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Industry Clusters - Science topic

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Questions related to Industry Clusters
  • asked a question related to Industry Clusters
1 answer
We are conducting a pre-feasibility/feasibility study of CCUS for an industrial cluster in eastern Norway. Some of the sources have relative high concentrations of NOx and SO2.
While we know the possibilities and challenges amine technology gives we are considering the possibilities of combined flue gas treatment and CCUS with technologies like chilled ammonia or hot potassium.
Vendors of both technologies claim that they are robust against acid gases, and other impurities, in the flue gas, and that they can be utilized to reduce NOx (mostly NO2) and SO2. This seems also to be somewhat supported in research reports, but very superficially described.
We are wondering if it would be technological possible, and cost-efficient, to build an integrated system. Both to avoid new investments in improved FGD systems and to improve the air quality as a result of an CCUS investment.
I have > 20 years experience from Waste to Energy and have been working on CCUS since 2014.
Our web site are:
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Adsorption system will address your challenges
  • asked a question related to Industry Clusters
3 answers
Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI) is used by CPCB to rank industrial clusters in India based on their pollution levels. What is the approach of USA, UK, China, Australia, Canada or other countries?
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CRITERIA FOR Comprehensive Environmental Assessment Industrial Clusters
  • asked a question related to Industry Clusters
10 answers
Please suggest some journal (minimum scopus) for publication of a paper on "locational geography of industrial cluster and socioeconomic status of rural households"
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Hi, to be more specific, when you are searching for journals, you need to identify three unique areas; discipline, sector, country and publishing costs. In this case, It is a bit hard to direct you to a specific journal because it is a general title that could be in any discipline, that is why I suggested journals that could be interested in this paper. But I hope these links help for a start.
  • asked a question related to Industry Clusters
2 answers
I am wondering how the collaboration mindset promoted by the smart cities concept will impact competition amongst companies within an industrial cluster. Do you have maybe any recommendations on how I might analyse this?
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population size, demographics, economic performance, security, transportation volumes, etc..
  • asked a question related to Industry Clusters
4 answers
I'm working on firm-local community relationships in industrial pollution sites, with special emphasis on industrial agglomerations (or industrial clusters). I'm interested in researching how companies articulate collective strategies when managing their relationships with the local community.
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Best of luck
  • asked a question related to Industry Clusters
3 answers
I am doing a study on cluster development, but I have a challenge on how best to measure the construct.
Is there a standardized measurement for the construct in developing countries?
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Thank you Leonidas A. Papakonstantinidis I will go through the references provided. I appreciate your response Bruno Frischer, thank you for pointing out that there is no standardized model. I have searched for one for a long time now. I will consider the issue of dimension as you suggested as I attempt to define the construct.
I want to thank you both, I will refer back to you as the need arises.
  • asked a question related to Industry Clusters
6 answers
Luxury hotel segment within Dubai as a focus point.
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Thank you for attempting.
From what I know, the real income in the hands of a Millennial is lower than that of a baby boomer of his/her age band from the respective period, this is owing to the considerably lower remuneration and the effects of inflation and cross country exchange rates to name a few. An interesting concept is the creation of new billionaires, in very short periods. This trend of creation of new billionaires in short cycles is set to continue. Which adds to the increasing number of potential luxury consumers.
What is interesting is their pattern for luxury consumption. Contrary to baby boomers, they prefer minimalism in exteriors of their luxury space and very less interruption in terms of personalized service.
I am curious to find out as to what is the sweet spot where the Millennials could be engaged to create a value proposition for them translating to better brand affiliation. 
  • asked a question related to Industry Clusters
10 answers
I am working to find the reasons behind formation of industrial clusters In a city where there were no any industry before. I design a questionnaire to know the perception of workers and owners of the firms to know the reasons of this clustering. I ask the questions about, tax holiday, incentives for new investment, special industrial park in the city.
Tthe problem for me is, how to know the actual reason behind this clustering?
I ask the question on a Likert Scale from 1-7
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I agree with David it is probably necessary to be qualitative to begin with, but bear in mind that you want your clusters eventually to be measurable, so pick up whatever quantitative facts you can.  Ask the firms (and others):
Groundings:  what resources (human, natural, technology and other) and infrastructure are they using and where does it/ did it come from?
Enterprise: what are the firms, how do they interact (compete/cooperate/ignore and how do they compete - eg design, price, speed of service ....) and how do their suppliers and related and supporting businesses interact?
Markets:  what's the size and nature of the local market (and how much of that is met from within the cluster) and what kind of access does the cluster have to markets further afield?
If you can get answers to questions like these, covering more than one person in each organisation if you can, to pick up diversity of views, then you can begin to form an opinion of why there 'had' to be a conglomeration or cluster at this place, and what kind of things can sustain it and make it competitive.
Good fortune!
  • asked a question related to Industry Clusters
8 answers
I'm writing my thesis on chinese industrial clusters, it's about law, but I didn't find a law on chinese industrial clustering...
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Cluster policies are a must in boosting Chinese industrial and technological development. There are no specific laws on the subject, but both at national level and at the local ones have built several instruments of intervention. To get more information on this topic, you can ask directly to two young Italian researchers, who are studying in depth the Chinese industrial districts: Valeria Bellomo, University of Ca’ Foscari, and Angela Sarcina, from Universy of Salento
  • asked a question related to Industry Clusters
12 answers
Based on a large corpus of literature (e.g. Edgar M. Hoover, Frank Giarratani, Erik Dahmen, Stan Czamanski to name just a few), we can argue that industrial cluster is an a-spatial (a-territorial) phenomenon. Yet there are as many publications that prove the opposite. What do you think? Please provide your own judgment.
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I very agree with last opinion. I can add, that in our research driven in last 10 years in Polish Industry System, I see significant meaning this two different tracjectories in well- and low-developed countries. In first group, spatial proximity plays important role for innovation activity. For second group, more important is technological proximity. It seems, that in less-developed countries spatial and technology proximity work opposite way - closest means lack of knowledge. It's much different as in well-developed countries.
  • asked a question related to Industry Clusters
4 answers
To conduct a study on the impact of industry clusters on the performance of clustering firms, we must first identify those clusters. I wonder if the techniques of spatial econometrics enables me this identification knowing that I'm interested in the innovative capacity of clustering firmes.
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I presume that you need an idea of spatial econometrics first.
Spatial model is a model where you want to allow for spatial dependence between the entities in the study (say, firms). The presence of spatial dependence between firms could explain the relative locational effect effect of the firms (clustering) which might influence firm's performance.
kindly google Elhorst Spatial econometrics Raising the bar, or any papers by Anselin, or Kelejian etc. for more info on spatial econometrics.
  • asked a question related to Industry Clusters
9 answers
The problem, to my knowledge, in the industrial cluster amounts to the embedded nature of the cluster!.
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I do not know what you exactly mean by territorial economy. If you mean that you look for spatial effects, than of cause spatial econometrics is the way to go.
Of cause you need data which cover a spatial dimension to do this, but than you go ahead and do it.
  • asked a question related to Industry Clusters
3 answers
Can you point me to literature, results, examples, methodological contributions on analysing and evaluating cluster or network policies? I refer specifically to policies implemented at national, regional or industry level which try to link business enterprises, universities and research organisations, the public sector and intermediaries to support industry or technology development.
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Nobody has picked this up so far, but I'd like to share what I found myself, in case anyone is interested and comes across the post. Within the "Compendium of Evidence on the effectiveness of Innovation Policy" a number of interesting reviews have been written:
Cunningham, P., & Ramlogan, R. (2012). The Effects of Innovation Network Policies, Compendium of Evidence on the effectiveness of Innovation Policy. London and Manchester: NESTA and MIoIR.
Uyarra, E., & Ramlogan, R. (2012). The Effects of Cluster Policy on Innovation, Compendium of Evidence on the effectiveness of Innovation Policy. Manchester and London: NESTA.
Cunningham, P., & Gök, A. (2012). The Impact and Effectiveness of Policies to Support Collaboration for R&D and Innovation, Compendium of Evidence on the effectiveness of Innovation Policy. London: NESTA.
And my much appreciated former colleague Matthias Kiese from Bochum pointed me to the following:
Angeles Diez, Maria (2001): The Evaluation of Regional Innovation and Cluster Policies: Towards a Participatory Approach. In: European Planning Studies 9 (7), S. 907-924.
Aranguren, Mari Jose; Aragón, Cristina; Larrea, Miren; Iturrioz Landart, Cristina (2008): Does Cluster Policy Really Enhance Networking and Increase Competitiveness? In: Mari Jose Aranguren Querejeta, Cristina Iturrioz Landart und James R. Wilson (Hg.): Networks, Governance and Economic Development. Bridging Disciplinary Frontiers. Cheltenham: Elgar, S. 101-128.
Colgan, Charles S.; Baker, Colin (2003): A framework for assessing cluster development. In: Economic Development Quarterly 17 (4), S. 352-366.
Fromhold-Eisebith, Martina; Eisebith, Günter (2008): Looking Behind Facades: Evaluating Effects of (Automotive) Cluster Promotion. In: Regional Studies 42 (10), S. 1343-1356.
Ketels, Christian H.M. (2005): How to Evaluate Clusters. In: La Revue Parlementaire (881).
Schmiedeberg, Claudia (2010): Evaluation of Cluster Policy: A Methodological Overview. In: Evaluation 16 (4), S. 389-412.
Sölvell, Örjan; Williams, Mats (2013): Building the Cluster Commons. An Evaluation of 12 Cluster Organizations in Sweden 2005 - 2012. Stockholm: Ivory Tower Publishers.
Turner, Mark; Monnard, Alexandre; Leete, Laura (2013): The Evaluation of the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Regional Clusters Initiative. Year Two Report. Washington, D.C.; College Park, MD: U.S. Small Business Administration; Optimal Solutions Group, LLC.
Happy reading!!!!