 14, 2024
Submission Date: May 12, 2024
Registration Deadline: June 14, 2024
Conference Dates: July 12-14, 2024
For More Details please visit:
Invitation code: AISCONF
*Using the invitation code on submission system/registration can get priority review and feedback
Dear Participant,
We invite you to be an integral part of a crucial study focusing on "Cybersecurity in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)." Your insights and experiences are invaluable in understanding the challenges and opportunities in this rapidly evolving field. Whether you're an everyday user of ITS or a seasoned IT professional, your voice matters.
Why Your Participation is Essential:
- Make an Impact: Your feedback will directly contribute to enhancing the security and reliability of ITS.
- Share Your Experience: Your unique perspective on using or managing ITS can provide critical insights that surveys and studies alone cannot capture.
- Be Part of the Solution: By sharing your thoughts on cybersecurity challenges and practices, you'll be part of developing more robust and secure transportation systems.
How to Participate:
- Survey Link: []
- Completion Time: The survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes of your time.
- Confidentiality: Your responses will remain anonymous and will be used solely for research purposes.
Your participation is voluntary, but each response adds significant value to our understanding of cybersecurity in ITS. We respect your time and effort in helping us with this research.
Thank you for considering this invitation. Together, we can work towards creating a safer, more secure future in intelligent transportation.
Dr. Dimitrios Sargiotis
What is the difference or relation between "Digital solutions" and "Intelligent Transportation Systems"? Especially in Urban areas/urban mobility
What can be regarded as Big Data in the context of urban planning and design?
The boundaries of my investigations limits by real implementation on cities which are too far from driverless cars, ITS or other hyperllops-like decisions. I carefully examined,perhaps, all the existed models and approaches from japanees "Jamology", limitations of transport flows in the centre (of London,tax model), VANET, platooning, V2X, SCATS, SCOOT, traffic lights management and other methods which have some limitations from 'non detected' [without any sensors] vehicles (old cars, mini bus taxies or so-called "root taxy" , horses and carts , motocyclies, scooters, etc. or the bypass roads (which have exits in the centre of calculating zone and make some deviations in algorithms).
Not everything is solved by the development of public transport. In our city, it is planned to build a subway for 20 years, but the zones of the city are developed according to their own laws without taking into account the plans laid down for the metro, and therefore part of the dug canals under the ground do not meet today's needs.
Similarly, with the development of cycling and pedestrian zones. In countries with sharply continental weather in the cold season, it is unlikely that the city dweller will choose a bicycle instead of his personal car while the temperatures below 20 °C. Bus routes can have a certain effect, but again, dedicated lanes are needed (consider adjustments to the law and traffic regulations) and the replacement of a fleet for more comfortable trips as well as more developed routes. Inspection of road regulation(the police) is not as much interested in solving the problems of traffic congestion. The main indicator of the success of their work is the minimum number of accidents and victims on the roads. Therefore, the lower the traffic flow rate or its "standing", the calmer. Thus, what solution can really be implemented in cities where there are no autonomous and flying cars, where the budget is not enough to build monorails and tunnel stations (junctions) to connect metro, buses and other vehicles in rooms with comfortable conditions (for example, Queensland , New Zealand)?
the traffic light sometimes is easier to cause the traffic jam problem, if the designer don't make to many change to the both side of the road,such as the house and block building, what other aspect of things can be done to mitigate the traffic jam problem.
For example; When Intelligent Transportation systems applications become widespread, carbon emissions will decrease and it will have a positive effect economically and environmently.
For example;
- At the 16th ITS world congress, the Prime Minister of Japan said and realized that transportation will be autonomous in the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Olympic Games.
- What is your opinion in this issue.
Dear researchers,
I want to apply clustering tasks for city traffic time series for a research in Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Can you recommend a city traffic dataset that contains the speed, flow, or occupancy measurements for roads and also contains the type of traffic pattern for each road? This type can be provided as a class label for each road, or a class label for each day measurements on each road (a class label for the whole time series).
Any help is much appreciated, thanks in advance.
Intelligent Transportation Systems(ITS) are widely used in the world for traffic management. However, there are still many questions about the effective use of these systems. For example, are intelligent transportation systems used efficiently enough? Do different intelligent transportation systems have the ability to interact with each other? Is proactive control possible with traffic control centers? Can Artificial Intelligence be used for proactive work? Can the performance of the system or center be increased with artificial intelligence? I am curious about your ideas and/or experience on this subject.
Positive or negative effects of disruptive technologies on Intelligent Transportation Systems
For Example;
Artificial Intelligent
Internet of Things (IoT)
Very important parameters have changed, from transportation preferences to use of public transportation. Priorities and investment planning were affected by this process. I would like to hear your opinion or valuable contributions on this matter.
For example;
Genetic Algorithm in intersection optimization
Fuzzy logic in attendance control
Ant algorithms and Dynamic programming in shortest path problems
ANN in passenger demand forecasting and other forecasting problems
Soft computing technic in adaptive intersection design
In many optimization applications Swarm Optimization technics etc ..
I am waiting for your contributions on similar applications and techniques to be used.
Dear researchers,
I'm doing research in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Currently, we are studying the traffic status, trying to detect any traffic congestion using AI-based solutions. I have used synthetic data (generated by Simulation of Urban MObility) in order to validate our proposed algorithm. However, we are also interested to validate our algorithm in a real-world environment. Can you help me to find a free source for traffic real-dataset?
The data I need should contain:
- Speed, flow, or occupancy parameters on a particular road.
- Labels for the traffic jams (if it's happened), with the starting time of the jam.
Your help is much appreciated, Thanks in advance.
“How to solve traffic congestion” and "why is it so congested" are questions usually asked by my friends, when I told them that I am a researcher focusing on transportation. It seems a very basic question but really difficult to answer in a short time.
In your opinion, what is the most effective way of solving/mitigating traffic congestion? Various and interesting points of view are expected. Thank you in advance!
I have a question about the local pollution impact of automated cars.
The possible energy impacts are well understood, I think, even if the net effects are very uncertain: automated cars could lead to smoother driving profiles & platooning (good) but
also to a lot of induced traffic and modal shift away from other modes (bad).
But what about pollutants? How are changing driving patterns expected to affect the emission factors HC, PM and NOx (assuming that automated cars will not all be BEV in the long run)? Even in recent literature reviews (Milakis et al 2017), I find few references to papers that address directly this issue. Any new insights since then?
Dimitris Milakis, Bart van Arem & Bert van Wee (2017): Policy and society
related implications of automated driving: a review of literature and directions for future research, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, DOI: 10.1080/15472450.2017.1291351
IoT/LPWAN User Survey Link:
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are surveying the use of Low-Power Wide-Area Network (LPWAN) technologies (e.g., LoRa, SigFox, NB-IoT) for the Internet of Things (IoT) solutions for Smart Cities and Transportation Systems. If you or your organization has relevant experience/practices in deploying LPWAN technology, we appreciate you can help take this survey on LPWAN applications. The survey is part of a research project sponsored by VDOT. We greatly appreciate if you can complete the survey by August 14, 2020. Thank you very much.
Thank you for your help in completing the survey!
I am working on traffic prediction and looking for free simulation software for Intelligent transportation system, thank you.
I am conducting a study on connected vehicles and intelligent multimodal lane management and I was wondering if RM could be used with connected vehicles and how? (during the deployment period and after a hypothetical full deployment)
Also I recently read about the 2009 Path IRMP and was wondering if it was possible to download it.
Thank you a lot for your kind help.
Intelligent transportation systems provide many advantages as part of our daily lives. One of the most common applications of these current and increasingly widespread systems in our cities is intelligent junction control. The scope of the intelligent junction control concept which includes different approaches and algorithms, is quite wide. It is known that it needs realistic and objective technical knowledge to guide decision makers correctly. In this sense, what do you think the definition of intelligent intersection should include? Is a high-cost intersection control system with a lot of equipment always necessary? Or are the lower cost solutions that enable multi-plan control by only increasing the number of control programs? What should be the threshold or the transition point for the preference? Is it sufficient to make only cost-benefit analysis? To what extent should social benefits be taken into account for feasibility analysis? Sharing your views on this issue can be beneficial to many researchers and interested parties and can contribute to the spread of sustainable transportation (traffic management) systems.
I am very keen to collaborate with researchers who are native in English, and interested in the field of 'Intelligent Transportation System', 'Blockchain' so that s/he can input our idea-based papers. Anyone interested, please inbox me 'Hi'.
I've not seen many studies on applications of ITS in fleet management. The literature seems quite old. Are they still a hot topic?
I am interested in the extration of speed limit from Longitude and Latitude coordinate values. Is it possible to find speed limit attribute assigned to specific Open Street Map position and is there an available script/API?
I want to draw an example of V2V and V2I communications in VANET with a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). How can I do it?
(I attached an example from a selected paper).
I need to find a tool for road traffic modeling which permits the implemention and testing of any type of algorithms for traffic flow prediction, especially neural networks or fuzzy based algorithms. It will be helpful if that tool provides a graphical view of car movement and crossroads configuration.
Question about Cyberserity and Machine Learning on intelligent transportation system (ITS).
In my thesis, I used queueing theory, in order to evaluate the traffic conditions of a intersection, which produced waiting time, service time etc for vehicles approaching the intersection from each road. Now, a question arise in my mind that can I use this type of data for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS).
Hybrid model that uses fuzzy logic, neural networks etc.
I wanted to know the advantages of data mining techniques are, when compared with macroscopic traffic flow models, microscopic models, simulation models for transportation traffic congestion prediction? Which one has a higher performance data mining techniques like decision tree, SVM or simulation approaches or simple travel time and speed prediction approaches?
I would want to understand the general perspectives of researchers in the world with respect to improving ITS applications that would protect lives and properties on our road networks.
PhD Student Positions Available (Summer 2019 / Fall 2019):
There will be 1-2 PhD Student Positions available in the Department of Modeling, Simulation & Visualization Engineering (MSVE) at Old Dominion University. Students are expected to work on Transportation Research projects, with a focus on Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning, Virtual/Augmented Reality (VA/AR), Transportation System Modeling & Simulation, and/or Transportation Safety.
If you are interested in the opportunity, please email me (E-mail: your detailed CV and other supporting information (e.g., sample publications, GRE test score, etc.).
Thank you very much!
"It is a world trend that digital economy is merging with real economy. Through the use of digital technologies, investments and innovations take place in the fields of smart grids, self-driving vehicles, e-government, advanced manufacturing, etc. Our question whether there is any general or formalised technology which could be equally used in various fields, and which could help to achieve digitalisation in everyday life, also in the transportation."
I need journals name who gives me review within two months. My paper is belongs to Intelligent Transportation system and i achieved my research using Machine Learning. Now i am confused, where i will send my paper?
The Public transpiration system of all developing countries are getting popular because of the integrated transportation development projects.
Having practice a different kind of technology with developing country public community is hard to continue. The world have lot of experiences. Can we share some ideas. It will add more values for my project
Thank You
Different stakeholders of transportation system are often found concerned with different aspects of it. For instance,
- The traveller or commuter thinks about what will be the travel time on a particular route? Whether he/she will be able to reach the destination in time?
- The transportation manager thinks about how the system performed yesterday? which locations are the worst performers?
- The traffic engineer thinks about the locations of congestion hotspots and the peak hours for various routes.
- The planners and researchers think about what will be the travel demand in future and how they can address it.
Based on their concerns, they have different expectations from the "Intelligent Transportation System". I am looking for these expectations from different perspectives especially for developing countries like India.
I am designing a car alert and automatic braking system which will check a drivers mental state based on EEG. I have detected drowsiness based on eye blinking through EEG. Now I want to detect stress but facing many problem in doing so. Now I am using Fuzzy classifier to classify EEG signal. Any1 who can help me on this? I mean how to classify EEG signals using classifiers (not necessarily using Fuzzy)?
I need references to get idea about the possible challenges in access management if autonomous vehicles becomes available for public use. I have been searching for relevant references on the internet for couple of days and so far I haven't got anything much useful. It will be greatly appreciated if someone can help out.
I am working on optimization approaches on an intersection. And I have been getting some questionnable results on the simulator. I get some high troughputs of vehicle in the intersection but with big average delay of vehicles e.g :
In a scenario I get a throughput of 4544 with an average delay of 31.22 seconds and average queue length per phase of 41 meters
And in another scenario I get a 4551 throughput with an average delay of 31.26 seconds with an average queue length per phase of 39.68 meters
This compared to the average study of the same intersection we see different results, e.g in a scenario a throughput of 4343 with an average delay of 30.7 seconds and an average queue length per phase of 21.1 meters.
I am starting to question my results performance. Doesn't higher throughput mean minimum average delay and lesser queues on lanes ?
I am interested in topic on Low-Carobon Future and in that regard I would like to know more on green and sustainable transport.
Dear All,
I am working on Vehicular Networks and on a problem that is concerned with the %age of public buses in metropolitan cities.
What would be the safe assumption to make as to what is the percentage of public buses of the total vehicular density in urban scenarios? Somewhere I read that public buses would be 25 to 30% of the total vehicular density in the urban scenarios, but I cannot find the reference.
Any resource and/or reference would be highly appreciated.
I would like to know if there is any study that estimates how many minutes europeans spend to search a free parking lot per trip, for different urban zones.
I am working on an ITS technique which is called dynamic lane grouping at signalized intersections in which the lane group will be chosen based on the movement traffic demand. The inputs of the neural network model will be 12 volumes ( 3 movements (left, through and right) at 4 approaches) and I have 4 outputs (the optimum lane group at each approach) which are represented by integer values (from 1 to 10). Should I convert the inputs and outputs to any format before applying neural networks?
I need it for my literature review for planning strategies in implementing non-motorization as a sustainable transport? I only have one and is published way back 1995 by the Florida Department of Transportation.
Self-driving cars are one of the major technological trends for the near future. However it is not clear if private users will have their own self-driving car or will they become a public service or mostly for shared usage by companies like uber, lyft and others.
Can we apply any data mining technique on time-series data such as provided by NGSIM project to model the car-following behavior i.e. uninfluenced driving, following a lead vehicle, emergency braking and approaching a slow vehicle?
Which techniques are useful in this context?
I've seen that the typical 40ft container empty/tare weight is 3.8 tons (20ft around 2.2 tons if I remember correctly) which is quite a lot heavier than I thought.
Firstly, How would the shipping world react if you could make containers half that weight? Say, under 2 tonnes for a 40ft and 1 tonne for a 20ft.
Would this be a game changer or would the weight saving be considered small and negligible when total tonnage weights are all added up for the ship? Given that I read fuel is $600 per tonne, this must mean a much lower cost?
Recently, several studies on calibrating traffic flow models have been undertaken using support vector regression (SVR). For me, the method seems to be a bit counter-intuitive. Rather than the sum of the squared errors, the sum of squared prefactors of the model function is minimized. However, this seems to have nothing to do with the fit quality itself. The fit quality enters only indirectly in form of some constraints, and small deviations are not penalized at all. Furthermore, you obtain a sort of black-box model which is lengthy to write down explicitly and which cannot be understood intuitively. Under which circumstances, the SVR should nevertheless be preferred to an ordinary LSE minimization?
What is the suitable ITS plan for traffic problems in developing countries with dense traffic jams and absence of traffic control plans. In such cases, is the environmental dimension considered in planning a new ITS system for developing countries societies? Or, just to focus on the operational performance of the street network.
Could you recommend any reports, books etc. about the influence of automatic incident detection or incident management on the traffic safety? especially road infrastructure...
Is there any theory or results (e.g. in behavioral psychology or social sciences) that might support or disprove such an assumption? We need to know if it's reasonable and why.
By "passenger's decisions" we understand their reasoning about accepting the taxi trips based on prices, delays, travel times, etc. We suspect they will think about those things in almost the same way, regardless of whether the taxi company uses dynamic or static pricing scheme. Is that so? And if so, what research supports this belief? Thanks for any pointers!
The BPR function is the most used in static models but is seems not suitable for dynamic models.
I am working in travel time prediction area. I had travel time data with high variance. Can anyone one suggest any prediction method which deals with high variance of data.
Some of the Undergraduate students of my college developed a code for license plate detection but for the following image the car grill is also coming along with the number plate. How to avoid it?
Is there an opensource software to route openstreetMap data based on database?
I want to study the performance of MIMO system in Obstructed LOS Vehicular channel through MATLAB simulation.
I am using a GPS module to get the geographical location (Longitude and Latitude), how can I inject this position on the OSM map, so I can find the maximum allowed speed limit attribute assigned to that map segment?
WHat do you think about a vessel that is designed to discharge and load all of the containers by utilizing a shifting pallet system that does not require handling equipment in the berthing area?
What are the obstacles to such vessel design?
Fully automated container terminals are utilizing only unmanned terminal vehicles and using automatic stacking (AS) and retrieval systems (RS) for container storage, and many other automated systems.
For instance, it is known that the current limitation associated with the use of AGVs are slower than the manned terminal vehicles and thus have, to some degree, an adverse effect on terminal efficiency.
We have an ad-hoc network that packets follow with certain protocol by mobile nodes. Here the nodes are vehicles and network is VANET. Any vehicle has a unique id such as a MAC address in computer networks. Any packet has a unique sender which is determined by the sender id or perhaps for protection pseudo id. I want to know is it possible for anyone to be able to change the packet id easily and without additional hardware installed on the vehicle and sent it again?
Anything to do with FlexRay in particular? Scheduling, optimization, security, fault tolerant, gateways?
I am doing a study on pedestrian and bike path safety in New York City and am looking for GIS raster Data, especially something related to transportation. Any suggestions?
I am looking for a way to relate nonlinear multiple input multiple output systems approach to macroscopic traffic flow parameters.