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Informality - Science topic

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Questions related to Informality
  • asked a question related to Informality
1 answer
why are people in informal settlements the majority or perceived to be the ones that must vote in elections?
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How do you define informal settlements in the context of your question?
  • asked a question related to Informality
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Agradezco mucho tu respuesta
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What are the determinants of "Informal Entrepreneurial Activity"?
The determinants of informal entrepreneurial activity can vary depending on the context, but some common factors include:
  1. Economic Factors: High unemployment rates, low wages, and lack of access to formal employment opportunities often drive individuals to engage in informal entrepreneurship.
  2. Regulatory Environment: Excessive bureaucracy, high taxes, and stringent labor laws can push businesses to operate informally to avoid these constraints.
  3. Access to Finance: Limited access to formal financial services and credit can lead entrepreneurs to seek informal funding sources.
  4. Cultural and Social Norms: In some regions, informal entrepreneurship is culturally accepted or encouraged, influencing individuals to choose this path.
  5. Education and Skills: Lower levels of education and skills can limit opportunities in the formal sector, leading individuals to start informal businesses.
  6. Urbanization: Rapid urbanization can create a demand for informal services and goods, encouraging informal entrepreneurial activities.
  7. Trust in Institutions: Low trust in government institutions, tax authorities, and social security systems can lead individuals to avoid formal registration and taxation.
These factors can interact in complex ways, and their relative importance can vary across different countries and regions. Understanding these determinants is crucial for policymakers aiming to reduce informal entrepreneurial activity and promote formal economic development.
  • asked a question related to Informality
2 answers
I need to adapt a research questionnaire for my study but I really cannot find anything yet. My study is a qualitative study.
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If you cannot find a study questionnaire specifically designed for semantic comprehension and online informal language exposure, you have a few options:
1. Modify Existing Questionnaires: Look for existing questionnaires related to semantic comprehension, online language exposure, or related topics such as language attitudes or language use. You can modify these questionnaires to include specific items or sections that address your research objectives regarding semantic comprehension and online informal language exposure.
2. Create Your Own Questionnaire: If existing questionnaires do not cover the specific aspects you are interested in, you can create your own questionnaire from scratch. Start by clearly defining the objectives and research questions of your study. Then, design a set of questions that measure the variables you want to explore, such as semantic comprehension and online informal language exposure. Ensure that the questions are clear, concise, and aligned with your research objectives.
3. Consult with Experts: Seek advice from experts in the field of linguistics or language acquisition. They may be able to provide guidance on questionnaire design or suggest existing measures that could be adapted to your study. Experts can also help ensure that your questionnaire aligns with current research standards and methodologies.
4. Pilot Testing: Before using the questionnaire in your actual study, conduct a pilot test with a small group of participants. This will help identify any issues or areas for improvement, such as ambiguous questions or response options. Based on the feedback from the pilot test, make necessary revisions to enhance the clarity and effectiveness of the questionnaire.
5. Consider Qualitative Approaches: If quantitative questionnaires are not available or suitable for your study, consider incorporating qualitative methods such as interviews or focus groups. These methods can provide in-depth insights into participants' experiences and perceptions related to semantic comprehension and online informal language exposure.
Remember to obtain ethical approval for your study and ensure the confidentiality and anonymity of participants' responses. Additionally, consider the cultural and linguistic diversity of your target population when designing the questionnaire to ensure its relevance and appropriateness.
  • asked a question related to Informality
2 answers
Research indicates that in English-speaking cultures, people welcome interruptions during informal conversations, seeing them as a form of active participation. However, in Japanese culture, interrupting someone while they are speaking is considered impolite. What is it like in your culture or country? Feel free to discuss this issue. It would be even better if you could provide any relevant studies from your country!
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During my research among monolingual Savanna Pume hunter-gatherers of Venezuela, long recitations of oral literature often garnered interruptions by equally knowledgable individuals. The interruptions in daily conversations are not considered problematic, anyone adds their own opinions as they will, often resulting in multiple lines of dialogue simultaneously being expressed. Oral literature is not a "sacred" thing that cannot be interrupted, but it has a rhythm and beauty in how the tale unrolls, and the person speaking wishes to relish the metaphor and performance. The appropriate response to folks butting-in is a one-word term that can be glossed as "I'm getting to that!". The term also has a meaning of "developed" or "ready". I became acutely aware of the term when I was studying reproductive maturity among girls. I knew how to ask about menstruating, but those terms are used in a way that means "I/she am/is menstruating today". I had a house full of pre-and post-pubescent girls in my house, along with a young woman in her early 30s who understood what I wanted to know, and told me the term was this word I knew in the context of deflecting interruptions during historical oratory. She identified each girl who had passed menarche as "developed/ready" and those who had not as "not "developed/ready". We played a "duck-duck-goose" reinforcement of that to be certain I understood, where I touched each girl on the head as she had done and I repeated the identifiers of "developed" or "not developed" so I was sure I had these data on who had reached menarche (the Pume have no reservations about discussing all aspects of human biology or sexual behaviors).
  • asked a question related to Informality
8 answers
I’m currently learning about the similarities and differences between research and evaluation in my graduate course at ASU.
As an instructional designer, I conduct informal research to learn about new projects, and I create structured evaluation plans to identify the success of projects. So, my experience with research and evaluation is dichotomous; they are mutually exclusive concepts.
I’m curious about others' experiences where research is a subset of evaluation, or vice versa. Would you share examples from your perspective?
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A simple (but hopefully not simplified) explanation, research generally aims to explore while evaluation aims to improve. But there can be a lot of overlap between the two so we can also have "evaluative research."
  • asked a question related to Informality
4 answers
Sabemos que la Ley de Dependencia ha contribuido a la mejora de la calidad de vida de las personas en dependencia y sus cuidadores informales pero aún así, sabemos que sigue habiendo sobrecarga principalmente en las mujeres y esto genera problemas psicológicos y sociales. ¿Cómo se puede trabajar esta problemática desde el trabajo social?
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Si bien es cierto que el trabajo social es un elemento clave para intervenir con esta problemática, más que volver a repetir lo que ya se ha mencionado con anterioridad en las respuestas , me gustaría recalcar la necesidad que tenemos de que se destinen los recursos necesarios así como que se realicen leyes que verdaderamente se apliquen y amparen las necesidades de las cuidadoras informales.
Como profesionales del ámbito social se nos ocurren diversas propuestas, planes, proyectos y formas de intervención para mitigar las consecuencias de cuidar a una persona en situación de dependencia pero esto sirve de muy poco o nada si no se destinan los recursos necesarios ya sean económicos, materiales o humanos.
En los últimos tiempo estamos siendo testigos de como el Estado de Bienestar se va deteriorando cada vez más. Esto se traduce en una implicación menor del Estado en temas de ámbito social como por ejemplo en el que tratamos en este ocasión.
Debemos de recordar que los profesionales del trabajo social no son superhéroes y que por mucha vocación que tengamos no siempre es posible dar una atención específica adecuada a las necesidades de cada usuario ya que los recursos con los que contamos son insuficientes.
En conclusión, es por tanto nuestra labor no solo elaborar intervenciones dirigidas a los usuarios si no también luchar para que se destinen los recursos necesarios para poder ser buenos profesionales del trabajo social.
  • asked a question related to Informality
2 answers
I am using STATA to estimate total factor productivity in Indian informal manufacturing sector through the semi-parametric method of Levinsohn–Petrin. I am interested to compute Malmquist Index. Which kind of Data is required for that? Is there any instruction manual to do so? Kindly guide.
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To compute the Malmquist Productivity Index using Stata, particularly for the Indian informal manufacturing sector, you would require panel data that includes information on inputs and outputs over different time periods. This data structure is necessary because the Malmquist Index measures productivity changes over time and hence requires observations across multiple time frames for the same units.
For the technical implementation in Stata, you can use the malmq2 module, which has been specifically designed to estimate the Malmquist Productivity Index using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) frontier. The module allows you to select input and output variables from your dataset and provides the estimation of the Malmquist Index. You can find detailed instructions and the necessary code to install and utilize this module in the resources provided by the Boston College Department of Economics and the Stata Users Group.
It is important to ensure you have the latest version of the module, as there have been updates and bug fixes over time. You can obtain the module and the accompanying help files from the Stata module repository or the author's GitHub page. Make sure to uninstall any previous versions of the module you might have to avoid conflicts. Once you have the right version, the malmq2 module does not require the dea command to be installed, as per the discussion on the Statalist forum and the IDEAS RePEc page. For a more comprehensive understanding and for step-by-step guidance, you can refer to the presentation by Choonjoo Lee which provides a procedure and application of Malmquist Productivity Analysis using DEA frontier in Stata.
For further information and to access the module, you can visit the following pages:
  • For downloading the malmq2 Stata module, you can go to the IDEAS RePEc page.
  • For an illustrative application of Malmquist Productivity Analysis in Stata, you can review the presentation by Choonjoo Lee.
  • To understand discussions around the use and installation of the malmq2 command and the dea command, Statalist forum threads provide valuable insights and technical tips from users and experts.
  • asked a question related to Informality
2 answers
The picture shows a GITT diagram of a graphite and silicon composite half cell. Why does it indicate a reversible to higher voltage in the circles shown? Is it due of the electrode's high resistivity, or is there another reason?
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if you measure (some diagnostic) EIS[1], you might identify the reason.
1. Vdc,polarization inside the range = [0.25, 0.30] V
  • asked a question related to Informality
18 answers
SMEs and informal sectors
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There are many problems related to entrepreneurship development:
Lack of funding
Strong competition
Lack of innovation and creativity
Weak marketing and distribution
High risks
Society's culture
bad management
  • asked a question related to Informality
1 answer
I am working on a research on challenges and opportunities that women entrepreneurs face in informal trade.
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CGE MODEL, WHICH CAN TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THE WHOLE ECONOMY. Formal, informal, and gender as well.
  • asked a question related to Informality
7 answers
Can they correctly identify a language's value system in that informal language grasp?
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Informal language acquisition is the process of learning a language through immersion. It is a product of subconscious process which is informal or natural way of gaining the knowledge of the language. Here, language is not taught to children. A child just picks up his native or first language or mother tongue just being around his parents, siblings and other people in his environment
  • asked a question related to Informality
5 answers
What do you think about the use of technological devices (tablets, smartphones, smart tvs)in terms of learning a foreign language for 0-3 years old and preschool (3-5 years old) children but informally without any curriculum and program outside the school?
Can information happen accidentally but meaningfully without being systematically dictated to children? Or does the use of technology, which is left to its own nature, does not provide learning and causes neurological problems in children?
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Pros of using technological devices in early childhood
* based on my opinion,it make it easier for children in the usage of technological devices during tertiary level.Enables children to become familiar with the devices and make it easier for them to use when they grow older as these devices are fundamental in education system as the world has already started using technological devices and online platforms for teaching.
*Technological devices in early childhood hinder the child development in the social settings as the child spend his or her times using the devices rather than playing with their peers and familiarizing themselves with the social world.
*Social isolation and detachment from the world.studies state that when a person is using a device,they get detached from the social world ,because of the focus the children have toward the device.
*Difficulty in forming relationships and friendships, because the time that children in early childhood was supposed to be playing with other children ,they were using technological devices and they do not have any relation with other people as the devices are the only one that they have relation with.Devices do not have emotions ,so forming a relationship and friendship will be difficult.
  • asked a question related to Informality
6 answers
Hello to all dear friends!
Can you introduce suitable sources for studying the topics of urban segregation, inclusive city and informal settlement?
Thank you for your help
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Urban Regeneration
A Handbook
Edited by
  • asked a question related to Informality
5 answers
It would be very useful for business and for the site so that world forecasters would unite in one group (it’s called “preliminary forecast”) on this site and it would be possible to ask a question to seismologists, closed t outsiders since you can’t scare people, but you need to somehow attract colleagues and maybe protect some country from victims.
I am writing this because a strange anomaly appeared, possibly indicating a future strong earthquake at a great distance from Turkey, Israel ...
(there is some possibility that this is Mexico or the NZ zone - Fiji, etc.)
You just need to pay attention to the thermal waters and Radon.
Dear Administrator. If you open the group that I ask about - it should be made closed, put me as a Moderator and everyone who enters it takes the obligation not to expose data to outsiders.
In this group, informal forecasters will be able to present their forecasts.
Thank you. Alexander Yagodin.
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Герольды в 10 - 11 часов ГМТ ушли от Хайфы в направлении 60 - 70 градусов (СВ)
  • asked a question related to Informality
2 answers
Transboundary learning cultures and schooling (TLCS) researchers are devoted to doing transcultural, transdisciplinary, and trans-paradigmatic research in each Asia-Pacific country and region. Glocalization and the COVID-19 pandemic initiated and have transformed learning and teaching spaces, integrating daytime schooling and shadow education, individual learning and collaborative learning communities, informal and informal education, learning and teaching in real and virtual worlds, lifelong and life-wide education, online and offline learning, and theory and practice. Such TLCS analyzes the phenomenon of transboundary space, which shapes new research directions in transcultural, transdisciplinary, transnational, and trans-paradigmatic education.
In this special issue, we call for papers on the theme of transboundary learning cultures and schooling (TLCS), asking the following questions:
 What are new possible research agendas and potential implications of decentering the lens of cross-cultural, cross-national, cross-regional, and cross-theoretical analysis in cultural studies, educational and social research, and policy implications in TLCS?
 What are the key concepts of ‘transboundary’ in learning cultures and schooling in contextualized studies when TLCS researchers conceptualize ‘cross-boundary’ or ‘passport-hopping’ in understanding Asia-Pacific practices?
 What is the ontological status of the TLCS research in education? What are the assumptions and limitations of the TLCS research (especially in Asia-Pacific)?
 What are the contributions of making cross-paradigm and cross-methodology comparisons in further development of research paradigms, methodology, and methods? What are the underlying logic and axiological frameworks of traditional research paradigms and methodology?
 What is the scope of investigation of some transcultural, transdisciplinary, transnational, and trans-paradigmatic education studies in TLCS research on academic success?
 How do postmodernist researchers map TLCS with other modernist research paradigms in a broader picture of multiplicity in daytime and shadow education?
 How do comparativists locate the ‘lens’ of comparative and international education (CIE) in TLCS research for its further policy and research development?
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The scope of investigation of transboundary learning cultures and schooling (TLCS) research in education and social science is broad and multi-disciplinary. It involves transcultural, transdisciplinary, transnational, and trans-paradigmatic analysis of learning cultures and schooling in the Asia-Pacific region. This research seeks to analyze the phenomenon of transboundary space in education, which shapes new research directions in cultural studies, educational and social research, and policy implications.
The TLCS research aims to investigate and understand the new possible research agendas and implications of decentering the lens of cross-cultural, cross-national, cross-regional, and cross-theoretical analysis. It also seeks to examine the key concepts of ‘transboundary’ in learning cultures and schooling, as well as the ontological status of TLCS research in education.
The TLCS research is concerned with making cross-paradigm and cross-methodology comparisons to further develop research paradigms, methodology, and methods. It is also interested in exploring the underlying logic and axiological frameworks of traditional research paradigms and methodology.
The TLCS research is focused on academic success and aims to investigate the scope of transcultural, transdisciplinary, transnational, and trans-paradigmatic education studies. It also seeks to explore how postmodernist researchers map TLCS with other modernist research paradigms, and how comparativists locate the ‘lens’ of comparative and international education (CIE) in TLCS research for its further policy and research development.
In essence, the scope of investigation of TLCS research in education and social science is to understand the transboundary nature of learning cultures and schooling in the Asia-Pacific region and to provide a comprehensive and critical evaluation of the existing research on this topic.
  • asked a question related to Informality
2 answers
Hello scientific community, I need a method to identify informal settlements.
the data I have:
-Satellite image sentinel 2 : resolution = 10 m
-The footprints of buildings covering the whole area (formal and informal settlements) :resolution = 0.5 m
For validation i have : statistical documents of informal neighborhood from public authorities.
Thank you all.
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The measurement to informal settlements vary however basic benchmark are not limited to these, land tenure, infrastructure deficiency, unplanned housing, lacking access to social security, lack access to public financing to land developmen, limited or strained social capital to name a few
  • asked a question related to Informality
4 answers
  • the studies concern the informal economy, always studied without linking it to the revenues earned through tax evasion and Fraud. So, do revenues from tax evasion and tax evasion finance the informal economy? therefore, can we say that the fight against evasion and tax Fraud finds methods to formalize informal economy?
  • Is it possible to calculate the amounts of tax evasion among the amounts that financing the informal economy?
  • En Francais:
  • Les montants de fraude et de fraude fiscale sont-ils considérés comme des revenus destinés au financement de l'économie informelle ?
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Both of the practices are illegal and subjective to lawsuits, on one perspective it can be considered as a means for financing informal sector, but on the other side can’t be explained as a good practise. That’s why there is a great need for the Government to formalise or to educate citizens on importances of formalising Informal sector.
  • asked a question related to Informality
2 answers
My research title is: Perinatal Mental Health and ethnicity: Black Mothers with experience of a traumatic birth and their perspectives of seeking support in the perinatal period.
I plan to look at the journey of mothers who identify as being from a black ethnic background, who also identify as having experienced a traumatic birth and having experienced mental health concerns within the perinatal period (pregnancy, birth, a year post birth).
Research questions plan to ask the following:
- What are participants’ experiences of support (informal and formal) throughout pregnancy, birth and the first year of their child’s infancy?
- What experiences of racism do participants have relating to accessing services and receiving care within the perinatal period? What is the perceived impact of this upon them and their lives?
- Do participants feel a readiness / desire to engage with formal or informal support?
- What are the social views of participants’ family and kinship? (Are they subject to any form of disapproval?)
- What are participants' perceptions of mental health and seeking support for this?
- What are the reasons for accessing / not accessing support?
- What are the prenatal life events of participants? Such as anxiety, general emotional distress, perceived stress, or pregnancy specific distress.
I have originally written in my research proposal that I will use Grounded Theory, however, I am concerned about the complexity of using this method, since I have never used it before, and wanted to check whether another qualitative approach could be better suited to the work?
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and for any guidance you are able to give.
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One of the key features of Grounded Theory is that you begin your analysis at the same time as your data collection and then pursue the two simultaneously throughout your research process. This often involves modifying the questions you are asking in your interview, based on what you have already learned. In contrast, Thematic Analysis, begins by collecting the full data set and then conducting the analysis after that.
A good source on GT is Charmaz (2014), Constructing Grounded Theory, while a good source on TA is Braun and Clarke (2022), Thematic Analysis: A Practical Guide.
  • asked a question related to Informality
6 answers
Hi, everyone! I am a migrant entrepreneurship scholar. Currently, I am doing research on migrant entrepreneurs in Russia, highly informal and unstable market. I faced difficulty in finding a right term to describe my respondents' business activities. Could anyone give me some clues/directions?
I look for a term that grasps individuals’ transition from wage to self-employment within one industry through replication of a business model of a former employer. In this process, entrepreneurs utilise essential entrepreneurial capital acquired at the place of their previous employment to start and sustain an own enterprise. This entrepreneurial capital is represented by startup capital; networks to clients, suppliers and partners; and human capital in the form of industry knowledge and effective business practices. In Western context, it goes against a standard non-solicitation clause, but in Russia, with its weak low institutions and wide-spread informal entrepreneurship especially among migrants, it is not a concern at all. Any help will be highly appreciated!
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Hey, thank you! But not really... None of them covers what I am looking for.
  • asked a question related to Informality
30 answers
Some developing countries with a striving informal economy have low unemployment and high GDP. In contrast, others with a smaller percentage of the informal economy have very high unemployment levels and low GDP.
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Dear Prof Prakasam
Thanks a lot for providing good answer to this question. Your support is greatly appreciated.
  • asked a question related to Informality
4 answers
Hello scientific community, I need a method to identify informal settlements.
the data I have:
-Satellite image sentinel 2 : resolution = 10 m
-The footprints of buildings covering the whole area (formal and informal settlements) :resolution = 0.5 m
For validation i have : statistical documents of informal neighborhood from public authorities.
Thank you all.
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"Three key criteria are often used in such studies: small grain size, high ground coverage and irregular access networks. Other factors such as proximity to hazardous areas, lack of vegetation and low- quality roofing are sometimes included. Such studies often conflate informality with slums. But while most such studies map a binary distinction between formal and informal morphologies, some adopt a more nuanced approach. [...] Our approach is to use visual analysis of Google Earth data augmented with Google Street View data where available. The key purpose of this mapping is to distinguish between different forms of informality and to generate a better understanding of how and where informal settlements emerge within the larger city.
  • asked a question related to Informality
5 answers
Any alternative methods against informal theoretical security analysis.
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Dear Muralidhar Patruni,
You may want to review the following info:
Abstract In this document we give guidelines for writing Internet Drafts in order to facilitate their security analysis. By "security analysis" we mean, not only informal analyses, but formal analyses using automated tools, and mathematical analysis of the cryptographic protocols used in an Internet Draft.
  • asked a question related to Informality
4 answers
My research paper will be focusing on The Impact of Caregiving Burden and Coping Strategies on Burnout Among Informal Caregivers.
Therefore, I am planning to use Two-way ANOVA and Multiple Regression to study the interaction between these variables:
IV: Caregiving Burden, Coping Strategies
DV: Informal Caregiver Burnout
Would greatly appreciate it if advice is given on whether I am on the right track, or to suggest any other suitable models. Thank you for your time.
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Thank you Suraj Kapoor for answering my question!
It allowed me to understand deeper about the context of my study, as I found out that it is preferred to examine relationships with subscale scores as continuous variables and outcomes. Investigators often dichotomize results into burnout – non-burnout but there is no accepted standard definition.
Also, I gained more understanding of logistic regression!
  • asked a question related to Informality
2 answers
There is no doubt that architects are designing some stunning and inspirational learning and research spaces in universities around the world. There is significantly more attention being paid to the role of technology in supporting learning, flexible learning spaces, and comfortable and vibrant informal learning spaces. However, it seems that offices for academic staff and working spaces for HDR candidates may not be seen as representing optimal uses of space in new buildings. Rather a world of collaboration, hot-desks, shared pods seem to be being promoted and offices represented as outdated 20th century ornaments. There seems to be evidence that this is leading increasingly to academics choosing to work from home (and HDR candidates struggling to find spaces that they can call their own). What is the evidence for 21st century university buildings prioritising aesthetics and 21st century design over the practical needs of users?
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Updating this strand, we moved into a new $50 million campus building in September 2021. Fabulous building with sumptuous wooden interiors; a planted living roof; state of the art technology and; a pleasure to teach in the definitively 21st century classrooms. An upgraded cafe area, too. In sum, very studebnt-friendly and closer to the heart of the local community in terms of positioning within the CBD. Occasional views of whales frolicking in the sea. foreshadowed in my 2018 post, the staff working facilities have an open, call-centre feel. Not a place that is ideal for thinking, writing, marking or communicating. Universities like mine say that they want vibrant, buzzing campuses, but in post-COVID times more staff are electing to work from home and more and more students are opting for online study.
  • asked a question related to Informality
15 answers
I often get solicitations to submit articles and I assume these are all predatory journals. Is that a safe assumption? I suppose if someone tried to publish an official list of predatory journals they would receive pushback, but does anyone maintain an informal list?
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To Ryne Rutherford: That one is the most current website...
  • asked a question related to Informality
4 answers
I've been recently doing a research on the Argument Based Validation model of Kane (1990, 2011) and Bachman and Palmer (2010).
In one of Kane's articles (2004, p.145) it is stated that argument based validation more than scientific theories uses informal logic and practical reasoning. My question is that what is the advantage of this approach? Also, I will be thankful if you provide examples about it since I cannot understand how it is really practiced.
Thank you
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Прочтите взгляды аль-Газали и Ибн Сины на этапы логического мышления.
  • asked a question related to Informality
38 answers
Please help me by filling this questionnaire, it is very important to accomplish my research about the interactive spaces in universities buildings. Those spaces becoming more important after the great transformation in learning methods from teaching to more informal learning and interaction.
I wish that you can fill it as soon as possible.
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Dear Ms. Issa! I have filled in the survey and submitted my answers. Very interesting and valuable is your work! Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely
  • asked a question related to Informality
5 answers
From the one hand the prizes and jobs should be granted to the most qualified candidates: it’s a crime otherwise. So, clever people should never discuss the another possibility. But from the other hand, members of committees usually know the personal situation of applicants. And want to delicate help somebody in need (probably, help to get some kind of gratitude from he or she later).
If such positions and prizes are just an informal money allowance, is it shaming to pretend on it if you are okey? To eat the bread of widows, orphans, ill people, males who are under the pressure of gender stereotypes, and probably the staff of security service? Is Academia for poor and unhappy people only? If so for that the right to get a scientific education is granted to everybody?
Do you know some real stories there the personal information affected the decision making procedure? Could you tell such stories without spreading the personal information of somebody else (including applicants and committee members)? How to study this phenomenon? And how to avoid the spreading of your own information by other “kind” persons?
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Discrimination rules everywhere! People are not mature enough to hire "the best person for the job", so the job is not done properly.
That is one of the reasons I left Greece where nepotism was rampart. There, I learned of a competition where hundreds applied for something like 50 jobs. The "winners" were declared, but none were hired because the jobs were already taken by people "hired through the window"! Disgusting!
I thought Canada would be better and it was in most places. In final analysis maybe it was as bad as Greece. "Teachers" are hired at schools without a degree simply being friends of the principal! Then, a Dean of Education at the local university appointed a "friend" into a job that specifically required a Masters which he didn't have. One could fight for justice and expose the scandals if you had the time. But I wouldn't bother. They would be exposed and face consequences later, no doubt.
  • asked a question related to Informality
4 answers
I'm writing a chapter re the promise and challenges of use of free online Open Ed Resources (OER) for a forthcoming book (due late 2022) about informal science/STEM learning, both K-12, higher ed and lifelong learning. If anyone has done ed/learning research
on the use of games of any kind (board games, RPG, video and online games, etc) on improving STEM learning, please email me
offlist: and I can then forward to the two editors of this book.
Or if others want to contribute to this discussion, please do so.
This was catalyzed by my discovering how much of a community has been playing the board game, Pandemic, over the past 1-2 years...and how effective this and other games are:
Ted M Kahn, PhD
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Informal STEM Learning in Game Jams, Hackathons and ...
· Traducir esta página
Download Citation | Informal STEM Learning in Game Jams, Hackathons and Game ... Games jams can be used to improve di↵erent types and strategies to
  • asked a question related to Informality
9 answers
Cognitive pillar refer to those that determine the extent to which wider belief systems and cultural frames are imposed on or adopted by individual actors and organizations. And informal institutions also refer to cultural beliefs..
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Dear Dr. Saikia!
You raised a relevant topic to consider. I think you refer to the concept of rules:
1) Brady, M. Covid-19 and the power of rules. HPLS 43, 11 (2021). Free access:
2) Bo Yan, Bin Chen, Long Wu, Xiaomin Zhang & Heng Zhu (2021) Culture, Institution, and COVID-19 First-Response Policy: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Thirty-One Countries, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 23:2, 219-233, DOI: 10.1080/13876988.2021.1878458 Free access:
Rules link together culture, cognitive signals with informal institutions.
Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely
  • asked a question related to Informality
4 answers
I have a very simple model where I measure the effect of tone of voice on purchase intention, moderated by brand alignment. I have a 2x2 between subjects model, with tone of voice levels being informal vs formal, and brand alignment levels being warm vs competent.
When I run a two-way anova, I see that the main effect for tone of voice is not significant. However when I run it in a one way ANOVA, this effect is significant. Can someone explain why this is, and if i were to report the one way anova would this be incorrect?
for bachelors thesis
  • asked a question related to Informality
4 answers
would you please help me to finding some articles about informal settlements on a provincial scale ?
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Hey mobina, informal settlement are results of rapid population growth; huge rural-urban migrants; lack of affordable housing facility; weak governance etc. therefore it is mainly confined with urban area rather than any province.
However attaching some literature hope it might help.
  • asked a question related to Informality
10 answers
I am looking for references of studies describing the link between informal transport and urban sprawl in Latin-america, Asia or Africa. Is there a synergy between informal transport and urban sprawl? What are its characteristics?
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Hello, Juan.
Your research topic is a very interesting and important on about Latin America urbanization.
As a Brazilian researcher in urban geography, I believe that there is published works on this theme, considering that this phenomenon (correlation between use of informal transportation and the periphery's expansion) happens oftenly in our biggest urban centers.
However, the most common term for this kind of transportaton is "alternative transport" (transporte alternativo, in portuguese). I suggest you to look up for this term in scientific databases. In a quick research, I've found interesting stuff about cities in Latin America countries (such as Brazil, Argentina and Colombia) and even in Africa. Below, I'm adding a few suggestions that might help.
ÁVILA, G. M.; DA SILVA, O. M. (2019). Transporte Alternativo no Rio de Janeiro: Uma estratégia de contornamento territorial. Link:
VILLAR-URIBE, J.R. (2021). Modernización del transporte público en la periferia urbana: ¿el fin del transporte informal? Caso de estudio: sistema de cable aéreo Transmicable en la localidad de Ciudad Bolívar, Bogotá - Colombia. Link:
MAMANI, H. A. (2004). Alternativo, informal, irregular ou ilegal? O campo de lutas dos transportes públicos. Link:
KRALICH, S.; PÉREZ, V. (2017). La evolución del transporte alternativo en la Región Metropolitana de Buenos Aires: un indicador de procesos de estratificación de la movilidad. Link:
My best regards.
  • asked a question related to Informality
3 answers
Big data analysis has many applications in all areas of contemporary life (economic, military, medical, educational, political, arts fields ... and almost all areas of life), and this occurs as a result of the multiplicity of users, programmers, bloggers, and official and informal government agencies that all use computers and the Internet. Now, what makes the flow and pumping of data a continuous process that does not end day or night ..
How can this be applied in universities and scientific research?
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These are some search options involving the suggested use.
  • asked a question related to Informality
10 answers
I contacted already different firms, but cannot find where to buy nescofilm. I would like to test this membrane for blood feeding insects.
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  • asked a question related to Informality
1 answer
We are conducting a pilot study of an intervention for informal caregivers of persons who have recently received a bone marrow transplant in the US. If you know of anyone who might be interested, please feel free to share the study link. Thank you.
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I don't any one who has received Bone marrow transplant.
  • asked a question related to Informality
4 answers
To be precise, I am looking for studies on informal labour that have taken on board Sanyal's category of the Need Economy and his 'Politics of Exclusion' in studying the political-economy of post-liberalization India/countries in the global south?
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Great discussion
  • asked a question related to Informality
8 answers
I urgently need a map that shows the point locations of informal settlements in South Africa. I am currently working on a study that seeks to relate protests location to the location of informal settlements in South Africa. I would appreciate if anyone can provide a link to the spatial data that show the location of these settlements across South Africa.
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Kayode Julius Samuel Do you have access ( more than 'viewing') to ( i.e. 'municipal land' ) ? What would be helpful is a representative set of 'informal settlements', even Google Maps links at an appropriate zoom level. Even better if they are adjacent to 'formal settlements'. 'Substandard building materials' might be discernible, even the 'shack' aspect.
  • asked a question related to Informality
7 answers
Bitcoin and cryptocurrency has bloomed since 2009. Will it be accepted and regulated by the central bank to be used as trading mechanism in the near future? Albeit there has been minimal informal usage of Bitcoin in some trading.
Also, which country would be possibly become the first in regulating the use of cryptocurrency in daily transaction?
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Some commercial banks, including some investment banks, introduce their own cryptocurrencies for the purposes of settlements and transactions with certain financial institutions and corporations. at the moment, central banking is not interested in cryptocurrencies, but this may change in the future.
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Informality
7 answers
There are two test groups including formal and informal. In formal, we refer to statistical tests, and in informal, we mean graphs. When the sample size is large, the smallest departure from normality is indicated as p-value <0.05 in all formal tests such as Shapiro-Wilk or Kolmogorov-Smirnov. While we need approximate normal to perform most parametric tests (such as independent t-test). As stated in the book entitled "Applied Linear Statistical Model", large departures from normality are important to us, and in these cases, we must use transformations or non-parametric tests. Now if this graph is obtained from data with a sample size of 250, do you consider it normal or non-normal (assuming that the normality assumption is rejected in Shapiro-Wilk or Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests).
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Your qq-plot is mostly a straight line which indicates conformity of your data to a normal or Gaussian distribution.
  • asked a question related to Informality
20 answers
Is recycling a challenge to the governments of developing countries?
A strong will for more serious aggressively organized recycling initiatives, embedded with strict regulations supported through public awareness projects/programs to be instituted both by formal and informal organizations. Government realization of seriousness and ineffective initiative as projected to date does not seem to have brought any positive change, rather the conditions keep deteriorating over the years.
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Yes, for developing countries, the development of recycling and other important elements of pro-ecological activities in environmental protection, the principles of sustainable development, and the circular economy is a serious challenge. Improving recycling techniques, waste segregation technology, replacing plastic in packaging with biodegradable organic substitutes, implementing eco-innovations in commercial economic processes, shaping and activating social environmental (ecological) responsibility, increasing the scale of implementing pro-ecological reforms, implementing eco-innovations in economic processes, etc. are important factors the pro-ecological transformation of the traditional brown economy into a sustainable green economy / circular economy, which is a challenge for all countries, both developing and highly developed. However, countries with lower incomes in the public finance system have fewer opportunities to implement pro-ecological reforms, such as on implementing the principles of sustainable development into economic processes. Technological assistance, etc., is necessary for countries characterized by a low level of economic development and low income, so that also in these countries environmental economic reforms are implemented. The issue of the necessity to increase the scale of pro-ecological economic reforms is a challenge for humanity in the 21st century, because the goal is to protect nature, protect natural resources of animate and inanimate nature, reduce the scale of environmental pollution, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, slow down the progressing global warming process, protect biodiversity of natural ecosystems, protect the biosphere and climate of the planet Earth.
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Informality
2 answers
A strong will for more serious aggressively organized recycling, embedded with strict regulations supported through public awareness projects/programs to be instituted both by formal and informal organizations. Government realization of seriousness and ineffective initiative as projected to date does not seem to have brought any positive change, rather the conditions keep deteriorating over the years.
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Dear Shahida;
During a research study your condition is usually monitored more closely so any changes can be detected earlier. You may also have access to expert medical care that you otherwise would not.
Staff will keep you updated on your progress and how the study is doing. This allows you to learn about your condition, and gives you more access to professionals and advice.
Research improves services and treatments not just for you but also for future generations. It helps develop new tests for diagnosis, treatments and processes that could eventually help your children, or even your grandchildren.
You may gain access to treatments that are not yet readily available to the general public.
Taking part in research can give you a more positive outlook on any health issues.
Some evidence has suggested that people who take part in research have better health outcomes no matter what treatment they receive. This is known as the ‘trial effect’. Even if the research you take part in is unsuccessful, many people feel they receive better care while the trial is running.
  • asked a question related to Informality
1 answer
What type of expected physical and socio-economic variables can be taken to examine unprecedented growth w.r.t informal developmental growth?
If possible, please suggest some variables. I shall be thankful 😊🙏
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Dear Muhammad, urbanization and the emergence of informal built areas is a complex process that may not be reduced to a set of variables. It involves all aspects of the demographic transition, productivity gains in agriculture, a decreasing proportion of income spent on food (Engel’s law) and simultaneous shift in relative demand for rural to urban goods and services. In this transition process, large cities, with new opportunities steaming from agglomeration economies, become magnets for rural firms and households looking to increase their standard of living. The opportunity cost of living in large cities or in the influence zone of large cities is much greater than that of rural areas where there are relatively fewer economic opportunities. I strongly suggest reading Edward Glaeser ‘Triumph of the City’s chapter on ‘Slums’. While the answer is complex, if we want to reduce this to a few variables, I would start to look for wage differences and distance as a manifestation of these complex dynamics. Hope this helps!
  • asked a question related to Informality
4 answers
I am looking for outcomes (individual or organizational) related to the creation of a positive informal work environment. Can anybody recommend me articles on the topic? Thank you in advance.
[Actions I consider as 'creating a positive informal work environment': Demonstrate compassion; Value people; Encourage flourishing by inspiring positive emotions; creating positive relationships and articulating meaning; Foster trust and collaborative coherence; Create an environment of support and understanding; Create collaboration and built a level of commitment and ownership; Improve employee’s non-work life; Create a sense of global identity – a sense of belonging; etc.]
P.S.: At the same time I am also looking for outcomes (individual and/or organizational) related to the creation of formal work environment.
[Actions I consider as 'creating a positive formal work environment': Share knowledge / information; Making a long-term commitment to employees; Initiate communications / establish open communication channels; Involve employees in decision making; Paying above-market wages that enable a better quality of life; etc.]
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Dear Maria, thank you very for pointing this paper out to me! Great!
  • asked a question related to Informality
7 answers
Need to know specific parameters which impact the learning culture variables.
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Informal learning through conversations; Jay Cross says that conversations are "the stem cells of intellectual capital."
Informal learning through connections that can be virtual or physical through blogs, wikis or instant messaging.
This informal learning is part of the knowledge management that new organizations must implement. Shared knowledge as a way to grow the organization and employees. Process by which an organization facilitates the transmission of information and skills to its employees, in a systematic and efficient manner. This transmission of information and skills must be done through formal learning, through training and scheduled courses, but also through open and free communication between all the components of the organization and the creation of connections and social networks where can share their knowledge.
  • asked a question related to Informality
17 answers
El aprendizaje entre pares es una práctica educativa en la que los estudiantes interactúan con otros estudiantes para alcanzar objetivos educativos.1​ Ya sea que tenga lugar en un contexto de aprendizaje formal, informal o no formal, en grupos pequeños o en línea, el aprendizaje entre pares manifiesta aspectos de la autoorganización que están ausentes en su mayoría de los modelos pedagógicos de enseñanza y aprendizaje tradicionales.
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Active Learning to teach, learn, and research for PLC.
  • asked a question related to Informality
5 answers
I need some tips on how to analyse and write down a report of a semi-structured interviews, I collected answers and i have to begin to analyse and report the answers, this is a part of my empirical study of my Phd about the integration of informal settlements into the city
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Do the presentation with themes from your thematic analysis of the interview transcripts
  • asked a question related to Informality
12 answers
The informal economy is often ignored when it comes to supportive policies particularly in times of crisis. Although it contains 2 billion workers (ILO,2020) worldwide, and with no alternative source of income. Stop working is not an option for those working in the informal economy.
based on this can we say that the informal economy helps the spread of the pandemic? if yes. why the African countries that are known with the spread of the informal economy has relatively small infected cases?
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I agree we need statistically sound sampling strategies to be better informed of the extent and rate of countrywide infections. In many African countries, we cannot say with certainty that the formal sector has more coronavirus infections than the the informal sector, or vice versa. The relevant information is yet to be gathered. Internal testing is not widespread. Most tests conducted so far have been on returnees and visitors at border posts and international airports. In addition, not all causes of death are recorded, particularly when some people die without having gone to any hospital, and are buried in areas where medical records are not a requirement.
  • asked a question related to Informality
2 answers
We would like to reconstruct inflammatory conditions in cell culture. From the literature, I got the information of a pH in inflamed tissue of 6-7 which is not that exact. Has anyone a more exact value of inflammatory pH? That would help a lot for the experiments.
Thanks a lot!
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Lactic acid and acidic by-products are increasingly produced and concentrated in and near inflamed tissues, causing the acidosis which lowers the tissue pH at least the order of 0.5–1.0 pH unit (Punnia-Moorthy 1987; de Backer 2003).
  • asked a question related to Informality
54 answers
Covid - 19 and its impact on the gray economy
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The impact of informal economy in the long run will be positive, in that it will spark new technological development on the one hand. On the other reviews our mental state as to what constitutes work environment; for sure that shall be debated for long time to come. Simply because a percentage of the large organisations have remodeled and are still making more money at present, eg, Entertainment, Energy and Telecommunication industries.
Food and food provision shall be a concern in the developing countries since Production and Transportation above all food-storage systems shall drive the new technologies development irrespective of the population (dynamics) involved directly or indirectly. For sure unemployment rate shall increase in specific industries since means of production, distribution may never recover as a result of fact that MEANS OF ACQUISITION has already morphed. Banking sectors are preparing to capitalise on digital money, and a shift to rapid touch and GO system with HUMAN EMBEDDED payment/travel systems.
Although, the BANKING INDUSTRY will be outsmarted by the younger generation as "the Known" business models transform in panic and are transitioning into the NEW TAKE IT or LEAVE IT Market environment. I task the best among us to GET READY since the Normal shall constitute "get stuck at home" Abnormal life style.
  • asked a question related to Informality
15 answers
I am searching for economic activity data such as GDP or income growth, income inequality and size of the informal economy as well as environmental shock. I am planning to use the data to address contextual factors that are missing from the Demographic and Health Surveys. Thanks for your guidance
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Check the World Development Indicators via World Bank. Mostly, researchers used GDP (constant 2010 USD)
  • asked a question related to Informality
6 answers
Dear Colleagues,
I am a liaison (informal) at my university between science and the arts. I have family in planetary astronomy but this is far afield.
A question or two:
What does this newly-reported Radcliffe Wave of gaseous proto-stars tell us about how our galaxy originated?
Is there any chance that this wave will make some difference in our own sun's behavior?
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Dear Preston,
Intriguin view, thanks for sharing Vera Lima
  • asked a question related to Informality
8 answers
How has the learning in physical education differ in formal learning and informal learning across cultures
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Formal and informal learning do not seem to be two opposing concepts, but rather two ends of a continuum (e.g. Eraut, 2004)
Here are a few articles that might help guide you:
Kirk, D., & Kinchin, G. (2003). Situated learning as a theoretical framework for sport education. European physical education review, 9(3), 221-235.
Nelson, L. J., Cushion, C. J., & Potrac, P. (2006). Formal, nonformal and informal coach learning: A holistic conceptualisation. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 1(3), 247-259.
Folkestad, G. (2006). Formal and informal learning situations or practices vs formal and informal ways of learning. British journal of music education, 23(2), 135-145.
I have been working more specifically on (in)formal teacher learning if you are looking for more specific articles or references on my research topic.
I think it's an exciting topic. Good luck!
  • asked a question related to Informality
4 answers
The unorganized sector account for a major share of total employment,particularly in the developing nations. In India, a major chunk of employment is due to informal/unorganized sector. But a number of problems are there in this sector which needs immediate attention.Let us try to identify and evolve effective measures to resolve these issues.
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The informal sector provides cushion in time of economic crisis. Access to market, access to credit, mentoring/involvement of state owned enterprises, tax breaks are among several policies in Indonesia.The ICT and social media marketing may open new opportunities; but also bring competition from worldwide.
  • asked a question related to Informality
20 answers
The research project will be illuminate by this generalization: Teaching practices developed by professors to combining informal learning at web 2.0 with formal learning at higher education courses, it corresponds with liquid and connective education phenomenon, because of teachers act like content curators trying to extend the learning to real contexts, combining structured and unstructured teaching activities.
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There are some thoughts...
Bugawa, A. M., & Mirzal, A. (2018). The impact of Web 2.0 technologies on the learning experience of students in higher education: A review. International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies (IJWLTT), 13(3), 1-17.
Kompen, R. T., Edirisingha, P., Canaleta, X., Alsina, M., & Monguet, J. M. (2019). Personal learning Environments based on Web 2.0 services in higher education. Telematics and Informatics, 38, 194-206.
Gyamfi, S. A. (2017). Informal tools in formal context: Adoption of web 2.0 technologies among geography student teachers in Ghana. International Journal of Education and Development using ICT, 13(3).
  • asked a question related to Informality
1 answer
At our core, we are concerned with data quality as well as the quality of our statistical analyses.
  • What kind of processes have you implemented, just for yourself or within a research team, to check for transparency and reproducibility of your results?
  • Have you any formal or informal peer-reviewing experience with regard to your statistical analysis?
  • What kind of info is mandatory in your syntax files?
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In some instances we use other softwares to perform the statistical analysis based on the syntax developed and report this in the write-up for data quality and assurance purposes.
  • asked a question related to Informality
1 answer
For my project, I made my participants 'select all that may apply' by asking them how they received informal recognition.
Ex: Received a thank you from manager
Received email from manager
Received handshake
and more...
I separated each response by itself and each response is its own variable on SPSS.
Ex: 1 = Received a thank you from manager
0 = other
I want to see which informal recognition received by my participants yield a greater employee engagement.
Main question: Which statistical analysis in SPSS should I use to find this? I've been struggling to figuring it out and hopefully you guys can steer me to the right direction.
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Hello Hector,
If the dependent variable (employee engagement) is a metric variable (interval or ratio strength), then multiple linear regression would be a good starting point for determining which (if any) of the informal recognition types help explain differences in perceived engagement.
If the engagement variable is categorical, logistic regression would be preferred.
Good luck with your work!
  • asked a question related to Informality
5 answers
Digital practices saturate in students' lives and taking a role of boundary crosser and connecting social practices connecting personal, academic and professional spheres. We could argue that draw from the formal and informal learning contributing to authentic learning.
Please share your views ...
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digital tools in informal setting linked to curriculum is becoming very influential. Thank you for sharing your book.
  • asked a question related to Informality
3 answers
The sources which I found are dealing with the employees control over their work, or work autonomy. My interest is in measuring perception of intensity of external control over employees, that is the pressure that employees feel from the part of management control systems and informal control mechanisms. I am looking for authors and sources who have applied similar approach. What constructs are available to measure the intensity of control?
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Thanks very much... that was very helpful... good to know that there more scholars interested in similar issues
  • asked a question related to Informality
3 answers
Need a valid and easily accessible psychometric tools for measuring the psychological well being with respect to general health condition and quality of life of the informal carers of people living with Alzheimer. Those informal caregivers includes family members, spouse and other family relative who are not from the health background.
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This may not be the best tool but you can measure the caregiver's satisfaction with life as well as moral distress or attitudes towards Alzheimer patients:
  • asked a question related to Informality
27 answers
Informal reports provide ample evidence of heavy outbreaks of Cyanobacteria in freshwater and marine ecosystems of Uruguay
While there is some detailed information about the "usual suspects" found nearly every year, I did not find data about the species and toxins "participating" in this recent outbreak.
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Dead seabirds appeared near Punta del Este, with no visible signs of usual causes of mortality (plastics etc). What about cyanobacteria toxins accumulated in the foodweb?
  • asked a question related to Informality
7 answers
We have just started ReCreaDe a 3 year project investigating the ways that informal and nonformal learning can widen the scope for understanding the relationship between democracy, diversity and education.
The question is to help us add examples of practice and strengthen our literature base.
The aim is to support skills development, social inclusion and critical thinking through different activities and innovative pedagogical actions, as well as dialogues with various stakeholders on the role and nature of democracy within education and the critical relationship between democracy and diversity. Participatory and intercultural approaches to heritage, as well as educational initiatives fostering intercultural dialogue involving educators and young people are being undertaken. This will also include critical case studies addressing the experiences of excluded communities and the implications for educational, democratic and civic engagement.
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Not sure how to answer. India and the United States are touted as the world's largest democracies. Yes people are free to vote for whoever they want, but their minds are being manipulated by the media and by religious leaders and top politicians in different ways by constant bombardment with slanted interpretations of reality to move their thinking in a specific direction. In short "leaders" in "democracies" have gotten very creative in using the media in moving such societies towards acceptance of more authoritarian rule.
Nevertheless, those who are able to resist this onslaught have the capacity to be very very creative and are therefore a danger to the authorities.
  • asked a question related to Informality
1 answer
The meaning of abandoned spaces, especially industrial spaces, with over grown spontaneous vegetation have been widely studied in the Western world. I want to know is there any relevant Chinese literature studying the meaning and significance of this new urban wilderness in Chinese context? Informal green spaces also exist in China, but until now I have not found much Chinese research about this field. Most research is about how to regenerate these spaces and often ignore the meanings of these sites.
  • asked a question related to Informality
3 answers
A possible answer in A. Tugui, D. Danciulescu, M.-S. Subtirelu (2019, The Biological as a Double Limit for Artificial Intelligence: Review and Futuristic Debate. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS COMMUNICATIONS & CONTROL, 14(2), 253-271, April 2019
Biocomputing—The invisible hand of AI?
"Fascinated by the secrets of medicine, in an informal discussion in 2014, we asked the famous surgeon I. Lascar, a professor at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest, what the secret was to a successful operation. Among the syntheses and content-related explanations, Professor Lascar pointed out that surgery is assisted, besides a number of strictly scientific factors, by a so-called invisible hand that contributes to the success of an operation and which all physicians rely on. In this context, the success of biocomputing research and development as part of the bio computer could be the catalyst for leaping to a level of AI that surprises us in terms of intelligent performance and behavior. Current achievements, such as the design of the biological transducer; the monitoring, programming, and behavioral control of the live cell (via logical operations AND, OR, and NOT); and technological challenges such as the decoding of live cell communication and the future development of a natural language of living cells (N2LC) used in biocomputing could turn biocomputing into the invisible hand of biological systems stretched towards artificial systems, especially AI."
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Ok, I see. I have misunderstood the intention you had.
Normally on researchgate under "questions" people ask a question and state a problem. For instance PhD students get blocked in one aspect of their research and they ask for input, which usually unblocks them, mostly because they have the answer close, but views from third parties help.
There is room for posting one's paper on the personal researcher's page, under research, publications, etc...
  • asked a question related to Informality
12 answers
For my thesis I am conducting my analysis, and am having problems with the second part of my analysis. For my second effect, I am looking at the effect of tone of voice (informal vs formal) on purchase intention, moderated by the Schwartz culture value of power.
Can I use a two way anova here? As the construct of power values has continuous and therefore not grouping variables.
Please help!!
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Hi, how to run two way anova with continous independant variable?
  • asked a question related to Informality
1 answer
Hello, Mikhail. I started writing a request to you, of a paper published in the Academy of Management Proceedings. But it was incomplete and sent. I hope I can know make myself clear. I have been studying informal learning at work for some years. My current project associates learning strategies at work, as proposed by Warr (U. Sheffield), to work design (as proposed by Morgeson in 2006) and to professional development (a criterion variable proposed by Brazilian researchers). I noticed that you have two publications, on informal learning, in JAP. I will download them. They may be of great interest to my research group at the University of Brasilia.
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Hello Jairo,
Thank you for your interest in our work!
The AoM Proceedings paper is actually an older version of what became the JAP article on Informal Field-Based and Work Design, so that may be the better place to look.
Hope this helps!
  • asked a question related to Informality
9 answers
In Ghana and most developing countries there seems to be a gab between improved indicators and the actual effects on the ground. Most academicians discount this fact but I think there is an iota of truth in this claims because margin of error in the measurement of economic indicators in an informal economy might be higher than anticipated bringing the overall indicators into question.
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The goal of improving and coordinating the processes of standardization of economic growth measures on a global basis should be recognized by all countries as one supra-national research institution conducting analytical processes and research in the above issues. such an institution is, for example, the World Bank, which could act as an institution coordinating the processes of international standardization used in individual countries measures of economic growth and macroeconomic determinants describing the economic and financial condition used in individual countries.
  • asked a question related to Informality
5 answers
I am working on mapping advice networks in formal organizations, as a method to voice i.e. a PSU specifically. It is looking at leadership i.e. leadership effectiveness (exchange), informal networks(advice networks) and types of voice.
My questions include 2 scales for the same.
How do I best ask questions for and map advice networks? The roster method is not acceptable to the organization. Will the name generator system with questions on interaction, advice and frequency be effective?
Can you advice me on the best method? Please share your experience and any papers too.
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Fang, R., Landis, B., Zhang, Z., Anderson, M. H., Shaw, J. D., & Kilduff, M. (2015). Integrating personality and social networks: A meta-analysis of personality, network position, and work outcomes in organizations. Organization Science, 26(4), 1243-1260.
  • asked a question related to Informality
12 answers
For Arabic researchers only .... Are there any institutions (Formal or informal) interested in anthropology in your country?
please give some details like emails, websites and others
هل يوجد مؤسسات مهتمة بالأنثروبولوجيا في بلدك؟ أريد أن أعرف بدقة إن كانت هناك أي مؤسسات
رسمية أو غير رسمية تهتم بالأنثروبولوجيا مهما كان نوع هذا الاهتمام (تعيم، بحوث، نشر، تظاهرات علمية)
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I think so, especially since there is a special section for studying this science in our university.
  • asked a question related to Informality
7 answers
This question comes from my experiences as TTO, MSTPARK. I think all kinds of knowledge is not transferable in a same way. we need to experience different ways, for example formal and informal approaches we should take.
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Here are some suggestions for implementing a system for knowledge management and transfer in your company( Chris Cancialosi):
1. Make it formal. While water-cooler banter is better than nothing, you need consistent, clear processes and tools. As an aviator, I’m partial to lists.
My team creates documents that clearly outline how a process works. We also use checklists and sample templates to ensure that following the process is easy. This increases the confidence of the team members who know that they’re not expected to just “figure it out” when the time comes. Even something as simple as taking notes during meetings and sharing them will keep your employees in the loop.
2. Create duplication. I’m not suggesting that you need two people for every job, but you do need to plan for the worst. Cross-training can mitigate the risk of a key person leaving with a head full of knowledge. Ensure that there are at least two people who can step in during an emergency.
For example, imagine a football team. If the quarterback is injured, another player has to step into that position. But what if no one has practiced that role? Your team probably wouldn’t win the game.
3. Train, train, train. By providing your team members with formal training opportunities, you ensure that you have duplication of skills in the system. However, if you don’t have the resources for formal training, you can try this simulation: Remove a key person from the system temporarily so the team can see what happens. If things fall apart quickly, people will be eager to figure out how to prevent that failure from happening in the future.
For organizations that have effectively transferred knowledge to others, these situations present opportunities for employees to put their knowledge into practice and build their confidence.
4. Use systems. Technology can capture key information for later generations to use. They shouldn’t have to relearn what others discovered. By standing on the shoulders of those who have come before, newcomers can take the ball and run with it rather than spinning their wheels rehashing the same ground that’s already been covered.
5. Create opportunities. Set up informal gatherings where team members can exchange information and develop networks organically. Develop communities of practice so employees can work together to find and share information. This is a great way to capture and share knowledge with a broad audience.
6. Be smart when using consultants. While a consultant can be a valuable asset, keep in mind that they’ll leave after the work is through. Make sure you plan to have their knowledge transferred to internal personnel so you can carry on once they’ve departed.
  • asked a question related to Informality
2 answers
I am writing my thesis on sustainability performance of the automotive manufacturing companies and this is one of the empirical questions of my research.
  • asked a question related to Informality
13 answers
  • I believe that we are a less formal society than we used to be. The dress in church, for example rarely includes suits for men. We are addressed many times by our first names. Many aspects of our daily life include many more informal moments. True?
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Ms. Bays:
I certainly agree with your sentiment. Crusty old jeans are not suited for church. I think the conduct of Trump is adding to this degradation in dress and immorality. I am very disappointed that the Evangelicals have excused his outrageous and sinful conduct.
  • asked a question related to Informality
4 answers
We are considering adding experiential learning in our engineering curriculum in the soph/jr years. Some of the experiential learning will be formal (classes) and others informal (professional societies, mini baha etc). We were wondering if there are literature results where the effectiveness of adding these opportunities was measured? We have done a comprehensive search and have found no direct studies. thanks for your time!
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The best measure for the effectiveness of experiential learning in engineering and all courses are curriculum standards. In reviewing and revising curriculum we always look at the alignment of standards, instruction, and assessment.
  • asked a question related to Informality
3 answers
I am serving on the program committee for the 2019 Ecocity World Summit and would love for you to participate and submit an abstract (
We are also seeking volunteers to review abstracts for the Socially Just and Ecologically Sustainable Cities theme. Sub-themes include Climate Action, Circular Economy, and Informal Solutions for Sustainable Development. Please contact me if you are interested in reviewing.
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Can review two articles .. This is very interesting
  • asked a question related to Informality
1 answer
Can anyone share research with me on informal reasoning and if it has been measured and/or quantified for psychometric purposes? I see the research is more centered around how informal reasoning impacts thought processes regarding argument styles; however, have we researched this outside of that area? If so, please share.
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