Science topics: Communicable DiseasesInfectious Disease Control and Prevention
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Infectious Disease Control and Prevention - Science topic
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Questions related to Infectious Disease Control and Prevention
Before the outbreak of ebola In West Africa, dead bodies are usually given a befitting burial using the traditional system (rectangular hole about 6-8 feet deep, 2-4 feet wide). During the peak of the outbreak in Liberia, dead bodies were burn as a process of disposal. In Sierra Leone all dead bodies have been buried by dressing them as demanded by law and tradition. I am concern about the negative impact of these two methods of disposing dead bodies of victims of the dreadful disease ebola. What are some of the short term and long impacts of these practices on:
1. Agriculture (food supply and safety).
2. Health status of people residing close to cemeteries or burning sites.
Is there any evidence about whether fabric or bare hands would spread covid-19 more from one surface to another? (e.g. opening a door using a fabric glove). Assuming the fabric doesn't touch your face, like bare hands easily do, even with efforts to remember not to people struggle to remember. I've been thinking of prompts to prevent face touching, such as wearing fabric gloves when out and about, but I don't want to promote this unless fabric is at-least-no-worse than hands for transferring the virus between surfaces.
I'm talking about use in the community for instance when people have to travel or go to food shops, not in a healthcare context. The gloves should be changed between different settings (e.g. apartment block, bus, shop - switch to a new pair of gloves for each). The gloves should be ironed hot at the end of each day.
As far as I can tell from my attempts searching, this is evidence based, but I'm keen to know from someone who is better at interpreting evidence in this field if it is sensible.
Measles has been globally well-contained for decades, thanks to the widespread MMR vaccine, which protects children against measles, mumps, and rubella.
However, in recent years, an alarmingly increasing number of parents have decided against vaccinating their children as anti-vaccination "literature" or "culture" has proliferated online, claiming the vaccinations could create worse health issues.
With decreased vaccination coverage, those infections are coming back among children and societies, such as the recent measles outbreak in New York.
What can we do to help prevent such issues in the future?
Risk factors for CRBSI are well documented but I´m looking for a sort of screening tool in ICU pacientes with CVC.
How well could Malaria be controlled in a low socio - economic population? an at risk population, relatively low in all socio - economic index. Can someone provide any relevant studies?
Usually in Suspected TB patients sputum smear x 3 times negative is considered as a tool to stop air borne precautions and my question is can GenXpert for TB/Rif R be used for this purpose in parallel in low endemic areas? for a quick withdrawal !
Dear Friends, try to understand?
Data of FMD outbreaks in India Processed by National Institute Veterinary Epidemiology and Disease Informatics in attached photo is self-explanatory to reveal the efficacy of FMD CP, either increase or no change in the status of disease in FMD CP areas are the characteristics. After every year of increased occurrence of a disease, next year outbreaks are low due to immunity offered by the disease that is why outbreaks were less in 2015 and in 2016, you can witness the FMD outbreak rampant in all parts of Northern India.

As we are doing so may effort to control the rabies by means of prophylactic vaccination for dogs and doing ABC in dogs and we are spending huge amount of money for post exposure prophylaxis for humans, doing health education and educational campaign. Still so many human and animal deaths happening in India due to rabies. Where actually we are lagging?
I wish to carry out a study on pinworm infection among children. I will be thankful for your suggestions on:
1. Features suggestive of pinworm or worm infestation.
2. Features increase the risk of pinworm infection.
3. Knowledge aspects need to be assessed from parents or guardians
4. Sites from which swab should be taken for pinworm eggs in the environment
Please respond to the attached delphi survey.
- please all key actors
- their potential contributions to risks of eating food infected with Campylobacter
I have a series of increases in death arising from a suspected series of outbreaks of an unknown agent.
The suspicion is that the agent is relatively difficult to transmit and relies heavily on chance to initiate a mass effect.
How do I test the hypothesis that a high increase in deaths is typically followed by a low increase in deaths in the following outbreak and vice versa?
See attached chart.
See also for further detail of these infectious-like events
Hi everyone
Can I ask whether MALDI can detect organism straight from the positive bottle without first growing the colony/colonies?
Unexplained periods of higher death and medical admissions have been characterised in the UK. Both deaths and medical admissions appear to show spatial spread indicating a potential infectious aetiology.
A quick overview of this research is available at:
The actual analysis is relatively simple and is not time consuming and the spatiotemporal spread of the agent is best demonstrated using very small area data.
If you are interested in conducting research outside of the UK I have a draft paper which demonstrates the current approach and the type of results which can be observed. If you contact me by email ( will send a copy of this draft paper and hopefully these outbreaks can be demonstrated far more widely than the UK.
I am working on plasmacytoid dendritic cells and many references suggest that flu PR8 is best for stimulation of pDC...can anyone tell me if I plan to use this virus what kind of biosafety should be followed?
My research group and me are inquiring about this question and we want to answer some isues about this topic, in addition to this general question, we want to know:
-What is understood, exactly, by biosurveillance?
-What is understood, in terms of biosecurity and biosurveillance, by Early Warning Systems?
-From the point of view of biosurveillance, scientifics and experts, what is currently the role of citizenship?
-There are tools, apps, guidelines, etc. whereby citizenship can collaborate or "enact" as alert system?
-Where can we find documentation about this kind of issues?
-What is a sentinel site or a sentinel web? and how it works?
-What is the role of Internet into this new intelligence related with detecting pandemics and acting before it occurs?
I have some stuff written about it in my blog:
Thanks in advance,
I have recently noted an upsurge in the incidence of tuberculosis (both pulmonary and extrapulmonary) in medical Residents. What precautions/ measures can prove effective in curtailing such an occurrence?
From recent evidence, I learned that most of the people washed their hands for about 10 seconds.
However, I did not find any microbial data of short hand rubbing. Please let me know if there is any.
What is the reason for the epidemic of severe Plasmodium vivax malaria in East Africa?
Following the discovery of B. salamandrivorans, the chytrid fungus that decimated the rare Salamandra salamandra in the Netherlands, stringent biosecurity measures (use of fungicides etc.) have to be implemented at our institute, issued by the agency for nature and forest. This provides an excellent opportunity to implement biosecurity measures for preventing the spread of invasive alien species and enhance biosecurity awareness amongst scientists and field workers. My question is: does anyone have any good examples of biosecurity implemented at research institute level/documents, and about how it's done, which products to use etc.? I already have some excellent intel from Inland Fisheries Ireland, but some mainland Europe information would be nice.
Rodents are reservoirs of many zoonotic diseases to human and their infested fleas,mites,ticks and lice act as vehicles transmitters of infections to man.What is best apply ant-ratting or insecticide first?
Is there an agent for virus inactivation that can be used in whole blood samples, that still allows to make routine tests in those samples, like blood cell count and blood chemistry?
GSK is set to begin a clinical trial of an experimental vaccine against Ebola, jointly with American scientists.
The experimental vaccine has already produced promising results in animal studies, and with an approval from the FDA, it will enter initial Phase I testing in humans.
Still, the new vaccine will not be ready for widespread deployment before 2015 - even assuming it works as well as hoped.
I wonder about that design of the study, assuming that the phase 1 will safe then how the phase 2a dose finding and phase 2b proof of concept will be conducted, knowing that a large sample size will be requires. How can we predict the outbreak? And where will be the setting for this complex trial?
Hi everyone, I'm doing my thesis on the responses of in vitro cultures of L. mexicana to a specific alkaloid from an ecuadorian plant. The next step is to measure ROS production with and without the alkaoid by flow cytometry with CellROX kit from LifeTechnologies.
Which is the best protocol or steps for doing this?
Thanks so much for your responses,
Or information on the progress in the development of its vaccine? The vector is the Aedes mosquito; and the DENV (dengue fever virus) is an RNA virus.
Samples were taken from environment, equipment, personnel hands and uniforms.