Science topic

Institutionalization - Science topic

The caring for individuals in institutions and their adaptation to routines characteristic of the institutional environment, and/or their loss of adaptation to life outside the institution.
Questions related to Institutionalization
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
1 answer
my institution changed all of our email addresses
I was
I am
could not change in my researchgate profile
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  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
2 answers
I need a fine single researchable topic, which will be very brief, concise and objective to carry out within educational settings contrary to companies or industries. Because the latter are areas researchers always skewed towards the most.
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I suggest you study how indoor air pollutants affect student health and how well they do in school. Schools and universities are places where young people spend a lot of time, but the quality of the air is often not as important as it is in factories. The goals of the study can be threefold: First, to measure the levels of specific pollutants in different types of classrooms, such as science labs versus humanities classrooms.Second, to see if there is a connection between these levels and student health issues, like respiratory problems, as well as how well students do on standard tests or cognitive assessments. Third, to see how well simple steps like improving ventilation, using air purifiers, or changing cleaning routines work. To do this, I suggest collecting samples over a school year in different classrooms, then, analyzing the samples using chromatography. You can also collect health data through surveys or school health records, and cognitive data via academic performance or specific cognitive tests. Finally, you can conduct statistical analysis to find correlations between air quality and health/cognitive outcomes. This research could lead to changes in school policies to improve air quality, which could improve student health and academic performance. It also contributes to the broader field by highlighting the need for environmental health considerations in schools.
I hope this helps and sparks more ideas,
Best regards
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
7 answers
The main functions of any instructor in any educational institution are teaching, research, extracurricular activities and community engagement.
Academic International conferences are great opportunities not only for researchers and scientists, but also for experts, policy makers, stakeholders and students.
There are several reasons for the academic staff to attend International conferences. There are so many great ways to learn and sharpen your research and teaching skills.One of the most ways that learn and sharpen your research and teaching skill is the conferences.
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Attending conferences is vital for instructors and higher education institutions as it fosters knowledge sharing, professional networking, and exposure to the latest trends in academia and research.
Conferences, especially international ones, provide a platform to present research, gain feedback, and collaborate with global experts.
Institutions benefit from increased visibility and reputation in the academic community.
Staying updated through International Conference Alerts ensures instructors and institutions never miss opportunities to grow, innovate, and contribute to their fields.
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
1 answer
The anti-relativist Marco Pereira challenged me to have a scientific discussion with me. His original post can be seen here:
What he is not mentioning in his "challenge" is that:
  • He started his attacks against me by commenting on my YouTube tutorial in which I rigorously prove that the so-called "Twin Paradox" is a non-existing paradox. My tutorial is available here:
  • After I proved him wrong, he fled and started attacking my tutorial on Quora and LinkedIn. There, I proved him wrong again.
  • After being proven wrong, he deleted my answers on Quora and LinkedIn and blocked me.
So, my response to his "challenge" is how can it be a challenge since he cowardly deleted my answers and blocked me (which he admitted he did, see proof below) so that I can no longer defend myself?
Moreover, he claimed that my tutorial is a "copycat" of his. This is obviously a blatant lie. How can my video tutorial, which contains rigorous derivations of equations that he is not even aware of, which focuses on acceleration that he claims is irrelevant, and which concludes that there is no paradox while he claims the opposite, be a "copycat" of his tutorial?
Also, several people on Quora had raised suspicions about his list of credentials. After a while, all comments from these people strangely vanished.
Finally, Marco Pereira made attacks against my institution, Xavier University of Louisiana, and therefore implicitly against the African American community.
So, I challenge to him to explain:
  • Why did he cowardly delete my comments and block me if his challenge is supposedly to have a scientific discussion with me?
  • Why did he delete the comments of people who asked him to provide substantial proofs of his credentials? He could simply have provided proofs, like papers peer-reviewed and published with his claimed institution, right?
For reference, the attached screenshots show:
  • His first attack against my tutorial (YouTube attack.png)
  • His attack against Xavier University of Louisiana (Attacks against Xavier University.png)
  • His list of claimed credentials (Marco Peirera claimed credentials.png)
  • He admits deleting comments (Deleting comments.png)
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It looks like Marco Pereira fled, his "challenge" is no longer available.
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
1 answer
In Kenya, the role of non-teaching staff in higher education institutions is often undervalued, despite their significant contributions to the academic environment. Empowering these staff members through professional development, training, and recognition can lead to substantial improvements in the quality of education. Non-teaching staff, including administrative personnel, librarians, and support staff, play crucial roles in student services, academic support, and institutional management. By investing in their skills and well-being, institutions can enhance overall efficiency, foster a positive work environment, and ultimately improve student outcomes. This research spotlight highlights the need for a strategic approach to empower non-teaching staff, ensuring they are equipped to meet the evolving demands of higher education and contribute to the institution's success. I invite brief responses through ( As i build on this research. See the whole description of my proposal and other prompts here:
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Supporting educational personnel who are formally assigned to non-teaching position should be recognized and trained as part of the teaching team. Teaching professors have limited interactive time with their classroom students. The inclusion of the non-teaching staff should empower them to assist the students with their learning requirements.
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
3 answers
What is more significant, achieving certificates from an educational institution or receiving insight perceptions from a teacher to establish oneself as a human being?
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In addition, an educator/teacher should possess practical experiences to support his/her formal education/credentials/etc. as well . . .
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
2 answers
Every time I want to upload a new item to my profile, I get asked about the authors. What bugs me is the drop-down list. Why should ResearchGate assume just because someone follows my updates, or are from my institution, they are also co-authors with me? Every time I want to do this, I am forced to scroll all the way past list of people I don't even know before I come across my own name as the author to be affixed to the upload. It is beyond irritating, it is annoying.
Please FIX this. The person who is uploading an item should be the SOLE author, unless in the upload he affixes ANOTHER author. REMOVE followers, watchers, etc., from the drop-down list of authors. It is creepy.
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I agree with Abdalla Uba Adamu
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
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As this institution invited me to join as a nominated member. Therefore, my concern is that whether this group is scam or not. If anyone has any experience, please share his/her story with this SIGMA Xi.
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I recommend reviewing this conversation, as there are more informative links and opinions.
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
1 answer
I want to publish a research paper but don't want to list my graduate university as an affiliation. Journals require authors to select an affiliated institution/organization. How can I introduce myself as an independent researcher if no such option exists in the specified journal options?
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
4 answers
I have a populated account at my previous institution (university of Glasgow) and an unpopulated one at my new institution (Rennes School of Business) how can I pull across my Glasgow profile to my Rennes one?
Many thanks!
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To transfer your account from the University of Glasgow to Rennes School of Business, follow these general steps:
  1. Contact Administration: Reach out to the administration or IT department of both universities. They can provide guidance on the process and whether any specific protocols exist for transferring accounts or data.
  2. Gather Documentation: Prepare necessary documents, such as proof of enrollment at both institutions and any required forms for data transfer.
  3. Data Transfer Request: If your account contains valuable academic records or other information, request a formal data transfer. Some universities might allow you to export your profile data.
  4. Set Up New Account: If you haven't already, create or complete your account setup at Rennes School of Business, ensuring all required information is accurate.
  5. Follow Institutional Procedures: Each institution may have specific policies regarding account transfers. Ensure you comply with any guidelines provided by both universities.
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
1 answer
How do I correct the 'current institution' on my profile?
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please follow the instructions given by the following support page of RG:
Good luck
and best regards
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
3 answers
Dear connections,
While collecting data using questionnaires and respondents were well informed of the purpose of collecting data and data was collected from the respondents only after obtaining their consent to participate. In this case also, do we require to take ethical approval from institutes?
Any clarification/insights regarding this topic would be appreciated.
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They belong to different places and cities. But in that case, how is it possible to take their individual consent of all. Moreover, my institution does not have IRB ethical approval committee. so what to reply in this case to journal editor ?
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
1 answer
I want to know how does an internationally established system can be adopted and institutionalize across the all port managed under the Philippine Ports Authority?
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Green port management is that should be taken by both government and private organisations so as to ensure friendly environment for both port operators and port users for efficient operational performance at port.
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
2 answers
Please I need a FREE Foreign institution-based journal on education, language education, teacher education, instructional technology, Artificial intelligence or any related theme.
Thank you
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Have you considered conferences? For example, European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning (ECTEL) in 2025, however
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
2 answers
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good day mam. i just want to ask how can i publish or upload my articles here.pls help me mam.thanks
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
3 answers
How can I find out which contributions or authors were the most-read in a department, faculty, or institution on ResearchGate?
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Hendricks John Mambwe, Thank you for the clarification. However, if some departments, faculties, or institutions don't have specific profiles, are there any other ways to find this information?
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
4 answers
  1. I want to research on the institutional waste water that effect the the water quality nearby water bodies, need a good suggestions
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Here in Malaysia, waste water being monitored by Department of Environment, Malaysia ( Most premises operated at urban area and had to comply DOE's standards for sewage discharged, industrial discharged, leachate discharged from landfills. Hazardous substance disposal also being managed order to avoid illegal dumping for securing any water body.
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
5 answers
I have seen several researchers who declare themselves as independent in their work affiliation. In a review article, for example, can an author appear as independent, i.e. without any affiliation to any institution? I am not taking into account those who have their own company, since in that case, that is their work affiliation.
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There are many reasons why a researcher may not have an affiliation, but still conduct and publish research as independent researchers. Some researchers may have difficulties finding (adequate, stable) employment opportunities in research-focused roles, while others may be taking time away from employment to care for children or other family members, etc., but in any case, they want to conduct and publish their research in order to keep up or build their profile. Others make a considered choice to become independent researchers, perhaps disillusioned by the state of academia, where they can have more (hence the name) independence as to the type of work they do. This is totally legitimate. As with any research, it should be evaluated on its quality, rather than the affiliation (or otherwise) of the author.
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
18 answers
i just want to know whether or not graduate student with Masters in Business Administration can straight forward be offered PHD in relevant field of study at the university
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An MBA in Human Resource Management (HRM) can serve as a prerequisite for pursuing a PhD at various higher education institutions, as it provides foundational knowledge and skills pertinent to the field of organizational behavior, management theory, and strategic leadership. While specific requirements may vary by institution, an MBA equips candidates with critical analytical abilities and a comprehensive understanding of HR practices, which are essential for advanced research and scholarly contributions. Thus, an MBA in HRM is often viewed as a valuable asset for aspiring doctoral students in related disciplines.
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
2 answers
There are few business activities more prone to a credibility gap than the way in which executives approach organizational life. A sense of disbelief occurs when managers purport to make decisions in rationalistic terms while most observers and participants know that personalities and politics play a significant if not an overriding role. Where does the error lie? In the theory which insists that decisions should be rationalistic and nonpersonal? Or in the practice which treats business organizations as political structures?
Whatever else organizations may be (problem-solving instruments, sociotechnical systems, reward systems, and so on), they are political structures. This means that organizations operate by distributing authority and setting a stage for the exercise of power. It is no wonder, therefore, that individuals who are highly motivated to secure and use power find a familiar and hospitable environment in business.
At the same time, executives are reluctant to acknowledge the place of power both in individual motivation and in organizational relationships. Somehow, power and politics are dirty words. And in linking these words to the play of personalities in organizations, some managers withdraw into the safety of organizational logics.
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Internal institutional politics can play a huge role in growth of the academic institutions. However, strong political strategy can also improve resource allocation management and strategic decision-making - as well as diplomacy.
On the downside, this leads to misallocation of resources and conflict that will stymie innovative ideas. To address this, institutions need to: embrace transparent governance, model diversity among leadership and within the institution itself; have clear policies with transparent accountability mechanisms. Internal politics are part and parcel of the intricate tapestries that keep academic departments running, and to navigate them successfully is a hallmark of any high-functioning or innovative environment for scholarly pursuit.
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
1 answer
I am at the beginning of my scientific career and I am not very well-versed when it comes to the organisers of scientific conferences. I found information about the conference online as above. Did any of you have anything to do with this institution and is it not a fraud? Here is the link to the site:
I will be very grateful for your help.
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Have a look at my reply of August 10th 2023 here on RG and compare some features. Furthermore compare for example and
Not only basically all the mentioned titles are journals with issues but it is one and the same selection (makes you wonder whether one and the same group of people is behind all this).
Recognize other red flags like:
-No real contact info (physical address etc.)
-Although the event will take place pretty soon there is still no real program
-No association to a reputable institute, university or society
-Advisory committee (click on here at the top of the page) is with. A few months to go still absent!
Any way personally I would avoid this one.
Best regards.
PS. See also my reply November 11th, 2023, here on RG
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
3 answers
Changing social norms and values impact the institution of marriage .
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Hello! you can start looking into social theories and see if the constructs will help you uncover the changing social norms and values impact of marriage in contemporary society. I hope this helps.
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
1 answer
We have a journal that we would like to incorporate to ResearchGate. Would you please explain to me how I ca do it?
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I think it is important to carefully read the content of the subject being researched, and then prepare the problem statement and investigate its scientific and academic implications.
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
1 answer
How do I correct my institution of affiliation?
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please go to your profile page*) and click onto the 'edit' button just right to your name at the upper left of that page.
In the drop down menue, which is then opened, there is the affiliation button...
*) you can access your profile page by juct clicking onto your name in the answerl
Good luck and
best regards
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
2 answers
at my institution we are establishing a Research Information Management System for the research community.
At the moment meta data from scopus will be imported, but not all researchers are well represented there. Now we are considering other sources such as ResearchGate. Is it possible to export the meta data of my own publications via Bibtech or another suitable format?
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There is a hidden feature in RG to export bibliographic data in three different formats, but only for each publication individually. See my reply to
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
2 answers
My friend who is a Credit Review Officer is working on a research project. The outcome need to be published hence facing difficulties.
Bank of Bhutan is not allowed in institution details. Any suggestions
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Hello Dr Anoop Mohanty
I do not think is a problem unless Bank of Bhutan specifically has it in the rules you cannot do this.
If it is more that you are worried about ORCID, an alternative is to be listed as an "independent researcher".
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
3 answers
I am currently studing Electrical & Electronics Engineering. For my individual research my institution asked to do only software or simulation based research. Please suggest an IOT or electronics side topic without hardware implementation.
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Let me see if I can paraphrase your question. You are being asked to analyze 'something' using only software or a software-based simulator. The 'something' needs to be either an IOT device or system, or a piece of stand alone hardware, but in either case no hardware implementation is to be attempted. For example, in the case of a piece of stand alone hardware, you would only have a schematic circuit diagram but no actual hardware, and you would simulate this hardware with, say, SPICE. Do I understand your question, correctly?
Tom Cuff
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
1 answer
need paper of IIT khargaur and energy IIT mumbai
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i m doing paper
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
3 answers
Dear TESOL and Applied Linguistics researchers,
TESOL Today invites educators, researchers, and practitioners in the field of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and Applied Linguistics to join its peer review team. The peer review process is critical to maintaining the high standards of our journal, ensuring the publication of quality articles that contribute significantly to the field and thereby supporting the journal’s success.
Peer reviewers for TESOL Today work remotely on a voluntary basis and must be proficient in English. Their role involves evaluating manuscripts and recommending whether a submission should be accepted as is, accepted with revisions, or rejected. Reviewers are expected to provide detailed, constructive feedback to support their recommendations, referencing relevant literature to assist the editorial team in their decision-making and to aid in communication with authors. Moreover, reviewers play a crucial role in upholding the integrity of the journal by being vigilant for any signs of misconduct, such as plagiarism, and reporting these concerns to the editors.
The criteria for becoming a peer reviewer for TESOL Today include:
1. Holding a PhD degree in fields related to language education, Applied Linguistics, language policy, curriculum design, or any other relevant area of TESOL or Applied Linguistics from an accredited institution.
2. Having a publication record with a minimum of 2/3 articles in reputable, peer-reviewed journals in the field of English language teaching, or Applied Linguistics.
Those interested in contributing to TESOL Today as a peer reviewer are encouraged to submit their CV to
Many thanks!
Karwan Mustafa Saeed
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
3 answers
For inderscience publication I need 4 expert in marketing domain.
In the Step 5 of the submission process:
Nomination of Four International Experts
You are required to nominate four experts in the subject of your article. These experts:
at least two of them must be from a different country to you*
these two must have institutional email addresses (i.e. not free public email addresses)
must not be from your* institution
must not be members of any Inderscience journal editorial board
must have valid and working email addresses (verified by you *)
We will not process your article if your entries are not experts in the subject of your submission, or if the email addresses entered are not valid.
The purpose of this request is to ensure your familiarity with the latest research literature in the field and to identify suitable experts who can be added to our Experts Database. They may be asked if they are willing to review articles for Inderscience journals; we are unlikely to ask them to referee your article.
Please, aid me in the process.
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Thankyou Your personal mail id is fine
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
2 answers
This question emphasizes the importance of establishing and using cumulative antibiograms at both institutional and regional levels, emphasizing the historical perspective of diagnostic microbiology. In the context of routine patient care, it addresses the shortcomings of large national data sets. The review highlights the importance of this low-cost, low-tech public health tool to slow antibiotic resistance. In therapeutic settings, cumulative antibiograms are indispensable instruments that provide regular profiles of patients' antimicrobial susceptibilities within an institution or across more significant geographic regions.
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Determining the presence and characteristics of microorganisms in clinical specimens taken from patients is the primary goal of a diagnostic microbiological review. To identify and ascertain the antibiotic susceptibility of microorganisms, a series of tests are conducted after the bacteria have been isolated and cultured from materials such as blood, urine, sputum, or tissue.
Diagnostic microbiological reviews are essential in determining the right course of antibiotic therapy when it comes to antibiotic resistance. When bacteria evolve defense mechanisms against the effects of antibiotics, the drugs lose their effectiveness and become antithetical. Microbiologists can identify which drugs are still effective against the infecting bacterium by conducting susceptibility tests on isolated bacteria. By using this information, medical professionals can administer the most suitable course of antibiotic therapy, preventing the needless overuse of broad-spectrum antibiotics and assisting in the slow development and spread of antibiotic resistance.
Furthermore, diagnostic microbiological studies can offer insightful information on patterns of antibiotic resistance in a community or medical setting. In order to track resistance patterns and direct public health initiatives meant to stop the spread of resistant microorganisms, this data can be utilized for surveillance. Overall, improving patient care and addressing the growing issue of antibiotic resistance depend on diagnostic microbiological reviews.
Washington, J. A. (1996b). Principles of diagnosis. University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston.
Maugeri, G., Lychko, I., Sobral, R., & Roque, A. C. A. (2019). Identification and antibiotic‐susceptibility profiling of infectious bacterial agents: A review of current and future trends. Biotechnology Journal, 14(1), e1700750.
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
1 answer
As the article written by Kavuvalu, BM., et al., (2022), there are multiple areas of blood banking related services that are being hindered by problems. A singular medical institution cannot solve a problem in this scale alone, in which it will need all the help it can receive. Additionally, government is linked to the maintenance of public health and safety to where it is responsible for healthcare advancement. In totality, what specific actions can the national or local government do to mitigate the problems present in the article that can also be seen in other third-world countries?
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According to the study of Narayanan & Rajan (2020), some of the main recurring barriers in recruiting voluntary blood donors were fear of needles and pain, lack of awareness about blood donation, and accessibility problems. Therefore, to address the problem of fear and lack of awareness, the government can implement outreach campaigns to raise awareness regarding blood donation. As for the accessibility problems, mobile blood donation units equipped with the necessary facilities can be established to conduct blood donation drives in various areas to make blood donation more accessible to a wider population. In addition, organizing community outreach events in collaboration with local organizations and religious institutions can provide opportunities to donate on-site. Partnerships with transportation services can also be arranged to offer discounted or even free transportation to and from blood donation centers.
As for obtaining equipment capital, government funding or grants can be allocated to blood banking facilities to acquire and maintain necessary equipment, such as blood collection devices, refrigeration units, and testing instruments, ensuring smooth operations and quality assurance.
Lastly, in mitigating the spread of infections, the government can establish and enforce regulations to ensure strict adherence to infection control protocols within blood banking facilities, thus minimizing the risk of spreading infections through donated blood products. Besides the enforcement of regulations, the mitigation of infections spread through blood transfusions can also be related to the government funding for equipment since, according to the World Health Organization (2021), integrating standardized equipment can lead to significantly improved component safety and quality.
  1. Narayanan, D., & Rajan, A. (2020). A Study of Motivational Factors, Incentive Preferences, and Unpleasant Events during Blood Donation among Blood Donors. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, 9(49), 3735–3738.
  2. Guidance on centralization of blood donation testing and processing. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2021. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
3 answers
Educational act of any higher institution
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Dear Mr. Kalimba!
You raised an important point which is a case - and context-dependent issue to solve:
1) Glendinning, I. (2024). Linking Quality, Standards, and Integrity. In: Eaton, S.E. (eds) Second Handbook of Academic Integrity. Springer International Handbooks of Education. Springer, Cham., Available at:
2) Chandos Publishing 2023. Academic Quality and Integrity in the New Higher Education Digital Environment, A Global Perspective, Chandos Information Professional Series, Available at:
3) A case study: Gustilo, L., Ong, E. & Lapinid, M.R. Algorithmically-driven writing and academic integrity: exploring educators' practices, perceptions, and policies in AI era. Int J Educ Integr 20, 3 (2024)., Open access:
Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
8 answers
Opening Islamic banking by conventional banks fact.
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With respect to ethical principles, conventional banking and Islamic banking are not a good match.
Source of the synopsis:
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
3 answers
Does succession planning determine the longevity and sustainability of a higher education institution?
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Institutional Stability and Performance: Effective succession planning contributes to institutional stability by reducing the risks associated with sudden leadership changes. Continuity in leadership fosters a sense of predictability and stability within the organization, which is essential for maintaining stakeholder confidence, preserving institutional reputation, and sustaining academic excellence. Moreover, leaders identified through succession planning are more likely to possess the requisite skills, knowledge, and institutional understanding to effectively navigate complex challenges and drive organizational performance.
Cultivation of Talent and Leadership Development: Succession planning involves the identification and development of high-potential individuals within the organization. Through targeted training, mentorship, and leadership development programs, HEIs can cultivate a talent pool of future leaders who are equipped with the necessary competencies to lead effectively in a rapidly evolving higher education landscape. By investing in the professional growth and advancement of internal talent, institutions reduce dependency on external recruitment and promote a culture of internal mobility and advancement.
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
1 answer
I am basically looking for a specific research topic from this vague heading to research on
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Whatever you break it down to: consider the IMPACT of an ADDITIONAL digital platform for kids to access when they already have a couple hundred. COnsider integration of ICT into existing platforms. One professor wants students on DIscord, another is focused on LinkdIn, there's a lockdown browser that's (peer-reviewed) universally considered unethical, there are at least 15 sign-ins for existing university sites all students must access, plus all the digital platforms they already frequent. ADDITIONAL PLATFORM FOR ICT vs integrating it into existing platforms so it's available where the students actually need it. Make THAT happen: you IMPACT kids. Figure out how to make your information THERE when students access something that makes it relevant.
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
4 answers
Hi researchgate community,
I am planing to differentiate neurons from induced pluripotent stem cells and the protocol recommends to add AraC (Cytosine β-D-arabinofuranoside) at some point to kill any cells that are still proliferating. That way one only has the neural cells that entered the post-mitotic state in the cell culture.
However, in my institution it seems quite difficult to use AraC as it is a zytostatika which demands specific waste management.
Does anyone know any alternatives that may get rid of proliferating cells or at least inhibit mitosis?
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May You have tried this "mixture"
CultureOne™ Supplement (100X) (
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
2 answers
AD Scientific Index is a reliable quality measure or a valuable tool for assessing institution and research quality, so it could soon become a significant factor in assessing both institutions and researchers.
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Yes you are absolutely right but some students donot know about the right indexing journals
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
1 answer
For a person whose name is the only one listed on an article that was produced in a laboratory or institution containing several researchers who contributed to the publication of this article:
does this mean that this person is a "genius" and was able to publish alone?
Or does it mean that they lack the spirit and understanding of teamwork and the courage to acknowledge other members of the laboratory?
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In future try to do research on your own and avoid co-authors if you can. It's the only way to avoid these kind of problems. And you will have more satisfaction :)
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
1 answer
How do you foster a culture of research integrity in your research team or institution?
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A few ways that can help foster a culture of research integrity in research teams and institutions:
1. Understanding the 'why' of every member
2. Establishing channels of open communication
3. Facilitating team bonding activities
4. Granting autonomy to members for developing a sense of ownership
5. Listening to every person's inputs
6. Being open to receiving feedback as well as giving feedback in a respectful manner
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
2 answers
Calvin College ( became Calvin University in 2019. How can this entry be updated to reflect the new name. Also, how might it be disambiguated from the South Korean Calvin University (
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Gracias Mitzi. Das buenas ideas, pero mi nombre institucional ya cambió (en 2019). Quiero que ResearchGate refleje ese cambio, que no puedo poner en práctica.
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
4 answers
How does the emphasis on years of teaching experience vary between faculty recruitment practices in Malaysian and Pakistani higher education institutions?
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من خلال ما يكتسبه التدريسي من خبرات تراكمية ومن خلال الاستفادة من االاخطاء وتداركها يتولد لدى التدريسي كم هائل من المعلومات والخبرة بسلوكيات المتلقين
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
2 answers
I get regular notices from you that I am the second most read person at my institution, and I am curious regarding who is the mos read person. So far I can't make the search work to find out.
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I am frequently the most widely read person in my institution and I have achieved this by writing about topics that are not very deep and transcendent. But I have noticed that engineering students are very interested in these themes
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
5 answers
I would like recommendations of articles on science as an institution. I'm writing a thesis on the institutional history of science.
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The following articles could be useful for your institutional history of science thesis( for any help reach me:
Thomas F. Gieryn's book "The Institutionalization of Science"
The process of institutionalization in science is examined in this article, along with how scientific knowledge is developed within certain structures and organizations.
Robert K. Merton, "The Sociology of Science: Theoretical and Empirical Investigations"
Merton's contributions to the sociology of science are fundamental, and his reflections on the standards and principles of science's community shed light on the institutional features of science.
George W. Stocking Jr., ed., "The Shaping of American Anthropology, 1883-1911: A Franz Boas Reader"
This collection of publications offers insights into the institutionalization of science in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, despite its anthropological orientation.
"Science in Action: How to Follow Scientists and Engineers through Society" written by Bruno Latour
In the field of science and technology studies, Latour's work is significant. This book sheds light on the institutional processes by examining science from an actor-network approach.
Thomas S. Kuhn, "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions"
The notion of paradigm shifts in science is first introduced in Kuhn's seminal work, which also offers insights into the transformative transformations that scientific communities experience throughout time.
Bruno Latour and Steve Woolgar, "Laboratory Life: The Construction of Scientific Facts"
This book provides a closer look at the institutional practices and interactions within scientific communities through a thorough ethnographic analysis of the daily activities in a scientific laboratory.
Steven Shapin's book "The Scientific Life: A Moral History of a Late Modern Vocation"
Shapin offers historical viewpoints on the institutionalization of scientific processes while examining the ethical and social facets of the scientific community.
Wiebe E. Bijker, Thomas P. Hughes, and Trevor Pinch, editors, "The Social Construction of Technological Systems: New Directions in the Sociology and History of Technology"
This collection of essays offers insights into the social and institutional dimensions of the creation and acceptance of new scientific knowledge and technologies, despite its technology-focused orientation.
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
1 answer
My institution is unavailable to download the article above from Nature Synthesis, so if you can share the pdf of this paper, I will appreciate that!
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3 answers
Which is prefferable to use for publications and why? My personal email (g-mail/yahoo e.t.c) or official (institution) email.
Especially in cases where I have a choice?
Does any of the 2 have particular advantage over the other?
Relevant answer
It depends. Both are valid for use. However, some journals are specific with their requirements of mailing address. They may ask for institution's mail.
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
4 answers
How would you define effective teaching in your context, taking into consideration the expectations of both students and the institution?
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Hello Rabia Alam,
Effective teaching is the ability to improve student performance which is dependent on good teacher-student relationship in which the teacher makes use of various skills like communication, collaboration, adaptability, empathy and patience to develop a positive attitude in students and inculcate in them the desire to learn not just to achieve grades or degrees but to mold them into good human beings so that not only will the Institution feel proud but also it will benefit the society at large.
This is my definition of effective teaching.
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2 answers
Human Resource Management
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Just afew ideas on what we do.
1. Employee relations. This involves Conflict resolutions through alnalyzing communication patterns and unserstanding possibly areas of conflict. We also do employee engagement that involves knowing emplyees satisfaction, morale and retention rate. We also do compliance and quality assurance. We manage and try to reduce legal risks by adhering to labour laws
2. Recruitment. This a big issue. We are more careful here since experience has showed us that on boarding is very easy but offboarding becomes a very complex matter. Therefore, we consider our orgarnizational needs with special consideration on skills required, adhereance to our core values and our organizational culture, competency and of course qualifications. We examine applications and scruitnize them thoroughly but also conduct interviews. There are times we source through known sources and sometimes we poarch.
But also after on board proces is complete, we do orientation of the employee by introducing them to working environment. we also assign mentors to walk along with them.
3. The other common practise we do is Performance management. As an organization we have stardard forms to be filled by all our employees. We have a template for budgting and work plans that all employees are required to complete. To help each one of them, we bring all of them in a common place and go through on departmental grouping. But also we require our staff to fill appraisal forms. these forms are filled by both the supervisor and the staff and ensure fairnes and create to dialogue in case of areas for improvement.
4. We have other motivational and incentives to our staff through the HR office. These may include but not limited to medical care, giving oocassional food basket, rewarding the best performers, acknowledging most improved departments, staff fun day out and many more.
5. We have also developed the culture of being your brothers keeper. Managers are encouraged to know their weelbeing of the staff in their departments. Those with emotional or physcological needs are reffred to our councellor or Chaplain for help.
I think the above can help you.
I thank you.
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3 answers
Dear ResearchGate Community,
I am seeking advice on reducing the thickness of AZ31 alloy from 10 mm to 1 mm. If you have expertise in this area or can recommend a consultancy institution specializing in fabricating AZ31 alloy to achieve this thickness reduction, your insights would be immensely valuable. Your assistance is much appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your expertise and guidance.
Relevant answer
I'm assuming you have a sheet of 10mm material to start with...
Rolling would be the standard, but you may have to anneal the material as you reduce the thickness due to the cold work strengthening making it difficult to roll. There are lab scale manual rolling presses that are relatively inexpensive.
You could also machine the material away, but you will make chips of 90% of the material.
You could go online and buy a 1mm AZ31 sheet and save your 10mm sheet for a different project.
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1 answer
I created an old profile while I was still a doctoral student and another one a short while ago while I was doing part time research supervision work with an academic institution. Now that I got a new full time job as an academic, and have created a new profile using my new employment information, how do I link the two profiles?
Thanks advise.
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It is not possible to link the two profiles. However, see this instruction how to merge duplicate profiles:
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
3 answers
Dear Research Community,
As a newcomer to the field of research, I am seeking guidance on a specific matter related to affiliations in research papers. Consider a scenario where a student is currently enrolled in an online Master's degree program at a reputable institution, such as the University of Berkeley. This student is preparing to publish a research paper in a peer-reviewed journal.
My question pertains to the formatting of the "affiliation" section. Should it be presented as follows:
Emma Smith Department of Engineering Management University of Berkeley, Berkeley Masters Of Engineering in Engineering Management Email:
Or would it be more appropriate to include the term "Online," like this:
Emma Smith Department of Engineering Management University of Berkeley, Berkeley Masters Of Engineering in Engineering Management, Online
Should I make it more specific to write it in affiliation section as a online program
I appreciate your valuable insights and expertise on this matter
Relevant answer
When submitting a research paper as a student in an online Master's program, you should format the affiliation section to include the essential information that identifies your academic institution and program. Here's how to format it:
1. **Name**: Start with your full name.
2. **Affiliation**: Below your name, list your academic affiliation. In your case, since you are in an online Master's program, you can format it as follows:
- Your Name
- [Name of the University or Institution]
- [Online Master's Program, e.g., "Online Master of Science in [Your Program]"]
3. **University Logo (Optional)**: If your university provides a logo or emblem, you may include it next to the affiliation information.
Here's an example of how it might look:
John Doe
XYZ University
Online Master of Science in Data Science
If your program has a specific department or school, you can include that information as well:
John Doe
School of Engineering and Computer Science
XYZ University
Online Master of Science in Computer Science
Remember to check any specific formatting guidelines or requirements provided by the journal or conference to which you are submitting your research paper. They may have their own preferred format for the affiliation section. Additionally, ensure that your affiliation details are accurate and up to date.
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4 answers
Dear ResearchGate Community,
We are excited to announce an open call for distinguished scholars in the field of Human Resources Management to join the Editorial Board of the Sustainable Human Resources Management Journal (
Sustainable Human Resources Management Journal is hosted by Mazandaran University in Iran and is committed to advancing knowledge and research in the field of Human Resources Management on an international scale. As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance the international reach and impact of our journal, we are seeking qualified individuals who share our passion for excellence in research and are committed to the sustainable development of human resources practices.
Requirements for Editorial Board Membership:
To be eligible for membership on the Editorial Board, candidates must meet the following criteria:
  • Hold the academic rank of Associate Professor or Full Professor.
  • Be affiliated with a prestigious university or academic institution.
  • Possess a distinguished record of scholarly contributions, including a minimum of 30 published articles in the field of Human Resources Management.
  • Demonstrate a commitment to promoting sustainable human resources practices.
Responsibilities of Editorial Board Members:
Editorial Board Members play a crucial role in the success of our journal. Their responsibilities include:
  • Reviewing and evaluating submitted manuscripts in their areas of expertise.
  • Providing constructive feedback and recommendations to authors.
  • Assisting in the peer-review process to ensure the quality and relevance of published articles.
  • Contributing to the strategic development and internationalization of the journal.
If you meet the above criteria and are interested in becoming a part of our dynamic Editorial Board, we invite you to submit your resume and a brief statement of interest outlining your qualifications and motivation for joining our journal.
Please send your application materials to [].
We look forward to welcoming new members to our Editorial Board and working together to advance the field of Sustainable Human Resources Management.
Bahareh Abedin
Executive director of JHRM
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I am interested .kindly mail me the
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
1 answer
Dear friends and colleagues
I would like to inform you that ethical codes in the field of dentistry have been compiled for the first time in Iran and the article is attached. It is a pleasure to review and guide what can be done to institutionalize them in the country.
Dr. Amirahmad Shojaei
Relevant answer
yes its can be done of various platforms
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
1 answer
There are two different dependent variables (both data are ordinal).
Variable A is the "working performance of an institution in garbage management"
Variable B is "society participation, which is shown by the attitude toward garbage handling"
Relevant answer
Analyzing the correlation between two different dependent variables, both of which are measured on an ordinal scale, requires specific statistical techniques. Ordinal variables are categorical variables with a natural order or ranking but do not have a fixed interval between categories, making traditional correlation measures like Pearson's correlation inappropriate. Instead, you can use non-parametric tests and measures to assess the relationship between these variables. Here are steps to analyze the correlation between two ordinal dependent variables:
  1. Data Preparation:Ensure that your data is appropriately structured, with each case having values for both ordinal variables of interest.
  2. Visual Inspection:Start by creating visualizations, such as a clustered bar chart or mosaic plot, to get an initial sense of the relationship between the two ordinal variables. This can help you identify any patterns or trends in the data.
  3. Non-Parametric Correlation Coefficient: Use a non-parametric correlation coefficient appropriate for ordinal data. The most commonly used measure is the Spearman's Rank-Order Correlation (Spearman's rho or ρ). This method ranks the data and calculates the correlation based on the ranks rather than the actual values. It assesses whether there is a monotonic relationship between the two variables.Calculate Spearman's rho using statistical software or packages like R or Python. The coefficient can range from -1 to 1, with -1 indicating a perfect inverse monotonic relationship, 0 indicating no monotonic relationship, and 1 indicating a perfect positive monotonic relationship.
  4. Hypothesis Testing:Conduct a hypothesis test to determine if the correlation is statistically significant. You can use a significance level (alpha) of your choice (commonly 0.05). The null hypothesis typically states that there is no significant correlation between the two ordinal variables.
  5. Interpretation:Interpret the correlation coefficient's magnitude and direction. A positive correlation suggests that as one ordinal variable increases, the other tends to increase, while a negative correlation suggests that as one variable increases, the other tends to decrease. The strength of the correlation is indicated by the absolute value of the coefficient.
  6. Caution:Keep in mind that correlation does not imply causation. Even if a significant correlation is found, it does not prove that one variable causes the other; it only suggests an association.
  7. Consider Additional Analyses:Depending on your research questions, you may want to perform additional analyses, such as regression analysis, to explore the relationship further or control for potential confounding variables.
  8. Report Results:Clearly report the results of your analysis, including the correlation coefficient, its statistical significance, and any relevant visualizations, in your research report or paper.
Remember that ordinal data may not fully capture the underlying relationships between variables, and the strength of associations may be limited compared to interval or ratio data. Nevertheless, Spearman's rank-order correlation is a valuable tool for exploring and quantifying the relationship between two ordinal dependent variables.
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
1 answer
Should an institution name be revealed in a research proposal. Is it ethically right?
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The question of whether an institution name should be revealed in a research proposal depends on various factors and ethical considerations. While there is no universal consensus on this issue, I can provide you with some perspectives to consider:
Transparency and Accountability: Revealing the institution name in a research proposal can enhance transparency and accountability. It allows reviewers and stakeholders to assess the credibility and potential biases associated with the institution, which can be important in evaluating the research proposal.
Confidentiality and Privacy: In some cases, revealing the institution name may compromise confidentiality and privacy, particularly if the research involves sensitive topics or vulnerable populations. Protecting the identity of the institution can help safeguard the privacy of participants and prevent potential stigmatization or harm.
Institutional Reputation: Some researchers may argue that disclosing the institution name can influence the perception of the research proposal. Depending on the reputation of the institution, reviewers may have preconceived notions about the quality or validity of the research, which could introduce bias.
Contextual Considerations: The decision to reveal the institution name may also depend on the specific research context. For example, in certain disciplines or types of research, it may be customary or expected to disclose the institution name for credibility and validation purposes.
Ultimately, the ethical decision regarding revealing the institution name in a research proposal should be guided by principles such as transparency, participant confidentiality, and the specific requirements and norms of the research field. It is advisable to consult relevant institutional and research ethics guidelines, as well as seek input from mentors, peers, and ethics committees, to ensure compliance with ethical standards and best practices in your specific research context.
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39 answers
The argument of this short piece is that freedom of speech is a normatively governed institution which like roads and bridges needs to be maintained by government. The argument draws on writings of the conservative columnist George Will.
Freedom of speech and
the Consent of the Governed
H.G. Callaway
“Free speech,” wrote conservative political columnist George Will (an ex-Republican and “never-Trumper”) “is not free in the sense that it is free of prerequisites, it is not free of a complicated institutional frame”;
Free speech, as much as a highway system, is something government must establish and maintain. The government of a country without the rare and fragile traditions of civility, without education and communications capabilities, could proclaim freedom of speech and resolutely stand back. But the result would not be free speech. It would be mayhem, and the triumph of incivility.1
The chief idea here is that “free speech” is properly understood as a normative, political institution and a social-political aim established by constitutional government—and not a natural result of human activities lacking a needed “institutional frame.” On the contrary, lacking an appropriate institutional frame, according to Will’s view, the result is “mayhem” and “the triumph of incivility.” What, then, is the appropriate “institutional frame” of free speech? How are we to avoid a breakdown or degeneration of free speech into incivility and social-political mayhem? Free speech, among much else, is intended to register the presence and/or lack of public support for government: “the consent of the governed.” The people may, for instance, in the words of the First Amendment, “peaceably assemble” and “petition the government for
redress of grievances.” But free speech does not include the encouragement of or sympathy for violence and street mobs. “Mostly peaceful” demonstrations cannot excuse associated violence and disorder arising from demonstrations; and the leftward slogan, “No Justice, No Peace,” must be resolutely rejected. The establishment of justice comes through the law and in the courts of law. As Fukuyama has put a related point, the state “is an instrument for controlling violence, and one of the ways you do that is by shifting the locus of conflict from the streets into a parliament where you can argue and deliberate rather than fighting things out.”2 I
It is not that American history contains no periods and episodes illustrating related dangers, possible solutions and resolutions. The dangers have recurred—starting with the factionalism of the 1790’s and erupting again in the most severe form in the pre-Civil War period of the 1850’s. Though contemporary polarization has frequently been compared to that of the 1850’s,3 the Present situation present more plausibly invites comparison to the factionalism of the late Gilded Age and , the Progressive Era,4 or the divisions between right and left during the Great Depression of the 1930’s. Contemporary commonalities with the period from the Gilded Age through the Progressive Era and with the 1930’s include not only intensive political divisiveness and discord, but also very significant levels of social-economic distress—conditioned by prior periods of
large-scale economic expansion and dislocations: the Gilded Age of mass industrialization and the “roaring 1920’s” respectively.
As a country, the U.S. is held together in significant degree by its promise of economic opportunity for ordinary people. This promise has drawn immigrants from around the world over centuries; and the state of the economy has long been a chief indicator of up-coming election results. Situations perceived as a threat to broad economic opportunity evoke public discontent and in the extreme tend to set one demographic group against another. We depend on a free press to keep the public informed, to avoid rationalization of evils or sensationalizing reports. By that standard, large segments of the partisan media are not serving the public interest. There is a lack of needed balance between the commercial interests of the media and their duties to the public.
Looking for the institutional frame of free speech, we naturally first think of the Supreme Court and its decisions under the First Amendment. The First Amendment states that “Congress shall make no law ... abridging freedom of speech, or of the press.” It might seem initially that this amounts to a purely lassez-faire, renunciation of lawful control or regulation of speech. But it is not.
First of all, the courts have had to decide what counts as constitutionally protected speech. A good deal of this is familiar in terms of what is prohibited by law. You can’t legally stand up before an angry crowd, for instance, and urge the crowd to violence. Inciting riot is illegal. Speech is not protected where it evokes a “clear and present danger” of unlawful action. In consequence, you cannot legally incite a mob to violence or falsely shout “Fire!” in a crowed theater risking the immediate dangers of a crowd in panic. In certain contexts, speech is regulated in the public interest, chiefly where speech itself becomes a dangerous form of action. But that is not the end of the matter.
Though publicly financed colleges and universities are obligated by the First Amendment to protect freedom of speech on campus, these institutions may and do prohibit disruptive speech in the classroom as a condition of student attendance and educational participation. It is doubtful that higher education would be possible without provisions for the instructor’s control of classroom participation. Institutional prohibition of explicitly racist agitation also makes good sense in this context, since there is little or no reason to think that such speech in the classroom would contribute to improvement of the students or improvement of the (factually multiracial) polity. This makes at least as much sense as the instructor refraining from racial agitation. But
examining arguments for and against racism is something else again. Provocation in teaching has its just limits. Still provocation in private exchanges is limited only by the criterion of its presenting a “clear and present danger.”
There is no sense of constitutionally protected freedom of speech which removes the possibility of someone being offended by what is said in classroom discussion. In consequence, the expanding notion of speech as “micro-aggression,” amounts to a rejection of free speech. Since free speech and the freedom of the press are suited to aid the public in defending itself against the abuse of political power, the power to offend cannot be removed without gutting the democratic ideal of government by the consent of the governed. Constitutionally protected freedom of speech is not designed to make everyone feel comfortable, it is instead designed to keep a country and its inhabitants free.
What are the just limits of free speech on campus? Beyond saying in formal terms that one political or controversial opinion cannot be forbidden if its denial or opposite is allowed, it seems clear that there is a place in these decisions for appeal to existing moral and cultural authority, conceived as guiding good judgment. But this is quite distinct from simply catering or encouraging student hypersensitivities or treating students as “customers” to be pleased and who, like commercial customers are to be viewed as “always right.” Good judgment in the classroom, is definitely much called for, not administrative censorship!
The First Amendment closely links freedom of speech and freedom of the press, and freedom of the press is now broadly understood to include freedom of expression in radio, television and the newer electronic media. Regulation of the public media is a long established fact of federal law and court decisions. The laws regulating public media may easily be viewed as contributing to the “institutional frame” (or lack thereof) of press freedom; and they are consistent with the principle of the consent of the governed, insofar as they have been enacted by duly elected representatives of the people in accordance with the constitution. But it may be doubted that the current U.S. regulatory law has kept pace with rapid technological developments and their commercial exploitation. The “consent of the governed” as a principle of liberal, constitutional
democracy surely does not require the commercial imperative of mass participation (and mass commercial surveillance) via advertisement supported “free” internet subscriptions.5
1. George Will 1983, Statecraft as Soulcraft, What Government Does (New York: Simon and Schuster), pp. 123-124. Will’s book derives from the Godkin Lectures delivered at Harvard University in October 1981.
2. Quoted in Mathilde Fasting, ed. 2021, After the End of History, Conversations with Francis Fukuyama (Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press), p. 82.
3. For an empirically based analysis of the factors tending to evoke civil wars around the world, see, Barbara F. Walters 2022, How Civil Wars Start (New York: Viking).
present situation more plausibly invites comparison to the factionalism of the late Gilded Age and the Progressive Era,4 or the divisions between right and left during the Great Depression of the 1930’s. Contemporary commonalities with the period from the Gilded Age through the Progressive Era and with the 1930’s include not only intensive political divisiveness and discord, but also very significant levels of social-economic distress—conditioned by prior periods of large-scale economic expansion and dislocations: the Gilded Age of mass industrialization and the “roaring 1920’s” respectively.
4. Cf. the Preface of Michael McGerr 2003, A Fierce Discontent (Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press) on the domestic failure of President Wilson’s “Progressivism,” p. xvi: “World War I. marked the high point of the progressive movement. ... Winning the war abroad, the Wilsonians lost their war at home. The administration’s war policies produced disorder instead of order, chaos instead of control. Amid race riots, strikes, high inflation, [and pandemic!] and a frenzied Red scare, Americans turned
against the progressive blueprint for the nation.”
5. According to Walters 2022, Civil Wars, “the most important driver” or “accelerant” of recent civil wars has been social media, as employed by radical “ethnic entrepreneurs” who foment resentment; and the factions most disposed to political violence are people with long histories in the country who are chiefly rural, and who resent displacement by immigrants and urban elites.
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Philadelphia, PA
Dear readers,
Perhaps the following brief quotation from Francis Fukuyama will help the discussion along:
Freedom of speech is one of the core freedoms of a liberal society. The ability to criticize powerful people and organizations serves as a check on their power, and the act of speech itself is an integral part of one’s personal autonomy.
Nonetheless, all liberal societies have placed limits on speech, limits that are inevitable given the dangerous potential of certain forms of speech. The rise of the internet has created a special problem for freedom of expression and has led to substantial confusion on the part of many people. An example of that is Elon Musk, who took over Twitter claiming that he was a “free speech absolutist.” That remark showed that he had not even begun to think through the complexities of managing speech in the internet/big platform era, and we are all paying the price for that now.
---end quotation---
It used to be said of people, discounting their sincerity or truthfulness, that they were "talking through their hat." This implied that what was said was intended for some third party (off to the side, as it were) instead of the person apparently addressed. This sort of thing has become very prominent on the internet. It belongs to the process in which people agree to or go along with outrageous claims and ideas in order to prove their loyalty to some group making outrageous demands on loyalty. This is commonly called something like "opinion in a silo" --where everyone has the same opinions and practices of mutual support are prominent. Taking seriously other views, not current in the loyalty group, then counts as disloyalty and is "grounds" for exclusion.
It used to be that people with very strange or outrageous opinions would find it very difficult to find anyone quite likeminded. But the internet has made that easy. Mr. Trump has obviously tapped into the phenomenon. My view is that it is time for Mr. Trump to retire from politics --for the good of the country. Equally, the world would benefit by a peaceful retirement of Mr. Putin --perhaps of the sort once arranged for Khrushchev?
We do not yet know the full social consequences of the internet (or of A.I. of course). In the interest of science and scholarship, I recommend avoiding larger-scale internet forums such as Twitter and FB, etc. It is also helpful to avoid continuous engagement on more scholarly forums such as R.G. Step back for a time and give yourself more time to think and reflect.
The U.S. constitutional commitment to freedom of speech is quite firm. That is one side of a political and institutional problem giving rise to divisiveness and discord. People need to stop treating political issues and candidates in the manner of commercial advertising campaigns; and it would be very helpful if the internet forums would stop encouraging confrontations of opposing views and confrontations of those who represent them.
"Hot" polemics often have very little value in the advancement of research and scholarship.
H.G. Callaway
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3 answers
Constructive discharge is a legal term used to describe a situation where an employee decides to resign or leave their job voluntarily due to intolerable working conditions or a hostile environment. In such cases, the working conditions are so difficult or adverse that it is as if the employer has forced the employee to quit. Although the term "constructive discharge" implies a voluntary resignation, it is considered involuntary in a legal sense because the working conditions essentially compelled the employee to leave.
In the context of academics, constructive discharge can occur when faculty members or researchers decide to leave their academic positions due to factors such as:
  1. Hostile Work Environment: Persistent harassment, discrimination, or unfair treatment based on gender, race, ethnicity, or other protected characteristics can create a hostile work environment that pushes academics to resign.
  2. Lack of Support: Inadequate support from the institution or colleagues, such as limited resources, lack of mentorship, or insufficient opportunities for professional development, can lead academics to feel frustrated and unsupported.
  3. Excessive Workload: Overburdening academics with heavy teaching loads, administrative tasks, and research responsibilities without adequate compensation or time can lead to burnout and the decision to leave.
  4. Unclear Expectations or Inconsistent Policies: If the institution has ambiguous or ever-changing expectations, it can create a stressful environment for academics who struggle to meet unclear standards.
  5. Toxic Leadership: Poor leadership at the institutional level, including micromanagement, favoritism, or lack of transparency, can create a negative work environment and drive academics to seek employment elsewhere.
  6. Bullying or Professional Intimidation: Instances of bullying or intimidation from colleagues or superiors can create an untenable situation for academics, leading to their decision to resign.
  7. Salary and Benefits Issues: If academics feel their compensation or benefits are inadequate compared to their workload or industry standards, it may contribute to their decision to leave.
  8. Restrictive Research Environment: Institutions that impose significant constraints on research topics or methodologies may discourage academics seeking intellectual freedom.
In academics, constructive discharge can have detrimental effects on individuals and institutions. Losing talented faculty members or researchers can lead to a loss of expertise and hinder the institution's academic reputation. It can also have broader implications for the academic community and the pursuit of knowledge.
If academics believe they are facing a situation of constructive discharge, they may consider seeking legal advice or support from human resources to address the issues and protect their rights. Additionally, addressing the underlying problems and fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment can help prevent constructive discharge and create a positive academic environment for all members.
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I have personally experienced it in some of the prestigious institutions of Gujarat and some other states of India, which compelled me to research on the topic.
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
23 answers
I am working on a research project that deals with sexual harassment, #metoo, and gender institution. I need some statistics on sexual harassment in Canada, especially in for-profit organizations.
Where can I find this information? Please provide some relevant links.
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Putting women off careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) means shutting out much-needed scientific talent, argues experimental physicist Athene Donald, a leading authority on gender-equity issues, in her new book Not Just for the Boys. It’s an enjoyable and useful primer that draws evidence from history, neuroscience and social science, writes space scientist Karly Pitman in her review...
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
1 answer
Hello, do you have any kind of information about conferences organized by ISER?
In this regard, I would like to ask, is this institution credible and trustworthy?
Thank you in advance
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They don't send invitaion? Can I bring money back?
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
6 answers
Technical question for Research Gate Administrator.
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As per the Institutional norms, we can share our IPR when we work for them.
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
6 answers
Dear all,
I am presently looking for any facility or institution to carry out one or more of these analyses for my research in Nigeria: X-ray diffraction analysis, Particle size analysis and thermogravimetric analysis. If you have these in your institution and/or are willing to collaborate on my research kindly reply.
P.S: My research falls under Material Science, Civil Engineering and Architecture
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Thank you for your comment. I have been able to conduct the required analyses elsewhere. This information will be useful for future research work.
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
1 answer
We are interested in hearing your thoughts on the services that would make your academic journey more engaging, convenient, and supportive. Consider services that could leverage technology, promote career development, prioritize mental health and well-being, foster a sense of community, or address any other aspect you believe would enhance your experience as a student.
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I have loved my post graduate studies, I am taking part in an overseas placement, I get free gym membership and Studiosity free access is an addition to support my writing, and the library digital access services are great. Anything that can offer balance and improve well being. Alongside knowledgeable and committed lecturing staff.
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4 answers
Dear colleagues! Do you have your students learn special textson each topic studied, and if so, how do you balance understanding and exact reciting? In my case, reciting will do the job (I teach English in a governmental institution), but I want to introduce as much understanding as I can.
Thank you for any responses!
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Thank you, colleagues
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
3 answers
I have a student satisfaction survey that measures satisfaction on a scale of five levels (1: extremely dissatisfied, 5: extremely satisfied). In the survey we report both the frequency distribution of the satisfaction levels and the average satisfaction level. The survey collects students' program os study besides other variables.
What is the best statistical test to use in order to do the following?
1. Compare the frequency distribution of students satisfaction in one department to the frequency distribution of students satisfaction in the whole institution.
2. Compare the average of students satisfaction in one department to the average of students satisfaction in the whole institution.
Since my data are considered categorical, I'm thinking of using non parametric tests like Kruskal Wallis test or Wilcoxon test to compare means. And use chi square test to compare distribution since this what I know in case of comparing multiple groups. But I'm not sure if comparing one group to the total is valid using the same tests.
Any suggestions?
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There's a problem with this whole approach. You are comparing a subgroup with the whole sample which includes the subgroup itself. Clearly, the larger the subgroup, the less chance of finding a difference, since the subgroup largely determines the whole. You are asking something like "are women different to women and men combined?" which strikes me as weird question.
The appropriate test is to compare the subgroup with the rest. This tests a describable hypothesis, whereas your part versus whole does not.
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
1 answer
Mineral Processing engineering play crucial role in institution like university in shortage of fresh water
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Answer me
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2 answers
Since I have left educational institution, I do not have anyone to review my papers.
It would be thankful if someone could give review for my past 4 papers I have published and give some advice. Thank you.
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I am ready to help for free.
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
10 answers
There have been growing concerns on the advent of social media having an adverse effect on students learning. Students are seen spending more time on social media than their books in most parts of Africa and other parts of the world.
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It can have both good and bad effects
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
3 answers
If he has data on a field study conducted by a government institution, and I have obtained permission to access, analyze and publish this data, then what type of study it is?, knowing that the data pertains to a survey of nearly 10,000 school students to detect infection with the Coronavirus
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Hello Saad; Andrew's advice is sound. In my own field (ant ecology), when someone contributes to the study by providing substantial resources (the data) to the study, they probably should be offered coauthor status. They should also be clearly acknowledged in the manuscript.
Best regards, Jim Des Lauriers
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
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Please give your opinion.
Thanks in Advance
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Dear Mr. Emon!
I spotted a project: INCREASE at LUT University, I am affiliated with:
I define service innovation practice as a new form of innovation capacity. Please feel free to contact the Project Mgr. Prof. Daria Podmetina at:
Mobile: +358405038049
Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
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e.g. name of the member, number of reads / citations
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The only possibility I see is to open each individual profile in and look into the "Stats" sections.
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
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i hope to get a alternative way other than using a freeze dryer
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hi Mubashir Iqbal but i need to collect the protein in the mycelium
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
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Hello. Can you tell me how can I add a new institution to the Research Gate catalog?
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Hi, you could try this link, it may help you
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
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Conflict Management in public administration
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Public Complaints Commission (Ombudsman)
  • asked a question related to Institutionalization
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I would like to withdraw the following article from EPH - International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics: KNOWLEDGE OF FLEXIBLE MENTAL COMPUTATION OF PRE-SERVICE ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS TEACHERS UPON ENTRY TO UNIVERSITY. What procedure do I follow? Thank you.
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