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1 answer
会议征稿:第四届智能电网与能源互联网国际会议(SGEI 2024)
Call for papers: IEEE 2024 4th International Conference on Smart Grid and Energy Internet (SGEI 2024) will be held during December13-15, 2024 in Shenyang, China. SGEI 2024 is hosted by Shenyang University of Technology.
Conference website(English):
收录检索:IEEE Xplore,EI Compendex,Scopus
由沈阳工业大学主办的2024年第四届智能电网与能源互联网国际会议(SGEI 2024)将于2024年12月13日至15日在中国沈阳举行。会议主要围绕智能电网与能源互联网等研究领域展开讨论。旨在为智能电网与能源互联网等领域的专家学者及企业发展人提供一个分享研究成果、讨论存在的问题与挑战、探索前沿科技的国际性合作交流平台。本次会议将大力推广能源领域的创新技术和实际应用,旨在充分实现各类能源资源的互联、开放、共享和协同,塑造绿色、低碳、高效和低成本的智慧能源系统。大会诚邀国内外高校、科研机构专家、学者,企业界人士及其他相关人员参会交流。
分布式能源:可再生能源和存储,微电网和虚拟电厂,电力电子和电网接口,能源和配送管理系统,能源系统的监测,保护和控制,智能电网技术,能源转换和存储  ,传输系统技术,HVDC和FACTS,配电系统和变电站自动化,智能电网的信息和通信技术,监测和控制智能电网的电能质量,多领域应用的智能电网,电源质量、保护和电磁兼容性,电力工程发电技术,电动驱动器及其应用,大电网稳定控制,电力系统通信与控制,电网智能调度,能源互联网的建模、仿真与设计,人工智能技术,智能配用电与微电网,能源互联网的装备核心技术,直流电网,物联网,支撑能源互联网的信息物理系统及信息安全,全球能源互联网,能源效率,能源战略与能源互联网 ,新能源系统及控制等。
SGEI 2024投稿,都必须经过2-3位组委会专家审稿,经过严格的审稿之后,最终所有录用的论文将由IEEE(ISBN:979-8-3503-6831-4)出版,见刊后由出版社提交至IEEE Xplore, EI, Scopus检索。
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  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
4 answers
Recently I attended my Research Advisory Meeting. Following questions are raised during the presentation:
  1. Does Hermeneutics based research applicable to technology projects?
  2. Are Hermeneutics Based Research and Qualitative Research are Same?
  3. Proof of Concept is a must to consider any research work. How can it be achieved in Hermeneutics-based research?
I look forward to your views.
Arunkumar Khannur
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yes, the reasoning, logical, systematic thinking way can be applied to the technological field. It seems the applicaiton is very broad and pracatical.
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
9 answers
How do you think artificial intelligence can improve cybersecurity?
What are the risks and benefits?
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Yes, artificial intelligence (AI) can significantly improve cybersecurity in various ways:
  1. Threat Detection and Prevention: AI-powered systems can analyze vast amounts of data in real time to detect anomalies, patterns, and potential threats that may go unnoticed by traditional methods. Machine learning algorithms can learn from historical data to identify new and evolving threats.
  2. Behavioral Analysis: AI can analyze user and system behaviors to identify deviations from the norm, helping to detect insider threats and unusual activities that could indicate a cyberattack.
  3. Automated Incident Response: AI can automate responses to certain types of cyber threats, enabling faster and more effective mitigation of attacks. This reduces the manual effort required for incident response and accelerates the remediation process.
  4. Advanced Threat Intelligence: AI-driven threat intelligence platforms can gather and analyze information from various sources to provide organizations with up-to-date information about emerging threats and vulnerabilities.
  5. Malware Detection: AI algorithms can identify known and unknown malware by analyzing file attributes, behavior, and code patterns. This helps in real-time malware detection and prevention.
  6. User Authentication and Access Control: AI-powered authentication systems can use behavioral biometrics, device recognition, and contextual data to enhance user authentication and prevent unauthorized access.
  7. Phishing Detection: AI can identify phishing emails by analyzing content, sender behavior, and contextual information, reducing the risk of successful phishing attacks.
  8. Network Security: AI can monitor network traffic, identify unusual patterns, and detect potential intrusions or unauthorized activities.
  9. Vulnerability Management: AI can assess software code, scan for vulnerabilities, and suggest patches or remediation actions to improve system security.
  10. Adaptive Security: AI can dynamically adjust security measures based on real-time threats and vulnerabilities, ensuring a more responsive and adaptable defense system.
  11. Predictive Analytics: AI can predict potential future threats based on historical data, enabling organizations to proactively strengthen their defenses.
  12. Reducing False Positives: AI can help reduce the number of false positives generated by security systems, improving the accuracy of threat detection and reducing alert fatigue for security analysts.
  13. Security Analytics: AI can help security analysts make sense of large volumes of security data, providing insights that aid in decision-making and incident response.
  14. Cybersecurity Training: AI-powered simulations and training platforms can help educate employees about cybersecurity best practices, increasing their awareness of potential threats.
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
6 answers
Threads can replace Twitter?
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It is important to understand Twitter's users and its advertising base to answer this question. For an advertiser focused on Business-to-Business (B2B) or Business-to-Government (B2G), especially those focused in the tech industry, Twitter provided the marketing personas that we sought. Personas are the user type profiles sought, i.e., C-Level, Business decision maker, technical decision maker, and business influencer. and, Facebook and Instagram started as a great place to appeal to Business-to-Consumer (B2C) personas.
For Threads to capture Twitter's users and B2B/B2G personas, it must deliver a better experience and provide advertisers the confidence to jump to that platform to be successful. Threads' first steps have not been successful in doing so.
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
8 answers
What are the key determinants of the possibility of building new high-tech microchip manufacturing companies?
What are the key determinants of the possibility of building new high-tech microchip manufacturing companies in a developing country where various new technologies are being developed but to date there are no high-tech chip manufacturing companies?
What type, what category of capital should a developing country have in order to be able to build its, nationally, a kind of new 'Silicon Valley', in which companies developing new technologies and basing their business models on new, highly advanced ICT information technologies and Industry 4.0 will function effectively?
Among the various factors of technological and developmental advantage of individual countries in terms of international comparisons, the possession of advanced technologies, including biotechnology, green energy technologies but also new ICT information technologies and technologies typical of the current fourth technological revolution, Industry 4.0 technologies, stands out. The possession of these technologies determines the possibilities for the development of many industries, including the manufacture of products that are increasingly produced as highly technological products equipped with, for example, microchips.
Microchips are no longer used only in computers, laptops, PDAs, tablets, smartphones, supercomputers built in research centres and further types of highly technological products, but also in white goods, consumer electronics, TV, motor vehicles, including cars, aircraft, military equipment, etc. and, more recently, in systems based on artificial intelligence being built and developed. Microchip production is associated with certain determinants for the development of other economic sectors as well. The production of microchips is a highly energy-intensive process. Therefore, it is also necessary to develop new, renewable and emission-free energy sources to supply electricity to, among other things, microchip production processes.
Currently, there are aspirations and research in many countries to identify opportunities for the development of advanced ICT and/or to create the conditions for the creation of a kind of next "Silicon Valley", including microchip manufacturing companies. As in the case of other industries, so in the case of new ICT information technologies and Industry 4.0, the key factors determining the possibility of building new companies producing advanced microchips include such basic categories of capital as financial capital, possession of research and development centres, science centres generating also the intellectual capital of the staff of employees, possession of modern lines and machine parks produced mainly by domestic industries, generating technological and production capital, with which industrial plants and companies included in technological sectors are equipped. However, this is not all that is required to build a thriving sort of new, next "Silicon Valley" and to be able to be at the forefront of the new ICT information technologies, Prezmysł 4.0, including the production of highly technological microchips. Perhaps among the mentioned key determinants of the development of technology companies are new specific business models, new styles of management, personnel management and motivation to create technological innovations. In addition, perhaps the key factors determining the development of technology companies should also include a highly economically efficient mix of flexible pro-development economic policies, including policies to support the development of science, scientific research, the development of research and development centres, policies to develop innovation; systemically developed highly efficient corruption-free financial support programmes from the state's public finance system; a friendly economic policy for the development of innovative startups; modern ownership models and shareholding structures of technology companies, research institutes and research and development centres, etc.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What type, what category of capital should a developing country have in order to be able to build its, nationally, a kind of new "Silicon Valley" in which companies developing new technologies and basing their business models on new, highly advanced ICT information technologies and Industry 4.0 will function effectively?
What are the key factors determining the feasibility of building new modern microchip manufacturing companies in a developing country where various new technologies are being developed but modern microchip manufacturing companies do not exist to date?
What are the key determinants of the possibility of building new high-tech microchip manufacturing companies?
What are the key determinants of the development of highly technological industries?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
I have not used other sources or automatic text generation systems such as ChatGPT in writing this text.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
The development of highly technological industries is influenced by a variety of factors. Here are some key determinants that play a significant role:
  1. Research and Development (R&D): Investment in research and development is crucial for the development of highly technological industries. Companies and governments that allocate substantial resources to R&D activities can drive innovation, create new technologies, and enhance existing ones. R&D investment helps in the development of cutting-edge products, processes, and services, giving industries a competitive advantage.
  2. Skilled Workforce: The availability of a skilled and knowledgeable workforce is essential for the development of technological industries. Skilled professionals, such as engineers, scientists, programmers, and technicians, contribute to research, design, production, and maintenance of technology-based products and services. Access to quality education and training programs that focus on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines is crucial for nurturing a skilled workforce.
  3. Infrastructure: Adequate infrastructure is necessary to support the development of highly technological industries. This includes reliable power supply, high-speed internet connectivity, transportation networks, research facilities, and incubation centers. A well-developed infrastructure enables efficient communication, transportation of goods, access to markets, and collaboration between industry players.
  4. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Protection: Strong intellectual property rights protection is essential to encourage innovation and investment in technological industries. Robust legal frameworks and effective enforcement of patents, copyrights, and trademarks provide incentives for companies to develop new technologies and ensures that they can profit from their inventions. Effective IPR protection fosters a climate of innovation, attracting investments and promoting technological development.
  5. Access to Capital: Adequate access to capital is crucial for the growth and development of technological industries. Investments are required for R&D, infrastructure development, hiring skilled professionals, and scaling up operations. Access to venture capital, private equity, government grants, and loans enables companies to fund their innovative projects and expand their operations.
  6. Collaboration and Networking: Collaboration and networking play a vital role in the development of highly technological industries. Collaborations between academia, research institutions, and industry foster knowledge transfer, encourage innovation, and enhance the development of new technologies. Networks and clusters of companies in related industries can create synergies, share knowledge, and facilitate the exchange of ideas.
  7. Supportive Regulatory Environment: A supportive regulatory environment can significantly impact the development of highly technological industries. Clear and favorable regulations can encourage innovation, ease market entry for new companies, and provide a framework for fair competition. Policies that promote entrepreneurship, ease bureaucratic burdens, and incentivize investments in R&D can foster the growth of technological industries.
  8. Market Demand: The presence of a strong market demand for technological products and services is a key determinant of industry development. Industries thrive when there is a significant consumer base or business demand for innovative technologies. Market demand provides the necessary incentives for companies to invest in R&D and bring technologically advanced products and services to the market.
It's important to note that these determinants can interact and influence each other. Successful development of highly technological industries often requires a combination of these factors working in tandem to create an ecosystem conducive to innovation and growth.
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
4 answers
What are the applications of digital twins in conjunction with artificial intelligence, Big Data Analytics and other Industry 4.0 technologies in creating simulations of digital models of complex macroprocesses?
The technology of digital twins is used, among other things, to simulate production, logistics processes in business entities, i.e. in the microeconomic field. The creation of digital twins for specific economic and financial processes carried out in economic entities supports the management of these entities. Computer simulations of e.g. production processes, offering of services, supply and procurement logistics, distribution logistics, marketing communication with customers, etc. save time and money, as possible errors in decisions generate much smaller negative effects if they are realised not within the framework of real processes and a kind of experimentation on a functioning enterprise, company, corporation, institution, etc., but within the framework of computer simulation. but within the framework of a computer simulation in which various alternative variants of the development of the economic and financial situation of a company are considered and compared with each other as forecasts of specific processes defined for the following days, weeks, months, quarters or years. Therefore, since the pandemic, many companies and enterprises in Poland have been investing in the creation of IT systems equipped with digital twin technologies, within which it is possible to create multi-criteria, multi-faceted, complex simulation models of specific economic and other processes realised within the company, and/or simulation of processes realised at the level of the company's relations with the environment, with business partners, customers, cooperators, etc.
On the other hand, the possibilities of creating simulations for macroprocesses, i.e. e.g. macroeconomic processes, natural processes, technological processes, geological processes, social processes, long-term climate change, cosmological processes, etc., through the use of digital twin technologies and also other Industry 4.0 technologies, including learning machines, deep learning, artificial intelligence, analytics carried out on Big Data Analytics platforms, are a matter of debate. Year on year, due to technological advances in ICT, including the use of new generations of microprocessors characterised by ever-increasing computing power, the possibilities for increasingly efficient, multi-criteria processing of large collections of data and information are growing. Artificial intelligence can be particularly useful in the field of selective and precise search for specific, defined types of information and data extracted from many selected types of websites and real-time transfer and processing of these data in database systems organised in cloud computing on Big Data Analytics platforms, which would be accessed by a system managing a built and updated model of a specific macro-process using digital twin technologies.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What are the applications of digital twins in conjunction with Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics and other Industry 4.0 technologies for creating simulated digital models of complex macroprocesses?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
The combination of digital twins with AI, Big Data Analytics, and other Industry 4.0 technologies has the potential to revolutionize the way we model and simulate complex macroprocesses. The applications of such technologies can range from predicting and optimizing macroeconomic outcomes to predicting and mitigating the impact of natural disasters. One potential application is in the field of climate modeling, where digital twins can be used to simulate the effects of various policy interventions and technological developments on long-term climate change. Another potential application is in the field of urban planning, where digital twins can be used to simulate the impact of various transportation and land-use policies on the environment and human well-being.
However, there are also ethical concerns that need to be addressed in the development and use of these technologies. For example, there may be unintended consequences or biases in the data used to train AI models, which could lead to inaccurate or unfair simulations. Additionally, the use of these technologies may exacerbate existing inequalities if they are only accessible to certain groups or if their implementation is not carefully planned and monitored. Therefore, it is important to consider the potential ethical implications of these technologies and to develop guidelines and best practices for their responsible use.
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
6 answers
I want to know about CHAT GPT. What type of data we can collect using Chat GPT and how to use it.
Thank you.
Relevant answer
You can find some details about OpenAI, including chat gpt, on the OpenAI website:
Additionally, research papers about GPT and its variants can be found in academic databases.
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
4 answers
Hi All,
A few months ago i had asked the community to help me decide a research topic - today i request your support in making my research come to life - i need Responses from people in the IT sector
If you are one of know someone in the sector please help me out by filling this survey. Many thanks!
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Hello all,
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
6 answers
Do new ICT information technologies facilitate the development of scientific collaboration, the development of science?
Do new ICT information technologies facilitate scientific research, the conduct of research activities?
Do new ICT information technologies, internet technologies and/or Industry 4.0 facilitate research?
If so, to what extent, in which areas of your research has this facilitation occurred?
What examples do you know of from your own research and scientific activity that support the claim that new ICT information technologies facilitate research?
What is your opinion on this topic?
Please reply,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
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Hello All and thanks to Dr. Dariusz Prokopowicz for the importnant discussion,
ICT technologies are entering all aspects of life. They are facilitiating all that is mentioned in the discussion question and more.
Without these technologies, life would have been nearly impossible during the pandemic and the increasing number of people around the world would have difficulty achieving the same level of communications, collaboration, smart planning, resource utilization,.... etc. without the current ICT tools.
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
6 answers
Please help! I'm looking for respondents to take this less than 5 minute survey on industry 4.0 and sustainability, it's for my master's thesis. Thanks so much, feel free to share the link with others as well! :) #sustainability #share #help #innovation
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Done, would be interesting to see the results.
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
5 answers
Der colleagues
How do you see publishing research and scientific works in Education and Information Technologies?
The aforementioned journal is published by Springer publisher and has been listed in Scopus with quartile Q1 since 2005. It is listed in ESCI that looks promising to be included in WOS. Some top researchers and scientists have published there. Apparently, it has some distinguished features of a high quality journal. But the problem is it publishes 6 volumes each year including many more articles than similar journals.
I will appreciate it if you could share your precious opinions and experience.
Sincerely Yours
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According to the latest JCReport 2021 (see enclosed file) the journal has been assigned a Clarivate impact factor of 2.917.
Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
21 answers
The use of computer games at work and education is growing and will grow. Computer game technologies are distributed in parallel to applications in simulators of various means of transport and machines.
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
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innovating in the railway sector using gaming … van den Hoogen, J. (2019). The Gaming of Systemic Innovations: innovating in the railway sector using gaming simulation (Doctoral dissertation, Delft University of Technology).
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
4 answers
  • I will be glad if someone from this platform could help suggest research proposal for me on Information Technologies
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thanks very much @Anatol Badach
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
6 answers
I'm a graduate student in information technology. I'm trying to do my research on Bioinformatics, a multi-disciplinary and rapidly emerging field of biomedical data sciences and informatics technologies. but really i'm new to Bioinformatics and also don't know much about Biology. I already read some research papers but still i could not get an idea. please suggest me IT&Bioinformatics research area ?
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Thank you
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
6 answers
If I have a framework as a solution for such a real problem, What is the current method to evaluate the user satisfaction of these solution. Do EUCS (end user computing satisfaction) can be used to measure the success of the application of these frameworks among practitioners. Is there any methods that can we used to do an evaluation of user satisfaction ?
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Probably the CSI (Customer Satisfaction Index)
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
20 answers
Is there a promise of technologies and inventions that will be developed in the future in novels and films of the science fiction genre?
In my opinion, in many science fiction movies you can find a preview of future inventions and technologies that will be implemented on the industrial scale. this is one of the main features of science fiction novels and movies.
In view of the above, the current question is: Is there a promise of technologies and inventions that will be developed in the future in novels and films of the science fiction genre?
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.
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Dear Friends and Colleagues of RG
In my opinion, in many science fiction movies you can find a preview of future inventions and technologies that will be implemented on the industrial scale. this is one of the main features of science fiction novels and movies.
Do you agree with me on the above matter?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Best wishes
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
6 answers
The current technological revolution known as Industry 4.0 is motivated by the development of the following technologies of advanced information processing:
Big Data database technologies, cloud computing, machine learning, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, Business Intelligence and other advanced data mining technologies.
In view of the above, I am asking you the following question:
Is the scope of the development of new information technologies, ie the factors of the current technological revolution in individual countries, Industry 4.0 is significantly diversified?
Is there any diversification in terms of the Industry 4.0 technological revolution in individual countries?
Does this diversity diminish or increase?
Please reply
Best wishes
Relevant answer
Thank you for the interesting question.. I think it is diversified according to the needs for specific industry sectors e.g. the scope of cloud computing technology provides a variety of solutions for SMEs and entrepreneurs in terms of payment methods, provisioned resources, and privacy. These cloud solutions enable the exploitation of the industry 4.0 revolution for this sector by offering IT services and infrastructure necessary for the core technologies of this revolution such as IOT and AI.
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
12 answers
What are the interest topics in Information System or in Communication Information Technologies?
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Dear Raaid Alubady,
attached my poster with networking trends
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
7 answers
Are there research and development programs in your countries for cooperation between territorial self-governments and enterprises to activate entrepreneurship and innovation of business entities?
In recent years, cooperation programs of territorial self-governments with enterprises have been developed in some countries to activate entrepreneurship and innovativeness of business entities.
Because in developed countries information, innovations, new technologies and entrepreneurship are considered as one of the most important factors of the country's economic development and, as a consequence, also economic growth measured, for example, by the Gross Domestic Product in subsequent years.
In addition, research and research and implementation works are conducted in these themes, which further underline the high level of significance of innovation, new technologies and entrepreneurship in contemporary national economies.
In connection with the above, I would like to ask you the following question: Are there research and development programs in your countries for cooperation between territorial self-governments and enterprises to activate entrepreneurship and innovation of business entities?
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.
Relevant answer
Yes in Brazil, I've coordinated several programs to stimulate entrepreneurship and innovation. In the last 17 years we have carried out several programs to strengthen innovative entrepreneurship, especially in the areas of IT, health, agribusiness. Currently, the region where I worked, Southern Brazil, is recognized as one of the main centers of technology and innovation of the country having an integrated system of innovation, which brings together companies, universities, support entities, financial agents and government.
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
17 answers
The question of predatory journals is very topical and new researchers are at the mercy of such journals. I was thinking of sharing information on authentic journals so that we can enlighten our other new researchers so that they can be informed and make right choices when it comes to issues of publishing their research articles.
Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries
Information Technologies & International Development
Journal of Information Technology for Development
The International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology
Journal of Systems Integration
These are just some of the authentic journals that I have worked with and they are very authentic.
Can others add the journals they are accustomed to .
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I have tried to avoid predatory journals. I only publish in High Earn journals.
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
4 answers
We are launching a new application for international market. There would be slight changes based on the country in terms of the dynamic content from web-services. We are confused whether we should go with application for all countries which will be customized based on user country selection or multiple apps with respect to countries.
I would really appreciate an intellectual and best help from the expert.
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Creating multiple applications to handle language and cultural variations would result in a maintenance nightmare. Your application future would have a very short horizon as success will demand more applications which require more maintenance which eats up your developer time leaving nothing for new features. The calculus is simple. All credible development environments will provide language independence and the ability to control page navigation based on a language key that you can read from your users web or device profile.
On the other hand, if you are considering a web application I would avoid a generic mobile development environment unless you plan to go beyond the 98% of the market held by Apple and Android. In discussing this with vendors of such systems, they universally have agreed that unless you are looking to support a range of platforms beyond just Apple and Android you'd be better of writing two applications. These systems were conceived to write applications to support Apple, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone, Windows Universal, etc. The problem is that there are only two vendors left standing after the phone wars. The overhead of working in a generic solution saturated with "if apple then do this" and "if android then to this" will add about 50% to your code and still curtail your ability to take full advantage of the device. This is a reasonable compromise if you are supporting 5 targets, but not for just 2.
You might want to consider coding your application in either Android or Apple depending on your target market and then outsourcing the other. Outsourcing can have challenges, but this represents the simplest case. Given the Android/Apple code create the Apple/Android code to do the identical thing taking advantage of best practices for the second device. The core logic will be the same and it will be easy to QA.
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
13 answers
  • Dear all, I am trying to find some articles or related material which describes or introduce different dimensions of information and communication technology (ICT). E.g. TQM has 7 dimensions e.g. leadership, continuous improvement etc. Knowledge management has dimensions e.g. knowledge sharing , knowledge acquisition etc. What are the dimensions of information and communication technology (ICT)?
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I think dealing with Information Systems dimensions is more suitable. You can find answers in the book of Laudon & Laudon:
Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
6 answers
I got lots of previous studies about Information technologies and globalization, but could not find anything about GIS-Globalization
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Please have a look at enclosed PDFs...
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
20 answers
Hi Experts
I want to examine the relationship between Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Knowledge Management. I found dimensions of knowledge management from literature e.g. knowledge acquisition, knowledge absorption, knowledge sharing etc. but am still struggling to find concrete dimensions (or factors) of information and communication technology. Can you please suggest some dimensions of ICT so that I can investigate their relationship with knowledge management's dimensions?
Relevant answer
ICT is an enabler for KM. However, KM is much more than technology, rather the combination of people, processes and technology. If you aren't able to motivate people to share knowledge, then technology is redundant. There is a vast literature on KM systems, but adoption of these systems has often been problematic, as not enough attention has been placed on the human factors of technology adoption and knowledge sharing.
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
3 answers
I'm writing my master thesis about the blockchain technology (distributed ledge tech) and it's impact on supply chain. 
So I'm wondering if there before have been conducted any adoption or impact study on blockchain technologies in supply chains?
Answers would be much appreciated. Thanks. 
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Hi, I worked on PLM adoption as an ICT innovative and technology . If it can helps you!
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
6 answers
Dear all
I am writing a paper in the field of LDPC codes. I have a problem for simulating my proposed parity check matrix and obtaining the chart of bit error vs SNR values. I need to an expertise co-author in this field for finishing my paper. can everyone help me as co-author for simulating my paper? please contact me and I will explain more details
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Dear Dr.Kaining Ham
Thank you for your comment.
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
2 answers
Is it possible to create superposition for an item (object ) in Quantum episodic memory, if it is yes then would a cue will distroy the superposition to convert its superposition state into the one of the remembered state
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Memory exhibits episodic superposition, an analog of the quantum superposition of physical states: Before a cue for a presented or unpresented item is administered on a memory test, the item has the simultaneous potential to occupy all members of a mutually exclusive set of episodic states, though it occupies only one of those states after the cue is administered.
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
13 answers
Can IoT use any network(WiFi, Bluetooth, LAN, WAN etc) for establish connectivity between "things" apart from Internet? If so, why the name IoT? Why not Network of Things ( NoT) ?
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Thanks you all.
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
15 answers
Roughly every decade we see a new computing platform on the horizon: PC, laptop, smartphone, ...then VR? Do you share the same opinion? I'd be interested to hear what everyone has to say.
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I agree with Andrii to see VR as another interface. In my opinion, despite the hardware costs, the main challenge is how to deal with almost-perfect "immersiveness" of VR-systems.
I don't think VR is able to mimic natural environments perfectly some time soon. In the meantime, there is the posibility to get stuck in some kind of uncanny valley of interaction. VR's killer-app won't be "reality", the user always has to adapt to not-quite-reality, to the benefit of VRs advantages. I think the challenge is, to develop a common set of techniques to communicate differences to reality or VR-specific rules in VR without disturbing the users interaction.
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
1 answer
I am currently working on a project that requires detailed knowledge on works that have been done on computer screen capturing, screen recording during usability testing sessions, etc. The focus is on works done not the available tools and their documentations. 
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  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
8 answers
Despite the potential increase in both incidents and risks, many organization still don't take cyber-security seriously and as a result not much is invested in cyber-security capability development. I would like to hear your thoughts on this issue, particularly on the 'causes/reasons' that managers don't take cyber-security seriously.
PS: I'm developing a model with a sub component of cyber-security capability development and your information helps me better understand this issue.
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At times, it is hard to justify since organizations do not envision the risk right. So ROI is of course an issue, but also in general, if nothing bad happens, what is the motivation (this is psychological). Then if there is an incident and a service is cut for sometimes, or reputation is lost, the damage can be assessed and suddenly one sees increase in spending. In short, organizations do not do risk analysis right so they have to learn the hard way. Even if they do they try to save since until an attack the organization does not grasp its problems.
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
7 answers
How can we differentiate between horizontal and vertical enterprise?
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Horizontal and vertical can also describe how a business is structured internally, and how communication flows.
In Horizontal organization, offices at equal levels on the organizational chart can talk to each other and the communication is "flattened."
Vertical organization is hierarchical and communication must go up the organizational hierarchy and down by another path to reach another office at the same level of the organizational chart.
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
6 answers
Do you think there is any difference in between formative assessment and e-assessment except technology?
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Answer is changing the world and without technology you can not imagine the life.
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
17 answers
I found many papers on different topics and aspects.  It will be great if there is a systematic review.  
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Hi Zhang,
Think this statement "how information technology (IT) influences people's behaviors in organizations?" is very broad e.g. IT itself is very diverse from traditional IT to technologies pertaining to Social, Mobile, Analytics, Cloud (SMAC).  Behaviors in organizations can range from Information System (IS) project success to intentions, behaviors & actual usage of the IS deployed etc.
However, some of the theories / framework illustrating the relationship between IT & behaviors in organizations can be found in the following  links:
1) Delone and McLean IS success model (1992-2003) -->
3) Technology acceptance model (TAM) -->
4) Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT & UTAUT2) -->
5) Organizational information processing theory -->
7) Technology-organization-environment framework -->
For other IS theories or based on some adaptations you need, you can refer to this link -->
Wishing you all the best.
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
1 answer
There are a lot of techniques and approaches used to detect code clone. Is there any possibility to construct a model that consist of certain processes that can be used to detect code clone? If yes, what are the critical processes that can be considered in a model and its criteria of detection and analysis? For example of criteria: does the model need to be language independent; simple and robust, etc. 
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For sure, it's possible to build such a thing and make it language independent, the programming language can be used to add then an additional dimension to your classification engine. 
To come up with features to use in your code clone program, you don't need to complicate much, keep it simple, you can use the kind of things that you expect to find in all programs, like spaces, length of line, use of libraries, length of variables and function names.  If at the end of the day you still have not enough features, just try mixing them together, even if it doesn't make much sense. But avoid linear relationships between your features.
Somehow while answering your question I have the strong preconception that you will use some sort of logistic regression as the algorithm to classify your data. Important then is that you get a good deal of data that you can use for your task.  Sometimes this is the hardest part, finding enough data to train your detector.
Ask yourself also, why are you doing this, maybe there is already good enough software out there, that with little modification can accomplish what you have in mind. As always applying the principle, the less lines of code you have to write (maintain), the better.
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
9 answers
Refractive index of graphene oxide in thin film.
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Hi!Did you have the detailed answer for your question? Could you share the answer for us? Thank you!
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
13 answers
South Africa is experiencing the demon of rhino poaching.
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Interesting question. As I can see (, the south Africa has gone a long way towards making the rhinos more valuable alive than dead to the local population and educating the people to be proud and happy that rhinos live there.
The legal "trophy hunting" part is interesting.The first reaction of every European will be "oh god, they are killing the rhinos let's prohibit it". But someone who earns 20k€ on legally organized hunts will have both the means and the  interest to assure the rhino population sustainability. This works quite well with wolves and bears in south-east Europe.
ICT technology can help in several ways. First, it is obviously possible to monitor both rhinos and their surroundings. If some interested party (army? police? rangers? rhino owners? national park administration?) has the means for rapid response, this type of monitoring system would allow them to catch poachers red-handed or even before they kill the animals. By monitoring i don't mean only sensors - local population can also report things, e.g. using (smart)phones.
Second, there is wider ecosystem monitoring. The ICT systems can help to keep track of things, notice trends early enough and make the right decisions. Is the ecosystem degrading? Improving? How many rhinos can it support? How is the population developing? How many can be safely shot per year without jeopardizing the population? What can I do to improve the local habitat? Why should I do it?
Last but not the least, there is (non-hunting) tourism. People pay just for the privilege of seeing the wildlife in its natural habitat. and once they are at a location, they want to eat, sleep, buy local souvenirs etc. Nice presentation based on data from some ICT monitoring and prediction system can be helpful by making even more people wish to do so and by rising the interest in sustainable local offerings over institutional (big hotel chains) and mass-produced (original south-Africa souvenirs made in China) ones.
PS: apparently, the Zakouma National Park in Chad successfully resolved a similar issue - maybe you should take a look at what they really did.
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
10 answers
What types of testing should be used when we need to test cloud and its services.
I am referring to testing cloud not "CLOUD TESTING"
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Han Ping Fung has explained almost everything. I do agree.
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
1 answer
Practical insights into MMF-SMF coupling and literature references would be very useful. Thanks.
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Dear Gokul, nice to meet you here :-). I hope the job applications and stuff went well!
The question is very general asked because you always have to consider the overall application scheme. I can tell you the following: First check the NA of the fibers, the "sending" MM fiber always has to have a lower NA than the second one to allow a nearly 100% coupling. But you wont achieve that anyway: The MM Fiber will make you some weird modes and in the SM fiber you can just couple the 00 order. The stronger all other orders are, the less you can couple, of course. Concerning "plug and play": the couplers are different - MM use widekey, SM smallkey. You might have to couple out and couple in by a lens system.
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
8 answers
There are studies partially done in this but still some relations are missing. 
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I have done research on gender in IT industry and therefore can state that it is very necessary  to have work life balance for female in the IT industry. It is important that the project managers identify the role of female team members within a team while managing IT projects. Female team members are judged to be equally competent as their male counterparts as they bring certain level of advantage within the team while working on the IT projects. In particular, when female team members are working in the globally distributed teams,  the social and culture environment has an impact on gender. Hence certain strategies and practices need to be followed to have work life balance for female team members in the IT industry. Project managers must plan and prepare for various situations in advance as both male and female team members have personal issues which need to be dealt proficiently while managing globally distributed (GSD) IT projects.
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
17 answers
I have conducted an annual survey for the Finnish Data Processing Association since 2009 (6 times so far). The survey is primarily addressed to IT and business managers of organizations with more than 500 employees. I also include a sample on SME organizations to include smaller organizations. Annual responses vary around 200 responses to the survey with over 250 survey items about the business significance, deployment and management of IT. 
Are there similar repetitive studies in your country or somewhere else?
I'm planning to include comparisons between countries.
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I hope that this discussion will continue. At the same time I want to thank every one who has contributed so far.
It seems possible that the survey we have conducted in one fairly small developed economy is fairly unique. Our IT barometer survey asks business and IT executives/managers to express how they perceive the deployment of both traditional IT and emerging technologies. Topics covered are perceived benefits and other business impacts of IT, use of IT in various organizational activities, impact of economic situation on IT, success of IT projects, IT costs,  deployment and management of IT in relation to outsourcing, cloud services, eCommerce, social media, BYOD, data management and big data, IT risk management, innovation process IT, and IT management methods such as ITIL and COBIT.
So far, I have not written many articles about the data - situation I hope to be able to change in the future.  Six-year time-series data offers good potential for that. The first draft for a proper article (written together with two of my colleagues) will come out at the Hicss 2015 conference. That paper explores the impact of IT investment consistency on IT performance with a SEM model. Should you wish to receive that paper, please, either look at the conference documentation or drop me an email and ask for the paper (
I'm also open for proposals should you be interested to cooperate with me.   
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
8 answers
I read about some methods in that domain, but I don't know if there is tools to do it.
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Dear Ber,
There are some approaches to map from ontology to XML shema which can be used to generate relational database. Please have a look in the papers attached.
Best regards,
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
2 answers
Any suggestion?
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Hi Suriana,
May be you want to try the following before / during your survey:
1) provide short description on your mobile government service as what Stephen had mentioned
2) use the local language familiar to the surveyees e.g. Bahasa Malaysia instead of other languages, avoid technical jargon wherever possible (use layman terms instead).  If the original survey questionnaire is in English etc, need to take great effort to translate and counter-translate so that language used are easily understood by surveyees yet not loosing the original meaning / objective of the survey
3) use appropriate survey method e.g. online survey instead of paper & pencil in which the former method offer flexibility when the surveyees can conveniently take the survey, click & submit instead of affix stamp & mail back etc.  Moreover, survey method with anonymous name might encourage positive responses.
4) ensure you increase your sample from the population because from past experience, conducting survey in some Asian countries normally will have very low responses.
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
7 answers
Hi, I am doing research on Ad Hoc networks. I want to analyze the behaviour of nodes. Therefore, I have planned to use the markov chain process to monitor the states of the nodes. If any one is doing research related to this please share your commands?
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If it is node classification you may use matlab
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
18 answers
It is a hot topic in the electrical engineering area called "the energy internet", which aims to incorporate different types of energies together, while managing and utilizing the energy in a macroscopic point of view.
However, is there any in-depth consistency between energy and information? If it is true, then some of the concepts, methodologies etc of the "information network" can be used to deal with the "energy internet", while a lot of issues in current power network can be explained in a totally different way.
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Karl-Erik Eriksson from Chalmers in Sweden introduced me (a very long time ago) to an interesting relation between information gain and minimum power needed. It turns out that protein synthesis in cells lies just above the limit, so it seems to be physically relevant. First one defines the physical information Iphys= - dS/(k ln2). Now the minimum work to aquire it is Wmin = (k ln2) T Iphys (i.e. a TdS-term). Thus the minimum power Pmin = Wmin/dt is Pmin= (k ln 2) T Iphys/dt which relates the minimum power to the bit-rate in the information change.
I just searched and found this monograph:
Structure, context, complexity, organization
physical aspects of information and value
Karl-Erik Eriksson, Kristian Lindgren, Bengt Å. Månsson.Published 1987 (World Scientific)
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
5 answers
My answer is presented in the book "S-economics", which describes the model of normalized economic mechanism based on e-services.
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Dear Alexander,
Today bankers are not interested in implementing PEBs, because they will lose the possibility of unauthorized use of clients' money. 
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
9 answers
We are currently researching the impact and importance of IT from an insurance perspective - here the monetary value of IT becomes very important. Is anybody aware of an (established) method which is not necessarily estimating, but rather calculating the value? In addition, we are not looking for just the tangible elements/assets, but also the intangibles, especially the possibility of quantifying the monetary dependencies for the business model itself.
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Hello Barbara,
from my understanding you are already drifting too far into the question's problem here.
Let me ask you this question:
How would you calculate the monetary value of the benefits? How would you quantify/measure the benefits in order to sum them up?
I understand you idea of simulating two scenarios, but how do you get the necessary inputs?
My current thougts are widely spread, though very complex - possibly too complex:
Idea 1: Analyzing the business model, projecting it onto a generically defined enterprise architecture and define the monetary value of the corresponding elements/processes for its business model. Then investigating to what extent they are dependent on IT/IT is contributing and influencing them. In result you could get a precise monetary value of IT for a business model. Though it seems missing something from my point of view.
Idea 2: Combining ROI, earned value and net present value
I am eager to see the feedback on these two ideas!
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
2 answers
Ontology based or recommendation system?
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I think people depends a lot on recommendations from family or friends.
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
5 answers
In implementing a cloud computing service such as Microsoft Azure, what are the IT components (such as type of services, data resource management, network facilities) that are influenced in this shift? I would be thankful if you refer me some useful references in this matter.
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Cloud Computing is the dynamic provisioning of resources from a shared resources pool. Incorporating a cloud such as Azure or OpenStack will definitely change some critical traditional components in IT services. However the change will be for the better.
1. Firstly, the software provided by a company through a web portal will be provided as SaaS in a cloud virtual machine instance. This will provide the added benefits of multi-tenancy and scalability on-demonad. At the same time the software can be made fault-tolerant and the overhead can be minimized. The following paper identifies some critical software that are provided as SaaS in the cloud and the change in resource usage of those.
2. In addition to that the networking services will be changed as a virtual network needs to be created together with the physical ones. This network can be a bridged connection. Additionally the security of the applications on the cloud will be at a new level. You can look into the following paper to get an idea.
3. A third change in component usage will the increased resource utilization that a company can harness once its moves onto the cloud. The following paper identifies it:
Thank you.
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
5 answers
I meant what to do with the existing IT department’s staff?
and how would migration to the cloud impact the IT departments in terms of role, responsibilities and functionalities?
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As the IT departments will have different functionalities, the IT staff need to be trained for the new jobs and transferred to another department in the organization. Not sure if none of those two options failed what is the next step. Especially if it a government agency that the hiring and firing policies are very strict and rigid.
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
14 answers
A lot of models can be used to manage information technology in organizations. What is the best model "experimented" that can be used in organisations to leverage the benefits of information technology in these organisations?
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Dear Sir, I strongly advice you to read:
Strategic Management of Information Systems, Pearlson, K., and Saunders, C. 2013, 5th Edition, John Wiley & Sons.
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
4 answers
Proven theories from other disciplines are often helpful to give solid grounding in multidisciplinary research. Did not see much of it in Green IT. I am just starting though.
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Dear Ravi Foogooa. Honestly, I must say that the words
"green IT" are new to me and the idea looks ambiguous.
I've been a system/software engineer since the days of
IBM DOS 3.3. I've managed self-funded researches into
technologies helping information communication and
portable energy machines for over 15 years. One thing
I found out was that the technicalities of the
engineering bothering on PCs, PC peripherals and OS
software will never be allowed into any classroom,
except those classrooms jealously guided by the
owners of those technologies (OEMs).
What I am saying is that in ICT, there are no theories,
just principles. Just like software programming, most
skills found in ICT are artistic in nature. It's either
a person knows the art or doesn't. In mathematics,
2+2=4, simple.
So, if what you mean by "green IT" is how ICT can help
save our environment, then it will be good to let you
know that 3-Technology-Machines are most important:
The real telephone, the computer system and the modem.
All three managed by custom, fast and specialized
transactions software.
To be honest with you, I am in Nigeria, and my Internet
access is such that it takes averagely 4 minutes for a
webpage to load. Yet the network signal type on my
device shows "H", that is HSPA or HSDPA with the full
4 bars. So tell me why I won't hit the road if there
is urgency.
There are so many issues in the world presently and
the academics can based there studies on resolving
these issues. The early inventors resolved issues.
So, let us resolve issues.
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
279 answers
We are more than ever trying to convince the young that professions dealing with IT technologies are not just for genius people, but for everyone. Right after they graduate, there is a prospect of finding jobs with monthly wages well over the average in Serbia. All they need is to be hardworking and ready to learn and move forward. IT technologies are a great way for the developing countries to advance, promote and use for the benefit of everyone. All that is needed for taking "IT steps" is: a few computers, a little space and a lot of "brain" space. What are your experiences of this?
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I agree on @Ljubomir Jerinic remark on shortcuts! However, it was explained later by @H.E. Lehtihet and @Max that the better word , instead shortcuts, would be a catalyst!
If you, my colleagues , contributors and followers of this thread, think that it would be reasonable to switch from shortcut to a catalyst, please, let me know! Thanks!
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
211 answers
We have so many options for Reference Management but which one is better and why? Please consider some factors in your answer: ace of use, reliability, user friendliness, portability (we can use on different devices as same time) etc.
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I know only Mendeley which i used and save me a lot of time.
Of course i can't compare to other software as i know just this one but here some info about it:
- Software can be installed in different devices in same time. So no problem of portability. --> I just try to use it in same time in my laptop and desktop and no problem, you can use it in same time in different device.
- There is a browser plugin which work with Firefox and Google Chrome, so a simple "bookmark" from the wanted page of pubmed/scopus/etc and it saves it on your Mendely library. --> 1 click to bockmark and 1 click to save it on the wanted folder. Easy, quick and intuitive.
- There is a Word plugin which allow you to add refecence inside the text ("add reference" and then start to write author / keyword / name of the paper, this plugin will automaticaly detecte paper that you have on your library and list them) and it allows you to create the bibliographie reference in one click (you can chose the style of the reference according a specific journal type). --> Easy, quick and time saving. Also no need to have an internet connection for that.
- It can be synchronised with your computer and find automaticaly the pdf files that you have on it and add them to your Mendeley software. --> Really nice when you use the first time Mendeley, no need to add them manually one by one even if it is possible to do it of course.
- Of course you can create several folder to manage your library.
You have a personal web space of 2 GB and a shared web space of 100 MB
- Other stuff which i didn't use yet is that you can invite a contact/collegue (which has also Mendeley) to share paper.
All of this is really user friendly and intuitive. I even didn't think about looking for other software as this one fit perfectly for me.
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
4 answers
I know that there are many EMR solutions on the market satisfying many physicians around the world in terms of daily practice, but is there anybody using their own development (institutions) and how effective are those systems? Is it common practice to develop your own EMR systems? What about physician or IT friends working in Healthcare?
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Why are you intersted in some EMR solution that is indigenously devloped ? If you are actually asking for something that is customizable and/or free, there are a few open source free resources available like freeEMR, OPENMRS, GNUMED and so on! These are free and open source. But they will definitely need a lot of technical expertise to install and work with. Even OSCAR I guess has community edition of the EMR solution. Why develop new when you can modify the existing featured ones ? It is easier to branch off or join from an existing EMR solution than trying to write from the scratch unless it is for a special specific field which is not well represented by the current systems. Developing a small project for EMR is a highly cost -ineffectiv affair as at present, there are numerous security and privacy implications that come up and the software must comply with privacy standards else there can be serious legal and other implications! (Point to note is the issue of information leak as few doctors used their smart phones to update / save patient records and the information got leaked as the phone got stolen or was hacked and such!)
If we know the circumstance and reason for this question, we could discuss this in more relevant perspectives.
With regards,
Dr. Akilesh. R
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
4 answers
Rapid Application Development (RAD), the development of higher-quality, cost-efficient
software in a fraction of the time, has thus become a necessity as we strive to meet
the new demands of the software industry.
How much RAD will increase productivity and decrease maintainability?
Is RAD software the upcoming trends in the software industry?
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@Gaurav_Kumar What do you mean when you say "empirical calculations"? Are you thinking about Software development effort estimation?
  • asked a question related to Information Technologies
17 answers
From year to year the elementary knowledge of programming for first-year students and the enrollment into the computer science and / or information technology, is becoming less and less. Also abandonment (drop-out) of these studies is growing.
I'm interested in your experience with university drop-out of CS / IT studies, if any?
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I agree with Milan Tair who provided the correct answer for this question. Younger students have grown up in a world where results from their efforts are nearly instantaneous (like video games) and does not require weeks or months to find the solution to a problem. Students are living in an environment that does not mention or acknowledge the fact that patience, and discipline, along with subject-area knowledge is required for CS/IT, engineering, mathematics, and science endeavors. Some people obtain great satisfaction from solving a problem after many months or years of working on it, but most people become frustrated easily and give up, seeing no use to continuing work until a solution is reached. To those people, the problem cannot be solved quickly and it is a 'waste of time' to continue (they get bored easily).
Also, critical thinking skills are required (which goes beyond rote memorization), which discourages most people from even attempting these subject areas. One thing I have learned is that every significant problem (especially programming-related problems) I have every solved in my career has taken me anywhere from 1 to 6 weeks of concentrated effort to complete, but I see this as an enjoyable challenge and a test of my knowledge, skills, and abilities, where others do not understand why I enjoy the challenge. We need to find and encourage those students who want to develop the patience and skill required to solve computer science problems.