Science topics: Computer Science and EngineeringInformation Science
Science topic
Information Science - Science topic
Information science (or information studies) is an interdisciplinary field primarily concerned with the analysis, collection, classification, manipulation, storage, retrieval and dissemination of information.
Questions related to Information Science
Relações de produção
Autores e produção científica
South Indian Journal of Library and Information Science "Integration of E-Resources and Smart Technologies in Law College Libraries: Enhancing Access and Learning Experiences"
I don't know how to submit my article?, then I inform you that I registered with Ajol
. Thank you in advance for your attention to this submission
Dear colleagues,
As well known, we can deliver messages in different languages and characters, including Chinese, English, Latin, binary and decimal codes (if with a converter) and many other languages and characters. However, what is the most simple character that can reserve the richest message? In other words, if I want to store a message with as simple and fewer characters as possible, what language can I use?
Thank you so much.
IEEE 2024 6th International Conference on Electronics and Communication, Network and Computer Technology (ECNCT 2024) will be held in Guangzhou on July 19-21, 2024.
Conference Webiste:
---Call For Papers---
The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
Communication Technology
Computer Engineering
Network Engineering and Application Technology
Intelligent System
Information Science
Image Processing
Application Technology
6th Generation Networks
Access Networks
Advances in Internet Protocols
Real Time Communication Services
Signal Processing for Communications
Optical Networking
Web Services and Service Oriented Architectures
Electronic control technology
Other Related topics
All accepted full papers will be published in IEEE (ISBN: 979-8-3503-6614-3) andwill be submitted to IEEE Xplore, EI Compendex, Scopus and Inspec for indexing.
Important Dates:
Full Paper Submission Date: May 5,2024
Registration Date: June 30, 2024
Final Paper Submission Date: : June 30, 2024
Conference Dates: July 17-19, 2024
For More Details please visit:
IEEE 2024 4th International Symposium on Computer Technology and Information Science(ISCTIS 2024) will be held during July 12-14, 2024 in Xi’an, China.
Conference Webiste:
---Call For Papers---
The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
1. Computer Engineering and Technology
Computer Vision & VR
Multimedia & Human-computer Interaction
Image Processing & Understanding
PDE for Image Processing
Video compression & Streaming
Statistic Learning & Pattern Recognition
2. Information Science
Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
Advanced Adaptive Signal Processing
Optical communication technology
Communication and information system
Physical Electronics and Nanotechnology
Wireless communication technology·
All accepted papers of ISCTIS 2024 will be published in conference proceedings by IEEE, which will be submitted to IEEE Xplore,EI Compendex, Scopus for indexing.
Important Dates:
Full Paper Submission Date: June 20, 2024
Registration Deadline: June 25, 2024
Final Paper Submission Date: June 26, 2024
Conference Dates: July 12-14, 2024
For More Details please visit:
Xalqaro bazalar maqolalar
1. G. Juraev and K. Rakhimberdiev, "Mathematical Modeling of Credit Scoring System Based on the Monge-Kantorovich Problem," 2022 IEEE International IOT, Electronics and Mechatronics Conference (IEMTRONICS), Toronto, ON, Canada, 2022, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/IEMTRONICS55184.2022.9795800.
2. J. G. Umarovich and R. K. Bakhtiyorovich, "Modeling the decision-making process of lenders based on blockchain technology," 2021 International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies (ICISCT), Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 2021, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICISCT52966.2021.9670211.
3. G. Juraev and K. Rakhimberdiev, Prospects of application of blockchain technology in the banking, International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies: Applications, Trends, and Opportunities, ICISCT 2022, pp. 1-5.
4. M. Karimov, J.Arzieva and K. Rakhimberdiev, Development of Approaches and Schemes for Proactive Information Protection in Computer Networks, International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies: Applications, Trends, and Opportunities, ICISCT 2022, pp. 1-5.
5. K.Tashev, J. Arzieva, A. Arziev, and K. Rakhimberdiev, Method authentication of objects information communication systems, International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies: Applications, Trends, and Opportunities, ICISCT 2022, pp. 1-5.
6. J Arzieva, K Rakhimberdiev, Application of random number generators in solving the problem of user authentication in blockchain systems, International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies: Applications, Trends and Opportunities, ICISCT pp. 1-5.
7. Kuvonchbek Rakhimberdiev, A.Ishnazarov, P.Allayarov, F. Ollamberganov, R. Kamalov, M.Matyakubova, Prospects for the use of neural network models in the prevention of possible network attacks on modern banking information systems based on blockchain technology in the context of the digital economy,ICFNDS '22: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Future Networks & Distributed Systems December 2022, pp. 592–599
8. Kuvonchbek Rakhimberdiev, A.Ishnazarov, Khayitova Oydinoy, O.Abdullayev, T.Jorabekov, Methods and algorithms for the formation of distance education systems based on blockchain and artificial intelligence technologies in the digital economy, ICFNDS '22: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Future Networks & Distributed Systems December 2022, pp. 568–574,
9. J. Saukhanov, S. Gabbarov, Kuvonchbek Rakhimberdiev, D. Khojabayeva, Development of indicators for forecasting the number and composition of livestock based on multivariate econometric models in the digital economy, ICFNDS '22: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Future Networks & Distributed Systems December 2022, pp. 542–547,
10. G Juraev, Rakhimberdiev Kuvonchbek, B Toshpulov, Application Fuzzy Neural Network Methods to Detect Cryptoattacks on Financial Information Systems Based on Blockchain Technology, Internet of Things, Smart Spaces, and Next Generation Networks and Systems. NEW2AN 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13772. Springer, Cham.
11. Rakhimberdiev Kuvonchbek, Method Authentication of Objects Information Communication, Internet of Things, Smart Spaces, and Next Generation Networks and Systems: 22nd International Conference, NEW2AN 2022, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, December 15–16, 2022, Proceedings Dec 2022 Pages. 105–116,
12. G.Juraev, T.R.Abdullaev, Kuvonchbek Rakhimberdiev, A.X.Bozorov, Mathematical modeling of key generators for bank lending platforms based on blockchain technology, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Computing and Security, ICABCS 2023, 2024, 2, pp. 741–749.
13. G.Juraev, T.R.Abdullaev, Kuvonchbek Rakhimberdiev, A.X.Bozorov, Mathematical modeling of key generators for bank lending platforms based on blockchain technology, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Computing and Security: Volume 2, 2023, 2, pp. 741–749.
14. Kuvonchbek Rakhimberdiev, Asqar Bozorov, Mansur Berdimurodov, Round Key Generation Algorithm Used in Symmetric Block Encryption Algorithms to Ensure the Security of Economic Systems, ICFNDS '23: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Future Networks and Distributed SystemsDecember 2023, pp. 548–554,
15. Kuvonchbek Rakhimberdiev, Akram Ishnazarov, Rustem Adilchaev, O. Nazarbaev, R. Utemuratov, Saglara Boldireva, Prospects of Digitalization of the Animal Husbandry Process in the Context of the Digital Economy: Economic-Mathematical Modeling of the Problem of Feed Ration and Programming in Python, ICFNDS '23: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Future Networks and Distributed Systems December 2023, pp. 511–516,
16. Kuvonchbek Bakhtiyorovich Rakhimberdiev, Asiya Tureniyazova, Ali Arziev, Hurlixa Sarsenbaeva, Dauletmurat Bimuratov, Application of Cryptographic Algorithms in Ensuring and Improving the Security of Bank Transactions in the Digital Economy, ICFNDS '23: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Future Networks and Distributed Systems December 2023, pp. 503–510,
IEEE 2024 9th International Conference on Information Science, Computer Technology and Transportation (ISCTT 2024) will be held in in Mianyang, China from June 28-30, 2024.
Conference Webiste:
---Call For Papers---
The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
1. Information Science
2. Computer Technology
3. Software Engineering
4. Electrical Engineering
5. Data Analysis and Database
6. Information Security
7. Encryption Technology
8. Testing Technology
9. Network Security
10. Intelligent Automation
11. Intelligent Transportation
12. Industrial Engineering
13. Modern Logistics Systems and Supply Chain
14. Automotive Engineering and Other Vehicle Tools
15. Intelligent Transportation Theory and Application
16. Transportation Control and Information Technology
All accepted full papers will be published in IEEE(ISBN: 979-8-3503-8843-5) and will be submitted to IEEE Xplore, EI Compendex, Scopus and Inspec for indexing.
Important Dates:
Full Paper Submission Date: April 18, 2024
Registration Deadline: May 18, 2024
Final Paper Submission Date: May 28, 2024
Conference Dates: June 28-30, 2024
For More Details please visit:
Is there any Information Sciences free journal in Scopus to publish paper
2024 IEEE 7th International Conference on Computer Information Science and Application Technology (CISAT 2024) will be held on July 12-14, 2024 in Hangzhou, China.
---Call For Papers---
The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
◕ Computational Science and Algorithms
· Algorithms
· Automated Software Engineering
· Bioinformatics and Scientific Computing
◕ Intelligent Computing and Artificial Intelligence
· Basic Theory and Application of Artificial Intelligence
· Big Data Analysis and Processing
· Biometric Identification
◕ Software Process and Data Mining
· Software Engineering Practice
· Web Engineering
· Multimedia and Visual Software Engineering
◕ Intelligent Transportation
· Intelligent Transportation Systems
· Vehicular Networks
· Edge Computing
· Spatiotemporal Data
All papers, both invited and contributed, the accepted papers, will be published and submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore's scope and quality requirements, and also submitted to EI Compendex and Scopus for indexing. All conference proceedings paper can not be less than 4 pages.
Important Dates:
Full Paper Submission Date: April 14, 2024
Submission Date: May 12, 2024
Registration Deadline: June 14, 2024
Conference Dates: July 12-14, 2024
For More Details please visit:
Invitation code: AISCONF
*Using the invitation code on submission system/registration can get priority review and feedback
We had never before the following:
1. Highly informed global society due to information technology.
2. Importance to knowledge sharing.
3. Interdependency requirement of all nations.
4. Importance to cooperation at all levels ie bilateral, regional and global.
The above four concepts are essential for modern civilisation to develop in an appropriate path.
Why could it be of any great value teaching Library and Information Science scholars various Software Development and web development Packages?
I want to know the topics of research in the field of Information Science and Library Management, specifically, that needs to be researched more.
Suggest subject or topic for PH.D .
I am sharing with you a list of articles that I normally use when supervising my master (and bachelor but mainly master) students. I hope you will find them useful, and I welcome your feedback (i) in order to improve them, (ii) to have new ideas and (iii) anything else that you would like to share.
I tried to keep these articles fairly general, but my perspective come from supervising students in Computer Science/Engineering, Data Science, Information Management and Software Engineering. Therefore, apologies if they may sound alien to your discipline, however, if that is the case please let me know. Over the years they have grown in quantity, and I categorized them in 2 groups:
- How to do a better thesis: articles that clarify various aspects of the development of a (master) thesis. Proposal development, ideas, related work, methodology, writing etc...
- How to become a better programmer: articles that helps a person familiar with scripting programming (basic python for example) understanding the basic of object-oriented programming and how professional tools (like SDK) woks. Again, the specific focus is improving the quality of the code that a master student needs to write. Probably if you are following a hard-core programming master these articles will be fairly simple.
What follows are the one of the “better thesis” section:
Attitude mindset and lifestyle
- Take a moment to reflect to right approach for the challenge ahead.
- Mens sana in corpore sano: Take care of yourself, in particular do not neglect of your physical health
How to do a good thesis: before you start.
- Start from considering these tips for improving the quality of your proposal. They will help you in understanding how to think scientifically including if you do not have to write a research proposal.
- Check if you are aware of all the players around you thesis and what is their interest
- Understand how adopting good scientific practices can improve your grade.
How to do a good thesis: the openings moves.
- Ask yourself what you want to do when you will “grow up”. This article will help you understanding how you can take the most from your thesis for your future goals.
- (Optional) Get a grasp of what kind of mentor I am. It will help you in understanding what I write in these posts and/or if we are compatible in case you are considering pursuing your thesis with me.
- Set up the proper communication tools with your supervisor, so that you will have a better quality time with him/her.
A Note on Writing:
- Writing a scientific endeavor has its rules and best practices
- <work in progress>
How to do a good thesis: literature research and related work
- Look at these heuristics for understanding if a paper is worth reading or you should move forward to the next one.
- Understand how to select good venues (conferences or journals) where you can search for good publication.
- Learn how to read a scientific paper faster and more effectively.
- Master the right features in MS-Word for handling the related work and managing the growing complexity of the task.
- Get more insights about related work, literature review and survey papers.
How to do a good thesis: the experimental and scientific part
- If you feel stuck: get an idea on “how to warm up your research engine” and do your first step.
- Get some inspiration from the work of other scientist and learn how to properly categorize the literature review.
- Familiarize with sources that can provide Data for your (master or bachelor) thesis.
- If you plan to write some programming code there are several free resources that can help you.
- If you plan to write some programming code, get familiar with these best practices.
- If you plan to use a survey for scientific research you may want to consider these tips and suggestions.
- Do this simple feasibility check if you plan to use an interview approach in your case study research
- <work in progress>
How to do a good thesis: the last mile
- Did you produced the first final draft of the thesis? Here you can find a simple set of rules and a checklist that can help you.
- Are you close to finishing the thesis? Put your current draft to a (stress) test.
The End Game
- Deal with the submission of your thesis and its defense in the proper way
- Understand what is Open Access and how you can make the most of it
- Consider the benefit (and the extra work) of publish your thesis. Is it worth it?
- Now that your thesis has been submitted is about preparing a killer presentation for the defense!
The End of the Journey
- Publish your thesis using the University Library. It will take less then one hour and will ensure some extra visibility to your work.
- Learn what the future of your thesis could be
Thanks for taking the time to read such a long discussion! Based on your experience, is there anything missing or that require some improvement? Drop me a line, I will be happy to hear from you
I want a help to know the free publishing Thomson and Scopus journals in the field of Information Sciences and Information Technology. or if there any websites that present this journals.
Good afternoon,
I have prepared an article that performs a literature review on the concept of Digital Twin. Since the doctoral program in which I am is a program based on the compendium of publications, it is necessary that all the articles that I do are published in a journal that appears in the latest list published by the Journal Citation Reports (SCI and / or SSCI) or SCOPUS. In addition, at least one of them must be in the first or second quartile of its category. Therefore, I would like to try to get this article published in one that is in the Q1 quartile, so that I can take this burden off my shoulders. For now I have found the following:
- IEEE Access: Telecommunications – Scie, Computer Science, Information Systems – Scie (Q1); Engineering, Electrical & Electronic – Scie (Q2).
- ACM Computing Surveys: Computer Science, Theory & Methods – Scie (Q1).
- Expert Systems with Applications: Operations Research & Management Science – Scie (Q1); Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence – Scie (Q1); Engineering, Electrical & Electronic – Scie (Q1).
- Future Generation Computer Systems: Computer Science, Theory & Methods – Scie (Q1).
- Engineering Applications Of Artificial Intelligence: Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence – Scie (Q1); Engineering, Electrical & Electronic – Scie (Q1); Engineering, Multidisciplinary – Scie (Q1); Automation & Control Systems – Scie (Q1).
- Artificial Intelligence: Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence – Scie (Q1).
- Journal of Computational Science: Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications – Scie (Q2); Computer Science, Theory & Methods – Scie (Q1).
- Advances in Engineering Software: Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications – Scie (Q2); Computer Science, Software Engineering – Scie (Q1); Engineering, Multidisciplinary – Scie (Q1).
- Decision Support Systems: Operations Research & Management Science – Scie (Q1); Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence – Scie (Q1); Computer Science, Information Systems – Scie (Q1).
- Information and Software Technology: Computer Science, Software Engineering – Scie (Q1); Computer Science, Information Systems – Scie (Q2).
- Journal of Industrial Information Integration: Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications – Scie (Q1); Engineering, Industrial – Scie (Q1).
- Journal of Network and Computer Applications: Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications – Scie (Q1); Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture – Scie (Q1); Computer Science, Software Engineering – Scie (Q1).
- Applied Sciences: Chemistry, Multidisciplinary – Scie (Q3); Materials Science, Multidisciplinary – Scie (Q3); Physics, Applied – Scie (Q2); Engineering, Multidisciplinary – Scie (Q2).
- Future Internet: Computer Science, Information Systems (Q2).
- Applied System Innovation: Telecommunications – Esci (Q3); Computer Science, Information Systems – Esci (Q3); Engineering, Electrical & Electronic – Esci (Q3).
Does anyone have a recommendation for any other? Is it advisable to avoid generic journals? The more categories the journals deal with, the better?
Thank you very much in advance.
The current technological revolution, known as Industry 4.0, is determined by the development of the following technologies of advanced information processing:
Big Data database technologies, cloud computing, machine learning, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, Business Intelligence and other advanced data mining technologies.
Which of these technologies are applicable or will be used in the future in the education process?
Please reply
Best wishes
What are the best journals in our discipline (Library and Information Science) for Qualitative and Literature based review Articles? Can anyone guide me?
I am thinking of pursuing a PhD but confused in choosing a good topic. What are today's most attractive and relevant topics in Library and Information science most especially in the field of ICT, AI and Robotics?
Which is the Most useful topic in LIS field?
I need help to implement matlab code the equations 5,8 and 9 in the attached file. In order to estimate Alpha i designed range [0:.1:180] steps and estimate Alpha but dont know picking up the idea how to find Beta using 8-9. Please need your expert advice.
If anyone have some basic code for 2-D MUSIC share with me please.
For comparison with other dataset, I'm calculating the LS factor using the following formula in ArcGIS:
(1) LS = Power(“flow accumulation”*[cell resolution]/22.1,0.4)*Power(Sin(“slope of degree”*0.01745))/0.09, 1.4)*1.4
but I was not able to find the theoretical formulation of LS it corresponds, I've got the feeling that (1) is the ArcGIS correspective of
(2) LS = (m+1) [ (U/22.13)]^m [sin(slope)/sin(5°)]^n
where U is the unitary upslope contributing area and (2) should be LS factor according to Mitasova et al. (1996) paper.
The following document
seems to support my feelings but in absence of references for (1) in literature I'm not completely sure that (1) and (2) are the "same" formula.
Mitasova H., Hofierka, J., Zlocha, M. & Iverson, L.R. (1996) Modeling topographic potential for erosion and deposition using GIS. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 10 (5), 629-641.
What does sustainability in the field of LIS (Library and Information Science) mean to you? Please provide a one-sentence answer. No web links, no copy-pasting, kindly please.
Why are there still people in the 21st century who in some countries do not accept the prevailing knowledge confirmed by scientific research who believe that the Earth is not round is only flat or that the Earth is the center of the Solar System, not the Sun or negating the process the evolution of the origin of various life forms on Earth, etc.?
In my opinion, it is not a question of faith but a lack of knowledge confirmed by scientific research. It is strange, however, that in the 21st century, in the face of the facts widely confirmed in the media, confirmed in many aspects scientifically, on the basis of experiments carried out, space expeditions are still people who ignore this widely available knowledge in the media and create their unjustified theories.
No wonder that even a few centuries ago and before, i.e. in a situation of widespread illiteracy and lack of universal access to knowledge and information, in the absence of media it was easy to maintain, promote anachronistic and illogical theories to implement a specific information policy for the needs of maintaining absolute power, which one of the attributes was access to knowledge and information deliberately restricted for a large part of society, and in some epochs, such as, for example, in the Middle Ages, deliberately limited research possibilities and deliberately placed barriers to the development of science. In such realities, totalitarianisms are easily formed and it is easy to carry out indoctrination of the society by propagating even illogical, unjustified ideologies that are not supported by any scientific research.
Therefore, nowadays access to knowledge and results of scientific research should be universal and unlimited. A large positive role in this matter is played by the Internet and Internet portals such as the Research Gate portal.
Do you agree with my opinion on this matter?
In view of the above, I am asking you the following question:
How has the significance of scientific knowledge changed over the centuries from the point of view of the present day?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Best wishes
Righteousness and Justice are common buzzwords often used interchangeably that we use in the present data-driven world and without knowing what exactly it mean. The current world has Courts of Justice as part of the legal system. As many or most use the said terms inappropriately and in a meaningless way, and being even the most bright scholars and pundits have only vague ideas about it, let us have a discussion about "What is Righteousness? and how it differ from Justice?", to bring out the real meaning of "Righteousness" and to bring about a righteous society.
How can the development of new online media improve communication between collaborating researchers on an international scale?
The involvement of Internet information technologies, new media for the development of international contacts between scientists improves the logistics of information flow, but does not ensure success in this international cooperation. Online new information media are just a tool that can be used in a variety of ways. Even if Internet technologies of new media are effectively used and advanced information processing technologies are developed, ie typical of the current Industry 4.0 technological revolution, it is still not possible to eliminate all negative aspects, threats and risks resulting from the growing involvement of new online news media to information activities, marketing, research, business and other.
For example, it is not possible to completely eliminate the risk of information transfer on the Internet, including information frauds and deliberate manipulation of information posted on internet information portals and social media portals, information transfer via e-mail etc. carried out by hackers and cybercriminals that break into IT systems of institutions public, financial and business, intercepting and stealing information, making financial embezzlement after hacking into online banking systems.
The most important determinant of the development of international contacts between scientists and researchers are people, their needs in establishing and developing international research teams, including the awareness of the possibility of creating added value, understanding and respect for other cultures and systems of the organization, the need for internationalization of previously determined locally and nationally developed research topics, etc.
On the other hand, social media portals operate as part of the development of new online media. Some information and / or social media portals enable communication between scientists and offer specific information services profiled on scientific issues, research, etc. One of such websites is the Research Gate portal.
Do you agree with me on the above matter?
In the context of the above issues, I am asking you the following question:
How can the development of new online media improve communication between collaborating researchers on an international scale?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
The current technological revolution, known as Industry 4.0, is determined by the development of the following technologies of advanced information processing: Big Data database technologies, cloud computing, machine learning, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, Business Intelligence and other advanced data mining technologies.
In connection with the above, I would like to ask you:
Which information technologies of the current technological revolution Industry 4.0 contribute the most to reducing the asymmetry of information between counterparties of financial transactions?
The above question concerns the asymmetry of information between such financial transaction partners, such as between borrowers and banks granting loans, and before granting a loan carrying out creditworthiness of a potential borrower and the bank's credit risk level associated with a specific credit transaction and, inter alia, financial institutions and clients of their financial services.
Please reply
Best wishes
How to obtain currently necessary information from Big Data database systems for the needs of specific scientific research and necessary to carry out economic, business and other analyzes?
Of course, the right data is important for scientific research. However, in the present era of digitalization of various categories of information and creating various libraries, databases, constantly expanding large data sets stored in database systems, data warehouses and Big Data database systems, it is important to develop techniques and tools for filtering large data sets in those databases data to filter out of terabytes of data only information that is currently needed for the purpose of conducted scientific research in a given field of knowledge, for the purposes of obtaining answers to a given research question and for business needs, eg after connecting these databases to Business Intelligence analytical platforms. I described these issues in my scientific publications presented below.
Do you agree with my opinion on this matter?
In view of the above, I am asking you the following question:
How to obtain currently necessary information from Big Data database systems for the needs of specific scientific research and necessary to carry out economic, business and other analyzes?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Dear Colleagues and Friends from RG
The issues of the use of information contained in Big Data database systems for the purposes of conducting Business Intelligence analyzes are described in the publications:
I invite you to discussion and cooperation.
Best wishes
What are the important topics in the field: Data analysis in Big Data database systems?
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of Data analysis in Big Data database systems?
Please reply. I invite you to the discussion
Dear Colleagues and Friends from RG
The issues of the use of information contained in Big Data database systems for the purposes of conducting Business Intelligence analyzes are described in the publications:
I invite you to discussion and cooperation.
Best wishes
I would like to replace the list of publications in my resume with a simple link (URL) pointing to my publications in ResearchGate. I am surprised not to have found that.
It happens that consumers accept a limited range of information regarding, for example, production technologies for purchased products and purchase products and consumer services in incomplete information on the production technology of a specific product range.
Why do consumers, when shopping for specific products and services often accept a limited range of information regarding, for example, production technology and composition in terms of the raw materials used?
Have consumers become used to the fact that in many markets there is no full, perfect competition?
Perhaps the information resources of the Internet, the processing of data downloaded from the Internet in the Big Data database systems technology will increase the level of consumer knowledge about particular products and services. As a result, consumer product and service markets would become more transparent and consumer-friendly.
In view of the above, the current question is: Will developing markets in the e-commerce formula increase the level of competitiveness due to the greater popularity of consumer information?
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.
The future of marketing development in social media
Marketing in social media is still a very developing field in the field of marketing techniques used on the Internet. On the one hand, some of the largest online technology companies have built their business concept on social media marketing or are entering this field.
On the other hand, there are startups of technology companies acquiring data from the Internet and processing information in Big Data database systems for the purpose of providing information services to other entities as support for strategic and operational management, including planning advertising campaigns.
Therefore, the question arises:
What tools for social media marketing will be developed in the future?
Please, answer, comments
I invite you to the discussion
Will the sentiment analysis conducted on the data downloaded from the Internet and processed in Big Data database systems become a tool for combating cybercrime?
Please reply.
I invite you to the discussion
Dear Friends and Colleagues of RG
I described the problem of cybercrime in publications:
I invite you to discussion and cooperation.
Thank you very much
Best wishes
Searching for information on the Internet was and is one of the most important internet services.
The techniques and functions of search engines since the 1990s have constantly changed in the process of their improvement.
Currently, information search functions on the Internet already contain not only specialized search engines but also portals specialized in given issues of websites and, for example, social media portals. On the other hand, internet search engines constantly improve their functions of advanced searches.
Currently, leading internet technology companies offering specific information services, including information retrieval, are working on the implementation of a specific artificial intelligence technology to information processing techniques in which they offer certain information services on the Internet. In recent years, advanced information processing technologies in the cloud and in Big Data database systems have been intensively developed, in which large sets of data collected from specific websites are collected.
In view of the above, the current question is: Improving search techniques and data processing on the Internet?
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.
An interesting thing is the algorithm according to which specific search results appear in a Google search engine based on a given password.
Formulas of this type of algorithms can be variously constructed so that different search results can be obtained according to the same password.
Added to this is the issue of promoting search results for companies that have made certain fees for a high level of positioning in search results. Unfortunately, this is not an objective process of finding information available on the Internet but a formula based on commercial marketing. In this situation, there is a question about competitiveness, which is limited in this way.
In view of the above, I am asking you: Does Google's search engine algorithm restrict competition in the availability of information on the Internet?
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.
I am publishing articles that use several different datasets to calculate results and I would like to share them so that other researchers can use the same data for post-process analysis and verification.
What would be the key areas of consideration?
I want to make a tool that indexes a wide range of newspapers and then allows you to search for articles based on certain attributes.
How do newspaper indexing databases usually work? Do you have to ask the various newspaper for permission to index their content? Do they offer an API? Or do you have to build some kind of scraping tool, to generate the article abstracts yourself?
Thanks very much.
Research Gate raises questions about data sources for the needs of research. One of these types of questions related to the collection of data from companies, financial institutions, which in various countries provide specific financial services.
Answering this type of question, I formulated the following answer: I suggest first to identify these companies in individual countries and check what they publish on their websites. In addition, a good form of data collection for the conducted research is the development of a survey form and sending to surveyed companies, organizations and financial institutions that offer specific services.
However, there are many more types and forms of collection of primary or processed data, created in various business entities, financial institutions, public or in research units, statistical offices and other entities. In addition, interviews, consultations, expert discussions, etc.
Some forms of data collection for the needs of scientific research are characteristic of the specifics of research projects and specific knowledge. For example, observations of phenomena, natural processes, etc., simulations and laboratory experiments often conducted during research in the field of natural sciences.
In the context of the above issues, I am asking you the following question:
What are your favorite forms of data collection for research?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
Is there an equation connecting the wave function and the entropy of the quantum system?
Dear all,
I am writing this message to ask if you can comment on layering multiple images in 3d-space (cf attachment). I have confocal images and wants to do better presentation. Your comment would be of great help. Is there any possibility doing in ImageJ?
I have the following data set (attached) and I would like to calculate mutual information and joint entropy between multiple columns (like for A,B,D,E or C,D,E,F,G etc.). I have gone through R package entropy and other related packages. but as I am very new to information theory, I am having some problem to compute it.
I am specifically looking for R code or online calculator options to calculate this.
What in your opinion will the applications of the technology of analyzing big information collections in Big Data database systems be developed in the future?
In which areas of industry, science, research, information services, etc., in your opinion, will the applications of technology for the analysis of large collections of information in Big Data database systems be developed in the future?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
I described these issues in my publications below:
I invite you to discussion and cooperation.
Best wishes
The development of IT and information technologies increasingly affects economic processes taking place in various branches and sectors of contemporary developed and developing economies.
Information technology and advanced information processing are increasingly affecting people's lives and business ventures.
The current technological revolution, known as Industry 4.0, is determined by the development of the following technologies of advanced information processing: Big Data database technologies, cloud computing, machine learning, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, Business Intelligence and other advanced data mining technologies.
In connection with the above, I would like to ask you:
How to measure the value added in the national economy resulting from the development of information and IT technologies?
Please reply
Best wishes
Thanks to Google search, you can find a lot of personal information on the Internet about Internet users using various websites that log on to various social media portals, using various information services offered by various companies and institutions via the Internet. Increasingly, people do not know how much information about them can be found by other people on the Internet.
The Google search engine refers to a variety of other knowledge resources, databases, social media portals in which a lot of information about citizens is found. In addition, Google develops its Big Data database solutions in the cloud computing and competes with Facebook and several other large online technology companies in the collection of data on Internet users.
Do you agree with my opinion?
Please reply
This issue is described in the following publication:
I invite you to discussion and cooperation.
Best wishes
Looking to upgrade my archaeology lab and simplify artifact cataloging procedures for undergraduate students. So, I thought I'd see what others are used or have used to find out what your favorite software is for entering catalog data? My only requirement is the ability to export into Excel, which I assume most can do.
Due to the spread of Coronavirus, what is the role of libraries as information centers? or what services, actions, and activities can libraries perform? Please share your experiences/comments.
Can anybody send me the LaTeX template to write a paper for the Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST)?
The information inside the volume of black hole is proportional to its surface.
However, what if information does not cross the horizon, rather it is constrained to stay on the horizon's surface, progressively increasing the black hole radius? What if the black hole is empty, and its force comes just from a spacetime distorption inside it? Reversing Einstein, what if the black hole's attraction is not caused by its mass, but just by the spacetime deformation inside it? This would explain the paradoxes of the holographic principle...
Clues: material isn’t doomed to be sucked into the hole. Only a small amount of it falls in, while some of it is ejected back out into space.
Please if you state one in answer do provide
What are pros and cons of each?
Have you applied what is your experience.
What is funding limit?
Is it every year or twice a year?
Range of project funding duration?
Competitiveness of funding?
Is a one university based or a collaborative kind of funding?
Open Access Journal that should take time to publish and related with Computer related fields like Big Data, Privacy and Security.
Data Mining and Big data cover the subject of Artificial intelligence or these terms also discuss in the context of Data Literacy or Data Management in the context of Library and information science?
- Do librarians data literacy skills remain the same as the Data Scientist skill? If data scientist skill the higher than Librarian data literacy skills inf future librarian job market replace by the librarian?
- What should librarian do to enhance data literacy skills ?
Any study (Dissertation, Model, Conference Paper, Poster discussed the data literacy in the context of AI (Big Data and Data mining) application in Library (ies).
I am writing a book on interactive platforms (or a case of 2 sided markets). An example is Facebook (sorry there are many definitions of PLATFORM. Just to be clear).
The point is that understanding users and their motivations to grow the network and generate a network effect it could be useful to have an understanding of users motivations: either as "generators of value or content" or as "consumer of value or content".
Any comments? Regards
we invite you to publish articles in the new, online, peer-reviewed scientific journal, which does not charge any fees from authors and readers (digital humanities, library and information science) -
Dear All,
Artificial Intelligence usage in Libraries As Information retrieval tools in Universities i.e, Expert System, Natural Language Processing, Pattern Recognition and Robotics ? Being as Library users, Librarian, researcher, faculty member, expert uses your libraries please share your experience. If you have other aspects of Machine Learning/Deep learning please share
I will appreciated if you share any Master of PhD level study i.e (Thesis or Dissertation) on this topic or URL link/fulltext of published articles, Conference papers, Book Chapters, poster Presentation and etc.
Kind Regards,
Free access to information should prevail on the Internet.
This is the main factor in the dynamic development of many websites, new internet services, the growth of users of social media portals and many other types of websites.
In my opinion, all information that can be publicly disseminated should be available on the Internet without restrictions, universally and free of charge.
Please, answer, comments.
I invite you to the discussion.
Best wishes
I'm looking for some conceptual literature and empirical studies regarding differences between information literacy and information empowerment. In particular, I'm interested in the organizational context, maybe with some cognitive vs. affective paradigm that set conceptual line/boundary between this two concepts.
I have to admit that databases search it did not bring satisfying results and I count on your expert knowledge.
Thank you in advance!
Hello, I need to select for my research paper a researchers, who had wrote research papers/works/articles for journals about how they "see" a single person in Informatology or Information Science.
It is connected with my MA thesis, so answers from this question could help me with my choices. Appreciate every answer!
I'm trying to find an efficient and quick method to script the Android OS and qpython seems to be very promising. Does anyone have any real life experience using it? Any code to share?
I am conducting a study on the "ventiloquist effect" of Spanish print and digital media with respect to international news agencies in the Middle East. The central hypothesis is that the Spanish media reproduce