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Injury Prevention - Science topic
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Questions related to Injury Prevention
Dear Sir,
I am Hamid Nasri, founder of Journal of Renal Injury Prevention;
Please let me know, how we can activates its profile in RG.
Thank you
Hamid Nasri
Journal of Renal Injury Prevention was published. ( Coverage; Scopus & Web of Science (impact factor; 0.7)
I am working on a project that requires the usage of GEE for statistical analysis. The idea is to compare to groups that either use an intervention or not and see whether injuries differ between groups. I have read previous literature that uses GEE but I have not found any tutorial on how to perform the analysis properly.
Is there any tutorial out there or some guide on how to perform this kind of analysis for comparison of injuries?
The reference paper is this:
Åkerlund I, Waldén M, Sonesson S, Lindblom H, Hägglund M. High compliance with the injury prevention exercise programme Knee Control is associated with a greater injury preventive effect in male, but not in female, youth floorball players. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2022 Apr;30(4):1480-1490. doi: 10.1007/s00167-021-06644-2. Epub 2021 Jul 2. PMID: 34213586; PMCID: PMC9007760.
In some research are mentioned that they are related
I am searching for a validated tool on Pressure Injury Prevention for patients undergoing surgery
Hamstring strain injuries are very common in sport at all levels .They lead to significant costs, as well as an increased future risk of other injuries. So, it is important to realize which exercises are the most beneficial ones.
The bio-banding approach looks promising to limit the effect of maturity variability on performance and selection. However how this relates to injury prevention was not yet proven.
Does the mindset matter? take pro athletes (ideally 1000 or more!), give them the e.g FIFA 11+ injury prevention program. Tell 500 it’s a well-researched injury prevention program and educate them on benefits. The other 500 do it as a warm-up.
Inspired by: "Mind-Set Matters Exercise and the Placebo Effect" article by Alia J. Crum and Ellen J. Langer Harvard University (2007), Sage publications.
Dear Daniel and Philipp, I would appreciate a bit more information about this project. I wrote my Phd about Mindfulness for injuries prevention and treatment. My e-mail is
Thank you, best regards!
Eccentric exercise training is widely known to initiate muscular hypertrophy and consequent eccentric strength gains. Moreover a number of recent studies have demonstrated that eccentric cycling training can cause significant hypertrophy in the active muscle. On the other hand, functionally, this exercise is not context related (regarding football motor behaviour) and is plausible to assume that it could change the peak torque angle.
I am trying to publish papers related to method presented in an article attached to this question. It is The method to evaluate the susceptibility to injuries during the fall – validation procedure of the specific motor test. But reviewers decline it because they did not recognize this test as valid, although presented article is validation procedure.
I am teaching patients with mental disability safe falls technique for backward fall. This test is designed to measure probability of injuries of different body parts based on method how someone is laying down. Better outcome should indicate that there is lesser probability of injuries. Patients with mental disorders are hard to test so full battery of different tests are almost impossible, but this one is acceptable by them as it is covered in motor task similar to exercises.
Can I have honest opinion about this test and maybe someone know which journal accepts studies like that?
Dear Sentaro,
I am interested in your knee injury prevention, are you looking at exercises for pre-habilitation or just understanding the mechanism of injury? I have a student here working on something similar, he might like to collaborate with you.
Kind regards
Three papers published examine aspects of the Laws of the Game; Law 15 and the tackle with obligations of the tackled player in releasing the ball and for that player to immediately get to his/her feet, thus a ruck cannot take place. Law 20 and the scrum prohibits 'charging' at the set but expacts that the scrum is aligned parallel to the side line. Data shows that both the tackle and scrum take on average of 3 seconds to complete and that in sevens judgement skills are as important as decisions made that could potentially minimise error and prevent injury. i refer to the 2017 Laws of the Game, World Rugby.
Most data regarding sports accidents emanate from hospitals and rescuers. In France, it is somewhat difficult to get precise information as to these accidents. I would be interested in international data in order to compare the situation in France and in other countries...
Did anyone hear about consistent databases regarding accidents related to sports activities?. Available from: [accessed Apr 26, 2017].
I need to know the methods/techniques and how to obtain it.
To some extent, the injury severity of accident consequences depends on the impact speed and other characteristics of collisions. We can make use of the information related to injury to conduct accident reconstruction and vehicle speed analysis. When the traces on the road surface and braking measure of drivers are uncertain, the parameters associated with injury severity (e.g. MAIS/ISS, fracture or some special injury) can be helpful to estimate the impact speed of vehicle or reconstruct the occupant status when the crash was happening (e.g. to inspect an occupant was driver or passenger; a road user was riding a bike or not). You are very welcome to talk with me on the related topics. Many thanks in advance.
The background of my question is a planned research about noise (generated by tractors and agricultural machinery/equipment, e.g. harvesting combines) impact on human’s psychological stress level, psychomotor and cognitive functions. Modern tractor cabin is quite good sound-proofed so papers from last 5-7 years are strongly recommended. And we have to exlude some papers from 80’s, 90’s and even first decade of 2000’s. Any ideas? I will be very grateful for your support.
From traditional driving pattern to fully autonomous driving pattern, there will be a long way, which include partly automated driving function as a transition stage. However, it is obviously hard for human to switch roles from various distractions to promptly return to drive attentively. Such man-machine integration will increase error probability in operation to result in more risk of accidents. This is not we want. Maybe, the ideal pattern is, human driving still is the main course, and automotive systems should provide proper and timely assistant support for drivers, such as when in distraction, fatigue, and other abnormal status of mankind or in adverse weather and vision condition. Machine intelligence should give opportune help and should not worsen the circumstance even cause new trouble. Though accidents and crashes probably happen at any moment and over 85% or more can attributed to human factors, people like and want to drive. So many people could drive safely on roads every day. Please feel free to discuss.
For long term trend of the number of crashes in a country, the weather conditions (long hard winter, warm spring and/or autumn) definitely are relevant.
Besides this, I have read about the relevance of the state of the economy as a further determinant of a rise or decrease of crashes several times. But the evidence always was from the US. I am curious if there is European evidence available, also.
I anybody aware of research from Europe, dealing with the influence of the weather and economic indicators on road crashes?
Self-reported driving behavior may only predict self-reported accidents and not those that are actually known to have taken place.
In order to improve the quality of information about this subject (injuries prevention), I would like to know which are the strategies presently applied in order to investigate the injury prevention, specifically to college sports.
I am going to develop and validate a questionnaire to study pedestrian unsafe crossing behavior based on extended TPB. After conducting qualitative phase for eliciting salient beliefs I will use the results to develop a questionnaire. In addition to standard constructs of TPB, one of the extended predictive variables would be past behavior. I would also be measured unsafe crossing behavior as an independent variable using a self-report questionnaire. Could anyone please help me how to formulate questions to measure past behavior as a predictive variable and behavior as an independent variable?
- Which systems (central nervous, hormonal, muscular, ...) need to be measured?
- Which monitoring tools are useful for which system?
- Which interventions are useful to regenerate which system?
- Which interventions are no-gos in case of overload of each system?
For vehicle to pedestrian crashes, statistics results show that females are at higher risk in crashes. Female pedestrians have more fatalities than males without regard to age, height, weight or other characteristics. Why female pedestrians or cyclists are generally vulnerable than males? Is it truly a gender difference? Is it because males are naturally stronger than females? But we have no further research work. Could you recommend me some related papers or existing research findings? Any suggestions are very welcome!
We read a lot about motor control, movement pattern and movement impairments. Do we really correct these patterns or not? do we have good quality evidence for this? I have seen athletes who have faulty movement patterns but they all perform really well, does this mean not to worry about the abnormal patterns or they might end up in a injury. There are athletes who are injured but they have really good movement patterns what to do with them? i accept there are lot of other intrinsic and extrinsic factors involved in an injury but is it about movement patterns or just mixture of many things that we are just trying to pick up one by one. Please give in your views.
An ontology can help to organise occupational safety and health (OSH) knowledge and allow machines to interrogate OSH knowledge base to answer questions more intelligently. There are numerous accident and ill health classification taxonomies around, but are there comprehensive OSH ontology around?
I was asked recently about injury prevention when I had random thought. Is there an accepted rate of injury? We have a lot of statistics on incidence and prevalence, but do we know how often a "normal" injury occurs? When talking about prevention, is the goal for there to be zero injuries? We know risk factors and have developed treatment programs that change the rate of injury. Has this goal been defined in the literature? Is there an athletic population that has no injuries?
I have read several articles but it is not clear what kind of training is best for the prevention of ACL injuries.
I am going to study injuries among elderly, what are the options to get research articles other than Pubmed, Google scholar. Please suggest.
It is widely studied the importance of balance training in older people, but what evidence is there to train balance in youth and adult non-athletes? Any paper to review it? Thank you so much.
My current research project is about the data quality in child injury prevention. In the course of my study, I predominately make use of qualitative methods.
I'm currently drafting the interview questions for expert interviews, asking about perceptions and expectations of stakeholders, working in child injury prevention, on current data systems in terms of quality (utility). I wondered if anyone had any great interview questions for this type of interview which they are willing to share?
Thanks for your help.
Regards, Nicola
I need this for my bachelor thesis, and it's quiet hard to find free literature. There's alot about soccer/football or just about general warmup, but nothing basketball specific..
Thanks for your help!
I am looking for intertial properties (mass, centre of mass position, moment of inertia) of specific body anatomical segments to be included in a muscoskeletal model (Vasavada head and Neck model, OpenSim) for inverse dynamic simulation porpouse.
The claim is that the evidence is very weak in that injuries tend to occur much later in an exercise session or match event.
We have an American football team with a history of numerous labrum problems in the shoulder. We believe most of these problems are due to injuries sustained before arriving on campus. This belief is based on the young age of most of our players. However, as a concerted effort to prevent future labrum injuries as much as possible, we are researching possible preventative methods in the strength and conditioning aspect. Any help?
I want to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of householders regarding unintentional injuries prevention and early management of these injuries in Iran. To do this I need to know if there is any valid and reliable tool for this already. And if not, is there any tool like this or close to this?
The focus lies on the screening of risk factors for non-contact and indirect contact injuries of the lower extremities (e.g. muscle injuries, ACL injuries). The test battery should be implementable in a real world sports setting - ideally as part of the regular preseason performance and pre-participation diagnostics.
In the recent weeks there were 3 aircraft 'incidents', one of which was fatal. So is driving preferable? Is road safety comparable to aviation safety?
I would like know and gather opinions on this issue. Why do some nations have bigger risk of fatal occupational injuries?
"careless and ignorant employees" or "greedy employers" or "clumsy governments" or who?