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Integrated River Basin Management - Science topic
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Questions related to Integrated River Basin Management
I am looking for observed rainfall data in different regions, such as the USA or Europe or Africa or China.
I will be thankful for any kind of help.
Hello Everyone, I am working on paleoclimate of northwest Australia. I have been searching for the sediment discharge/sediment load of ''Ord River'', ''Victoria River'' and ''Fitzroy River'' but cannot find it anywhere. Can anyone guide me where can i find the sediment discharge data of the mentioned rivers?
Thank you
The Tigris - Euphrates water conflict is frozen conflict between three riparians (Iraq, Syria and Turkey). The conflict came up because of upstream water projects by Turkey and therefore the restriction of water access to individuals of downstream failed states (Iraq and Syria). There are two principles are conflicting: Territorial sovereignty of Turkey and human right to water of individuals (This is issue of global justice and not international justice due to failed states). My question is: whom belongs water and how property (connected with territory) theory of Locke can be connected to the sovereignty principle of Turkey?
Thank you beforehand
Hello all,
I am looking for Acoustic Doupler Current Profiler (ADCP) which are found to be performing well for streamflow measurement. please share experiences and suggestions for selection of appropriate ADCP for streamflow measurement.
As we know soil erosion is a major problem for environment. There are many factor effect on erosion and many place are degraded due to erosion. However there are some ways to decrease this rate of erosion. Could any one give me some information about soil erosion and how we or our Government can do something to decrease erosion, typically in river banks?
The sand body on the river bed is 9 meters thick. It consists of medium and coarse sand. The stream course on the river changes course and hence direst pumping stations for irrigation are adversely affected. The base flow is the only alternative left for exploitation.
Range of Variability Approach, is introduced in the D. RICHTER 1997 article , "How much water does a river need?" for designing "management targets" for the eco-friendly river management.
My question, is how one can or what are the considerations to design hourly targets based on that approach and those 32 indices he introduced in his seminal 1996 article.
( Should we obtain daily or hourly streamflow records ? but the indices Richter designs targets from are monthly )
There are different international law, doctrines for Trans Boundary Water Resources, such as:
1. Absolute territorial sovereignty theory
2. Absolute territorial integrity theory
3. Theory of limited territorial sovereignty.
4. Water Rights Based on Previous Use or Prior Appropriation
5. Riparian water rights
Although water covers more than two-thirds of the earth's surface, but 97% is in oceans and 2℅ locked in ice-cap and not available to human beings for consumption. Only 1℅ is termed as fresh water (surface & ground water). Therefore, water as a limited resource that is in great demand. The manner in which this demand is satisfied varies according to the jurisdiction in which a water supply is located. In case of trans-water resources, the upstream country has got upper hand to manipulate the river flow. This manipulation can be interpreted under various approaches and doctrines. Each approach has its weaknesses, and jurisdictions will continue experimenting with established legal doctrines to better accommodate the supply and demand of water rights.
Various treaties concluded to decide on the water. Question arose, either there is any such doctrines exists that protecting the ecology?
Catchment: Khadakwasla
Project : Hydrological modelling of Khadakwasla watershed using ArcSWAT
Hi everyone, kindly suggest some instruments that automatically record streamflow on hourly/daily basis for watershed modeling. Anything that has data logger. Thanks.
Dear Researchers,
I have a question that I posted in SWAT-CUP group but I recieved no response. So I share it here maybe someone in researchgate have an experience with SWAT-CUP model.
I am going to run my SWAT-CUP model SUFI-2 for two reaches of outflow in a river basin. My SWAT-CUP already run successfully for one reach but when I added the second reach, I faced the attached error after running sufi2_post.bat.
I checked all input data and files which completely matched to the model example and the usermanual.
For example, some of the most important input are defined as following:
2 : number of observed variables (in observed_rch.txt and observed.text)
1 : number of variables to get
2 : number of reaches (subbasins) to get for the first variable (in sufi2_extract_rch.def)
In my runs the first and second executions (pre and run) are done completely well but the error came after the SUFI2-post running.
it seemes the error comes from running SUFI2_goal_fn .exe and the model can't calculate the objective function after the first simulation.
It should be mentioned that I got already a same error for one reach but the problem was in number of data points which in this case the error is different while I checked it.
Moreover, the Sufi-2 input and output and echo files are also attached here. If you need more information, please feel free to contact me.
I would appreciate your consultation regarding to the explanations.
Yours Sincerely
Farzad Emami
I want to see how the river is going to fluctuate (discharge as well as water level) due to climate change at the headwork (intake) of an irrigation project. I want to develop a relation between flow in river and corresponding flow in canal. For this, I need to know not only the discharge but also the water level in the river. The catchment area of river at the outlet is around 60000 km2 and the river width at intake is about 400m (difficult to carry out the river X-cross manually).
If I am not wrong, SWAT gives only the discharge. I am not sure about HecHMS. Can I link HecHMS discharge data with HecRAS later in this case?
Any suggestions which model to use in this case?
Modelers can make any thing possible, so answer could be 'no'. But from real physics point of view answer could be 'yes'. I am eagre to know ways to tackle the situation if answer is 'yes'.
“some thing is better than nothing’ this statement could be more true in routine way or issues, but may be not equally factual in natural science like hydrology. I would like to put a hypothetical scenario - when for a given catchment (say 2000 ha) we have continuous river flow data at the interval of 6 hrs, but the available rainfall data is only at 24 hr time step i.e. daily value. River has continuous flows, giving hydrographs of broader bases say 15 to 20 days atleast. For generating runoff prediction models, this partially gauged catchment is as good as an ungauged catchment ( in want of accurate rain input data). How to deal such situation ? What are the innovative ways to move ahead for coming over to such deficit at one end and carving out some regional predictive models for totally ungauged locations on other hand, eliminating uncertainties of predictions/simulations in accordance to prevailing physics/phyisiographical configurations of catchments.
Dear Experts
I have plotted stage vs discharge curve for few streams (A,B and C) of mountainous catchment as attached. What inference we can draw from it for different streams with respect to hydraulics or morphology of river?
Further to this what more analysis I can made using this graph.
For example, would the distance of a reforested tree community from a river (i.e. near or far from the bank) or distance from the source of a river (i.e. nearer the source, nearer the mouth or in between) matter when it comes to its effect on how fast the body of water will overflow in a hypothetically intense rainfall event?
Would there be other factors that have to be considered in making decisions such as to where reforestation efforts must be concentrated on first (especially in an extensively denuded watershed)?
I'm looking at the forest in terms of its hydrological importance and effect on the water dynamics of a watershed. Forests can intercept rainfall and help to slow down the flow of water to a receiving body of water such as a river or lake.
I want to measure bank geometry change in submerse zone during fluvial erosion at the bank toe but I cannot use distance sensor (laser eye)
because clear water in the initial stage changes to turbidity water during fluvial erosion.
Moreover, I planed to use ultrasonic sensor to measure bank geometry but the measurement instruments need to be installed outside the flume.
In this case it means the the acoustic cannot pass plexiglass for measured bank geometry changes.
What would be the impact of drip (small holder) irrigation on water resources at Basin scale?
I Should to design a desilting basin for a river intake but I have not any good reference. does anyone have a good reference or design example for this?
Asides Stream flow, river guage data and climatic data
Dear Researchers,
I am working on a rainfall-runoff model which needs daily percipitation namely SWAT model.
I run my model using observed precipitation data and the missing data were filled SWAT automated statistical method called but I didn't get the good result in the calibration. I also tried Multiple imputation method using SPSS but the results weren't acceptable while the data gaps are sometimes contionous for one or more years. You can see the percipitation analysis data in the attachment.
As the input quality especially precipitation has an undeniable effect on model output I am looking for an efficient and reliable method to estimate the missing data. As the rainfall-runoff model is just a part of my thesis, the model development time is an important factor for me as same as accuracy.
I have found a wide range of methods such as singular spectrum analysis, modified multi- linear regression, improved weighting methods, geostatistical approaches (conventional centroid method or voronoi tesselation) and so on.
It can be mentioned that I am working on river watershed scale which is totally 22000 km2.
I gathered data for simulated rainfall data (Climate Research Unit (CRU) rainfall dataset, 12 stations ) and the observed dataset (32 stations) as my available dataset options. As I tested the SWAT model with various precipitation dataset alternatives the results shows that the model works better when I gave it the simulated and observed stations all together. So I am looking for a suitable method to improve the quality of observed ones.
I would appreciate if you consult me which efficient method you recommend in this case.
Best Regards,
I have been trying to understand morphological dynamics of the Braided rivers (Brahmaputra) using 2D/3D models. The main hurdle is the unavailability of detailed bathymetry information for braided reaches of the river. When I use 2D models such as CCHE-2D, it frequently crash when simulated with coarse bathymetry data. Is there any way I can improve my modeling strategy to get better results over the Braided reaches using remote sensing or any other information.
Based on which criteria can be made the assessment of river health in urbanized area?
How do i go about writing a river basin management report for the Bevern Stream, a tributary of the River Ouse, Sussex
Landscape commuity genomics is related to eco-evolutionary processes in complex environments, such as stream and riparian ecosystems. However, its framework is not clear at the moment, because we don't know how genomic variation is affected by dynamic interactions between abiotic (environmental) and biotic (community) effects..
Modeling of river- aquifer interaction with MODFLOW model.
At the catchment closure of the stream an automatic hydrological station (ISCO, 6700) is installed to measure the water flow of the stream and collect water samples to determine quantity and quality of sediments.
Samples are collected on time and volume base: one sample every 24h and every 3000m3 of flux, to follow both base flow and large events that could occur within a 24 h interval, and may transport the majority of sediments.
As a conseguence, I have flow data every 30', but the frequence of the sediment concentration data depend on the flow event. When the flow is low I have a single concentration per day, while when the flow is very high I have also 4-5 sediment concentration data per day. I need the concentration every 30 minutes.
Thank you!
I have been working and gathering data about this topic related to water quality parameters like DO, TDS, pH, Salnity etc. for 12 months in one watershed. I came across very few studies on this subject. So, please contribute and expand to this subject with your comments...
I developed a method of calibration of longitudinal dispersivity in aquifers and want to compare it with other methods, but I'm struggling to find papers with this issue.
Maybe it is the mean of the latitude and longitude of the start point and the mouth of the river.
I conduct study that aim to assess the impact of climate change on water balance in river basin. My data are monthly (Temp, PPT, and Runoff) for number of stations spread all over the basin for the period 1960-2012.
I'm trying to simulate the effects of landuse/landcover changes on the stream hydrograph using a distributed model. Kindly suggest published papers/articles on the subject. Articles covering the changes in flood potential of a river basin due to changes in land-use/cover or something similar may also be suggested. Review articles/books on this subject, if available, may also be suggested. I hope the answers to this question may accumulate to make a good review on the subject.
Thanks in Advance!!
the geodynamics of rift in a continental rift basin
Does anyone knows where (a daatabase) I can download daily discharge time series of rivers in Russia, I will appreciate your answers.
Anybody know where to download the NOAA National Weather Service River Forecast System (NWSRFS)? The following link seems dead and I couldn't find a way to contact NOAA personnel listed in that website either. Thanks in advance
I'm working in model integration at a watershed scale in the arid areas in northwest of China-Heihe river watershed
I'm doing my undergraduate thesis and I'd like to know a bit more about Flood Control and Management from people based on their different perspective.
For effective and best management practices especially in ungauged basins that prone to soil erosion, it is necessary to prioritize sub-basins. There are many catchment characteristics and criteria such as hydroclimatologic, Geology, Land use, Social and Economic etc. that we can use for prioritization. Which of them are important and Which method(s) can be used for evaluation?
I am interested in the incorporating various dimensions of a watershed towards informed management decisions.
Any suggestion/link/publication.
The Government of India and the World Bank had signed three agreements to for cleaning Ganga River and to Strengthen Rural Livelihoods and Biodiversity Conservation in India. The River cleaning project is to the tune of US $ 1 billion (approximately Rs 4,600 crore) loan and credit that will form part of the Bank’s long-term support for cleaning the Ganga River. Two Biodiversity Conservation agreements are for a credit of US$15.6 million and US$8.14 million grant. The river project will be the greatest source of transport and can hold the suitable infrastructure for food supplies in situ that has been responsible for reviving many south american nations from the point of extinction. The Amazon serves as a multinational highway for Venezuela, Columbia and Ecuador that has given a very efficient project for food distribution to remote parts of the globe. I would like to get suitable suggestions from your end about the feasibility of the project and how plans can be energized in reducing the carbon foot print.
Firstly , I would ask what are the steps that can be incorporated in improving energy efficiency, benchmarks for specific energy consumption etc. can be shared and adopted by amongst each other.
Secondly based on my ideas I would like to develop a remote monitored river transport system which will have a beacon attached with buoys that tell how the water level may be rising or falling. Secondly flood forecast along the levels and also developing a coordination system. The analysis will be that if two boats are in separate streams, the boat can send a small buoy and get to the other boat and get the job done. Thirdly , the government plans to set up 11 terminals along the stretch of the Ganga from Allahbad to Hooghly. The system may require a monitor of the identifying small boats and alarming if a large cargo if that is reaching shallow waters.
I have some plans but need your ideas on river transport and how it can be made fluid in Indian conditions. I would also like to learn from the seniors who may have worked in such a kind of project.
I have completed my phd thesis on "Earthquake Genesis Mechanism and Earthquake Warning System Design".During this period I have been able to complete coursework related to integrated model development study.I have published 17 research publications in various peer reviewed journal.I would be greatly helped if the forum can help me in formating my thesis.I would like to apply for post doc or a research Engineer in various international labs across Europe who are constantly trying to develop a Geodynamic model in identifying Earthquake triggering basins.I would like to format the writing of my thesis in such a way that it provides a hollistic approach to Earthquake forecast and genesis. I would like to know what is the way of writing the thesis for European Universitites to accept.
The pattern of sediment sequestration is an important controlling factor in basin evolution. Sediment budgeting differs from place to place. Unless the surface changes are related to deep subsurface 'controls', the futuristic extrapolation of the pattern of accommodation space generation and the resident time of rivers in different locations is difficult to predict. To achieve this goal multiscale interrelationship must be known. What is the best way to do this?