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Instrumentation Engineering - Science topic

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Portable data acquisition devices, such as the National Instrument (NI) myDAQ, allow users to analyze electronic circuits without advanced measurement systems, making them invaluable in educational settings. Combined with NI Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench (LabVIEW) on a personal computer, the NI myDAQ facilitates practical expe...
Conference Paper
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In recent years, FPGA chips have been widely used in many digital signal and image processing applications due to advantages such as parallel signal processing, high speed, and performance. FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) based remote access laboratories are defined as advanced educational technologies that enable real-time control and monitor...
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Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy with serum biomarker levels or 'NMR-biochemical correlation' concept has achieved as established diagnostic tool in medical practice in clinical setting. Different NMR spectroscopy methods and multimodal multiparametric MRI with MRS serve the purpose of soft tissue metabolic imaging in decision making and...
Conference Paper
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This paper proposes a new approach for modeling and analyzing faults within a machining robot cell. Therefore we decided to use a hybrid analysis associating a Petri Net (PN) to a Fault Tree, resulting in a new technique called Lambda Petri Net (PN). This work has been implemented in the LabView environment (Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineer...
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Investigation of the optimization of machining processes for oil-hardened nitric steel material, aiming to understand the productivity and quality is carried out. Utilizing an orthogonal array design with three-level three-factor input parameters, the study assesses material removal rates (MRR) and surface finish quality. A regression model is deve...
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This paper examines the problems of teaching mathematics at a technical university in the context of new educational standards. In the context of studying this discipline, the curriculum of the bachelor’s degree 12.03.01 Instrument Engineering is analyzed, focusing on the current Federal State Educational Standard of higher education. The study of...
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Based on the need for real-time sag monitoring of Overhead Power Lines (OPL) for electricity transmission, this article presents the implementation of a hardware and software system for online monitoring of OPL cables. The mathematical model based on differential equations and the methods of algorithmic calculation of OPL cable sag are presented. C...
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Based on the need for real-time sag monitoring of Overhead Power Lines (OPL) for electricity transmission, this article presents the implementation of a hardware and software system for online monitoring of OPL cables and cable sag determination. The mathematical model based on differential equations and the methods of algorithmic calculation of OP...
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Customers need to use a number of evaluative criteria to select a retail outlet for apparel purchase. A store has to call attention to itself to attract customers. It contains the customer’s interpretation of the store’s attributes, benefits, usage situations, and retailer characteristics and is what people think of and feel when they hear or see t...
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În acest articol este prezentată o metodă de calcul și un sistem de monitorizare în timp real a săgeții cablurilor liniilor aeriene de transmisie a energiei electrice, ca urmare a nevoii crescute din ultimul deceniu de a estima cu precizie valoarea acesteia. Astfel, se prezintă arhitectura hardware/software a unui astfel de sistem, care utilizează...
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This book series aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus on recent systems and techniques in the broad field of electronics, instrumentation and communication Engineering. Original research papers, state-of-the-art reviews are invited for publication in all areas of Electronics & Instrumentation Engi...
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This book series aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus on recent systems and techniques in the broad field of electronics, instrumentation and communication Engineering. Original research papers, state-of-the-art reviews are invited for publication in all areas of Electronics & Instrumentation Engi...
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This book series aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus on recent systems and techniques in the broad field of electronics, instrumentation and communication Engineering. Original research papers, state-of-the-art reviews are invited for publication in all areas of Electronics & Instrumentation Engi...
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This book series aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus on recent systems and techniques in the broad field of electronics, instrumentation and communication Engineering. Original research papers, state-of-the-art reviews are invited for publication in all areas of Electronics & Instrumentation Engi...
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The monograph outlines the issues of the installation of media file editing programs, which are implemented in the form of a telegram bot. The presented algorithms for editing audio and video files use the functions of the OpenCV, FFmpeg and others libraries. There are 100 examples of fully working programs written in Python. The examples are divid...
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The textual data unlike images, videos, and audio will not get much distorted while transmitting across the network. Steganography is the process of hiding secret data inside innocent data for secured communication. Software-defined radios are promising as they transmit over air. The approach proposed is performing linguistic steganography and tran...
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In this paper, we propose a new approach for modeling and analyzing faults in a machining robot cell. Therefore we decided to use a hybrid analysis associating a Petri Net (PN) to a Fault Tree and thus obtained our called Lambda Petri Net (λPN). This work has been implemented in the LabView environment (Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Wor...
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Представлен подход к автоматизированному получению бесконтрастных компьютерных томографических (КТ) изображений, содержащих разметку брюшного отдела аорты, полученную из данных контрастно-усиленной фазы сканирования. Разработан алгоритм подавления контрастного усиления в области брюшного отдела аорты на КТ-изображении. Научная новизна подхода заклю...
Conference Paper
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LabVIEW (від ангійскої Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Engineering Workbench) – це середовище розробки і платформа для виконання програм, створених на графічній мові програмування «G» фірми National Instruments (США) [1]. LabVIEW використовується в системах збору даних (вимірювання фізичних величин за допомогою датчиків) та їх обробки, управлінн...
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There is a need for a reliable diagnostic process that can provide the information required to maintain optimal operating conditions of phased array antennas. The phase and amplitude information can be retrieved from the complex radiated field. However, phase measurement is laborious and costly at high frequencies. To overcome this challenge, it is...
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Biophotonics procures wide practicability in life sciences and medicines. The contribution of biophotonics is well recognized in various Nobel Prizes. Therefore, this paper aims to conduct a bibliometric analysis of biophotonics publications. The scientific database used is the Web of Science database. Harzing's Publish or Perish and VOSviewer are...
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Engineering Construction Services Firm Instrument Engineering is a company in engineering construction services. Not only construction services Engineering Construction Services Firm Instrument Engineering also has services in the field of non-construction such as operation and maintenance. There is no quality management standard in the company exp...
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Engineering Construction Services Firm Instrument Engineering is a company in engineering construction services. Not only construction services Engineering Construction Services Firm Instrument Engineering also has services in the field of non-construction such as operation and maintenance. There is no quality management standard in the company exp...
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The nonlinearity and memory effects induced by light-emitting diode distort the transmitted signal, which significantly limits the performance of visible light communication (VLC) system. With the characteristics of low computational complexity, fast convergence speed, and strong generalization ability, least squares support vector machine (LSSVM)...
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The Gleason score (GS) is essential in categorizing prostate cancer risk using biopsy. The aim of this study was to propose a two-class GS classification (< and ≥GS 7) methodology using a three-dimensional convolutional neural network with semantic segmentation to predict GS non-invasively using multiparametric magnetic resonance images (MRIs). Fou...
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The size and density of nanopits, generated at the surface of their top layer, strongly affect the electrical and optical properties of AlGaN-based structures. Therefore, the control of the layer quality evolution as a function of the nanopits size/density is a crucial issue to enhance the device performance. In this paper, the effects of the nanop...
Conference Paper
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This paper reports the design of real-time acquisition and temperature control system using LabVIEW (Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench) which communicate with PC through USB interface. The solution is particularly suitable for educators and students interested in developing lab experiments to evaluate and control the temperature v...
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At present, most precious compounds are still obtained by plant cultivation such as ginsenosides, glycyrrhizic acid, and paclitaxel, which cannot be easily obtained by artificial synthesis. Plant tissue culture technology is the most commonly used biotechnology tool, which can be used for a variety of studies such as the production of natural compo...
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This study presents control strategies based on the National Instrument Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench (NI LabVIEW) platform to reduce energy consumption as well as maintain visual comfort by controlling lighting fixtures and window blinds. A model prototype is presented equipped with motorized blinds and dimming lights control...
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III-nitride ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (UV LEDs) face low carrier confinement and poor p-doping. In this study, we propose a thin AlInN electron-blocking layer (EBL) in UV LEDs instead of conventional AlGaN EBL. Numerical results demonstrate that UV LED with thin AlInN enhances the optoelectronic performance. The results also reveal that AlG...
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This paper discusses the use of the Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Engineering Workbench (LabVIEW) software tool for analyzing brain waveforms (i.e EEG: electroencephalogram) to study sleep stages such as deep sleep, light sleep and so on. The used EEG signals are generated in order to span all sleeping phases. Indeed, a mandatory step of signa...
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O Curso de Treinamento para Operadores de Reatores de Pesquisa (Ctorp) é ministrado no Centro de Desenvolvimento de Tecnologia Nuclear (CDTN), desde 1974. Aproximadamente 250 trabalhadores foram certificados pela CDTN. Um sistema de simulação digital para o reator de pesquisa TRIGA® IPR-R1 foi desenvolvido no CDTN. A intenção é fornecer uma ferrame...
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Time series interferometry synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) techniques have rarely been applied to detect displacement due to low-magnitude (5.5 ≥ M) earthquakes. This study exploits the combined permanent scatterer (PS) interferometry (PS-InSAR) and differential inter-ferometry (D-InSAR) methods to investigate the deformation rates due to low-magn...
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We present a novel 21-core homogeneous multi-core fiber (MCF) structure with three different types of core placement layouts (1-Ring, 2-Ring, and Square Lattice) and densely pack the cores with a minimum cladding diameter of 200 μm to support high-speed applications. In the first phase, three MCF structures (1-Ring, 2-Ring, and Square Lattice) were...
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The ability to modify and shape the surface of polymer and composite materials is crucial for a number of biological and electronics applications. Molybdenum disulfide (MoS 2) and graphene are two-dimensional materials that have distinctive electrical and optical properties that are useful in many optoelectronic applications. The latest application...
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The article presents statistics of the astronomical seeing at the Maidanak Observatory in Uzbekistan. Astronomical seeing measurements were performed using a differential image motion monitor. In the period 2018 to 2021, a total number of 204 night observations were carried out. The median zenith seeing for the entire period of observations was fou...
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The main goal of this research work is to design and develop an application program for monitoring photovoltaic (PV) systems in real time. In this research, a SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system in LabVIEW (Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench) was simulated for a solar rooftop system of a household with a total i...
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Things done are better remembered than things that are just heard or seen. In Project based learning pedagogy, the course content is delivered by assigning problem statements pertaining to real life situations to a group of students. For the assessment and evaluation of the course, the students have to give a presentation and a demo of the solution...
Conference Paper
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This paper presents the design of Virtual Electronics Laboratory experiments for undergraduate students of Electrical Engineering course using LabVIEW (Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench) simulation tool. With virtual instruments and graphical user interface, a virtual lab provides a low-cost solution to the traditional physical la...
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The objective of this work is to propose a diagnostic technical method for robot cell machining. The developed approach is based on a hybrid diagnostic FT-PN (Fault Tree-Petri Nets). This technique consists of the Petri Nets implementation in the LabView environment (Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench), based on the knowledge of th...
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Introduction . The principles of construction of the knee joint in the transfemoral prosthesis are considered. The design of the knee joint in the transfemoral prosthesis with an original mechanism for ensuring buckling resistance in the prosthesis is proposed. Goal . Create an artificial knee joint, which provides a reliable mechanism of strut sta...
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In this study, the authors implemented an intelligent long-term care system based on deep learning techniques, using an AI model that can be integrated with the Lab’s Virtual Instrumentation Engineering Workbench (LabVIEW) application for sentiment analysis. The input data collected is a database of numerous facial features and environmental variab...
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Mueller matrix polarimetry along with polar decomposition algorithm was employed for the characterization of ex vivo normal and adenocarcinoma human colon tissues by polarized light in the visible spectral range (425-725 nm). Six derived polarization metrics [total diattenuation (D T), retardance (R T), depolarization (Δ T), linear diattenuation (D...
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All-optical logic gates (AO-LGs) are the key elements that play a pivotal role in the development of future all-optical networks and all-optical computing. A complete overview of the seven all-optical logic gates (i.e., AND, OR, NOT, XOR, XNOR, NAND, and NOR) based on their design techniques and applications are covered, including the latest techno...
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The classical approaches for generating and studying a sodium guide star, direct imaging and light detection and ranging (LIDAR) technology are limited by the spatial resolution and equipment requirements. Therefore, the well-established technique to modulate continuous wave laser based on a pseudorandom binary sequence (PRBS) used in the field of...
Conference Paper
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For photodynamic therapy (PDT), galactose – Lutetium (Lu)-phthalocyanine, as a novel photosensitizer, was administered by intratumoral injection in 8 outbred albino male mice with inoculated hepatoma in a dose of 2 mg/kg. Then, tumors were irradiated through the skin by 670 nm-diode laser source with irradiation dose 200 J /cm2 applied for 1000 sec...
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This book describes different aspects of characterization and detection of nanomaterials in liquid disperse systems, such as suspensions, emulsions and suspoemulsions. Natural and technical particulate nanomaterials (NMs) are often present in formulations and products consisting of several disperse phases and complex dispersion media. Specific inte...
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We propose a robust steganography scheme for large-capacity lossless images based on visual cryptography and ptychography. The introduction of the quick response code as a container for information hiding can realize the lossless extraction of information and performs well in robustness when subjected to compression, noise, and tailoring attacks. T...
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The paper reveals the results of the survey, carried out by non-linguistic students of National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. Special attention is devoted to comparative analysis of feedback of respondents studying English online at the Institute of Physics and Technology (IPT) and Instrumentation Engin...
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We are proposing a novel real-time simulator “RAVSim”, a state-of-the-art SNN simulator, implemented using LabVIEW (Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench) and also, and RAVSim v1.0 was successfully accepted and published on LabVIEW’s official website after being reviewed by their developer team. It is an interactive simulation environ...
Conference Paper
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The objective of this work is to propose a diagnostic technical method for a robot cell machining. The developed approach is based on a hybrid diagnostic FT-PN (Fault Tree - Petri Nets). This technique consists of the Petri Nets implementation in the LabView environment (Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench), based on the knowledge o...
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One of the necessities to get the best performance of photovoltaic (PV) solar modules is monitoring its parameters. The data acquired from monitoring, are significantly required for research purposes and development activities in universities and research centers. In this paper, a proposed technique is developed for remotely monitoring of most comm...
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Electrical energy consumed in residential has an important value in total consumption. For this reason, monitoring and control of the electricity consumed in the residential offers a significant potential for energy saving. In this study, the power parameters of the linear and nonlinear loads used in the residential have measured, analyzed and cont...
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We describe and evaluate the use of a remote laboratory with approximately 250 third-year students in the ‘Controls and Instrumentation Engineering 3’ course in the School of Engineering at the University of Edinburgh. The remote laboratory was created using the first iteration of a new open-source infrastructure. A key component of the implementat...
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Growing awareness of electric vehicles insists on the necessity of Permanent Magnet Brushless Direct Current Motor (PMBLDCM) worldwide. This paper involves building a simulation model of the complete PMBLDCM drive system using Matlab/Simulink to control the speed and Torque. Using the Simulink model, speed parameters with various controllers of the...
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As a rapidly developing and maturing technology, 3D printing has substantially simplified the manufacturing of complex components. To improve the safety and practicability of machinery, fault diagnostic systems have become essential. This study employed a neural network algorithm to implement fault diagnosis. This study proposed a 3D printer fault...
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Introduction. The article describes the test bench specialized software, developed for technical inspection of domestic and foreign volumetric hydraulic drives in repair enterprises and service centers. The results of bench tests using a hydraulic bench and software are presented. Materials and Methods For the application software development, G gr...
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This paper presents a Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench (LabVIEW) and Internet of Things (IoT)-based eHealth monitoring system called LI-Care to facilitate the diagnosis of the health condition cost-effectively. The system measures the heart rate, body temperature, blood pressure, oxygen level, and breathing rate, and provides an...
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In the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), problem-solving skills are part of science and engineering practices for K–12 students in the United States. Evaluating these skills for the youngest learners is difficult due to the lack of established measures. This paper reports on our process of developing an observation instrument to measure pre...
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Recently, deglaciated landscapes are ideal natural arenas to investigate ecological succession processes. However, ground data acquisition remains complicated as glacier forefields are often difficult to access and fieldwork possibilities remain limited. Remote sensing offers an opportunity to bypass this issue and increase spatial and temporal cov...
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Image sensing has entered a new era with advancements in quantum mechanics. The infrared (IR) absorbers are the heart of this new era of image sensing. Within the IR spectra, the shortwave to mid-wave (MWIR) radiations are absorbed by IR photodetectors, whereas the MWIR to very-long wave spectrum is absorbed by IR thermal detectors. Both of these c...
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Concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) systems require less area of the solar cell while achieving a high efficiency. One of the development factors in the CPV includes the irradiance uniformity over the solar cell. To overcome this issue, a parabolic trough-based optical design is proposed using two nonimaging secondary reflectors: reflective grooves an...
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Plasmonic nanoparticles are promising ways for the efficiency enhancement of thinfilm solar cells. We have taken into account the bare silicon wafer and the embedded thin-film silicon solar cells with Au nanodiscs array. We study these geometries of thin-film silicon solar cells and find the effect of Au nanoparticles on light transmission and refl...
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The basic aim of this article is focused on the design and implementation of a signal processing system that can handle both analog as well as digital signals to be processed with the help of a quantum i.e. high end processor. It is a well-established fact that the signal conditioning requires certain stages of filtering the signal so as to get rid...
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Based on temporal-multiplexing, super multi-view (SMV) technology gets imple-mented on a near-eye three-dimensional (3D) display, successfully overcoming the vergenceaccommodation conflict (VAC). The proposedsystem has two eyepieces for two eyes, respec-tively, each of which is constructed by an organic light-emitting diode (OLED) micro-display, ap...
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Drought is one of the most serious natural disasters affecting global food security and human life. Traditional drought monitoring is based on the impact of water deficit on crop morphology. Due to the time lag of traditional drought monitoring based on vegetation index and land surface temperature, crop yield has been adversely affected when droug...